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"Are you sure this will work?"

"What are you worried about? If it doesn't, we can just say that we're trying new things and obviously, it didn't work out. Ya' know, trial and error."

The 'click' of a pair of shoes could be heard as the board members quiet down. "Mister Yamanashi, there is no such thing as a simple 'trial and error' when it comes to business," a loud voice could be heard as it echoed in the room before silence fell upon them once again.

"Yes but-"

The owner of the loud voice turned to face Mr. Yamanashi swiftly before cutting him off, "If you are in any form of business and you take the term 'trial and error' lightly, please do everyone a favour and resign yourself to herding cows,". The male who had once spoken up kept his gaze on the floor as the owner of the loud voice, Miss Inori, continued, "In the business of education, particularly that of White Rose High, we need to be extremely cautious. Having experimental tries such as the one we are going to start up soon is like threading on ice- you either fail miserably and plunge into a cold death or," she smiled slightly, her pristine white teeth visible, "You go back into the surface and write about how you crossed the Atlantic successfully."


The morning was alright.

If Nao Yoshida had to describe what it felt like to start her first day to high, she would say the morning was alright. It was slightly above average but the rating wouldn't be too high and she would not say that the day looked hopeful as she thought it would be last night.

"Okay, let's start over. Maybe that'll cheer me up a bit more."

The birds were chirping outside her window, presuming they were perched on a branch. The wind was blowing lightly, she could tell, by the sound of leaves rustling. And today was going to be an exciting, horrifying, regretful and adventurous day.

Whelp. All those words didn't mix well. Oh well.

The female placed her feet on the wooden floor of her apartment unit before standing up from her bed and stretching a bit. She then made her way to the kitchen. Nao had made pre-made breakfast the night before, wanting to sleep in a bit more.

She grabbed the sandwiches out of the refrigerator before placing them into the microwave and heating them up for about half a second. "Today's the day I become a man, Potato," she said as her black cat jumped onto the counter and meowed once. Nao gave it a smile before scratching it behind its right ear. "You know your food is in the dispenser." She replied before taking a bite out of one of the sandwiches she heated up.

Just as the female was about to grab the other sandwich, she took a glanced at the wall clock before her eyes widened. "I have exactly half an hour until the assembly starts," she said aloud before making her way to her bathroom and lightning speed, leaving her cat to poke at the sandwich she had left untouched.

Nao Yoshida kept chanting to herself as she walked- more like ran her way to White Rose High.

"I cannot be late," She said to herself.

The platinum blonde was about to lean against the closest wall in exhaustion when she realised that she had just reached the front gates of her high school (her brother's but yeah). Just as she arrived, she had noticed that there was a large crowd. Of course, if they were students, she would understand, considering it's the first assembly of the school year. The thing is, they were not students but rather the media. More specifically, those who were from the press or even online gossip forums. She recognised some from sites she had browsed.

"Hey, watch it girl!" a male said as Nao accidentally bumped into one of the press representatives. Her heart beat slightly faster before he turned to her with a questioning look and bowing slightly, almost ashamed, "I-I mean, boy. Sorry, boy."

Nao nodded before quickly making her way into the multipurpose hall as the school bell rang once, not wanting to linger on what just happened. Considering she was one of the shortest 'males' there, she was forced to stand right at the back as the hall filled up quite quickly, not to mention having the press representatives occupying the first two rows in front.

"Welcome everybody, the media, visitors, teachers and most of all, students," an older lady in her forties with long raven hair spoke into the microphone with a wide smile, "To White Rose High. I am Miss Inori Yasuke and am delighted to start off this year with something new to offer the students that have decided to enrol into our historic school."

She then stepped towards what Nao assumed as the school podium before looking at everyone, or more specifically, the press representatives who were taking photos after photos of herself, "This year, we will be starting a 'Field programme' in the hopes of honing and deepening the skills of each student here, especially the first years." Miss Inori paused for a moment as she flipped a page of her script before continuing, "Each student is mandated now to enter a chosen field, either arts, sports or the sciences. The objective of this is to ensure that students obtain a learning-outside-the-classroom experience and immerse themselves in what is actually going on in the world."

Nao Yoshida raised an eyebrow as she stepped on her tiptoes, trying to stand tall enough to be able to witness the principal. Although, her efforts were to no avail, considering only she knew she was a girl. The rest were all results of the XY chromosomes.

"I wish I was taller for once in my life," she said a little bit louder than she intended.


"Well, you aren't, so keep it down," came a brusque reply from right next to Nao. The voice came from an unfamiliar young man, most likely Nao's age, with a sort of blasé expression on his face. He had quite a slouch in his posture, leaning significantly into his seat with his arms crossed and his legs outstretched in front of him. He couldn't have been taller than 5'5, but evidently, despite his short height, he didn't seem bothered by his relative shortness in this situation.

Probably because it seemed that he was far less concerned than Nao was, as evidenced by his very decision to remain sitting. No one had seemed to comment on that just yet.

"Jeez, these orientations are always so boring, but I can't even fall asleep 'cause they talk so loud," he grunted, scratching his head briefly, "Goddamn tell me all this like I don't already know..."

@Makomin @_Anyone​

Hearing a complaint from the person beside him, Kazuya stiffened up a bit and eyed the raven haired lady behind the podium. Being a year older than most the students there he had a few inches higher than the common student.

"W-well," came his slightly wavering voice from the other side of Nao. "You aren't really missing much. She's just standing there talking." Kazuya glanced to his side in an attempt to look in the general direction of who he was talking to while also not making eye contact. It was a bad habit he had, particularly around new people. Which in this case was everyone around him, so by this point his eyes were becoming very acquainted with the floor.

Close to the floor he was currently staring at he'd noticed the other boy beside Nao, still planted in his seat and grunting something he couldn't quite hear. On accident he got a good look at his face but quickly diverted his eyes. He didn't look happy.

@Makomin @Verite @_Anyone


"For your three-year stay at White Rose High, each of the First Year students are required to accumulate a total of a thousand points by their graduation. Note that points can only be given through your chosen field's curricular only."

Nao Yoshida was about to complain a bit more when a male, or to be more specific, two males responded to her. One was obviously not a fan of people while the other was a larger male who almost had the personality of his opposite.

The female faced the shorter of the two males before pouting like a baby, "Sounds like someone got down the wrong side of the bed,". She then remembered her objective for her two-year stay was to draw as little attention as possible. But it wasn't as though they suspected her a girl anyways. She then said for the two to hear, "Too bad some of us are only five feet one.".

"Failure to obtain the set amount of points by the end of your school years will immediately default you to deferment of your graduation."

The sound of certain students discussing about this 'point system' was heard as she then slumped back into her seat before smiling wider at the taller male, "Thank you for that. I'm Nao Yoshida.".

The platinum blonde then mumbled to the other male who was crossing his arms, "I was introducing myself to you too, Mr. Grumpy puss.".

@Verite @Xaldin @_Anyone


Not paying any mind to the taller and more imposing looking, yet also quieter, prospective student, the young man next to Nao gave her a somewhat irritated look, followed by a sigh. "That's Akiyama to you. James Akiyama. The pleasure's all yours, I'm sure," he spoke gruffly, almost more out of the need to clarify rather than an actual introduction, all the while hardly moving from his position, "And don't you forget it. As much as I enjoy introducing myself, I like to make lasting impressions even more."

It didn't sound like he was any sort of joking or non-serious with that last sentence.

@Makomin @Xaldin @_Anyone​

Kazuya watched the platinum blond student sink into her seat, smile, and talk to him. It took a second to realize he needed to introduce himself as well. "Oh!" he started as he quickly sat in his own chair, "Nice to meet you. My name is Kazuya Kuze. Nice to meet you." He then took another second to realize he'd said the same thing twice and was now somewhat embarrassed.

He didn't know where to begin with talking to the other student but watching Nao, she seemed to have no problem. Kazuya however was finding talking to people was more difficult than he expected. But practice makes perfect, so...

Kazuya leaned forward a bit to look past Nao and see the other student who had just introduced himself in a rather...unique way. "James Akiyama. I'll be sure to remember. Uh, my name is Kazuya Kuze. Nice to meet you as well." He couldn't tell if James even wanted to speak but he thought he should at least try to say something.

@Makomin @Verite @_Anyone​
Connor couldn't help but listen to the three people in front of him. He couldn't help it, he wasn't paying to much attention to the woman up front, only really caring how he had to pick a field and get a thousand points. And once she told them the important part he couldn't help but drift away from the meeting. And the only distractions at hand was a bug crawling along the ground and the voices in front of him. So while he kept a watch on the bug, he listened to the three talk.

It was at that moment that he wished he was better at the language. He could barely keep up with them, the words having to be translated in his head before he understood them. But eh, what can you do. Japanese wasn't his first language. And he was willing to bet that if he went full Irish on them they wouldn't understand a word he said, even if they knew how to speak English. So he guessed that was an advantage, he had a language of his own to use and pull words from if he had to. But then he'd have to explain what those words meant. Hm, maybe it wasn't an advantage after all.


The two males introduced themselves respectively. She had the feeling that the more outspoken one liked company because he would get the opportunity to talk about himself, but no matter. While the other was the polar opposite of what he looks like. Just as she was about to reply to them, she noticed another male was listening in, or at least, looked like he was listening in. He seemed disinterested in the Miss Inori and rather prefer to listen in to the three of them.

"Don't worry, I will forget your name in a jiffy, Aki-kun," she said with a smirk before turning to face in front.

She had to admit, she admired the other male for showing an effort in making friends on the first day. In her case, it just so happened that her thoughts annoyed Akiyama before Kazuya Kuze chimed in, trying to be friendly to her. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. But then again, she needed to participate in her 'Field' curricular activities in order to obtain a thousand points. Goddamit.

Just as she was about to look up and at least try to pay attention to the principal, another student had taken the place of her, rather, the Student Council President, Hajime Oshiro.

"Welcome, all students, to White Rose High. The institution that emphasizes on one's abilities in life rather than one's capacity at mere studies."

Nao Yoshida cringed at that tagline as a few seniors in the front cheered for their Student Council President.

"I am Hajime Oshiro, the Student Council President of White Rose High 2016 and this year, 2017," a big round of applause was given, even bigger to that of Miss Inori, "I am not here to explain the rules of our high school as you have all obtained the student handbook, but rather shed some light on this new system of ours for the First Years.".

"Am I the only one who feels like a fresh piece of meat?", she asked all three students who were either not listening or hopefully listening to her.

"As you all know, from what Miss Inori said summed up, you have to obtain a total of a thousand points within three years or you will delay your graduation until you eventually don't graduate,", he then looked out onto the fresh faces of students before his eyes narrowed at the four of them albeit. It was only for a flicker of a moment before he continued, "To those hoping to obtain points by simply being an excellent all A student, I am here to crush that hope of yours. You see, the point system that is being implemented is more brutal than your usual sport's competition.".

"Being the student of the month, or whenever a teacher sees it fit to reward you a point will only give you a maximum of 20 points a month. 12 months a year and 3 at that. 720 points in total. Still a total of 280 points to obtain. That is, with 100% probability of luck in all three years."

For some reason or another, Nao found Hajime Oshiro scarier than Miss Inori. She visibly shook off the shiver that came up.

"As such, you will have no choice but to participate in competitions or whatever your Field organises. Note that someone from Arts is not permitted to participate in a non-rounded Sports competition. Rounded being it is open to all the Fields."

Groans in protest could be heard but with one stare from the Student Council President, all of them were silent, including the press representatives.

"But, every year, our school organises a Quartet. A competition for the Arts, Sciences, Sports and all-rounded. The winner obtains 300 points. This means you might actually have a chance at the completion of your thousand points in your First Year. And any First Year who can reach the mark of a thousand points in their First Year will immediately be granted a full scholarship to the university of their choice."

Gasps could be heard around the Assembly Hall as cameras begin to capture the image of one, Hajime Oshiro who merely smiles almost in accomplishment at everyone.

"A full scholarship?!" Nao gasped loudly before attempting to eye all three of them, including the one who she presumed was listening to them, "It would be so nice if we could get it.".


"You're only as vulnerable as you believe. Have no fear, and you hopefully won't be picked apart by those who would want to eat you up," James said in response to Nao's remark about fresh meat, the young man closing one eye and holding up one hand to his chest, speaking in a faux deep tone as if to give off the impression of a monk of sorts.

This was probably his idea of a joke. Who could tell?

Either way, it seemed that his own advice seemed to work for him at the very least, as when he focused his attention back on the student council president as he explained the process of how the year would go, James, folding his arms once again, only eyed toward the front of the room with what could be described as a strange focus to his gaze. Any sort of deeper, further examination could almost seem to make out a sort of fire in his eyes, almost like hot determination, intensity, or something along those lines at the very least.

While everyone else gasped in amazement and drowned in swirls of their own emotion, even James, who before was rather bored and disinterested, now had his attention grabbed even more than it already was, his glare more serious than it was before.

"A full free ride to college, huh... May as well hand it to me on a silver platter," he grunted assuredly.

@Makomin @Beowulf @Xaldin @_Everyone​

"Mmm..." The mention of 'fresh meat' caused Kazuya's mind to trail to his favorite thing to eat, a nicely grilled steak, and he almost zoned out thinking about eating one until the Student Council President's words brought him back to reality. It was hard not to pay attention to a guy like that.

His eyes widened slightly at the mention of a full scholarship, possible in just one year at that. "Just like that we could get into any university and practically be set for life..." He spoke in mild astonishment as he mulled the idea over in his head. "That's incredible." He could immediately see how such a system would work. He himself was getting the urge to do his best and reach the 1000 points during the First Year, and he suspected it was like that for everyone else around him.

"Right." He held a fist at about chest high and turned to the others with the utmost confidence. "Let's do our best." Of course the 'utmost confidence' for him was displayed as 'slightly enthusiastic' at best, barely even changing his tone from his normal speech.

@Makomin @Verite @Beowulf


One had the confidence of someone who was not actually the optimistic type, the other had the confidence that almost reflected his arrogance in a way.

"I wish I had the confidence of both of you," she said with a frown before leaning back into her chair. "But I'll try my best too!", she grinned before the Student Council President hushed everyone to silence.

"Quiet please," Hajime Oshiro said in a soft but stern voice. Although it was the level at which his voice sounded was almost like a conniving man's one, it held an authority to it. If someone were to drop a needle in the Assembly hall, it was quite possible that it might be heard. "Thank you. Considering White Rose High is quite a liberal institution, a welcome party will be held in this exact hall after class at 3 o'clock. The First Years who wish to come, may do so. As for those who aren't quite keen, White Rose High doesn't force your attendance," he said almost relaxingly before moving slightly closer to the microphone, "However, as a kick starter, ten points shall be awarded to those who come.". The Student Council President gave a bow before the assembly was ended.

Time for class, I guess.

Nao Yoshida grabbed her bag and made her way out of the hall.

This school is strange.

She shrugs to herself before making her way to the stairs that would most probably lead her to her class.

@Verite @Xaldin @Beowulf


What a bother.

Walking through the large crowds of people in the hall, James let out a sigh, as though already quite tired despite the day having only just begun. Bag in hand, the young man attempted to make his way to the first class of the day, and by extension, of the year. An unwaveringly grouchy expression was illustrated on his features, as though none too pleased to be surrounded by so many people.

As he continued to march through the halls, James would inadvertently bump into another student walking the opposite direction as him, causing him to stumble a few feet to the side and bump into another student to his side, the individual in question being none other than Nao.

"My mistake. I--" He began to say, almost seeming though he was about to apologize, before noticing whom he had bumped into, clearing his throat with that, "Oh, it's just you. From the orientation..."

@Makomin @Beowulf @Xaldin
Connor did what any student would do after the assembly ended. He got ready to go to class. And for some reason that meant he had to go to his locker and change shoes. He didn't mind having to wear a student uniform, but he did mind having to switch shoes every time he came to and left school. But he doubted he'd be able to change that by himself, and he doubted many of the native Japanese students cared. They grew up with it after all, it was normal for them.

Having switched out his shoes and gathered his class materials, he strolled towards his class. And along the way he passed two people that had bumped into each other, the one that had apparently done it already starting to apologize when he passed them. And that was another thing about the Japanese as a whole, they were all so polite. To polite if you asked him. A quick sorry would have been good enough for him, they both had places to be after all. But here they were just as likely to stop what they were doing and apologize profusely before moving on.

Nao Yoshida had the feeling that her day wouldn't go by as a normal day in high school and her intuition was right when she was suddenly bumped into. Her smaller structure almost caused her to be pushed against the wall if it wasn't for the years of practice she had with her brother fighting.

When she turned to look at who bumped into her, she noticed that the person who bumped into her was no other than James Akiyama, "Thank you for cementing the fact that it's alright to bump into me, Mr. Sourpuss," she said before continuing her way to class. The first class of the year was just their homeroom teacher coming in and introducing everyone, alongside other businesses. Nao made her way to the seat in the middle of the class, thinking it was best to not sit right in front or right at the back.

"Why don't you sit next to me, Aki-kun?" she asked with a smile on her face before leaning against her newly-claimed seat.

@Verite @Xaldin @Beowulf @OddlyEverAfter (after you've completed your CS)​

Kazuya went straight to the classroom after orientation. Partly because he was a bit shy of talking to people along the way and partly because he was still thinking about how the new point system would work. Living on his own he needed to make sure he kept up his grades so he found it very important. Before he knew it he was sitting in the classroom just before Nao had come in and sat down in the desk in front of his, shortly followed by James "Sourpuss" Akiyama.

"Oh, it's you." He said the words softly, but didn't really direct them to one person over the other. He was a little relieved to have people he'd already met in the same class. "It's nice we've all got the same class together."

@Makomin @Verite @Beowulf

"Stop calling me that. It's A-ki-ya-ma, got it?" James spoke gruffly to Nao, raising his arm to poke at her forehead like a stern father would reprimanding his child, though which not-so-affectionate nickname he was referring to was somewhat ambiguous. Likely both. Who knew? Still, as he made his way into the room with her, he pursed his lips at the offer for a brief moment, as though considering it, before letting out a sigh and a shrug.

"If you want to be blessed with my presence so badly, who am I to decline?" He responded eventually, his tone not entirely sarcastic, it almost seemed. With that, he sat down next to Nao, hanging his bag on the side of the desk in the process. When Kazuya, the other individual from orientation, popped up in the room, James leaned back in his seat, giving the taller young man a nod.

"Yeah. Pleasure's all yours, I'm sure," James spoke, his voice more laid-back than what would normally be associated with the words he spoke, "... Kuze, was it? Let's hopefully get along for a smooth year ahead of us." His tone remained as nonchalant as ever, but not unfriendly. Almost a step above his banter with Nao if not for his perpetually deadpan face that may have made it hard to tell what James was really thinking underneath.


... That Yoshida kid's forehead was soft. He put baby oil on it or something?

@Makomin @Beowulf @Xaldin


Nao was about to call him purposely by one of the nicknames she had created for him, undoubtedly the more hilarious she found of the two, when she felt something jab at her forehead a bit. The platinum blonde was about to flick at whatever it was when she noticed that Jame Akiyama was in front of her for the first time, face-to-face. She flushed slightly at the close contact before her face gave out a look of slight annoyance, thanks to his comment afterward.

"Since you're the great Sourpuss Akiyama, why don't you grace the other students with your presence," she grumbled a bit too loudly before placing her notebook and a ballpoint pen on the table. Just as she did that, she noticed another presence behind her that she didn't earlier. It was the larger male from the orientation. Now Nao Yoshida felt that this male was someone she could be good friends with.

She turned in her seat to face the other male before giving a large grin, "Hey there, Kazu-kun! Wait...is it alright for me to call you that?" She asked, aware of the fact that James was probably listening in. She then leaned her elbows onto the top edge of the back part of her chair.

Connor found a spot somewhere in the middle of the classroom. It was a strategically chosen spot. If he sat in the front, the teacher would see his every move. And if he sat in the back where traditionally the rabble rousers sat, the teacher would keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn't doing anything he wasn't supposed to. But in the middle of the class, he could get away with things other students couldn't. Unless one of the surrounding students decided to tattle on him. But they were all guys here, and the group that was talking nearby didn't seem like the sort that'd do that. While he was thinking about them, he might as well introduce himself.

"Sorry to interrupt... whatever it is you're talking about, but considering we're sitting close to each other I thought it'd be smart for me to introduce myself." Connor said slowly, translating what he wanted to say from English to Japanese and making sure it was the right word. "My name is Connor McKinley." He nodded his head proudly at himself after he said his name, he at least knew how to say that. That and he knew how to ask where the bathroom was at.

Kazuya gave a feint smile and nodded to James. "Hm. Of course, Akiyama-san." He gathered that Akiyama thought highly of himself but seemed nice enough to others and didn't appear to look down on himself or Nao. Confidence wasn't necessarily a bad thing after all, so he was alright in Kazuya's book.

When Nao turned and addressed him he was slightly taken back from her rather charming smiling and being spoken to so friendly. "Oh, sure! Um, should I refer to you as Nao-kun then?" He hadn't been called Kazu-kun by anyone in a few years, so it was rather refreshing.

Their conversation was suddenly becoming larger as another young man joined in and introduced himself as Connor. From his way of speaking, appearance, and name he was obviously a foreigner. His Japanese itself was understandable, just a bit slow. He'd heard Japanese was a hard language for non-natives to learn so he thought it was commendable. "Nice to meet you...Mak...Makkenre...Connor." He himself however, was now looking slightly embarrassed at his attempt to repeat the last name and just decided to settle on the first. He'd have to practice the last name. "I'm Kazuya Kuze."

@Makomin @Verite @Beowulf
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"I could, but I know you the best... relatively speaking. It's quite a pain to meet new people voluntarily since I have to address them, as though they're worth addressing, so if it's all the same to you, I'll just stick to you for now," James answered Nao, before turning to Kazuya as he spoke. Or at least, tried to. He certainly seemed somewhat shy, practically the opposite of James himself in a manner. This guy, who seemed to really want to make friends, but found difficulty in expressing himself. It was quite poetic. Maybe he'll make a good character idea in a later book...

While he and Nao exchanged pleasantries, another student would suddenly appear to introduce himself. Aha. So it began; the great friend-making at the beginning of the year that determined relationships for the rest of the school year, if not for the rest of their high school careers. Let's see how this new guy turns out.

"McKinley, huh? Yo. James Akiyama. Charmed, I'm sure," he gave a lazy wave to Connor, leaning back in his seat, "You don't look like you're from around here. Foreign exchange student or something?"

@Xaldin @Beowulf @Makomin
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