WRITING A Storybook Bundled With Fangs & Fluff (random written works by me, Fluffy)

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The Demon King ~ He/They
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
It varies. I can't promise much consistency due to my chaotic life.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Superpowers, Drama. Also, romance is required with me because I will get bored without it.
Greetings, Visitor...👿💕
Welcome to our cozy dark reading corner.


Henlo~. You seem to have stumbled upon my little showcase of random written works. Here, I'll be building a collection of things! There will be short stories, narratives, roleplay/character-related writings... All sorts of good stuff. This is purely a showcase of writing, mind you. If I'm in need of criticism or anything else I'll simply request it! Other than wanting to have a nifty collection thread, I wanted a space available for any stories I write for my roleplay characters. :3

I would also like to warn anyone here of potential trigger warnings. I am someone who likes to write HORROR, for instance. I'll do my best to label it as such if there are things like scary elements, blood, violence, etc. I also explore a lot of mental health topics through writing. For that as well I'll try to address anything that could be triggering content. I don't really expect to get a bunch of people over here viewing my stuff but I want to be mindful still. <3


When It Storms... - A short romance narrative.
A Warm Drink - A romantic narrative short story with light horror elements.
To My Dearest Empress - A narrative love letter. Has descriptive violence.
Andromeda: Come Find Me - A romantic narrative piece from the perspective of my character named Kalon.
The Faerie King's Birthday - A body horror short story about a maturing faerie king. Has disturbing scenes.
She Sees Me - A narrative piece from the perspective of a man who loves a demon.
Cherished & Bloodstained - A narrative from the perspective of a hitman who's in love.​
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When It Storms...

I love it when it rains. And I love it, even more, when it storms.

Although I find rainstorms to be beautiful and exhilarating, there's much more to it than that. The raindrops give life to my melancholic paramour. Her name is Willow.

When it rains, I get to see a side of her that she doesn't share with others. This kind of weather speaks a language she intimately understands. Like her mind, it's tempestuous. Like her aura, it's somber. And like her spirit, it's invigorating. My darling, in her own right, is a rainstorm. That's why I call her my Weeping Willow.

Willow, to me, has always been a wistful beauty. There are dozens of reasons why the air around her is so gloomy and brisk. Most of those reasons stem from some sort of pain she can't escape from. It isolates her from the rest of the world. But, she's invited back into it when the clouds turn grey.

As her hazel eyes stare past the window, she looks serene as ever. The light of the day is draping her in an enchantingly beautiful glow. And the shadows of our home add an alluring mysteriousness to her. I can see all types of weather within my Willow. This has always been my favorite view of her. There's this dreaminess to her gaze as she observes the storm, just silently sorting through her tangled mess of thoughts. It's as though she's silently trading secrets with the rainstorm. I can tell she's feeling a lot better than she was earlier. She looks so… Peaceful. I feel peaceful just looking at her.

Before now, she was storming as brutally as the weather outside. Hardly a day goes by when Willow isn't troubled by the emotional cyclone within her. Monsters chant in her head constantly, their voices thundering on and on until she snaps like a bolt of lightning. Eventually, she goes crashing to the ground in sorrowful fury. Bit by bit, she falls apart over the fear of losing herself. It turns her into a pool of melancholy raindrops that deepens with every lamentation. She probably feels like she's drowning in her grief and madness.

Willow expresses great shame every time she turns into a tempest. It's a way she's been forced to feel for years. People get angry and afraid in the face of what they don't understand. The nature of a rainstorm is tragically misunderstood. I try to offer her that protection and understanding she so dearly desires. She doesn't have to be alone if she doesn't want to be. Vulnerability doesn't make me care for or adore her any less. Also, I think the storm inside her is meant to be unleashed, not contained. Otherwise, it might break her apart forever. It's a curse that she's courageously carried with her for years.

I love to stand in the storm that is my Weeping Willow. During her calmest moments, she soothes me like a lovely, cool rainfall. And when she's storming, I just let the elements crash over me. It doesn't hurt. I might shiver in the frigid twister she creates, but I never bleed. I don't brave, or fear the storm. I just… Happily exist with her.

Oh, Willow. How I love you. And I will love you always.

  • Love
Reactions: Queen Tink
Content Warning: This story involves blood and vampires, and some PG-13 suggestiveness. It's not really violent or NSFW, just wanted to put a note here just in case.

A Warm Drink 🩸

I still think about you, you know. I think about you more often than I should. I wonder if you're thinking about me, too.

I'd seen you before, probably a dozen times, but I never got a chance to talk to you. You always seemed interested in the place where I work. It's nothing too special, just a coffee shop, but maybe you found some kind of comfort in it. But, whenever I'd see you outside the store window, you'd turn around and leave. Sometimes, I wondered if it was because you didn't want to see me. I didn't know you, but maybe you knew me? Or, maybe you just didn't like the looks of me. Whatever the reasons… I kept wishing you would come inside, anyway. You seemed like you really wanted to. Needed to.

You always showed up in the later parts of the afternoon. Usually, in the last hour or so of the shop still being open. You seemed so shy, too. And so unrecognizable because you always hid in your large, hooded sweatshirts. Your mysteriousness was appealing, but… I wished I could learn your name, or at least see your face.

Eventually, I did get my wish. Just… Not in the way I ever expected.

On a cold, dark, rainy day, you showed up at the see-through doors. It was just fifteen minutes shy of closing time. Usually, by that hour, I have to politely turn customers away. You seemed like you really wanted to come in this time, though. So, I didn't think twice about unlocking the doors to invite you inside.
At the time, I had no idea that was exactly what you were looking for from me. Without an invitation, you can't pass through those doors, right?

I remember I commented that you must be cold. From head to toe, you were drenched in rainwater. You told me that the cold wasn't getting to you as much. You were thirsty, though. You mentioned that much. I took it as a hint that I should craft a drink for you. But… You meant something else, entirely.

Just for you, I would have gotten the espresso machine going again. I didn't mind the idea of cleaning things up a second time, because I finally got to meet you. But, you made sure I knew you weren't interested in coffee. As I turned around to ask about your preferences, you were suddenly standing right in front of me. You had peeled off your sweatshirt, too. Finally, I got to see your face. And it was nothing like I imagined. I saw skin as white as winter itself, and long hair as black as the night. Most captivating of all were your cherry-red eyes. Your glowing, feral gaze, so beautiful yet intimidating, froze me in place. In awe, I stared at you and the pair of brilliant red stars that were your eyes.

I felt myself step backward only when you made a move forward. I ended up doing exactly what you wanted me to do, I think. Like timid prey, I got backed into a corner. Or, in my case, up against the counter in the coffee house kitchen. With that at my lower back, you used your body to block the path in front of me. The whole time, too, you smiled at me as if we were playing a game. I wasn't sure if I should be afraid or not.
I also remember dumbly asking you if you planned to kill me. You expressed how darkly amused you were by that question, but you understood it, too. You understood it so well that you started to look… Sad. At that moment, I realized how alone you are. You distance yourself from others because one look at you might frighten them. You're still accepting who and what you are, too. Having to get your claws and teeth dirty still creates guilt in you. It's guilt for your own nature, though. It's not a fair way to live.

"Don't go," I remember telling you, just as you were turning away. You were about to change your mind. But then my words froze you for a single, skin-chilling moment. When you parted your lips, I expected you to speak, but you didn't. Not with words, anyway. I got the message loud and clear when I spotted those long, sharp fangs in your mouth. I felt my eyes darting between them and those glowing eyes of yours as you moved in closer. The press of your form made me shiver, though I couldn't be sure if it was from nervousness or the fact you were frigid to the touch. Probably both. Even with clothes on, I noticed you weren't warm-bodied like a human being. That's because you aren't human though, right? Maybe you used to be.

I swear I must have spotted some fragments of your former self, though. As you honed in on me, your target, I noticed the genuine apology in your frown. You felt so sorry for what you were about to do, and you hated being reminded that this is your reality. There's a part of you who despises the fact you must feed in this way. The touch on my shoulder showed me how gentle you truly are, too. You softly assured me I was safe while you relieved me of my shirt. You told me you didn't want to make a mess of it. I could tell that you meant everything you said and did. I think that's why I just… Leaned into your touch and surrendered. I kept my arms loosely around you, for my own security and yours. You seemed alright with it. I like to think that my warmth offered a bit of comfort. For a creature who's used to the cold, you still shivered as though you were freezing to death.

To my embarrassment and your benefit, my blood rushed faster than ever. I could not help but blush at what you did next. You took advantage of the comfort and welcomeness I offered, to the point of straddling my lap so you could get closer. Close enough to find the perfect place for your teeth. Maybe I should have been afraid of you, especially at that moment, but… I wasn't. On the contrary, I was very enchanted by you. Maybe it was your mystifying beauty, or maybe you put me under some kind of hypnosis. It doesn't really matter, I guess. I think I genuinely wanted to give you what you wanted. No one deserved to go hungry. And it's not like I had anything else I could offer. Human blood isn't a menu item here. But maybe it could be someday. You never know.

I remember you warned me of the sting before you finally bit down. You even hesitated a bit. I felt it in the reluctant scrape of your fangs. It took everything in me to not violently shiver from that action. I know you felt my hands grip your shirt, though. That must have been what prompted you to do the deed. You didn't want me to feel frightened or teased. (I felt both, by the way.)
When your fangs sank into my skin, it did sting at first. I remember it making me yelp in surprise. That was the only real shock of it, though. Because after those few seconds of pain, all I felt was hot euphoria. My entire body was filled with liquid heat that made me comfortably melt against you. Tingling sensations crawled on me from head to toe, the likes of which I'll never forget. And I was sent into a most perfect daydream about you and me camping in the mountains together. We sleep in the tent all morning so that we can wander the forest during the late afternoon and evenings. We play hide and seek amongst the trees, we try our hands at fishing, we draw pictures of the birds we find… Living in those fantasies made me feel so happy. I probably would have and could have died happily, had that been your intention. Is that something your kind does regularly? Does every target feel as though they're going to heaven when you start to drain them of their life? That's such a beautifully bittersweet gift to offer, I must say.

Maybe one day we can make that daydream happen for real.

Everything that happened later is hard to remember. I somewhat remember the aftercare you provided. You sought out the cafe' first aid kit so you could carefully tend to the wound in my shoulder. You gave me the full, proper treatment by cleaning up every last bit of blood, disinfecting the bite, and patching up the wound. I think you might have even kissed the bandage before slipping my shirt back onto me. You are absolutely the sweetest person I've ever met, I want you to know. There are human beings in this world who aren't even half as thoughtful as you. Would it complement you or would it insult you if I were to say you are more human than the majority of humans?

Since I was disoriented for a while (given your huge appetite), you even made sure I got home safely. I don't know how you did that part. I appreciate it a ton because I otherwise would have slept at my work... Yeah, somehow, you and my one remaining brain cell figured out how to get the shop all closed up. And then you magically got me home. It was probably too late to ride a bus at the time. I don't drive my car to work so that I can save on gas money. And I wasn't fit to walk all the way home, so… What happened? Did you…carry me home? At first, the idea of that seemed ridiculous, but now… As I think about it more… It's not ridiculous after all. Of course you're stronger than you look. The rest of the whole deal I can piece together well enough. You can find my address on my driver's license, but also it seems possible enough that you could have figured it out with your enhanced senses. Heightened senses of smell and all that, yeah? And my house key was in my pocket. Easy enough to figure that out. Oh, but what about tucking me into my bed? Did I somehow manage to invite you into my apartment? Great job on your part if you got those words out of my mouth. I had to have been half-asleep by that point.

And then, at the same time it always does, my alarm woke me up. I started my day as I always did, even though you stayed in my mind the entire time. I searched around my apartment in case you might be sleeping somewhere. You were nowhere to be found, though. You probably had somewhere to be.

With that in mind, I wonder if I can count on seeing you again soon. Those invitations to my work and my home remain valid. I've done nothing and will do nothing to ward you away.
Every day since that day, I've wondered if you're thinking about me as often as I think about you. It's so hard to focus at work. It's hard to sleep. It's been days, but I hold out hope that I'll see you again soon.

I hope you'll seek me out if you need another warm drink.

I'm here for you, and…

I miss you.
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Content Warning: This piece has descriptions of violence that some may find uncomfortable.

To My Dearest Empress: a narrative love letter

My dearest Empress,

I wished to send you a message straight from the heart and soul. It seemed appropriate, given the significance of my mission. More importantly, I know you regret being absent for this special execution. I assure you that I was as violent and cruel as you wished me to be.

As I masterfully infiltrated your enemy's hideout, I took the shadows under my command. He was no longer safe in the dark walls of his abode. I didn't make my move until I could sense his fear in the air. To bring out those fears, I became a ghostly whisper in the darkness. I troubled him with soft-spoken secrets he didn't want anyone to know. Secrets to do with all his sins and betrayals. It humored me to see him begin to threaten that of which he couldn't see. He rose his weapon to the nothingness and threatened it with a voice drained of certainty. Witnessing the destruction of his sanity made me think of your sweet, maniacal laughter. To tell the truth, your laughter excites me. It stirs my emotions like a pretty song would do, and I can hear your happiness and approval in the echoes. Where others find you deranged, I find you to be enchanting. I know you would have taken so much delight in seeing him suffer.

You'll also be pleased to know that it didn't take much to slay this pitiful monster. It was satisfying to hear him perish under the weight of his own confusion and remorse. He had just one scream left in him when I showed up to finish the job. I drove my blade into his pitiful heart and methodically twisted it, to make him suffer in his final moments. I pray that this chest pain will carry into the afterlife with him. He deserves nothing less for the misery he's caused you.

I look forward to telling you the story in more detail when I return home. I yearn to see your adorable, sinister smile. That one you make whenever I describe the crimson artwork I make out of our enemies. I know how much you love bloodbaths. Oh, how I miss that smile. How I miss you. I wish you were here to see the looks of me. You would be so enthralled by the redness that decorates my skin and clothes. And I do so love it when you brush your lips against my blood-painted knuckles. I remember that time you told me you got to taste two of the sweetest things in one kiss: the man who you love, and the blood of your enemy. You're so morbidly romantic.

I hope it won't be too much longer before I'm back to being in your arms. The warmth of your embrace and your kiss are life-giving. The heart of an assassin has to become cold and unfeeling for his line of work. Yet, you make it sing whenever I think of you, and whenever I'm around you. I cannot tell if your love makes me weaker or stronger, my Empress. In all likelihood, it does both. I can't say I mind it either way. All that matters is I get to keep calling you 'mine.' I never imagined, or expected there to be, any kind of love for a man like me. The path I walk is frigid, lonely, and dangerous. It's a path that most would prefer to avoid, but… Somehow, I discovered you along the way. Same as me, you're a monster who wears human flesh. We found that kinship in each other, and now we're not lonely anymore.

Well… That isn't entirely true now, is it? I feel quite lonely right now because you aren't here. You're with me in my thoughts, but the warmth of those memories doesn't compare to the warmth of your body. I'm longing for your touch. Longing for those special ways you make me feel comforted and seduced. You make me feel so… Alive. I go back to feeling dead, all over again, when you're far from me.

On that note, I shall return to you posthaste. I know you will accept nothing less. I would hate to incur the Empress' wrath. Her sharp tongue will bring me to my knees, and her cold shoulder will freeze me. You always make this cute face at the end of it, though. You glare at me and pout at me just before turning away with your arms crossed. Knowing full well that I'll beg your forgiveness and sweet-talk you until you forget your frustrations. I am not unaware of the weaknesses you have for me, too, my Empress.

As you lay your head down tonight, be sure to think of me. I will bring ruin to your nightmares and bring sweetness to your dreams. You can always count on your beloved assassin. It is my duty to kill and protect in the name of the Empress.

See you soon, my love. Remember that this heart beats for you and only you.
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Andromeda: Come Find Me

I'm having that dream again. That dream about… Her.

When I dream of my goddess, the evening is always at its latest. Sunlit skies don't suit a queen of darkness. Andromeda likes to walk beneath obsidian night skies, when her pale, golden eyes can behold the moon and stars. Were it possible, I think she would wear the moonlight as a decorative veil. Concealing all but the dim glow of her gaze, and the mischief in her black-lipped smile. It would be a fine complement to the starlight if she were to place speck after speck of it into her midnight hair. It seems fitting that she would wear a piece of the starry night like a mantle. I'm convinced she is a constellation who's been brought to life. Or, perhaps, the tangible spirit of a fallen star, whose landing was softened by the planet she now calls home. It's crazy to imagine such a remarkable shift in perspective. Going from the view of a god's eye, far above us all, to the view of a simpler being on solid ground. How tragically poetic...

In these dreams, I'm like a shadow that goes unnoticed at first. Just silently observing her, and drawing warmth from her presence no matter how cold the night gets. She's so bewitching in her element, looking over her dismal surroundings with fascination and empathy. She wanders the drab soils of a graveyard where she does and doesn't feel at home. Andromeda is a soul as lost as those who have been buried. Cursed to be dead and alive, all at once, on the surface world. Such a grave yet curious existence that is. Andromeda never fails to enthrall me.

And I cannot help but wonder if this is her personal domain? When she beckons me in my dreams, is she inviting me to a hidden realm of her own making? I also tend to wonder about how isolated she is. I can tell that she's always alone, but...is she lonely? I believe that there's a side to her she doesn't want others to know about. She takes pride in her uniqueness, and she values her solitude, but I believe she hides how much she wishes for a true home. She doesn't hide from me, though. I can sense that the air around her is brisk and melancholic, filled with the overlapping whispers of her own heartbreak. It's a song that, I'm sure, has grown old over time. Yet, she dances along with it, no matter how mad it may drive her to be. Ages ago, Andromeda must have accepted that this is her life.

Nonetheless, I'm enchanted by her somber, phantom-like movements. So freely she roams this grim world, holding a handmade smoke piece to her lips. With eeriness and grace, she carries herself like a specter who means to be the faintest memory. Just a gentle, icy feeling in the back of your mind as you watch her evanesce. At least, that's what I have heard from others. My experience with Andromeda is very much the opposite. When I think of her, she's always a clear picture in my mind. She's always with me, wherever I go, no matter where she vanishes off to. She once told me it's because she 'chose' me. That I'm… Special. In what way, I cannot be certain, but it's a devotion I covet with all my being.

As she saunters in my direction, I can hear my heart in my ears. Just roaring at me excitedly while it delivers nervous punches to my ribcage. It urges me to see her. To touch her. I know I must look dramatic as I clutch my aching chest and step out from my hiding place. She instantly recognizes me, a smirk on her dark lips as she exhales a lungful of smoke. I watch with amazement as the marengo haze twists itself into the form of something cosmic. The shapes are glittering, too, as though she just gave life to a small galaxy. She uses that distraction to her advantage. I don't notice her closing the gap between us until I look away from the dissipating image up above.

Immediately, I find her eyes. Those faded, golden orbs full of fondness and allure. I let them draw me in and take me as a prisoner while she looks into my eyes, too. Searching them for my soul and memorizing the visible patterns of my emotions. Through a sugar-dusted smile, she lovingly speaks my name and cradles my face with her hands. I can taste the smokiness of her breath as she leans in to brush her lips against my own. She gives me earfuls of confessions and sweet nothings, too. It feels good to hear her voice. She sounds like a macabre lullaby, so poignant and soothing.

I welcome her touch even though I expect it to be frigid. True to her ghostly nature, she is as cool as she is ashen. She's so soft too, though. A lovely, velvety mistress with winter-kissed skin. The caress of her hand on my cheek makes me shiver, but it causes me no discomfort. It only makes me pull her in closer so I can feel more of her. And so I may receive all the warmth she also offers. That warmth exists in her kiss. And in the contented sigh she makes against my skin before I finally claim her lips. Again and again, I kiss her. She tastes like a dark, saccharine mystery. A beautiful horror of the night who I deeply yearn to know.

I can tell she's infatuated as I embrace her and call her 'mine.' And then I whisper to her about how much I've missed her, knowing she will give in to the weakness she has for me. It's a blissful surrender I do love to witness. I never would have guessed that a god would show such vulnerability to a human. Each and every time, it brings her into my arms so I can take her away and have her to myself. So we can be alone, together, while I remind her of my most sacred promise. That no matter what, I am hers and only hers. I say it with the hope that she won't feel so lonely without me near. Even when I wake up from this dream, I will still be hers.

Somewhere out there, she waits for me. I love you and I will find you, my Andromeda.
Note #1: This is a body horror story with disturbing scenes. Read with caution!!!
Note #2: This was a story I wanted to submit to an IHC, but it didn't get finished in time. I finished it just recently for fun.

The Faerie King's Birthday

They said I would be beautiful.
But, oh, such a twisted idea of beauty this is…

Four days ago, it was my birthday
My kingdom celebrated me all day long
And they knew what was to come
Their Prince would soon evolve into a beautiful, mighty King
Then, when came nightfall, they isolated me
To do otherwise would only endanger them
A Faerie Prince cannot guarantee the safety of his people when he's transforming
For we become vulnerable, aggressive, hungry, and primal
The development of a Faerie King is a nightmare unlike any other
For me and all things surrounding

Kings are One with their Home Forest
He is a Symbol of Balance who perpetually gives and takes
But before I could do any giving, I first had to take, and take, and take
All I could think about that evening was how hungry and scared I was
During the birthday celebration, I was treated to a feast fit for a King
And I had thought I'd gotten my fill
But after several moments into the start of my great journey,
I already felt so

Still, I traveled on and on in the forest until I was thoroughly exhausted
First, my wings gave out on me, secondly my legs
Even then, I continued to move forward,
clasping onto chunks of Earth so I could pull myself along
I needed to distance myself from my kingdom
And I was being called to the furthest depths of the wilds
I had to answer the call, I had to

Eventually, I collapsed beside a delightfully mossy tree
so I may extend roots from my flesh
and bury them in the nutritious soils
I would have liked to take comfort in the company of my plant brethren
But I, quite sadly, was not there for a pleasant visit
And the plants themselves knew of this, too
They would soon be drained to the point of becoming dust and dried remains
A Faerie King always leaves behind a small wasteland when he's born
He leaves an ashen canvas with no signs of life or color,
because he had taken it all for himself

A glance down and I noticed my snow-white skin became translucent
Curiously, I looked like a leaf
My green veins became etches in my body
and began to throb uncomfortably with each beating of my heart
My blood only rushed faster as I swept my hand over my arm,
my skin sticking to my palm as if it melted
To an unknowing observer, I may look like someone turning green from illness
But I was always meant to match the color of the forest

And, like the forest, I lost my leaves so new ones may soon grow
The ivy and flowers on my head dropped to the grass beneath my knees
The sight of them brought sorrowful tears to my eyes
Oh, how hideous I must have looked
How horrible this felt
I shed but one tear though before a streak of blood followed
Then more and more until my eyes bled themselves to death
For a brief moment, I saw nothing but darkness
Yet I still felt everything

Forever burned into my mind are the lamentable symphonies of the sacrificed
Not a single cry of pain-searing anguish went unheard
I drained the life of brotherly and sisterly trees until they became husks
Their voices got squeezed right out of them as they twisted and bent out of shape,
writhing as though a poison had entered their lifestreams
They also dropped what remained of their fruits and leaves so I may absorb nutrition from those too
And not just those, but the inhabitants of their branches
I couldn't keep count of the tiny lives that got wrapped up in my energy leeching
Birds, squirrels, pixies, frogs, and lizards dropped from the dry bones of the trees,
unleashing their final prayers in every last breath that remained
The winds will make their voices immortal
while I, a son of the Earth, break down their bones and blood for my own needs
I drained them of precious resources while their souls intertwined with mine
I suppose that is another way they will be remembered
I can sing their songs, I can wear their colors, furs, and feathers
I can interact with each creature as though I am one of them,
I can provide them with protection, guidance, and miracles

Such a vicious life cycle this is
All of us living and dying for each other eternally
Suffering for and with each other

Oh how I can say my suffering did not end there

My delicate bones, they snapped like tree twigs
All growing and reshaping beneath the dying layer of skin
Faerie Kings are not meant to be small forever
We need to be strong and intimidating against the greater threats to our kind
We are sturdy like the mightiest of trees and we are tall like the fiercest grizzly bears
No one warned me of the pain, though
No one told me it would feel as though my body is being broken down
I was like a caterpillar without a protective cocoon
So vulnerable and grotesque throughout maturity
I could only dream of being as pretty as a butterfly
My wings are not nearly as appealing
and I was forced to grow mine in a matter of hours, as opposed to the many days a butterfly is allowed

I could taste the grass as I screamed into it,
my back splitting open to create doorways for emerging bones
Rapidly, the sprouts grew into flexible brown branches,
every sickening click and snap making me shiver in discomfort
As the clear, faintly green membranes developed,
so did the rest of the tree-like appendages I was to gain

Pained echoes bounced in my skull as it pushed out a complete set of horns,
so dangerously pointed and vine-tangled,
royally crowning me with antlers more impressive than any buck or jackalope
And all over my body, spikes poked past my fresh, green skin
Like a rose, I have thorns that will bite those who approach without caution
And tightly coiled branches that dressed me in rigid, unbreakable armor
I don't think I'll ever forget how it felt to have my insides become my outsides
Even my fingertips split apart to make room for the bone that formed into claws
But at least they are retractable so I can still apply a soft, healing touch where I may…

I look like a monster, but I learned I am not incapable of gentleness
I embody the softness of nature just as much as the hardness
The petals that decorate my arms are silky,
and the aroma they produce is comfortingly sweet
I also have harmless and small creatures who perch on my horns and shoulders,
and a family of birds who nest in my hair
Wherever I may wander, nature wanders with me
There is nothing to fear
unless someone may give me reason to be fearsome

I love to be The Faerie King
The position was made for me
as much as I was made for it
My Kingdom knows me to be a mighty horned beast who isn't without compassion
They look upon me with wonder and adoration that I've seen in their eyes before
It's the same look they gave me when I was merely a delicate flower of a Prince
That version of me was significantly less impressive than the current, yet…
That look in my people's eyes, it never changed…
No matter how much I've changed, I still carry the Heart of their Prince

Every time that heart beats, it beats with love for them and my Home
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She Sees Me

Every time I wait out here, I halfway freeze to death. This area is said to be the darkest part of our realm. It's so dark that the sunlight can't pierce through the veil of shadows. Most who are out here are lost or just don't want to be found. As for me? I'm just waiting. And the wait is always worth it. It's worth it so I can see her again.

At least my thoughts and memories of her can offer me some warmth. It would be appropriate to say that she gives me life. Because, honestly, I feel cold and dead most of the time anyway. No matter where I am or where I go, it's cold.

But I don't shiver even the slightest when she's around. Not from being cold, anyway. The shivering I do beneath her touch is something...different. It's more like… Being shaken by an electric shock. It's positively exhilarating.

I long to feel that touch again. Not just because I need her, but because she needs me too. Hardly a moment goes by when I'm not worried about her. She's all alone out there. And, although she doesn't like to admit it, she's scared. Always scared. So, when she's with me, I do my best to keep her safe. I won't let anything get close enough to hurt her. She's been hurt too much already. Not only that but no one else has any business bothering us. We're just a couple of freaks who want to be left alone. That's what everyone thinks we are. Freaks… Outcasts. Darkness dwellers. No one wants to be seen with the likes of us. But every so often, someone does try to show up and take her away. She's humanoid, but she's technically not human. Her tragic backstory involves abuse and abandonment from the summoner who brought her to this realm. Now, all the local mercenaries and demon hunters are racing one another to capture her. Successfully doing so would earn them more than just a pretty penny. She's highly valuable to summoners who might be able to command her and her powers.

They can't have her, though. She's mine.

That all said, I… I don't know what she sees in a guy like me. I'm nothing special, really. Just a human-shaped mess made of anger, bad habits, and broken pieces. I do know she thinks the same of herself, though. I see it. I see her. I… I see her more clearly than anyone ever has. And she sees me, too. No one ever really did see me before, let alone cared to try, but her? She did more than just see me. She very sweetly smiled at me, took all of me in, and called me hers. After that, I was happy to get lost in all her safety and warmth. At that moment, I knew I was home. The warmth of her arms, the beating of her heart, the softness of her skin, it's all home to me. She is home.

I know that is how she sees me, too. That's the main reason for me spending so much time out here, where it's dark as hell. I'm waiting for her to return home. So long as I'm here, like a light that's been left on for her, she knows she can come home anytime. And when she does, I will welcome her with everything I have in me. She may even have to fight her way out of my arms when it's time to leave again. I don't think I'll be able to let her go so easily. But if she bites me for it, it'll be worth the punishment. Besides, I can't say I hate it when she bites. [Chuckles] There's a special allure to those teeth of hers.

And I guess… The truth is… I love her. I love her so much that it hurts. In a good way. The pain reminds me that I'm a human still capable of feeling. And not just feeling, but loving. And… Caring. Worrying. Hoping… I could go on and on about the feelings I didn't have until she showed up. I don't know if I've got it in me to love myself, but oh, loving her is as easy as breathing. It's such a natural thing that doesn't require much thought. She acts the same around me. Which I think is pretty damn sweet, really. A destructive creature like her, letting down her barriers so she can freely express her love. She's much cuter than she cares to admit. When she cuddles up to me, she makes the most adorable little sounds. People have no idea of what they're missing out on. She's such a cinnamon roll to those she trusts in.

And so, I make every effort I can to give her all the love she needs. Since others have denied her for so many years. And because she deprives herself of it. I want to love her enough for both of us. Just like she does with me. In that respect, I guess we really were made for each other. Somehow, we figured out that the shapes of our broken pieces fit together like a puzzle. We're whole when we're together.

I know that before too long, we'll experience that togetherness again. Just me and my demoness, alone in the night. We'll be together. And we'll be home.
Cherished & Bloodstained

Whenever I'm out here smoking a cigarette, I get so… Pensive. The melancholy air of a winter night has a way of jogging my memories, too. It brings me back to a place I remember quite vividly. Snowflakes quietly fall to the ground. The air has a harsh bite to it. And the sky is ominously dark. You can't see a single star, or the moonlight, because of the clouds. On a night like that, you're forced to rely on the streetlights for guidance back home. To me, it made no difference. Home, for me, existed in the shadows I wandered. So long as that was true, I was never really lost.

And there are reasons for that. The main one being that I'm a ruthless killer. Needless to say, the path I walk is frigid, lonely, and bloodstained. Where I'm going, there is no hope or forgiveness. There's only darkness and gloom. As an assassin, I have to accept that there's no love in this world for me. I throw away any idea of that by choosing death over life.

So, imagine my surprise when someone comes along and alters that perspective. Someone who did indeed learn to love me. Someone who changed the meaning of 'home.'

How we met was, honestly, by random chance. As is the case with many paramours, I think. I happened to pass by her tragic situation at the right time and place. I could hear her crying for help from her own private prison. A place with shaded windows and locked doors. A place I could have ignored just as easily as any other. Generally, I prefer to stay out of people's business. I haven't got it in me to be a hero. I'm too selfish. Too hateful.

But… With this, for some reason, I just couldn't leave it alone. Something about her voice ignited my rage like nothing else. Furiously, I followed those tortured echoes all the way to the source. And I made no hesitation whatsoever as I barged through the door and delivered death to her attacker.

I got a mere glimpse of his wretched face before my weapon made it unrecognizable. Oh, it was terribly satisfying. That night, I created a work of art. I silenced him so violently that my clothes got painted in his blood.

I felt really, really good that night. The best part of it was that, for the first time in years, I didn't do it for money. I did it because I goddamn wanted to.

I made that same approach with the frightened little woman in the corner. Nothing motivated me except for my simple desire to help her. She owed me nothing, but I felt like I owed her for the mess I made out of her life. The monster was dead, but then she was left alone. I figured I ought to see that rescue through to the end. I couldn't just leave her there with the corpse of her abuser, and every single reminder of her trauma. The cops would have made her life extra miserable, too. Nah, she was better off hiding out with me.

And then… Somehow… Hiding out with me turned into being with me.

For some reason, I couldn't keep the pretty girl off me. I didn't blame her. She was scared. But, she was also... adorably curious. And… So unafraid of the shadows in which I dwelled. I'd go so far as to guess she's from the same place as I am. She knows the same darkness, just in her own different way. I think I might have rescued her from more than just a monster that night. I know this is why she refers to me as her angel of death. The way she talks about me really is one of the sweetest things. I'm no savior, though. I'm a bloodthirsty executioner. Yet, she doesn't mind that about me. In fact, I dare to guess she loves it about me. She plays up such a cute, sweetheart of a personality to hide what a twisted soul she actually has.

This is quite a bittersweet romance, though. It messes me up in all the right ways. She loves me so purely and intensely that she makes it hurt to be alive. I've become so cold and mechanical in order to do the work I do. Whenever she kisses me, holds my hand, or caresses my chest, I feel as though my blood is turning into liquid fire. And whenever we make love, that fire engulfs every inch of me. Oh, it burns, but it burns me so good. I think that's why her love is a painful pleasure for me. It seeks out and exploits all the vulnerabilities I never knew I had. It brings me to my knees like nothing else. And I find myself loving every damn second of it. I love how much it hurts to be alive. I love how easily I can get lost in her.

She's my perfect escape from this cruel world.