War Council of Rask - A Fantastical Fantasy Exploration of Fortification and Social Management

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As much as I would enjoy brutally dismembering a hundred brainwashing cultists, I do think that could derail the RP somewhat.
As much as I would enjoy brutally dismembering a hundred brainwashing cultists, I do think that could derail the RP somewhat.
I just wanted you to relish in the thought for a bit.

I might think up a different character, but probably not. Good luck with this XD
Well, there are considerable amounts of literature evidence for many modern religions, which still exist side by side. Personally, I think it a little unrealistic that there be only a single religion that is 'definitely' true. I think these long-lived beings with eye-witness accounts of him would be viewed in many different ways by many different people. After all, very few people would consider something outside their religion to be true and would try to find other explanations for the phenomena it relies on. So, the eye-witness accounts would likely be dismissed in a similar way to eye-witness accounts of God are in the modern day; hallucinations created by a desire to believe it's true. The firestorm that consumed Curiklund could be explained as a powerful spell that went out of control.

... (Continued post on religion)
All and all good ideas and explanation. I'll probably incorporate some of the ideas, but I won't be able to fully realize them in order to stay consistent with, well, everything else. There are a lot of elements of the world that don't mesh well with a truly realistic take on religion. Though I do admit that having everyone suddenly start worshiping Ardectes after a period of only a few hundred years is a little strange even for the 'angle' I'm going for, though it's unlikely anyone would go back to worshiping the old gods because they were much into intervening with the affairs of the earthly plane and they simply don't anymore.

I do thank you for putting so much time into your response as you did though

As much as I would enjoy brutally dismembering a hundred brainwashing cultists, I do think that could derail the RP somewhat.
Indeed, while conflict between players is allowed and -even encouraged to a degree- that conflict is mostly limited to political, diplomatic or personal disputes. Remember that the council is consisted of a decent amount of people, players and NPC's both, and they would intervene in such an obvious plot.

Also, PVP between players is just a pain to deal with.

I just wanted you to relish in the thought for a bit.

I might think up a different character, but probably not. Good luck with this XD
No problem mate, hope you stick around, but if you don't I hope you find something you like.
That's fine. It was kinda fun just coming up with it. Now I'm curious as to why realistic religion isn't compatible... reckonin' I can figure out the ending from that info!

Yeah, PVP is a pain to deal with and I usually prohibit it in my RPs too, but in the instance of trained sword-wielding magicians vs squishy religious kooks, I don't think it'll be as much Player vs player as Player vs target practice :P
Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm interested by the idea. Looking forward to the finished product.
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Thematically, magic is loosely based on D&D style Vancian magic. Spells often require a predetermined set of actions and or materials to cast, with the general rule being more complicated the action and more expensive the material the more powerful the spell. Of course, for the sake of the RP this material limitation purely thematic... Unless You're constantly casting a spell that requires ludicrously rare materials, then I might say something. As for power, well, continuing on the D&D comparison I'd say an old wizard would be the equivalent to a 9th-12th level wizard. You can cast simple spells like fireball pretty willy-nilly and you can cast 'battlefield' changing spells with decent effort. Unlike D&D how many spells your character can cast is only limited by 'exhaustion' and that really only comes in effect if you cast spells at the limit of your power.

With all that said, the magic system is a work in progress and I'll work with you to create a balanced character should you go the wizard route.

I'm liking the looks of this; any idea what how you want to handle enchanted items? Are they something you see being at all prevalent?
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I'm liking the looks of this; any idea what how you want to handle enchanted items? Are they something you see being at all prevalent?
Theoretically enchanting is simple, imbue a magic item with the properties of a spell. In practice this is much more difficult, to get any enchantment remotely useful the expertise of multiple magic-users and expensive reagents are required. Enchanting is physically draining and powerful ones can render cabals of magic users powerless for weeks. Needless to say, enchanting equipment is rarely seen outside the wealthy and powerful. When more common folk manage to get enchantments they are usually more cosmetic in nature, such as an unnaturally colored blade or perhaps a soft glow.
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Theoretically enchanting is simple, imbue a magic item with the properties of a spell. In practice this is much more difficult, to get any enchantment remotely useful the expertise of multiple magic-users and expensive reagents are required. Enchanting is physically draining and powerful ones can render cabals of magic users powerless for weeks. Needless to say, enchanting equipment is rarely seen outside the wealthy and powerful. When more common folk manage to get enchantments they are usually more cosmetic in nature, such as an unnaturally colored blade or perhaps a soft glow.

Sweet; about what I was expecting/hoping for.

How about "magical" beasts? By this I mean anything from something like an unnaturally large bear all the way up to dragons and the like.
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How about "magical" beasts? By this I mean anything from an unnaturally large bear all the way up to dragons.
'Magic' beasts exist. Things such as unusually large bears aren't considered magic, just another sort of natural creature with slightly unusual proportions. Most actual magic creatures are unique and on the powerful side, many qualifying as 'small gods'. Their exact origins vary, but almost always involve some sort of magic fuckery. There are very few true 'races' of beings with natural magic abilities. One of these exceptions are dragons, which is more a genus of creatures than a single species. Regardless, almost all large, magical creatures have been pushed to the edges of civilized nations. Even the relatively remote area surrounding Rask would almost be completely tame. Dragons are again a bit of an exception to this, though that's a whole other can of worms that probably won't be too relevant to the RP.
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Right, quick update: I've started on the OOC, it'll probably still be a couple days before it's up, but I am starting on it.
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I'm liking the looks of this; any idea what how you want to handle enchanted items? Are they something you see being at all prevalent?
I'm going for an experienced magic using character, if you'd like your character to start off with something useful, perhaps even renowned (but not game breaking, etc) perhaps we can tie in our backstories?

Edit: In accordance with the GM's explanation of enchanted items, I intend for any enchanting he has done in the past to be long, sometimes very long, projects that were mostly personal ventures. Rather than achieving them quickly with the help of a full cabal.
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Hey @Snakey; think the OOC'll be up this weekend?
I'll see what I can do. RL has come up in small, but disruptive way. If it is released it will be a bit sparse in content.
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Well, I suspect your "sparse" is probably my "Well documented" :P
Probably not, I tend to employ KISS principles when writing OOCs, especially in an RP with a somewhat limited scope like this one. Most information will be distributed on a need-to-know basis.
I see. That seems best.
Right, so, quick change of plans. I have slightly less free time now so I'll probably be taking down the scale of the RP to something more manageable. What that means exactly I cannot say at this time, but it may required a major retooling of the RP's concept. More information will be given when available.

Edit: Right, with a little time to think it over I think the best thing for this RP's potential future is to transition it into a more traditional plot-based fantasy adventure. It will be in the same world and abide by the same rules, but characters would most likely be reduced in power. Exact plot to be determined.
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