A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (Or Welcome to the E.I. (Eternally Immortal) Chapter 2)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Long live Carolus Rex...
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Pretty much all of them

A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (IC): Click Here
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (CS Archive): Click Here

  • First off, please note that there is a minimum requirement of 5 complete sentences for every post in the IC. If this is too much, I would not recommend you join this RP. On that note however, assuming you do create a character it is important to note that it becomes "canon" permanently, even if you leave this rp and vow never to return to it, please understand that I will be keeping them on hand as a GM tool. If you want to come back and get them back, fine, fair is fair. On a third note, as there will be minors involved, there will be a zero tolerance for any libertine type roleplaying. On a fourth and final note, there will never be a limited amount to the amount of rpers that are capable of participating in this rp.

    So to start, I always like people to introduce themselves. Please start by telling us your username, how many years you have been roleplaying, and how many characters you've made in the past, plus any other information you may want to include.

    For example:

    Hi, my name is conman2163 and I've been roleplaying for around seven years now! I've been in over a hundred different roleplays, made over eighty different characters, and I joined this roleplay because I liked the premise! I found out about this RP because of the roleplay banner you guys have!

    To give you all some background, this particular roleplay was founded around a year ago around the central idea of the "E.I." taking over the world. Since then we've all come a long way. We always love getting new people. We do stick with a fairly routine posting order, and usually get a post up about once a week. If we do wait on GM Posts, it's so that other people may catch up with their own storylines and sideplots. Fun fact, we've actually written a full length chapter book at this time.

    Thanks for reading.

  • The year is 2020, and Earth is on fire.

    A group called the E.I. at the beginning of the year began secretly kidnapping and training people to help them take over the world. These people were regular members of society, teachers, students, criminals, if it looked like they could be swiped without any real retaliation, they were. The world was none the wiser.

    Several such recruits were collected from the general population and chosen to be trained underneath the three founders of this mysterious group. A school gym teacher named Tyler Haak, a large viking looking mercenary named Otto White, a former U.S. military infantryman Maine, and Daisuke a giant pervert/former yakuza member. After three months of training under the First, Second, and Third founders, the secret facility in which they were being trained was attacked by factions within the E.I. They hit fast and hard, sending the whole facility into chaos. Leading the group of trained E.I. recruits out of the facility, the Third founder led the small group to North Korea, where the rest of the E.I. forces had gathered. In a stunning display of brute force, hundreds of E.I. VTOL troop transport gunships assaulted the capitol, took over it and the nearby military base, and then executed the dictator.

    However, the group of recruits were repulsed by this actions, and Tyler, Daisuke lashed out at the Second, prompting him to kill Daisuke. Daisuke was only saved by a chance, as a passing E.I. infantryman assisted burying Daisuke, Daisuke's consciousness escaped into the man, making him a target of interest for the Second founder. The Second founder had Tyler, Adam (The E.I. infantryman), another man who was recruited by the E.I. who vaguely reminded everyone of a russian, and Alkura (the daughter of the third founder). In a display of defiance (facilitated only by the Third Founder's intervention), Otto White and Lazaro (A crazed murderer who was only assisting them for the pure off chance they might get to kill someone) led a daring rescue of the prisoners, escaping to Sryia with them on a jet.

    After they landed, Otto talked them through the Airport, calling in a favor from the commanding officer of the troops stationed there. Otto took the group to his home, and coincidentally, the place he buried his family. The group rested there for a day, but unfortunately they were sold out by the very commanding officer that Otto had called a favor from. A team of E.I. troops trained to track deserters followed them, and then they attacked in the night. The battle was brief but bloody, and it was discovered the very next day, in a letter from the Third founder, that the troops were all cloned, an attempt from the E.I. to make soldiers loyal, easy to train, equip, and recruit.

    The group fled in the VTOL jet provided by the Third, guided to some mysterious facility by a man they only know as "Deanta" supposedly a trusted ally and teacher of the Third founder. As they got off the VTOL jet, they were greeted by a huge cheering crowd. Thousands of people who had hidden from the E.I.'s secret influence in underground societies had gathered into a single united rebellion, and this group of rag tag E.I. rebels were their largest hope in defeating the group. As it turned out, while the E.I. had a righteous goal, the goal did not justify the means through which they planned to execute it. With much of the world under the control of the E.I. (Facilitated by the E.I. implanting trained members of the group into the governments of nations worldwide, and then using their influence to convince them to join the International Nations Union, or INU, with the newly formed nation of the E.I. at the head, and major military superpowers like Russia and the U.S. backing up the group with the full might of their military.

    In a surprise move, the rebellion turned on this coalition, and moving out from facilities all over the world they attack the E.I., intent on freeing the world from this tyranny. The E.I. rebels themselves spearheaded an assault straight into the main E.I. base, an attack that was wiped out, but still managed to distract the E.I. long enough for the rebels to defeat the E.I. in other places around the world.

    Feeling threatened by this, the E.I. detonated the world's supply of nuclear weapons, reducing the population from 7.4 billion to three million in minutes. Those people who survived were transported, as if by an act of some deity, to a new world. Some land in deserts, some in forests, some in plains, some alone, and some in groups, but all appear, alive and no worse then they were on Earth. Something is strange about this world though, while it looks like Earth, and the animals do as well, the air is tingling with an energy that was not prevalent in society before, and all over the world these people have begun to realize that they can now use something strange and previously impossible, magic. In the background secret forces seem to be manipulating the situation though, and somewhere the immortals that survived the nuclear blasts are still alive.

    It is now up to humanity to rebuild.

  • Rules:
    1.The usual Iwaku rules
    2.No metagaming, godmodding, or creating Mary Sue characters. (I believe this is self explanatory)
    3.As stated in the disclaimer, always make certain you have a minimum of one paragraph (5-7 complete sentences) in your posts. However, i'd also like for it to be good quality as well, don't just shitpost, even if it takes you a bit to post
    4.If you plan to curse, do it sparingly, or if you plan to make a character that falls under the "CursesAlltheTimeforNoParticularReason" category, make sure it's a light swearing, avoid F-bombs, and higher tier swears. Because precision F-strikes work so much better.
    5.Include the name of your character at the top of your post, that way we know just whom your posting with. It should look like this:

    Name of character

    Post: posiknaonfonaksoif. oamsinf uanojkenf naiunf ksfn. inaoisnf inaosjnfolainnsf mia mniosnfais nnkvianmsof inaosjnf lkjkn kamsimf imai ijminmkajnso. kmiansijnf km iansi kmanjsnkfn im, kjnknajks.

    1.If you post in character, make sure you wait two posts before you go about posting again.
    2.IC drama should not become OOC drama, if you have a problem with a recent post or facts, or spotted something I missed, please make sure to notify me in pm, I will solve the problem accordingly.
    3.I feel as this is a very important thing to state, A GM's word is law. Please do not attempt to defy myself or any GM that I choose to work with me.
    4.Use common sense. If it isn't in the rules, but you think it's probably something you shouldn't do, don't do it. Better to ask me first.
    5.At the bottom of your character sheet please post a color of your choice to show you have read the rules.
    6.The GM's word is law, so don't mess with him or his CO-GM's decisions. Express your dislike and distaste all you wish, but don't actively spite them.
    7.Deaths may occur in this rp, please don't get upset when a character dies.

  • Appearance: (An image of some sort preferably some kind of artistic drawing, if at all possible a non-anime one, pictures are fine, however I'd rather not have the faces of "real" people in the character sheets)

    "Quote of something the character says here (for example "Never give up!") "


    Age: (No younger then fourteen years of age please)

    Date of Birth (Month, Day):

    Skills: (Are you a good tactician? Are you great at counting cards? Perhaps you are a great cook?)

    Elemental Affinity (I.E. water, fire, etc.):

    Special Ability: (This can be literally anything. Keep in mind 90% of our combat is against NPC's, so really what you choose won't effect particularly anything, but keep in mind you'll be getting more powerful over time. For example, a character who is capable of throwing fireballs is a great starting place, because from there perhaps they'll learn to shoot rays of superheated flame at superfast rates)

    Peculiar traits: (What kind of effect did the serum have on you? Is there a weird thing that emerged because you used the serum, like a third hand? Perhaps every time you go near fire, the flame is drawn to you. This should correlate to your choice of founder. For example a person who is training under the first founder should not have a peculiar trait where they radiate light wherever they go.)

    History: (What's your character's background? While this doesn't have to especially long, the longer the better. Keep in mind, the entirety of Earth has just been nuked, and you've suddenly popped into existence in a strange new world, likely in the middle of no where. Tell us what you did on earth before, and where you were when the nukes went off. Everyone will expereience the same "pain" and feel a flash of light, see their life flash before their eyes, and then pop into existence again somewhere. I will tell you what your surroundings look like when you do.)




    Pet hate:

    Theme Song:

    Extra things:

  • So it may be confusing over how your character will get more powerful. When you character trains under his/her respective founder, after the end of each training session I will post a list of characters that are eligible for being upgraded power wise. Every time you upgrade you character you can choose either to add an extra ability that must start out on a base level, or to choose to up your current power a bit. So if you had a character who was able to throw fireballs to start with goes up in experience, no instead of just throwing one, maybe they can throw four, or if they could already throw multiple, maybe now they explode on contact with a surface.

    It sounds a bit confusing now, but if you have more questions I'll answer them when the time comes for you to "upgrade" your character, you'll post the following

    Previous Power:

    Upgraded power/ Added Ability:

    Then from there I'll approve it or ask you to modify it.

    But once again, you won't need to worry about it in the beginning of your RPing here.

  • We no longer use any sort of combat system. Experience has really just led to us relying upon the "on you honor" system. Agree upon an outcome and play it out, or just start and I will step in and make a decision based upon factors of the system.

  • @Ramboing: Maine Yates, Nyx
    @Kurogane86: Adam/Daisuke
    @SoleStride: Tyler Haak, Chritian Haak
    @Dakota K5 (Co-GM): Otto White, Adler
    @conman2163 (GM): Cal, Alkura, Lucien, Mordred

  • For those interested in reading the previous posts of the RP, I provide the following links:

    Welcome to the E.I., Chapter 1, Part 1
    Welcome to the E.I., Chapter 1, Part 2

    Be forewarned, it's quite a lengthy read. We've written what is essentially a Sci-Fi Fantasy Novel over the past year. Enjoy.
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Ah. Ironic. Daisuke is now trying to tell Tyler not to talk back to a crazy the way he did to Cal before he was skewered alive.
Also. Biatch, don't ruin Tyler's attack lol. And aren't they in a cabin type building, not a tent? Did I get something wrong?

Daisuke knows from experience to shut it, or else you know void blade through the body.
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When Otto get's his memories back and talks to Maine for the first time.

"M'daddy alway' say dat deres no use helpin' ev'ry one in duh worl'. But ya can alway' help dose who can't help ya."

Name: Auguste Landré

Age: 38

Date of Birth : Nov, 23


Gator hunting: Besides knowing your way around a boat, alligator hunting employs skills such as: balance, to not get pulled from the boat, or off your feet. Timing, to hold off for the perfect opportunity to get the shot. Aim, to make sure that shot hits its mark. Patience, to wait again for that opportunity when the shot misses. And finally strength, for when the alligator won't cooperate.

Home Medicine: Mud Ridge never really had much in terms of medical technology, various herb remedies, old tymie and otherwise can be found growing in pots and tin cans outside of any home.

Tracking: Broken twigs, animal trails, resting spots, anything that can be followed is what he can find.

Grapples/Wrestling: Spending years wrestling and hoisting alligators gave him good upper body endurance, as well as the perceptions of muscle movements to gauge when the next move will happen.

Elemental Affinity: Earth/ Vegetation

Special Ability
Vegetation growth: The ability to grow certain types of vegetation on different platforms. Thorny vines being his most used offensive weapon, he has also found out that certain types of plants can grow on flesh, being either detrimental or medicinal.

(At this point he can only grow certain moss and fungi on human skin that helps in healing.)

Ground liquefaction: The ability to turn certain types of terrain into a semi solid, while in contact with the surface, allowing for traps to be placed in the form of a small 5x5 hole of quicksand, sucking mud, liquified cement, etc.

Peculiar traits: No matter where he goes, or what he does, he always seems to sink into natural ground a half inch and smell of murky stagnant water.

History: Auguste grew up like any bumpkin from Mud Ridge Louisiana. Hunting gators and learning the way of the land, fixing himself up with what his father and mother showed him in the bogs and bayous.

Personality: He's usually silent, letting other people hash out whatever peace they have. Whenever he does talk, if they can understand him, it's usually in agreement to whoever seems more practical.

Likes: Any food, perfume, busy markets, home made things.

Dislikes: microwaves, sedans, wine.

Pet hate: the high pitched noises you hear when turning on an old t.v.

Theme Song: La danse de Mardi Gras

The only thing I need help with, is #1 how he fits with everyone in the E.I and such, and which power I should go with the vegetation, or pure earth power
It already looks awesome, so you don't really need to change anything, as for how he fits in, he doesn't really yet, but he will just as soon as I make a GM post to put him in the RP
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How weak do we need to start off? I was considering making an ex-boxer who wraps himself in metal and obviously throws punches with the metal's weight behind it.
How weak do we need to start off? I was considering making an ex-boxer who wraps himself in metal and obviously throws punches with the metal's weight behind it.

Don't want to stifle your creativity but we already have a boxer on the team. May I suggest another form of fighting, maybe muy thai, kenpo, karate, judo etc
@Ascendant I take it you are interested in the RP then? As for metal bending for a boxer, it sounds like a pretty cool idea. Why don't you develop a CS for it and PM it to me? I can help you develop it.
Yo, if I don't get a post from anyone who hasn't posted yet by tomorrow I'll be moving on with a gm post. I gotta keep things on schedule. @Rowdybull once you've made any necessary changes repost here for approval of your char.
I'd sent you a CS by PM, though you haven't given me any feedback on it.
I'm now really thinking of making a Mayadere (The Yandere Tsundere Mix) now with Astran the Kuudere done

"Don't stop getting back up until you die."​

Name: Kaminari "Kami" Saito

Age: 24

Date of Birth: April 1st, 1996

Height: 5'7"

Skills: Krav Maga, Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, Mafia Gunman, Athleticism

Elemental Affinity: Metal

Special Ability: Kami can surround his body in metal that moves with him, offering him significant defensive strength as well as the ability to deal out strikes that have the weight of metal behind them.

Peculiar traits: Kami's skin is as cold as metal, seems to reflect light unusually well, and he has a near constant taste of iron in his mouth.

History: Born in Los Angeles and raised primarily in the community of Little Tokyo, Kami has spent his entire life having to deal with crime. From a young age, he fought against other young men in Japanese gangs that tried to model themselves after the Yakuza, before eventually graduating to true mafia-style gangs when he reached adolescence. He trained hard in Krav Maga and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu to become a better fighter for his gang, who also took the time to teach him a bit of gunplay, but it soon became clear to him when he fell for a young woman and impregnated her that he needed to give their child a better life when he was sixteen. From there, Kami set about honing his martial arts skills further, entering into the local MMA scene.

The next eight years were tumultuous ones, with Kami attempting to extricate himself permanently from his gang while also making his way upward in MMA to slowly. Unfortunately, his success caused his old friends to murder his wife and son as retribution for not helping financially support them, leading him on a mad killing spree that wasn't stopped until right before the nukes fell...

Personality: Kami is highly aggressive towards those that threaten him, though sometimes he keeps this under wraps until such time arrives as he can put them in their place. He was highly protective of those he cares about, although now he's endured the loss of his wife and son, the man hasn't quite been the same. Besides this, he is overall a warm, caring person, if a bit sociopathic at times.

Likes: Babies and children, attractive women, money, fame and success, chocolate, flowers, killing (these days).

Dislikes: People with no willpower, idiots and fools, seeing the innocent be hurt.

Pet hate: "Nice" guys.

Theme Song: You're Going Down - Sick Puppies

Extra things: Kami will often become "blood siblings" with someone if he cares especially about them.
Hi guys sorry to be on and off but it looks like thats how it is going to be until I leave. I hope to get a post in sometime this week.
Soooo, I kind of want some to make a hole in the cabin since Maine was supposed to do it. Wanna get civi's safe before we fight.
How did that only take 5% off his health? My god. We're doomed.
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