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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Low-Fantasy, Modern, Adventure, Quests, Modern-Fantasy, Post-apocalyptic, Romance, Drama
Hello there! Thank you for taking a look at my roleplay request thread. My name is Yanaike, and I'm looking for one or two RP-partners to write a story together!

I'm particularly (but not exclusively) interested in the four following genres (or a mix of them):
  • Adventure/Quest like stories, fantasy filled, in almost any time period, with exploring/mystery/problem solving etc.
  • Modern/Low-fantasy, with magic being an uncommon and explainable phenomenon in a current-day world.
  • Vigilante/superhero kind of story, in almost any time period, but preferably modern-day.
  • Near-future sci-fi or post-apocalypse, based on a dystopian world.
Besides that, I would love to make our characters 'feel human'. Romance, drama, decision making, character development and/or character motivation will be important elements throughout the roleplay.

No plots here! I believe a plot will be much more successful if we both contributed to it, instead of going with a pre-defined plot. Generally I start brainstorming by comparing our interests or by matching characters together. Expect a lot of questions from me to gauge your interests and I expect you to ask me a lot of questions in return. Brainstorming is important to me.

No pairings either! I prefer to start with 'personalities', instead of locking myself into a role and shaping the character around that. In the 'character' tab you can find some of my pre-made characters including roles they could fulfill in the roleplay. Consider them as half-pairings, where you could insert any other role that seems like an interesting match.

  • What can you expect from me?
    • Quite picky when it comes to my partners. If I feel things are not going to work between us, I'll tell you. I rather be fair and tell you what's on my mind during the brainstorm session than causing a disappointment when we're already rolling.
    • Intermediate role-player. I'm not that confident about my roleplaying skills yet, but I try to create fleshed-out characters, settings and ideas.
    • Usually I write pre-made characters, because I can empathize with them much better. All of my characters are adaptable for a lot of different settings/genres though.
    • I prefer to play female characters and straight relationships, but I'm definitely open for other possibilities.
    • Timezone: GMT+1/Western Europe
    • Posting minimally 4-6 times a week. I'm active in the evening on weekdays (except Tuesday) and during the whole day on some weekends. I might post multiple times a day depending on timezone differences and the amount of inspiration. I tend to give you regular updates of my real life schedule.
    • Posting anywhere between 4 and 40 lines depending on inspiration, the amount of stuff you give me to work with and on whatever is happening in the roleplay (conversation between our characters lead to generally shorter replies).
    • Not native English, which means I might be struggling finding the right vocabulary to tell exactly what I want to say. I do use spellings check and google translate (to look up single words, not full sentences) though.
    • I'm okay with libertine content. Iwaku rules apply, and I only do this with a select few characters. Please let me know beforehand if you want this to be an option.

    What do I expect from you?
    • Brainstorming. This is a big thing for me. I expect you to come up with interesting ideas and ask me questions about things I like or dislike. I don't want you to send me fully-fleshed out plots.
    • Communication. If something is bothering you, or if you need to take a break for a while, please tell me! Let me know! Roleplaying should be fun, not like an obligation!
    • Chatting. We can always talk out-of-character. Don't be shy. Let's be friends!
    • About 4-5 posts a week, minimum. If you give me less than 2 posts a week I'll gradually loose interest. If something comes up in real life which makes you unable to post for a longer period, please tell me, I'll understand!
    • Enough content in your posts to be able to respond to. If you can do this in one line, be my guest, but usually a minimal reply of around 8-10 lines is more safe.
    • Someone who is able to actively push the story forward and not only relying on me to do so.

  • Genres
    • Adventure (obviously): in the sense of exploring/mystery/problem solving. I love unique locations, caves, swamps, islands, mountains, valleys, etc. Quests, travelling, on the go, field-trips. Action-scenes are fine too as long as they don't take up the majority of the story.
    • Fantasy: leaning more towards low-fantasy. Supernatural/superabilities, urban-fantasy, I absolutely love world-building! High-fantasy is also fine in combination with adventure/quest as long as we come up with a good plot beforehand. I love magic as a side-element: (heroic) characters with magical abilities. Or magic as an alternative to power/money/business/real life.
    • Modern settings: I like to take the real modern world as a reference and add fantasy-elements to it. I also like to build something on modern day themes like 'consumption society', 'privacy/facebook', addiction and/or the digital age.
    • Sci-fi: mostly near-future/dystopian sci-fi. Or parallel/alternate universes. Time-travelling. Post-apocalyptic. I lean less towards outerspace/aliens.
    • Romance: pretty self-explanatory. The amount of romance might depend on my character. Some of my characters are less romance-oriented and just looking for a nice friendly relationship.
    • (Greek) myth inspired: Odyssey, Hercules, Olympian gods.
    • Fairytale inspired.
    • Steampunk/Biopunk: although never done something like this before, it seems interesting.

    Interesting Settings
    • 'Wonderland'-inspired: over-sized plants and mushrooms, hedge mazes, the concept of shrinking/growing, a queen of hearts?
    • 'Halloween'-like landscape: a quiet neighborhood, old houses, a dark sky, only faint light coming from the street lights, rain/thunder, pumpkins? You just got the feeling something isn't right, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Frankenstein-inspired. Maybe even go as far as 'monsters' and actual trick-or-treating. Or just some sort of haunted house?
    • Beach. Endless possibilities here: from a plane crash on a tropical island to a resort-like environment.
    • Some sort of facility, prison, school or institute? A place where weird experiments happen (or happened).
    • Road trip: just a thick layer of asphalt in the middle of nowhere, cars, camper vans, and a lot of miles from the nearest sign of human civilization.
    • Mountains: hiking, woods, caves, there's a lot to do here!
    • Nordic countries: a colder climate. Days where the sun never sets (or never rises). Hot tubs. Viking-inspired settings.
    • Urban environment. Especially the (magical) things hidden in the urban environment. What's there beneath the subway system, where does this alley lead to, a building with a hidden floor, a secret park etc.
    • Circus/fun fair inspired (maybe abandoned). Music. Smile. Entertainment. Bubbly characters, wild tamed animals and loads more!

    Other interesting 'themes'
    • Metamorphosis, change, people with double identities: main characters struggling between (the problems of) their regular lives and (the problems of) their lives as adventurers/hero's.
    • Manipulation, tricking, hypnotism, one-way relationships, brainwashing.
    • Things that don't seem what they are.
    • Maybe there could be some sort of conflict between our characters? Different motives for example?
    • The four elements: air, water, earth, fire. Magic based on the four elements. The twelve zodiac signs.
    • Using dice to determine random events/things in the roleplay.
    • Forcing two enemies to work together because of a common goal.
    • Survival
    • Playing a more anatgonist/evil-minded character
    • Time travelling
    • Worldbuilding
    • Tourists

    I generally don't do fandoms, this is more to give an additional overview of my interests. Also I have seen very few movies and watched very little series. So there might be much more that I would love (suggestions are always welcome).
    • Fairytail
    • Avatar: The Last Airbender (also Legend of Korra)
    • Gotham
    • Fringe
    • Doctor Who
    • Pokémon
    • Lost
    • Labyrinth

  • Here are all of my pre-made characters. I've given a list of roles/jobs they could preform in the RP, a brief description and some ideas about what type of character would work with him/her and what setting would work with her. Finally I've listed how they would score on the six roleplaying stats on a scale from 3-18, as I think that will give an interesting idea of what the character is able to do. If you want to know more about any of the characters, including appearance, personality, history, etc. just ask! As a general rule of thumb, the upper characters are more developed and more versatile for any kind of RP. The lower characters are a bit less developed and more specific for certain types of RPs.


    Straight F | Thief | Hacker | Witch | Librarian | Nomad | Hitch-Hiker | Adventurer | Spy | Scout | Messenger

    A sweet, young nomadic adventurer driven by knowledge and technology. Her most remarkable feature is a long monkey-like tail. She constantly feels like a drop-out and often prefers to flee away, scared of what other people think and scared to face any problems.

    Yanaike was the first, and still one of my most favorite characters for roleplaying and ideal for an adventure-story. She requires a lot of trust and patience to get her full potential, but she'll definitely be worth the wait.

    Options for your character: Someone who acts as her mentor, an upper-class (or even royal) person, a gang leader/member, a non-fantasy character, another thief, a warrior, a mage, a character who invented my character as an imaginary friend, someone who can manipulate/trick my character. Preferably your character has a lot of patience, or... not at all. Your character could be someone my character could look up to, but ideally your character still respects or values my character and/or my character's skills. I would also love to develop a family-kind of relation between our characters, however ideally our characters do not have shared history together, at least not as far as they remember, like long lost family-members or something like that.

    Settings: Yanaike fits in almost any time-period with the exception of sci-fi. She was made for medieval fantasy but definitely works in modern fantasy as well. She fits in both natural as well as urban environments although in the latter she will likely act as a 'stranger'.

    STR: 3; DEX: 17; CON: 9; INT: 18; WIS: 14; CHA: 11


    Bi-Sexual F | Fighter | Leader | Beast | Sphinx-hybrid | Demon | Entertainer | Detective | Assasin | Student | Barista | Gang Elite | Zookeeper | Creation

    Always looking for a challenge, always trying to prove herself. Esmylia is an ambitious attractive young woman with lots of ideals and the willpower to strive for them. If you side with her, you'll have an amazing and very supporting friend. If you go against her, you'll have a fierce some rival!

    Esmylia is one of my most versatile and flexible characters and can be adapted for almost anything. Note however she is rather extrovert and has leader-instinct, and will thus not very likely play a passive role in the RP.

    Options for your character: I'm looking for a character that is in anyway affected by my character: in love, friend, rival, seeing her as a role model, seeing her as a leader, follower, respects her, etc. Ideally I'm looking for someone who could play her equal, being able to act as her rival, but on the same time being a trustworthy friend, keeping her sharp and focused, and being affected by her likewise. In terms of jobs, your character could be anything: a warrior, a mage, a priest, a blacksmith, a baker, a criminal, a detective, a vigilante, a client, a student, a jock, a nerd, a scientist, a tourist, an adventurer, a space-traveller, a time-traveller, you name it!

    Settings: Time-wise Esmylia fits into almost anything, from modern to prehistoric and from medieval to sci-fi. She works best in a setting with a lot of people around her. Interesting options include: a metropolis, tavern/bar/hotel/nightclub, gang/mafia, desert, post-apocalypse, high-school/university etc.

Feel free to send me a PM or reply below with the things that caught your interest as well as your ideas!
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