IC Berwyn Harbor

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Teddy beams at the ribbing. "Visiting your place of work on your day off? You look like a workaholic," he teases back. "I'm not sick of sandwiches yet, but I think we could do better than that on a Friday. Plus, you worked so hard on those pumpkins so you deserve something better."

He heads toward the door, shutting the lights off. "How about pizza? We could order delivery if you feel like just chilling at home tonight. We could watch some raunchy comedy or something. Or there's that pizzeria down the street if you're feeling like staying out." It's a bit of a waste to spend a Friday evening inside, isn't it? "My energy is starting to return, so maybe we could hit the amusement park or a club."
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"Ahh!" Indigo holds his chest with one hand, feigning an injury. "It's the truth that hurts the worst," he laughs at Teddy's jab back at him, adding in some finger guns at the end because it was true. Dig was a workaholic if he'd ever met one. Teddy always had to bug him to get off whenever he worked late and to "get the stick out his ass before he turned into an old dude with no hair." In Dig's defense, all of the Azure boys had amazing hairlines.

With a nod of his head and small shrug, Indigo agreed. "Hmm, pizza does sound fuckin' awesome. And I watched that tutorial so many times!" he drew out the last few words, tossing his head back in exaggeration. He pursed his lips for a moment as he pondered.

"We could stay in and go out?" Indigo suggested a way to compromise between the night owl that usually wanted to hit the town in Teddy, and the night owl that was used to staying at home or cooped up in a sandwich shop all night in Indigo.

"We hit up the amusement park, maybe ride some rides and definitely eat some food that's horrible for us. Then we go back home and watch a movie or something."
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"A truly brilliant idea, my friend," he purrs with fake pomp, clapping a hand on Indigo's shoulder as they head back toward the employees-only door. "The amusement park is so much more fun at night, anyway. All the lights and shit." He turns to lock the door behind them before heading toward their shared, slightly rusted gray Prius.

"Wanna play some games, too? We can make a bet. Best three out of five for some sort of prize." He slips into the driver's seat, buckling up and flashing Indigo a mischievous grin over the console. "Like, if I win, then you have to clean the bathroom for the next month." He would never make his friend do anything too scandalous, but do they sound too much like a domestic married couple?

It's amazing how quickly moving out and living on your own changes you. Working full-time and having so many responsibilities drains that rebellious spirit out of you quickly. While they still engage in the occasional 3 AM fast food drive or skinny dipping, they're usually too tired for any of that.
"Hmm, yes, a brilliant idea indeed." Indigo reciprocates his friend's fake pomp accent with a laugh. "Ooh yeah, the lights are amazing! And something about the food is lowkey better at night too!" He sighs a little, putting an arm around Teddy's shoulders as they walk.

"Oh, you know I can't wait to spend a tremendous amount of money on those shitty games in order to get us some cool ass stuffed animals." He beams, hip-bumping Teddy as they make their way to separate sides of the car.

"That would be fun! You would use bathroom duty as the bet," Dig rolls his eyes, "you know I hate it the most." God, they kinda sound like lames! Although the carnival was better than the usual mundane activities they did at home.

❂ ❂ ❂

Walking around with a corndog in one hand and a plate of strawberry covered funnel cake in the other was the best part of the amusement park in Dig's book. But seeing his best friend happy in his social element had to come first.

"After this, did you wanna go play some games or ride a few uh, slower rides." Indigo laughed a little, waving his treats around.
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-J U N E-

June felt like a chicken with its head cut off trying to prepare this social. Even though it was a few things, the sudden realization to June that some people probably weren't going to want to be high had turned everything on its head. He had no idea when the first guests were arriving, so he was trying to work as quickly as possible. "Huh? OW!" The larger man's head would bounce off the shelf as he tried to quickly look up at Nate, realizing he had made him move around all the stuff for nothing. "Oh, yes! That would be great, sorry... hadn't even thought about the whole drug situation till now and I just want to make sure people can like, enjoy themselves!" Obviously for June, that was just being around people, lifting their energies with good snacks, good games, and hopefully good company.

"I think this is the last of it... I think. there is just so much to keep track of here, hard to keep your noggin on straight sometimes!" It was, and Nate would know just how much of June's life was just controlling the chaos. Between the shop and the lighthouse, June kept his hands full, often taking on more just for the helluva it or if folks were in need. "Let me actually grab that hot cocoa, and I will let you choose what we play first! I think there are a few in there that are still fun two player!" June would pat his friend on the shoulder before jogging up the stairs. He was a bit more athletic than Nate was, something he would never bring up, but June knew it was his party so he should go actually set things up. The jug was a hefty one, but the werecanine slung it into his arms and was back down the staircase in a near flash.

"Thanks! It was my grandmama's recipe. The woman was cranky as can be, but she made the best cakes and pies. When it gets a bit colder, I will bring you and Squirt some of her fruitcake. It's like, actually good fruitcake and not like that junk you get at the store." Filling up his glass with some hot chocolate, the whisps of steam still across the foam cup, June would make his way to the board game table, sitting with a bit of a flop. "How is Squirt? Wait... actually, how are you doing first. It feels like its been a bit since I saw you man, y'all don't come over as much when its the cold season." For good reason, June would think, the weather could get kind of rough by the lighthouse during the colder months, but he always did miss out on some of the human connection. It was a short drive to town though, and June would make surprise visits often to mingle with friends when his little slice of perfection wasn't feeling the same.

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Yeah, this was an amazing idea. The elephant ear bigger than his head hanging dangerously heavy on the provided paper plate in his hand is fucking delicious, and as Indigo said, it somehow tastes better at night. Not that elephant ears are a big part of his daily diet to allow him a fair comparison with daytime elephant ear consumption.

Despite his tasty treat, he bends down to take a bite off of Indigo's funnel cake, grinning up at him with strawberry-jelly teeth. Sharing has become second nature with them, ranging from food to toiletries to sexual favors. The latter is the absolute best thing they share, for sure. Indigo's in a pretty good mood, so maybe he can even convince him to have a little more fun with him when they get back home. If they aren't too exhausted from their adrenaline rushes, that is.

"Obviously we need to ride on some of the rides, Indi. But we'll probably vomit if we do it right after eating, so we should probably play games first," he chuckles, head swiveling toward the various game booths. "What about the squirt gun race? I'll fucking kick your ass, bro," he beams, slightly unhinged as he lifts a leg to not-so-gently kick Indigo in the ass. Encouragingly.
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'Ugh thank the Gods!' Hero was more than happy to be away from Julian City. Far far away from Julian — clear across the country to be exact. Although she loved her family, their incessant badgering about publicity stunts this and public appearance that was starting to get on her nerves.

Not to mention her mother was taking a bit of a downward spiral lately. The verbal abuse was beginning to weigh down on Hero more and more and the longer things went on, the more often the verbal abuse turned physical. And that was coming from her own mother. Her mother that was forgetting who her child even was. It was heartbreaking and exhausting.

That was how Hero found herself in Berwyn with just her Coraline backpack and a smallish duffle bag filled with her clothes and things. She was able to take this "mini vacation" under the guise of a "nobleman's gala she'd gotten invited to". Thankfully her father was none the wiser. She could finally visit her favorite (and just about the only) people she knew in Berwyn Harbor!

To Nate🥰🎺: I finally made it into town! Are you sure you're okay with me staying with you and Soph? It's really no trouble? And is June gonna be alright with me coming to hang out? He's not gonna be mad?

Hero types out her message with a smile on her face, although there is much anxiety in her head. Although she and Nate had been becoming fairly close friends, she still didn't want to intrude in him and his daughter's space. And the same went for June! He might know about Hero being Nate's friend, but there was always a little inkling of doubt in her mind that her friend's friends wouldn't like her. Fuckin' anxiety.
@wren. @LashL
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Admittedly, he's relieved when June offers to fetch the jug of hot chocolate himself, leaving him to finish his pumpkin bread in peace. Not only does June work out way more than him (which he wishes he could blame on not having enough time, having to take care of Sophia and all, but in truth, it's more due to laziness), but he also has the advantage of being a Were.

He rifles through the board games, most of which require more than just two players, and settles on a game of Scrabble. To save his knees, he drags one of the chairs over to sit in. June returns shortly after with the hot chocolate and they both help themselves to a glass. "I've hated fruitcake the couple of times I've tried it, but I'll take your word for it," he chuckles, fond.

The following question has him shrugging guiltily, hands tightening around his cup. "Just busy, y'know? I work until Sophi gets out of school and then I have to spend the rest of the day cooking, cleaning, helping her with her homework... Summer is busy, too, keeping her entertained while school's out and everything, but at least getting her out means getting me out as well."

When his phone suddenly buzzes in his pocket, he fishes it out in a panic. Nobody ever texts him; is it his parents telling him something wrong with Sophia?

Hero: I finally made it into town! Are you sure you're okay with me staying with you and Soph? It's really no trouble? And is June gonna be alright with me coming to hang out? He's not gonna be mad?

Oh, good, nothing concerning. Wait, no, shit — he'd completely forgotten he'd invited Hero over! "Shiiit," he sighs, pressing his face into his hand in embarrassment. Sometimes his dad brain really gets the better of him. "I forgot I invited Hero to stay with us. You know, the woman I met at the tea shop? Oh, I'm the worst. It's okay if she comes and hangs out with us, right?"

It is a party, or at least it's supposed to be, so there should be no harm in it.

Of course! It's a party. Well, right now it's just me and June, so it's more like a chill session, but. The more the merrier.
@LashL | @Ghostie
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-J U N E-

"Of course you hated that fruitcake, its full of preservatives and all that other junk that makes it hard as a brick and taste like you are chewing on leather.. not that there is anything wrong with leather chewing." June was momentarily distracted by thoughts of a big piece of leather that he enjoyed to tear and chew at when he was in his full were form. It was like the perfect consistency for digging his teeth into without tearing it to shred, and he always made sure to buy more if it did rip. He hadn't even realized he had paused what he was saying until the Scrabble board was sat down. "Oh! But my fruitcake is so much better, I candy all my own fruits, most of them grown right here, and the cake recipe was one my grandma used. It's like, one of the few recipes we have of hers, and its so damn good, Nate."

June was quick to quiet up as Nathanael talked about how his day, and he could see the wight on his shoulders. The man had been through a lot, and June always felt for the guy as he talked about how busy he had been. It wasn't easy taking care of Squirt by himself, June knew that, and it was why he always tried to make an effort to get into town to see him, and give anything the two of them need for free. June was doing good for himself, and if he could help out by giving, the dammit, June was going to do it! "I get that man, glad Squirt has such a killer dad. You got to get yourself out there though man, let me at least take he for a night, or let me give you money for a babysitter. Like, surely there is a nice concert or music show you want to go see? I know that one jazz fella is coming in like a few weeks, that might be fun!" He would let it slid for now, but June really wanted his friend to know that the were was there if he needed him.

Still, the topic seemed to shift as easily as the letters they pulled out as they begin to play. From Nate's getting out there to a potential friend or something more for his buddy. "Oh? Hero?" June would bite his lip, distracted with both recalling that face and trying to figure out a good word for his starting play. "Right! You said she was pretty nice. Of course I am cool with her coming over... I just hope she knows she's coming to a little shindig and not like a uhm.. just a couple people hanging. I would love to meet her... AHA! I got it!" The sudden exclamation was June figuring out his first play, and he would lay it all out.

WHEEZIMG. Misspelled, but that big, doofus grin on June's face was hard to say no to.

@wren. @Ghostie
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Hero sighed and nodded in relief as she read Nate's text. Although she talked to Nate about both staying with him and June's usual get-togethers, the last thing Hero wanted was to be a bother. She got enough of that shit at home. It would be nice to be somewhere that people actually enjoyed her presence. As much as her family tried, they didn't do their best to make her feel seen and welcome. The same couldn't be said for the people she'd met in Berwyn.

Using her maps app to find her way, she started for Neighbor's Wisdom

✧ ✧ ✧

"Ooh, cool place," Hero says aloud to herself upon her arrival at the little coastal shop; smiling when she notices Nathanael's car parked outside. She knocks on the door (out of habit) before letting herself in. "Hello, hello?" Hero chimes, taking a moment to look around until her eyes land on a familiar face whom she couldn't wait to see! "Hey Nate!" Hero couldn't help her excitement. "And June, it's nice to finally meet you!" Hero had heard many good things about June, but this was her first time meeting him in person and boy was she nervous.
@wren. @LashL
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Taking a huge strawberry and whipped cream covered bite, Indigo nodded in agreement at the Keith Lee voice in his head judging the sweet treat a ten out of ten. "Oh yeah, I definitely needed this," he says. Despite the small bouts of tiredness that occasionally creep into his body, he is excited that they decided to come to the amusement park instead of just going home. Dig honestly hoped he had enough energy to spend some more time with Teddy later; whether they only got to watch a movie or do more… strenuous activities.

As a teen, Indigo wouldn't ever had seen himself as the type to sleep with his friends. And quite honestly, he wasn't sure what was different when it came to he and Teddy and he for sure couldn't tell you when their relationship even got to that point. He did know that sometimes their uno games turned into dirty uno games or poker turned into strip poker and that turned into you know what. They're just close alright!?

Try as he might to nag at his friend for snagging a bite of his funnel cake, Indigo could not because one: it was almost as big as his head, there was plenty to go around and b: he had to share the deliciousness.

"You got a little something." Dig chuckles at his roomie's red jelly grin, gesturing to the strawberries and cream he had on his cheek and in his teeth. Indigo's grin quickly turns to a competitive smirk at the mention of squirt gun races. His favorite next to popping balloons with darts. "You're fuckin' on, dude!" He laughs, making a mad dash for the closest squirt gun booth to them. "I'll fuck you up in a squirt gun race," he says smugly.
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Unlike it did with others, it did not take very long for Seua to steel himself enough to lock himself into a positive response. He simply wasn't the type of person that people invited out, nor was he really the type of person who welcomed those invitations regardless, but for Kiran and a select few others, he found himself sometimes wanting to try. "Yes," he said, meeting Kiran's eyes, his gaze wandering over the lavender skin of his face and the touches of white hair falling over his eyes, "I will try to be there." Promises of presence were never fully set in stone for him, even when he confirmed them himself, so he never tried to convince people otherwise. He would go if he was able.

Thankfully, Kiran seemed to understand that about him. If he ever took offence to it, he'd kept it hidden.

By the time Kiran had finished his sandwich, Seua had made a somewhat considerate dent into his own, considering how his method of eating was similar to that of a small bird, more nibbles than actual bites. He watched as the other pondered earlier times aloud, offering a slight shrug in response. "It's up to you." He wasn't the type to offer any opinion when he didn't have one, but he did add, "I can help look."

After all, Kiran's costume was more important than adding to his own collection of tea cups and stuffed animals. Those could always wait. He was in no rush to spend the little money he had regardless.

He shuffled a bit closer in his sitting position to peer into the opened jar of peaches, even though he technically could see them perfectly fine through the glass anyway. The sweet scent of them wafted up towards him, fresh and bright. Though one of his hands still held his sandwich, he still nodded and took one of the skewers, more tempted by fruit than bread. "You're good at making things fun." he stated, waiting for Kiran to take his own skewer to the jar first, "It's nice."
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Then why don't you lick it off, he almost says, but it would be inappropriate to start making out in the middle of a fairground filled with children, so he just licks the mess away himself.

"You little shit!" he cackles as Indigo takes off toward the nearest squirt gun booth, picking up speed to chase him down, careful not to let his giant elephant ear fall off his plate.

Once he plops down on the flimsy plastic stool with a loud thunk next to Indigo, he's careful to set the dessert on his lap, wiping his sugar-coated hands on his pants without concern for their appearance before wrapping them around the handles of the giant squirt gun.

The tired carnie lifts a brow at their excitement, but his chastisement is insignificant compared to the task of positioning the gun just right to make sure that it hits the tiny bullseye from the very start. The button to start the game must have been hit because a loud, slow beeping starts, and after the third one, a loud bell chimes to signal the start and a strong water jet shoots out of the gun.

He ends up having to adjust the angle after all, making him curse under his breath, but he keeps steady on the bullseye afterward. Unfortunately, Indigo gets a stronger head start, and his little rocket beats him to the bell by about a centimeter. "No fair! I've got buttery fingers!" he huffs.
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Dig cackles as he and Teddy race to the nearest squirt gun booth. If he were a sore winner, he'd have gloated about making it there first. Who was he kidding, he kinda was!

"Haha! Beat cha here!" He teases, sticking out his tongue with a laugh. "I won't count it as a win though since I'm so nice."

As he plops down onto the stool, Indigo slaps his plate next to his water gun, cringing a little at the fact that half his corn dog was now covered in strawberry jam. But he couldn't be bothered about it now, he had a race to win. And this time it would count.

Indigo narrows his eyes, focusing on the hole he needed the stream of water to go into and he leans in close as the loud beeping and flashing lights signaling the start of the game assaulted his senses. He was surprisingly spot on when it came to the stream of water coming from the gun. He snickers at the curse Teddy lets out noticing his is slightly off.

Because he isn't a completely sore winner, Dig stops himself from jumping to his feet and doing a victory dance. After all, it was only their first game, and he wasn't an asshole.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course you'd blame the butter fingers." He chuckles, giving Teddy a boop on the nose.

❂ ❂ ❂

About fifteen minutes later the friends find themselves looking for yet another game to settle the score. After winning the squirt gun race, Indigo won the dart throw; but of course, Teddy came in and won the bean bag toss and the ladder race. At least he'd gotten them a giant dragon stuffed animal with the last one. But now they were tied!

"Damn it Teddy, you keep catching up to me!" Indigo laughs, booty bumping his friend as they walk around the fairgrounds. "Your call on the next game."
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If Kiran could've brightened more, he would have at Seua's "yes", even though it was followed by a less certain statement. He knew what each meant, and he cherished them both. Even if Seua stayed home, Kiran knew the other man had done his best, and that meant the world to him. Kiran had rambled about their time of departure, only for Seua to express his indifference, conveyed with a short sentence and a shrug. Kiran nodded. It was an unsurprising response — Seua seemed to not have strong opinions on many things. Kiran didn't mind. He often deferred to others when it came time to make a decision, but he didn't actually mind making them, he just preferred everyone else to get their way first.

Kiran placed his thumb to his lip and considered a moment whether an earlier time was better or not. He did not brood on it long, however, and settled on his original time.

"Let's stick with one," he confirmed. Just after noon felt like the right time, and it wasn't something that warranted any greater consideration. Kiran inhaled, letting the humid air fill his lungs. He reshuffled himself on exhale.

"With your help, I'm sure we'll find something!" He exclaimed. Kiran had no idea what they might find, but he was eager to see. He felt certain that together they could find something.

The matter of thrifting settled, Kiran's attention returned to the jar of peaches in his hand, Seua's gaze was already there. The sliced fruits in their syrup looked delicious, and had escaped Kiran's stomach long enough. Skewer in hand, Kiran moved for a peach. It was slippery and elusive, sliding right off of the thin wood. He went for it a second time — but Seua was quicker. As Kiran leveraged the peach from its prison, Seua's skewer slid right through. Unlike Kiran, his stick remained true, and he was able to swipe the fruit from the younger man.

"Hey!" Kiran protested, but there was nothing sour in his voice, rather the opposite. He sounded delighted at the mischief.
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Thank goodness for June's unending friendliness. "I already warned her," he assures. "Of course, that depends on other people actually showing up," he teases.

He jumps a bit at June sudden excitement, watching as he frantically starts putting letters together. The resulting misspelled word makes him laugh, but he stifles it at the genuine look of pride on his friend's face. "Great move," he says instead of correcting him. It's not like he actually cares about winning anyway.

They've managed to get pretty far by the time Hero arrives, June winning since Nate refuses to crush his spirit by correcting his poor spelling. Hero knocks on the door unnecessarily, a testament to her politeness, before her cheerful face rounds the door. Nate smiles back, waving her over. "It's nice to see you again, Hero. We're finishing up a game of Scrabble, do you want to join us? We have other board games, too, if that's not your thing."
@LashL | @Ghostie
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"How about the high striker?" Teddy suggests as their tie-breaker. Neither of them is exceptionally fit, so they're probably pretty evenly matched in terms of strength. Since neither of them has the advantage, whoever wins can rest assured that it was a fair fight.

He waddles toward said game with his giant diagon stuffed animal he'd won during the ladder race (which had left him a little more winded than he'd like to admit). He'll give it to Indigo later, especially if he loses, since then it will be a consolation for having to clean the bathroom.

"Here, hold Jeffrey," he orders, shoving the plushie into Indigo's arms unceremoniously. He grabs the mallet provided by the carnie with a thankful grin, lining himself up with the center of the pad. He's heard that angling yourself to hit right in the center is the best way to hit the bell, so now is the best time to test that.

Grabbing the mallet by the end of the handle, he swings it over his head and brings it down, sending it right into the bell. "Yes!" he whoops, dropping the hammer to stick his tongue out at his friend. "Guess you're on cleaning duty."
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Indigo takes a long look at the tall strongman-game his friend has chosen for the tie-breaker, competitiveness making him wish more than anything that he'd have started working out at the beginning of the year like he said he would.

"Damn you, Teddy." He whispers. Although they both had a fair shot, something told him that he wouldn't be winning this game.

"Oof, yes sir," he chuckles, taking the dragon in his arms (as if he had a choice) with a salute. Dig watches as his friend lines up his shot, eyes instinctively following Teddy as he swiftly brings the hammer up and down again with a loud ding. Did he look kinda hot swinging a mallet like that? Yes. So Indigo couldn't be all that upset at his gloating. "You're just lucky I didn't count our race to the squirt guns." Dig teases.

❂ ❂ ❂

"Listen, I know that lady was way out of line with her comments, but did you have to snatch her wig off and run with it?!" With his arm around Teddy, Indigo pushes through their apartment door, the boisterous sounds of their laughter following them through before Dig shut it behind them.

Although he was reluctant at first, Indigo was more than happy to get out of the house with Teddy. He clearly always knew how to make sure their memories would be unforgettable. Old lady wigs included.
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Teddy is gasping for breath as he and Indigo stumble through their apartment door, tired from both their continuous laughter and the quick sprint he'd had to break into to escape that rude old bitch's rage. "Hey, I gave it back!" he grins, squeezing Jeffrey in his arms. If 'throwing it on the muddy streets to get her off their asses' counts as giving it back. "How is she going to call my hair a rat's nest when she doesn't even have any?"

Indigo's firm grip on his waist is comforting, but he pulls away from it to head into his bedroom so he can toss Jeffrey haphazardously by his closet. "Aw man, that run made me thirsty," he says, stretching his arms above his head as he meanders into their tiny kitchen. He'd forgotten just how many cups and plates they've let pile to dangerous heights in the sink, but the last thing he wants to do right now is chores, so he ignores it to rifle through their cupboards until he finds a surviving glass dotted with stains from the town's hard water. Filling it with their filtered water, he chugs the glass in five seconds.

"Do you want any?" he calls to Indigo, refilling the glass and handing it to him when he appears at his side.
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The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 48.3°F (9.1°C). Chilly and sprinkling.


Locals enjoy the festivities with families and friends.