Welcome to Doncaster (supernatural slice of life rp) sign up thread

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
looks interesting
sweet! i have adapted him to fit the thread, he is an old character of mine and I can either have Willow as a background character or develop her if need be later on.
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sounds good mate
I'm alive, guys. Just on finals week for the worst class ever to take in an 8 week time period - World History!
I love history, but trying to push 3 short papers out a week while working a 10 hrs a day and managing the lives of four young adults, their many friends, and an 81 yo mother, while slowly running a business or two.... Ain't nobody got time for that! I can barely finish the textbook reading assignments without falling asleep on my computer.
Meh, but I'm almost done finalizing my essay, so I'll get my dream team up this weekend, I hope.
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its fine bud, i understand 100% dont rush yaself
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Take your time hun, sounds like a heck of alot to be working through
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Eve's wip
Name: Eve Oppen
Nickname: Scary Clay, Cold Ginger
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Golem


Occupation: A scientist focused on the study of supernatural biology and trying to make various items to help them fit in with normal humans. Model for her girlfriend's clothing every often.
Home: A large apartment with her girlfriend. Temporarily the apartment next to Charys in Doncaster.
Hobbies: Model building, DIY, Programming, Little bit of film watching and gaming also secretly knows how to knit, learned from her girlfriend. Boxing used to be a hobby.

Eve is a level headed and intelligent person who's able to keep her cool demeanour in most situations. She's usually the neutral party or voice of reason during arguments or fights.
Underneath her cold exterior is a kind heart who will often go out of her way to help those she sees as friends and is willing to show more affection/emotion towards them.
She has been regarded to as fearless at times as she will often be willing to do something dangerous to help someone who assist in one of her tests. She was once willing to fight a larger guy in order to protect her girlfriend.

However she has trouble showing her emotions often giving the impression of an uncaring and rude person despite the fact she is actually kind and calm. Has led to her losing a couple friends before.
She can get quite violent if angered enough especially if it involves helping her family. Makes her quite more intimidating alongside her cold glare and robotic voice.

Likes: Metalwork, Art, Clothes her girlfriend makes, Comics and novels, Chess, Secretly making friends and mecha toys which she's embarrassed about.
Dislikes: Being flirted to, Interruptions to her work, Crowds, Being called 'bitch' (common insult to her apparently), Flies and Her sister crying or being scared makes her likely to lash out.

Abilities: High strength and durability. No need for food, drink or sleep.
In exchange for less strength than her twin Eve's able to manipulate her body in multiple ways...usually used to make herself taller than average to tease her twin or to stretch her arm to grab things.
Skills: A good engineer and metal worker, skilled programmer, skilled with puzzles or riddles doung them through odd methods and a skilled boxer

Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush/Relationship: Has a girlfriend known as Amanda, a Raiju, who's a fashion designer. Seems to be one of the few who can read her expressions easily.
Family: Her mothers Scylla Oppen and Yamata also her aunt Brunhildr and Athena. Her twin Chary who she adores.

Eve was built alongside her twin by her mother, the mad but kind scientist Scylla, in order to give her and her wife Yamata children. From the start Eve has had trouble with her emotions and often displayed a cold demeanour that luckily her mothers saw through to see her kind and protective nature. However Chary couldn't and this worried Eve.

However Eve was surprised when Chary wanted to send time with her. A good amount of time aswell. With her help the golem discovered her adoration of science. She also met a girl called Amanda who the golem quickly crushed on. With Chary's help Eve confessed and has ended up dating the fashion designer. This helped her admit to her sister that she always admired her and enewsup bonding more with her much to their mother's delight.

However one day Eve had to move from the town for her work alongside Amanda. Sadly at the time Scylla started to fall ill more commonly. This led to the golem deciding to continue her projects for her mother. This led to her discovering various facts and traits of the various supernaturals of the world. Luckily Amanda was there to help her through it emotionally.

One day she started to feel extremely homesick so decided to take up a project based around Doncaster's supernatural scene. It'd let her see her family and finish one of Scylla's big projects. Project Allure, a way to help the supernaturals with harder to hide features hide them in order to fit into humanity if desired. It was a nice project.

As such she secretly returned to Doncaster in order to do the project and to surprise her family. She also intends to try to set up a lab there so she and Amanda can move back even with work.

- Despite their identical looks, Eve is usually taller than Chary through her ability, its done both to tease as a joke...and to make it easier to protect her
-Her model kits are proudly displayed in her apartment or given to local kids and adults, feels nice to her
-Has fake glasses
-Often visits the cafe Chary works at while writing up notes cause its good quality...and she wants to see her twin.
-Will often put her arm on a friends shoulder to show affection and will rarely hug them quickly.
-Literally has a robotic sounding voice at times (ooc her voice claim is Glados)
-Once silenced a rude person in the bar she works at sometimes with her glares..and her casually crushing a pint glass with a single hand
-Often wears gym clothes or labcoats casually, seemed to even made her build lean muscular 'have to make my strength easier to explain'
-Makes her eyes yellow to make telling the twins apart easier
-Sneaks up on folks accidentally except Chary or Amanda, her moms do the sneaking up on her.
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I'm still watching you guys. I passed my World History with a C-, which is better than I thought! I'm on my last course for - ever! So, trying to get my bearings and get reality squared away before coming back to a few RPs. If I can, I'll toss my babies in still.
Wooo good job buddy and i am 100% fine with ya watching
And Eve's finished wooo!, hope yall like her
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Hey, i am still relatively new to this site. Thought i'd try submitting a character here. Is it possible?
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Name: Samuel Watterbourn
Nickname: Tired Toymaker
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Human

Appearance: A 6ft5 middle european guy, with short brown hair and bags under his green eyes. He is often seen wearing a black trenchcoat in all seasons.

Occupation: A toymaker, but he will also make and sell weapons when he cant pay for the resources or tools required to make toys.
Home: A run down mechanic's on the outskirts of Doncaster.
Hobbies: Reading books, hunting, occasionally taking care of kids, maintaining his granfather's Kar98k rifle and taking his dog, Roy, to a walk.

Personality: A mostly calm and patient person, who is mostly isolated. He will mostly stay silent , but he can talk nonstop if he is in the mood. He is tired most of the time due to working very long in his workshops.

Likes: Dogs, comics, history, rock music and long conversations.
Dislikes: Coconuts, badly written books, people who take advantage of weaker people.

Abilities: Able to focus on one thing for long periods of time, and the plan forward.
Skills: He is good at making smaller contraptions, carpenting. He is also above avarage at ranged combat, and semi-good at hand-to-hand combat.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush/relationship: None at the moment
Alvin Watterbourn, Father.
Maria Watterbourn, Mother.
Susanne Watterbourn, Sister.

History: He was born in Budapest to a Hungarian father and a Romanian mother, moving to america when he was just two. His sister was born in america after arriving shortly after.His childhood was normal for the most part. His father ran a gunshop, with him making the weapons, while his mother worked as a social worker. His father thought him how to work with guns and complicated mechanics, in hopes of him taking over the gunshop. He did fairly well in school, almost managing to get in college, but having to cancel due to his father suffering a serious accident when a gun blew up in his face. He and his sister took up jobs so they can help out the family. He ended up joining the military when he was 18, serving 2 years. He was discharged after an accident wich involved him and his friends getting drunk, hijacking a tank, wrecking an officer's car, and driving the over 5 million dollar vehicle into a lake. Since then he took interest in making toys for children, after he made a music box for an orphan girl. His sister was more succesfull, making a name for herself being a great lawyer. He envied his sister succes, but he really didnt say anything about it, moving to Doncaster for a much more quiter life.

-He usually goes intown for a coffe, to buy tools and resources, or just have a walk till sunset.
-Even though he got discharged from the military, he still has a few friends there, having conversations with them over the phone.
looks good bud its accepted
I have interest in joining, it's my first time joining another RP group. So how do you apply?
Think i figured it out!
Name: Gohh Vanderwell
Nickname: Sweet Eater
Gender: Female
Age: 313 (Although she never really kept track of it, Look's like she is in her late teens.)
Race: Mimic
Appearance: A 4ft9 European girl. She has shoulder length Orange hair Thay always looks like she has a case of bed hair. Unkempt and a bit messy. Often wear's a simple white knee length dress with a singular large pocket on the belly. The sleeve's are only to the shoulder's and she will sometime's wear bright red knitted socks when at home. Has a tree-leaf green eye color and often has a look of someone who has just woken up.

Occupation: She, despite her look's of someone young and inexperienced. Runn's a little cafe tucked away in a back street where she would serve varying cup's of cold or warm drinks alongside a sandwich. She serves Spirit's and varying alchohol once the sun set's.

Home: Atop her little cafe is a small apartment she stay's in on the 2nd floor. It's dusty and a bit time-worn, but she enjoys the atmosphere of it.
Hobbies: She will often, when not working or ordering in supplies, play in her room. She likes to play with her Rabbit plushie, she will read on hot day's until it cools down and enjoy's going out in rain for walk's.

Personality: Often reserved and soft spoken, she does enjoy company, but she is unused to close bonds. She always seem's tired despite being wide awake and will usualy give a small gentle smile in response to most things. She alway's put's on a smile for her customer's and some of the longer-term customer's she will discount their order's as she enjoy's their time in her little cafe. She enjoy's playing hide and seek, but she will also when scared hide away by changing into something nearby to blend in. Often walk's about outside without sock's or shoes as she enjoy's the coolness of the ground against her feet.

Like's: Sweet's, her bunny plush, her little spider friend's who live in her room, Rain, snow, the smell of the sea and the seasons, her cafe and it's patron's, animals, headpats and hugs, cold weather, Hot chocolate, hide and seek.

Dislikes: Anyone touching her rabbit plush without permission, day's that are too hot, Sour food, people who only want thing's from her. Shoes.

Abilities: Despite appearance's has a very high durability. Her strength isnt too great though. She dosent need sleep, yet she enjoy's the feeling of taking a nice nap anyawy. Can change into different object's So-long as they are smaller than herself. Her main mouth is not on her head, but hidden going from her shoulder to bellybutton under her dress. It just look's like nothing's there unless she want's to use it though. Her mouth on her face work's fine.

Skills: She prides herself on her ability to make nice drink's and sandwiches to serve at her cafe. Her cooking is all she really has. She has a side-hobby of knitting different kind's of sock's to walk about in and little hat's for her bunny.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush/Relationship: None currently.
Family: Father and Mother were never around after being born. Her "Sister" Was the previous name holder of Gohh Vanderwell.

History: I was born in a dark forest, Rarely any sunlight came in and the sound of rain hitting the canopy of the treeline was always present. I hadn't been able to learn what forest that was, even to this day. There were a feww shrine's here and there that nature had slowly been reclaiming, but nothing else of note. The other inhabitant's of the forest learnt to ignore eachother. One day i came across a small family, they were having what they called a "Hike?" Two adult human's and a small female trailing behind a bit. She looked tired from all the walking. It was the first time i had spotted such creatures, so i followed them as best as i could without getting caught. After a few hour's they stopped to rest. The adult's seemed eager to venture onwards, the little girl didnt. Whilst resting she would play with this little rabbit plushie she kept in her bag. It was a light blue rabbit with grey paws and purple button nose. She even talked to it! I couldnt hear much of it though.

I don't know why, but watching this little family travel was the most fun i'd already had in years! I wanted to watch them more! But that was hard... But had an idea. When the family had completed their rest and were packing up to begin the next leg of their venture, i had snuck over to the girl's bag. I was naught more than a puddle of sludge at the time, transforming into leave's or twig's never took my fancy, and now upclose to all these object's in her bag i could change into so many fun things! A pen, an eraser, a cup, a note pad! So many chances to enjoy morphing. I tried the bunny a few times, but it was difficult. The family seemed to be travveling for hour's so i had sopme time to learn! By the time they had stopped for another rest, i had managed to get the shape of the bunny and it's texture just right. I got the nose color wrong though, thankfuly she either didnt notice or chose not to. To turn into something is to consume some of it. By the time i learnt to change to the bunny, a lot of her little item's were gone. I felt a little bad, but she had her bunny. So she didnt look upset! And from there my journey's outside the forest began!

This girl took me everywhere! She showed me all these cute little stores! Her friend's who played doll's. Her bedroom where she often played with me and slept with me. It was so warm, so plesant. And i watched her grow as she went from toddler to a young teenager. Every day she would tall to me asif she knew i wasnt innanimate. Thinking back, i wasn't sure if she knew or not. She alway's talked of where she wanted to go. What she wanted to do, her dream's and aspirations. They mean't nothing to me sadly, i didnt know what they were. But she certainly left a point that she wanted to leave her hometown and explore! To see the Sea and to enjoy her life! She alway's gave me warmth and smile's and i loved getting them. I felt a bit wrong for taking her bunny's face, but she was happy. And so was i! I wanted to see her grow more. But that wasn't going to happen.

She had gone out one day, myself left to sit on her shelf until she came back. She was always gone until 6Pm where she would return from her school house. Always coming in usualy on the dot where she would come upstairs to talk with me. But she didnt. It was odd, but perhap's she had simply gotten side-tracked? 6pm turned to 7. Then to 8, then to 9. No sign of her and it was getting worrying. She never spoke of late errands or a sleepover at her friends. I had never known her to be this late, i had never been this way before. But i shew worry for this little human. I had spent a long time getting attached to her, so it was natural i would see her as a big sister now with the way's she looked after my bunny form.

That's when i heard it though, at 10:30 the door would open. I was relieved when it did, but the worry came back as it was her father who came in. He was pale and looked like he had seen a ghost. I had seen a few in the forest, i could understand the feeling i guess? He looked around before spotting me on the shelf. Quietly approaching and taking me from my little perch above her bed. The next thing i knew i was in a car going somewhere. The silence was almost deafening.

We, after a little bit of time, arrived at a largge white looking building with lot's of windows. The father took me and walked inside. The smell of the place was weird. Like someone used far too much cleaner on everything. We spent a little time in an oron box that felt like it went up before more walking, then finaly at the door. The silence of the father was already worrying. And that worry would rise as we went inside. In the room was a bed, inside that bed was her. The girl i had waited for. I was happy to see her, but she was covered in bandages and she had lot's of stringy things in her. Before i could think much on it, the father had tucked me into the bed with her. All before he would break down crying? She was just sleeping though, right? Then the man in white came in. And i learnt what had happened. When she was on her way home from her school, she had managed to get into a traffic accident. The result putting her on death's door and from what i could understand she won't recover with those wounds. The new's wasnt nice, i almost lost my form of the bunny plush a few times whilst i tried to process the information and hide from the doctor and father.

After the father and doctor left, when it was just us. I would come to understand her situation. And it hurt. My older sister was dying. I lost my want to remain still now, moving my fluffy limb's to hug her. Even though i weighed next to nothing she would sting. I wanted to tell her it would be okay, to tell her that her bunny could always hear her. But she would never see my face again. So i sat facing her, unable to think on how i could help. But i heard her one last time. "Bunneee..." Her voice hoarse and tiny. Didnt even realise i had moved till i was giving her a hug. But i also felt the last bit of air come from her.

The funeral was 3 day's later. I was to be burried alongside her in the casket. I was still, quiet and lonely. I had thought to all the times she had given me love and i could never return that favour. I lay in that casket for hour's. They were to bury it in another few hours. I remembered all our chat's and tea-parties and cuddles. She wanted to see it all, and she had sown me everything. Then through my grief i came up with a somewhat regrettable plan. A spur of emotion and of the moment. The closed casket that awaited the burrial hour made soft noises of shifting and occasional clicking noises. and after 2 hour's my work was complete.

As the parent's and preist came to see the daughter one last time. They would open her casket to find it empty. No sign of their daughter or her bunny. Naturally this would cause a panic. Yet whilst they were searching high and low for her. I had already slipped out a hour prior. It was difficult to move still and if i wasnt careful i could be caught as i slip away into the forest. But i had done it, i had made a choicee i could never undo. After ensuring my escape was smooth and well on my way into the distance, i took a moment to inspect myself. My arm's were werid to control. My balance was difficult and sometimes i had to crawl a little whilst i got used to it. And my hair sometimes got in the way of my eyes. But there i stood. My green eye's lightly illuminated in the dark. My orange hair gently flowing in the breeze. And a lone still bunny plush cuddled to my chest in crossed arm's. Gohh Vanderwell wanted to see the world outside her town. And now she would. Even if i had to become her to do it. My big sister was the world to me, and now she live's through me too.

Notes: Despite car's taking her sister's life, she dosent hate them.
Often drink's too much hot chocolate or sweet wine as she likes the taste and sweetness.
Never uses her main mouth and instead uses her human one. Unless needed.
She never roam's far from home unless she has reason too.
Often frequent's the dentist who would inspect her Main mouth's teeth. (She has a regular who know's of her mimic's teeth.)
Looks nice accepted!
Huh. Kinda like this concept.