Vehicle Build System.

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So, I am CO-Gming a Mad Max style post apoc setting. And While the Actual GM work on the world building, I decided to put together a frame work for making a car (As they are integral to the Road Warrior style of rp it will be)

The system is very basic and consist of Point Buy. You expend points to equip the car. You cannot equip just anything to any sort of frame, obviusly. This is a work in progress and I will add more information on each segment for each tab in the coming days.

Simplified levels.
Total point. 40

    • 4 points (6 with a sidecar)
      The lightest, most unprotected but also most mobile form of transportation. Motorcycles have the advantage of fitting where big cars do not, a bike also lets you travel terrain that is generally suicide for bigger vehicles. You are however, limited to what ever weapon you can hold in one hand. Unless you are sacrificing movement for a Sidecar.
      1 Weapon Slot (Fixed, Sidecar.)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Tier one only.
      Weapons; Light Only, fixed, front.
      Wheels; Any wheels. No threads.

    • 4 points
      Light and Mobile. The Buggy is ideal for scouting, it is also able to handle terrain fairly well at high speeds. They are also the most common and cheapest to acquire. The Buggy may only be armed with a fixed, light weaponas there is no place for anything bigger or fancier. Buggies are small, and cannot have larger engines as a result.
      1 Weapon Slot (Fixed, front.)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Tier one-two only.
      Weapons; Light Only, fixed, front.
      Wheels; Any wheels. No threads.

    • 8 points
      Muscle Cars are a fairly common sight. Old mustangs and the like. Their size and build is ideal for stronger, faster engines. Muscle cars make exellent skirmisher vehicles, able to strike fast and leave. Like the buggy, it is a two seater by default. The frame doesn't allow for much else then a fixed gun mount at the hood of the car. Albeit the larger frame allows for a little more firepower.
      1 Weapon Slot (Fixed, front.)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Turbine (All tiers)
      Weapons; Light/medium,
      Wheels; Normal wheels only. No threads.

    • 12
      Terrain Jeep are rarer and tend to be prized possessions among the Badland rabble. Able to traverse rough terrain, be heavily armored and armed, these babies don't come cheap. 4 or 5 seats make them usefull for transportation, the large, flat roof makes an ideal place for a swivel gun, the high profile and square back makes it usefull for rear mounted weapons. And with a gunner in the seat next to the driver, you have a stable shot for hood mounted gun.
      3 Weapon Slots (Front and Back, fixed. Roof Swivel)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Turbine (All tiers)
      Weapons; Light/medium
      Wheels; Normal or Heavy Wheels, Tracks.

    • 6 points.

      The Pick Up truck is the workhorse of the badlands. Its flat bed makes it a ideal weapon platform for some of the heavier artillery such as missile are racks and auto cannons. You see them everywhere, utilized as the back bone of any respectable war band.
      2 Weapon Slots (Front , fixed. Flatbed Swivel)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Turbine (All tiers)
      Weapons; Light to Heavy
      Wheels; Normal or Heavy Wheels, No Tracks.

    • 22 points (20 With fixed turret)

      Nothing says "I win" as a tank. Exceedingly rare, extremely expensive to aquire, there are none the less some old pieces out there. They come in all shapes. The most popular being the ones that can swivel their turret, and provide the badlands with its massive firepower. it also helps that they come with heavy armor from the start.
      2 Weapon Slots (Front , fixed. Turret Swivel)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Turbine (All tiers)
      Weapons; Light to Heavy
      Wheels; Tracks Only.

    • 18 points (16 With fixed turret)

      With the lack of actual armor in the wastes, some have tried to make their own tanks. Be it by converting old half-tracks or other military vehicles, these are less impressive then their bigger cousins. They do however, sport about the same in what they are technically capable of. Just, less armor, size and precision.
      2 Weapon Slots (Front , fixed. Turret Swivel)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Turbine (All tiers)
      Weapons; Light to Heavy
      Wheels; Tracks Only.

    • 12 points
      Big Rigs are vital for the badlands economy. They carry fuel, food, water and other commodities across the wastes. They are as their name imply, really big. They are also giant targets. So naturally, the solution to this is to put as many guns on it as possible, turning them into rolling fortresses.
      2 Weapon Slots (Front , fixed. Turret Swivel)
      Engines; Gas, Elec, Diesel, Turbine (All tiers)
      Weapons; Light to Heavy
      Wheels; Normal or Heavy Wheels, No Tracks.

  • Engine - (Base Cost and power rating.)
    Engines come in many shapes and sizes, but to keep it simple I have abstracted it down to power rating (PR). The higher the power rating, the more horsepower it holds and as such, be more powerful. For certain vehicles, like a big rig, the PR might not give you the same speed it would a muscle car. further, Engines can be tweaked7upgraded to increase the PR. Only the elecrical engine is unable to be upgraded as it is to complex and would need a total rehaul. These upgrades are represented as tiers.

    • Electrical - PR 4 (static)- 12 points

    • Diesel - PR 5 (Tiers 3) - 10 points

      While Diesel is very flammable like gas, a diesel engine generally manages to squeeze out more power for less. Diesel engines are fuel effecient and powerfull, but harder to aquire and require some rigorous maintenance.

    • Turbines - PR 6 (Tiers 2) - 12 points

    • Gas - PR 3 (tiers 3) - 6 points

      Gas engines are by far them most common. Gas engines are easier to modify and tweak then the other types but lack the initial umph. Luckily, hotting a gas engine up is easier then a turbine or a diesel and things such as nitro-charge are a thing. The biggest weakness of gas is of course it's easily lit fuel. Gas engines are NOT safe. In fact, in the heat of the badlands sun, pushing a gas engine to hard might cost you later during a chase or similair.

    Multiple Engines - 8 points

  • Light Weapons
    LMG - 10
    Spear Gun - 6
    Chakram Launcher - 10
    Nail Gun - 6
    Grappling Launcher - 10

    Medium Weapons
    Harpoon Gun - 12
    Flamethrower - 12
    Heavy Machine Gun - 14
    Grenade launcher (Beltfed) - 14

    Heavy Weapons
    Auto-Cannon.-12 (Heavy Recoil.)
    Buster Cannon. -18 (Massive Recoil)
    Anchor Gun. -10

  • Armor and Defenses - PPA (Points per Area)
    Gun Port; No Cost, compromises armor somewhat
    Spikes; 4 points per area. (can be layared ontop of armor)
    Steel Plating; 6 ppa, High Durability, heavy.
    Aliminium Plating; 6 ppa Less Durability, light.
    Composite,- 12 ppa High Durability, Light.

  • Wheels and Threads;
    Light Wheels - 4 points
    Medium Wheels - 6 points
    Massive Wheels - 8 points
    Tank Threads - 8 points
    Halftrack Threads - 6 points
    Monster Wheels - 10 points

  • Misc Improvements:
    Improved Suspenders 4 points (reduces recoil)
    "Roman Blade Wheels" - 4 points (Blades on the axis of the wheel)
    Caltrops - 6 points
    Spikemat - 6 points
    Extra Fuel tank - 8 points
    Battering Plow - 6 points
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