VERITAS | Dystopian Escape RP

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster

"Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?"

- Anthony Burgess

There was a blur between the articulate lines of history that noted The Fog,
a thick cloud of radiation that hung over every crevice imaginable that almost
inevitably swept the entire legacy of humanity off from its feet. Its origins were
unknown, and the populace never bothered to figure it out and were content in
doing so.

Ecrathe was the last stand between the last remains of the human race and the
ardent wastelands of The Fallen civilizations. A close-knitted hive mind that boasted
sophisticated technology and sufficient resources built primarily to support the
dwindling number of mankind until the last sparks of the sun burn out.

To ensure the complete security of Ecrathe, the government launched
Protocol VERITAS, to be added alongside the original law. Surveillance is
enforced in both public and private locations through various encrypted bugs,
history tracers, and hidden cameras,each with its own code logged onto the
main directory system found on The Osiris.

If the screens catch something amiss or considered suspicious, the person will be given
a warning only once. Any broken law, no matter how insignificant, tampering with the
surveillance devices, as well as any suspicious activity after the warning, will be dealt

To the remaining humans, it was clear what their ultimatum is.
Bend to VERITAS or be terminated.

No one knows who to trust, what is true, what is not. Some merely gave in and
accepted Ecrathe's own brand of truth while some rebelled and sought for the
truth behind the mirage that VERITAS enforced. But pitted against two truths,
no one knew which was the lie and what was the truth.

It was widely accepted by everyone that The Fog began to usher into the world
when Ecrathe was built, though no one would know for sure. They say that there
were no vestige of former life forms beyond the boundaries of Ecrathe, but no
one would confirm or refute it. Information was debated, tested, and left unsolved.

Seeds were sown and the doubt began to grow, history becoming more and
more mangled, caught between the fingers of the government and the citizens.
Times and dates all began to blur as the perception of history was distorted
by the Ecrathean officials, but like all the others, not one can
back this accusation up.

By hushed tones and huddled ears, a very few would tell of another city deep into
the territory of The Fallen. A city similar to Ecrathe without the shackles that came
with it, standing as the last monument of the will of independence against the
sweltering sea of checks and balances Ecrathe reinforced.

They called the city Azedence. But no one who told it
ever lived the day after they spoke the word.

Ecrathe is not a haven anymore. It may be to some, but certainly not for
you. The original cause of Ecrathe has been forgotten, slowly changing into
a slaughterhouse that caters to the whims of the powerful. The only way out
is surrounded by millions of eyes watching your every move, with one
wrong step meaning the end of your existence.

But you are not alone. A plan is brewing from the very core of the government,
the same government you ought not to trust. To accept it would mean the stars
aligning to open up an opportunity to escape by putting everything you have on
the line.

To decline would leave you to your own devises to relentlessly plan for fruitless
routes into Azedence, forever encased in the one location you've been trying
to run away from.

There are others whom are willing to bargain everything
in exchange for their independence, waiting for someone
to rise up to VERITAS.

Azedence is your only hope,
and they're only hope is you.

Will you rise up?

Project KAIROS
VERITAS is not invincible. Go through mission by mission
as you shut down the protocol and cleave a path towards
Azedence without being caught by VERITAS itself.

Each mission will be posted up on the Codex, the storage
for all the information that has been found during the roleplay that
can be found in the OOC.

qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe
Knowledge is blurred. Find out as much information as you can
during your excursions in Ecrathe, as you can use it
for future reference in new missions.

Important information will always be added and updated
to the Codex but it's up to you to take note of other details
you deem important.

Surveillance is a Virtue
Do not under any circumstances, let the Ecrathean Officers
find about your plans. Stage meetings and conferences with your
comrades and discuss the best way to tackle the missions.

Of course, PMs are always open, but you can set these meetings
up in various locations and discuss in the IC thread for a more
authentic experience.

1. A group of 6 players (me included) will be needed
to participate in the roleplay.

2. The expected writing level is Advanced but Intermediate
is the minimum. Two small paragraphs are the minimum
quantity per post.

3. Character death is a possibility. Although I'll withhold it
to the best of my capabilities, it may be inevitable if you
don't play your cards right.

4. Even if the roleplay is dystopian/sci-fi, I expect
realism in the characters. We don't want the roleplay
ending prematurely because some guy with anti-grav
boots jumped out of the walls.

In other words, don't make overpowered characters.
It's an escape rp, not a hack and slash.
  • Love
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I'd happily join this, if you'd have me~
Ooooohhh... runaway from big brother?! Boo likey^^

Soooo but like is this a dice n stats RP?
Sounds great; I'd be down for trying this!

I'd happily join this, if you'd have me~

Splendid! I'll be waiting for you inside Ecrathe.

Ooooohhh... runaway from big brother?! Boo likey^^

Soooo but like is this a dice n stats RP?

There may be circumstances where the characters will eventually rely on dice and stats mechanics but the main focus of the roleplay would be on how will the characters adapt and collect information whereas still being able to bypass VERITAS.

The amount of information collected whilst not getting caught and how the characters will incorporate it into the missions they're being given by the anonymous source from within the Ecrathean Government will influence the flow of the plan for better or worse, giving you more opportunities to securely accomplish a mission rather than pinning it all on random luck.

But of course, if throwing caution to the wind and not giving a damn is your preferred play style, then hey. Don't let me stop you from rolling the dice.
Orwellian dystopia, check.
Sci Fi, check.
Abandon all hope-esque delivery, check.

Where do I sign, boss? Promise not to stick a ratcage to my face? :3
Splendid! I'll be waiting for you inside Ecrathe.

There may be circumstances where the characters will eventually rely on dice and stats mechanics but the main focus of the roleplay would be on how will the characters adapt and collect information whereas still being able to bypass VERITAS.

The amount of information collected whilst not getting caught and how the characters will incorporate it into the missions they're being given by the anonymous source from within the Ecrathean Government will influence the flow of the plan for better or worse, giving you more opportunities to securely accomplish a mission rather than pinning it all on random luck.

But of course, if throwing caution to the wind and not giving a damn is your preferred play style, then hey. Don't let me stop you from rolling the dice.

K thanks for answering but ughs gonna haveta pass. Not into dice and stats. Good luck with rp^^
This sounds pretty fun, I'd love to be a part of it!
I'm unfortunately full up on RPs at the moment, but I just wanted to let you know that this is freaking gorgeous :-D
Not sure if I can handle this one, but hell I soooooo wanna try! This plot is just dazzling. Count me in!
This sounds pretty fun, I'd love to be a part of it!
Not sure if I can handle this one, but hell I soooooo wanna try! This plot is just dazzling. Count me in!
I'm damned interested in this.

Thank you! Don't worry, the RP won't get excessively hard, but this may be subjective. Failure of missions will give the entire group a small disadvantage as VERITAS will adapt to the situation to ensure it won't repeat again, forcing the players to find another way to finish the task. Other miscellaneous game mechanics will be explained thoroughly in the official thread.

But there's one solution to every discrepancy: Teamwork. There's always an easy path to accomplish a mission, all you have to do is communicate!

I'm unfortunately full up on RPs at the moment, but I just wanted to let you know that this is freaking gorgeous :-D

Thank you for checking in :o Means a lot, even if you won't get to participate.
Your uh, your plaid clothes are uh, freaking gorgeous too.

im bad at these im sorry
Oh hey, you made this into a thing. A goddamn beautiful thing at that!
@vantas Say, in case there's more than 5 people interested (my count may be off but I think you got 5 already, maybe 6) how will you decide who gets in? Quality of the sheet? First come, first served?
Oh hey, you made this into a thing. A goddamn beautiful thing at that!

Heyo, been a long time!

Thanks for the tips while this thing was still in the works. VERITAS would've been filled with North Korea nuke jokes and zombies without you.

@vantas Say, in case there's more than 5 people interested (my count may be off but I think you got 5 already, maybe 6) how will you decide who gets in? Quality of the sheet? First come, first served?

If you are referring to "quality of the sheet" as how visually pleasing the character sheet is, then no. That won't be my criteria, as well as the traditional "first come, first served" rule. I wasn't really expecting that much people to be interested in VERITAS so it was designed in a way that would cater to a small group. I'll judge them based on necessity and how the character will affect the course of the story, but don't overthink it! Just do what you think is best for your roleplay style and your character.

There IS the possibility of character death, how slim the chance may be. If ever someone is terminated, then registers will open up to make room for another player, so there's one way you can wrap your head around.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Snowflake
No by quality I meant the writing not the visual aesthetic, bet nevertheless you've answered my question perfectly despite my poor phrasing. I look forward to this going live. :D
If you wanted a small group trying to escape, could you maybe have another group acting as enforcers of VERITAS trying to stop them, with similar secret plots, stakeouts etc. going on?
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Reactions: Snowflake
I'm interested
If you wanted a small group trying to escape, could you maybe have another group acting as enforcers of VERITAS trying to stop them, with similar secret plots, stakeouts etc. going on?

If I am being very courageous in this endeavor I probably would implement it, but I am not confident in both my time schedule and my roleplay managing skills to do separate scenarios at once. It is a great suggestion though, but until I have sufficient experience and a more flexible schedule, I can't stick to it.

No by quality I meant the writing not the visual aesthetic, bet nevertheless you've answered my question perfectly despite my poor phrasing. I look forward to this going live. :D

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
I don't get much sleep nowadays so there's a realistic possibility of me forgetting a minute detail somewhere.

I'm interested

Hi interested, I'm welcoming you.