United States Pokemon Region- A possible Multi-Crossover.

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Macie Melody Lightfoot

Rising Star. Singing Sensation.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Sci-fi, Fandon, Romance, Drama, Adventure. Future. Horror. Suspense. Action.

  • Joanna: *Voice-over* The last time in our journey's, A Group of us had all gone out to start our Pokemon Journeys. We were set as none other to go on a pokemon Journey and compete in the Pokemon League. The Ultimate Battle arena you can possibly imagine as it'd consist of multiple battle arenas. and possibly 4-5 matches. 6 semi-finals... But that would truly come soooo much later. We were not even to the first gym. We traveled with our items... equipment and food. Food from Zeke's Pub. which really helped us. Alot. Elemental grenades from our friend and Ally Rikku. Spencer Rhapsody's wife. She got them from Rin. A specialist in creating weapons and armor laced with Elemental abilities. Nice huh? Well... we were given 100 of them. So if we got into a bind... we could use one if needed. We on our travels caught a few pokemon so far... Macie catching a Numel... then getting a chance encounter in landing a Gothita which fell on her... She won that right then and there. Then a little later... Winning a Corphish. But that was a little after the tournament that we were in. Nice, right? There was a lot of drama. Romance possible and a family reunion...
    Joanna: *Looking to see her Brother still here* Jordan? Wh-wh-what are you still doing here? *Running over to her brother and Hugging him*
    Jordan: *Hugging his sister* I've come back to be with my sister. The only family... i have left.
    Joanna heard that and suddenly paused. She was unable to understand what Jordan was say...
    Jordan: Because Our parents are dead!
    Joanna: *Pauses and at a frozen standstill towards the last line spoken by her brother* What?! What... do you mean... that they're dead? *Looking at Phyllis* Phyllis, What's going on? What's he talking about?
    Joanna: *In disbelief* No. You're making it up... They're not dead. They are not dead. How can they be dead? Especially since they were two rather important people in the community... They were important Lawyers. had two strong Pokemon with them... A Pidgeot and a Hitmonchan...
    Jordan: I really don't want to add salt to this wound... but... Joanna, You need to listen to me and listen real good. I am telling you... the fact. the truth. Mom... dad... are dead. They were shot and killed in the middle of the night... It happened 3 weeks ago and while i was with my Now Ex-friend Jessie Carson. I am no longer friends with him. I gave him my last 70 dollars to hitch a ride to where ever and never cross my path again. Nor yours. I lost you once before, Joanna... I am... as a very protective 15 year old am telling you... that I'll be damned. Damned if i am gonna lose you again. You're my sister. Where you go. I go. It's gonna be a matter of time before the ones that shot our parents... will catch the trail and follow where i am. Where we are. I have proof that they're dead... Because Our parent's pokemon... Are with me. I have them secretly tucked away for safe keeping. But they're ours now.
    Jordan then pulled the two pokeballs out and that was what did it. Joanna was with the reality... that Jordan was serious... That her biological parents... Were indeed... dead.
    Joanna: *Breaking down* Oh my god... No! NO!!! *Crying* Mom... Dad... They're dead...
    Jordan: *Grabbing his sister and Hugging her* I know. I know... It's gonna be okay. We're gonna be alright. We'll live on... for them. *Consoling his sister* Phyllis, This is an emotional time. But you're coming with us. We're all gonna be in on this... together."
    Joanna: *Voice-over* Yeah... it was an emotional time. A very emotional reunion. But it was later... when we were to come face to face with my parent's murderer. My Brother... Jordan was in my life again. And he was making amends for the betrayal he committed against me years earlier. That's not all... In Wellington... Ridge entered a singing karaoke contest... which had a prize of 14-15,000 dollars. He won and got an electric Pokemon. An Electrike. However that was where we encountered Ridge's band... or the band he was part of... "Empire of the Heart" Lead by Zoey Rhapsody. "Empress Heart" They had pokemon of their own... but they had them as their own personal road crew. Awesome. But they weren't the only ones. There then was two more allies. Wakka and Capt. Luzzu. Wakka was the head coach and captain of the Metropolis Blitzers... And Luzzu was the head of security for the Blitzball stadium in Metropolis. However... they managed to also serve as members of the Watchtower Command center. Don't ask... way impossible to explain. They came as informants. Telling us a bit of Intel on An evil team known as Team Spectrum. What they told us... We could only freeze in terror. Their power was unabated... and a force not to be reckoned with. But it was later when we were finally in Lexington... the next stop on the path to our first Gym. We finally had got our scooters and it was gonna be very helpful to us... As we knew... knew that we could not just walk all that way to Cleveland... the city where the first Gym was. It was not even possible... none at all. Of course... this is where we go on... where we are at the Pokecenter in Lexington, Missouri... Where we made our first call... to Prof. Queen. And if you want to know who that was... Think... CEO of Queen Industries... And also Known as the hero: The Emerald Archer... Green Arrow. But now... this is where things would start picking up the slack...
  • Macie: *Voice-over; Narrative* This was where things were gonna start heading for acceleration as now with the night going on... it was leaving all with many thoughts upon their minds and made them think on all who they'd met... lost. Fought against or had to part. Even for me. Macie Melody Lightfoot. Now the Rising star. Yeah... Some one would say that life never really seemed fair to anyone half the time... it would ask of all that it believed a person could handle. Not drown in stress and pressure. But it sure seemed like that to me. It was that much harder for me as for the last time we saw what i was going through. I was met with indifference all my life till i became a someone. Nothing would seem easy to me...Although with all i went through... It all lead to this. My new life was that of a Pokemon Trainer/Celebrity. A Famous singer. That's scary for me as i now had to be in the forefront of all those people. It scared me and i think that it always will. But this isn't only about me. IT was about my travel companions and friends and allies. My partner pokemon. theirs as well. As we all know... since the last time we summed things down to a letter. My roommate Joanna was talking about the leads of where it led to her facing the killer who murdered her parents. Making her an Orphan. That wasn't the only problem... My love Ridge and his sister were having to deal with their parents being abducted and held for ransom. I Felt bad for my love. I only wished... Hoped and prayed that i could do something to help. But what could i have done? I was just a lowly girl. Nothing special. At least then. But now... nothing could have changed in me that much. IT'd still take a miracle for me to commit a feat as such... as that. And even then... it'd be a near impossibility.
    Now as for the others... They since i departed from the entire crew back in Columbia, Missouri had gotten through a Pokemon contest. which was somehow put together by Jennifer Rose. Fondly known as Jenny... A World famous chef and a powerful trainer... Although she never would gloat about it. She never had. Ever. In our travels... we've seen her 7 times. 7. It was like she was a surprise encounter and someone who'd only touch base with us every one in a while. Although that was to be without saying much. I myself kinda admire her. In being famous... I look to her for some moral guide as she knows what it's like. Knows the ins and outs and what to watch for. So i look to her. Or maybe it was fated. But then there was Frank. He was a hitman... When i left... he made sure that i had a couple weapons for use to protect myself. An Ak-47 and a .45 gun. It was really startling. Because for one... Why would i be getting a gun? I never used one before. Saw one... because Joanna had it... but i never had. So it shook me. Yeah. It shook me a bit. But in the end... it helped me out. I thank him for that. With all my heart.
    With there being another... There was then... Issac. He was from the Orre region. Where they only had just maybe a few types of pokemon. None more than just a few. I actually think he's a sweetheart. Because even though he comes off so guarded half the time... He always seemed to redirect our morale to a more sensible path. One that would get us where... we needed and kept us all going. Because Even though i don't think Joanna would have admitted it. And actually... neither would i. We didn't know a thing of what we were all doing. None did. Although we were all trying. Issac of course was one who specialized in learning of Shadow pokemon. Ones that were different than any had ever seen with the naked perspicuous eye. We didn't know about them. But for some reason Cherry somewhat knew as she for a while was on a different route. And from there gathered her own dialect of intel from things. Gossip or hearsay... but she got it. There... She met this guy named Alden Kohler. Who i made my Publicist. I think he's sweet. He was from Nova Scotia. And has said to have gone and challenged many gyms. Many of them. From different regions. But lost to the one in Sydney. Came to the US to challenge the US GYMs and compete in the league. Cool. Right? Well there were many more. Like these guys who in shock... Were from the Yugi-oh universe. Suspenseful... isn't it? Not really...
    Diana... Was this mysterious emotionless girl. She would come out from nowhere and had this Pokemon who she'd nickname Luna. She was the one that gave Cherry this magma stone. which would summon and call out the legendary pokemon, Heatran. Something tells me that someday... She's gonna capture it and claim it. I think that'd be rather amazing. Really amazing if she did. But with all that... It wasn't the last thing on anyone's mind. Not even me. I since leaving the group for a short time... clearly. I reunited with my parents... Stated that i was to Emancipate from them but only because now that i had a different home than they did... it'd be too unbearable for either side to just upheave one's life for the other even if i was only 16. I was with a career now and that was just the one thing that would have changed all rules. I wonder if i could afford an attorney for myself. Maybe i can ask my agent for one. He's got connections somewhere.
    On my own... I came across a couple of friends but they vanished. just as fast as they came... One was Matilda who had the same first name as my roommates middle name. Odd. but i liked it. Nonetheless. Then came Hinata... She came and asked for my help of all things. How was i to help her? I couldn't do anything to help as i had no resources. But she asked and was also groveling so it may have seemed. But i assured her that i'd help. I told my Agent to see on creating a fundraiser for Hinata. Calling it the Wang fund. However... that might not pan out. She too vanished. Where... i do not know. I soon came in reunion with Cherry and caught on that she was smoking. She told me everything about what happened to her. What led to her smoking. It was of being heartbroken by a boy who in my opinion was an Ass. from all she told me of him. I wanted to cry for her. I really did. It was just so sad. Cherry was really beautiful. Really sweet voiced and never came out with fighting. She was of peace. Now... she was tough. I didn't really know as to whether it'd be a good thing or a bad thing. But that was when i saw Alden and made him my Publicist. Then came my chance to battle. A trainer and with her using only one pokemon... And me using 2. It was uneven but worth it. From that... i won a couple of friends. The Prescott sisters. Anna and Sara. I love them so much. They treated me so kindly. Saw me... as a someone and not a nobody. During the battle... My Pokemon Numel and Machop... Evolved to the next stage. Numel... because Camerupt. Machop became Machoke. It was a wonderful battle. Didn't last long as two members from Team Magma showed up and tried to steal my pokemon Camerupt. They failed... thank god. But the reality of it hurt me... It truly did... But that was only a part of it all... Because of the pain i was feeling over the reality of almost losing my Camerupt... I didn't realize that from my hurt... it hurt Camerupt and he was about to lose it. Erupting violently which could have just caused damage to the scene around him. I had to calm him down. Do something and that was when i did the one thing that could do it.... That was a close call. Very close indeed. Thankfully it managed to work out good. Or there would have been some unwanted trouble. But that was not the only issue to come. Soon after that... from that time... I almost died. I was pretentiously dead for a moment. Because of the workings of a evil man who clearly had it in for the Prescott sisters. I for the life of me... didn't know what was coming over me as i was just so so mad. Angry. Anna and I were trying to conduct a battle against Yugi motosabi Who became this Pharaoh. Named Yami. Yeah... He even knew who i was. I was struck with shock as i didn't know him. but he knew me... Yes... Nuts. I know. But he happened to keep me in sense so i didn't dive to darkness as the evil man wanted. But he had a Charizard that mega-evolved and unleashed such mass intense power. It caught me and killed me. For a moment. And my boyfriend who surprisingly came to be with me. What came from all this was that i was brought back by the miracle of Pokemon tears. The tears of the pokemon. They brought me back to life. I was ALIVE! Back from the dead. And that was so so terrifying as i didn't even realize entirely that i was dead. for a moment. I was.
    All the while this was going on... Joanna and the original crew... were learning or being sermoned about the idea or concept of there being Shadow pokemon. Which was a breakthrough of all things. It was a breakthrough as it was never embraced before. Issac told them all about what he could tell. Although we all knew... there was alot more. But now...with that being told... there was a direct link to what Cherry knew and then the shadow pokemon. there was a link in there. Cherry having that Magma Stone was something more enticing in sense for her. Because we all got to learn about some back tale of the Rare stone known as the Magma Stone and what it could do... Later that night after all was said and done... It was the same night that i got myself turned to what you may see now. But it was a day or two later... that night... when a reunion back as one... while in Dayton, Ohio... That things were like so united with a whole new attitude. Fierce and with more cause. Clout. Strength and determination. I was for one thrilled. Deeply. As was Joanna. She too was pleased. We had new friends and allies. And plus the idea of having the daughters to the Champ with us... it'll help us with getting some knowhow on the Gym Leaders. As they know what to expect as they got the speaking roaring intel from the Champ who's got the goods on all the gyms. Sometimes it's good to be well... famous. Doors open for you that you normally wouldn't dream was possible.
    The next day... Sept. 27th... after everyone was up...from their rest. We all made our way to do what we needed to do in dayton. Some of us went to meet this person named Alice who was promoting the cause of Team Magma's. Then others who remained... Came with me to handle the 2-3 meet and greets that i had to get done. Joanna was with me for that. She just wanted to see what it was that i had to deal with. The Prescott sisters were also there. as well. They were sticking to me. Even Yugi, Joey and Terry. They stayed with me. I think that i got myself some loyal fans and followers. Oh wow! Sweet!
    But then there was the idea of getting things all set up for the concert as that was gonna be in 2 weeks from that day. 2. and from that... there was gonna be a requirement of rehearsals and prepping. Much prepping. I at that that time didn't know when i'd have the opportunity to challenge the Rock Gym. But i did know one thing... I was gonna have to find some way to squeeze that chance in. Nothing was gonna take that away from me. Nothing. I was to do it. However i was terrified that with being nearly targeted 2 times already... Was there gonna be just some new attempt on my life? Or on someone else's. Would it be Ridge and Gaby... all for the pokemon that they have from their parents. Would it be Joanna and Jordan getting the attack? Who would it be? When? Who'd be attacking?
    It took 2 days for us all to at long last make heads to Cleveland. When we had reach the city line of Cleveland... it was still the outskirts of it. At least for the first few miles. But we had finally made it. FINALLY! At long last. We rested... that night... the 29th of Sept. We camped out at a lengthy campsite where we all crashed and just enjoyed a majestic night under the stars. It was so magnificent. Peaceful... just for the very first time since the journey began. It didn't even come close to the 1st time as last time we camped out like that... It was with Jensen. and we all could sleep well as we all had the worry of what that Dragon would try to do next. It scared us. It even attacked or tried to attack my love Ridge once and i've never forgiven Jensen for that. I calmed down from that... but i never will forget nor forgive.
    All while which we camped out... we didn't realize that we were gonna meet someone that would be very vital. Vital and also come across our two informant friends, Capt. Luzzu and Wakka. We would soon meet them and it could start something that none of us are prepared for....

  • The details or rules are as follows:
    Just sign up. Then go to the actual thread and post a starter... of how your character enters the story.
    You don't enforce that there are only 4 moves that a pokemon can use or learn. In the Rp... all pokemon can use all moves that it knows. All Moves. Whether it be weak or strong.
    There is no need for levels... Just go with all pokemon being at any level... No specific one.
    Have as many characters you like... But as long as you're able to keep track of them all.
    It's in the USA Region but the Region is condensed so it's not a exact Match to the actual US even if it might seem as such.
    This has a couple or so strains of what's in the Anime... to keep it honest. You can befriend pokemon before getting a license. It is normal and don't let anyone say it's not. Because i've seen a few other Rps that consisted of Pokemon that managed to do the very same thing or close... if not exact.
    The Prof. is Professor Oliver Queen. (Thought of by me.)
    The Evil Team: (Heavily leaned to team Cipher or Team Spectrum) -However it hasn't been officially put into play. or confirmed. I myself am leaning to using Team Aqua and or Team Magma. Like in the effects of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. But not like the games... not at all. It's all with strains of Anime.

    Joanna Barlow
    Macie Melody Lightfoot AKA "The Rising Star"
    Jessie Rogers
    Ridge Mercer- The Sing Prodigy-The Future Mr. Lightfoot.
    Frank Holden
    Gaby Mercer
    Jordan Barlow

    Those are some of the characters which will be seen among many others and Also NPC's too...
    Gym #1: Cleveland - The Rock Gym. Slogan: "The Rocky tension of the Nation. "Face the Rock of Power""
    Gym #2: New York City- The Steel Gym. Slogan: "Come meet the Steel plating foundation of the nation"
    Gym #3: Chicago- The Flying Gym. Slogan: "Take to the skies in the wind and the air. Reach up for the Sky!"
    Gym #4: Salt Lake City- The Normal Gym. Slogan: "Come and show us your skills with normal array"
    Gym #5: Colorado Gym- The Ice Gym. Slogan: "Trail through the Icy Peril. The Arctic snow shall bring no delight!"
    Gym #6: Las Vegas Gym- The Fairy Gym. Slogan: "It's a fairy world, Don't be shy... come and say Hi!"
    Gym #7: San Francisco Gym- The Eerie Ghost/Psychic. Slogan: "It's a spoooooky Eerie road. Travelers and trainers take warn."
    Gym #8: Hollywood Gym- The Electric Shock. Slogan: "Prepare for a high voltage Shutdown. Can you handle the power of the Electrical surge?"
    Gym #9: Los Angeles Gym- Ground Breaking. Slogan: "Shake, Rattle and Quake! IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE! Watch the ground snap and rumble you away!"
    Gym #10: Phoenix Gym- Fire/Fighting Combo. Slogan: "Taste the Fire of the one's soul and the fighting spirit of a Pokemon's heart!"
    Gym #11: Houston Gym- The Dragon Gym. Slogan: "The fierce rage of the Dragon. Can you tame the Dragon's raging fury?"
    Gym #12: Orlando Gym- The Water/Dark Gym. Slogan: "The terror of the Deep is near. Tread carefully/The Dark spirit of the pokemon. Can you escape the dark that comes?"

    Good luck... to all.

    The CS is as follows:
    Description: (Can be a picture & Detail. Just detail/Description or just Picture)
    Group of people accompanying or starting off alone:

    Thread: BIO AND PLAY - United States Pokemon Region- A possible Multi-Crossover.
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