CHARACTER INDEX Avatar Bending Unleashed characters

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Name: Yanjiang Feng
Gender: Cismale
Age: 34

Appearance: c068045acb1511e28cfc11cb121e2028.jpgtoph black sun).jpeg
Height: 206 cm (6'9")
Description: Yanjiang is a tall muscular Earthbender with dark hair and golden eyes. He dresses as Toph had on the day of black sun, all the gold and tan parts of the outfit changed into a bright red.

Bending style: Earth
Specialty: Lavabending
Bending techniques: Dai Li style, Hung Ga, Badger Mole Style, sandbending, dancing dragon, various waterbending techniques(applied to magma bending), metal bending
Weak point(s): metal bending

History: Yanjiang was born to a Dai Li agent who fled Ba Sing Se and went into hiding, and a sun warrior who nursed him back to health. His father taught him how to bend like a Dai Li agent and his mother taught him the dancing dragon. He learned lava bending at a young age and was able to improve it by integrating his fire bending techniques, with this Yanjiang thought he had found true power, but he wanted more. He began to travel across the world, learning techniques from various other benders, trying to get more and more. The more that he obtained, the more that he hungered. At the age of 24 he sought to test out his new power and began hunting down the Beifong clan, defeating each of them to prove that he was the greatest Earthbender of all time. When he gets recruited to taking down the Avatar, only three Beifongs remain that he has not defeated.
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Sumira Kaen

27 - Bi-Female - 4'9" - Fire Nation

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Bending Specialty:

Exceptional control over firebending, capable of manipulating flames to perform precise tasks such as welding, distinguished by a unique purple hue.


Sumira typically wears her hair styled in an elegant updo with a few strands artfully framing her face, particularly in formal occasions - be it for work of in official events (including combat, given the practicality of this hairdo). Only in casual situations does she allow her hair to be let down.

She typically wears an ornate set of robes befitting her status as member of the renowned Kaen family. It looks deceptively unsuited to combat given the stylishness, but the lower half was cleverly tailored to grant freedom of movement, allowing her to navigate a battle with fluid grace.


  • Overexertion: Her dynamic combat style may lead to fatigue, reducing her effectiveness over time.
  • Emotional Triggering: Provocation can disrupt her focus and control, potentially leading to mistakes in battle.
  • Tunnel Vision: Her meticulous nature can cause her to overlook broader strategies or unexpected attacks

Sumira was born into the industrious Kaen family, esteemed firebenders who revolutionized the Fire Nation's craftsmanship, marrying the art of firebending with metallurgy. Her early years were shaped by the glow of the forge, where she learned to control fire with artisanal skill, leading to her mastery of her unique purple flame.

In the post-Korra world, Sumira's talents flourished amidst progress and innovation. However, the rise of Avatar Genji and his descent into tyranny upended the global balance. The White Lotus, once protectors of the Avatar, sought the Kaen family's aid but found Sumira's abilities far surpassed their needs for mere weaponry. Her prowess promised more than artistry; it offered a strategic advantage in the looming conflict.

Conscripted into the White Lotus's ranks, Sumira's artisan skills were sharpened into martial ones, preparing her for the fight against Genji's oppression. As part of an elite team of benders, she now stands ready, her purple flames a testament to her family's legacy and her resolve to defend the world from the threat of a fallen Avatar.

Credits to Apparition for the template and quite possibly the post template later
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Basic Information

Also known as "Two-Faced Lei" during his time in a Daofei group.



Bending Style:


Weapon of choice: Element and Airbender Glider

»Sound Dampening

Bending techniques:
»Baguazhang (Evasive catering mostly to defense)
»"Soundbending" ( Really just using airbending in a more precise form. Used mostly to dampen sound by controlling the vibrations in the air or shooting condensed air through piercing whistles.)
»Spiritual Projection
»Chi Sensing

Weak point(s):
»Pacifist. Responds only to threats, violence is a last resort or used only in defense.
»Does not take anything or anyone seriously. Very detached. May take threats as a joke. Very incapable of reading the room.
»No sense of direction.
»Will not shave his head out of sheer laziness. Not as aware of changes in the air as other male airbenders who accept baldness for that "sixth sense".
»Projecting his spiritual form leaves him defenseless, his lack of direction also makes it so he'd never dare to venture far. In fact, he's only attempted it once and got lost for a good week or two. Afterwards, he vowed to never attempt it again.
»Wants little to do with spirits who try to befriend them. Will play with them in return for their use but finds them noisy and intrusive overall.


Standing just short of 6ft at 5'11, Lei has a slender build toned by years of training. His long straight black hair is parted in the middle revealing his airbender tattoos. Considered generally attractive with sharp features and heavy lidded grey eyes. He finds clothes stuffy and dresses in loose often half undone robes but most often wandering around with the top undone or with his chest bare unless it's a formal occasion. He carries his glider/stave with him, the fabric a light blue to match the sky on a good day..

Born and raised in the eastern air temple to two airbenders, Lei's path had always been laid right in front of him. Even after their premature passing, he had no other interests other than following the path he knew. From young, he has trained strictly to master airbending. When others realized he had a natural affinity with spiritual energy, the training only intensified, many seeing only the potential he had rather than him as a person. They called him a prodigy. The pressure to become great and follow in the footsteps of others eventually led to him rebelling. He left the temple and left to explore the world at the age of 16 right after getting his air nomad tattoos.

It was during this time that he joined a daofei group called the Order of Gold. It started with him getting kidnapped to him leading a gang of thieves in Republic City. It was only a year into their operations when they were caught trying to pull a massive stunt that he was eventually brought back to the Eastern air temple who went from viewing him as a prodigy to branding him as a disgrace. Facing exile, one of the older monks stood up for him and gave him one last chance on account of the potential he harbored.

Lei reluctantly accepted the opportunity to assist the white lotus at bringing the avatar down. Should it prove successful, he would be welcomed back with open arms.


»Vegetarian (Loves Cabbage, Cucumbers, and Oranges)

»Has strong beefy fingers from training his finger strength since he was younger. His finger flicks are known to have given someone a concussion.

»Brings his pet Moth Kitten he raised from a Cat-erpillar himself everywhere he goes. Her name is Mimi and she has a cold lazy temperament like her owner's original temper. He picked her from a bush after being rejected by all the sky bison calves. They've developed a bond ever since.

»Wears bells on his ankles to announce his arrival to others but is constantly dampening the sound unless he actually wants the attention.

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Done, I think? Let me know if anything needs changing or if its hard to read on mobile. My phone is currently broken so i couldn't test it.
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She often likes to be called Sumi





She's an equipped water bender who can also use the water to heal wounds. She can also turn water into ice and vice versa



Chestnut Brown

Ocean Blue


Athletically built

Kasumi is naturally quiet and shy, but she has learned to open up more and express herself differently after learning and, eventually, visiting other nations. She is very intelligent for her age and uses it in a way no one else has seen before. Kasumi also keeps her emotions somewhat controlled unless she is pushed to the point of no return. Kasumi is the best person to be around because of her positive aura. She recedes negativity and doesn't want to be around it at all.

Bending water would be Kasumi's ultimate strength since she was trained ever since she could walk. She is also very flexible; most people can tell this by how she moves so fluidly when she bends sometimes.

Her emotions would be her number one, and probably only, weakness because she feels like she will fail everyone.

Born in the Southern Water Tribe, Kasumi lived a comfortable life and wouldn't have it any other way. At a young age, she learned what it meant to be a woman in the tribe. Although, this didn't fit her as it should have. She learned how to heal from other healers in the Southern Water Tribe and thought that when she was a bit older, she could become a healer herself. Kasumi traveled to the Northern Water Tribe at a young age to learn how to hone her water-bending skills. While she could have learned at her old tribe, she wanted to travel the world to learn from others instead. She stayed there to help however she could, not that they needed it. After a while, she was recruited to defend the world against the Avatar. Kasumi couldn't believe that people thought she was tasked with this job or that people thought so highly of her.
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