OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Name: Astrid Rastel
Nickname: N/A

Age ( preferably older than 18): 24
Appearance: blonde-curly-hair-long-curls-min-683x1024 (1).jpg
She looks a little thinner, and has an innocent look about her. She tries to blend in as much as possible, as attention is something she doesn't like. Her hair is usually more sedate, and is usually braided or put in a ponytail behind her head.

Occupation before arriving on the cruise ship: Her front job is that of an accountant. She's currently "on vacation," having been placed there by her superiors.
Personality: RP it out
Weakness: Her powers work slowly, and when using them she is completely unable to tell what's going on in the outside. She stands still, and it's like she's dreaming or asleep. It also takes some time to effectively sift and go through appropriate memories that go towards what she wants. Also, her powers have caused deaths before, mainly on accident. (Both a positive and a negative.)
Species: Human/Possibly unknown
Powers: Whenever she touches someone's skin, she can use her power to dive into people's mind and wipe their memories. Similarly to accessing a computer, she looks at people's "files" and can see other people's memories, and importantly, delete them. If pushed too hard, she can make people forget how to function and even to breathe, almost like a degenerative disease that affects the body. When she comes back to the real world, the person she wipes are stunned for a few minutes as their brain works to fill in the gaps of memories. Otherwise, the memory wipes usually don't affect the body, unless a small piece of memory is left behind which can cause headaches.
Abilities/ skills: She's pretty good with numbers. She also knows how to fight and to defend herself. (Maybe more will be placed here idk)
History : Will update this later, but for now, she works for the people who have Dan, Mike and Constance. (Need more details before describing it better, but really it's to have someone to check Michael and Dan so they don't murder anyone unnecessarily.)
Faction/ role in RP :In the know
She's the reason why mostly everyone who's not in the know has no idea what's going on. Constance would probably be the one who knows the most about her. Even Mike and Dan don't know the true extent of her power.
Great idea, just not a fan of picking premade chars more times than not
@Rads You can make your own character for this. Only thing that is exactly pre-generated for this is the role. ( Bascially if your character is revived by the necromancer, know that this is all a giant experiment, or has no clue what is going on) and even that is your choice at the end of the day.
@Rads You can make your own character for this. Only thing that is exactly pre-generated for this is the role. ( Bascially if your character is revived by the necromancer, know that this is all a giant experiment, or has no clue what is going on) and even that is your choice at the end of the day.
Oh, in that case, I'll have to work something interesting out it may take me a bit
Hey sunny, are you going to shine- today?
It's hard to do that when the moons in my way!

Amaranth Wick

Nickname: Chef Ama

Age: 22

Occupation: Housewife

Personality: To be RPED out.

Species: [FONT=Amaranth, sans-serif]Sorceress from a witchy bloodline. [/FONT]

[FONT=Amaranth, sans-serif]Powers:
- Heat Manipulation [She's able to control fire.]
- Super Strength
- Supernatural Agility
- Supernatural Sense

[FONT=Amaranth, sans-serif]Weaknesses:
-Direct contact of Water. [Upon her skin or anywhere else, she will be hindered in her heat manipulation unless she can get it off by wasting some of her heat to steam the water carefully without damaging herself.]
-Able to take damage as any other human would. [The heat translates to her as well, causing her burns but not as hurtful as it would others, it is a rising pain that gets worse the more she uses it or the stronger it is. She has burn marks from usage.]
-Heavy Stress [She can't control it at all if she under extreme stress, relying only on her strength because agility and sense is amplified too much in a flight or fight situation.]
-Her daughter[She will put all others things including other people, herself, or the safety of someone else below priority over her daughter. ]


Masterchef- If you're looking for a meal that will have you smiling long after you've consumed it, then Chef Ama is the girl for you. Ever since she could remember she had been in the kitchen, she believes she was born with a ladle in her hand. Her kitchen is her sanctuary, where she gets away and lets loose to her sense's content. She's passionate with her style, designing it how she sees fit.

Caretaker- Chef Ama is infact a mother, a mother of one so far, she loves her child with her heart and will demolish anyone who would try to harm them. She is patient, she speaks in ways like she can understand what the child speaks of. The child is a girl like herself fortunately enough so there isn't a lot she has to worry about besides the average things. She puts her child over all other priorities and would have another one if she could.

Naturalist- She heavily prefers to take care of herself with things that she herself as made, this includes perfumes, lotions, hair care items, etc. She doesn't do it for profit, she hand crafts them in order to fully embrace them. She's lathered in coconut and strawberry scents, all of her food and clothing are also hand made. The same for her daughter.

Hunting- The food has to made somehow for that is the way of life, she much prefers to kill the meat she captures herself, and death isn't easy for anyone but she can try to make it as painless as possible for the beast she catches for a meal. She says fresh tastes so much better.


Paranoid - She is paranoid, she's been that way for most of her adulthood due to the feeling of constantly being on the run. From what? She doesn't know, she's protective over her little one and often has nightmares. She doesn't like to be surprised, left in the dark about things, and being invaded of privacy.

Violent- She is a mother, a runaway one at that, she learned about self-defense and has been practicing every since. She also can be quite irritable, when she is irritated it is hard to calm her down unless it is through her child and sometimes not even that resulting in her accidentally frightening her baby sometimes.

Mentally Unstable - She suffers from PTSD from her past relationship and history, once her emotions get riled up it is hard to contain because she is a very passionate woman.

Cannabis- She does indulge in herbs, but never in front of her child. Usually when she is sleep or busy, it keeps her calm exposure.


She lived in a forced marriage belonging to an very wealthy individual who treated her horribly, they lived in a big city but she wasn't allowed to travel for too long. She can't get the image of her parents out of her head, selling her away to this male that she was and had been forced to live with for a long time. She had been allowed to finish highschool and go to college to get her diploma but she couldn't make friends. Eventually in the marriage when she had her first child,Velliza, she would go out when he was at work, and do things she wasn't supposed to do. He only caught her a few times, until to her- she thought she was in grave danger now that he was starting to take notice to the distance she had been throwing her way. She began to devote her time while he was gone to learning how to survive completely on her own because she had no finances and didn't want to be with him any longer. Amaranth spent years on this research and finally, she did it. She doesn't remember dying, but the last thing she does remember is the a loud sound that she can't quite decipher.

Role: Has no clue what's going on.

Extra: Her child is about 4 years old, She is mute around other people except for her child[ at the start], and she owns a cross bow.
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@CherryRoseLotus Accepted (I'm going to assume Amaranth is a living dead unless you tell me otherwise)
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Some people have powers like necromancy and mind wiping, etc)
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So is that strictly a necromancer thing or is powers for everyone?

It's more so for if your character is anything other than human. Like a Living Dead is considered human, but say you wanted to play a magician, spells would be under power. Or say you want your living dead to have ghost-like properties, you can also do that.
So is that strictly a necromancer thing or is powers for everyone?

It's more so for if your character is anything other than human. Like a Living Dead is considered human, but say you wanted to play a magician, spells would be under power. Or say you want your living dead to have ghost-like properties, you can also do that.
Alright, added! And how should I join IC?
Alright, added! And how should I join IC?

Currently you have four options.

Option 1: Have her hiding out in the cargo hold with myself and @Ringmaster

Option 2: Have her be in the lounge with @slifer and @PoetLore's character

Option 3: Wait it out and I'll post a starter with you and it will probably be with one of Peter's new pets I'll make. ( That would be in the next update I post soonish)

Option 4: Wait until @Rads gets around to posting their character and you two can interact
Can you give a summary of whats happening in that section before I write?
Actually, I just realized a problem with the 1st option which would make it unuseable. @CherryRoseLotus Sorry about that. I forgot something the player did which would make a living dead unuseable there. ( Basically used a protection spell that would make them back to dead gain)