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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

Hi, I'm MaryGold. But you already know that. Should we skip the formalities and go straight to business? Yes. Welp, I am looking to do a few slice of life oriented roleplays. I don't like to think I am picky, but I am selective. I want the best from my partners and in return I will give them the same. I just want fun roleplays, something we'll both enjoy.


What I give:
- I like to think I am an adept writer.
- I write 3 paragraphs at minimum, however, my posts can get long. Most times I try to match what my partner gives me.
- I am incredibly patient, you don't need to worry about posting so often.
- I am slow when it comes to replies, I post at least once or twice every 10 days or so.
- I like to talk and plot OOC, plotting and just simple chat.
- I don't mind doing two or more rps with the same person.
- For this search, I am only doing realistic Face Claims.

What I Want:
- Please be adept or above in your writing.
- Be open to plotting and sharing any ideas or opinions that you have. I don't bite.
- You need to be open to playing NPCs and/or side characters.
- Alert me if you'll be unable to post for a while or want to drop the roleplay. (again, I don't bite)

Key Words
romance \\ drama \\ angst \\ heartbreak \\ bucket full of tears \\ addiction \\ age difference \\ drug use \\ alcohol \\ fights \\ bad decisions \\ slice of life \\ bruises \\ apathy \\ isolation \\ high school \\ college \\ arrangements \\gangs \\ violence \\ childhood friends \\ abuse // black mail \\ step siblings \\ love affairs \\ roommates \\ mental illnesses // psychotic breakdowns // trauma // fluff // phobias // loss of a loved one \\ manipulation // true love // Korean // Japanese
*Your Suggestion*
(More to be added)

FxM (on occasion MxM)
Addict x Sober
Con Artist x Victim
Handicapped x Blank
Criminal x Criminal
Boss x Employee
*Your Suggestion*
(More to be added)

Not Quite Plots
- Muse A is a blind person who has been unable to see for years. Finally, they receive an eye donor. After getting their new eyes, their life intertwines with the ex-lover of the eye donor.

- Muse A wants to get revenge for their family, and the only way to do that is to work their way into the criminal underground. And Muse B is willing to help.

- Muse A is afraid of Muse B for surface reasons and rumors. However, when Muse A is forced to work with Muse B, they learn that Muse B is not someone to be feared at all and the rumors to be fake.
*Your Suggestion*
(More to be added)

This is still open~ willing take on one or two more partners ~
Hello there! If you don't mind a no smut role-play due to our different age group, I may have an inkling of a plot that may interest you that mingle Con Artist x Victim and Highschool:

Muse A has recently been threatened expulsion for their bad grades and general unruly attitude when it comes to authority. Well, so what, it's not that school is important for someone as skilled and pretty as they, right? WRONG. You see, their parents are also threatening Muse A with their allowances and car privilege if their grades and attendance don't improve and soon at that. So, it is with an heavy heart that Muse A plans something that will improve their situation as quickly as possible; befriending Muse B, a lonely honour student with low self esteem. Easy, right? But why is the whole thing starting to look like a bad romance novel, and why are they feeling so guilty about it all?
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Hello there! If you don't mind a no smut role-play due to our different age group, I may have an inkling of a plot that may interest you that mingle Con Artist x Victim and Highschool:

Muse A has recently been threatened expulsion for their bad grades and general unruly attitude when it comes to authority. Well, so what, it's not that school is important for someone as skilled and pretty as they, right? WRONG. You see, their parents are also threatening Muse A with their allowances and car privilege if their grades and attendance don't improve and soon at that. So, it is with an heavy heart that Muse A plans something that will improve their situation as quickly as possible; befriending Muse B, a lonely honour student with low self esteem. Easy, right? But why is the whole thing starting to look like a bad romance novel, and why are they feeling so guilty about it all?

Oh wow, I love it! Please a send a PM my way :D
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