MUSIC What are you listening to? 2.0

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The original Enigma album.

The principles of lust are burned into your mind,
Do what you want, do it until you find love.
T___T I want to marry Taka's voice. Can I marry someone's voice? 'Cause I wanna.

Also, my local radio station played this song the other day. I fangirled into oblivion. I'm so happy for OOR! The band's really making a name for itself over here! \O/
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I don't even know. My kid brother won't stop singing it, so I tried listening to it to get the song out of my head.

WARNING: Possible trigger content.
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I don't even know. My kid brother won't stop singing it, so I tried listening to it to get the song out of my head.

WARNING: Possible trigger content.
Nothing like a homicidal maniac feasting on the flesh of Too Many Cooks.

Edit: Showed this to my father awhile back. He started laughing his ass off at the cannibal feast and the Battlestar Galactica spoof.
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because i'm a sucker for nostalgically bad dubs....with surprisingly good music

Let your speakers melt to the desk.
Allow your monitor to explode.
It will be a good death.