Where is Alice, Detective?

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  1. Male
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genre(s): general, fantasy (high or low, modern, urban, or whatever), slice of life, modern, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, romance, mystery, drama, adventure ; dark themes (to add more)

themes: angst/fluff ; slow/fast burn; romance ; platonic ; arrange marriage ; fake dating ; enemies to friends ; enemies to lovers ; college, family, friendship, hurt/comfort, bayside/beach/island, city/urdan, forest, mythology, mythological creatures, friends to lovers, found family ; (to add more)
(Still in Development, but worth a try on making another Rp group)

》= to be continued (bc I got other things to do and can't seem to finish my thoughts on the Rp rn, but helps would be nice)

Alice (whichever last name you want to give her) was kidnapped by someone or something. The Secret Department was already investigating Alice's house and room, looking for any evidence or object that could lead to the girl's disappearance. It wasn't before they gave up the investigation, that the Main Detective (me) walks into the crime scenes and helps the department with the case. Cheshire Cat Detective was the first to see the Main, greeting him and filling him in with details and such. The Boss Detective soon meets up with the two, explaining the situation with who the suspect(s) would be.

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I'm definitely interested in this plot! I've been looking for a modern/crime alice in wonderland role-play but found no luck and never had the time to make one myself.
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Super! I been thinking a lot about this rp but haven't have the time to fully express it much. I mean I have, but I would like ti express with others as well! ^^
@purestic Can I ask for more detail on the role-play you have? Like-If the characters are wonderland related (I assume), what role do each of them play? Example Detective Cheshire--Does he have a description which fits/ties in his literary counterpart?
Oh, right! The characters are wonderland related, expect for few of the detectives and other characters. I stated most of them in the testing ground of the rp right here. I'm still working on the characters. Detective Cheshire is like an intern in the department, mostly helping Detective Main with puzzles, riddles, and such. And would go in mini missions on his own to help explore some locations that Detective Main would soon be interacting. Detective Cheshire is like an assistant/sidekick to Detective Main. (Idk if this is what you mean??? Still working on Cheshire.)

Mad Hatter is a well-known criminal in (something name, deciding to go with Mirror but don't know yet) of world/wonderland/city (????). The location I have in mind is London, but I'm thinking of changing it or that's alright with you guys. Anyways, Hatter is a criminal. He has been in the Secret Department as few times, usually calling them "visits".(has been arrested in those few times.) Detective Boss told Detective Main about Hatter and how he could help with the case and such. Usually he would be giving Main some small missions and errands whenever Main asks for help or whatever. (Again, still trying to explore tbe characters.)
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As the roleplay, it would be the protagonists trying to work with each other and others to help find Alice before the Supreme Caterpillar (or someone else) closed the case and declares that Alice is dead (or other worst case scenario).
These are some pretty heavy Alice in Wonderland motifs.

To the point that the head chief has the title of 'Caterpillar'.

I'll observe your progress.
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Lol, I mean these are titles that are used in the newspapers of London, its what they call them, but characters can be chosen by the players and the players can develop this characters as much as they want! ^^ I'll just be giving brief description/exploration was what they're in the rp for.

The Queen of Hearts is a (famous for whatever or just a queen/high status, whichever you choose, or be known as a criminal as well) person, who is being called a suspect by the detectives, expect for Detective Main. He is willing to explore the land that the Queen owns with help his fellos detectives/friends. And by suspect, I mean there are detectives that suspected that Queen took Alice or works with an orginazion (or whatever) that took Alice and she's knows about.
Also, I don't have a problem with gettinv help for world building. Tbh I suck at world building. TuT but I'm willing to work with anyone, just like Detective Main is willing to work with anyone to find Alice. :3
I'm actually potentially interested in the cheshire position, though i'm waiting it out to see what else may come.
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That's really cool with me! :D

Detectives: Detective Main(Male), Detective Cheshire, Detective Female, Detective Boss.
Criminals: Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts, The Circus (& other NPCs).
Friends: Alice's parents, Detective Main's landlady/lord, Doctor Mare March??? Rabbit, or was it mouse??, Confectioner, etc.
Detective Boss is the chief on the Secret Department, his best officers are Main, Cheshire, and Female. Boss asks Main to do many missions for him, as well as others do. Boss spends his time in the office, but with the disappearance of Alice, he has been out more. Detective Boss is a strict officer, but with a good heart.

Detective Female is a well-known officer in the department, usually out in the city/place fighting crimes. She meet Main after Boss and Cheshire did. She also gives Main a few errands and small missions, mostly asks him to detain/arrest some people that might have something to do with Alice's disappearance. She9s also a badass and independent woman.
This is intriguing. I'm always down for an Alice in Wonderland themed world. I'd love to play Detective Cheshire and/or Mad Hatter. :cheerful:
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That´s cool! I´m sure Detective Chesire is already taken, but you can play the Mad Hatter~! ^^
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As of right now, I´m going to write out the characters and what good they´re in the rp. The setting is in London, but not like the London we have in right now. This London, let´s say, is the reflection of the ¨Normal¨ London. You guys can work this out if you like, help explore what this ¨Reflection¨ London is?
Queen of Diamond. A well-known mastermind of a powerful organization called the White Kingdom (or something related to her persona/whatever you called it). She has minions doing the dirty work for her. These minions are the guards, dealers, etc, etc. (it can be whatever a very infamous organization has.) When she spotted Detective Main and Detective Cheshire crossing in her territory. She has a feud with the Heart Queen. But she isn´t as mean as her. She can be willing to help out, but with a prize in return.
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¨Reflection¨ London, aka Mirror. A place almost identical to ¨Normal¨ London. But almost, it´s mostly the dark, cold weather. The difference for Mirror is that the criminal/crime rate is higher. And the city is quite dangerous to live in if they don´t have the ¨best¨ police department like Secret Department. (more would be added later on.)
So, um, anyone who's interested has any questions?
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