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Forever Bound to Him
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Prestige
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance , Heated , Modern , Historical , Fantasy , Fandom , Flexible to any kinds



The generations of Old have come to fade and now ushering in the Time of the New..

Cross Academy, now rebuilt as New Cross Institute. This is the new playground of young vampires and human kind alike. From the unique and elegant Purebloods, the dedicated and scheming Aristocrats, to the common vampire and lastly the bold and curious mind's of the humans. Everyone has come to play in the light and night of day. The greatest change within the school , you may ask? With the reformation of the Academy , the Day & Night classes are fully aware as to why they are separated and the secrecy of it all has been diminished. They must remain separated but , they have the knowledge now of why they are separated. Yet , is everyone truly who they say they are or are they hiding behind their masks?

A new era is arsing and a darkness is befalling the attempted changes.

A treaty is in the final stages of being set between the Vampire and Human Kind. Those in current reign for the Vamprye have sought to make peace with them and yet , the Hunter kind begins to grow more and more weary of what they are truly plotting. In the distance , of it all an outbreak throughout the countrysides of Level D & E Vampires who have begun to set a slowed panic throughout the lands. It has raised question on how the numbers have heightened and slowly the panicked rumors have begun to leak into the largely populated cities. Who is behind these current events is unknown to all and worry has set in within the ranks of Human and Vamprye alike. The guard of the Hunter's has heightened as they are beginning to set more and more members in motion to attempt to stifle this outbreak. Among these increasing outbreaks , various Aristocrat member's have begun to vanish without a trace or sound as to where they could be. Now , The Institute is on its highest alert to safe guard the growing new generation within from the true enemies hiding within plain sight. Yet , the student's within are willing to fight for what they believe.

With all the tension and chaos brewing in the shadows , it has begun to set everyone on edge and the ranks slowly are breaking. Will war erupt or will these generations be able to protect what is being created to safeguard them from the puppetmaster in the shadows?

Unite as One or Divided we Will Fall.
Those are the Only Paths your kind Can Take.


Hello there all! I'm Shay and this is the RP I bring to you alongside that of my Co-GM's , Akashi & Isla. I will only be releasing the plot and answering questions here for all. For this we are seeking to have a decent group size of ten max at this point. I may allow more but , that will only depend. As for the Roles of this RP , Purebloods will be taken only by the GM's to allow us to keep the power in control and not allow for a craze in power. We more then likely will keep to the sibling route for some of them and do also keep that in mind a tiny bit with some of your Aristocrats. I will be wanting to give fair amounts to each group including: Humans , Vampire Hunter's & Aristocrats. Genders should keep semi even as well so do bare this in mind , I ask you. We are here to help you with whatever you want and we will keep track of who is interested in what for this below.


Roll Call: Interest & In What.
Dante: Interested in Vampire Hunter
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Interested in playing a female aristocrat vampire~ ^_^
  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Akashi and junebug
What time period is this set in? May go hunter depending on factors, don't want to pick an image out of place. Anyways possible interest. Will hold off naming a faction claim until I see what's needed or interests me.
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@RedArmyShogun We are in the new generation era, thousands of years after Yuuki, Kaname, and Zero came to an end in the manga. So far, we have two aristocratic vampires and one vampire hunter. Everything is needed, except for Purebloods, as those spots are already filled by the GMs themselves.
I looked that up to confirm it was modern era, sorry I didn't clarify, never watched the show, would knowledge on it be a must for this rp? I asked Akashi a little about it on steam so I more or less get the general setting.
@RedArmyShogun I personally don't look at Vampire Knight in terms of time era since nothing is really specified, but I can direct you to some people who may be able to make things a bit more clearer for you. Prior knowledge is not needed to participate.

@Akashi @Shayla
Female Aristocrat and Male Human please~
  • Thank You
Reactions: junebug
Aristocrat Vampire as stated in Discord
  • Thank You
Reactions: junebug
At the moment, here are our statistics, in case anyone's interested:

Aristocrat x4
Pureblood x3
Human x1
Vampire Hunter x1

Female x6
Male x3

Players x8 (?)
At the moment, here are our statistics, in case anyone's interested:

Aristocrat x4
Pureblood x3
Human x1
Vampire Hunter x1

Female x6
Male x3

Players x8 (?)
Including me as a male hunter right?
@Dante the Unforgiven I've included everyone who has so far placed interest. Your reservation is already in the main post, so I added that as well.
I would to rp a Vampire Hunter or Human, or both! <3 I'll be apping a male for sure!
I'll claim a male if I can. Probably will go with a hunter.
Okay I'll likely make a hunter, would prefer to make a female, but with how lopsided things are I might make a male. Might know one more person who is interested.
@RedArmyShogun Thank you, but as of now, we've maxed at ten players. I'll put you down for a female and vampire hunter!

At the moment, here are our statistics, in case anyone's interested:

Aristocrat x4
Pureblood x3
Human x2 (?)
Vampire Hunter x3 (?)

Female x6
Male x5

Players x10 (?)
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