STORAGE vei's characters and whatnot~☆

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Agender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Nonbinary
genre(s): general, fantasy (high or low, modern, urban, or whatever), slice of life, modern, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, romance, mystery, drama, adventure ; dark themes (to add more)

themes: angst/fluff ; slow/fast burn; romance ; platonic ; arrange marriage ; fake dating ; enemies to friends ; enemies to lovers ; college, family, friendship, hurt/comfort, bayside/beach/island, city/urdan, forest, mythology, mythological creatures, friends to lovers, found family ; (to add more)
hello! it's me, Jaiden

I'll be introducing my OCs that I wish to develop more with the roleplays I come across on. :]
These OCs are in actually WIPs/Stories of mine, but I thought it'll be cool to use them in roleplays and see what could happen from there. These OCs were made for fun, just decided to involved them in stories that I would like to write. There'll also be characters that I might just create on the spot, but most of these are already created long ago, probably when I was around 14 or 15. :]

oh, and this thread is also to test out some codes lol​
I'm always on mobile, so im mostly gonna try to do codes through my phone haha

please don't post here!

thank you for reading and checking this thread out! have a nice day! <3​

OCs to create sheets for:
Moon Li-Jing (26)
Moon Jung-Su (19)
Aiden Queen (25)
Tucker Frey (27)
Valentino Carriedo (29)
Royal Mercury (26)
Jester Queen (28)
Arter Corbin (18-25)
Archer Boen (18-25)

body type descriptions


Full Name:







Zodiac Sign:









Positive Traits:

Negative Traits:












MOTHER: Givename Surname (Age)

FATHER: Givename Surname (Age)


Givename Surname (Age)

Givename Surname (Age)


Pet Name, Breed, Nickname(s):


Givename Surname (Age)

Givename Surname (Age)


Native Language:

Learned Language:

Background History:


Glasses or contact lenses?:



Blood Type:

Preferred Hand: (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?)

Birthmarks/scars: (Self explanatory)

Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out)







Everyday Item:

Spotify Playlist:

Moon Li-Jing - 40680_cZS7oEkF.png
Moon Jung-Su - 684058_8QIbGVXJ.png
Aiden Queen - 684058_GkSeeYbs.png
Tucker Frey - 684058_xEg3YIuT.png
Valentino Carriedo -
Royal Mercury -
Jester Queen - 163761_TO3rE4fs.png163761_Ueq73nxq.png
Arter Corbin - 1857711_0BFdYYyP.png
Archer Boen -
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Name: Elliot Boen

Nickname: Eli, El

Date of Birth (Age): June 22th (25)

Place of Birth: Colmar, Alsace, France

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality/Romantic: Homosexual / Homoromantic

Language: French, English, slight Spanish


Maxime Boen - Father, 66
Aurélie Boen - Mother, 61
Julia Boen - Older sister, 38
Mathéo Boen- Older brother, 33
Zacharie Boen - Older brother, 29

Height: 5'6

Build: Lean, Agile, Dainty, Slight Fit (Runner)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Honey-brown

Appearance: 4b2cd1f5503729eda1080a974c95bf37.jpg

Distinguishing features: Has a few beauty moles/freckles scattered around his face

Personality: Elliot can be quite a bit of an eccentric person. He's full of a kind heart and soul, helping those who reach a hand out. But he doesn't like being deceived. Elliot values honesty and truth, much like he values love and friendship. He refuses to take anyone's arrogance, becoming a stubborn man when arguing the right cause. When upon first meeting, Elliot tends to stay to himself. He likes to observe people carefully before he could make any small talk after introducing himself. His kindness does show often, he stands up for what he believes is right and for those who get put down, feel inferior. Elliot can be an awkward romantic, having zero experience in flirting and dating. He tends to avoid relationships, wanting to find his "Mr. Right". Overall, Elliot is an individual who values his alone time often.

Likes: The soft shades of green, red, and brown. Hanging out around the library in his neighborhood, at the local musuems, the grand local park, and small-business cafés. Autumn and spring are his favorite seasons. Cold, rainy, gloomy weathers. Likes sweet, sweet pastries.

Dislikes: Very hot, hot weathers as well as the cold season. Avoids eating sour food and candies. Tends to avoid very crowded places. Doesn't like summer due to the insects. Terrible, mean people. Sickness, hates feeling awful and nauseous. Gyms, feels judged.

Personal goals:
- wants to build his own botany garden.
- have a genuine, honest relationship with the person he feels happy and comfortable with.
- finish his degree in Botany and Ecology.
- rebuild his bond with his family after he moved away.

Extra facts:
- left his family and home back in France at 21 for personal reasons.
- never dated, believes in finding the right love at the right time.
- allergic to animal fur but takes allergy medicine whenever he visits a friend's house where they have a dog or cat.
- works as a florist.
- has a mini garden set up in his balcony, lives in an apartment complex.
- learnt French first, then English due to family visiting America often during breaks for family reunions/vacations, his accent can be off a bit. Learnt Spanish during his schooling.
- Gave himself a year or 2 gaps before applying for university again.
- doesn't get along with his brothers and father due to their views on a sensitive topic.
- elliot's color A9907E
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  • Love
Reactions: wolf.
He/Him • Florist
Mentions -
Interactions -
Locations -

em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut
em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut
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He/Him • Florist
Mentions -
Interactions -
Locations -

em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut
em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut
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name: Kiran Faunus Riordan

age: 24

date of birth: Feb. 14th

gender: Omega Male

sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual

species: Deer Hybrid

physical appearance

height: 5'7

weight: 120 lbs

eye color: Pale blue

hair color: Navy blue

distinguishing features: Has two indigo horns sticking above his head, gentle round eyes, his hair reaches up to his lower back

build: has a build that of a runner, struggles to gain weight due to his fast metabolism, he tries to make up for his lanky build by building up his stamina and suppressing his siblings' in any physical challenge. has a smooth and blemish-free complexion.

likes: loves to read books, collect tinkers and stuff he finds whimsical, petting cute cats he would see wandering around his neighborhood, going out on sunny days to the museums, parks, or cafés, old fashioned love letters, antique collections, growing out his garden.

dislikes: extreme hot and cold weather, sports but has no choice but to compete in them, loud crowds, his horns and fluffy tail being touch, being bitten by bugs, swimming, hot spicy food

negative -
argumentative — whenever someone decides to be ignorant and refuses to listen to anyone expressing their opinions, Kiran would clash heads with his opponent. He hates being looked down upon and being left out of conversations, even hating it when they refuse to acknowledge him. This trait leads him to be a stubborn young deer. Funny enough, he tends to avoid conflict by not talking about it. He himself would confront the elephant in the room, but he hates it being turned on him, forcing him in a tight, anxious corner.

jealousy — Kiran is the youngest child of the Riordan Family. His siblings always make anything and everything out to be a competition. The young deer placed last place in any of them. His envy for his siblings would grow when he turned six years old and lost a fun, little game of tags. Nothing harmless, but he can't help the feeling of being inferior under his siblings' keen eyes. Every little thing was always a competition that he would lose in.

insecure — His insecurities roots from his jealousy for his siblings, always comparing himself and their great achievements against his own. He tries to work over his insecurities but finds it difficult to do so. Being the youngest and an omega wasn't an easy task.

anxious — Kiran has the tendency to overthink himself into a corner. The what ifs always consuming his mind.

positive -
confidence — Kiran never lets himself be put down by others. Being the youngest and an omega, everyone would try to downplay his achievements. He always keeps his own head held up high. Kiran tries never to let the snippy comments get to him.

loyal — Kiran gives loyalty to those who view him more than just his second gender status and his line on the family tree. Trust and loyalty is something he values more than anything.

romantic — A hopeless romantic like his father. If Kiran had a partner, he would cherish and adore them with all his heart. Being in a committed relationship with someone he truly loves means they accept him for who he is and not for what he is. But also, if he was allowed to have a partner due to his status as an omega, his family wanted to make sure he bonded with the right alpha.

knowledgeable — Having a lot of spare time in his hands, Kiran uses it to read some books. He loves to read, always buying a new book every chance he gets. It helped him suppress his schoolmates in most subjects due to how well informed he was.

Sterling Riordan (father, alive)
Winifred Riordan (mother, alive)
Linus Riordan (first older brother, alive)
Clementine Riordan (first older sister, alive)
Finn ( second older twin brother, alive)
Fiona (second older twin sister, alive)

  • comes from a full-bred alpha family.
  • his second gender and sexuality is forced to be kept as a secret.
  • finds it hard to get along with his family, but does love his mother and sisters more than his father and brothers.
  • cherish his beautiful long hair a lot, would be devastating if it were to be cut off but he would never let something like that happen.
  • has a pet gray mainecoon cat named Soren.
  • the voice claim is Prince Zuko from ATLA.
  • never been in a relationship before.
  • his scent gives off cherries and honey.
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  • Love
Reactions: wolf.
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