• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
[bg=#ffd24d]A Matter of Heart and Soul OOC & Sign-Ups[/bg]

It was a child's dream to join an exploratory airship. The world was young and uncharted, and those who set out to expand the maps were hailed as heroes. A new series of airships were produced strictly for the purpose of exploring, however, only four of them were built due to the cost of the materials. The ships were the next step in human engineering. The mystery-class vessels ran off of an unnamed fuel and were twice as fast as other ordinary ships. The only certainty about what powered the engine was that it wasn't steam and it wasn't diesel, and that it got the ships much farther than any other.

Unfortunately, the longevity of the ships was what brought the program to a halt. Three of the ships exploded due to a mechanical failure, costing the lives of all crew members on board. The only remaining ship, the Dreamer, was decommissioned following shortly after the mechanical failures of the other three. Exploration slowed slightly as ships were unable to go far without refueling, and advances in fueling only added a few more miles to the ships' range. Some ships failed to return from their journeys.

After several years, the Dreamer has resurfaced and the captain and vice captain are searching for an exploratory crew. Now is your chance to get on the fantasized mystery-class vessel and map out the world. Will you take it?

  • Respect one another. We are all working together to create and discover a world. Ideas are meant to be shared, not destroyed.
  • @Boo Girlie BoomBoom is co-GM when I'm dead and off the face of the earth. Please respect what she has to say, otherwise we'll both kick your ass.
  • No godmoding. I reserve the right to deny entry to any character that doesn't make sense to put into a steampunk genre. Children of gods of destruction are not welcome.
  • There are fantasy elements incorporated into the world, and as such, characters are welcome to be a humanoid species of your choosing. Please keep in mind the no godmoding rule when creating your character.
  • There is a limit of two characters per person at the moment. Any unfilled positions on the ship will be nameless NPCs until the position is filled.
  • The posting expectation for this roleplay is as follows: please post at least two hearty paragraphs per character/post. The person you are interacting with should be able to form a solid response off of your post. I ask that you post at least twice a week, in order to keep the roleplay alive. I understand that life gets busy, please let us know if you will be away or otherwise occupied prior to disappearing for over a week.
  • Please do not include smut in the IC posts.
[bg=#ffd24d]Important Links:[/bg]
INTEREST CHECK - A Matter of Heart and Soul Interest Check
CLOSED SIGNUPS - A Matter of Heart and Soul IC

[bg=#ffd24d]Known Sentient Species:[/bg]
Ordered from common to rare.​
Human The basic anthropomorphic creature.
Has no magical affinity or animalistic traits.
Animal-Kin An anthropomorphic creature with some animalistic features or traits that identify it as not being human. Playable
Urdin Short and stocky anthropomorphic creature with a very limited grasp on magic. They have an uncanny knack for making things. Their height ranges from 4' to 5'. Playable
Fae Tall and lanky anthropomorphic creature with an affinity for healing magic. They are more reclusive than most other beings. Their height ranges from 6' to 7' tall. Limited Spots
Halflings, nth-​lings, etc. Most commonly, as cross between a human and one of the other species, though crosses between the others have occurred. They typically do not possess a long lifespan, due to a compromised immune system, rarely making it out of their teens. Limited Spots
Maji A form fluid creature that has only been seen a handful of times. They are highly volatile, and pairing this with their high affinity for all types of magic, they can be quite the handful to reason with. Their lifespans are unknown. Some have been known to store excess magical energy in cores, or small, concealable objects. Restricted
[bg=#ffd24d]Registration Form:[/bg]
(Preferably Anime Image)

[bg=#ffd24d]Available Positions and Accepted Characters:[/bg]
Captain ~ GM The primary operator of the ship, and the final authority of the ship. ☑ Jack DuMonte ~Halfling by @AshenAngel
Vice Captain ~ GM The secondary operator of the ship. ☑ Anna Tilling ~Tilly~Animal-Kin by @AshenAngel
Mechanic(s) ~ 2 Keeps the engine room working in fine order and in charge of repairs.
☑ Quennelidor "Brett" Rozorthrya ~Fae by @Shavynel
☑ "Myo" ~Urdin by @Crono
Biologist Documents any new life discovered on the adventure. ☑ Simon Carlisle ~Human by @Shavynel
Cartographer Creates maps of the new areas explored. ☑ Erica Lanly ~Human by @Petricus Euryale
Chef Makes food for the crew while exploring. ☑ Soren Vilhjalmsson ~Human by @Pray4me
Navigator Ensures that the ship and crew do not get lost during the exploration. ☑ Carmina Las Cassandras ~'Mina~Animal-Kin by @Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Medic Maintains the health of the crew and treats any injuries that may occur. ☑ Doctor Stillmor Ciggmain ~Human by @Crono
Cabin Boy/Girl(s) ~ 3 Keeps the interior of the ship well maintained and assists the mechanics in emergency repairs.
☑ Eli Marie Chanler ~Animal-Kin by @Periodically Incorrect
Mason Jostar ~Human by @Akaida Martins
☑ Eloise Kai Connelly ~Animal-Kin by @Saralaxy
Scout(s) ~ 3 Moves ahead of the main exploration party in order to get a lay of the land, and reports on the terrain ahead.
Havnna Las Cassandras ~'Vanna~Animal-Kin by @Boo Girlie BoomBoom
☑ Karl Tanner ~Human by @The Wanderer
☑ Seph Moonspear ~Animal-Kin by @Yaoi Master Gavin
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Jack DuMonte

Unknown, appears to be in late 20's.




If one didn't know any better, they'd call Captain Jack a loose cannon. But once you've been around for a while, his habits and rationale become moderately clear. He looks at situations from a distance and works them out in his head. He just makes things work out well, there isn't any tried and true explanation for it. He just knows how to come out on top. He lands on his feet and just keeps going. He doesn't dwell on thoughts for long and sheds them the moment they become unimportant. Due to his quick nature of dealing with things, he has a short temper when others take too long to work things out. His attention span is a bit short, so some thoughts that fly through his head often get sidelined when something else captures his attention.

Not dying.
Problem solving.
Decision making.
Airship sailing.

Quick thinker.

Easily distracted.


Anna Tilling




Vice Captain

Tilly, while looking like a delicate little flower, is a beast to be reckoned with. She is a sharp and analytical woman who can hold her own in any situation. She knows how to get what she wants and dislikes people who try and get in her way. She keeps most people at arm's length, using them more as tools than people, but that's life. She is very careful and deliberate with her actions, making her choices with all possible outcomes in mind. She has a tendency to argue with people when they question her motives. But, her short fuse disappears when there are problems that must be dealt with.

Decision making.
Airship sailing.

Quick thinking.

Overly cautious.
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Name: Gwendolyn Lyra McAllister
Age: 23
Gender: Gender-fluid
Species: Human
Role: Mechanic

<---- ✨ ---->

Name: Evangeline Minerva Landston II
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Fae
Role: Medic

[bg=#ffd24d]A Matter of Heart and Souls ~ Explorations!![/bg]

What would you like to EXPLORE and CHRONICLE! during the adventure? If you have ideas you'd like to see happen for the Dreamer and its Crew do go on and do a bit of a write up inspiration for us.

Just flesh it out a bit with a paragraph or a few with a write up of the place, temperature, dangers maybe, and possible rumours/causes that kinda dealio right? What situations / places / flora / fauna / peoples / cultures / would you like to experience / explore / run from in sheer terror etc? Cuz as long as its not tooooooo wild and out there, then let's hear it.^^ Like I can't guarantee it will be put into the RP, but I'm sure Ashen will at least look it over and hopefully see if it cant work in the RP.


~The Indevines~ by @Boo Girlie BoomBoom
~The ~Quarantine'~ by @Petricus Euryale
~For Our Nation!~ by @Akaida Martins
~Some Ideas...~ by @Shavynel
~The Triangle~ by @Pray4me


[bg=#ffd24d]A Matter of Heart and Souls ~ The Adventure Notes!![/bg]

[BCOLOR=#003366]~A bit about the ship and its combat type~[/BCOLOR]​
The ship is an exploratory vessel, designed to operate with a small crew. Its small size and primary power source allow it to go for far distances, as opposed to shipping and combat vessels. The design makes this ship less combat-oriented, with minimal armaments and ammunition, while decreasing weight and power consumption and increasing speed. Should the ship participate in combat, it is designed as a stealth or hunting vessel to eliminate key targets left unguarded. The goal for combat missions with this ship is to get in and get out unscathed and hopefully undetected.
Some functions of the ship are steam-based, primarily the power system for the kitchen and living quarters, while the key elements to powering the ship's control room, engine room, engines themselves, and communications is magically derived through a method that I would prefer to describe throughout the rp. For now, the key power source shall be defined as "don't fucking touch that or else we'll all explode."
[BCOLOR=#003366]~How things will play out at start IC'ly~[/BCOLOR]​
Timeline of Ideas for RP:

1.) You're Hired.
Your characters receive some unmarked mail from "Captain Jack", advertising positions on an exploratory ship. It sounds nearly too good to be true. Despite what could be called better judgement, your character goes to the local pub and has a meeting with Jack DuMonte, the captain of the Dreamer. Late that night, you get a knock at your door and recognize the woman standing there from the pub, where she'd been silently watching the interaction with the captain. We'll be setting out at first light, be at Dock B, Slit 17 an hour prior. Or, you know, don't go on the adventure of your lifetime.

2.) The First Leg.
This is primarily an interactive time between all the characters, just figuring out life on the Dreamer as we head out to the last outpost of our wonderful nation, prior to heading out to discover the world. Let the chaos ensue. Drama clouds are welcome. Let the comments about too much estrogen on one boat fly.

3.) A Stormy Start.
After departing from the outpost, some interactions continue until Jack calls everyone to the control room. Without much in the way of words, he points towards a huge storm coming at them. And that's what we'll be dealing with, so hold on and don't rock the boat. And if anyone starts playing with the comm unit, or singing, Jack will have a fun time thinking about how to feed them to a sky whale.

To be continued as we start the IC and events unfold.
You'll be meeting the captain one at a time, but waiting together until he calls your name. Tilly will be watching how all of you interact with each other.
[BCOLOR=#003366]~A note on Languages, Weaponry and Such~[/BCOLOR]​
They all speak the same language, however some may possess different dialects and that may pose a problem while traveling. Majis, being form fluid, aren't all well-versed in the common language. It depends on how the specific one lives it's life and how often it interacts or observes civilized conversation.
Hey~hey^^!! Boo was told that Feline and Canine Animal-kin age the same and are roughly the same size as humans^^!!
Also, I think I saw someone ask something about weapons, so I went a digging and found a guide with the types of common weapons for the era that we'll be steampunking.

World of Imarel - Examples of Victorian Era Firearms


[bg=#ffd24d]A Matter of Heart and Souls ~ Sushi Roll Call!![/bg]

@Boo Girlie BoomBoom BOOOOM!!!^-^!!!
@Akaida Martins
@Periodically Incorrect
@Petricus Euryale
@The Wanderer
@Yaoi Master Gavin
@:Cosmic: You're Grounded! Go to your room!!! >:[
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Animal-Kin age like ordinary humans.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Hi there. Thinking about joining but I had a quick question about the different races. When you talk about the fae is that like elves and stuff or more like a fairy?
Leaning more towards elves with just a hint of fairy.
No wings.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Ramboing
K so like think I'm done with my appies ^^

But question: how big/small are feline or canine animal kin to humans?
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Equal in size.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
I found this if you want to use it for Anna^^

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Reactions: AshenAngel
Thanks love.
@:Cosmic: Hey~hey^^!!

You still working on your appies? I'm thinking that Havanna and Evangeline are going to get to know each other reeeeeallllyyy well. Cuz most likely you'll see my charrie in med bay. A lot. ;DDD~~
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@:Cosmic: Hey~hey^^!!

You still working on your appies? I'm thinking that Havanna and Evangeline are going to get to know each other reeeeeallllyyy well. Cuz most likely you'll see my charrie in med bay. A lot. ;DDD~~
Haha, sounds fun ^^

But we'll have to see. I have a lot going on right now (and may be a bit... well, grounded ;^;), but hopefully I can get things done and be able to meet posting standards!! >v<
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Haha, sounds fun ^^

But we'll have to see. I have a lot going on right now (and may be a bit... well, grounded ;^;), but hopefully I can get things done and be able to meet posting standards!! >v<
K well still hoping the best for you then right? You can do eeeet!!! ;33
  • Thank You
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Yep, still accepting.
@Cait @Ramboing


You guys still going to submit appies...? Pretty pleeeeeease...!! ツ

@:Cosmic: still grounded, bruh? :[
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