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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Hiya, name's Kiryu. I'm new to iwaku, but I've been roleplaying on various other sites like Gaia Online for years now. So while I might be new here, I do have some decent RP experience under my belt. For those curious about my age I can assure you that I'm well above the legal drinking age to put it bluntly…I'm old. With that out of the way, let's get to the real meat of the topic: my ever-growing need to find a Monster or non-human character to play against. Any monster we pick will have the ability to take on a human form at some point in the story.

Fang/fur is preferred, no scales, and no zombies, vampires are gonna be a hard sell too but, I'm open to suggestions. If you are interested, please send me a PM.

I tend to write 1-2 descriptive paragraphs. Generally, 400-500 words per post is what you can expect. 300 on a bad day.

Anime or hand-drawn photos for face claims only, no real-life people, please.

I write in a third-person perspective, and I expect my partner to do the same. Nothing against a first-person style, it just irks me when our posting style does not match.

MXF only, romance is encouraged but not I'm totally open to platonic ideas as well.

I can provide a sample of posts here and can give more off-site examples upon request.

I now have a notebook where I'll be logging character information, as well as potential worlds I and my fellow partner, come up with. Link can be found here

Now, this may be a deal-breaker, but I'm looking to play the human male in this case, paired with a monster female for the mains. I'm open to doubling as well if the situation calls for it.

What I'm expecting out of my partner:

Please message me with some idea of what you'd wanna do, I like to plan, I like back and forth with my partner. Messaging me with "hey, wanna rp?" Or "hey, still interested?" Is usually a good sign that I'll lose interest quickly. No need to be dramatic or flashy about it, nor do I need a life story but some general idea and basis to work with would be nice. Ghosting sucks, we've all been there I'm even guilty of doing it myself. That said, if you do lose interest please try to let me know beforehand instead of leaving me hanging.

I'm not expecting you to be on every day or reply in quick succession, but some signs to show me that you are alive would be nice

Potential ideas below:

Nekos, inus, shifters, anthros/furries, werewolves or other types of were animals, cryptids, 
tribal life, fighting rings, jungle worlds, reverse Tarzan, predator x prey, harems, deserted islands, exotic creature collectors, genetics lab, monsters trying to fit into everyday society human x alien reincarnated into a dungeon
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First page updated with new info
Updated first post again, now with samples.
New plot bunny:

There exists a tribe of Lion shapeshifters on the island of Nalhal, home to the Leonin tribe. MC is a wildlife researcher who comes to the island trying to study these enigmatic creatures but finding them is proving to be difficult. One day, MC is attacked by a rogue shifter, but a Leonin saves him mistaking him for one of the tribes. Out of pity, though with much hesitation she tends to his injuries and instead takes him back to be introduced into the tribe.
Some more leonin tribe details:

Leonins have very limited exposure to the modern world, however, they can speak and understand Swalhi and some English, body language can play a part in communication too. They tend to avoid contact with outsiders, and anyone that learns of their existence is usually killed on the spot.
Much of the Leonin tribe will mirror how lions group of lions function in the wild so a vast majority of the tribe will be female with a couple of males here and there, most tribes are relatively small consisting of about 4-5 shifters.
While the concept of love isn't foreign to them, falling in love with someone emotionally before mating is a bit of a foreign concept.
Trial by ritual combat is a common means of settling debates, challenges can also be issued over rights of land, mates, leadership, or even just for recreation.
Jewelry plays a big part in their culture, as it usually signifies that one has come of age or of leadership.
Leonins will have some access to very limited magic, they can heal wounds through the magic only augments the body's natural healing abilities and cannot cure fatal injuries or diseases. Magic is woven into the clothing so the clothes will simply meld when they change, jewellery however will still be present on a shifter's body.
Other shifters like leopards and hyenas can exist too, but the Leonins will be the most common and well-known.

Really craving this one if anyone can indluge me on this
Still lookin
Could use a replacement partner for an idea that fell through the cracks:

a girl wakes up in the hospital with no idea who she is or what has happened to her. The only indication she has of anything is the large bite mark the doctors say came from a dog. Her roommate (mc) is intrigued by her and when she is discharged from the hospital he takes her in. She discovers that she is a werewolf and he is a werewolf hobbyist and finds her incredibly intriguing.
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Giving this another shot
New plot bunny:

This story takes place in a world very much like our own, except in this world, 10% of the human population has the potential to change into animals. Not everyone has access to this ability, but those that do will change when they reach a certain age where they change unexpectedly. When this happens, people are sent to training facilities resembling zoos or wildlife centers until they learn how to control their ability, or until they find someone that's genetically compatible with them, resulting in "fated soul mates".

Our story begins with YC who happens to be one such person; locked away in her animal form and has been for some time now. All hopes for rehabilitation seem to be lost, as it seems like she locked herself away from people. In fact, she nearly killed the last person who tried to help her. That is, until MC comes into the picture who can feel a sort of connection or finds her rather interesting. Can he find a way to break through to the person locked behind the animal, or is he doomed to fail?
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Still lookin, also fixed some details on my plot above
Still lookin
Still lookin
New plot bunny:

Monsters have recently been discovered as in fact being real some living along aside humans hiding in plain sight for years. This naturally causes tensions between the two races, but as a way to mitigate tensions a cultural exchange program is set up. The story focuses on one such human that applies to such a program, no knowing what hi-jinx or challenges it brings.
Still craving the leonin plot
It's almost Halloween so really could go for a good ol werewolf x human story
New plot bunny for human x alien:

A research vessel becomes stranded on an alien planet after a cosmic storm causes it to crash land on the planet's surface. The crew is dead, save for one sole survivor. During his salvage attempt, the researcher encounters the local inhabitants of this jungle-like world; a race of primitive beast-like people. The researcher becomes captured and now must struggle to adapt to the tribe's strange ways, as well as face the planet's myriad of dangers.

Got examples of Aliens we could use, also open to suggestions cause this is new to me

Still lookin
Feelin spooky, still lookin
New plot bunny:

The basic premise was an alpha she wolf and a newly formed pack of mostly female werewolves, heads to a nightclub that caterers to the supernatural to blow off a little steam and find another wolf to be her mate and fellow alpha. Instead, she finds a timid young human who catches her attention After a one night stand, she decides to keep the human and bring her back with her to the rest of the pack.

Also looking for a blind date scnario, except the blind date turns out to be a werewolf or some other type of supernatural monster
Still lookin