Black Manor

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Shu Fang Landcaster



Brief History:
Shu was born into a fairly poor family in China. As a young child, he snuck on board a tea ship and was ultimately transported to Europe. It was somewhat of an accident, yet after the ship had set sail there was little to be done about it. Luckily he was found by a kind hearted nobleman, who took pity on the child and decided to take him in. This was mainly for he reason that his own wife could not conceive children- and they had already considered adopting a child. As such, Shu went from a life of poverty to a life of wealth in just a few weeks. He's been living with the Landcaster family ever since. While he considers them his family, he still proudly sees himself Chinese.

Brief personality:
Shu Fang is a free spirited and curious individual. He likes to go exploring and discovering new things, and doesn't like being tied down to anything. In fact, he very much does whatever he likes and walks his own path. The only one's he's fairly obedient towards are still his parents, which he is eternally grateful to. Shu is not physically strong, he has a mind to account for. He's sly and manipulative, yet playful all at the same time. Free spirited and daring as he is, curiosity is probably what will be the end of him.​
Sure! I'm not picky about what gender the characters are (Out of my four characters, 2 are girls xD)

If anyone needs to see what characters I will be playing, i just added to other two up on the first post. Feel free to take a look!
Such pretty characters!
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Agreed. they are gorgeous. o.o

Athough,I love your charrie too. She's so pretty. *^*
^^' Thanks. Oh my gosh I loooooove Shu, he's handsome. :P DIFFERENT CULTURE BUDDIES WHOOOOOTT~. - Sorry, caps lock moment. :P
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^^' Thanks. Oh my gosh I loooooove Shu, he's handsome. :P DIFFERENT CULTURE BUDDIES WHOOOOOTT~. - Sorry, caps lock moment. :P

*flails* Yeeeeesh. Haha, I've wanted to make a Chinese charrie for a while now. X3 Shu's gonna mess with her. -w- Poor girl... ah, he'll probably do it in a joking, sort of friendly way. o.o
*flails* Yeeeeesh. Haha, I've wanted to make a Chinese charrie for a while now. X3 Shu's gonna mess with her. -w- Poor girl... ah, he'll probably do it in a joking, sort of friendly way. o.o
Aww poor Hehewuti~ Welp, she'll be as clueless as a seashell so it really won't matter XD
That just makes it all the more fun for Shu. XD >_<
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That just makes it all the more fun for Shu. XD >_<
There is always a possibility of Hehewuti learning the motives of Shu :P She'll probably find a nice.. Lovely.. Sharp thing to stab him with XD
He's a shameless flirt. He'll just sweep her up in his arms and tell her either something really embarrassing or charming. Then, when she's caught off guard, he'll pluck the sharp object from her hands and hide it. >:3 Aaaaaaah, his intensions aren't really bad, though. XD He just likes messing with people for the fun of it. He usually doesn't do anything too bad. X3
The sources of the elbows would also come quite in handy, seeing as their the strongest bone in our body. Hehewuti most likely would feel embarrassed and furious towards Shu-Chan. xD
Awwww. XD When shit gets real he might be really protective of her, though. Like, the reason he messes with her in the first place is because he thinks she's adorable. -w-
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'Can you feeeeeeeel thee loooooveee tonight?' Am I right ladies and gents?
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Hehe, we'll have to see. X,D <3
I'm just joking x'D I had to quote The Lion King. :P Perfect moment!
Yeah, I figured. It was good timing, though. XD Ok, we should stop cluttering the signups. X3
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Thanks! I'm finishing up last touches on things and then I'll get the IC rolling up.
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