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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Low-Fantasy, Modern, Adventure, Quests, Modern-Fantasy, Post-apocalyptic, Romance, Drama

  • Hello there! My name is Yanaike and I'm a 24-year old student, looking for 1 or 2 roleplay partners to share my spare time with them. Thank you for taking your time to read my roleplay request thread.

    So, let's get to the point immediately. I'm looking for someone to write a semi-realistic story. With that I mean a story where 'magic' is present, albeit uncommon and unexplainable. Preferably magic is only a side-element (not the main plot device). I prefer a modern time setting, but I'm definitely fine with other time periods as well, from medieval to near-future sci-fi. Genres/elements like adventure, mystery and quests are very important to me. I love a world where our characters could venture off, explore the unknown and travel to new places. Finally I would like to say that I have an almost infinitive source of creativity to tap into. I love coming up with new, unique and weird ideas that sometimes might be a little farfetched.

    Click on the tabs above to navigate further into my thread. The second one contains a list of expectations, the third tab contains brief descriptions of some of my characters and what role they could play in the story. The last tab contains a list of ideas and inspiration that I would like to base the story on and could help us get the story started. I don't have a list of plots, as I believe a plot is much more successful if we both contributed to it.

    If you would like to roleplay with me or got any questions by reading this thread, feel free to send me a PM or reply below!

  • What can you expect from me?
    • Quite picky when it comes to my partners. If I feel things are not going to work between us, I'll tell you. I rather be fair and tell you what's on my mind during the brainstorm session than causing a disappointment when we're already rolling.
    • Intermediate role-player. I'm not that confident about my roleplaying skills yet, but I try to create fleshed-out characters, settings and ideas.
    • Usually I write pre-made characters, because I can empathize with them much better. All of my characters are adaptable for a lot of different settings/genres though.
    • I prefer to play female characters and straight relationships, but I'm definitely open for other possibilities.
    • Timezone: GMT+1/Western Europe
    • Posting minimally 3-5 times a week. I'm active in the evening on weekdays (except Tuesday) and during the whole day on some weekends. I might post multiple times a day depending on timezone differences and the amount of inspiration. I tend to give you regular updates of my real life schedule.
    • Posting anywhere between 4 and 40 lines depending on inspiration, the amount of stuff you give me to work with and on whatever is happening in the roleplay (conversation between our characters lead to generally shorter replies).
    • Not native English, which means I might be struggling finding the right vocabulary to tell exactly what I want to say. I do use spellings check and google translate (to look up single words, not full sentences) though.
    • I'm okay with libertine content. Iwaku rules apply, and I only do this with a select few characters. Please let me know beforehand if you want this to be an option.

    What do I expect from you?
    • Brainstorming is a big thing for me. I like to come up with a plot together. Please don't send me pre-made plots. I expect you to come up with interesting ideas and ask me questions about things I like or dislike. Try not to only tell me what you like and what not, but also why you like something (or why not!) as it helps me to get a better image from your interests.
    • If something is bothering you, or if you need to take a break for a while, please tell me! Let me know! Roleplaying should be fun, not like an obligation!
    • We can always talk out-of-character. Don't be shy. Let's be friends!
    • About 3-4 posts a week, minimum. If you give me less than 2 posts a week I'll gradually loose interest. If something comes up in real life which makes you unable to post for a longer period, please tell me, I'll understand!
    • Enough content in your posts to be able to respond to. If you can do this in one line, be my guest, but usually a minimal reply of around 8-10 lines is more safe.
    • Someone who is able to actively push the story forward and not only relying on me to do so.

  • All of my characters are quite flexible and can be adapted for multiple situations. The roles listed for each character are roles they can play, but they don't have to play all of them.

    Thief | Hacker | Witch | Student | Hitch-Hiker | Spy | Scout | Messenger
    A sweet, physically weak, nomadic adventurer driven by knowledge and technology. Her most remarkable feature is a long monkey-like tail. She constantly feels like a drop-out and prefer to flee away in difficult situations.

    Warrior | Leader | Beast | Demon | Entertainer | Detective | Assassin | Student | Barista | Gang Elite | Zookeeper | Creation
    An ambitious and attractive young woman with clear defined ideals and dreams and the willpower to strive for them. A fierce some and competitive rival, but also an amazing and very supportive friend.

    Mage | Healer | Seer | Ninja | Stalker | Shapeshifter | Time-Traveler | Fisherman | Sailor
    A mysterious boy with amnesiac-problems. He is often troubled with 'visions' from the past and future but is unable to place them in any context. He might seem a bit alienate and lonely but he values friendship deeply.

    Psychic | Experiment | Mage | Refuge | Insane
    An alternate female version of Symmin. She is fragile and weak, but often uses this to her advantage. She is emotionally unstable and has uncontrollable supernatural powers that are affected by her mood.

    Warrior | Shaman | Empress | Journalist | Teacher | Possessed
    A manipulative selfish feminist who thinks life is like a strategic game. She is always trying to frame other people for her own crimes. She adores children, as they are still 'pure' and easy to 'change'.

    Jenny Jigsaw
    Technician | Hacker | Thief | Serial-Killer | Biologist | Virologist | Dishwasher | Addicted | Refuge
    Became trapped in a country without the right papers to return home. She hates 'the system' behind the human society and as a way of revenge against the system she spreads chaos amongst humans using her gadgets, biological/neurophysical hacks and viruses.

  • Settings

    A huge metropolis could be an interesting setting. There are almost endless possibilities with this one. Just leave the crowded places and discover the hidden alleys, secret parks and gardens, a flight of stairs that no-one seems to notice, a hidden floor in a public building and have you ever wondered what happens at the roof of buildings? Maybe the plot could involve an influential malicious company, or the plot could delve into the hidden tunnels underneath the subway system and what happens in the city during nighttime? Magic and an urban environment are rarely combined and that is quite a shame in my opinion.

    I would love to try out a wonderland like landscape, with oversized mushrooms, gardens full of roses, a beautiful castle and all kinds of weird and disturbing side characters. We could draw inspiration from Alice in Wonderland, but of course we could also make up our own rules.

    I've always wanted to do a story around the idea of a travelling circus or fun fair. Characters living in caravans and carts, travelling around from place to place. Maybe the personages in the story could be a bit more unique and rejected by the regular society.

    I'm always in for a quest through the woodlands or over the mountains or a more uncommon setting like a skyland-cloud-landscape with floating island and flying boats or a desert or artic like setting.

    I'm always open for something revolving around an uninhabited island. How our characters got there is up for debate, it could be the cliché plane crash or shipwreck. What our characters are going to do is also up for debate, but I would love a story revolving around survival combined with mystery. Wait until our characters discover the secret side of the island, and maybe the island isn't actually uninhabited at all? We could draw inspiration from the television series Lost, but could also think of our own ideas.

    A couple of my characters would work really well in a club or pub like setting. We could discover the party scene and delve deeper into nightlife. Let's socialize with complete strangers. This could also prove an interesting starting point for a story leaning more towards the horror-genre. Similarly something like an inn or bar might also work and it could also be an interesting starting point for a quest. If you're up for something more exotic, consider a tropical beach club or a (ski) lodge deep into the mountains.

    The story could involve a facility. Abandoned or not? Maybe it functions as a prison? Think a bit like the setting in the Portal games. Huge industrial rooms where items are fabricated and/or small chambers where subjects are tested.

    Our characters are trapped in a labyrinth like environment. Why and how they got there is up for discussion. Can they find a way out of the maze and what will they find at the exit?

    Some sort of haunted house or any other Halloween-like landscape. The feeling that something is just a little odd, but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. Maybe even something Frankenstein-inspired.

    Some setting based on the Nordic countries with a colder climate, days where the sun never sets, or never rises, the Nordic lights and just entire areas without any population or… well… anything but nature.


    I absolutely love romance and I'm definitely open for creating a romantic relationship between our characters over time. However, that being said, I would like to add that I'm not going to force a romantic relationship. If our characters don't love each other, they simply don't.

    What I'm craving to do for some time is to create a good vs evil dynamic between our characters, where a protagonist and an antagonist meet and need to team-up to reach some sort of common goal or defeating a common thread. Elaborating on that I would love to see two characters with different motives, forced to work together.

    I would love to do something with a family-like relationship. To prevent the issue that our characters have shared history together and needing to be consistent, I would prefer to go with two long-lost family members. They could be as simple as brother and sister, or two sisters etc. but also a father with daughter relationship might be interesting. Our characters do not necessarily have to share the same bloodline, it's about the family-like bond that counts.

    I would absolutely love to delve deeper into the superhero genre with vigilantes as main characters and having supernatural abilities. Maybe they have some sort of double identity and struggle between (the problems of) their regular lives and (the problems of) their lives as adventurers/hero's.

    For a while I'm craving a roleplay based on manipulation, hypnotism or brainwashing. Something with a strong dominant and charismatic character being able to trick the other characters mind, slowly setting him/her up against his/her old friends, making him/her commit crimes against his/her will and giving him/her the feeling that she is completely dependent on the leader. Another option is to go with some sort of institute/school that manipulates both of our characters. Elaborating on this we could also go with a roleplay based on a dictatorial regime.

    I would love to do a relationship or story based on random encounters. Two characters that just keep being pushed together by faith, in the most seemingly random moments.

    Creating a contrast against the modern 'spoiled' society. With spoiled society I mean people whose lives became too much dependent on the internet, modern technologies, consumption (using things once and then throwing them away), getting likes on social media, being 'popular' and yet so alone and so addicted.

    I would love to have a story where our characters or one of our characters undergoes some sort of metamorphosis or evolves in some way. Character development is a very important aspect for me during roleplaying.

    Other interesting themes

    The survival element. Limited resources. I think you get the idea!

    Time travelling or alternate universes, although quite complicated, I'm open for the idea!

    I absolutely love worldbuilding, throw your ideas to me and we'll see what we can come up with.

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Reactions: DramaMyth
I'm game. I've needed a RP partner for a while now, and being a fanfiction write of over ten years experience I could very well help you in your endeavors.
Great! I've send you a PM!
Woah, you have so many wonderful ideas! I would love to RP with you and build a wonderful new world. Send me a PM if you're still looking for a partner!
I'm still looking!
Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still looking!
I am still looking! :)