Vel and the Words (original plots, all pairings)

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Original poster
(Had to reopen this 'cause it got locked for inactivity. Whoop.)
Hi, my names Vellum and I'm seventeen. I've been doing this whole roleplay thing since I was nine(-ish) so that's like eight years. Almost a decade that I've dedicated to refining the art of cooperative storytelling. My grammar is reasonable and my only true crutch is that I use a few too many commas. I run a writing blog called Abusing Ellipses, even though I rarely use ellipses. It's a mix of my "professional" works, commentary on the writing and fandom climate, and trying to hide my intense love of video games.

You Should:
  • semi-frequent posts (once a week or more)
  • understand grammar rules
  • 2+ paragraphs
  • Talk to me about plot twists, dumb jokes, or things in general (not necessary, but a perk)
I can do:
  • Play male or female.
  • Play dominant or submissive personalities
  • Multiple posts a week, more likely multiple posts a day
  • Post at really weird times of the day (8 pm - 4 am)
  • Lore! World-building! Setting! History!
  • Angsty things. Addiction and whatever.
  • Give you 2 - 6 paragraphs on average (novels on a really good day)
  • Adaptive! I can be passive or aggressive, depending on what you need at the time.
  • Omegaverse! I'm very knowledgeable on the topic and one of my main works includes it.
I wont do:
  • Descriptive sexual assault of characters
  • Canon characters in a fandom RP
  • Animal Abuse
My plots...
1. "Beach Time"

Fake dating, in which Person A told their (kind of overbearing) mom that they had a girlfriend/boyfriend/datemate for their cousin's wedding in Hawaii so she would leave them alone about it. They lied, and now they need a date for two weeks in Hawaii. Cue Person B, someone they work with. And although they haven't always been the best of friends, Person A is desperate and Person B would love an all-expense paid trip for two weeks in Hawaii. Cue shenanigans.

2. "Engine Grease"
Character A is young, hot-blooded, and part of the 'greaser' sub-culture that the 50's are so well known for. During a street race one night, they wreck their car--and while they're perfectly fine, their car (the love of their life, their baby, their reason for existence) has been shredded. Pride wounded and car destroyed, they slink off to lick their wounds and find a mechanic. Character B is a retired racer, although you wouldn't know it by looking at them. When they were at the peak of their career they were rich and famous. Now, they've faded into obscurity and quite enjoy their newfound peace and quiet, working as a mechanic. Until that peace is interrupted one day when Character A storms in with wrecked pride and race car in tow.
This can also take place in a sci-fi/futuristic setting, with a few minor tweaks.

3. Off With Her Head (M/F, M/M, F/F -- Historical)

After the assassination of their father, Muse A, the heir to the throne, and Muse B, their constant companion since childhood, have to escape the castle and all they've ever known. The new regime is ruthless, cruel, and the whole country suffers from their rule. Muse A is out for blood, and ready to start a civil war if need be. Muse B, meanwhile, is preoccupied with the threats against their family if they allow Muse A to start this war--and their loyalty to the rightful heir.

4. Ghost in the Machine (M/F, M/M, F/F -- Sci-fi, futuristic)
Muse A is a robotics engineer--considered a prodigy by their peers. If they can't figure out a problem with a robot or AI, nobody can. Despite the fact that the are well-off, they're also terribly lonely. Whether their personality or brilliance, or something else entirely, most people of their preferred gender orientation seem to be uninterested in them. Muse B is an android, top of the line technology that is not only obscenely expensive, but also illegal. A human's mind with all its complex emotions and need for validation stuffed into an synthetic shell. Appearing human from the outside in all respects, but with the inner workings of any robot--albeit a beautifully constructed one. Muse A is baffled when Muse B shows up outside their door, half dead and missing limbs, and decides to help repair the android.

5. Desperate as it Seems (M/F, M/M -- Modern, possibly supernatural -- I would prefer to play Muse B)
Muse B is a fairly normal person by just about anyone's standards. They pay their bills on time, work a pretty normal job, have a dog, and have a fairly stable relationship. Fairly stable might be a relative term, especially as their boyfriend (Muse A) seems to be growing more and more weird by the day. He's starting to become weirdly territorial around them, to the point of growing agitated if anyone they deem a threat comes close, and strangely paranoid even while at home. With no idea how to proceed, Muse B is forced to start taking steps to figure out what the hell is wrong with them.

6. "Grim and Bear It"
Muse A's mother made a deal with the Grim Reaper when they were just a child. Muse A was dying, and nothing could save them--except the god of death himself. In exchange for allowing Muse A to live, Muse B (The Reaper) was allowed to claim them once they reached 20 years old. The day after Muse A's 20th birthday party, Muse B shows up to make his claim.
(Death, Grim Reaper, Immortality, Modern, Death is a Dick)

7. "Wicked Minds and Innocent Hearts"
Muse A is a human. Muse B is a werewolf. Muse B is an alpha werewolf with questionable problem solving skills. They're kind of driven by emotion, like a lot of alphas are--especially ones as young as them. Muse A, in all their human glory, is what keeps Muse B's pack grounded. They're more level headed, usually, and help Muse B make better decisions.
And then Muse B disappears. For weeks. And when they show up again, they're a wreck. The alpha refuses to let his packmates get anywhere near them, they're bleeding from multiple wounds, and the look in their eyes is far from human. The only person allowed near is Muse A, who is unanimously voted to be the 'dog sitter' of Muse B until the rest of the pack figures out how to fix their boss.
Shenanigans ensue.
(Werewolves, modern, 'i cant tell if they let me around because im nonthreatening or because i look tasty')

"Kick in the Head"
A person shows up at Muse A's door, claiming to be a demon. Muse B is a demon, who has just found their soulmate in Muse A.
(Demons, demons have soulmates, soulmate au)

"Taking Care"

Werewolves have just stepped out into the limelight, letting humanity know that they exist. It's only been a few years, and the change is...difficult for humanity. Mainly thanks to the fact that werewolves have some influence over human behavior--an alpha werewolf can bend other werewolves and most humans to their will, if they put enough threat into their growl.
In a small town, Muse A is a human that has no idea that Muse B is an alpha werewolf coming into the town to stake out their territory. At least, not until Muse B nearly hits them with a car and one thing leads to another and Muse A and Muse B are suddenly in a legally binding mating bond.
(Werewolves, possible omegaverse, questionable consent)

Also interested in:
  • Demon/Human
  • Demon/Demon
  • CEO/Personal Assistant
  • Fallout (New Vegas, 4)
  • Forbidden Romance
  • Apocalypse (Zombies, natural disaster, whatever)
  • Homestuck
  • Dragon Age
  • Mass Effect
  • Assassins
  • Historical
  • Omegaverse
  • Southern Gothic
  • Witcher 3
  • Pokemon
Hit me up either here on thread or on PM!
Pfft, okay. You got me.

I'd like to do a Demon/Human RP. And I'd like to be the Demon. >:)
lmaooooo please PM me if we have a deal. I'd PM you but I am in a rush and the wifi is being unbearably slow at the moment. I may or may not have ideas lined up. :>

THOUGHT I WAS DEAD? YOU WERE WRONG. also im stlll looking for partners and still haven't learned how to type without autocorrect
Heeeey! I'm quite interested in "Ghost in the Machine", "Wicked Minds and Innocent Hearts" or "Taking Care"! They sound like really interesting plots~ If you're still looking for partners, PM me! :)
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