What Do You Know? It Happened Again!

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I made a thread about this almost a year ago, which involved 2 particular roleplaying sites, but here I am again to say the same thing for the third time.

Yet another roleplaying site has become increasingly restrictive, even forcing members to retcon their active RPs, destroying them in the process.

Prepare for a flood of new users (hopefully). 2 have already made it from there due to my posts on that site surrounding my resistance to the new restrictions.

Long Live Iwaku!
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I do feel very bad for players who are forced to move sites during big policy changes. D: It sucks having to leave behind all that content and get used to a new space.

As an admin, though I also feel for the Admins who make these policy changes. O: I've had to make these kind of decisions myself in the past, and even now I question current policies and debate whether or not I still have the energy to maintain what we presently have. O_O It's a LOT of work and at the end of the day site owners have to do what works for them best so they can enjoy the space they're putting so much time and money in to run.

Luckily, there's thousands of roleplay sites out here. 8D Iwaku is happy to be the right space for people, and if we don't work out, I'm always happy to help people find other roleplay spaces too. I 100% encourage people to share all their favorite roleplay sites in the Off-Site ads forum. There's spaces for everyone.
I 100% encourage people to share all their favorite roleplay sites in the Off-Site ads forum. There's spaces for everyone.
That's already a breath of fresh air, since the site I mentioned forbids any mention of other roleplaying sites for the purpose of "not losing members". When I put it like that, it's quite literally the definition of a cult...
I 100% encourage people to share all their favorite roleplay sites in the Off-Site ads forum. There's spaces for everyone.
That's already a breath of fresh air, since the site I mentioned forbids any mention of other roleplaying sites for the purpose of "not losing members". When I put it like that, it's quite literally the definition of a cult...
I always found that to be a red flag about that site, and it is suddenly clear why. I don't care, I told all my partners about Iwaku anyway. 😂
I always found that to be a red flag about that site, and it is suddenly clear why. I don't care, I told all my partners about Iwaku anyway. 😂
Time and time again, Iwaku holds the least amount of restrictions, and the least restrictive restrictions, for writing, by far. Their policies are completely sensical and based heavily on facts. I'm one step away from this being my sole roleplaying site.
Y'all better not end up being a bunch of weirdos though >:[ I'll be real mad
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It really sucks to have to get used to a new site but I hope any new members we receive feel welcomed and at home.
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I 100% encourage people to share all their favorite roleplay sites in the Off-Site ads forum. There's spaces for everyone.
That's already a breath of fresh air, since the site I mentioned forbids any mention of other roleplaying sites for the purpose of "not losing members". When I put it like that, it's quite literally the definition of a cult...
I always found that to be a red flag about that site, and it is suddenly clear why. I don't care, I told all my partners about Iwaku anyway. 😂
Right, lol, either way that site is gonna shed a lot coming up I bet dunno where they gonna flock to but I know I did come here :D. Either way y'all been welcoming and Tsukasa I am a weirdo as well~
Right, lol, either way that site is gonna shed a lot coming up I bet dunno where they gonna flock to but I know I did come here :D. Either way y'all been welcoming and Tsukasa I am a weirdo as well~
I've just about had enough of that other site, to be honest. They're both liars and hypocrites, which can be seen publicly. The best move is to come here if you value your freedom and respect yourself.
Right, lol, either way that site is gonna shed a lot coming up I bet dunno where they gonna flock to but I know I did come here :D. Either way y'all been welcoming and Tsukasa I am a weirdo as well~
I've just about had enough of that other site, to be honest. They're both liars and hypocrites, which can be seen publicly. The best move is to come here if you value your freedom and respect yourself.
Right I completely agree! Now to shake off my shyness and take a dive in the pool and meet others 😂
-starts reaching towards the ban buttons- >:[
-starts reaching towards the ban buttons- >:[

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Y'all better not end up being a bunch of weirdos though >:[ I'll be real mad
Pots and kettles, Owl Mom. Just remember that: pots calling kettles black 🤣

You know I'm a weirdo, thus my paying you money.
giving me money just makes me more suspicious! >:[
giving me money just makes me more suspicious! >:[
Especially when I leave it in a brown paper bag under the bench at the park next to where you buried the last...body of concern? 😉
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Reactions: ImaginationGoneWild