Arena-Forged || Misadventureres of Faerûn ||| Sign-Ups / Out of Character

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Rosé Moon

Original poster

  • If you've ever played Dungeons and Dragons, specifically 5th edition, you might be interested in Arena-Forged in Faerûn!

    Rumor has it, North East of the metropolis of Arabel, in the Dalelands, hunters and adventurers have been vanishing. The missing-persons have become more and more frequent as of late, and it seems the closer those get to the Dalelands forests the more likely the spiriting. The Caravan City, aforementioned Arabel, sent notices out to all local magic guilds in the region to investigate the abnormalities surrounding the area, but to no avail. Higher powers have not yet been involved, but the vanishings have become more and more frequent. Surely it will not be long until they step in to figure out this mystery---

    This is where our story begins, in the epicenter of this mystery. The underground city of Maerimydra, and more specifically the Coliseum within; the Coliseum with. The Blood Coliseum of the Burning City, in the Middledeep, beneath the Dalelands.

    You awaken in the bowels of the Coliseum. It's dark, and the air is filled with a damp stank and the smell of mold and fire. What's more? You are completely imbued with amnesia. You have no recollection of who you are, or why. This seemingly becomes a problem, as large creatures tear you from the shackles that bind you and throw you into a circular arena, to the sights of a ghostly audience. Now that you think about it, even the beings that pulled you out here were mere ghastly visages. The only thing that doesn't seem incorporeal are the others being thrust from the other entry-ways into the arena. There seems to be only one way to figure out the answers to all of these mysteries.

    Fight, survive, and escape.


    You will have to survive your matches in the Arena, and learn as much as you can about the ones you don't fight. Or, at least the ones you haven't fought yet. If you can find a way around the magical presence that seems to imprison you, you can try and figure who you are... or who you were.​

  • Name:
    Race: (Any from Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is acceptable, I'll have those listed in another tab. If it's something else, run it past me and we can work something out.)
    Class: (Like races, I will post classes in a separate tab and if you would like anything homebrewed, run it by me.)
    Alignment:(Lawful Good to Lawful Evil. I'd prefer we stray from chaotic and neutral evil, for simplicity's sake).
    Personality Traits: (After the amnesia, what was it that lead your character to the Dalelands? What would remain after their memories)
    Ideals: (Like personality, what did you uphold before you lost yourself?)
    Flaws: (Self explanatory)

    Character Appearance:

    [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Race:[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)] [/COLOR](Any from Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is acceptable, I'll have those listed in another tab. If it's something else, run it past me and we can work something out.)
    [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Class:[/COLOR] (Like races, I will post classes in a separate tab and if you would like anything homebrewed, run it by me.)
    [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Alignment:[/COLOR][/B](Lawful Good to Lawful Evil. I'd prefer we stray from chaotic and neutral evil, for simplicity's sake).[/CENTER]
    [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][b]Personality Traits:[/b][/COLOR] (After the amnesia, what was it that lead your character to the Dalelands? What would remain after their memories)
    [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][b]Ideals:[/b][/COLOR] (Like personality, what did you uphold before you lost yourself?)
    [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][b]Flaws:[/b][/COLOR] (Self explanatory)
    [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][b]Age:
    Character Appearance:[/b][/COLOR]

    I'm sure you've noticed there is no background or history here. That's on purpose! Seeing as we all have amnesia, part of the Arena-Forged arc will involve discovering and me as the game master, and you as the player, writing your history together!

    • Human - The most adaptable and ambitious people of Faerün. Innovators and achievers, humans are the pioneers of the world.
    • Dwarves - Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners and workers of stone and metal.
    • Elf - Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it.
    • Tiefling - The most untrusted of the common races of Faerün. It isn't uncommon for even the most innocent to be greeted with stares and whispers for their devil-like appearance. Violence against them and whispers are completely normal.
    • Half-Elf - A combination of the best parts of humans, and elves.
    • Half-Orc - Doesn't take long to figure out if someone is a half-orc. Not with the grayish skin, slopped foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth and massive builds.
    • Halfling - The most diminutive race is Faerün. They only survive by either avoiding notice, or less common, avoiding offense.
    • Gnome - A gnome's energy and enthusiasm for living shines through every inch of his or her tiny body.
    • Dragonborn - Dragonborn are much like dragons, standing bipedal, and very humanoid, though they lack wings and a tail.

    *As an aside, these are the common races. If you are interested in playing a less common race, you can look at them here
    • Barbarian - A fierce, primitive warrior who can enter a battlefield-rage.
    • Bard - A magician whose music echoes the power of creation.
    • Cleric - In service of a God, Clerics are a champions who wield divine power.
    • Druid - A priest of Old Faith, able to take animal form and wield the power of nature.
    • Fighter - Masters of martial weapons. Fighters are well-verse in the ways most armors and weapons.
    • Monk - A master of Martial Arts, Monks focus on harnessing the body in search of both physical and spiritual enlightenment.
    • Paladin - A holy warrior bound to a sacred oath.
    • Ranger - A warrior who combats threats at the edge of civilization.
    • Rogue - A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to achieve their ends.
    • Sorcerer - A spellcaster, who finds there power from their bloodline, rather than training.
    • Warlock - A spellcaster who that is born from a deal with an extraplanar being.
    • Wizard - The antithesis of a Sorcerer. A tudious spellcaster who gains their power from study and can alter their enviroment and reality.

    *Another aside, if you would like to look at more classes, these are the homebrew classes. Run them by me, and if they aren't terribly unbalanced, we can add it.
  • So, let's break down what the goal of all this is, and how it shall work! As stated before, this is heavily inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Specifically, the 5th Edition. What will be borrowed from? The world, map, beings, religions and even some stories!

    It's not even really different, as we will be making liberal changes to whatever we wish to! If you know of some event that you would wish to have your character connected to in 5th edition lore, let me know! What sets this apart from most RP's, especially on Iwaku, is that I will be also writing your history. By the end of the Arena-Forge section, or party will remember their history that you have written, but still missing large chunks and pieces that I will be integrating into both past and future events! You could be the hero of a previous war, and have no idea! A family, back in Waterdeep... but you've all but forgotten.

    As with almost every other post, if you want to participate in this Roleplay you MUST ABIDE BY ALL OF IWAKU'S RULES. This should go without saying. And, in my own words and simplified, don't be an asshole. Treat your mates with respect, and bring issues up with site admins.

    As for my own personal rules...
    • Romantic interactions between characters is not only allowed, but encouraged! It gives me fuel! But no getting Adult Ratings. Kissing should be about the pentacle of romantic interactions.
    • You can try to kill your fellow players, but I'm responsible for what I do to you if it is meta, or out of character. Fighting is one thing, but outright murdering isn't really allowed.
    I don't really have many other rules for now, but keep your eyes open cause I'll probably add more.


    Alright, this isn't as painful as it could be. I'd prefer if grammar standards were about the same as mine in all... this. As for lengths, we will be going from action and investigative phases, to rest and character phases. Obviously, posting length will vary with these phases and all I expect is that others make the effort to match the efforts of others. That's fair, isn't it?​

@Starlighter @Chile @Applo
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Would the options available in Xanathar's be potentially viable for this? I'm considering going for a Storm Sorcerer, if that's a possibility you would be open to; totally chill if not though, I have a few other ideas kicking around as well. Also just to double check that I understand this correctly - are all the official races accessible via DnD Beyond fair game?
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Would the options available in Xanathar's be potentially viable for this? I'm considering going for a Storm Sorcerer, if that's a possibility you would be open to; totally chill if not though, I have a few other ideas kicking around as well. Also just to double check that I understand this correctly - are all the official races accessible via DnD Beyond fair game?

Yes! Anything from official DnD material is open! (I actually link DnD Beyond above twice!!)
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  • Thank You
Reactions: Starlighter
Name: Reva
Race: Fallen Aasimar
Class: Monk
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality Traits
Wanderer: There's a big world out there and Reva tends to get itchy feet if she stays in one place too long.
Driven: Nothing ever changes if you only talk about doing something. You have to act.
Determined: When she sets her mind to doing something, she'll keep on going no matter how tough things get.

Loyal: The people she calls friends can pretty much always rely on her support.
Chain-breaker: Hates those who put their boot on the neck of others.
Adaptable: All things change in time, that's just something that has to be accepted.

Boozehound: Has a taste for booze and isn't good at knowing when to stop.
Short fuse: Resorts to violence to deal with problems far too quickly.
What do you mean, empty your pockets?: Has a penchant for pocketing coins and small knick-knacks if she thinks she can get away with it.

Age: Twenty-Seven.
Height: 5 foot, 9 inches.
Weight: 138 lbs.
Eyes: Green.
Skin: Fair.
Hair: Auburn.

Character Appearance: Reva has a lean, well muscled body that is littered with a multitude of scars. Her hands and feet are both heavily calloused and more than a few of her fingers and toes sit at strange angles. Likewise her nose has clearly been broken and set multiple times and this has the effect of making her pale green eyes look a little uneven.

Clothes wise Reva appears to favour light garments that offer minimal protection but plenty of room to move easily. Her arms are wrapped in leather strips with her wrist being particularly well wrapped and small, thin leather pads covering her elbows. Reva's legs sport similar wrapping but these are covered by a pair of thin, flat soled fabric boots.

Art: The original artwork was created by Andy Park.

Colour: #070

So um yeah, how does that look, something like you were envisaging or have I made a mess somewhere? :3
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That's a wonderful entry!!! I want expecting an aasimar, right out the gate! Let alone, fallen! But I dig it. Just be aware that when we begin she will not know that she is an aasimar. Everyone is equally amnesiac.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Applo
I thought that may be the way of it :D should be "fun" for her to discover XD
I thought that may be the way of it :D should be "fun" for her to discover XD

I will have a hand in everyone's history. If there is anything you want her's to include, please PM me, and I'll write around what you want!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Applo
A'right, here goes. If I've goofed up anywhere or if you'd like me to make any changes, just lemme know and I'll get on it as soon as I can!

Race || Air Genasi Class || Sorcerer (Storm Origin) Alignment || Lawful Good

Age || 26 Height || 5'11'' Weight || 130lbs Eyes || Dark
Blue Skin || Pale Blue Hair || Off white/grey

Character Appearance ||

Cèline is classically tall and slender, with delicate limbs that make her appear fragile at a glance. There is very little weight or substance to her light build, to the point of near frailty. Her hair is straight and wispy, coloured a pale blue that appears nearly white in most light; it falls just past her shoulders, and is typically parted to the side. Her face is oval shaped and her eyes are a deep but vibrant blue that stands out against her pale sky blue skin. These strange colourations aside, her features appear to be mostly human. The clothing she tends to favour is simple but elegant, finely made, and muted in colour.​

Personality Traits ||

  • Courteous: "Others should always be treated with dignity and respect."

  • Patient: "Time moves at its own pace. It can be neither hurried nor hindered."

  • Resilient: "It takes a lot to knock me down, and when I fall I get back up."

Ideals ||
  • Justice: "Actions have consequences - willful wrongdoers should be punished, and those who do right should be rewarded."

  • Honesty: "The truth is sometimes hard to face, but lies cannot be justified."

  • Order: "Chaos is the bane of the common good."

Flaws ||

  • Proud: "I know my own worth, and it is considerable."

  • Overconfident: "Failure is for others, not for me."

  • Critical: "I hold myself and others to impossible standards."
Yay! Lawful good! I was do worried we wouldn't get one of those! I see no issues with Celine, so she joins Reva in the depths of the Blood Colliseum!
  • Like
Reactions: Starlighter
Sweet, looking forward to getting this party started!
The way I see it, I work in a npc here and there, we can go ahead and get started with a standby phase. While one or two other people join! As long as @Starlighter and @Applo don't mind meeting each other first, I could have the first GM ppst tomorrow!
Im good with that.
Sounds fine to me.
So, I'm thinking a good posting deadline is once a week-- this being the longest we can go between posts, but hopefully it will move faster than that.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Applo
Yeah, that sounds good to me. I will let you know now though that next week is going to be absolutely insane for me, so I probably won't be able to crank out more than one.
  • Love
Reactions: Rosé Moon
Id just say ditto to what star said, what with christmas and all. The time frame suits me though
  • Useful
Reactions: Rosé Moon
Working on mine as well.

EDIT: In fact, Here he is.

Name: Chief
Race: Warforged (Juggernaut)
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality Traits:
Sharp Blade, Sharper Mind: While incredibly skilled with weapons, Chief's best skillset is his tactical mind.
Where are My Manners?: In spite of his hulking appearance and ferocity in battle, he's actually quite kind and courteous.

My Arm Shall Be Your Shield: While Chief knows there are some capable of defending others, even they need someone to watch their backs as they defend others.
I will not be bound!: Built for war but granted freedom, He understands the yoke that is servitude. Never again.

What Is Love?: Having been built rather then born, Emotions are still something he is trying to understand, though mainly the softer oned like compassion.

Stranger in a Strange Land: As he is most decidedly not from this realm, Chief sticks out like a sore thumb, and is wholly ignorant of many of the local cultures and customs.

Height: 6' 7"
Weight:400-445 lbs (depending on Integrated Protection mode)
Eyes:While he doesn't have pupils persay, Chief's eyes do glow, changing colors depending on his mood.
Skin: N/A
Hair: N/A
Character Appearance: Made of metal, tightly woven fibers, and secret magics, Chief looks, at first glance, like any Automata or Golem. A vaguely humanoid masculine face, set with lidless metal orbs for eyes set above a lipless mouth, grant him the ability to observe his surroundings. There is an odd rune carved in to the forehead. His massive body is covered in seamless metal plates, hardened by magic to be as tough as adamantium, dark wood-like fibers visible at the joints. Three fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot show he is something other than familiar.
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