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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Elle Joyner

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Writing Levels
  1. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Political intrigue, fantasy, futuristic, sci fi lite, superheroes, historical fiction, alternate universes. Smittings of romance, but only as side plot.

Open Sans;Rationale;Wire One;Roboto;

the voice of the people can never be silenced.

our city is called PAX. but we know as long as those in charge continue to oppress the ones beneath them, there will never be peace. we are a dying breed. the imperfect. the unaltered. ORGANICS. but we will not go down without a fight. we are VOX POPULI. and like a gunshot, resonant and strong, our voices will be HEARD.
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The Year Is...
2159. The world as we once knew it is no more. Technology reigns, and she is an oppressive mistress. In Pax, people have gone missing... Gone missing, and no one seems to notice, or care. Organics, they're called... nothing special about them, but that's the point. They're augment-free, not a scrap of metal or wire or microchip in them. They disappear from the streets, from their homes, their jobs... and the world moves on, same as always.

Except for us. We see. We see and we notice... and now? We're gonna do something about it. It's time to fight back - to protect those who can't protect themselves. The war has begun. What side are you on?

⦙ History 101 ⦙
The Tech Wars || The war started out with several companies fighting for dominance over the technological industry, but swiftly devolved into something much uglier, each opposing force growing increasing desperate and more violent. Eventually, only two companies remained, Carver Tech and Decker Industries. Locked head to head for years, it was the murder of Carver's CEO, seemingly unrelated to the vicious bid for dominance which propelled Decker Industries to the head as controlling power. In light of their victory, Decker Industries announced the birth of its newest subsidiary, Decker Security. It wasn't long before Decker Security found itself in every business and home within Pax.
⦙ Enter the Initiative ⦙
"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping,
is to make sure he never knows he's in prison."
-- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Enter the Initiative || Only a few short years after Decker's victorious rise to power in Pax, the group known as The Initiative was formed. A conglomerate of industries, media and technology, The Initiative didn't just control the city, they were the city. Citizens became relegated drones, most so heavily outfitted by tech that humanity was all but removed from them… forced by a sense of obsolescence to upgrade and then forced into jobs as young as thirteen years of age. Meanwhile, homes became outfitted by AI… Realistic cybernetic beings, initially employed as housekeepers and cooks and nannies… but ultimately something so much more dangerous.

Rebellion and free thinking were highly discouraged, sometimes violently, and all opposition was either eliminated immediately, or made an example of, publicly. In time, The Initiative grew into an intimidating force of oppression and the peace the city hoped to find was lost…​
⦙ Legal Jargon ⦙
OOC Details || Vox Populai is a futuristic sci-fi roleplay in the advanced/intermediate territory. The goal of the story centers around Vox Populai itself, a secret organization bent on aiding those the city of Pax has forgotten - the downtrodden and oppressed.

Recently, citizens known as Organics - those without augmentation of any kind - have begun vanishing throughout the city. The strange behavior seems to have escaped the attention of law enforcement and the media, but not everyone is willing to turn a blind eye. The justice center of Vox Populai has been investigating, and all signs point to shady dealings behind the doors of The Initiative.

In this RP, you will play a member of Vox Populai - Your choices range in many ways - from what position you will play within the group (hacker, brawler, tracer or dodger) as well as the manner of augmentation your character has received (if any). Limitations are simply that all augments within VP MUST be severed from the Net, and because of this, they will have some malfunctions/issues. You may also choose to play Artificial Intelligence - please not that AI who have been disrupted also experience a great deal of malfunctions. I will only be accepting TWO AI at this time - they are capable of sentience, but the level to which their sentience goes is dependent on how long they have been disrupted.

- Respect everyone. This means OOCly, no drama. If you have an issue, take it up with me and I will deal with it. Post on time, unless you've spoken to me about not being able to. READ EVERYTHING - This is an epidemic sweeping the site and I'm not a fan. You have time to join an RP, you have time to read all the posts. It's about respecting your fellow players... plain as that.

- If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Please don't assume something plot/lore wise without confirming it with me, first.

- Posting expectations are once weekly and at least two paragraphs per posts. I also prefer working with people, as a GM, not puppets, so if you have ideas, let me know and I will do my best to incorporate them into the plot. Communication is a must! Don't be shy.

- As of right now, I am not allowing any characters outside of VP. Character will have prior relationship opportunities, but I highly recommend not planning out any relationships until you have officially been accepted.

- Please be aware, while adult situations/themes will be prevalent throughout the RP, this is not an ADULT only RP. Romance is strictly fade-to-black at the grown up bits, and violence/gore/language should be maintained at a non-gratuitous level.

- All Iwaku rules apply

NOTE || This is just an interest check. Character sheets, OOC and Discord will come later!​

Welcome to Pax
A sprawling metropolis, carved in metal and glass. For years now, the controlling power has rested in the hands of the Initiative - a conglomerate who claim to have our best interests at heart. But do they really?
⦙ Vox Populi ⦙
The Nest || A hideout for VP members - an abandoned factory on the cusp of The Tomb. So named 'the nest' due to the large population of avian life within the building.

The Emporium || A black market of sorts - here, citizens can find everything from cheaper augments (Buy and have installed at your own risk!), to hackers, to previously owned body parts (Eye in a Jar… perfect for Dad's Desk!)

The Tomb || Dead space - a part of the city that was never gentrified or advanced, due to instability (supposedly caused by tunnels beneath the ground). The Tomb is rumored to be where the Consortium headquarters lies.

The Net Core || The internal structure of Pax. The Net Core is an information and observation hub that monitors the citizens of Pax, tracking and recording them via cam drones, augmented agents and AI operative, as well as through the augmentations they have received. The Net is so named for its series of connections throughout the city, at the center of which lies Decker Security.

Personnel Files
The many souls who make up the city... The beating hearts and hardwired brains. The sharks and sheep...

⦙ Vox Populi ⦙
The Voice of the People - A resistance group, dedicated to bringing down the tyrannical leadership within Pax. Largely comprised of "Organics" or non-augmented humans, and disrupted Augs, the group works within the underbelly of the city, utilizing their knowledge of the city layout to foil The Initiative and their plans for the citizens. The symbols of the factions working with VP can be found in graffiti and passed around in fliers throughout Pax.

Hackers || These members of VP are largely responsible for cybernetic warfare against the initiative - using their expertise with technology and the Net to wreak havoc throughout Pax.

Tracers || These members go out into the 'field' for the express purpose of aiding those under The Initiative's oppression. They act as liaisons, carrying messages and secret information back and forth, as well as false information to throw off The Initiative's scent. Tracers are generally athletic, and capable of mapping out the city in such a way as to utilize multiple complicated pathways to navigate… not limited to traditional forms of travel.

Brawlers || The concussive force of VP. These are the security team - the strength. The fist of the operation. Generally non-lethal as possible, Brawlers nevertheless will do what is necessary to protect the people of Pax.

Dodgers || These are con artists. The wolves under sheep's wool. They infiltrate the system, working within the Initiative to try and bring it down.
⦙ The Initiative ⦙
The leaders of Pax. A conglomerate built around men and women of wealth, stature and power. They stand behind the guise of a peaceful existence for everyone, while utilizing oppressive efforts, including forcing their citizens to submit to transhuman augmentation and nanite control.

"All my life I have watched as mankind has torn itself to pieces. I am not trying to stop the world from functioning or prevent free will… I'm trying to create peace. I'm trying to prevent your children from growing up the way that mine had to… Surrounded by hate and superficiality. By fear and violence. I'm trying to build something beautiful!" -- Jeremiah Decker, 2150 Convention of Practical Minds
Chairman || Jeremiah Decker
Market Share || 16% (controlling interest)
Slogan || 'Making a Safer Future for YOUR Future'
Main Subsidiaries || Decker Defense, ISF, PCO, Decker Arms (research/manufacturing), Decker Mining (mineral extraction/processing)
Building || Decker Security

ISF (Eye-Sef) || Initiative Security Forces. The Pax secret police system. Working directly beneath the initiative, ISF has no qualms about breaking the rules to ensure the people follow them. They are a violent, volatile team with very little order or ethics. They are called in during situations that cannot be easily contained by the PCO or in instances involving VP resistance members
PCO || Pax Control Officers. The standard police force. While significantly more tame than ISF, the PCO still has little tolerance for lawbreaking and is not without their own occurrences of mistreatment of perpetrators.

Chairman || Bianca Vander
Co Chair || Adam Vane
Market Share || 13%
Slogan || 'Where there's a will, there's V & V'
Main Subsidiaries || Research and development, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, Nanite research
Building || V&V

Chairman || Doyle Pennderman
Co Chair || Thane Hu
Market Share || 11%
Slogan || 'One Step Further'
Main Subsidiaries || pennWare & BIOLYFE (Mech/Augment research/development/manufacturing - Artificial Intelligence development and distribution).
Building || Penn Corp

Chairman || Manuel Edgemont
Market Share || 10%
Slogan || 'Everything Energy'
Main Subsidiaries || Edgemont Nuclear, Edgemont Water, Edgemont Research and Development
Building || Edgemont Energies

Chairman || Wren Callahan
Market Share || 9%
Slogan || 'Safe and Secure Banking, with PCB'
Main Subsidiaries || PCB Bank, PCB Insurance, PCB Legal, PCB Capital
Building || PCB Headquarters

Chairman || Byron Klaus
Market Share || 8%
Slogan || 'Build Tomorrow, With Macron'
Main Subsidiaries || Macron Materials, Macron Development & Architecture , Macron Infrastructure
Building || Macron Group

Chairman || Hammond Alaway
Market Share || 8%
Slogan || 'All the Way, With Alaway'
Main Subsidiaries || N/A
Building || Alaway Comm

Pratchett Inc.
Chairman || Lula Pratchett
Market Share || 7%
Slogan || 'You Won't Get Far Without Pratchett'
Main Subsidiaries || Pratchett Auto, Pratchett Engines, Pratchett Construction Equipment (PCE), Pratchett Marine, Pratchett Aero, Pratchett Defense Systems, Pratchett Appliances
Building || Pratchett Inc.

Chairman || David Temple
Market Share || 7%
Slogan || 'Feeding Pax, Fueling Pax'
Main Subsidiaries || Atlas Restaurants, Atlas Grocery, Atlas Manufacturing
Building || Atlas Foods

Chairman || Theodor Danver
Market Share || 5%
Slogan || 'Get By with Danver'
Main Subsidiaries || Pax Rail, Pax Bus, Pax Cab, Pax Tunnels and Bridges
Building || Danver Co.


They are responsible for billboards, screen adverts, television adverts and all paper products, all entertainment/educational programming, all sports broadcasting, and Pax's music industry. Unapproved marketing material is considered a huge breach of Pax law and is punishable by upwards to ten years in prison.

Chairman || Anabel Radby
Market Share || 3%
Slogan || 'Presenting Pax…'
Main Subsidiaries || PAX News, Radby Productions, Radby Media, Radby Studios, Radby Sports
Building || Radby Broadcasting Co. (RBC)

Chairman || Lai Vanda
Market Share || 3%
Slogan || 'Be a Better You, in V'
Main Subsidiaries || V. Designs, Vanda Couture, Apparel by V., Vanda Manufacturing, VHS, V. Outlet, Vanda Uniforms
Building || Vanda Inc.

⦙ The Consortium ⦙
A small faction of rebels, far more violent than VP. These radicals are known for acts of terrorism around Pax in small scale assaults - generally the bombing of ISF facilities or attacks on Initiative employees and AI. The Consortium leader is a mystery, even to the members themselves, though many have their suspicions and theories.​
⦙ Alexander Cage ⦙
Cage is the leader of a small faction of organized criminals, spanned throughout Pax. Because he has a finger in many pies - including some within the Initiative itself, Cage is left to reign free, though there are lines even he is expected not to cross. Despite his supposed neutrality Cage does seem to favor those of a more rebellious nature and he has a bit of a soft spot in particular for those affected by the ISF mistreatment.​
⦙ The Artificial ⦙
Augmented || These are citizens of pax who had been enhanced via technological advancements and cybernetics. Enhancements are intensely popular, and have been known to be utilized even in children as young as eight months old. Augs are tied into the Net Core system and unbeknownst to most who buy into the extremely expensive procedures, can be controlled via The Initiative. Because the augmentation is an imperfect practice, however, and require maintenance or sometimes fail entirely, The Initiative has been developing a more permanent and infallible system using Nanite technology. Recent reports have gone out suggesting that The Initiative has been tracking down any 'Organics', experimenting on them with this new tech in order to limit those outside of their control.

Disrupted Augs || These are augmented citizens who have opted to have their augmentations removed from the Net. This process is generally done using a hacker - and can run up quite the cost. Because of this, most DA's will find themselves heavily indebted to whomever they hire to remove the link. Link removal is usually permanent but does often come with side effects - particularly glitches in their mods or more routine maintenance requirements. Disrupting your augment is considered highly illegal and is punishable to the full extent of the law. DA's will either be arrested on sight or even killed if they are discovered by ISF.

AI || Technological advancements on artificial intelligence leapt over the years, employed to create human-like beings, fully controlled by Decker. Each home was given a bot, utilized to cook, clean and perform other mundane daily tasks… as well as functioning as a built in security system against any and all acts of open rebellion. While it has never been attempted, there are some that believe an AI can be severed from the Net, using similar methods as those done on augments.​
⦙ Occupations ⦙
Snitch || Regular citizens, paid in augments and food rations to spy on their fellow workers and families. Snitches are regarded as slightly middle class - though their living situations are not reflective of this.

Messenger || Messengers use the grid to deliver sensitive materials to and from businesses and citizens. Similar to the Mail Carriers of old. While AI are often employed as messenger, it remains one of the few jobs in Pax that still requires a human touch… literally, as packages cannot be removed from transfer pods without a human touch signature.

Initiative Employee || These employers work for the Initiative companies. Generally grunt positions, desk jobs and occasionally lower end security. Many Initiative Employees are AI, to prevent the unlawful misuse of information.

Factory Worker || Factory workers are responsible for the processing of all materials produced within Pax. Due to the sensitive nature of some products, as well as time constraints many factories have begun utilizing AI instead of human workers, leaving many Pax citizens without employment.​

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Expressing interest in this for now :3
Awesome interest check, though I expect nothing less from you. I'd love to see a list of tech/gear/augmentations that are prevalent (and not so prevalent) throughout Pax. Btw, I'll happily play a VP member; but if I'm honest, I'd love to create a devilish character on Alexander Cage's payroll.

Maybe a former employee... :)
Gosh I love a good sci-fi story and this tickled me in all the right ways ;) I would love to jump back into Iwaku with roleplay!
  • Love
Reactions: Elle Joyner
Awesome interest check, though I expect nothing less from you. I'd love to see a list of tech/gear/augmentations that are prevalent (and not so prevalent) throughout Pax. Btw, I'll happily play a VP member; but if I'm honest, I'd love to create a devilish character on Alexander Cage's payroll.

Maybe a former employee... :)

Effectively... Anything and everything CAN be augmented, but it's expensive, so most people don't get too much done if they don't need it. Eyes and limbs are the most obvious/affordable. Also voice modulations. But there's also everything from skeletal restructuring to organ replacement. Those are far too costly for just anyone tho.

As far as roles, I'm trying to keep it to VP alone but Mr. Cage works from time to time with VP and it wouldn't be unlikely for one of his employees (former or otherwise) to have involvement with the organization.
Effectively... Anything and everything CAN be augmented, but it's expensive, so most people don't get too much done if they don't need it. Eyes and limbs are the most obvious/affordable. Also voice modulations. But there's also everything from skeletal restructuring to organ replacement. Those are far too costly for just anyone tho.

I have more questions about available gear but I'll save them for the OOC or discord.
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I have more questions about available gear but I'll save them for the OOC or discord.

Don't worry too much about gear and such. Rarely is that the important factor in RPs I run (as I tend to wrap most of what I do around characterization and development of plot) and I find people overthink those aspects and end up with their time wasted on unnecessary details.
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In sci-fi adventures technology influences how the characters interact with the world. Hackers who operate in virtual reality environments are much more immersed (and in many case in greater peril) than ones who work off computer monitors. Details like that would determine what type of character I create.
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In sci-fi adventures technology influences how the characters interact with the world. Hackers who operate in virtual reality environments are much more immersed (and in many case in greater peril) than ones who work off computer monitors. Details like that would determine what type of character I create.

I understand where you're coming from, just don't expend too much energy on thinking about the minor stuff. This isn't a cut and dry technological environment... It varies dependant on money, connections and the like.

What I'm looking for are characters who will function as a whole... Well rounded and thought out where development is concerned. Details can be flexible, which is why I tend to go lighter on lore.
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Character sheet! Feel free to code or not to! Just be sure if you use code it's mobile friendly, as I'm currently away from home and only have my phone!

Appearance (realistic art or real FCs only. No anime)

Written description (include height, weight, eye and hair color and build)

Type (Organic, Disrupt or AI)
Occupation (outside of VP if applicable)
VP designation (Tracer, Brawler, Hacker, Dodger)

Augments (if any)

Character Bio (brief background - 3 paragraphs)

Personality Traits


NOTE || Please don't hesitate to ask questions. It's better to get it right the first time than have to change it. This is not first come first serve... I will be accepting characters based on who I think is the best fit for the RP after reviewing the sheet as well as your history as a player.

PM me if you have an idea you wanna run by me first! For now, all characters must be members of Vox Populai.

Character Applications must be DONE by June 1st! WIP can be posted, but please lable them as such.

GM recommendation... Resist the urge to make super edgy, overthetop backstories. These characters need to function as a team, and angstlord lone wolves won't do well.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Honor-Sama
I should clarify, I will have a sign up thread available soon, but in the meantime just hold onto your sheets in test threads and the like!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Honor-Sama
@Elle Joyner
I'd like to express my interest for this... However, may I clarify whether or not it is alright for a bluestar player to join? Reading through a couple times, I didn't see anything against it, but since everyone who'd posted their interest so far is redstar...?
- Please be aware, while adult situations/themes will be prevalent throughout the RP, this is not an ADULT only RP. Romance is strictly fade-to-black at the grown up bits, and violence/gore/language should be maintained at a non-gratuitous level.

You are good to go! Do not question why I am online to help you out though 0.0
  • Thank You
Reactions: Calypso Major
@Elle Joyner
I'd like to express my interest for this... However, may I clarify whether or not it is alright for a bluestar player to join? Reading through a couple times, I didn't see anything against it, but since everyone who'd posted their interest so far is redstar...?

Yep! You're good!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Calypso Major
Just a heads up to anyone else interested! Sign ups close June 1st, so get those apps in <3
Okay - so - in light of only having a few apps (and having a few folks interested still) I'm gonna open the app process until the 6th! That's a few extra days. Those of you who already put in apps, I'll be sending you approvals, or notes on changes that need to be made - looking to start the second week of June! :-D