IC Berwyn Harbor

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

cervia's pearl

The northern counterpart to Jasper Town, Berwyn is a small seaside city. They are wealthier than most small cities thanks to their booming businesses. The environment here is friendly, though initially wary of outsiders. It is mostly dominated by Merfolk and Fae.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 6:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 48.3°F (9.1°C). Chilly and sprinkling.

Rain or wind, the locals remain as busy as usual. Many are prepping to have dinner, just getting off work, or are on their way to work.


Nothing for now.


Fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


Neighbor's Wisdom

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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  • Nice Execution!
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-J U N E-

"Of course miss, this is the best stuff for back pain that I could grow! Of course if it gets worse.. uhm, you should like, go see a doctor. Just make sure you don't over use it, and it may leave your skin a bit spicy..." June Beckett, owner of the Neighbor's Wisdom, was just finishing up selling some capsaicin crème to an older couple, who had come for a bit of evening tea, but also something to help with the wife's back and joint pain. June, knowing all sorts of natural and herbal remedies, had got them something that would help a little, and didn't feel the need ot charge them anything for it. Knowing that the woman was going to feel better, and the fact they already had bought tea and some snacks June had made, was enough for him. With a little bit of a wave, June would see them out the door, in their car and down the slightly cobbled road that made up the path to his little slice of heaven. The two level barn that June had turned into the Neighbor's Wisdom was just a short walk from his small house, and the most important part of the area; the large lighthouse that June kept running, and got paid by the local government for doing so. It was enough to survive on, with the shop giving him the spending cash to do anything he needed. June loved it, but he loved it more for what was coming up.

Once every couple weeks, June liked to clean up the the upper floors, which served as the main dining hall/lounge, and host a late night social for the adults of Berwyn Harbor to come, and just relax to some music, enjoy some "treats"; some weed, some psychedelics, and plenty of options for people who don't partake in those things. June just really liked having people around, people who weren't so uptight like how so many seemed today, and people who just wanted a break from the hustle and bustle of the world. This cold whether called for some warm drinks and snacks to go with all the fun, but June had to get work done first. With a stretch from his seat at the front counter, the hybrid would grab a beanie to keep up his ginger hair, the grey material a good balance with the of the outfit June was wearing. "Alright... got to go sweep and move some stuff around. Should be easy enough!" With a hum, he was quickly up the slightly rickety spiral staircase, and was off to work.

Turning up the music on a small speaker, June went to work. There was only a few tables and chairs he needed to get out of the way, moving them off to the side to begin to sweep. Since the place was a little older, dust seemed to get everywhere constantly, and cleaning up was defiently a daily chore. Even that June didn't mind, finding comfort in the repetitive motions of his daily life. What he was really trying to do was get the floor nice and clean, shifting over couches and lounge chairs to make a rough circle, with a small chest full of thick pillows and soft blankets for those who needed or wanted them. Sometime June would wind up cuddling someone, but other times he ended up just being a little wired and would play some board games with people. The options were endless, and made June giddy thinking about it. The room took no time to get somewhat clean, and with everything moved, he could get downstairs and begin cooking. In the back of the barn was a small kitchen add on built by the previous owner, June's uncle. It wasn't nothing more than a stove/oven, a sink, and some counterspace. That is where anyone walking in would find June, working away on some Hot Cocoa, and a bit of pumpkin bread. It was made with homemade pumpkin of course, as June's extensive garden seemed to keep his produce fresh much longer than it should be, all thanks to little magic the hybrid had casted over it. regardless of the case, the space would soon be filled with the smell of spices, and chocolate, enticing any and all to come through the doors for a night of enjoyment.
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It's been a long time since Nate has had a night to himself. So long, in fact, that he can't remember the particular date. Sophia is in first grade now, but he's still uncomfortable allowing her to sleep over at her friends' houses, so his nights are usually spent taking care of her after working at the factory all morning. This weekend, though, his parents had offered to watch Sophia for the weekend, concerned about the dark circles under his eyes. He'd rejected the offer initially, out of politeness, but it wasn't much of a struggle for them to sand him down on the issue.

Now, though, he's reached the trouble of not knowing what to do with his free time. When so much of your life is dedicated to one thing, and then that thing is removed, what do you have left? Years ago, he might have spent the time practicing his trumpet, but he sold it years ago. He could read, perhaps, or do a puzzle, but that seems like a waste of opportunity. He's spent the past hour pacing around the house, cleaning up the toys littered all over the floor and washing the dishes piling up in the sink. He should go out somewhere, but where would he go?

Well, there's always JJ's place. JJ wouldn't mind the company, probably, but he feels bad turning to him so much. Still, he doesn't have much time to make any other friends. Showing up at his parents' place constantly would just be sad.

With a sigh, he grabs his keys from the coffee table in the living room and heads outside to start up his shitty crumb-filled SUV. He turns the radio on and finds the jazz station, humming along and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he pulls out of his driveway and starts down the road.

The drive to Neighbor's Wisdom is a short one, so he only gets through a few songs before he's parking beside the building. There aren't many cars outside, so it's hard to tell if the building is still open or not. JJ seems to constantly change the hours. Regardless, as long as he isn't busy, he'll likely be fine with Nate stopping by to hangout. So, he ventures up to the door and cautiously steps inside.

"Hellooooo? JJ, you still open? I hope so since your door is still unlocked." The distinct smell of pumpkin spice guides him toward the kitchen, where he finds JJ bent over his oven. "Sophi's staying with my parents for the weekend," he says by way of explanation for his presence.
code by wren.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold
-J U N E-

By the time of Nathanael's arrival to the Neighbor's Wisdom, June was crouched over his shitty over, watching the sweet pumpkin bread in the oven through the small window and dim light. He could usually tell by looking at it when stuff was done, but actually watching it until it was done was the struggle. Thankfully he wouldn't have to wait too long, as the perfect distraction had just walked through the door. "Nate?" June hadn't heard from his friend in about a week, the two comfortable enough in their relationship to have that bit of ebb and flow. Though he was never out this late, usually he would be cooking up dinner for his daughter Sophi, or doing something with his daughter. Standing up, June would start heading to leave the kitchen just as Nathanael walked in to meet him.

"Hey man! Where is th-" He was about to say 'the little squirt' as June affectionally called her, but he got interrupted with the answer he had been looking for. "Ah, ok.. good! You look like you are in need of a break man, I can see those old man wrinkles starting to form. It is a good look on you though." With a chuckle and a wink he would turn, a little ding from the oven timer having June focusing back on his work. "This is actually a great time for you to stop by man, in about an hour I am suppose to have a small crowd here, like tops 15-20 folks, for a uhm.. I call it a Late Night Social, but it is more like just a chance for people to chill, maybe smoke or do some 'shrooms, hang out with other folks, you know?" Pulling out three different tins of pumpkin bread, June was quick to set it on the counter to let them cool. "Now the drug stuff is optional, but like, you should come and hang out, dude! Like, its gonna be music and just hanging out. Folks even bring board games and shit too.."

June knew that his friend had been struggling a bit with getting out there as of late. Ever since that bitch of an ex left him, he kind of had been in his own shell. While it was good he was taking care of his daughter, the man needed to be his own man, otherwise he may be struggling down the line when Squirt wasn't just a little girl anymore. He really did care about Nate, but didn't know much of how to help then offer to take him out places, go to just talk with people, or anything else he could. June would talk, think and work at the same time, popping out the now slightly cooled pumpkin bread onto a plate, slicing them up with a nearby knife. "Here, grab that that container of hot cocoa and follow me upstairs, you can see the space." Since Nate was early, he could do some help setting up, and with a plate of bread in each hand, June couldn't carry it up himself.

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  • Sweet
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Once a week, without fail, Kiran arrived at Seua's house for their picnic. They didn't have a set time, but come rain or shine Kiran was always there with a tan wicker basket in hand and a quilted blanket bunched beneath his arm. And if Seua did not feel like going out or if the weather was too vicious, Kiran would spread the blanket out on the floor so they could eat there. That day the weather was delightful, although it was not the best for picnicking, being both wet and chilly. But the cool crisp air and the sprinkling of rain were refreshing.

Kiran loved that kind of weather. But whether the rain was invigorating or not, wet food was no fun. So tucked under his other arm were two large brightly coloured umbrellas, one pink and one blue. Moisture from the grass would get on the blanket, but it could easily be hung out to dry, and it would leave a pleasant earthy smell lingering on the blanket. And if Seua was not interested in facing the weather then Kiran was happy to have their weekly date on the living room floor. Those were just as fun, even if he was always going to prefer nature a little more.

"Seuuuaaa," Kiran called musically as he knocked rhythmically against the wood of the door. "I'm here!" He chimed. Water trickled into his face from the rain that had collected in his hair, but his clothes were protected beneath a long pink raincoat. Kiran rocked on his heels and waited, humming a chipper tune.
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"Old man wrinkles?" he repeats with a slightly offended scoff, reaching up toward his forehead instinctively. "Thanks for pointing them out, you dick," he laughs, lacking any venom. As June returns his attention to what seems to be pumpkin bread based on the smell floating in the air, he comes up next to him, leaning against the counter to watch him work. Not that there's much that's thrilling about watching someone slice bread. Except for how mouthwatering it looks.

June is sweet for his invitation, though the idea of hanging out with fifteen to twenty strangers is hardly appealing. He especially doesn't care for the idea of getting high. Like with most parties, he'll probably just sit there in awkward silence, maybe nursing a beer just to occupy himself somewhere. He could follow June around like a lost puppy, but he doesn't want to use his friend as a crutch. Still, what else does he have to do?

"Board games could be fun," he muses. Something with clear rules is much easier to navigate than socialization. He's too young to feel so out of touch with people his age, but being a young single parent can do that.

"Here, grab that that container of hot cocoa and follow me upstairs, you can see the space."

"Huh? Oh, right, sure." He turns to grab what he suspects June had been referring to, following him up the stairs as instructed. "That pumpkin bread smells great. Not that I'd ever doubt your baking skills, of course. Think I can take a slice now while it's still warm, or do I have to wait until the party starts?"
code by wren.
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Seua's house was nothing worth noting. It was crammed at the edge of his neighbourhood, one that he had bought with his meagre savings after fleeing his old home. It wasn't a dump, he'd cleaned it up enough for it to look presentable, but the flaws within it still showed from time to time. There was a draft, a chill running through the house, though he had yet to figure out where it was. He'd repaired all the leaks in the ceiling, at the very least, so there was no need to round up buckets and bowls in order to keep his floor from gathering water.

He laid on his back, on the floor, as he normally did, staring up at the ceiling. He considered drifting off then and there, listening to the sound of the rain's pitterpatter against his roof and his windows, the clean smell of damp earth wafting over him. And he almost did, to his credit, eyes closed, fingers stuffed into the pockets of his pants, his cableknit sweater enveloping him.

But then he heard the knock, the voice calling out to him, one that he knew well, ever so cheery.

Like always, he took his time getting up. Kiran had always been persistent. Even if he left him waiting out there, he never really seemed all that bothered about it. As if getting to see him was a prize in itself... Seua felt his face twist into something silly, maybe out of embarrassment. He smoothed it away before even bothering to open the door. He knew why Kiran was here, after all.

He could see droplets of water clinging to Kiran's hair, hanging in heavy bulbs, clear like jewels. He was carrying that familiar wicker basket, as well as umbrellas, his raincoat wrapped around him. Seua wondered if that itch on his face was him fighting the urge to smile. "It smells nice out here." was his version of a greeting, as he reached over to the hooks that held his singular raincoat and his keys, sliding the former on and dropping the latter in his pockets. "The same place as usual?"
Code by Jenamos
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  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold and Dusk
-J U N E-

"I said they look good! Giving you a bit of a rugged look man, like uhm... like you got that aura of maturity. It's a good energy for you, attract all the boys and ladies wanting a slice of that daddy pie." June would laugh, realizing he sounded stupid, but couldn't find any better words to describe it. Plus, being dumb always got a laugh out of Nate so he didn't mind being the fool. As he grabbed each plate of freshly baked bread, he would slip out the rather small kitchen, and up the stairs to the second, smaller floor of the store. With all the couches in one corner, that small "nest" of blankets and pillows in the middle of it, the space felt bigger than it usually did. He would set down the plate of food on one of the bigger tables, looking at the space and realizing something.

"Shit. If people don't want to get high or anything like that, they would still super be caught in the smoke and shit. I got to go set something up downstairs for people who don't like that stuff." He knew Nate was one of them, especially when it came to being in social settings. They had maybe smoked twice together, and always by themselves, chilling and listening to music or playing a video game or something like that. No matter how often June tried to get Nate out, go and meet some people and hopefully get past the rough relationship that has been clouding his more happier dispositions, things never seemed to work out. June knew it would take time, but it hurt him a little to see his friend so lost to his own enjoyment, even if he hid it well with taking care of Squirt. Speaking of his friend, Nate was asking for a slice of the bread while hot. "Well, of course dude! You ain't even got to ask, you know that. Anything you need here I got you man." As Nate ate, June would grab a couple of the folding tables he kept up here and headed down the stairs, trying to figure out where he could set up a table in this mess of jars, boxes, and various other containers that held all the goods he sold. "Nate!! Where should I put these tables! I can't figure out where would be go- Wait! Actually, grab the big blue box and bring it down, filled with a bunch of board games first!" June had always been a bit of a ditz, not the brightest of men in one strong body. He was all over the place getting these things set up, like he always was, but June was focused on making sure everyone that came could have a good time. By the time Nate was down the stairs, June was bent over one of the tables, grabbing different herb containers and putting it on the lower shelves. "I don't need to set up a table if I just moves these out of the way, then can like uhm... just play here." He called out as an explanation, having heard each creak of the stairs as the single father moved down them.

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  • Haha
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Kiran brightened the moment the door opened, a broad smile flickering across his face — his humming coming to a halt. He moved to wave impulsively, remembering a little too late how full his arms were. Without a moment to spare, the man twitched to prevent anything from falling. He didn't drop anything but the umbrellas dipped precariously. Kiran laughed nervously but the smile was back on his face as quickly as it had vanished.

"It does," he responded with his usual enthusiasm, not the least bit troubled by the odd greeting. It was just how Seua was. And it did smell nice. "And there are so many frogs!" He voiced an additional sentiment.

"Yep," he chirped back to the question. It wasn't a question Seua needed to ask, they almost always went to the same spot. Unless he wanted to eat indoors, but the weather was hardly bad enough for that. Kiran liked their spot, too. He enjoyed his spontaneity, but little routines kept him grounded. Life was about balance. He took a couple of steps toward the road before pivoting on his heels. Kiran remained in motion, taking several steps back as he spoke.

"We could use an umbrella if you want," he said as he jiggled his arm with the umbrellas vaguely in Seua's direction. "They're large and we could both fit under one. But I think you'll have to hold it." Kiran chuckled again, this time lightheartedly at the collection in his arms. Seua liked the rain as much as Kiran did, but that didn't mean he wanted to get wet. It also couldn't hurt to protect the food a bit more. Wicker baskets weren't particularly waterproof.

Kiran took two more steps back before bringing himself to a halt. Their usual spot wasn't particularly far away — that had been part of the reason Kiran chose it in the first place — and the rain was relaxed. Whichever way Seua leaned, Kiran was good with it.
Code by Jenamos
It was hard not to feel like a raincloud himself, when Kiran was around. His friend was a burst of sunshine, always meeting each day with unabashed joy. Seua had difficulty imitating him. Sometimes, he felt like trying harder, but forcing himself to smile never worked. Eventually, he'd just settled for trying to speak as positively as he could when his friend was around. This too, was difficult, but at the very least, it did not feel as uncomfortable. He watched Kiran gesture vaguely with his occupied arms, the umbrellas wobbling from the movement. He nodded and took one, wordlessly turning to lock his front door then opening up the umbrella to shield them both from the drizzle.

Luckily, Kiran wasn't all that much taller than him, so it didn't take much effort to hold the thing high enough to be comfortable for both of them. He wouldn't have minded getting some of the evening drizzle on him, but it was best to keep the food as sheltered as possible until it was time to eat.

He blinked at Kiran when he stopped in place, then proceeded to walk the normal way to their little spot, sticking close to him and glancing in his direction every once in a while to make sure that he was okay. He'd never been very chatty. It didn't take very long and soon, they were in a slightly wooded area, the sky above obscured slightly by a canopy of slowly disappearing orange and green leaves. Autumn would claim all of the leaves soon. Those that had already fallen did not crunch under their boots though, made too wet and limp by the rain.

Under their favourite tree, Seua stopped, staring at it briefly, as though he was giving it a greeting, before he turned back to Kiran. With his hand held out from under the umbrella, he found that the droplets barely made it through the branches, so he closed it up, eyes still on his friend. "What did you bring today?"
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Dusk
On principle, Kiran didn't love umbrellas. He preferred to feel the rain on him rather than to shelter himself from it, but as much as the fae enjoyed a fresh sprinkle, umbrellas served a purpose. And that day one particular umbrella did its job admirably. Neither the food nor the blanket got any wetter than they were when Kiran arrived on his friend's doorstep. It would've been smart of him to use them on the way there, too.

When their spot was in sight Kiran sprinted from under the umbrella and up the hill into the waiting shelter of the tree. He dropped the basket gently to the ground and dropped the second umbrella nonchalantly beside it. Kiran sidestepped and unfurled the quilt, laying the blanket out atop the dampened ground. He was quick about it and finished right as Seua made it to the tree.

"We didn't really need the umbrellas," Kiran stated as he looked up into the branches. He laughed. "I over-prepared." A single drop of water fell onto his face. Not entirely safe from the rain. He lowered his face and looked over at Seua a bright smile still on his face. Kiran dropped to a cross-legged sitting position on the blanket. He pulled the basket over and flipped the lid open.

"Sandwiches," Kiran said as he pulled two wrapped bags from the basket. He set them on the blanket. Sandwiches were a staple of their meals. Present more often than not. "I made these ones." Kiran was not an impressive cook but he was excellent at making sandwiches.

He retrieved a jar next. "Sliced peaches," Kiran help up the store-bought jar. It was a good brand. Kiran had had it many times and often ate a whole jar for breakfast, sometimes with something else but often without. They were rather sweet but Kiran could eat them every day.

"And cardamon buns!" Kiran finished excitedly, pulling out a large Tupperware container filled with more rolls than two people ever needed. Although Kiran would make swift work of them, given the chance. "From my mother, freshly baked yesterday," Kiran finished with a proud smile as if he had baked them himself. But his face quickly crinkled. It wasn't a particularly balanced meal.

Kiran didn't leave a long pause after finishing his meal exhibition. He preceded to talk without missing a beat. "I visited my parents yesterday. That's when she gave them to me. I've already eaten three of them," he said with a slight chuckle and a scratch to the back of his head. "I try to go every week but this time, time just slipped away. It'd been a whole month before I knew it." Kiran felt bad about that. He carried on without pause. "The food is always better there. I should really learn to cook, Imagine the delicacies we could have at our picnics if I picked up some kitchen skills." Kiran hoped Seua could imagine something because he couldn't think of any particularly fancy meals at that moment. "Imagine how many cardamon buns I could have!"

"What did you do today?"
Code by Jenamos
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Seua resisted the urge to reach out and press his thumb against Kiran's cheek to wipe away the trail made by that singular errant rain drop. Sometimes, he felt that strange impulse to initiate contact, but it always felt so foreign to him, an intruder slipping between his thoughts. He wasn't sure that Kiran would mind, but it never felt right, not from him, not now, not here... He followed Kiran onto the blanket, removing his shoes and leaving them at the border of the fabric so that he wouldn't sully where they would be sitting. He sat next to him, their knees barely brushing against one another. That felt right.

The earth underneath the thick cloth was cool and slightly less solid than usual, slipping slightly where the rain has slicked it down into mud. The picnic blanket would need to be washed later, but Seua did not mind helping.

He watched Kiran explain the menu for the evening.

He blinked at the sandwiches. This is was not out of the ordinary. Kiran seemed to subsist on sandwiches (and in turn, Seua did to a certain extent too, since their picnicking routine was such a frequent part of his life.) He reached out and picked up the jar of peaches after his friend had put it down, gazing at the warm, shimmering orange-pink syrup preserving the peaches, seeing how the light glinted through the glass. Putting it down, he observed Kiran's final offering: cardamom buns. This made him perk up visibly, leaning in slightly to peer closer at the Tupperware, filled to the brim with sticky sweet rolls. "I like what your mother bakes." he said softly, since it was true. The spread looked good. Seua was never really one to enjoy eating all that much, but it was more pleasant in Kiran's company.

"If she gave you that many rolls, I think you have been forgiven." It was the closest thing to consolation that Seua could manage in that moment, "Time is sneaky. It's okay, I think." He'd always been bad with the subject of parents. His lashes fluttered lower briefly in thought, when considering how their picnics could be elevated if Kiran learned how to cook, but he eventually gave a shrug, never having been one to be the imaginative one. "You make good sandwiches. And pick good fruit."

His eyebrow quirked up at the exclamation of the possibility of more cardamom buns. "Do you need more?"

Reaching out, Seua picked up one of the sandwiches, unwrapping it and giving it a tentative sniff like he did with all food, as though he was a curious animal.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Dusk
For a moment Seua looked at Kiran with an expression the younger man couldn't place. It wasn't bad, he could tell that much, but he didn't know what it meant. It made him feel strangely bashful and Kiran defaulted to his usual response and smiled, a small smile with a hint of awkwardness about it before he proceeded to sit down.

Seua took off his shoes before he stepped onto the blanket. It was an example of the deliberateness Kiran so appreciated about him. In his enthusiasm, Kiran had stepped onto the blanket without considering the state of his sandals. He glanced down at his woven shoes, pleased to see they were wet but only speckled with mud. A single leaf was stuck to the side of one shoe and another leaf rested nearby on the blanket. He plucked them both up and tossed them away.

Intentional or not, Seua sat just close enough for Kiran to feel his knee. It was small but it was nice. Kiran wanted to touch his friend more — hugs and handholding were in his nature. Sometimes he found it hard to resist the urge to tap Seua's shoulder or sit close beside him, especially when he cared about the other man so much. But Seua was not like that at all, so Kiran relished any contact he got, even something small like their knees barely touching.

Seua immediately brightened at the cardamon buns. And Kiran brightened to see him light up. He loved his mother's baking but he liked it even better when he got to share it. Especially with Seua. His mother had even started to provide larger servings after Kiran told her about their picnics. Kiran would make sure the leftover rolls went home with Seua. His friend often neglected himself, and sometimes went days barely eating. There were many times Kiran had brought him food.

"I'm sure you're right," Kiran said lightly, not giving the words much weight as he replied to Seua's statement regarding his mother's gift. He wasn't worried they would hold a grudge against him, he had trouble even imagining that they could, but he didn't want them to feel forgotten.

"I am a master of sandwiches," he said, accompanying the statement with a flourish of his hands. He was joking, but Kiran had gotten good at making them. Not that that was any particular accomplishment. Sandwiches were easy, even the fancier ones, as long as you paid attention.

"I don't really need more," Kiran admitted. "I might overdo it in the first week," he added casually. Although Kiran had a high threshold before he got tired of eating the same food, and he wasn't sure if he could tire of cardamon buns. "But wouldn't you like it if I could bring you baked things?"

After Seua picked up one of the sandwiches, Kiran grabbed his own. Sometimes they were different and Kiran marked the wrappings with initials. But that day they were the same. Both were vegetable sandwiches on whole wheat bread with red pepper hummus used as a spread. The vegetables consisted of cucumber, red onion, and lettuce, and finished with feta cheese. Kiran had stabbed toothpicks through them to keep them from falling apart. Something fresh tasting had seemed appropriate for the weather.
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  • Love
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Seua thought about the master of sandwiches himself, bringing him freshly baked cardamom buns. Would the buns be more special if Kiran made them for him, rather than his mother? Seua was not sure. He wondered if Kiran would feel hurt if he could not tell the difference, or if he happened to like his mother's baking more than his own. The possibility of the conflict made him stop his sniffing altogether and bite into his sandwich, blinking rapidly. He'd rather chew than catastrophize on their little picnic. He was slightly better at controlling his stray thoughts when Kiran was around. Maybe he had a calming aura.

He swallowed. "Maybe. I don't know how good you are at baking yet." He was being truthful, as he always was, but something itched under his skin. Perhaps this wasn't an appropriate thing to say. "You are good at doing other things in the kitchen." he added, but it didn't sound particularly right either, like he was making excuses. He took another bite. The sandwich was fresh, with the vegetables and the like cut very finely, the way that Seua liked. He never took big bites, so he appreciated when things were cut into small pieces to make it less of a hassle to eat that way. Kiran was always considerate like that.

Remembering Kiran's previous question, which he hadn't yet responded to, he swallowed and said, "I did nothing today. I woke up and laid on the floor and listened to the rain." Which reminded him... This was his first meal of the day.

His life was never particularly interesting, especially when he remained in the confines of his home. Sometimes, he busied himself with something like origami when he had the energy, but on most days when he didn't work, he couldn't be bothered. It was easier to just let time pass.
Code by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: Dusk
Kiran was not easily disheartened and he remained unperturbed by Seua's truthful answer. The other man's ability to tell truths was something Kiran admired — and something he wished he could emulate. Kiran had trouble with hard truths. He avoided confrontation and did not enjoy saying upsetting things even when they were true. But he wasn't a liar either. And sometimes that put him in a difficult position.

"I can't imagine I'd be good at it," Kiran admitted. "At least not at first. I've tried before and it didn't turn out fantastic. Baking, I mean. I tried to make bread once and it tasted like baking powder. I don't think normal bread even has baking powder in it." Kiran had pulled the recipe from somewhere online. "But that was a long time ago," he added. "And I've helped my mom, too, but she always does all the parts that count."

Kiran got caught up in speaking and ignored the sandwich in his hand, which he moved about absentmindedly as he gestured with his arms in accompaniment to his speech.

"Listening to the rain is nice," Kiran mused. But sometimes Kiran wondered if Seua needed more stimulation in his life. He loved his friend, and worried about him often. Kiran's thoughtful pause was enough for him to remember his sandwich and he took his first bite. It was delicious. He fell briefly silent as he took a moment to enjoy the taste. He made it a third of the way through before he felt compelled to speak again. Silences were comfortable with Seua but Kiran was naturally chatty.

"I'm going out shopping tomorrow," he said unprompted, "I'm looking for something to wear for Halloween. I don't have plans and I don't have anything in mind but it's fun to dress up," Kiran rambled through with smile. "My plan is to go rummage through thrift bins to see if I can find anything. Probably nothing good this close to Halloween but I'm going to try."

"Do you want to come?"

Kiran figured the answer was "no" but he always liked to invite Seua to things on the off chance he might say "yes". And the younger man hoped it conveyed how much he enjoyed being around his friend.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
In truth, Seua did not know if bread was supposed to have baking powder in it either. He avoided both cooking and baking for the same reason that he avoided most things: because he simply felt like it was not worth the effort. Even if he appreciated tea-flavoured sweets and the like, he had meagre amounts of energy on most days, which felt better spent just trying to survive on the floor of his creaky house. If he ate, he ate, which was fine and all, but he wouldn't die from skipping a day. Soothing his brain oftentimes felt like more of an important task.

He ate in silence still, sometimes glancing at his friend (moreso staring, far too intently) and appreciating what Kiran did for him on a weekly basis. Sometimes even daily. It always struck him as odd that the fae was willing to reach out so often, especially when Seua was certain that he provided barely anything in return besides admittedly boring company, but thinking about it too much made his chest constrict in a way that he did not particularly like. Better to not tug at the knot and risk further discomfort.

When he brought up Halloween shopping, Seua tilted his head slightly, staring. Oh, right. Halloween was in a mere two days. It never struck Seua as all that important. He didn't care about what he wore on normal days, much less what he wore for holidays, but it was true that he did like thrift shopping. Rarely did things interest him, but sometimes he found teacups and stuffed animals worth taking home. And he was feeling well enough to enjoy Kiran's company, which would hopefully continue the next day...

He swallowed, a few breadcrumbs scattered across his chin. "Yes. What time?"
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Dusk
"That's great!" Kiran chimed. He practically bubbled with excitement at Seua's response. His sandwich, now down to the last few bites, was forgotten as he swung his arms about. Thankfully, the sandwich was quite squished at that point and it did not leave a trail.

In truth, Kiran didn't have a time in mind so he came up with one on the spot, as if he expected Seua to change his mind. Kiran knew that wasn't how it worked. If Seua didn't come it would be because tomorrow he wasn't feeling good.

"Around one?" He answered although it was as much of a question itself as it was a response. "It's better to arrive earlier." It wasn't particularly early, to be fair. But he wanted to give Seua plenty of time to get ready.

"Ah—hm," Kiran thought another moment. He made to grab his lip only to find a sandwich pressed against his face. Kiran took a bite and a moment to chew. Committed, he finished the rest of the sandwich in two more bites before he wiped the back of his wrist across his mouth. "Or maybe we should go a little earlier?" It was another suggestion which was just as much a question.

"You'll probably have better luck than I will," Kiran admitted. He knew, for the most part, what kinds of things Seua liked to look for at thrift stores. It would be a lot easier for his friend to find something than the costume pieces Kiran sought, although the younger man prepared himself to wear something patchwork. However, that didn't mean Seua would find anything. Stuffed animals weren't in season (was there a season for stuffed animals?) but that didn't mean anything good would be there. That was part of the gamble of thrifting.

Kiran grabbed the jar of peaches and unsealed the lid. It gave a satisfying pop.

"I didn't bring any utensils," he said nonchalantly. "Instead, I brought these," he said as he reached back into the basket and pulled out a small handful of wooden skewers, each several inches long. "I thought it'd be fun!"
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Nate can't help but smile at his friend's earnest kindness, carefully setting the hot chocolate he'd been instructed to bring up on a nearby table before heading back downstairs with thanks. He searches the kitchen cupboards and drawers until he's found a plate and a fork, carefully transferring a slice of the crumbly pumpkin bread. He cuts off a small piece and eats it, savoring the muted sweetness with an appreciative hum. He turns back toward the stairs just in time to see June scurrying down with the collapsed tables under his arms while ordering him to help.

He sets his plate on the counter for the time being, though his friend is scatterbrained and suddenly changes direction. Shaking his head with a fond chuckle, he proceeds back up the stairs and seeks out the blue box in question. It doesn't take too long, and he carries it back down, his legs burning shamefully from the exertion of the back-and-forth. When he's returned, June seems to have gotten mostly set up, and he sets the box on the now propped-up table.

"All set? Or is there anything else we need to set up?" he asks, calm and slow to get through to his friend's franticness. "Which board game do you want to play first?" He slips back into the kitchen while June replies, swiping up his plate and returning, shoveling the bread into his mouth in as dignified a way as possible. "This bread is delicious, too. Oh, should I fetch the hot chocolate from upstairs?"

Why June had even asked him to bring it up when he planned to set everything up downstairs is anybody's guess, but such behavior is expected of him. At least it's endearing.
code by wren.
Under the vast majority of circumstances, there's no way in hell you could convince Teddy to stay after work. For the sake of decorating the daycare with festive Hallow's Eve decor for the kids, though, he can spare a minute or two. About sixty, turns out, as he and Indigo have been here for about an hour and counting.

"Thanks again for helping me, I know this is probably the thing you'd rather do least on a Friday evening," he chuckles, slightly rotating a tiny crochet pumpkin on one of the windowsills.

He couldn't go too scary with the decor since it might scare the children, so most of the room is filled with fake jack-o-lanterns, orange and black streamers, and stickers of black cats and other similar Hallow's Eve imagery. It's weird to think that, once upon a time, humans had decorated their rooms with offensive characters of werewolves and vampires and witches.

The battery-operated dancing mummy doll on his desk has an ear-piercing cackle, so it might end up getting thrown out of the window if the kids become too obsessed with pressing its button.

"You know I hate free labor, but I think the kids will like it, don't you?"

He hops up on one of the desks to reach up to the rafters to adjust a precariously-hanging orange streamer. "I think that's about everything. Do you want to get dinner? We might have a couple of packets of ramen left at the apartment."

He hops down, interrupting his roommate's answer by pressing the button on the mummy, grinning while it sways its hips back and forth robotically.
  • Sweet
Reactions: Ghostie

Indigo beams as he swiftly finishes the last of the crocheted pumpkins in various sizes. After hours of rewinding and pausing and playing the same tutorial over and over again, he could finally say that he was an amateur crochet artist!!

"Shit, it's really no problem Teddy!" Indigo shrugged nonchalantly. It wasn't too much to close the shop on such a slow night to help out his best friend. What were friends for if not to help crochet slightly wonky looking pumpkins and look all over his aunt and uncle's basement for Hallow's Eve decorations?

"Not like I was doing much of anything else. Plus it's for the kiddos!" He smiles and nods, taking a stand to look around and admire their work. "They're gonna love it. Wish I could see their faces when they walk in." He chuckles at the thought of seeing the daycare kids 'ooh' and 'ahh' and yell, all giddy with excitement at their additions to the room.

"Uhh w-" he starts until he's rude yet hilariously interrupted by the cackle of the dancing mummy. "Dork!" He teases his roommate with a playful push. "We could always stop by the shop if you aren't tired of sandwiches."
code by wren.
  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.