BY INVITATION ONLY West Forever Fall (Strange new arrivals in remnant side thread)

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Fluff lord
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First morning.
The whole of the student body had been awoken quite unceremoniously before the sun over Renmant even had a chance to peek out from the edge of the horizon. To the locker rooms they had all been shown, and given an hour to prep and grab breakfast in the dining hall. Each were assigned lockers with unique codes… it did feel like basic training for a military force, didn't it? While they were given the time to get these things done, they were still rather rushed. With at least 6 professors watching over them at all times, some being less discrete about it than others.
The students were then asked to pick slivers of paper from a rather proper looking top hat. And on each sliver of paper was either a stylized 'E' or a stylized 'W'. There was an even number of students in each of those groups. And then they were separated, those with 'E' slips of paper taken in one direction, and those with 'W' taken another. They would board bus like hover-vehicles, nothing fancy. Or even nice. Rather noisy transports, they were. But they served the purpose. Many on the ride were fairly quiet, hushed conversations perhaps. But there were many who were quite nervous.


Yang is not amongst them.
Yang grins widely as she sits in her seat her fists thrust into the air. Hands then come down, drumming her hands incessantly on the back of the seat in front of her. A wide grin across her painted lips as she looks to those around her. "I am so hyped! I can't WAIT ta get out there and smash some Grimm skulls!" She leans forward a little and shakes the shoulder of whomever is sitting in front of her "Get it? Grimm Skulls? Cause their faces look like skulls?" She laughs delightedly, then sitting back in her seat. Her lavender eyes scan the seats around her, and she turns a little in her seat. She spots all the members of the Yang Gang (they know they are a part of it whether they like it or not), save for Mec and Clint. Which kind of sucks. But she did know there was a darn good chance she wouldn't be sent out for the trials with all of them. The picks were completely random, after all. She shouts above the rest of the conversations, her fists thrusting up once more "CaydeLadyStephen ya ready?" She laughs again, seeming to already be something of an annoyance to the pilot of the transport.
The transport drives passed an old wooden gate, and on the side of the lonely road is a softly glowing holographic sign

'Forest of Forever Fall - West Entrance'

Yang sits up to watch the sign as they pass it, grinning like a Cheshire when she sits back in her seat. Her gaze is drawn towards the increasing foliage they enter into. Surrounded now on all sides by shades of red, orange and gold colors. A vast and beautiful forest… named because it seems like it is continuously in a beautiful fall season…
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The ex-guardian hadnt slept at all the previous night, just stared into space for hours, but hes not too tired. Hes used to it by now, he'll crash later but thats future Caydes problem. He inspected Ace fondly, he was happy to be able to use the beauty again. He then looked at the folks around him. The gang was here minus Clint and Mec, hes so gonna ask them how it went. He saw some others there he didnt recognise. Wonder how they do.

Cayde chuckled at Yangs joke. "i cant wait either Blondie, hopefully i can still do my stylish methods on these skull faced beasties" he said jokingly. He adjusted his mask for a bit, making sure it remains secure. Hes done a lotta prep work in the time he had, dust rounds fed unto ace, some throwing knives and some dust based grenades. Those...took a bit.

"hell yeah im ready, its been a bit since ive been able to brawl, got a reputation to keep up ya know" he further joked shooting finger guns to some of the people around him.​
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Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryu was simply staring out of the window. Taking in the sights as they drove, some of the areas in this place where very pretty afterall. He eventually tore his eyes away from the window to adjust his gauntlets. The Dragon had used a variety of weapons during his frankly strange life but these where some of the most unique. Simple transformation compared to others but fit with his fighting style the most.

He looked up hearing a girl excitedly yelling. It was interesting to hear, like a very toned down Majima. He hopes she isnt insane like his old rival. Hopefully Velvet was doing well in her group, she was a good person and it was admittedly sas he couldn't see how she fought yet. Its what he was curious on with most people here, the huntsman he met fought oddly unlike others.

He saw the wooden gate followed by the beautiful fall like environment around. Hed like to admire it but he had to be ready to fight. "wonder what the goal is here" he muttered quietly as he scanned the outside of the window​

Lady clutched the sling of her rocket launcher as Yang celebrated the upcoming trials. "So do I," she piped up in agreement with Cayde. "How 'bout a bet, Cayde? Whoever kills the most while keeping it stylish gets lunch, paid for by the loser." She sounded cool and confident without coming off as cocky. Though Lady hadn't divulged her origins, she didn't seem to be a stranger to fighting. "We'll need a judge, of course." Her eyes scanned over to Stephen, who didn't seem like much of a fighter or a gambler.

Cereza stretched as she waited to deploy, likely to the chagrin of others on the cramped airship. If she had wanted a slumber party, it would have been in a plush room full of soft pillows—not one layer of padding away from the hard floor. Still, the enthusiasm of one blonde girl kept the witch's spirits high, as if the thrill of the hunt didn't. "What a breath of fresh air in this stuffy funeral procession. Love the energy, girl," she complimented, pointing to Yang. "What is your name, anyway?"

Meanwhile, a man clad in black accented with olive-drab green webbing sat at the rear of the vehicle. He remained perfectly still, complicating efforts to read his body language. The red tint of his gas mask's lenses made it difficult to even study his eyes. The only sign he still lived was the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, accompanied by the hiss of air passing in and out of the filter. On a sling at his side was a rifle with bayonet lugs under the barrel. Said bayonet—a veritable shortsword on its own—remained sheathed on his tactical belt.
Victor was quiet throughout the morning, his thoughts focused on the day ahead. His 'dismal' combat scores were a pressing concern as he figured today's activities would include it at some point. He didn't seem too concerned with the morning rush, calm and cool as he kept slightly ahead of the bulk of the student body. That image had broken slightly when some zombie of a kid in rumpled clothes bumped into him near the coffee maker, spilling coffee down the front of Victor's suit and not leaving him enough time to change out of it. He was relieved that the disaster of a human being was not in his testing group, and as they loaded onto the bus his gaze flicked over Cereza.

After the events of last night... This was not a coincidence, despite how random things seemed. He breathed out a strained sigh as the blonde behind him kept tapping on his seat.

He was reading up on different fighting forms that pistol wielding huntsmen have used over the years on his scroll, trying his best to visualize the movements described but the hovering tin can was becoming too noisy for the faunus to focus. The jostling of his shoulder was the nail in the coffin as far as his efforts went. "Yes, yes... Very clever." He says impassively, just barely humoring the girl. His tail slowly flicked in his lap.

His gaze flicks to Cereza, somehow not surprised that she'd be encouraging this. He almost wished he picked the spot next to the guy in the gas mask. Maybe then he could study in peace. He adjusted his hat slightly and focused back on his scroll.

Victor Zeyan
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At this time Yang is half standing in front of her seat, her hands gripping the back of the seat in front of her. She would drum rapidly on the seat back in front of her, then grip when she felt a change in direction with the transport, then go back to drumming on the seat.

With a wide toothy grin she looks to Bayonetta when the woman speaks up… ah already an admirer! She finger guns towards Bayonetta and winks as she speaks in a boisterous tone "Love your style!" she then motions to herself with a thumb "I'm Yang! And this…" Now she motions to each person as she still stands "is my crew! Lady, Cayde and Stephen. We call ourselves the Yang Gang!" No one… ever… agreed to that. But if there is a band to be had, Yang would most likely be the lead singer. At least in her head.

And then a gruff and… impatient… shout from the front of the transport "Xiao Long sit down! I'm not telling you again!" The pilot angrily yells as he looks over his shoulder towards Yang, and then back to the console in front of him. Yang giggles and flops down in her seat. She waves her hand above her head as she calls out "Sorry! Again!"
Stephen Strange

Strange would have to admit that he felt very rested, actually sleeping last night. The morning went with him doing everything that was told in silence, it quickly dawned upon him of the militaristic system they had in here and he adapted to such approach without much fuss. He did fight in the War of the Seven Spheres, he was once a War General for the Vishanti for 500,000 thousand years so it didn't bother, just wasn't expected.

When he boarded the flying bus he realized Clint probably got separated through the selection process earlier. He sighed, he knew Clint can handle himself but he still worry.

As he boarded the flying bus he noticed Mec was also absent and assumed he must've been with Clint. He also noticed something that quiet literally shocked him and it took him a while to regain his composure. There were four of them, four foreign beings just like him and one of them radiated a kind of energy he knew all too well. Magic.

The woman was dressed rather elegantly, doning a slim glasses. Her composure reminded him of Umar, Dormammu's sister. He noted that he'll keep an eye on her, not that he was responsible for anyone here, however, they might hinder his chance of getting out of here with Clint if they aren't too friendly, the possibility of them working for whoever sent Clint crossed his mind and didn't help the suspicion that clouded his mind.

The other person that drew him in was a man with a helmet with an aura that seem to suck the brightness out of everything around him. They seem stoic and unwavering, and someone you shouldn't f*ck around with. Strange let out a small smirk, he's someone Strange would eagerly like to see in combat.

The other two seem asian descent yet he knew that they were definitely not from the same place, thier existential auras proved true to his statement. The man in the hat was impassive and focused on reading something, he couldn't care less what Yang was saying. The gauntlet wearing man had a calculating and cold gaze as they piered out of the window, he couldn't quiet get the guy but he seemed pretty mortal to him, however, he can't say the same for sure about what he knew or was capable. Back in his world, humans like Black Widow and Elektra constantly remind him how dangerous non-magic users can be.

In response to Yang enthusiastic introduction to her team, which he didn't sign up for, he gave a casual wave at them, not holding thier gaze for too long before turning his attention to outside.

Take the risk or lose the chance

@AshenAngel @Camleen
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Cayde looked at Lady with a chuckle jokingly putting a hand to his chin in thought. Not that he needed to think of an answer. "ill have to take you up on that bet Lady, ill be sure to wow our judge" he joked nudging Stephen as best he could in good humour. He was hoping hed be able to show his skills and entertain folks. Always a nice thing to do with a team.

Hearing Yang introducing the Yang Gang, nice rhyme, the exo gave a quick salute with a chuckle. "nice to meet ya, gotta say im not complaining with the styles all around" he said as he leant on his hand. He wasnt lying about the style thing either. The hat guy, Yangs new pal, Mr Gloomy and the suit guy all looked nice to him. Even if Gloomy looked ready for a war.

When the pilot told Yang off he couldn't help but quietly laugh. Reminded him of the one time he and the rest of the vanguard had to go on a mission. Man he was sure Zavala was close to strangling him​
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Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryu turned around hearing the conversations going on. A interesting seeming bunch. He listened in for a bit making sure to observe their body language. All seemed friendly so far other than the gasmask wearing man and the grumpy formal man. Hopefully they dont cause trouble. He leant back calmly with a sigh.

"so any thoughts on what might be happening on this task" He asked calmly as he stared into space. He was trying to think what might be required of him. After a pause he focused on the others again "oh im Kiryu by the way, sorry for interrupting" he added realising he mightve interrupted a chat. He was adjusting the gauntlets offhandedly, still getting used to the feeling of these.​
The chatter, the boisterous attitudes, the pluck of those around him was slowly getting under Victor's skin. How the hell were all these people so laid back when they were being bussed off to combat nightmarish creatures drawn in by negative emotions? His tail slowly flicking in his lap was the only indicator of his growing stress and frustration.

His saving grace came in the form of the only other guy on the bus that was wearing a suit, two seats ahead of him. "It will likely start with a landing test like most other combat school assessments. If you can't figure out how to catch yourself after getting tossed around, the likelihood of becoming an actually effective huntsman is slim. Stronger Grimm send people flying on the regular, after all. I'm not exactly sure what the team selection process is, I believe it varies from school to school. We'll likely be briefed on the process before it begins." He answers Kiryu without looking up from his scroll, voice cold and vaguely disinterested... But the fact that he was actually engaging in the new topic was a small step forward.

"My name's Victor." His cold grey gaze finally lifts from his scroll, giving Kiryu a small nod of thanks for the more practical conversation. After all, it was best to be focused and prepared going into any type of combat scenario.

Victor Zeyan

The Yang Gang, huh? Though she didn't look particularly wary, Cereza made a mental note to especially not cause trouble with those four. Yang seemed popular, outgoing, and active—someone who could easily lead a clique. "Thank you. I only dress to impress," she retorted to the two members admiring her style.

"This lovely rain cloud is Victor," Cereza continued, pointing dramatically with both index fingers to her recent acquaintance. "We met just yesterday, but I think we can get him to warm up. Come to think of it... Where is that other girl? Ruby, I believe her name was." After giving the other passengers a once-over and finding no Ruby in sight, she shrugged. "Heading to the other end of the forest, I suppose."

Though most of the new students seemed all too eager and plucky, Lady detected the change in Stephen's demeanor as he looked around. On top of that, his eyes had lingered on Cereza for a little too long. The devil hunter cocked an eyebrow and leaned in to chat with him. "Stephen, what's up?" she muttered to him. It definitely wasn't the casual kind of "what's up"; she saw the lapse in his composure. She suspected he saw something concerning, and she was intent on picking his brain.
To be fair… no one has EVER asked to be part of the Yang Gang. It's just something that suddenly happens. If you are deemed cool, then you're in! Happy! Even if it's against your will… once you're Yang's friend… you're stuck with her!

Cereza motions to Victor, and Yang grins as she once more (quickly) stands to turn in her seat a little, her elbow leaning on the back of the seat. She gives an energetic and happy wave to Victor as she speaks in as cheerful a tone "Well hey man! Since you're in the Yang Gang's orbit, we'll make sure everything goes cool with you." She motions to everyone on the bus as she speaks louder "Same for all ya'll! If ya need somethin punched" she motions to herself with her thumb proudly, chest puffed out (more) "I'm yo girl!" She nods and quickly turns back correctly into her seat juuuuuuust as the pilot starts to look in her direction.

Behaving for the time it takes for the pilot to look back to his console, Yang sits up on her knees on her seat, scanning the rest of the transport. Her mind is moving a mile a minute, so she sometimes misses things on first look. So… "Kiryu, cool name bruh." She leans towards him a little, her elbow resting on the arm of her seat. "Glad to have ya here. I think I saw you last night…" now a finger comes up to tap her chin, her eyes diverted upwards as she thinks "I think.. iunno" she shrugs now and looks back to him "Saw a lot of cute boys last night and all." She says as she winks to him, a toothy smile.

Then towards the other she hadn't addressed yet. Towards the back of the vehicle she now gazes, hoping she makes eye contact with Hunk. His vibe isn't the same as hers, or of anyone's on the bus. And she gets that, she respects that. She knows plenty of good people like that. So when she thinks she has met his hidden eyes, she just nods to him with a little smile. Just to silently let him know he isn't forgotten about.

And then something else clicks in Yang's mind. She laughs and looks towards Cereza, kind of leaning back in her seat now, still sitting on her knees. "Hey babe, somethin we got in common! We both know a gal named Ruby!" She laughs, of course unable to make the next connection yet. It's just a coincidence after all.

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Cayde nodded in appreciation when Cereza commented on dressing to impress. A wonderful way to think in his eyes. He looked towards the lovely rain cloud. Good fashion but seemed grumpy. Either stressed or just a bad attitude, hard to tell honestly. "well im sure hes absolutely amazing to chat with" he joked lightly as he looked towards Lady and Stephen again.

Stephen seemed distracted and Lady seemed to be trying to see what's wrong. Good plan honestly. He looked towards Stephen again and turned enough to let him remove his mask to get a better look at his pal. "yeah you all good bud, or did you see a especially cool bird" he joked trying to get Stephen to chuckle. He found humour helped with worrying thoughts.​
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Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryu turned to look at Victor, the boy seemed cold but not cruel. He crossed his arms casually as he listened to the boy. He was right in that the grimm would likely send most flying during a fight. Luckily hes not a ordinary person, plus he managed to hold his own against the grimm he encountered before. "well thats good to hear, it sounds potentially bearable then, nice to meet you by the way Victor" he responded giving the boy a nod, appreciating the words.

He looked towards Yang when she began to talk to him. He raised his eyebrow at the wink.He was unsure how to take that, he isnt the best with people afterall. "yeah i saw you guys aswell, i was with a rabbit girl, she thought you guys seemed nice" he said simply with a slight chuckle​
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Stephen Strange

"Alright, but don't go getting sour if you lose"

He shot back at Cayde, letting out a good belly laugh. With a defensive look in Lady's direction, he held up his hand.

"Besides, you both seem very capable fighters, who knows, you both could end in a draw."

After Cayde nudged him back to reality, he realized he was ruminating a lot, which isn't unusual, but it has been happening all the time lately. He undoubtedly talked too quickly, but he didn't want to alarm the others or arouse suspicions. To his dismay, Lady leaned close to him and appeared eager to strike up a discussion.

With a strange expression on his face, Stephen wondered why exactly Lady was talking to him here. She spoke in a way that sounded questioning, but normally he would have dismissed it as social curiosity. All he could gather from Lady's question was that she was inquisitive to know yet persistent. It didn't sit well with him, and he hoped that if he could just push her away from him, Clint would have known how to handle it.

"I'm fine Lady, it didn't occur to me that we'll be doing our orientation in the forest, probably misheard what the instructor told us. Small brain I'm I right?"

He gently tapped his head in an attempt to make lighthearted humor, which was unusual for him because he isn't usually as expressive, funny, or good with jokes.
Take the risk or lose the chance

@AshenAngel @Camleen