Writing Club (Interest Check)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Any time except when I'm not.
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Modern, Fantasy

"Aistri Academy. Where far-off dreams are turned into reality. Or at least dreams that are slightly closer."

You've clicked on the page! I'm already succeding expectations!

This is the interest check for 'Writing Club'. A SOL mixed with drama and comedy. You are one of the few students that make up the new batch of members for the criminally understaff Writing Club. A student of Aistri Academy. A prestigous international school based around an unorthodox method of teaching purely based around peer-learning in one's focused club.
You join the club brimming with hope. But quickly find things aren't as they should be. There's only two senior members; The Head of the club doesn't even write, the faculties compared to the other clubs is non-existent!

Worst of all, the academy has announced that they will start cutting off Clubs found to not 'Offer' anything to society. You and your peers find yourselves in a school-wide competition not only for respect. But for your place in this academy at all!

One's thing for sure, you're gonna have to work together if you have any hope of appeasing the school and continuing your dreams!

  • Format: Group RP
  • RP Type: Slice of Life. Comedy, Drama.
  • Expected Post Rate: 1 Per Week or more
  • Max Cast Size: ??
  • Character Limit: 1
  • Mandatory Secondary Communication: Discord Server
  • Current Signups: Open!
  • GM: @Rithas

A Teaser for what's to come:
  • Communication is key. Please contact me if you are planning on dropping out. I won't be upset with you, I just want to know that you're dropping. Also, please contact me if you want to stay in the RP but you're having trouble posting for whatever reason. Basically, if anything at all goes awry. I will be happy to work things out with you.
  • You cannot post in the IC for a certain character until I have accepted that character. If you are unsure as to whether your character has been accepted, please ask.
  • Please try to include, in every post, SOMETHING that other characters can react to. This means that you CANNOT:
    • Make a post that only passively restates what your character just saw, without adding any new dialogue or actions in response.
    • Make a post about your character doing something that doesn't affect any other characters at all (ie: them doing something alone in their room, or any other isolated location).
  • This RP has no formal posting order. Please post whenever it seems right to do so. I will be keeping track of "activity flow", however, so if I think that you should be posting, I'll release the hounds.
  • The Discord Server that will be set up is mandatory to join.
  • I may add more rules as the need arises. I can do that you know.

(Non-Existent) Year Quote:
Appearance (Drawn):
Text Colour Hex Code:
Age: (16-19)
Likes (Atleast 3):
Dislikes (Atleast 3):
Dream (What drives you?):

"Hello? Hel- Is this on? Oh, it is. Great. It's your headmaster Slews here. Here to greet you all. New arrivals are welcome to Akira Academy. I hope you've all enjoyed the first day so far. Your new clubs have hopefully welcome you with open arms. Or for the soccer club. Open feet! Ha….hah.
Anyhow, it is now the time where I'll have to announce something exciting. Due to numerous reasons, some including budget cuts. We have decided it is best to...cut down on the amount of clubs in this academy. But of course, how could we possibly cut out any of the many wonderful clubs that inhabit this school without giving them a fair chance? Aside from the 'Anti-Oppression' Cub. Who unfortunately found themselves short of members this year.
To solve this, we have decided for a great competition to be had. Each club shall fight- I mean compete to prove their worth to the school! May the best win.
In other news, We are holding a competition to replace the previous school motto 'A Place for Everyone'. For those who have entries, please report to office 27 in the Dreams Building.
Now how do I turn this off. This…no. THIIIIS, no. Th-"
Writing Club Room:

The new found home of the Characters. The once great writing club has been reduced to a room with dodgy chairs and a single exploding computer. The rumour is that the Writing Club use to have one of the most grandest bases in the Academy. Untill the previousy head of the club was forced to trade their base with the poverty's club base after a lost bet.

Principal Slews:
'Once claimed he had genuine martian blood"
"First name might actually be Principal"
Year Quote: "Tax what now?"

------------- "HEAD OF THE ART CLUB:
Réell Ement
"Smokes chocolate Cigarettes"
"Hates the Writing Club"
"Frenchness is not confirmed."
Year Quote: "Je suis le meilleur"(edited)

--------- HEAD OF THE OCCULT CLUB: Hantu Perempuan
"Claims Sixth Sense is rather inaccurate"
"While great at giving palm readings. Might just have a hand fetish."
"For Halloween she dresses like a normal student."
Year Quote: "I wish that my Parents had actually just passed on at this point."

Dmitri vražda
"Dance Dance, motherfucker Year Quote:
"In this world, The Music Dance to You."

And the rest? Well.....

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This just seems like a bunch of silly fun and I'm totally up for more of that.
@Esmeralda Blackheart Haha, yeah...All the names of the Head's are very dumb puns. I'm less skillfully carving a good name and more dropping a tactical nuke for effect.

@TheSly Cool, Glad to hear it!
I'm totally up for this
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Go ahead and count me in too, I suppose.
I'm up for this
@Jessica2477 @Ehb doori @Accelerator , Glad to hear it!

For a small notice I've made some slight alterations to the Character Sheet in the OOC (and here I guess) Adding a history section for the greater subtext on mainly how your character got into the writing club.

You may also notice the two gm chars in the OOC dont have a history section. That's because I dont have to. Le smile.
Alright, cool! I'll see to making a sheet soon
*Slowly sneaks onto this thread*
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I'd like to give this one a shot. If you're still looking for player, that is. Let me know and I'll get to writing~
I'd like to give this one a shot. If you're still looking for player, that is. Let me know and I'll get to writing~
Yes we're still very much open for new players :)
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@Rithas Should I simply post the CS in the OOC, or in a PM to you?
Done and done! Let me know if it needs any adjustments.