When Kingdom Come...

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This isn't just a design for myself, this is a design for an entire group of people to put together.

I'm looking to begin an epic kingdom's war battle. Therefore, we need at least FIVE kingdoms, and we need characters from every kingdom to come together and figure out how to stop the war before it destroys everything.

Possible reasons for strife in each kingdom are to be determined by the one who controls one kingdom. Examples that could be used are as follows:

1. Invading territories.
2. Theft of animals, land, or personal property.
3. Nobles and corrupt knights.
4. Fucked up kings, and rulers.
5. Lack of supplies, denied partnerships.
6. Left to fight alone, extreme self defense.

There are a ton of ideas and ways a kingdom can handle itself. To join, list what kingdom you want, what the race is that primarily lives in it (elves, dwarves, blah blah,) and then right below the description of your kingdom, write at least one character (max of 3) that are involved in the struggle to make it all stop in time. A bio would be super helpful. You can just post your bio right here in the thread.

You do not need a map. I'll draw a quick map in Photoshop of where our kingdoms are located. We will come up with a name for the world, and the names of the countries the kingdoms are involved in. We're going to create an entire world, and we're going to work together in it.

It may not all be war. Say we're all just hanging around a campfire telling ghost stories, and bonding as friends. There will be lots of traveling, cross country on donkeys or horses to get where we need to go. There are a lot of supplies we'd need to stop in towns for, ask directions, and questions the folks who live in whatever kingdom we are currently inside of at the moment. This will run a lot like an RPG, only there aren't items and key things to fight along the way. Sure, there would be the occasional wild cat or wolf, but we're not always going to be fighting epic monsters like the giant slugobeastfromunderthesea or whatever. Realistic beasts, realistic travel, and realistic friendships.

Feel free to add in your own romances and otherwise special character bonds. Who cares? What fantasy or story doesn't have some sort of lovin' up in there? Also, for kingdoms, you will need to give me a list of special key characters for each castle. Examples are as follows, so that we know we have a definite solid castle life, rather than bunch of random NPC's. These characters are key, and what make a castle life full and filling.

1. A king and queen, of course.
2. Knights, guards, and those who control the military. (Can't think of the name.)
3. Specific nobles, such as dukes and duchesses who run smaller sections of the kingdom. They are needed! A king can't control every single aspect of every town!
4. Options additions for characters include jesters, pages, scribes, assassins, and otherwise creative folk to add color.

Specific characters should have a short bio. Very short, just a name, title, personality, and a quick one-paragraph backround. I don't want to overwork you with tons of ridiculous forms. The one I have posted below is a good example, and if you want to use it, shoot. Just take your time.

I'm starting this in a new post so it doesn't clutter the first post.
This is my character, and kingdom information. Feel free to use this as a base to fill yours out, but you can add and delete things as you want to.

There are four continents, but one is broken up into a set of islands. The larger continent has 3 of the kingdoms there, the smaller ones have one each, and the islands have none. They aren't owned by either kingdom, and are considered to be free.

My Kingdom: - Jester

Name: Singh - A kingdom made up of Ice Elves, and Humans.
Country: Ah'viin
Continent: Kal'Ashtar
Reason of Strife: Corrupt King

The Characters:

King: Albin Yalkein - Wants to destroy the Third Quarter, in the continent of Kal'Ashtar. Two other kingdoms reside in this area. If he takes control of both, he has triple the armory to defeat the other two kingdoms, on two other different continents.

Queen: Elsi Yalkein - Is sickly, and constantly in bed. She does't even know what the king has been up to.

Page: Inkar - Right-Hand to King Yalkein. Sends messages among the guards, and the War Chief to assassinate nobles and underlings who threaten to reveal plans or information that wasn't meant to be heard or seen. Blindly respects the king, and wishes for a higher place as a knight later on when he's proven his worth.

Jester: Nexus - Was the fool to the king, until he overstepped his boundaries in a joke during a public reception among guests. Was punished to have his head taken off, and returned as a demon for vengeance. Seeks to dismantle his plans, and make him suffer justice.

Left Knight: Xengar - Training Inkar in being a knight. He is known as the Left Knight, as he walks beside the king during ceremonies as a personal body guard as a double up of being a regular knight. He is completely unaware of the goings on, and the king keeps him innocent because there is a lack of paranoia with being back-stabbed that way.

War Chief: Chalin - Trainer of the soldiers that guard the kingdom's walls, and is also completely corrupt, teaching his men how to kill dirty, and how to take advantage of weakness. Chalin is in some ways more threatening than the king himself, and happily awaits his command to send his men into the other kingdoms nearby.

Characters of the Quest:

Name: Nexus

Nickname: Jester
Race: Ice Elf/Demon
Eyes: Gray with a glowing white iris. No pupil.
Hair: Black
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 6'4"
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Powers: Disappearing, Flying, Ice Breath/Energy Balls, Ethereal
Abilities: Speechcraft, Acrobatics, Juggling, Dancing, Sleight of Hand

Personality: Can be moody or aloof with strangers, and has a philosophical side. When around friends, can be goofy, loud, obnoxious, and sometimes abrasive with his jokes, however, is extremely protective and defiant, and sometimes too rash to make hard-thought decisions. In general, sways more in Chaotic Neutral. His taste in evil is low, however he can be unpredictable.


Name: Ivy

Nickname: Ives/Ivy Leaf
Brown, Long
Weight: 150lbs

Drawing, Writing, Speechcraft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Stealth, Listening

Bossy and controlling. Ivy likes to make sure Nexus knows his place, considering he watches over her, and is her one and only best friend. She's known him since she was 2 years old, and therefore looks at him as a brother. There are few moments where she reverts back to being a child, running into his arms crying about something bad that happened at school or that her family said. During these moments, Nexus just smiles and rolls his eyes, talking her through the situation until she calms herself.

My Kingdom - That's Great Bob

Name: Shilvaria - A kingdom made entirely of magic crystals that are collected and shaped into humanoids known as Shilvarians, an ancient magical race whose origin is drenched in lore and legend.

Race: Shilvarians - Without defining gender or facial features, the race tells different members apart by the magic aura they emit. While no eyes, mouth, ears or other sensory organs can be detected, they are fully capable of sight, speech and hearing. Many stand taller than most men, averaging at around seven-feet tall with exceptions in both directions. They are clear formed of jagged crystals that emit a color that reflects their current emotion. A very secretive and noble race, they often look down upon races other than theirs.

Many thousands of Shilvarians comprise a large army that specializes both in magical and physical battle. Some Shilvarians are particularly good with a mix of offensive and defensive magic, while others are incapable of using magic at all and rely on their large size and brute strength to deal damage.

Continent: Shil'Av

Reason of Strife: The crystals that they view as sacred and their very life-force are being stolen by other Kingdoms to be used in the war for magical weapons.

The Characters:
(They do not go by names inside their kingdom, only those outside give individuals names through personal experience)

'King': Believed to be one of the very first Shilvarians created, the 'king' is revered with the utmost respect and any of the Shilvarians would gladly die to protect their 'king'. 'He' is a wise and caring ruler that cares for the well being and protection of 'his' kingdom and its inhabitants.

Council of the Inner Circle: A group of the most intelligent scholars and best forge-masters of the kingdom, they reside in the deepest innermost sanctum of the Castle of Crystal where they study ancient magic and craft new Shilvarians from the deepest most powerful crystals mined.

Guardians of the Inner Circle: Created for the sole purpose of protecting the inner circle, these guardians stand nearly 20 feet tall and are silent protectors. Extremely strong and dedicated, they live for nothing but to protect the Inner Circle's members. They stand alongside the corridor leading to the inner sanctum. They will attack and kill anyone who has not gained prior consent to enter. Permission is rarely granted.

Commander of the Legion: One of the earliest created, apart from the Inner Council, King and Guardians, 'he' has been appointed the job of commanding the army of Shilvarians that comprise 70% of the population of Shilvaria. Skilled equally in magic and physical combat, "he' is a force to be reckoned with.

Characters of the Quest:

Name: Dubbed 'Ca'altu' (Old tongue meaning, "The Cold One")
Race: Shilvarian
Gender: ???
Age: They do not measure time as humans and other humanoid races do, they are immortal unless slain.

Reason for Leaving: One of the Inner Council members, Ca'altu was appointed as liaison between others, he has set out to seek others with similar beliefs in stopping the war before it is too late.

Personality: Calm, cool, collected. Sometimes arrogant in its belief of its own intelligence, it views most, if not all others outside its race as inferior to itself. It is passive and only resorts to violence in the most extreme circumstances. If you can befriend it, it is very loyal and protective. Its kind never lies and sees those who do as weak and foolish and will not trust, respect or aid them in any way.

Physical Appearance: Standing nearly 7 feet tall, weighing in excess of 2,000lbs, much of the beings body is cloaked in a dark hooded robe. Its face is usually hidden by shadows, wishing not to attract attention to itself. When it is viewed without the hooded robe, the crystalline body is massive and ice-like both in appearance and temperature, it glows with a light blue aura emanating from its core.

Equipment: None.


Magic Absorption. Any magic directed at the being is absorbed by its crystalline body. It can be reflected back at the enemy in a focused strike after being contained and reversed towards the enemy.

Crystal Weaponry: The being can cause its arms to turn into large crystal weapons ranging from large claymores to hammers, clubs, spears and even shields.

Ancient Knowledge: There is nearly nothing that escapes the mind of an elder Shilvarian and Ca'altu is no exception. Knowledgeable in all languages of the lands, medical knowledge, herbal, animal, virtually anything in existence Ca'altu knows something useful about it.

Name: Brandt (Last name unknown)
Race: Human/Wood Elf
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Short, skinny and often covered with dirt and other debris. His clothing is usually tattered and just as dirty as he is. Nappy, matted brown hair adorns his head. He wears no shoes and his feet are heavily callused.
Equipment: Lock-picks, shivs, bits of rope, and stolen dry goods (jerky, bread, etc).
Powers/Skills: With no supernatural powers, the boy makes up for it with his agility and speed. He can scale flat walls, trees, rocks, etc with little to no foot/handholds. He is a street rat and is skilled in all the perks that come with it, from pickpocketing, lock picking, lying, etc... One strange thing about him is his natural affinity with animals with one exception: Dogs. Any canine he's around makes him feel very nervous and the animal can sense it, normally leading to attacks and having Brandt run for his life.
History: Grew up on the streets as an orphan, developing his skills to survive.
Misc: Brandt has a pet Scurgrat (pronounced; Scur-Grat)(A tiny, furry creature incapable of speech, but very intelligent for an animal. It has a long tail and blunt teeth used for gnawing. Around 6 inches long minus the 6 inch long tail, the creature is quick and opportunistic, often using its tiny hands to steal shiny objects from people where it will then take them to its nest (in this case, its owner) and stow them away as treasure. Tiny wings adorn its back and after it reaches maturity (at about two years old) they are capable of flight over short distances (30 - 50 feet) They are most often found living in colonies in large cities and sometimes smaller towns, rarely found in tiny villages. ((Think rat meats imp.))) named Picket, its a year and a half old and has quite the attitude.

My Kingdom: Freebota

Name: Gor'Car - The territory of the Blackskull clan
Races: Mainly Orcs and Goblins
Continent: Kal'Ashtar
Reason of Strife: Groups working against the current Warlord, believing him to be stuck in the old ways.

The Characters:

King/Warlord: Gor'Zun Blackskull, son of Gor'Gutz - An old ruler, believing in the old ways. Sets honor and his ancestors (or the spirits) above all else. Often takes the hard way, as long as it is the only one not involving trickery.

Queen/Warlord's wife: Aru Blackskull - A small (for Orcs) woman, and an unusual choice for a warlord. Unexpectedly gave birth to big, strong sons and raised them well.

High Priest: Garengu Spiritwalker - The oldest Orcs in the clan, and the one with the purest connection to the spirits. Spends a lot of time with his mind in the Spirit's realm, as his own body is starting to fail.

War Chief: Gor'Gernu Blackskull, son of Gor'Zun - The oldest of the warlord's sons, and the one most loyal to his father. Not as strong as his father, yet is still young.

Goblin-lord: Ankle-stabber - Leader of the second class citizens of Gor'Car, the Goblins. Old for a Goblin, and wanting to make life better for his kind, yet knows that an all out battle against the Orcs will get the smaller greenskins killed.

Characters of the Quest:

Name: Rogdush Blackskull

Race: Orc
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Hairless, like all greenskins.
Weight: 375lbs
Height: 8'2"
Age: 158
Gender: Male

Powers: Cominication with the Spirits, burning weapon, burning arms and healing.
Abilities: Strength, speechcraft, swordsmanship and brewing.

Personality: Generally a friendly fellow, yet defends himself and his kind furiously. Devoted to the Spirits, as all priests, at times a bit much so.

Reason for traveling: As most priests, Rogdush decided to go on a journey to learn, both from other parts of the clan's territory, as well as other kingdoms. He has been on said journey for a few months, and has just started traveling to other kingdoms.

Name: Shadow-Stabber

Nickname: Stabby, Shorty
Race: Goblin
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Hairless.
Weight: 90lbs
Height: 3'4"
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Abilities: Acrobatics, use of daggers, stealth and athletics.

Personality: Distant to most, and slightly racist towards "pinkskins". A coward, yet not so much so when he has the element of surprise. Doesn't hesitate to kill, steal nor lie, which is the main reason he is still alive.

Reason for traveling: Got into trouble in the capital, Blackrock, after a failed burglary. His friend, Rogdush told Stabby that he was leaving the capital to see what else there was in the world. Not wanting to have his only friend leave him for a long time, and wanting to leave the city, he decided to tag along.

The Kingdom - Obsidian

Name: House of Wolves
Country: Nisipuri
Continent: A desert nation named Ziegh
Race: Imperials (also called Wolves). They are a race of desert dwelling humanoids with animal-like features such as the ears and tail. They also have claws and fangs like beasts and often act more like animals than men.
Reason of Strife: The king is dead and the acting ruler became a sort of tyrant in his place.

The Characters

King:Domascus Roth (long deceased). A rather cruel and mostly unloved king. He was killed by an assassin many years ago.
Queen:Lillian Roth. Much more beloved than her husband. She was in mourning of her husband's death for a while before she became forcefully wed to Lucius when he took over as acting lord.
Lord (acting king):Lucius Roth. When the king was killed he took over rule in place of the prince and heir until he could become of age. He got greedy for power and commited treason against the prince, kicking the boy from the kingdom against his will. He told everyong else in the kingdom the prince was dead and only he and his favorite knight, Tali, know otherwise.
Prince: Domascus Frica Roth II. Heir to the throne. Called Frica mostly, he was young when his father was killed and spent the better part of his life learning to rule. When he was ready to take over the crown, he was suddenly knocked out, gagged, and dumped in an unknown part of the kingdom.
Bastard Prince: Gareth Roth. Gareth was often mocked by Frica for being a 'half-blood' and developed a deep hatred for the prince. When he heard the news that his brother was dead, he became almost overjoyed and turned his loyalty to Lucius, doing anything the man asked of him.
Knight: Talieson (Tali). A knight loyal to the throne. He was easily manipulated and turned against Prince Domascus, aiding Lucius in shipping the boy away. He now shares in the secret with Lucius that
Court Advisor: Lailoken Traxon. Lailoken was a very loved and loyal advisor to the king and was heartbroken when he was killed. When news came of the prince being killed in an accident, she was more than depressed and almost gave up. However, something seemed odd in the details of the accident and led her to believe he was still alive somewhere and possibly part of a cover up. She works in sercet to try to discover the truth of what happened.

Characters of the Quest

Domascus Frica Roth II (Is often called Frica to avoid confusion between him and his father)

Age: 21
Abilities/Weapons: Domascus wields a large, heavy looking battleaxe. He has the ability of earth magic, passed down through his family by means of a ring. The ring grants him power over the element of earth, working through the sense of touch. He can control nearly any amount of the element, however he needs to be touching it in order to control it.
Besides the ring, there are four other artifacts to control four other elements and their location was so far known only to the late king and Prince Domascus.
When Frica was smuggled out of the kingdom, he had two of the artifacts on him for study; the ring and a headband.
Bio: Domascus is a young heir to the throne of the House of Wolves. His father was killed while he was still teaching Frica to rule. Frica was only a young boy at the time and so his uncle, Lucius took over rule while he was still learning.
Now that he's coming of age, however, Lucius became greedy and chose not to give up the throne. He hired soldiers to knock out Frica and take him from the kingdom then proceeded to tell everyone he was dead from and accident.
Hungry for power, Lucius became more of a tyrant than and actual leader and now Frica's on his way to try and reclaim his throne. On the way he met a thief by the name Raphael and they became good friend.

Raphael Myst (Riff for short)

Age: 18
Abilities/Weapons: Working with Frica and earning his trust, Riff was given himself an item similar to ring. It was a black and silver headband that granted the boy power over the element of air. He controls the element by sound of his voice. As long as he can speak, he can control the wind.
He also carried with him a small dagger that was his favorite and only weapon growing up as a thief would be fool not to carry a concealable weapon on him at all times.
Bio: Riff was born into a life of poverty and assumed his parents were killed while he was young. He never knew them but mostly got along well without them. As young as he is, he is a very infamous and well known thief with wanted posters across the kingdom.
He met Frica one day and learned his story of how he was thrown from his kingdom. He, at first, hated the young prince but agreed to help him on the condition that Riff would receive pardons for the crimes he commited and would be given money, housing and food.
He soon enough befriended the prince and now they travel together while running from the guards and trying to get back the throne.

Kingdom: Lee-Lee

Name: Terra
Country: Azgin

Wood Elves


Strife: Lazy Royals who only want to have fun. Refuse to acknowledge conflict.


The Royals:

Arkadios Vidar

A lazy ruler who ignores the threat from the other kingdoms. He has lazily put together an army that is no better than a group of bandits. Throws parties at expenses he cannot afford. He is unfaithful to his queen and is not very fond of her. 40 years old wood elf.

Zenais Priya

A young queen at 25 years old, she is whimsical and gullible. She believes her husband still loves her and is trying to get pregnant by him. He didn't allow her to take his last name since she was from a foreign land. Has no say in politics. Is a human.

Sir Zalbaar

Ruthless fighter. Lost his wife in a fire and has since become a drunkard. If he could be found sober he is willing to stand up for his country and fight, but that is rarely the case. Loves the king for his parties and is his personal guard. Wood elf.

Plake Gare

A squire to Sir Zalbaar who wants to prove himself, but can't since there are little battles that the Knight is willing to be in. Son of a baron of the court. Wood Elf.

Quill Marth

The beautiful servant to the Queen. Sells her body to any of the nobles, including the king. Sometimes seen dressed more lavishly than the queen. Wood Elf.



Evain Aleatear


The youngest of the acrobatic group "Risqué". She is a contortionist and tightrope walker. As a child she was taken from her house by a band of bandits. They only kept Evain alive because her natural flexibility entertained them at night. A knife thrower took interest in her and taught her how to fight with various knives. When she was 65 years old and reached the start of her womanly years she escaped the camp. The bandit leader had tried to have her in his tent and so she blinded him and ran into the wood. Meeting up with Risqué granted her a room in the palace as the main entertainment for the king. The group turned her into a sexual creature, using her good looks to gain profit. Two weeks before meeting Azaen, Quill the handmaiden tried to smother her in her sleep out of jealousy. Evain escaped again into the woods with barely any clothing. She wears only a pair of briefs and metal pieces that covered her breasts. Green eyes flash at any passerby they can trying to draw them in. Her knives are strapped to her left hip and on her back in easy reach. Her blonde hair falls to her waist in loose braided pigtails and bangs that sometimes obstruct her view. She is an extreme flirt and is very cocky. Evain wants to stop the war so Azaen will stop whining about it. She is learning how to manipulate water from him.

Azaen Dirthannia

Azaen knows what is happening and wants to stop it. He doesn't want his kingdom squandered away by a wasteful king. Every village he has been to has been full of starving people; Azaen tries to use his ability as a mage to help them, but it has become harder for him to even feed himself. His powers are mainly green magic; he uses his powers to grow trees and crops to keep them healthy. The plants are weak from neglect however, and need more than one mage to maintain. He was on his way to find other mages when he met Evain. Her antics annoy him, but she has potential so he tolerates her. The green fabric his clothing is made of is sturdy, but seems to be made out of leaves. His almost white hair that falls to his shoulder is wispy and cut in layers. The necklace around his neck holds sap from trees around his village. He carries around two lightweight swords that he sheathes across his back. A bow and quiver of arrows are shared between Evain and him. He never uses his powers for combat, but he allows Evain to.

Race: Wood Elves
Continent: Kal'Ashtar
Strife: Lazy Royals who only want to have fun. Refuse to acknowledge conflict.


The Royals:

King: Arkadios Vidar
A lazy ruler who ignores the threat from the other kingdoms. He has lazily put together an army that is no better than a group of bandits. Throws parties at expenses he cannot afford. He is unfaithful to his queen and is not very fond of her. 40 years old wood elf.
Queen: Zenais Priya
A young queen at 25 years old, she is whimsical and gullible. She believes her husband still loves her and is trying to get pregnant by him. He didn't allow her to take his last name since she was from a foreign land. Has no say in politics. Is a human.
Knight: Sir Zalbaar
Ruthless fighter. Lost his wife in a fire and has since become a drunkard. If he could be found sober he is willing to stand up for his country and fight, but that is rarely the case. Loves the king for his parties and is his personal guard. Wood elf.
Squire: Plake Gare
A squire to Sir Zalbaar who wants to prove himself, but can't since there are little battles that the Knight is willing to be in. Son of a baron of the court. Wood Elf.
Handmaiden: Quill Marth
The beautiful servant to the Queen. Sells her body to any of the nobles, including the king. Sometimes seen dressed more lavishly than the queen. Wood Elf.



Evain Aleatear

The youngest of the acrobatic group "Risqué". She is a contortionist and tightrope walker. As a child she was taken from her house by a band of bandits. They only kept Evain alive because her natural flexibility entertained them at night. A knife thrower took interest in her and taught her how to fight with various knives. When she was 65 years old and reached the start of her womanly years she escaped the camp. The bandit leader had tried to have her in his tent and so she blinded him and ran into the wood. Meeting up with Risqué granted her a room in the palace as the main entertainment for the king. The group turned her into a sexual creature, using her good looks to gain profit. Two weeks before meeting Azaen, Quill the handmaiden tried to smother her in her sleep out of jealousy. Evain escaped again into the woods with barely any clothing. She wears only a pair of briefs and metal pieces that covered her breasts. Green eyes flash at any passerby they can trying to draw them in. Her knives are strapped to her left hip and on her back in easy reach. Her blonde hair falls to her waist in loose braided pigtails and bangs that sometimes obstruct her view. She is an extreme flirt and is very cocky. Evain wants to stop the war so Azaen will stop whining about it. She is learning how to manipulate water from him.

Azaen Dirthannia

Azaen knows what is happening and wants to stop it. He doesn't want his kingdom squandered away by a wasteful king. Every village he has been to has been full of starving people; Azaen tries to use his ability as a mage to help them, but it has become harder for him to even feed himself. His powers are mainly green magic; he uses his powers to grow trees and crops to keep them healthy. The plants are weak from neglect however, and need more than one mage to maintain. He was on his way to find other mages when he met Evain. Her antics annoy him, but she has potential so he tolerates her. The green fabric his clothing is made of is sturdy, but seems to be made out of leaves. His almost white hair that falls to his shoulder is wispy and cut in layers. The necklace around his neck holds sap from trees around his village. He carries around two lightweight swords that he sheathes across his back. A bow and quiver of arrows are shared between Evain and him. He never uses his powers for combat, but he allows Evain to.
lovely lee lee!! :D i edited my character post, and deleted anything to do with Nexus being a demon. DX that is not part of this RP, and i forgot to edit that out when i posted. he's just a dead ice elf. he's a ghost. DX oy. confusing mistake.
I love this idea! I might be editing/cleaning up their background. I was sleepy when I wrote it u.u. I'll let you know if I do.
I'm gonna assume its full since I didn't get a response. Oh well, have fun!
i just haven't been on.

we only have two kingdoms out of five full. you still have plenty of room to throw in your idea. .)
I'm going to see if I can get a few people on this one because I love the plot.
good luck. XD this one might take a while to catch on, because it's epic-sized. it's not a quick story kind of thing. if this one catches on super big, it's going to be a doozy. the main bit of the plot is the quest our player characters are on. the kingdoms are there for the player to control when backstory things are going on. if everyone has their own, it takes the workload off one specific DM. (DM is the best way i could describe it.) having a huge group of 15 max players is like, epic levels of interesting. :D
go ahead and post your kingdom and info. .D we still have 3 slots open for kingdoms and characters. we're slow to get started because we're going to do this RIGHT when it starts. this is going to be epic length, so we're all pretty patient until this gets off the ground.
Ok, I'll try to get it posted tonight sometime. I might disappear for the next few days though, but, no fears, I shall return.
Sorry I've been slow. ^^;
I can still join, right? I can get an app up soonish if that's the case. I've just been busy lol
yep, after you, there's one spot left for a kingdom. .D
Okay. I'll get started on making one right away. Hopefully it'll be done by tomorrow :3
Sorry, stuff came up tonight and I'm not gonna have it done. I'll work on it between football games tomorrow.
This... I wanna be a part of it!
But due to me having to go to work soon, I'll have to post tomorrow!
And then, I'll even bring some color to the lands ;3