SIDE STORY Avalon's Route

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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

@Valkan & @rissa

Dusk approached with an illustrious evening sky— hues of purple and pink and cream blended with the blue canvas of the heavens above, creating a splendid and ephemeral work of art. The young woman sighed softly, leaning against the broom that was held tightly in one hand and a sturdy, over-sized carrying case in the other. If only every moment was so simple, so whole and undisturbed. Intact. Without care, reason, logic—emotions too, dulled by the insignificance of glancing up. Wonder and awe were fine in small moments like these, taken alongside deep breaths and solitary contemplative thoughts. If only the negative emotions could be dealt with the same.

Koya Tofumi tightened her grip on the carrying case and steeled herself. This night would not be easy, purging a youth of a nagging and budding curse. If they'd come to the shrine sooner, attempted to rid themselves of the blight quicker...

What were they thinking? The dark circles under his eyes, the dried spittle and raw picked-at flesh, the stench of despair emanating from every orifice as he laid there on his tatami mat? How didn't they see? Why didn't they call for us sooner?

Tofumi took a deep breath and settled her racing heart, pushed down the disgust and the anger and instead allowed it to simmer; push it away and allow it to be further fuel for her jujutsu. She took a hesitant glance backwards, towards the main sanctuary and where her parents were readying the temple for the night. Tofumi needn't bother them with tonight's affairs, though she wished for their blessings.

She sighed once again and started her journey south, to the Kimura household. The carrying case was heavy, but it was too early in the night to cast her technique, despite the fact it would shave off an hour and a half of travel time. She went to readjust her grip when a green light descended from the heavens, some hundred or so miles away and disappeared with a resounding quake.


Tofumi froze and then started running forward, her broom and her carrying case each in a white-knuckle grip. There were only a few people alongside the cobbled road by the time she made it down the shrine stairs, and none seemed amazed by what she just witnessed. She skidded to a halt as something touched the outer limits of her cursed energy aura— and then she too was obfuscated in a bright green light and shunted elsewhere, falling— tumbling —a ceaseless descent. Koya Tofumi could have sworn that once or twice, when she managed to open her eyes against the rush and momentum, that she saw someone falling alongside her.


She was on her back. Tofumi hadn't yet opened her eyes but she could tell it was daytime and that it was warm. The sun on her face felt nice after the rush of— jumping up with an unfamiliar panic, Tofumi glanced around wildly, confused and startled at the change of location... change of worlds. This was not Japan. She laid beneath a petrified skeleton larger than her shinto temple, lost to the desert sand. Behind her were red mountains, far taller than the horizon, and the little vegetation that scattered the area had a yellowy tint to it.

Yellowy tint...

Tofumi trailed off mentally, her eyes catching something shiny. "Oi!" She shouted, running up to the body lying prone, not too far from her own landing spot. "Oi!" She repeated, shaking his shoulders to urge him awake. It was then she noticed the loose blindfolds.

"Lancelot" Gojo

It was a nice and warm afternoon in Kyoto. Ranmaru was sitting out in the garden of his home, sipping on a fine blend of Darjeeling. He had recently returned to Japan and the higher ups summoned him to request his aid in teaching students in either Tokyo or Kyoto's Jujutsu high. They considered the experience and knowledge of "the strongest living jujutsu sorcerer" could be of great use. Personally, he couldn't care less. As a Jujutsu Knight, he was better off simply protecting the weak as he knew how. He was born strong, and what little he needed to learn, he did on his own. He'd rather leave teaching to someone more adequate. Nevertheless, he did say he'd at least consider it.

After another sip, he put his teacup down, and leaned backwards. Staring at the myriad of orange, red, and purple tints painting the mostly clear sky, he meditated on whether or not returning to Japan was the right move. Then again, Europe was a bit tense at the moment. That surely would cause cursed spirits to thrive. Would it be there? Would it come here? Decisions, decisions. His tranquil tea time meditation would be cut short, preventing him to reach anything conclusive.

A green flash flooded his sight. Unsure of whether or not it was because it caused him to lose his balance or what, he fell. As he fell, he sensed as if his body was being thrown at unimaginable speeds through the cosmos. Was he being attacked? There was no sign of it beforehand, so what gives? Questions formed, but they all would go unanswered as he was planted flat on his back.

His eyes scanned the immediate surroundings before he moved. Lots of sand, rocky formations, and unknown animal remains. Just where was he? Then, of course, was the highlight of it all. A person that seemed as out of place as him, if not a bit less. She was calling for him, even recognizing him and using his clan name. Coming off his dazed state from the trip that brought him to this mysterious place, he raised his head to the woman shaking him "Yes, that is my clan indeed. And I am awake, no need to shake me any longer, my dear. I appreciate the concern."

Having said that, Ranmaru would sit up and take another look around. "This is as unfamiliar to you as it is to me, I take it?" While waiting for an answer, he slowly stood up and dusted himself off as best as he could. It was a shame to get his suit filled with sand, but there were way more pressing matters at hand. For now though, introductions were in order, he supposed. "Hm, this might take a while to get sorted out. You appear to recognize me already, so with that in mind, may I have your name miss?" His head, which was set on the skeletal figure behind them, turned to the woman with a warm smile. Showing too much concern wouldn't do them any good, so Ranmaru figured using the friendly approach was best.
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Koya Tofumi

She scrambled back, flushed, and painfully embarrassed. Tofumi thought he was unconscious, lying as still as a statue there upon the sandy ground— but apparently he was just enjoying the sun. She huffed as she stood, brushing off the scarlet hakama and the sleeves of her robe. She nodded at his first question, a slight eyebrow raise to indicate that it was quite obviously so.

After that, she gave a stiff bow and introduced herself, "Koya Tofumi. Jujutsu Priestess. Semi-Grade 2."

She looked around and cringed, the ache of the unknown swelling up inside her— as well as the guilt swimming around her stomach, knowing that little boy would die without someone's help. Without her help. Still, Tofumi steeled herself and motioned to where she landed, "I was carrying a broom and a carrying case with me, somehow they came too."

Tofumi glanced around the eccentric Gojo, wondering if anything had come along with his ride.

"This isn't some kind of elaborate domain expansion... right? We're— we're actually somewhere else?"
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"Lancelot" Gojo

Ranmaru pursed his lips for a moment, as an initial answer to the non-verbal reply he got "It was worth asking, as unlikely as it was you had answers to this." No point in dwelling on it, however. The knight chuckled upon hearing the stiff response "No need to be so formal. I am but a simple guardian of the people, Miss Koya. Nice meeting you." He'd offer a handshake, but based on her clothing and demeanor, it was clear Tofumi was a woman of tradition.

The man checked something on his back when Tofumi pointed to her belongings coming with her. "I have my hilts and purifiers as well. Hm." he said, mostly to himself. As for Tofumi's peek, it would prove fruitless. What Ranmaru was carrying was hidden underneath his jacket.

"Not enough cursed energy flowing around... This is, somehow, the world in its natural state. But this is unlike any place I have seen, be it in person or even in pictures." He commented, meditatively. Ranmaru adjusted his bandages and took a deep look around, wondering what awaited them in the distance. On a superficial scan of the distance, he concluded "We are somewhere else indeed. Foreign to our own world, even. If you can believe that."
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Koya Tofumi

Tofumi was too busy scowling to notice Lancelot's comment confirming his hilts, a dramatic eyeroll as she turned unnaturally sharp on one heel and stalked the few meters back to where she landed. "Simple guardian of the people. Pfft." Tofumi said under her breath as she picked up her broom and carrying case, white-knuckling them within her grip to regain some semblance of control. She scowled over what she presumed was false humility, doubting he was anything less than terrifying as an inheritor of the Six Eyes technique— especially with how nonchalant he was acting. A part of her wanted to shake him again, but she bit down on the urge and took a deep, calming breath.

If that boy dies it'll be blood on my hands. I've got to get home and as much as I hate to admit it... I'm the lucky one in this situation, to have someone like him around... Getting home might just be possible. Tofumi trekked back with haste, catching the snippet that answered her initial question. The cringe of disgust and desperation that shivered through her at that statement didn't deter the fire set ablaze in her grey eyes, however. "Truth be told, I don't want to believe it... but I have faith in your technique."

She turned away from his bandages and continued: "So I suppose that translates to faith in you." Tofumi hesitated and tacked on, "Nice meeting you, as well. Tell me, do you prefer Gojo or Lancelot? And... do you see anything or should we just pick a direction and search?" She groaned and brought a hand to her forehead, "What are we even searching for? I doubt anything useful to jujutsu exists here."