IC Black City

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The way in which the spoiled Fisher man carried on the conversation as if Vincent Abbott, an infamous leader of the largest gang within their city, hadn't just threatened to take away his sparkly life was agitating to put lightly. Vince was unable to control the way his eyes rolled at the flair of which he served his plate, and he did nothing to hide it as he leaned back in his seat, and reached for the knife that lay next to it. Sharp enough to cut a steak and a person if need be. What material was made of? He turned it over in his hand before Isiah's question brought him back.

"We were torturing a guy on the second floor. You can come and take a peek, maybe sit in the chair you'd like. Get familiar with what it's like. I recently got a silver tip knife. Perfect for vampir." His smile was akin to a smirk as he divulged him almost excitedly. It was not so much a threat this time as it was a jab. He sat forward and began to cut into his steak, and when he was done with that he moved onto the vegetables on the plate. "Unfortunately Anabelle likely finished the job already and had staff clean up before opening."

Violence sighed deeply, dropping his hand onto the clothed table, and pressing his knuckle against the glass cup. He had meant to try that knife out and its effectiveness. Anabelle would certainly tell him all about it.

"The weather is ruining a lot of plans, but per usual we'll have live bands playing tonight. It'll likely be a crowd of regulars and whoever likes to party during storms." He hummed, slowly pushing the glass as he spoke. "If you want something more standout, I can promise you Halloween night will be more fun and full of people." There was never a time the club wasn't filled with people and long lines on Halloween.


After pushing the glass long enough like an ill-behaved cat, the glass finally fell onto the floor. Vince had a poor habit of breaking glasses, it seemed. "My bad, but if you can obstruct my business with cop calls I don't think a measly glass should matter." He shrugged a shoulder, his smile never leaving his face.

@wren. @Justin 」​

  • I'm SHOOK
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Irene flinched at the crack of his knuckles against her solid wood coffee table, feeling a shiver of a cringe race up her spine as she imagined what it would feel like to smack her hand against it like that. She shook the feeling off with another smile, tucking a small loose curl back behind her ear as she did. " A palm reading! I wasn't expecting that, are you alright with me touching your hands?" Irene asked, squeezing two pumps of vanilla rose hand sanitizer into her own palm and rubbing her hands together vigorously.

Irene sat across from him with a grin, excitement dancing through her like a playful breeze and she kicked her feet a little at the sensation. " This is the best part of my job, it's so fun!" Irene squealed gleefully, clasping her hands together with a hazy sigh.

She didn't like sad readings. She knew that this reading was going to try its best to be that, but she did have an outstanding talent for finding the bright side of things. Besides, the readings weren't fate, just paths. A person could always change direction. Irene glanced over as Almos snuggled into her side, offering a thankful smile to her supportive familiar.

Code by Jenamos
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  • Sweet
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She flinched, and the part of Syd that was a sadist cracked a half-smile. He shouldn't have been amused, that was cruel of him, but he was kind of a cruel man.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. If she hadn't expected him to pick palm reading, had she expected him to pick something specific? Did Syd look like someone who would've picked a certain type?

Irene asked if she could touch his hands — he had figured that was a requirement of palm reading, but it was polite of her to ask anyway.

"Yes, ma'am," Syd responded emphatically to her question. He tapped his knuckles against the wood to make his point. His knuckles were going to be black and blue tomorrow. He swung his other arm up onto the table. "Wherever you need me," he said, making a vague gesturing motion with one hand.

"It is, is it?" He asked playfully in response to her gleeful statement about her job. Irene's delight filled the air. It was adorable, and almost infectious. Almost. Syd was too much of a miserable man for such a bright young woman. He was the dark cloud on her sunny day. And he was about to rain on her evening. "Well, I hope you enjoy it, sweetheart," he said ruefully.
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  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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Irene tilted her head, eyes scanning his face as those final words left his lips. She cocked a brow at him, leaning forward and reaching her hands out for his. "Well then, shall we?" Irene said in a gentle tone, turning her hazelnut gaze to meet his. There was a lingering sadness around him, it was almost suffocating. The feeling clouded her torso, fighting to escape like the wings of birds beating against her lungs. It wasn't the first time she had felt something like this, but it certainly wasn't a common occurrence in her line of work so far.

Irene took his hand in hers, turning his palm over and running her thumbs over it tenderly. His skin was shocking against hers, like chilled marble in her slightly quivering hands. She read deeply into the lines within his left hand, her face inches from the hand she held as she observed it closely with a focused stare.

"Are you left or right handed, Sydney?" Her voice wafted through the icy air like a bell, her gaze still searching his hand for whatever secrets it held. Her face was flatter than usual, it was very clear that she was no longer hiding behind a cheerful disposition. She took her work very seriously. This wouldn't be any regular old light hearted reading, after all.

"Ah, ambidextrous. Interesting!" Irene added aloud, examining both palms. She pulled her finger in to the second large line within his left palm, rubbing her fingertip along it. " You see how this one is a little bit wiggly? You kinda do your own thing, you aren't as traditional as some other people are. And the line has a decent amount of breaks in it too… That means you can face some difficult times with your mental health." She told him. " This is your head line, it tells me your basic level life path."

Code by Jenamos
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  • Love
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"Killer burger?" Lenore repeated, her eyes not looking up from the menu, but scanning it more thoroughly. She was not one to let anyone live anything down unless she didn't care about them. As in their existence meant less to her than a fly. Whether it was unfortunate or not for Cosimo, she happened to care about him more than the average person in her life. "I don't see a Killer Burger on the menu. But if it shows up, well, at least we'd be able to take one more criminal off the streets."

She closed the menu and pushed it forward with a smile that was morphing into more of a smirk. "But the double cheeseburger with fries and onion rings would be nice." It was only occasionally that Lenore cheated and ate foods that wouldn't contribute to keeping an athletic form. But everyone needed a break, and perhaps she did now more than ever. Besides Cosimo always had excellent tatste in food. "Order a salad for the table too." She couldn't help herself.

"There are so many people out here tonight. Is it always like this?" Were they all so unaware of what dangers lurked through the shadows of their city? "Or is it just the holiday excitement? More business for dentists and spirit magi."

@peach 」​

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Her hands trembled. She was warm against his skin, and he could feel her pulse beat through the connection. He did his best to keep his hands relaxed, as she traced the lines on his hands. Her honey gaze met his dark one, and he gave her a half-hearted smile. Irene's brightness had been undeniable, but so was the dip in the surrounding atmosphere, which he figured couldn't be anything other than a result of his impending fortune.

"I can use either," he replied to her question. She responded to his simple statement with enthusiasm, and he wondered what she didn't respond to enthusiastically. She was vibrant, he liked that.

"I'll take that as a compliment," was the extent of Syd's response to the first of her assessments. She wasn't wrong, Syd was far from a traditional man. Nothing to frown at there. The next part, however… He wasn't surprised. He wasn't upset or bothered, either. Syd had known it was coming.

"Is it?" He asked. They were all just lines to him, some a little different from the others. "Well, what's the news, Irene?" Syd inquired with emphasis on each word.
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Irene returned his smile, feeling a bit proud of herself to have even spotted what felt like a rare and beautiful creature. She had read many a sad story through the marks of a stranger's palm, but where there was sadness there was always hope too. Lingering like the fog that followed a rainstorm.

Irene turned her gaze up towards him again, though her stare was firm this time. " Things could get better, you know…. If you wanted them to." She breathed, gently folding his hands back over and placing them on to the table. " I saw your life line, doesn't look like you're going anywhere any time soon." Irene added, cocking a brow at him. " Do you want to talk about it?"

She doubted he did, but she would offer anyway. These things could be sensitive, it wasn't unusual for people to get angry with her after striking a nerve. She tried to be gentle with the news, but she wasn't a liar. " I have cookies…" Irene offered with a cheerful tilt of her head, watching him carefully from her seat across the table.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Dusk

Cosimo leaned back in his chair, a soft chuckle leaving his mouth like a sigh. " Well, you've got that right." He mused, cocking an eyebrow as she set down the menu. It was always a good time when Lenore decided to have a "cheat meal." She worked hard, and it wasn't like she needed to diet. She looked great always of course, not that he was looking…

"Your wish is my command, Ley." Cosimo replied with a dip of his head, hands held together in a feigned prayer stance. " Caesar salad for the table. And I'm asking for extra cheese." He added matter-of-factly, shooting her a finger gun and a shit eating grin. He did have excellent taste in food, that's probably one of the reasons people turned up for his dinner parties. That and his irresistible charms of course.

Cosimo snorted in amusement yet again at her words, watching her look around at the other groups flocking to their pool tables and barstools with a smile. " Could be." Cosimo started, " This place does get its fair share of business. Deserved, too." He finished, raising his glass back to his lips for a drink. Tiny's. His paradise down the street from home.

Code by Jenamos
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Subtlety has never been Vincent's strong suit, but Isiah still nearly chokes on his steak at the blasé admittance of torture. So the man is pissed at him for an anonymous tip but he's going to put his immoral dealings out there so casually? Of course, it was likely just to get that subtle threat out there.

"Well, I'm sorry someone interrupted your playtime," he simpers. His smirk fades as Vince begins to push the glass around the table, suspiciously closer and closer to the edge. He wouldn't...? Sure, he's petty, as petty as he is, but he can't be that petty?

He's barely registering what the other man is saying, gaze fixed on that surprisingly well-manicured nail pushing against his nice crystal glass, eyes narrowing and teeth grinding. Sure enough, he pushes it right off the table, the sound of glass shattering sounding like a cannon in the quiet between them.

"Honestly, Vincent. I allow you into my home, give you a good meal, and you break my property because of your unfounded suspicions? I know you're a criminal, but I also thought you were a gentleman. Even Soos is more well-behaved," he sneers. "That glass was almost $300, I hope you plan to reimburse me?"
code by wren.
  • According to Plan
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"Almost $300? But not quite?" Vincent glanced at the glass though he was enjoying himself more drinking in the agitation on Isiah's face far more. He was almost tempted to tip over his plate to see just how angry Isiah would get with that too. However, there was no way to explain that as an accident when Isiah clearly didn't see the broken glass as one. He would have to be satisfied with one broken glass and furrowed brow Isiah for the night. "That is unfortunate. It was an accident, of course, but please send me the bill. If I'm feeling generous, I may send you the expenses."

Now that he had wiped the smug and faux innocent smile off of the blond's face, he had no reason to be there. Rain or shine, the club would be opening and as its owner, he should be there to supervise and clean up unfinished business. The food on his plate, however, was also unfinished - more than that, aside from the cuts, it was uncut. To not take a single would be more conspicuously rude when he was still acting his ass off. He took a single cite from the rarest piece of steak, chewed, and swallowed.

Vincent reached for a clothed napkin and dabbed at his mouth. "Well, I should be going now." He dropped the napkin and rose from his seat. "I think I've wasted enough time playing around with you. I supposed I'll see you both later."

@wren. @Justin 」​

  • Haha
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Simon flirts, Cian brushes it off, completely ignores that it happened, and they're off the subject. Such is the pattern that he continues to seek to break and will break. The small twinge of disappointment visits him more than occasionally, but he feels only a blossoming warmth in his chest. He wasn't blind to the blush that covered the shop manager's face, however, brief. It only reaffirmed what he hoped to be the absolute truth and further encouraged him.

Just for the moment, he could shift his focus, glancing at Alois with a growing grin and back to the counter where the candle sat in Cian's hand.

Frakincense. The scent was all too familiar and Simon was certain that he had at least two more of those at home. But what was a third? He was steadily building a large candle collection that he rarely ever used. There were not a lot of magical assignments he was tasked with using candles nor many spells he performed in his normal day-to-day life with them. They were stacking up and beginning to collect dust with no clear purpose set. So, really, what was he doing with all these damn candles?

Simon didn't know. He just wanted to see Cian. And that was good enough for him.

"That, Cian, is a secret." The secret was that there wasn't a single purpose for them at all. But the mystery was always nice. It did mean he would have to switch up his purchases to another cheap shop item.

He brushed his hands against the selection beforehand and stopped on a pastel color. Lavender. He was getting his lavender. He plucked it from the shelf and set it down on the counter with the frankincense. His purchases would only consist of these two, but it was all he needed to stick around and not loiter.

"Why don't you ever lay any of that suave employer flirting on us? Are we not pretty enough for you, Cian?" he provided his feigned pout. "We're also paying customers."

@wren. 」​

  • Wicked
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"I'll stop smoking if you go to this party with me." Isaac promised - no, it was more of a proposition, a very hopeful one. He was careful not to let that nervous hope show, but he was sure it did for a split second, even behind his playful expression. He was so used to being turned down by the man, he didn't expect less but still hoped for more. "Isn't it your doctorly duty to help me improve my health? This will convince me to stop smoking."

Perhaps he should have put on mascara to thicken his eyelashes, and lipstick to redden his lips. Batting his eyes and pouting his lips always did wonders when he was dressed up. Or when he was dressed far more down like a wounded kit. It never worked on Leonidas, but who was to say it wouldn't work this time?

He tilted his head back and attempted to catch his eyes when he was facing him again. "Going to a party and meeting your patient there isn't against the rules, is it? Is fun against the rules too?"

@wren. 」​

  • According to Plan
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"I do," admitted Akira, a little shy with his answer, lips pinching together momentarily. His choice of music during his long and noted career was far from the genre and theme of Anastasia. Even his sense of style still reflected what subculture once was very integrated in, dark colors and goth adjacent. But he was also a person whose exterior did not match what one's interior was; quiet, courteous, and most importantly, appreciative of various arts.

"It is a fun and cozy piece of work with a story that has a solid plotline and music that holds up through the decades it's been around. It isn't extraordinarily complex and requires critical thinking and interpretation, nor is it a classic, but it doesn't need to be spectacular. I think the simplicity and modernity of it invite people of all ages to enjoy it." He looked to Edmund so he understood the genuity of his own opinions. "And I don't think you need to work to put any 'improvement' into it. Because it's your production, it'll naturally be unique and memorable, especially when you want others to enjoy it. And you have a wonderful cast with phenomenal chemistry already."

Akira held his gaze for a few seconds longer, breaking away once he felt he had gotten his point across. Somehow, he felt looking him in his clear eyes too long would make him all the more privy to the intimate thoughts behind his dark eyes. "I would like a very nice seat on opening night if you could spare me one." He tilted his head toward him playfully. "I think I have earned that."

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
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"You don't drink here every night do you?" Lenore's questions were as serious as it was teasing. "And without your partner? I am starting to question our bond, Detective Soto." She frowned her face up as lightly as possible. With her tone of voice, it was nearly impossible for others to discern her playful tone from her neutral tone. The serious one was unmistakable, she wasn't one to hold back from harshness when it was needed. But if there was anyone able to read her difficult-to-read signs, it was the goober across the table from her.

She leaned back in her seat, relaxing her shoulders and doing her absolute best to initiate her body to enter a more chill mode. The drinks were nice, the crowd was loud, and the company was exceptional. "You can have all the cheese you like, but don't drink too much." Lenore nibbled on the chips in the basket in the middle of their table. "Alchohol poisoning is real."

And he was her only real friend, aside from Paul. Which said plenty, both her friends were from work. But she would damn if she lost either of them. "Do you want to take the holiday off?" The question came out slowly. She didn't want to bring up working during their break, but it was nearly impossible not to talk about it.

@peach 」​

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This absolute bastard. It's obvious what he's doing; using Isiah's own play against him. Do something shady, then fake ignorance. He's not bothering to be subtle about it, either, because they both know the truth of the matter. It's hard for Isiah to respond without sounding like Vince just had moments ago. He's managed to flip the tables entirely. Gods, he despises him. He hasn't even eaten the food he made for him out of the goodness of his heart, the ungrateful bitch!

"Playing around with you," he says, like Isiah is a child end not a Redblooded noble. Vince isn't someone to take lightly, but neither is Isiah. Without his goons and guns, Vince is still just a Silverblood. Mixed race or not, Isiah still has a biological advantage on him. Sure, he might not be as skilled a fighter, but he can hold his own. He's never been particularly bothered by Vince's empty threats, but his condescension sure gets under his skin.

Vince is already heading toward the hallway by the time he snaps out of his silent simmering. Before he can think better of it, he's throwing himself out of his chair and barreling toward the other man with impressive speed. In a reverse of their earlier position, Isiah finds himself pinning Vince to the wall by his throat. His grip isn't tight enough to bruise (because despite everything, he doesn't actually want to hurt Vincent) but it's firm enough to get the brunet's attention.

"You will pay for it," he smiles sweetly, reveling in his slight height advantage, digging the tip of a nail into the underside of his jaw. "It's the gentlemanly thing to do, after all. Accident or not. And I'm sure it was an accident — you're a smart man, and it's not very smart to intentionally destroy the property of an influential Redblood who kindly let you into his home, is it?"

He's not sure where this sudden adrenaline rush has come from, nor this sudden physical aggression. He rarely ever gets physically violent unless it's in self-defense. Vince has a specific talent for needling him, it seems. In some ways, the shorter man might have him entirely around his finger, and that only pisses him off more.
code by wren.
  • I'm SHOOK
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As a man who is the head of the largest criminal organization in their capital city, few things surprise Vince anymore. He was a man who planned, prepared, and stood with his guard up at all times, walking several steps ahead of the people around him. It was more than a means to survival but was a means to rise from the grunt to higher ranks. Ranks he still wished to surpass and made every effort to despite the targets it made others put on his back, he was prepared to deflect.

Yet, there was not a single piece of him that prepared Isiah to slam him into the wall with his slender fingers wrapped around his throat and his manicured hands biting his skin. He couldn't breathe, or move. The man was completely and wholly stunned, and it reflected as much in his eyes as he looked back into Isiah's fierce gaze. Even when Vince saw the blur of the man coming at him, he didn't have time to react - no - he simply didn't.

There was a split second he could have done anything. He could have easily reached for his switchblade and pressed it against the man's ribcage even though he couldn't defend himself from the move itself. But he didn't because he had grown much too comfortable and confident and reading Isiah's patterns. He let his guard down. And he hated himself for that more than he despised the red blood's comments.

He inhaled sharply, desperate for the air he forgot to breathe in, and with his exhale, the paralyzation slowly lifted from him. He found his body again, but he didn't move it. The only sign of life was the involuntary eye twitch.

"To think glass would mean so much to a sophisticated Redblood like yourself that you would use violence? Times must be tough for you too." He sneered, his hand reaching up to grasp his wrist and tightening his grip on it. "But what can you possibly expect from someone as low as me? But should you be treating your guests like this?" He tilted his head back slightly, quirking an eyebrow at the Fisher.

@wren. 」​

  • Spicy
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Cosimo let out a suppressed chuckled, clenching his chest as if he was deeply wounded. " Ohhoho my gosh, oh no. Not every night." He laughed, eyes creased at the corners. " Harsh, Ley. I didn't think this was the place you liked to be taken out to." He teased back, grinning from ear to ear.

Cosimo was beyond grateful to be partnered with Lenore. She was a hard worker and had a tendency to be severe but that's what he loved about her. She was strong, hilarious and frightening all wrapped in one really pretty little package. Even and especially when calling him out for eating at the bar more often than not.

"Don't worry, I'll stop at three. And I'll call us a cab, so don't worry about having to walk." Cosimo reassured warmly, giving her a small nod as he sipped his beer.

Taking Halloween off would be nice, though it felt a bit hard to justify. Halloween could be a prime time for another attack… " You know I'm always down to take off on holidays. Would you feel comfortable with that?" He questioned, peeking across the table at her from behind his drinking glass.

Code by Jenamos



"And yet you took me here tonight." She kicked the toe of her boot against his foot underneath the table. Lenore did not hate the place, she was fairly pleased with the drinks and the food unquestionably had to be good. However, she would sit with Cosimo anywhere. All he had to do was ask her and she would follow him to the finest seat in the rattiest establishment. She would only have to tell him how horrible it was.

But the bar was far from horrible. The only thing that was truly horrible were the images of the case that flashed through her mind when he asked her if she was comfortable with taking the day off. "I'm not," Lenore answered honestly. What would she do anyway? Go to parties while a killer was out there plucking hybrid's eyes out? It was their job to keep people safe and put away the ones who caused them harm. "I think the mayor will start putting pressure on our department to catch this person soon anyway. It won't be long before the public gets a hold of everything and panic."

Lenore ran her fingers through her bangs and scratched her scalp gently. "But that doesn't mean we can't dress up still." There was nothing like seeing two detectives find a little Holiday cheer where they could.

@peach 」​

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Cosimo nodded his head in agreement, watching a waiter weave through the crowd as he drank. He carefully set his empty glass back on the table and leaned back in his chair with a satisfied sigh. " I've got no problem with working then. I can't say I'm eager for another crime scene anytime soon, the faster we catch them the better." Cosimo said lowly, not wanting anyone nearby to hear him.

" What are we dressing up as this year?" Cosimo questioned. His ability to flip between seriousness and cutting loose was impressive to day the least, he tried to let a majority of their work roll off his shoulders in waves. It was hard work, they saw terrible things and sometimes there was no justice to be had, but helping the people he could help made the job worth it. That and Lenore.
Code by Jenamos
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That was the catch, Syd didn't want things to get better. Well, it was more complicated than that. He kind of figured this might be conjecture on her part, anyway. What did "get better" even mean? Better in what sense? She released his hands and folded hers together. He let his linger a moment where she left them before sliding his knuckles along the wood back to him. Syd leaned into his chair, gaze flickering from her to his hands and back.

He laughed, and there was a lot of bitterness to it, although not directed at Irene. "Isn't that my luck?" He asked nobody in particular in response to her statement regarding his life expectancy. Things weren't going to change, whatever she said. Which meant if she was right about how long he had, Syd was in for a long go of a rough life.

Syd wanted to talk. He would've settled for a discussion about his gloom fate, but he preferred something with a bit more bounce to it. He responded to her question by ignoring it.

He hummed.

"I s'pose it depends on what kind of cookies," he said. If they were bought, she definitely had multiple flavours, but she seemed like the type who might've freshly baked them. Syd actually didn't care that much about the flavour, but he didn't want the conversation to end. There were much worse ways to spend an evening than with a cute girl.

"So you own this place, or you just work here?" He asked conversationally.
Code by wren.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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