Zodiac Rp (IC)

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Earl gently sighs as he holds his half-sister in his arms and says, "My sister is not normally like that. My guess is the stress from work then the meeting going to hell in a handbasket, then the sudden weird events are what made her snap". He pauses and then says, "I know for a fact, that she cares about her friends so she would not attack them for no reason, I think it's only fair we give her the chance to wake up and regain her senses and try and make sense and explain the best she can". He pauses for a minute then says, "While I'm not close to Jake or many of you for that matter, but I can tell this much from what I have seen so far, most of you are good in some shape or form so I will not hold a grudge. I hope to be able to befriend you all as time passes".

He pauses again for about a minute then says in a clear but very cold voice to Kyoko, "If you drag your blade over my sister's face like that again or talk about ending her life you will see a side to me you will not like at all, and I really don't like hitting women and have only done it when given no choice so please don't force my hand". Earl now turns away from Kyoko since he has made his point and says" Sure I did feel powerless, but we all know getting overly worked up and such is not going to help us, and the other thing I'm thinking is given things where will we move to so things are more secure and we can regroup for a counter-attack". Earl is thinking' i want to take care of my sister but at the same time is it really ok for me to take her back to the room in the middle of this mess'? ' Earl is rubbing his head gently trying to think about the best option and one that group can agree on'.
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~Lenora Everly~​

Still shaken over her father being taken hostage, Lenora remained curled up on the ground after Mai released her. She was unable to will the tears that stained her cheeks to stop flowing as she watched the situation only get from bad to worse. Thankfully, Jake returned and disarmed Tani before her sister could lose her life. However, in the next second, the two disappeared. For some reason, it unsettled her. She had skimmed through the part of the report that spoke of Tani's abilities but she didn't think the girl could use it on others as well.

Seeing as how the two left out the others, it was apparent that they had something on their minds that they didn't trust them with. After coming to this realization, an eerie wave of calm fell over Lenora. She struggled to her feet, still off kilter as she was still recovering from Luana's sonic blast. At the very least, her ears stopped ringing. Although they ached, Lenora thought herself lucky to regain the ability to hear again.

Turning back to Earl, she watched as he held his sister in his arms protectively, giving out his own opinion on the matter. 'Stress? He's got to be kidding, right?' As skeptical as she was about his thoughts, one thing she did agree with him on was that Luana wouldn't hurt her friends. Although they haven't kept in touch as much as she would have liked, she still held this friend really close to her heart.

Making her way over to Mai, Lenora pulled her close, still worried over her sisters well being. "Although I can't completely trust certain people, Jake is right. We have to get out of here." Her calm gaze pulled away from Mai and wandered over to Ying Yue who had just suffered quite the scare. "Would you happen to know of any safe places around here, Ying Yue? If not, we can chance it and just follow Jake wherever. I would assume your plan B is a lot more meticulously planned out than your plan A, right, Mr. Kane?"

She turned away and headed towards her seat, picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "Even you can't be that useless." She muttered under her breath, not caring whether he heard her or not. It was only when she turned towards the doorway he entered through that she finally noticed that the pig was exchanged for another. Albeit a little disappointed with the turn of events, the others were right, this wasn't the time to be sentimental. Even if they failed to find their father, she would be damned if she didn't catch those who hurt him. His sacrifice would not be in vain. For now they could only focus on finding a solution. With that in mind she politely bowed to their new teammate and waited for the others to choose what they all wished to do.

►Meeting Room


►Mai @Zelda
►Jake @Kazuaki Yoshioka
►Ying Yue @xLarius


~Kyouko Takumi~

Just when she was about to get bored, the redheaded fellow decided to block her view. Just by looks alone, she could tell he was the rooster. It seemed that was the common trope nowadays. Amused by his lack of originality, Kyouko couldn't help but return his playful smile with one of her own. "Ahaha, really now? I never expected the two of you to swing that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that." Checking the man's features over, Kyouko couldn't help but hide her growing smile behind her curled hand, index finger resting on her lower lip. It was always the attractive ones that had secrets to hide.

"I'm just surprised you turned out to be so much more submissive than those flimsy papers stated. Or what, does he pay you to stand up for him or something? What is this man to you, Frey-san? Daddy Kane?" The brunette chucked at the thought, raising an inquisitive brow towards the redhead.

Their pleasant exchange was interrupted by the familiar sound of a gun cocking. Truth be told, Kyouko was just as surprised to see the young girl aiming her pistol towards the woman that went berserk earlier as the rest of them. However, she was probably the only one in the room rooting for the girl to pull the trigger. Almost instantly, others tried to calm her down. "Really now, just let her do what she wants. It's not like that woman is innocent. She already attacked one of you yet you wish to protect her? We're not going to get anywhere like this."

Before anything too serious could go down, the mutt returned with a woman in tow and headed straight for the rat, quickly ruining the mood in the room. "Killjoy.." Clicking her tongue with displeasure, Kyouko sighed and put her blade away, having no further use for it now that the dog had returned.

It seemed that most wished to leave to another location, an idea Kyouko agreed with. Just as she was thinking of asking where they would be heading, the man holding the berserker piped up with a warning. If there was one thing Kyouko loved, it was a challenge. "Is that so? In that case, you'd better not let her slip up. If she goes out of control again, I will not give her a third chance to stab us in the back." If the dragon had one positive quality, it was her honesty. She was never one to back out of a promise.

►Meeting Room

►Dragon [Original]

►Jake & Ryan @Kazuaki Yoshioka
►Earl @Rads


Ryan Frey/ Rooster
"Interesting" Ryan says looking down at Svin and closely examining her before looking at her weapon. "rest easy master hope, clearly your sister had succumbed
to some sort of mind control, possessed if you will"
He says looking back at Earl "That would clear miss Van Allen's name "
He says becoming lost in thought before looking up at Mai "I must apologize, it was foolish of me to suspect you miss Van Allen, But i will not ignore the fact that you still resorted to killing someone even...." Ryan stops his self quickly remembering that one of the hostages was her father. "Forgive me for being insensitive" he says lowering his 3-sect to his side. "But still It is terrifying to think the enemy has this type of power" He says looking back at Luana. "Although it seems they may lack the power to control a Zodiac for very long, they were able to activate Lady Luana's abilities, hopefully she will have some insight on what had happend"

Hearing Kyouko reccomend that Jake let Tani shoot Luana causes him let out a slight scoff while he shook his head. He begins to smirk when Earl and Kyouko exchange words. "Honestly" he says walking up to Kyouko's side before looking her up and down. "even with your unpleasant nature of yours" he says stopping at the woman's lips "you seem to leave me with a sense of bewildered" he says finally making eye contact. Hearing Lenora say that she agreed for the group to leave "i left a few things in my room that i do not wish to leave behind, perhaps you could escort me to my room to gather them" Ryan says softly to Kyouko before leaning a little closer to her ear "what do you say?, eairler you were so keen on figuring out my kinks, why not let me show you instead" he says in a taunting manner as his playful smirk returned.

@Rads @Zelda @Iceydaze

Mai felt a huge sigh of relief when Jake finally came back, he was able to calm down Tani and even get the gun away from her. She looked at Jake when he passed her showing some fear and sadness but otherwise staying strong. Her father had been captured, she hadn't talked to him in such a long time and now he was... She couldn't think about that right now. So many of them had family taken, she had to be one of the strong ones for her sister. When Lenora came to her, pulling her close she was slightly surprised. She didn't realize she had just been standing there until her sister came. "Hey, you alright" Mai said putting a hand on Lenora's cheek smiling. She knew how afraid Lenora could get so she wanted to make sure she was okay. "Where will we be going? We can't stay hidden forever. The disease is spreading, we have to act now even if it means sacrifices..." she said.

Hearing the dragon speak so cruelly brought a certain rage up, Mai could feel herself heat up but said nothing. What happened with Luana was strange and terrifying as well but that didn't mean that she thought that Luana was the one. Mai glared at Ryan when he spoke to her, she walked over to him poking him in the chest. "I will resort to any type of action if it means I am protecting myself and others I love" she said firmly. "I don't need your judgement nor your opinions" she said. Seeing him walk over and flirt with Kyouko just anger her even more. A part of her wanted to speak up and really let out a piece of her mind but deciding that was a waste of time she pushed it aside. "If we're going under than everyone needs to drop any type of electrical device. We're going dark ages and quickly. We need to get serious and now!" she said. She looked over at Jake hoping he could help bringing them all together
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~Kyouko Takumi~

Kyouko couldn't help but knit her brows at Ryan's theory, skeptical. Even if they all had various abilities, there were reasons for that. She had never heard of an outsider with powers, much less one so powerful. However, looking over to her replacement, she began to wonder if Ryan was onto something. Could the culprit belong to someone from one of their clans? It wasn't unusual for another person in a clan to acquire abilities as well after all. "Yes, I suppose you do have a point, now that I think about it. Glad someone here is capable of logical thought.."

As if to prove her wrong, Ryan turned his attention back onto her, his eyes roaming for a bit before actually making eye contact. Never one to back down, Kyouko cockily tilted her chin up to face him properly, never once dropping her own smirk. "Unpleasant? I'm afraid you haven't seen enough to make a clear judgement on that."

While the others were busy making a decision, the redhead asked for an escort to his room. From his tone, it didn't sound like he was asking at all, but making a demand. Had he not taunted her, she probably would have declined. She wasn't some child's bodyguard. Curious as to what he was up to, she thought it over before agreeing, not once believing he would really waste time on something so pointless. "Sure. I need a change of clothes anyway." Looking around, she soon found her own bag by Raul. For a second there she almost forgot she had that fellow looking after her. With a sigh, she walked over and grabbed her bag. "I'm heading out with Little Red over there. We'll meet up with you guys in a bit. You don't mind, do you? No? Good." Not giving him a chance to even refuse, she turned around and walked out the door, only pausing outside to let Ryan lead the way.

The moment they reached the room, Kyouko set her small bag down on her bed and opened it up, caring not for whatever Ryan was up to. In the meantime, she pulled out an outfit that would be easier to fight in. Although Raul confiscated her firearms, she included a holster for one in case he returned it and strapped another couple for the few knives he allowed her to possess. Looking back at it now, her assumption that this meeting was just going to be a bore was a complete joke. Who knew where the culprit got the guts to pull this shit off.

Completely indifferent to the mood in the room, she slipped off her dress and began to change into her other outfit. It was only as she was putting on a black tank top that Kyouko recalled the redhead that brought her over in the first place and turned to look at him mid-change. "I don't know why you wanted to bring me of all people here to this dump but if you're going to show me something, you may as well do it now. I would assume you didn't bring me here to show off your moves with that little stick there, right?" Although she was referring to his weapon, her smile held some ambiguity in it. At the same time, she couldn't help but wonder why anyone would choose to fight with a stick out of all things. This gang of goody goodies had some really strange people.

►Meeting Room>Ryan's Assigned Room

►Dragon [Original]

Outfit (Except Black/Grey color scheme, no Suspended yellow thing, and a red "15" design on the back of her top.)

►Ryan @Kazuaki Yoshioka
►Raul @Elusive Thorns
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In the matter of a few seconds, Hell seems to release on them when the Ox representative began attacking the others. Saria was by the door so she was able to dodge any of the attacks that came their way. She did not know how to react and felt her body trembling with what she can guess was fear. "Damn, these shivers," she said to herself getting out a small flask and taking a drink. She peeped inside the room seeing that the little rat was now waving a gun around like a maniac. "This is really getting worst and worst by the minute," she said hiding by the door keeping herself hidden from the others as she continued to drink her shivers stopping. She waited for shots to ring off but instead Jake entered the room diffusing the situation. Saria goes back into the room grabbing Jax's hand. "We need to get out of here before I lose my mind. I'm all out of booze and don't want to go alone besides I don't trust anyone here but you, got it!" she snapped at him dragging him out of the room. Two other people left so she might as well leave as well. She couldn't handle going back into that room after seeing everything going down. She began walking down the hall holding Jax's hand hard. Once they were away from the others and in her room she let go of his hand.

"We should get out of here. Without the others, these people. They aren't what they seem and aren't trustworthy I mean look at it, Ox got captured and bewitched so easily" she said shaking her head. "If we escape then we can figure this out on our own or how about we just leave in general. I cannot deal with this. All of this is too much I never wanted to be the zodiac in the first place. This is so annoying!" she shouted. "I need another drink," she said going over to her dresser looking for another bottle. She was throwing cloth around the room and smacked her forehead, "Damn it, I forgot, I drank it all" she said shaking her head. She covered her eyes sitting down on her bed crying softly. "I need to get out of here," she said wiping her eyes. She looked up at him before making a fist, "You better not tell anyone that I cried if you do I'll punch you in the face" she said sniffling.
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Jak Sawyer
Jak watches at the ruckus in amazement, but in a sarcastic way. As the Ox became an animal and started attacking people, even nearly hit his head from the attack but managed to pass his head 'i never knew I were paired with some 8-year-olds' he thought, turning his head over to Saria. he noticed something new, something rare.

peeking right at the door he watched the drunk красотка ( Bea--uti--ful girl) was showing Emotions "how infrequent " he spoke with his deep cold voice before she pulled him out of the meeting room. he gazed down. they were holding hands, Jak looks at his side, he never held anyone's hand in a long time it felt alien to him. but his thoughts were back when he heard her voice

"We need to get out of here before I lose my mind. I'm all out of booze and don't want to go alone besides I don't trust anyone here but you, got it!"

"from the гадит (not allowed to translate) I see today I think it's fair if we stick together," he said to her "your the only one I trust too and you're the only one with the clear mind and conscience than all of them" he added, feeling her hand hardening on him, he knew something was wrong. he just doesn't know how to react . as they walk to the hall he stops by the door of her room where she lets go of his hand.

Truly, he expects her to start acting chill. but, he got his answers differently. from who he sees today, was a different person. she looks down, broken and sad. as she spoke about the Zodiacs back in the meeting room. she speaks from the heart but a heart with fear as the clothes were thrown in the air one by one just for a bottle to wonderland. he sighs and walked over to her and stop, moving her fist off from his direction, but gently as he takes out a napkin and passes it to her "it will only be just for the both of us to know, now, wipe your tears Saria, the monsters will be gone soon" he said sitting beside her.

he looks at the ground before smiling, gazing down at her "you know, I never wanted to be a Zodiac too" he said taking a bottle from his bag and passing it to her, but he didn't let the cap open for the bottle yet "too many people trying to make you perfect, controlling you to do this and that and too much work, too many people complaining and too many people who judge you and most of all ... too much people you have to lose" he said as he turned silent for a moment

"but you know, you have to be a zodiac, there is a reason why you were chosen and you and only you can make up a better chance," he said as he looks at her still not opening the bottle of wine. he closed his eyes, feeling he might have said the wrong thing to her, he looks down on his hands "listen, Saria, I don't know whatever happens to your past but here is a piece of nice advice from the Tiger Zodiac. today is a better day to make things for the better, a better day to make things right and a better day for you become free and to be who you are with no one ever controlling you. And yes lets both works this out together and capture whoever that Zodiac is who put us all into this chaos and mess, okay " he said. now opening the cap of the bottle for her as he looks at her

"now... before we start, I have to ask you a decision," he said holding his hands tightly "are you willing to drink all that pain away just to escape in wonderland, but every time it comes off you will drink and drink again? or Face life as it is and create something better, something you don't have to drink up and forget but a memory you will love to remember over and over again" he said to her and giving her the cap of the bottle "I am not forcing you at anything and maybe instead of Drinking, a hug might suffice your sadness" he said to her

location : meeting room-to- Saria's room
interation : Saria @Neferet
mention: none


Everything was a disaster, not what Raul was thinking just for a moment but it was happening, with the ox, to the Rat with a gun and to the Dog trying to fix things from then and there, yet there he was, sitting by the distance. observing each and every one of them. he does wish to accompany one of then but then again he might say something wrong to oppose them and that might catch more of a scene.

he then gazes at the Original Dragon, talking to one of the Zodiac and signing as she took her bag away from him and asking him if she can head out with the red hair Zodiac, he wouldn't have cared if it means if his reputation, but it was also her reputation and if she tries to do something stupid it will be all thrown on his face like a meteorite.

"oh God above help me," he said standing up and following behind them silently. he listens up to their conversation he heard her mention a stick behind from the red-haired Zodiac. he doesn't know but he was starting to feel something bad from this. something wrong, but he shouldn't act first. he needs to stay from where he was standing and listen. he might have the wrong idea. but then again he couldn't hold the feeling that she might be a danger and thanks to her mouth and Ego he has to talk with the Dog later from her previous actions

yet right now he just hopes she would be safe to that red-haired Zodiac. he didn't care if he would be called a dog but right now the Original Dragon's life depends on this and if it means Sacrificing it can be called as worth.

location: Meeting room- close to ryans room
mention: @Iceydaze @Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Saira took the napkin from him wiping her eyes and blowing her nose into it looking like a mess. She looked up hearing him talk about monsters. She looked confused for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "Monsters? Do you think that is what I am afraid of? Monsters aren't real its humans who are the truly dangerous ones" she said scoffing. She looked away from him hearing him talk about not wanting to be a zodiac as well, she stayed quiet allowing him to speak. A bottle of wine was passed to her and she stared at it holding it tightly. At the mention of losing people, she closed her eyes her head lowering some more. "I have no one left to lose," she said softly. "There is no one here for me. I lost everything..." she said. She could feel anger bubbling up inside her. "I DON'T WANT TO BE A DAMN ZODIAC!" she shouted. "There is no reason for us being here," she said. "We are the ones destroying everything," she said. "There may have been a reason for me to become a zodiac at one point but that reason was destroyed when it took the only people who loved and cared for me," she said feeling tears come down again. "Today, tomorrow, another day will be a better day. I've heard that line over and over again so much that I feel as though I can feel the words" she said. "It's never a better day for me. I'm used to it, or maybe I'm getting used to it" she said. "No one is controlling me," she said. "I left the clan a long time ago. I probably shouldn't even be here but there was no one else" she said.

At the mention of him joining her, she looked at him. "You mean that?" she said softly. "You would actually come with me to find the guilty one?" she said. When he opened the cap of the wine bottle she stared at the liquid wondering if it would be sweet or would it be bitter. "Am I willing to drink the pain and escape to wonderland or face the outside world?" she said. "Tell me, what happy memory do you think I want to keep? Could it be the countless nights waking up in my own filth or watching my parents be burned alive" she said shaking her head. "I can't remember anything and all I want to do is forget this hell," she said taking the bottle and taking a drink from it nearly downing the half the bottle. When she finished her cheeks redden and her eyes closed halfway giving her a lazy look. "Sweet wine, I usually don't drink it since it just tastes like juice," she said laughing. "Mow them, shall we get out of this hell hole before the others try to stop us," she said trying to stand up feeling a bit unstable and falling back on the bed. She rubbed her head bringing the bottle back to her lip drinking the rest of it and burping loudly before passing out.
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"Im sorry tani" Jake says placeing his hand on her shoulder but turns his head back towards Lenora when she had asked a question only to leave the room before he could answer. It had seemed like Chiyo had managed to create a clone of herself "we can just leave her here" Tani says under her breath but stops when Jake bumps her arm. "i left our bag in the hallway, im going to help Earl carry his sister" Jake says walking over to the two but stops when Mai had confronted Ryan.
Ryan manages to keep his composure as Mai approches him but almost lets out a slight chuckle when Mai had poked at his chest. He allows her to finish before tilting his head as she looked back Jake.
"What if its from someone you love?"
Ryan says glanceing between Jake and Mai before turning to follow Kyouko out of the room. A short moment of silence had broke out as Jake looks back at Mai. he nods his head and continues to help Earl tend to his sister. "Im sorry i almost shot you" Tani says apologetically to who ever was left in the room.

Mean while

When they arrive at the his room, Ryan removes his jacket and tosses it on to the bed before walking over to the dresser and pulling out a small satchel and checking it. Hearing Kyouko questioned why he had brought her to his room, Ryan chuckles as he sets his satchel back down before turning his head "that is a good question, why did you follow?" He says leaning his 3-Sect onto the dresser before walking over to Kyouko in mid change. "Did you think i brought you here to kill you?, well i would be lying if i said stabbing you in the back hasn't crossed my mind" he says studying her curves before placing his hand on her side while gently pulling her close to him. "tell me, what will your babysitter do when he hears you screeming " he says referring to Raul who thought that he had follwed behind the two.

Mai's fist tightens up when he mentions her loved one. She looked down unable to look at Jake for a moment. She could feel him staring at her, she closed her eyes for a second before looking over at Jake. "Even if it comes to that," she said softly. She turned back seeing a bunch of the zodiacs leaving. It seems as though no one wanted to stay together. Everyone was separating. She goes over to Lenora grabbing her hand, "We need to pack light amd make sure to get rid of your phone. I'm going to call some of mom's bodyguards. There is two trusted mem that can help us" she said. "I want you to stick by them no matter what got it," she said. Despite her sister being a zodiac with powers capable of protecting herself but still, Mai could never forgive herself if something happened to her sister. Their father was gone and she had no idea whether or not she was captured as well. "Ying Yue," Mai said going over the zodiac. "Hope you are alright," she said knowing that her life could have been taken from her just now. "Can you make copies of whatever medical files you may have on this disease. The research will continue and even as we go under we will still need to have updates every now and then" she said. She then went over to Jake where Earl and Luana was. "She should be looked after," she said.

"Lupin, come over here. Check her out, make sure that she isn't hurt" she said. "Who knows what those people did to her," she said touching Luana's hand lightly. She looked at Jake talking to him now. "How are we getting out of here. People seem to be separating into groups. I would say we should stick together but I doubt anyone wants to do that" she said. There was no trust and she didn't think there was any point in creating any trust. "We should find a safe house although I don't know if we can find one now since they have our family. They are probably..." she stopped herself from saying the word torture. She didn't want to think about that, her parents wouldn't be able to survive that. She felt sick covering her mouth swallowing hard. "We need to deal with the group first ut the disease is also a priority. If we can perhaps we can separate into two groups. We have people who can heal, defend, amd fight. If make teams with whoever is willing then maybe we have a chance. I need your help though. You too Tani, we can't lose our heads again" she said firmly. "Earl, I know your sister has nothing to do with this so if you could help us as well that would be helpful," she said putting a hand on his shoulder squeezing it lightly. "What do you say?
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Svin was completely ignored as whatever happened was diffused. The male Jake came into the room and calmed everyone down well mostly Tani who had been waving a gun around. This was going to be one stressful ass task to do. She didn't really know who to approach as she did not really know any of the people here. The only one she really met was Jake amd he was just a tad too annoying for her to deal with. She went over to the small group that was surrounding the girl who passed out overhearing Mai's idea. "Do we really think that's a good idea? I mean there is at least one of us who are spoiled so separating the group could cause a problem. This zodiac could end up tricking the others and then we really would be screwed" she said crossing her arms. If she was honest she saw the others as morons, they ran around like chickens without heads. She sighed rubbing her temples amd shaking her head. A headache was already forming and she could only imagine what is going to happen next. "Honestly I don't see any hope in us succeeding. I mean if this group can take over any one of us then what's the point. Why not let the world urn and maybe start a new" she said. She thought about it for a second, if she remembered her studies of emotions she was supposed to feel empathetic. "I mean of course we can save everyone's family first so that they can die with us and then you know rebuild. I don't know" she said shrugging. She wasn't really worried about the hostages as there was no one she really cared for.

She felt it quite interesting that one of the zodiacs got taken over. It kind of reminded her of her own powers except that she was only able to control a person if she looks into their eyes. With the guards dead amd, the whole technical difficulties happening Svin realized something. "I think the people are still here," she said bending down looking at the Ox zodiac. "I mean they have to be nearby I mean shouldn't we go investigate that instead of just staying in this room," she said standing back up amd drawing her weapon extending it. "Since everyone just wants to stay here I'm actually gonna go investigate," she said heading out the door. She headed out wondering if the people were in the building and if not then maybe she could catch them leaving. They had to be nearby, she could just feel it. As she walked she could feel a presence lurking near her. She held her weapon close before turning around swinging her weapon but hitting nothing. Still, she felt that strange presence poking at her. She looked around trying to focus but just as the presence came it left quickly. "Hm... interesting," she said.
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~Kyouko Takumi~

Ryan's question made her wonder why she truly agreed to follow along. Ultimately there was curiosity. The rooster seemed to flit between being one of the most rational members and yet someone completely lacking of morals. It was hard to pinpoint who he actually was and why he did the things he did. Perhaps she wanted to get to the bottom of this fellow. Perhaps she just needed some room to vent away from the other dragon. Maybe she just needed someone to get along with. Someone that would make this adventure a little more bearable. Whatever the reason, she couldn't help but find this man rather amusing. He certainly provided her with the unexpected.

Regardless, she finished putting her shirt on. When Ryan admitted wanting to stab her in the back, Kyouko couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "Kill me? That thought never crossed my mind." She answered honestly as she reached into her bag and buried her stuffed lion, Nitro, deeper into her bag to prevent him from witnessing anything he did not need to see. If Ryan actually went along with it, she would wholeheartedly resist death but at the same time, she felt it would be a refreshing experience. "You're more than free to try it anytime. I won't hold it against you. I'm not your beloved Kane." Although her smile had not faltered, Kyouko couldn't help but feel enraged whenever she was reminded of the dog zodiac. The injustice she suffered was simply ridiculous.

Adding to her frustration was Ryan's gentle touch. The moment she felt his warm body against hers, the anger she felt, boiled over in an unexpected way. Her hands gently caressed the sides of his face, slowly trailing up to run through his hair, the red color matching her bright red eyes that currently filled with a mischievous spark. At the mention of the other dragon, Kyouko's smile only broadened. Standing up on the tips of her toes, she gently whispered to him, her face only mere centimeters away from his own. "Is that so? Interesting. Let's see what he does, shall we?"

Without warning her hands balled into fists, fingers entwining in Ryan's hair as she forcefully jerked him back onto the bed. Using her body weight, she laid him back and playfully straddled him. It was a move many guys dreamed of. The dream soon warped as flames formed, licking their way up her arms. Upon closer inspection, one could see the flames were gentle and playful much like their owner's current state. Despite the danger they presented, they were completely harmless to the rooster beneath her so long as he wasn't stupid enough to touch them. "I'm not so sure I'll be the one screaming though."

►Ryan's Room

►Dragon [Original]

►Ryan @Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Jak Sawyer

Jak catches her before she falls to the wrong side of the bed when she passes out. he watched her gently while she sleeps peacefully in his arms, he then places her down the bed and grabs her bag "yes, I mean everything I said" he said while she sleeps in her bed and wrap a blanket around her to keep her warm "we will find who that killer Zodiac is and put everything to an end." he spoke as he looked down at her, gently petting her head "and when this is all over." he said softly, he knew she doesn't hear what he said but he just shook his head and smile "take care of you next"

Jak then started putting her clothes inside her bag, while her voice started repeating in his head. "Tell me, what happy memory do you think I want to keep? Could it be the countless nights waking up in my own filth or watching my parents be burned alive" he never knew her life has been like this. all he knows about her was her happy and carefree woman yet now he slowly understands why she drinks, why she smiled so widely and why she cared.(edited)

"There is no one here for me. I lost everything..." "you have me..." he stopped for a moment "...well, as your partner " he cooed as he picks her up in his arms in a bridal style, he was hoping to carry her over to his shoulder but if he did that she would end up spitting out everything she drinks.

"your a strange one Sariah," he said before placing all her stuff inside her bag and placing them over to his shoulder "you have been through a lot, and yet you still live. strong yet still soft, soft but not that weak" he said. picking her up in a bridal style and walked out of her room to his room where he started packing his stuff "we have a reason why we are here and that is to protect people from the virus. we needed you because you are wise, unlike those fools, you are more reliable and you know more than them" he said taking his luggage and placing all his stuff inside before picking her up again and walking out of his room to the Exit

"I have so much to ask you Saria, and we aren't destroying Everything, we serve as an order. it just a matter of time one of the Zodiac turn everything upside down," he said as he smiled as he looks at her, she looks so peaceful when she's asleep as if she is an angel. 'maybe I should talk when she waked up' he thought to himself with a chuckle and sing a lullaby. it was a special lullaby that helps him calm down, childish yes, but for him it's badass

as they got out, he placed her on the backseat where he helped lay her down and put all their bags in the trunk before gazing up the building "let the game begin Dog boy" he said as he turns up his smoke and started driving

location : Saria's room - jak's room - outside
interation : Saria [IMG alt="Scarlet"]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/26/26269.jpg?1558270601[/IMG] Scarlet
mention: none
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Jake's ears twitch at Mai's answer to Ryan, he of all people knew that the rooster was playing on Mai's frustration, and she was falling for it. To even think she had even thought about the idea of him doing anything to harm her was hard to swallow. He stays silent while stepping back from Lupin and his sister, letting Mai take lead. Not being able to control his self he stares at Mai with disbelief as she questions what there next plans were. But when Svin had started to speak, he snaps his head to look at the the small girl. His disbelief expression is quickly replaced by anger. Not realzing his brand had started to burn again to the point the sizzling could be herd, Tani rushes to his side grabbing his arm "jake" she says getting attention "what are you doing?"


Jake says to Tani before turning towards the table and looking through one of the folders. "You remember how to get to the safe house?" "y... ya but, shouldent we.."
When Tani looks over what Jake had pulled from the folder makes her raise an eye brown "thats not the safe house" she says noticing he was looking over a map of the Shanghai river. "Your going to show them the way to the safe house"
"You mean we are going to show them the way, right?" "Take the alley ways, stay out of sight.." "Jake" tani says realizing he was ignoring her. "The password is still the same, make sure you guys aren't follwed..."
"JAKE" "don't trust anyone you dont know, stay close to others and use your abili...."
"Stop!" Tani screams finally getting Jakes attetion "what are you talking about?! Where are you going?" She says in a demanding tone while she covers the map with one of her hand.

"Im sticking with the first plan" he says making Tani give him a grim look "after the safe hou..." "no, im going it alone" Jake says turning to look back at the others. "The safe house is near the east Shanghai borders, everything you guys need is already there" "then im going with you" Tani says picking up the map and rolling it up only to get it snatched out of her hand by Jake. "I have to put and end to this plague, so ill start by searching the village for clues that could help, You will only get in the way, stay with the others, Jake says with an honest tone while slipping the map into his pocket. "Im going to get our bag, before WE leave" Tani says with a demermined look as she walked out of the meeting room. Jake shakes his head before returning his attention to the folder waiting for everyone to leave the room.




Tani looks through the douffle bag Jake and her shared remembering she had left her Tanto in her room. ~dammit im going to get scolded~ she says looking down the hallway. ~i can grab it before he comes out~ she repeats in her head before she dashes down the hallway but stops when she noticed one of the doors that had been left open. "Hello?" She says slowly apporching the door "is an....."
Tani covers her mouth seeing the two dead guards that was left in the room.
In a panic she activates her ability and begins to run back towards the meeting room. Seeing Svin head her way she steps to the side to allow her to pass but when she steps back out she freezes again when a shadowy figure appears in front of her, only to have her back slashed by Svin's scythe forcing her to lauch towards the shadowy figure. Tani lets out a loud yelp as she reappears and looks around frantically for the figure "where did it go?!" she manges to say before wincing at the pain from the slice on her back. "I..im sorry" she looking at Svin before slowly standing back up and running .
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Saria was snoring in the back of the seat her arm thrown to the side and a bit of drool coming out of her mouth. Suddenly she sat up throwing one hand up in the air or so she tried but instead smack her head on the ceiling of the car. She yelped rubbing her head. "Ouch, what the hell?" she said looking around seeing that her environment had changed. She was in the backseat of a car, for a moment she had a fearful look in her eye thinking that she had passed out and was kidnapped by someone but when she turned her head she saw Jax in the front seat. "Jax!? What the hell!?" she shouted at him climbing in the front seat with him. "Why am I in the back seat, it smells like ass back there," she said rolling down the window taking a deep breath. She leans her head over the window looking down at the ground. "Did I pass out again?" she asked him softly. She closed her eyes before shaking her head putting her head back inside. "Let's get out of here!" she said to him. "I want to get away from everyone. I don't trust these idiots and I'm sure as hell know they don't trust me" she said with a huff.

"You said that you would help me with finding the bad guy right?" Saria said. "We need to go to the original place of the disease right? I mean there has to be something there. I know from what I looked through the Dog's paperwork that it started in some small village. They might be all dead so are you ready to see dead bodies. Have you ever seen dead bodies before?" she asked staring at him intensely. Her eyes were a bit bloodshot and her breath smelled like wine, she was clearly still very drunk but still somehow functional. "Come on!" she screamed slamming her hand on the horn of the car. "Let's get going pussy cat!" she shouted sitting back down not putting her seatbelt on. She hiccuped looking outside the window lazily. She felt tired again that whole speech took a lot out of her. She wondered if she could take another map, she closed her eyes almost falling asleep before jumping up smacking her cheeks. "Do you have anything else to drink in here?" she asked opening his glove compartment. "Let's have some music in this biatch," she said turning the radio on lasting whatever music was playing.
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Ryan grits his teeth as Kyouko yanks his head back on the bed before mounting him. When the flames appear on her body
Ryan puts his arms behind his head. "I admire the show of confidence, if only it was more.... believable" He says with a dissapointed tone. "Lets turn up the heat" he says caressing her thighs remembering the way she reacted when had first touched her. "Does that help?" he says obviously trying to entice her. With out warning he sits up wraping one arm around her to keep Kyouko on his lap. "Is this all you have?" He says griping her hand not really caring about the flames. "And you had almost got me going ...for a seconde" he says while the flames that touched him start to turn blue. "We still have a little more time if you would like to try again" he says with a cocky attitude flipping her onto her back while pinning the hand he held above her head. Kyoukos flames touch the bed causing the sheets to burn. "Careful, don't want your dolly to get burt" he says reminding her that her bag was till on the bed.
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~Kyouko Takumi~

Hearing the disappointment in Ryan's tone, Kyouko felt as if her pride just took a hit. Truth be told, she was holding back. From her limited understanding, his power didn't sound like it had any focus on defense. If he returned with burns, the other dragon would never let her hear the end of it. There was a battle between the thrill his touch brought and her rationality. The last thing she wanted was to be treated worse if he were to get hurt but at the same time, he was egging her on, practically begging for it.

The moment he sat up and held her in place, Kyouko got a bad feeling from it. Part of her wished to pull away but her intrigue kept her focused on his gaze, anticipating whatever it was that he had so much confidence in. She would be lying if she said he didn't startle her when he grabbed her hand. However, the moment the flame he touched turned blue, her eyes slightly widened in astonishment. She couldn't wrap her head around how he did it, much less why he wasn't burning like she expected.

While she was distracted by this newfound discovery, he flipped her over onto her back, switching their roles with practiced ease. The sheets beneath them fed the flames as they licked their way out to devour anything they touched. A warm feeling grew in her abdomen, edging her on to toss away her rationality. With his reminder about Nitro, Kyouko swiftly kicked her bag out of harm's way before turning her attention back to him. It wasn't long before the fire alarm pierced through the room, echoing out into the formerly silent halls. There was no doubt that the others would be alerted yet Kyouko's face showed no sign of caring. Her rationality had been thrown out of the window along with any caution she may have had before.

With her free hand, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him down, pressing her lips against his. It wasn't a soft, intimate kiss between lovers but one full of primal desire. Her tongue didn't so much as ask for access so much as demanded it from him. It ran over the seam of his lips at first but when access wasn't granted, she bit down on his lower lip and forced her way in, hungrily devouring him as the flames around them only grew with her excitement. Pulling away from him, she glared at him with a heated gaze, full with equal parts of desire and displeasure. "What's with all of this talk? I thought you had something to show me. You just had to set the bed on fire, didn't you. Who's truly the disappointment here?"

►Ryan's Room

►Dragon [Original]

►Ryan @Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Reactions: Jack and xLarius
Mai had tried talking to Jake hoping to get his help ut instead he withdrew himself from the group. She had put her attention back at Luana and Earl ut could feel his stare burning into her. She turned facing him, her face stern. If he was upset at her for what she said them he was a fool. If she were the one causing this pain and torture to the world she hoped that he would have the balls to take her down. To think, he would be offended for her to think of him that way when just a while back he had been staring at her like he didn't know her. Just like him, she was putting the mission first, they couldn't get personal right now, not with all this crap following them. She kept her eyes on him wondering if he would say something but instead the young stranger spoke and she turned feeling frustration as the child spoke. Mai had no clue who this child was and was ready to smack her for even considering letting the world urn. It wasn't the human's fault that there was a sorry excuse of a zodiac among them plotting revenge over who knows what other than to see the world drown. She looked down hearimg something that sounded like flesh burning coming from Jake amd Mai immediately grew worried. Her frustration left her amd she stood going over to Jake overhearing him argue with Tani.

Hearing that Jake was trying to do this alone made her worry even more. How could he think that he could do this on his own especially with that group running around? "Jake," she said once Tani left. "You're not doing this alone. This isn't time to play hero it's time to get serious" she said sharply. "What are you thinking hm? You're thinking of going to this place alone and then what? You know how ridiculous that sounds?" she said putting a gentle hand on his arm. "Don't do this" she said softly. "You can do this to me ut mot to Tami. She needs you" she said. 'I need you...He needs you' she thought to herself looking down. She felt shame enter her, she shouldn't have held this secret for so long but she didn't think something bad would happen but now everything was messed up. Jake was going to hate her and she probably deserved it. "Jake, there's something you need to know. That day on the oat, when we... when I left you. I didn't want to I didn't ut my mother. Goddamit" Mai said feeling tears come down her cheeks. "Jake I'm so sorry," she said hugging him. "You can't leave, not on your own. After that night we spent I didn't think it was possible but..." before she could finish an alarm went off surprising Mai. What was going on now? Were they under attack again?
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Location: Mentions: all in the room

OOC: Here's my long overdue post

"Luana finds it hard to open her eyes at first, her head pounding nearly nonstop. When she does open her eyes, she is seeing double of most things for a few minutes or so. To top it all off, she can't help but feel somewhat sick as well so she covers her mouth, making sure she does not puke all over the floor and embarrass herself.
"After a few minutes or so later when she has regained her bearings, she looks around the room; very confused as to what happened to her while she was not herself. She slowly gets up and says, "I feel really shitty and I... by the looks of people still here, I did something really bad.
I do notice the dragon cow and the loud mouth monkey are not here. To be honest. It's better this way. Things are already more complicated than I would like them to be.