BY INVITATION ONLY Avatar Bending Unleashed

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Yanjiang leaned back in his chair, it was much too small for him. The White Lotus had put him into a small waiting room with three other similarly small chairs, though he was certain the others would find them adequate. Good, he had a team, even Yanjiang wasn't arrogant enough to think he could take on the avatar alone. He guessed they might have filled him in if he didn't insist on moving the moment he heard the word "Avatar."

The room was certainly unremarkable for its purpose, Yanjiang was certain at one point this was meant as a simple monks' room or perhaps it was simply a room for them to rest in, but now it was the room that would house those who would kill the Avatar. The walls were bare and red and the only furnishings was the four chairs, all of different make indicating they came from separate rooms. They didn't want to do this, Yanjiang surmised, but they had to.

A fire priest brought Yanjiang a cup of tea, smiling broadly at him, a false smile, "The other three will be here shortly." Yanjiang looked the man up and down, he was impossibly old and Yanjiang smiled at him and took the cup of tea.

"Thank you, may your health keep you going as sure as it has for the last hundred years." Yanjiang drank the tea without waiting for it to cool, he would rather it burn him than wait a single moment extra for a drink he asked for, and it did so.

"I'm eighty-seven." The priest said, no longer faking a smile for the benefit of his large companion.

Yanjiang knew the old man was offended, but refused to apologize and instead waited in the awkward silence between himself and the priest until others arrived.

Shaking Things Up and Palming Faces!

The door to the room opened with a flourish, revealing Sumira Kaen in her striking black robes, adorned with intricate floral prints that seemed to dance with each movement she made. The Kaen family crest was subtly embroidered on the hem, a testament to her prestigious lineage and the wealth and craftsmanship her family was renowned for in the Fire Nation.

As she stepped into the room, Sumira's gaze swept over its occupants – Yanjiang, with his imposing presence, and the fire priest, his age etched deeply into his features. "Ah, what an honor! Are you Master Zuki from the Western Temple? I've heard so much about you!" Sumira exclaimed with an enthusiastic smile, mistaking the priest for someone else in her genuine excitement.

The priest, a bit taken aback, only look baffled until Sumira's eyes widened slightly, and a warm, infectious laugh escaped her lips as she realized her error. "Oh, my apologies! I guess I got a bit too excited. But hey, it's not every day you get to meet a master, right?" she said, her laughter softening the tension. "Well, anyone serving the White Lotus is a master in their own right!"

The priest's irritation seemed to linger, but Sumira, unfazed, turned her bright gaze towards Yanjiang. "And you must be… Someone impressive, I'd wager!" she quipped, her eyes playfully scanning Yanjiang. "Tall, muscular, with that earthy vibe – you're definitely giving off strong Earthbender energy eh?" Sumira's smile widened as she leaned slightly forward in her chair, her interest clearly piqued. "I must say, the White Lotus sure knows how to pick them. It's not every day you get to team up with someone who looks like they've walked straight out of a heroic tale," she continued, her tone a mix of jest and genuine admiration.

She then sat back, her demeanor shifting to a more relaxed pose, though her eyes remained on Yanjiang. "Oh, of course. Sumira Kaen, at your service. Genius, daredevil, artisan, and a flame-wielding charmer." With a twinkle in her eye and a mischievous grin framed by upwards-and-to-the-side pointing fingers under the chin, it elicited a facepalm from the fire priest – both palms even, an achievement.
With the air of calm, Lei leisurely strolled into the room, cloaked in muted black/gray robes, each step accompanied by the faint jingling of bells. The source of the sound could be found on his left wrist in the shape of a red threaded bracelet with a small bell charm. It has long been believed that wearing it could protect one from evil and remove the surrounding negative energy with each clear ring. It was a gift meant to bring him luck and keep him safe.

Lei had thus far proven that to be very wrong.

If something as simple as a bracelet was so lucky, his fate wouldn't have taken such a turn. As much as they felt they should have given the unlucky thing to someone more deserving of its ire, Lei also couldn't bear to part with it.

Movements slow and deliberate, Lei greeted the others with what may as well have been a half assed salute; two fists meeting before him but not bothering to bow. "Lei." He muttered without further explanation before taking his seat. It was as simple an introduction as one could get. Prior to entering he'd heard Sumire's voice clear as a bell from right outside the doors ending with her introduction. Taking her lead, Lei did the same but chose to keep to himself at the end. What more did they need to know?

Meanwhile, Mimi carefully descended from her spot around his shoulders and eyed everyone in the group warily, her large brown eyes eventually falling onto the priest.

Her nose crinkled, sniffing once

Then twice more

On the fourth time, Mimi let out a violent sneeze. As a result it sent a small blast of air in the direction of the priest, blowing their clothing into disorder, faint traces of snot flying directly towards the other's face.

Watching from behind his little moth kitten, Lei's half lidded gaze widened slightly, alerted by Mimi's sudden intrusion. "Mimi." He introduced her as well, gesturing towards his companion with an open palm. "It's unusual for her to take an interest in something that isn't cabbage. What a blessing." Gaze softening at the sight of his companion making friends, Lei tapped on the table twice to summon her back.
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She walked gingerly to the waiting room, stopping at the door as she breathed a little. The others were going to be present behind this door and faced a difficult task ahead of them. Of course, they were chosen because they were among the best of the best. Kasumi dropped her head a little before she perched it back up and pushed open the door, eyes scanning each individual but not making quick judgments of them yet.

"Hello," Was all she muttered as she picked her hand up to offer them all a wave before she sat down amongst them. The priest came over and placed a tea down in front of her, which made her smile as she nodded her head in appreciation. "Thank you." There was a cool aura about Kasumi. She was rather chill right now, trying her best not to showcase any emotion as she picked her tea up to take a small sip from the cup.

Her eyes went outside to her polar bear dog, Kota, to make sure that he wasn't out there causing any trouble. "I forgot to introduce myself but I'm Kasumi." She mentioned, in case they hadn't already gathered that information.

The meeting should be beginning at any moment now but for now, her eyes admired her current comrades as she studied them and made mental notes about each and every single one of them. She was dressed in traditional Northern Water Tribe attire despite it being hotter than hell in the waiting room right now.
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Yanjiang was confused by Sumire's words, he wasn't certain how he felt about being someone who "walked out of a heroic tale" however he did know how to answer to being called an earthbender, "Earth, lava, metal, sand. While an Earthbender can control any of these with the right training, they are different disciplines. I also integrate forms of other bending arts into my arsenal, my mother was a sun warrior and I could teach you their forms while on our journey if you like?" He offered.

While he was talking with Sumire, Lei came in and his moth-kitten sneezed on the priest. Yanjiang did the barest minimum of courtesies by covering his mouth to prevent himself from laughing, "Truly the old man is blessed." He muttered.

Finally after Kasumi came in and introduced herself and sat down the priest moved to the front of the four chairs, clearing his throat and glaring at the three who slighted him, "I am Iroh the third." He said, eying Sumire, "The White Lotus feels that the Avatar has become... A bit misguided, though the ones who fetched you here are unaware of your mission." A bald faced lie as they were told the general idea before they were brought in, "I have acted alone, outside the authority that the Lotus has and I have assembled you four. All of you are at the top of your elemental disciplines, so certainly you can go and... Talk sense into him. He sits on his throne in Ba Sing Se and has given the fire nation to the end of the year to surrender to the Avatar Empire. You must defeat him before then... In the free marketplace of ideas. If you are defeated and captured, all of the White Lotus shall plead ignorance to my solitary actions. Do not fail me."

Yanjiang raised his hand and Iroh nodded to him, "With your orders you seem to be avoiding a specific point." Yanjiang drew a finger across his neck, "Is that point an option if necessary?"

"I don't anticipate you should win if you do not treat every blow as an attempt to do that."
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This Ain't A Scene!

Sumira's eyes sparkled with a competitive gleam as Yanjiang mentioned the Sun Warrior. "Ah, you handsome devil you, that is an amazing offer, have you considered doing business?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with eagerness and playful challenge. "I'll take you up on that offer, big man, it'll be a fun dance, hm?" She leaned in slightly, her tone light but her words carrying a hint of genuine curiosity, "Just promise you won't go easy on me; I want the full experience, every sizzling step of the way." Her smile was as bright as the fire in her eyes.

Perhaps she might have taken the experience right there too, had Lei not entered with yet another inadvertent slight to the fire priest. Where Yanjiang at least feigned courtesy, and Lei seemed almost oblivious, Sumira burst into full-on laughter. That laughter subsided as quickly as it erupted, her attention taken instantly by the delicate moth-kitten. "Oh my spirits, is that a moth-kitten? It's ADORABLE!" Sumira's squealed, any competitive fire replaced now by genuine delight. "What's its name? Mimi, you say? That's just precious. You must tell me all about her!"

As she admired Mimi, Sumira couldn't help but note the contrast between Lei's softer demeanour as opposed to Yanjiang's ruggedness. It was a brief flash of recognition at the developing dynamic but one interrupted by one Kasumi. Finally, another girl, and what's that over yonder?

"Oh. My. Spirits. Guys. Look at her," Sumira pointed past Kasumi. "But. I mean, she's cute, I mean, you too, but, but…!"

Sumira pulled back her finger, feeling the intensity of the fire priest's glare almost like a physical heat on the back of her head. She quickly settled down, quiet for the first time since her arrival, her eyes still lingering on Kota, then on Kasumi. Almost like Lei, hers was a quiet, intriguing depth, like staring into the depths of the ocean. She restrained herself from further comment, sensing the seriousness of the moment as the fire priest prepared to address them. Sumira's eyes flicked back to the priest, her expression shifting to one of focused attention, albeit still tinged with her characteristic playful spark, ignited instantly by the mere name alone.

"He is a master," she murmured, silenced immediately when she spied his irate glance her way.

What he spoke of, however, was no laughing matter. Sumira leaned back in her chair, her gaze flickering between her companions. Killing the Avatar, now there's a challenge for the ages. One Yanjiang was certainly not shying away from, it seemed. "Talk about a plot twist – from serving tea to Avatars to plotting their downfall; I guess this time, Iroh's tea comes with a side of revolution, eh?" She wore a smug grin like a badge of honour. The glare directed her way must be an acknowledgement, surely!
At long last, the fourth arrived. Another girl. Lei continued to observe, silently putting names to faces. Sumira. Kasumi. Earthbender. Since the latter decided not to give his name, Lei didn't feel the need to press for it either. If it was something they needed to know, they'd know it eventually.

As eager as Lei was to give Sumira Mimi's life story, it was something for yet another day as Iroh got the show on the road. 'Misguided, huh?' Lei hummed in thought at Iroh's briefing. The same could be said about him, afterall. From prodigy to bandit to killing the avatar. Whatever route his path was taking, it wasn't the typical peaceful one most airbenders would traverse. However no one had led him down this path. Could the same be said about the Avatar?

"Do you think there's a chance they can be guided onto a better path?" Lei wondered out loud. "Though I have no qualms about embarking down that road should we have to, I wonder if there's any actual plan or alternatives in place or if we're just heading directly to death's door."

Though he was left with two choices, Lei began to wonder if this was the right one. Taking a look at the other three, he wondered how they were roped into it as well. Did they even have the conviction to lay down their lives for something as outrageous as taking down the avatar?

Sumira and the earthbender seemed like a good fit for the role.One was… eccentric, and the other looked robust enough to take on an army if he wished to. However, Kasumi was hard to place. They'd kept to themselves for the most part.

While Lei pondered, Mimi once again skittered off, gliding off the table and down onto the floor. Facing the doorway, her fur standing on end, ears pressed flat she looked about as imposing as something so small possibly could. Her delicate wings vibrated behind her, a low buzz greeting the polar bear dog outside.