We Must Bring Our Own Light Into The Darkness - KH literate search

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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fandom, romance, fantasy, drama, medieval
Greetings everyone ~
It's been awhile since I've been able to partake in some writing 🙃 I've got one good friend and longterm rp going and I'd love to add a few more! I guess I'm what you would call literate 🤔 I CAN write a lot and love detail but I wouldn't go so far as novel length. A good three paragraphs minimum is typically what I do (per character). It really just depends on what's going on and whatnot ~
I'm not opposed to staying on site though my preferred means is email. I do also use Discord if anyone would like to ooc chat! Doubling is something I enjoy and I'm more than willing to give a shot at planning a canon whether you want an oc or canon paired with them. Canon x oc is what I'm interested in as far as romance goes. With that said I'm not just all about romance. I love drama, conflict, and all that other juicy stuff. Hetero (for me) please. I'd be willing to try slash and out of the two I think I'd be more comfortable with f x f.

Soooo this may be a long shot but a few months ago I've really gotten into the Kingdom Hearts games. I've played a good majority of the games now and would love to delve into the world! I don't have any specific plots in mind but we could brainstorm and see what we come up with! Personally I'm looking for someone to play Riku to my oc. If you'd like someone in return just let me know who and I'll let you know if I think I could play them :)
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Still searching ~
Hello! I'm looking for someone to RP as well, I play both male and female equally so either is fine. All of my characters are shifters, either demons, dragons, wereanimals, etc, with a human form. I write very detailed and usually one or two long paragraphs. Mostly I RP in Line with just two friends for years. Now they are busy and I'm looking for someone new. We can play here ir in discord :) PM me if you are interested.
Hello! I'm looking for someone to RP as well, I play both male and female equally so either is fine. All of my characters are shifters, either demons, dragons, wereanimals, etc, with a human form. I write very detailed and usually one or two long paragraphs. Mostly I RP in Line with just two friends for years. Now they are busy and I'm looking for someone new. We can play here ir in discord :) PM me if you are interested.

Hello! Were you looking for an original rp or were you interested in Kingdom Hearts?
I know KH but I have never played it, sorry, so I'm not sure how much I can follow the story, but I can try XD
Hi, are you still searching for a partner? I could definitely write Riku for you. My top choice in return would be Terra, but if not him I have a ton of other characters I would adore.