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Hello people!
I've been searching all over the net and I think, my chances here are the highest, at least I hope. I'm looking for people for an Air gear RP, I got SOME of the plot planned already.
I know that Air Gear is a dying, if not dead Fandom, but I still have hopes that there are some fans like me left who still enjoy Oh!Great!'s work as much as I do.
I'd have the RP take place in a more AU-like place, some new kings, some different roads(Since the road system is pretty open minded anyways, and I want to offer at least SOME new stuff so things don't get too boring), since I'd love to focus more on the sport itself and the system of Kings and Regalias, then on uhh war, like the manga did later on(Not that I mind that, I just like the idea of focussing on the progress of the team)
I also wouldn't mind at all to explain newcomers what Air gear is about, if interested, but I'm currently looking for about 4 other players, just enough for an Air Trek team :>

The basic idea of this would be to have a character found a new team of mostly newcomers. I love seeing progress as a Team so I think that it would be great if we don't have 5 experienced riders from the getgo. That doesn't mean your character would have to wear them for the first time, I'd just like to stay away from anything higher than D-class riders for now.
Of course I'd love to hear some of you guys' ideas on the matter, I just wanted to let you know that I do have some sort of plan for where this would be going already!

So, if any of you Air Gear Fans are still out there, let me know so I can get this thing rolling!
Watching this thread. =]

I've only ever seen the anime, but I love Air Gear and the idea of flying roller blader gangs lol.

There was another person who tried to start an Air Gear RP here, but didn't have a plot in mind. A couple people responded, but it never got anywhere because nobody could figure out what sort of plot to do, too. Then the original threadstarter left Iwaku.

I hope this one fares better!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jun
Well if you say there might be some more interest I can write somethign up, maybe we could get some newcomers to join too!
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Reactions: Vardoger
I loved Air Gear.
As Vardoger stated above someone else made a similar interest thread not too long ago. Nice to see this one has a bit more of a rough outline in terms of plot elements. Unfortunately I never participate in rps that aren't 18+, but regardless of that would like to mayhaps read an Air Gear rp from the shadows.

I wish this rp the best if it ultimately gets up, and running!
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I did think of making it at least 16+ but I think for 18, the concept in itself doesn't have enough gore or straight up porn- not that I mind writing either it doesn't seem too fitting! I will definitely write out my plans for this tomorrow and see how it goes. should it end up a one on one rp i wouldn't mind either. :>
Admittedly, this seems pretty cool. I could get behind an Airgear RP if the numbers are around v.v

That said, 18+ doesn't necessarily *mean* that it must contain gore or be a libertine-styled RP! 18+ simply means that it only accepts "Redstar" (adult) members, which you can see by looking at the icon by someone's username in every post... That said, I'm not sure if @ObsidianNyx means that that they wish to partake in a Redstar/libertine RP.
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I love air gear. I watched the anime, the ova's and read most of the manga. I'm in!!!
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I've only ever read the manga and towards the end the physics were totally absurd, but it was still fun, and I would like to be a part of an air gear RP.
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Awesome! I'm a bit busy, but I should be getting the sign up post up by the end of this week!
I'll let you guys know in this topic when it's up and going! :>
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