Yawar - the world of adventures (Info + CS)

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  • Name: Viaryn "Aryn" Argento Talos
    Sex: Male
    D.O.B.: July 31st (19)
    Race: Human, deorsum
    Place of Birth: Paitore, Yowkky
    Languages: Diquet
    Occupation: Shopkeep at a General Store during the weekends, Assistant to a Tinkerer during the week

  • Height: 5' 7" - 170.18 cm
    Weight: 135 lbs - 61.2 kg
    Physical Description: Viaryn is a well built young adult from his years of managing two jobs after schooling. His dark, thick, blue-tinted black hair rests at chin-length, however, it is usually worn in a ponytail and compliments his amber eyes and freckled, hazelnut complexion. In place of a left arm is a custom-made prosthetic made with materials that Viaryn procured over the course of several years using the framework of an old prosthetic he owned.
    Clothing style: Viaryn's wardrobe consists of old, button-down shirts, slacks and faded oxford shoes that might have been stolen at one point in time. Most of which belonged to his father, who happened to be close to his size, but still slightly bigger and bulkier. Among his father's belongings, was a trench coat with a sleeve torn in the shoulder area. After patching up the tear, Viaryn wears it in addition to his father's clothes. Other clothing he owns include, various hair ties, bandannas, faded short and long sleeve shirts, two extra pairs of pants, and boots


    • Tinkerer tools: Assortment of screwdriver's, screws, fine tools, and cloth.
    • Prosthetic Arm: Viaryn's left arm is replaced with a prosthetic that was made with materials bought and assembled over the course of 4 years. With his experience from the tinker shop, several hundred books and countless hours of research in biomechanical engineering, Viaryn was able to assemble a working product after numerous attempts.
    • Sketchbook (Moleskin): A mid-sized book with a lock that contains all notes and ideas related to the advancement of his prosthetic arm. Most dealing with the intent of increasing efficiency and streamlined design
    • Assorted pens: For notes
    • Gloves: Used to cover his hands.
    • Coat: A coat found amongst his fathers' belongings. Never leaves home without it.
    • Pocket watch: A family heirloom, although he owns a wristwatch as well; It is broken and he prefers to keep it that way. It stopped working after his father's death.
    • Umbrella: For rainy days; If he doesn't forget it that is.

  • As a child, Viaryn has always been drawn to things or topics of peculiarity to him. When his father was around, he would always read books about travel and the outside world. While other kids his age were out playing and having fun, Viaryn spent his time with his nose in books. This led to his dream of becoming a traveler in order to see the world and revel in its mystique and wonder.Despite the efforts made by others to dissuade him, he remained set on becoming a traveler no matter what he needed to do to get there.The death of his father opened his eyes to the aspect of how fleeting life could be, and with increased fervor, he delved more into the vast amount of books that his father owned. As he grew up, he knew that he needed money to get anywhere, so he resorted to some underhanded methods, which usually resulted in trouble that he narrowly escapes. Anyone who knows Viaryn, knows that he isn't one for conventional means under any circumstance. Strangely enough, his methods have an even success/fail rate albeit. However, because of this he can get quite reckless in his actions and make on the spot decisions without a second thought.


    • Travel the world: Since childhood, travelling the world and going on adventures has been one of his biggest goals.
    • Losing another limb: Having to lose one is hard enough, he could not imagine having to live a life
    • Sharks: As a child he read many books, one of them included a section about marine life and out of all the dangerous animals, a shark is what instilled fear in his heart. Mainly because of the content of the book and the sheer amount of teeth.
    • Missing his chance to go adventuring
    • Having a boring adventure

  • Viaryn was born an only child and solely raised by his mother, Helen Talos. His father died of an illness when he was young, leaving his mother to tend to his every need. Growing up, they didn't have a lot of money to spend and trying to get by every day was a challenge. They lived in a small, worn-down house that looked like it was ready to collapse any day. Having to fill in for his father was tough on the young Deorsum, but it was what needed to be done. While his mother stayed at home, Viaryn started off shining shoes like his father. Alas, he wasn't earning enough to make any significant change in their quality of life. But, he promised his mother that he would find a job with better pay. In his spare time, his mother would attempt to teach him to read and write the best she could. Viaryn learned to read fairly quickly, but he had some hiccups with trying to write. His speech was developed by listening to his customers and others in the general population. He adopted a well-spoken pattern of speech and had decent pronunciation with his words. Because of this, he got paid a little bit more, enough to buy better clothes, food, other necessities for himself and his mother. It seemed as if the odds had been tipped in his favor and that nothing could ruin it.

    Unfortunately, Viaryn learned how wrong he was when he got caught up in a severe construction accident while making his rounds. Debris fell from a nearby building and crashed into neighboring buildings, causing numerous casualties, Viaryn including. The fallen debris had pinned him down and crushed his left arm. While everyone was in a panic, there were a few people who went around looking for any survivors. The man who saved Viaryn was Louis, a retired soldier and owner of a nearby tinker shop. Louis took him to the doctors and left him in their care while he recovered in order to find his mother at the requested of the nearly unconscious boy. When he awoke, he found his left arm missing and panicked. After being settled down by his mother, who told him how he got here, the doctor explained that his left arm was permanently damaged due to being crushed by the debris and that the only viable option was to amputate. The unfortunate news would be that he'd have to live without an arm, because he was only able to afford the cost of the visit. Viaryn visited the tinker shop after his recovery and was greeted by a relieved Louis. He thanked Louis for saving him and in return offered him money, but instead Louis offered that he works for him. He'd been in need of an assistant for quite some time and that he could help with Viaryn's arm situation if he accepted, noting that he'd seen the local kids picking on him and beating him up whenever he attempted to retaliate.

    Accepting his offer, Viaryn proceeded to work at the tinker shop for 7 years, as well as working in a general store for extra money to support himself and his mother, who fell ill. In his spare time, he studied and received basic education, while taking care of his recovering mother. While working at the tinker shop, Louis taught Viaryn all he knew about tinkering, engineering, and assisted him with the development of his prosthetic arm, even going as far as to teach him boxing and martial arts for both self-defense and as a form of rehabilitation for his newly acquired arm. His dream of setting out to travel grew stronger and stronger every day, and although he loved being home and with his mother, he felt more strongly about adventuring. After several talks, he and his mother had come to an agreement that if there were ever a chance for him to leave and pursue his dreams, he would be allowed to do so as long as he could guarantee he would return safely one day.

  • Skills/Talents:
    • Tinkerer's knowledge: Working in the tinker shop for several years, Viaryn learned skills like repairing machinery, how it works, disassembly and reassembly through trial and error. This mainly applied to the construction and continual maintenance of his prosthetic. By his 5th year, he was able to work just as efficiently as his boss, Louis, however, his work paled in comparison to his boss' genius. Louis taught him everything he knew about the tinkering trade.
    • Can cook: Viaryn learned to cook from his mother. She would often have him help with making dinner from a young age. They spent a lot of time together and to show his gratitude for the things she does, he would cook dinner or bake desserts for her. He bought a cookbook for her birthday and would make a meal of her choice at least once or twice every week.
    • Agile: While Louis helped with his rehab, Viaryn learned martial arts and continued to practice in order to stay in shape and for self-defense. He'd stretch and do various exercises to keep his body nimble. With the constant bullying from other people, it was extra practice added to it.
    • Strategy: At the request of Louis, Viaryn began to research and study strategy in order to reduce risk to himself and others. Although he is good at strategy, sometimes he still falls back into his old habits of just winging it. He is currently still working on improving himself in this aspect.
    Handicaps: Besides his arm, none. There are times when he'll get spasms in his arm and it'll prevent him from moving it or performing any action with it. This is caused by his body momentarily not recognizing the connection between his nerves and the prosthetics circuitry if he goes without maintenance for too long. Maintenance also helps prevent wear and tear, keep the functionality and mobility in check as well as polishing to prevent rust from building up. He is supposed to conduct maintenance every two to three weeks

    Combat style: Adept at hand-to-hand combat; with the addition of his prosthetic his left blows are much heavier on impact than a flesh arm. Boxing and Shorinji Kempo as a reference for techniques employed (Shorinji Kempo is a style that mostly attacks through counters). Viaryn is much more experienced at evading and counter-attacking versus but is also good at striking. He tries not to strike with his left arm as much unless truly necessary given the amount of force behind a serious punch from the prosthetic. Viaryn has never used any form of weaponry, however, he has been trained to deal with armed individuals at close quarters, especially those with firearms. However, if an opponent with a firearm is at a distance then he would be at a huge disadvantage.

  • Color: Orange
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  • Name: Ashfa Suban
    Sex: Female
    Date of birth: July 13th, age 21
    Race: Human - deorsum
    Place of birth: Far East Yowwky, near the coast.
    Languages: Diquet
    Occupation: Wandering herbalist

  • Height: 5 feet - 152.4 cm
    Weight: 100 lbs - 45.4 kg

    Physical Description: Ashfa is quite the small person, in both height and weight. Her skin tone is a mid tan, a little lighter than those who are native of where she is from. Her straight black hair reaches her waist; she either keeps it open or in a braid, making sure it's tied tightly at the bottom otherwise it tends to open. Her face is a little rounded, eyes wide but almond shaped, deep brown with dark eyelashes, set under a pair of dark eyebrows. Her nose is neither too long nor short, straight but a little wide and rounded at the tip. Her mouth is wide and lips full, but not overly so, brownish-pink in colour.

    Clothing style: Her clothes are usually old and loose, consisting of loose blouses and long skirts. She usually keeps to duller shades as travelling tends to be hard on clothes. Currently she is donning an olive coloured shirt with white trim around the collar and the sleeves, and a long dusty rose skirt that reaches just above her ankles. On her feet are a pair of simple but sturdy brown leather sandals.

    For rainy or windy days, she does have an old woolen cloak that she uses to protect herself during the day as well as a makeshift blanket at night. Alternatively, she also uses it to keep the sun from burning her during relentlessly hot days.

    Around her neck is a single gold chain and black pendant that used to belong to her mother. She keeps this hidden under her shirt. Unknown to her, this pendant is actually a stolen trinket that was originally made by an elf. It was stolen by one of her ancestors and posed as a family heirloom, passing from mother to child. Unknown to anyone, this pendant is cursed with dark magic and eventually kills the one wearing it.

    • A strong and sturdy recurve bow
    • Quiver of arrows. At the moment she has fifteen arrow, though the count may vary depending on how many she uses and collects.
    • One small knife, not much of a weapon as it was used mostly for paring vegetables, cuttings plants and flowers.
    • A backpack with an assortment of compartments within, carrying various ingredients for potions, salves,etc, as well as bandages, water and nonperishable food.

  • Ash is a rather shy person, even at her age. She has rather low self confidence and usually feels as if she is being a bother to others or she will annoy them. Although she tries to be friendly with others, this sort of fear tends to make her speak nervously and stammer, usually ending up with people becoming annoyed and simply leaving. She is easily embarrassed and will more often than not blush, whether it's from happiness, shame, embarrassment or anger. It tends to annoy her at times, but it's something she just can't help. She doesn't have much of a poker face, wearing her feelings on her sleeve. However, once she does make a friend, she becomes rather loyal to that person as well as trustworthy, to the point that she will try to be brave and overcome her fears to help them out, even if it is dangerous to herself. She is kind to most people in general but especially those who are less fortunate.

    Although she's been alone for most of her life and treated more as a worker than someone actually wanted around, Ashfa had always placed value on her own life. Staying alive is high on her priority list, if only to just travel, see the rest of the world, get over her own fears and maybe make a few close friends. Perhaps even find some love? As of yet, Ashfa had never garnered the courage to form any romantic or sexual relation with anyone. Travelling doesn't help much in that regard as she has never settled long enough in a single place to even form a lasting friendship, leave along anything further. However, for the moment, she is very satisfied with just the close friends she'd made in her travelling companions.

    That's not to say, however, that she sometimes wonders why they would want to stay around her. Her low self confidence is one of the reasons she's a bit of an early riser… just in case camp is abandoned if she sleeps in a little too late. One could say she has the fear of being abandoned, and the fear of being lonely. This makes her easily pressurable and susceptible to following things her friends tell her to do, even if she feels uncomfortable with it.

    Again, as she had to grow up alone, she had learned from the start to look after herself. Waking up early, cooking and cleaning is something of a second nature to her, and she can be a little fastidious at times, wanting things in their place rather than simply thrown about. Having done most things by herself has also made her quite strong, despite her small body frame.

    Goals: Ashfa wishes too travel the world and learn of different people and cultures.This is something she has wanted from childhood yet never had the courage for. Seeing the elf in the troupe had her curious about the other races of the world, but she didn't expect anyone to explain to her about different people. It was unlikely that she would learn anything unless she ventured to find out for herself.

    • Losing people who are close to her- Having lost both of her parents as a child and then losing her teacher as well has caused this fear to be embedded deep within. Because of this, it takes a while for Ashfa to get close to people; she doesn't want to lose anyone else due to death or any other reason.
    • Being alone (despite her shyness and introvertedness) - This ties in with losing those who were close to her. Now that she has someone as her friend and companion, Ashfa's biggest fear is somehow losing Ylva and once more having to face the world by herself. For this very reason she tends to wake up early in the morning and sleep late at night, not wishing to be abandoned when she isn't aware.
  • Ashfa's story starts much like anyone else's... to a degree. Her parents were childhood friends who eventually fell in love, married, and gave birth to her. Of course, from here onward the similarities to most others differ. Her parents didn't live in the main city, although they had been born there. Whilst they had been childhood friends, their families were rather apart in the class system. Surprisingly, her father, named Bin'dair, was the lower classed one in this relationship, having been a servant at her mother Shiyan's house. The two knew that their blooming love would not be allowed to last. Taking her dying mother's advice, Shiyan convinced Bin'dair to run away from home.

    Running away wasn't an easy feat, but they did manage to reach the edge of the city, where they joined a traveling troupe of entertainers including dancers, puppeteers, snake charmers, contortionists and others of the sort. There were even a few non Humans, including one Kiju, and one member who looked suspiciously like an elf. Shiyan wasn't into any entertaining, but she did know how to cook and sew, and that was an asset for the troupe. Bin'dair meanwhile proved his worth by doing heavy lifting and taking care of their belongings, seeing he was good with a sword.

    As such, life was quite well for the two, and after ten years of living peacefully, Shiyan gave birth to their only child, naming her Ashfa after her mother. Both mother and father doted on the little girl, though the rest of the troupe weren't too thrilled with an extra mouth to feed. Still, they valued Shiyan and Bin'dair a little too much to tell them to leave. Whilst the new parents were indeed taken by their baby girl, they knew that leaving their duties incomplete would lead to their being forced out. As such, they worked extra hard to keep their worth.

    When Ashfa was barely five years of age, tragedy struck the little family. Bin'dair had been sent to the city to buy and sell some wares for the troupe. Money was obviously needed, and they didn't count on their entertainment to keep everything running. Whilst in town, the young man thought to visit his family. It had been fifteen years since he had left with Shiyan; he had presumed that his family would have forgiven him by now. He was unfortunately dead wrong. It turned out that his older brother had been punished by death for his misdeeds by Shiyan's family, and Bin'dair's parents blamed their wayward son. He was 'taught' a lesson, beaten to an inch of his life and then left to die, which he unfortunately did.

    News of his demise didn't reach the troupe until a week later, when one of members went into town to see what the holdup was. The shock and grief affected Shiyan greatly, leaving her catatonic. It was during this time that little Ashfa had no choice but to grow up rather quickly. At only five years she had to learn not only how to light fire, but to cook basic meals. She was no prodigy, and there were many mistrials. It was when the leader threatened to get rid of Ashfa that Shiyan finally broke out of her state of grief. By this time, however, Ashfa was nearing six years of age, and the rest of the troupe was having doubts about whether to keep them.

    Whilst Shiyan was able to return to her former self, something else took her in the way of a sickness. It started slowly but persistently increased, until Ashfa turned ten years old and the sickness completely consumed her mother, inevitable ending in her her death.

    Ashfa was now alone, and although she could now do whatever her mother did, the troupe did not see that sort of value in her, instead wishing to use her for the entertainment of their guests. Ashfa was a quiet and meek sort, but she wasn't stupid. When she realized what was being planned for her, she quietly packed her bags and left in the night. It took a couple of days of travelling and hiding, but she finally reached the city. It was much bigger than she was used to, but that only meant there was more opportunity for her to find someplace that would take her in.

    It seemed luck was finally on her side, when an old weak-eyed man named Nazir allowed her to stay with him. He was a herbalist, known for making remedies and potions as well as perfumes. He needed a pair of hands and eyes that would help him out, whilst she needed a safe place to stay. The relationship between the two was a little awkward at first, having been based on need, but as the days went on, Ashfa and Nazir grew close, like a family. She stayed with him for a good five years, during which she learned much of his trade, both in book and practical knowledge. It was therefore a rather sad time for Ashfa when Nazir finally passed on. It was expected, seeing he was so aged, but nonetheless still sad.

    This was what eventually drove Ashfa to start travelling. She had all the tools she needed to be to work and sustain herself without the need of anyone else. And so it continued for a good three years. She would wander through the city, and even venture a little north, though never more than a day's distance by foot. She didn't have any attachment to the city per say, but she wasn't sure she would be able to survive strange lands by herself.

    All this changed on one fateful day. Ashfa had been on the verge of returning home when she stopped by an inn to rest the night. She didn't want to travel at night, as she wouldn't be able to make any progress in the cold darkness. Before ordering her meal for the night, she met an unusual woman from the north. Not the friendliest person, but Ashfa didn't sense any danger from her, though she did feel the woman was in a rush, perhaps in some danger. She didn't think too much of it and after selling a couple of her remedies, she decided to have dinner.

    She had barely started to eat when guards burst into the inn. She was both surprised and shocked when she found herself being accused by guards to being partner to a crime. At first she had absolutely no idea what they were talking about and readily allowed them to search her bag. However, when the contraband was discovered, Ashfa panicked. Rather than being calm and rational, she ran for the door, which turned out to be the wrong thing to do. She something hard hit against the back of her head, causing her to fall to the ground and black out for a little while.

    It was only after she was able to move once more that she saw what had happened. It turned out the woman she had met just before sitting down to eat was fighting the guards. Everything was a bit of a blur, but she clearly heard the woman telling her to run, and she wasn't averse to doing that at the moment. In fact, it was the first thing on her agenda. So Ashfa ran as fast as she could, with quite a bit of wobbling and stumbling, as she was both dizzy and had a headache. Eventually they reached an alleyway, where the woman collapsed. On further inspection, Ashfa realized that she was bleeding. The guilt hit her immediate. This stranger had tried to keep her from harm, so much so that she had gotten hurt. Without further ado, Ashfa quickly dragged the woman to the nearest secluded place she could find, where she quickly cleaned and sutured the wounds the woman had received.

    And so began the rather strange partnership. At first it was strange for the deorsum to be travelling with a companion, but she found that she actually liked it. There was safety in numbers, and now she was travelling past the limits she had set for herself. Not only was it exciting to visit different places and see new sights and people, regardless of her shyness, but she could know harvest as well as purchase different herbs, flowers and other such materials needed for different salves and medicines. It was also due to her companion, Ylva, that Ashfa finally learned how to use something other than a knife to defend herself with. She found a bow quite to her liking, and Ylva was a good teacher, making sure the deorsum knew the basics and then some.

    She has yet to make any sea travel, however, which is one of her goals in life.

  • Skills/Talents:
    • Herbal knowledge: That which she learned with Nazir was never forgotten, and her constant pursue of this field has only made her stronger.
    • Housework: Ashfa can cook and clean with the best of them. In fact, if she wasn't so bent on travelling, she'd make the perfect housewife. As such, she's great at making camp.
    • Money Matters- Despite her quiet, shy self, Ashfa knows what to buy and what to leave. She's also good at knowing when she's being scammed and will advise her companions that it's worth haggling over.
    • Stealthy- Due to her small frame, Ashfa is rather apt at moving about in an unobtrusive and noiseless manner. In this same way it's easy for her to fit small nooks and crannies when having to hide someplace.
    Combat style: For the most part, Ashfa runs away from a fight more often than not if it's just herself. If she has friends, however, then that's a different matter. For the most part she stays in the back and uses her bow. If she has no other choice, she will use her knife in a hapless style rather than any coordinated attacks.

  • Color: #981
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  • Name: Ylva Uærlig
    Sex: Female
    Date of birth: 20th January, 26 years old.
    Race: Human: Autem
    Place of birth: Dalvik
    Languages: Diquet
    Occupation: Transient Criminal

  • Height: 173 cm
    Weight: 64 Kg

    Physical Description: Ylva cuts an unremarkable figure, she is generally somewhat larger of build than the typical Autem woman, but not so much as to worthy of comment. Ylva has the pale skin of a Autem though years of wandering around the world have left the skin on her lower arms and face darker than the rest of her where her skin is pale to the point of being semi transparent. She tends to wear her roughly cut sable hair loose down to her shoulders but will tie it back on hot days or when she needs to concentrate. Her eyes are a relatively dull blue with webs of yellow running through them. The thing that people do notice, and remember about Ylva are the vivid scars on the right hand side of her face, asking too much about them is a good way to go about getting a matching set. Ylva also has a handful of scars on her torso though most people will never see these.

    Clothing style: Normally Ylva favors a dark studded leather jacket over a grey linen tunic teamed with a pair of hard wearing trousers and sturdy boots. Ylva avoids jewelry unless absolutely needed as it tends to shine at the wrong moment or catch on something. The one exception to this rule is a small metal disc depicting a wolf running under the moon that is fasten round her neck by a hide cord and kept tucked inside her tunic.


      • On her left hip Ylva carries her father's claymore, it is a simple double edged steel blade of seventy centimeters with a somewhat ornate basket around the hilt.
      • On her right hip Ylva has recently taken to wearing a small folding crossbow. In many respects this bow looks like a normal crossbow, just scaled down in size. The major difference in design from a full size crossbow is that the wooden shaft that makes up the body of the bow curves at the end to allow for a one handed grip.
      • In addition, Ylva also has a trio of knives about her person, the largest of which sits across the small of her back. This blade has a single slightly curved cutting edge and a antler handle.
      • The remaining two knives are much smaller items able to fit in the side of Ylva's boots. While not exactly alike, these knives are both double edged with blades no longer than the palm of Ylva's hand. Additionally both have been stripped of their original handles and the tangs wrapped in a thing layer of hide cord.

  • When first approached Ylva can seem cold, uncaring and in many other ways typical of stereotypes of autem's; A life where everyone she meets might be looking to get one over on her has taught her to be careful not to trust easily nor wear her heart on her sleeve lest someone use it against her. That being said Ylva isn't an heartless husk. Most of the major events in Ylva's life have been driven by her need to look after her family. Be it her biological family or Ashfa, Ylva cares deeply about the people she considers hers and will go out of her way to ensure their well being.

    Ylva's relative success in the life of an outlaw comes from a collection of her traits. The world is full of opportunity for those resourceful enough find a way to seize it and years of surviving mainly on her wits has taught Ylva to see the opportunity in everything. This ability to find the angle in everything quite naturally extends to people. Ylva nearly always has an ulterior motive, or more accurately several ulterior motives and is quite happy to exploit her allies if it further her own goals and wont lose and sleep over deceiving them to do so. Of course being able to exploit people requires Ylva to be a step ahead of those around her. Fortunately a a life time of dealing with people who at best could be called conniving, backstabbing bastards mean that Ylva is used to sly maneuvers needed to keep ahead of the competition whilst also having toughened her up both physically and mentally.

    Goals: Money, lots of it. Enough that her family will never want for anything again when she's able to return to them.

    • Losing Ashfa: Ylva doesn't admit it but she's come to see Ashfa almost as a sister and feels responsible for her. Already knowing the pain of losing one family, Ylva isn't prepared to lose her new one as well.

    • Imprisonment: The loss of agency involved in being imprisoned is especially hard for Ylva. Having spent most of her life roaming at her leisure, the memories of being stuck in the dark and under someone else control haunt her dreams still. She will use every trick she knows and take every risk she has to to avoid being captured.

    • Heights: There's no rhyme or reason behind this fear, heights have always scared Ylva.

    • Snakes: After being bitten by a snake that she never saw Ylva has become very wary of these creatures and will act to kill them as a first response.

  • The eldest daughter of a poor couple, Ylva was born into a life of hardship and wanting but also happiness and love. Her father in particular doted on Ylva and in many ways treated her like a son, teaching the young girl how to hunt and hold a sword. Thora would have prefered that her daughter spend less time learning to hunt and fight and more time learning the skills that Ylva would need to be considered a good prospect so that she might find a good husband. It was however obvious to Thora that her daughter was the joy of her Carl's life and she was inclined to indulge her husband and hold her tongue.

    This life of unlikely happiness came to an end soon after Ylva's tenth name day. For a while her father had seemed slower and weaker, Ylva only found out he was sick when she heard her parents arguing one night after she was meant to be asleep. Ylva didn't really understand what was happening but before another moon had passed her father fell into the hollow sleep and passed. Ylva was left three thing by her father: his sword, which he said was hers by right of blood, a small pendent of a wolf and a baby sister growing in Thora's belly.

    Thora was a level headed and practical woman. With one child already and another on the way she wasted very little time on grieving and focused on remarrying. A childhood friend of Thora who had always been enamored with her proposed to marriage not three months after the death of Carl. While her Bjorn was not nearly the man that Carl had been he was able to offer the security that Thora needed.

    Ylva distrusted her new stepfather. There was something about him that just didn't sit right. He'd never quite explain what he did for living, go to meet suppliers in the middle of the night and sometimes be in places that he had no reason to be. Thora seemed happy with her new husband though and so for the most part Ylva took to staying out of the way and hanging around on the streets. She was accepted into one of the town gangs as a sort of mascot. She didn't mind being patronised because by hanging out with the boys she was able to continue learning how to fight although she made the point of seeming very bad so that the boys would find her funny and keep her around. When she wasn't hanging around the city streets she would go hunting.

    In her fifteenth year, Bjorn came to Ylva begging for her help and what he told her confirmed everything she had thought of the man for the last five years. While outwardly he was an honest businessman, he actually made his money through less than legal means and after having lost a shipment he owed a large amount of coin. At first Ylva wanted nothing more than to let him be destroyed by his mess but Bjorn pointed out that the people wouldn't just come after him but also Thora and Ursi to get their money back and so, reluctantly Ylva agreed to help until the threat to her mother and sister was eliminated. Ylva's job was to carry packages for Bjorn when she went hunting, stopping in neighboring towns and villages to pass them onto one of his contacts and collect the money.

    This uneasy partnership between Ylva and Bjorn worked profitably and soon the family was out from under the debt. At first Ylva stuck to her vow to stop helping Bjorn but she had grown used to having the extra coin and soon found herself slipping back into the work. For a few years the arrangement worked well and while Ylva never grew to like Bjorn, she did come to grudgingly respect the man. However Bjorn's greed was always greater than his intellect and over time he began to take bigger and bigger risks and it would be Ylva who paid for them.

    One day on what should have been a routine drop off Ylva suddenly found herself surrounded by guards and with no options save surrendering or dying. Thrown into the city dungeons Ylva was left to fend for herself amongst thieves, murderers, and worse in the dark and cold. After several months Ylva was unexpectedly dragged before the Ovibas. It turned out that they had thought that in catching Ylva they had caught the leader of the gang that had been smuggling the contraband around the country only for the flow of illicit goods to carry on unabated. Ylva was offered clemency if she agreed to aid in the arrest of the real gang leader, an offer that she grasped with both hands, going so far as to actually lead Ovibas's guards to Bjorn and his hidden stores. After his arrest Bjorn claimed that Ylva had been just as much the leader as he. Unwilling to go back in his promise of release to Ylva but also not wanting to risk Bjorn being right he settled on exiling her from the hold for five years.

    For three years Ylva wandered from place to place, staying long enough only to make a little coin before moving on. At first she tried to live the life of a Hunter to prove to herself that she was an honest person but a couple of hard months were enough to deplete Ylva's already tattered pride and she began to accept who she was. For the most part she kept her own company but occasionally she would work with local gangs to pull of larger jobs though this would only ever be for a short amount of time. This changed when after nearly being apprehended by some guards she became trapped in a small town. With guards blocking the gates she hid out in a tavern as she looked for somewhere to hide the illicit substance she was carrying.

    Quite by chance Ylva bumped into a fresh faced, naive looking traveler and saw her chance. After subtly secreting the small package of contraband into the girls pack she spent a little time talking to the traveler to find out where she was headed while at the same time loudly making lots of vague comments about heading out of the north gate. Ylva's planned to lie low for the night and then catch up with the girl and recover her possessions once they were safely out of the city. When she saw the guards enter the inn Ylva beat a hasty retreat into a back room and listened at the door to see if the guards took the bait.

    For reasons unknown the guards began to search the girl that the landlord had pointed to as having been seen with their quarry and when they found the package the guards accused her of being a conspirator. Already unusual feelings of guilt were beginning to stir in Ylva and then the girl tried to run only to be knocked out cold by a blow to the head. Seeing the girl go down caused something to snap in Ylva and before the guards had chance to draw their weapons two of them had gone down. The last guard was more of a challenge but after a short fight Ylva was able to subdue him long enough to get the girl out of the tavern and flee. Eventually when Ylva was sure they had lost their pursuers she used the last of her strength to pull the girl into an alley before she herself passed out from a slash to her side.

    When she woke Ylva was surprised to see the girl hovering over her and after some conversation Ylva discovered that the girl had healed her wounds in thanks for Ylva's rescue. Ylva felt a deep sense of guilt that the girl had done all this in thanks for a rescue she wouldn't have needed if it hadn't been for Ylva and wanted to leave there and then apart from her injuries wouldn't let her. Even when she was able to move she tagged along with Ashfa at first because her wounds still needed treating and then because it never seemed quite the right time to leave. It took Ylva nearly half a year to admit to herself that she enjoyed having someone to travel with as well as Ash being useful. The girl was good with coin and buying good at a better price and her role as a healer often meant that she and Ylva were treated with much less suspicion when they arrived at a new town. Ylva never quite told Ashfa the whole story about the night they met and she tries to keep her friend away from the darker side of her work.

  • Skills/Talents:
    • Picking locks: This is a skill that Ylva has learnt relatively recently having decided it would be something useful for her to know so that she wouldn't have to rely on others.
    • Tracking: A large part of being a hunter is locating and following your quarry using the very scant clues it leaves behind. To be any good as a hunter, which Ylva is, this is a skill that has to be mastered.
    • Stealthy mover: Years of hunting experience have taught Ylva how to move quietly and unobtrusively through her surroundings.
    • Navigating - Hunting and criminal activity both often take place in remote areas where the ability to navigate is essential.
    Handicaps: Ashfa - If Ylva has one weakness, one Achilles heel then it's Ashfa.

    Combat style:
    Ylva brawls. She learnt to fight in the gutter where the only rule was to stay alive. To this end Ylva prefers to fight up close with her fist, elbows, teeth, knees, feet and knives rather than with the sword at her hip and will seize any opportunity she can to end the fight in her favour or at least stop it for long enough for her to get away.

    The small folding crossbow that Ylva owns is something she has only relatively recently acquired. She likes it for it unobtrusiveness and the fact that it gives her the ability to injure a target without risking her own neck. She is a average shot with the bow.

  • Color: #070
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Reactions: Greenie


  • Name: Kain Ironclaw

    Sex: M

    DOB, Age: April 3rd, 23

    Place of Birth:Shubi

    Race: kiju; daiken (Fox)

    Languages: Diquet, Stromord, Zanin (A useful skill he learned from his journeys with a trade caravan, Kain can be seen as a universal translator.)

    Occupation: Wandering Swordsman

  • Physical Appearance: Without his armor or his clothes Kain is your rather typical daiken kiju. As a daiken kiju Kain shares a lot of traits similar to a fox from the fur pattern to the paintbrush like tail pattern. With a well kept coat of orange fur, Kain boasts a medium build with a height of 160 centimeters and a weight of 150 lbs He carries the qualities of a young man, one that carries no scars and very few signs of hardships, but dont let such a high maintenance image fool you.

    Around his face Kain still shares those foxlike traits. With whiskers reaching about 4 inches (arranged like the image) and unique black markings around his snout, it is very easy to identify the kiju's daiken heritage. The only thing different from the reference image being the thickness of the black fur markings around his eyebrows. They're a bit thinner, about half an inch in diameter.

    Clothing Appearance: Kain tends to wear clothing that could be seen as sophisticated in kiju standards. He always wears a long sleeve shirt along with a cloak that is typically wrapped around him to hide his kiju features from a wandering eye. Another key feature is the breastplate that he wears over his shirt, one that is rarely visible unless he has unclipped his cloak... Occasionally a gust of wind might slip under his cloak and reveal his equipment and armor to a keen eye, but aside from that he does his best hiding everything on him.

    Looking from the waistline down Kain wears a leather belt that secures his trousers. A lot of his equipment revolves around the belt, specifically in the back side region. The pants do well fitting his size, but they're still a tad baggy in order to allow a bit of air flow. Because of his fur's tendency of retaining heat. Where the pants end a pair of cloth foot wraps begin. Kain has adopted the practice of wrapping a reinforced cloth or synthetic fiber around his ankles so to help diminish many of nature's discomforts. For agility's sake he keeps the paw pad region exposed. The only time he coveres the entire foot is when he is traveling in very harsh climates (harsh in kiju standards).


    - Recurve Bow (Located on Back): Kain carries a recurve bow in its respective holster just outside the sword's sheathe.
    - Long Sword (Located on Back): On his back Kain's sword is sheathed beneath the bow's holster, it's handle angled to the right just behind his right shoulder blade. The blade is a 100cm tempered steel blade with a handle that is wrapped with a frayed, tattered piece of leather.
    - Quiver attached to belt [28 Steel Tipped Arrows]: Located beneath his cloak on his backside, Kain has a quiver with it's respective leather strap going from his right shoulder to his waistline just above his tail.
    - Short Sword: Kain's backup weapon, the steel short sword is sheathed just above the quiver, its handle angled towards the right like the quiver's arrows. The blade is about 2 feet in length and rests in a sheath that is also attached to the same strap that carries Kain's Quiver.
    -Satchel: Kain's Leather satchel carries most of his personal belongings. Located on his right hip, with the strap reaching around his left shoulder, Kain tries his best to secure its contents with a iron buckle.

  • Through his upbringing as a traveling swordsman Kain has picked up quite a few mindsets. The personality trait that defines him though is his warrior's mindset. Being raised as a warrior, Kain has the habit of fighting for people, even complete strangers. Through that mindset also comes a element of discipline. In combat or extreme situations Kain finds himself to be calm in most cases. However sustaining a serious injury could compromise that disciplined posture.

    In a non combative scenario Kain lived the tribal life with only the bare necessities. Everything other than the natural kiju needs to him is a luxury that should be appreciated but never longed for. He's pretty much loyal to his trusted comrades. This is where his reckless tendencies thrive.

    Even with his calm demeanor and possible heroic mindset Kain also has a few flaws including bare minimum work ethic. If it doesn't need to be done today it can be done tomorrow. He can also be seen as reckless in most cases where his values are in danger, a draw back to the warrior mentality. Another fuel for his recklessness is his pride, especially in some regions where kiju aren't respected as equals. Aside from that if the criteria isn't met Kain is also hesitant around strangers. In a normal casual scenario he is typically an introvert and withdrawn from the crowd. Friends and people that meet the warrior's mentality criteria however do not get much of any hesitation compared to people Kain does not know.
    Goal: To find his long lost parents and bring them home.

    Fear: Defeat - To be at the mercy of an adversary is a terrifying thing in Kain's eyes. He hates the thought of being imprisoned or executed like an animal. Even with overwhelming odds the kiju will try to find a way to keep fighting out of pride and fear for defeat.

    The unpredictable - Kain's finds it difficult to sleep knowing one day something might go wrong. The idea of loosing a party member or seeing a known friend suffer goes against everything the kiju has been raised to fight for.

  • Kain Ironclaw was a kiju born in Shubi, a Zokuka located not too far from the border between the kiju and the Gra. There he lived a rather simple life with a warrior for a father and a hunter for a mother. Over the years he grew up to be a very unique kind of kiju, one that could wield the bow and the sword if the situation calls for it. He would have been a fine warrior, perhaps even a fine leather if he had the opportunity, but after the disappearance of his parents the young fox kiju would take a path never taken before by those in his Zokuka. He'd leave his home and find a life beyond the boundaries of his settlement. With a fate now unwritten, Kain writes a new page in his life, one that ends the life of a warrior and begins the life of a wandering swordsman, determined to find his missing mother and father.

    A warrior leaving his Zokuka is no easy task. Kain's wishes to leave what was virtually his family sparked great controversy throughout the community. Conflict rose over the question of letting Kain leave while still carrying his family name. The debate made Kain's name spread like wild fire throughout the kiju lands. Some saw Kain leaving as a derelict of his duties and demanded him to stay, others believed there was some greater force steering Kain's path elsewhere. Regardless, it took the blessing of Kain's Saigon to put an end to the debate. Those who demanded Kain to stay no longer had a say in the matter. He is seen as a hero to some, a bold explorer going into a great unknown in order to find his long lost parents, to others however he is seen as a coward for steering away from a warrior's path. Kain got to keep his name aswell as his title, but some to this day wish to challenge Kain to see if he is still worthy to be called a warrior. Needless to say, a return home won't be a peaceful one.

    Kain would go to many places and see many wonders never seen before by your average kiju Tribesman. Shortly after leaving he'd find and join a merchant ship known for crossing the border to exchange goods between both the Mork and the kiju despite the racial tensions between the two. It was no ordinary ship, but one that had a mixture of all types of characters. It was here where he'd meet the mork's translator who would teach him the languages of the world. For five years Kain would live the merchant life, traveling across borders while learning the languages of the three races. He'd soon become a translator himself, one that was seen as an valuable resource in the eyes of many. After years of training, learning, and trading, Kain earned a reputation as a wandering swordsman with only few knowing of his true motives. Eventually Kain would say his farewells to the caravan. While they gave him soo much, he still had a drive to continue his search for his parents. With this new skill he had obtained, Kain felt ready to travel alone knowing he could always find a way to breach the language barrier that had stopped him from traveling to other lands alone. In good spirits they gave him the chest plate that he wears to this day, a gift that was almost comparable to the gift of knowledge they spent five years handing down to him. With his new armor and a bit of coin the kiju set off once more, a swordsman earning his stories while searching for his long lost parents.

  • Skills/Talents:
    • Translator - Kain has taken the time to study all languages available to him. He can somewhat translate what you're telling him aside from a bit of slang he hasn't heard yet.
    • Sewing- A skill his mother taught him, Kain can mend clothes on the go. Appearance has been very important in order to blend in with other civilizations.
    • Rope Handling- From his time at sea Kain has learned to handle a rope very well! From tying knots to burning off frayed edges the young warrior can use a bit of rope to its fullest potential. He can also create and mend bowstring if he has the right materials for the job.
    • Silent Movement- A racial sort of trait, the kiju can step quietly even with the equipment he has. If foxes did exist he'd compliment them very well.

    Combat style: While Kain does know how to use his bow, the kiju specializes in close quarters combat. Through sword play and even hand-to-hand combat, Kain thrives in being up close and personal.

    Through his bits of training and experience Kain has over time leaned towards a defensive posture when it comes to fights. He focuses on self preservation and waiting for the opportunity to strike while at the same time trying to tire his enemy out. His primary goal is to get to his tools before his enemy does and to outlast his enemy while trying to keep calm during the chaos of battle. The moment he anticipates his target to be suffering fatigue the kiju strikes at his foe, hopefully bringing a swift end to the fight.

  • Color: Red
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