CLOSED SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Signups

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Raynar Saassin

Multiverse RPer
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

A Melding of Alternate Futures

Two Alternate Earths... In one Earth, the one known as Adolf Hitler was eliminated early by Professor Albert Einstein via time travel in order to prevent the horrors of World War II. In another Earth; a meteor landed in Italy in 1995 which spread a poisonous and dangerous alien material, later dubbed as Tiberium by a faction of fanatics known as the Brotherhood of Nod; led by their Prophet, Kane. Each Earth dealt with their woes and foes as time went on.

In the Earth ravaged by Tiberium, GDI (Global Defence Initiative) launched a full-scale assault on the Brotherhood of Nod, targetting their main base of operations in Sarajevo; Temple Prime. After eliminating Nod's defenses, authorization was given to the GDI Commander to fire an Ion Cannon Strike at the temple:


This blast caused a Tiberium Reaction as an extreme concentration of the mineral was underneath the temple, as well as setting off all the reserves of Liquidized Tiberium; plunging the majority of Africa and parts of neighboring Countries into Tiberium Contaminated Red Zones, and would bring the attention of an alien race known as the Scrin.

In the historical Earth, the Soviet Union had been bested by the Allies; losing their capital of Moscow and their Premier having fled. However, a man by the name of Anatoly Cherdenko, had finally finished a secret project assigned to him; a Time Machine, constructed by the lead scientist; Gregor Zelinsky. Alongside Soviet General Krukov, they used the device to travel back in time to a specific point; 1927 in order to eliminate Albert Einstein: the Scientist responsible for the technological superiority the Allies had over the Soviet Union. In doing so, they spawned a different reality in which the Soviets were the ones winning the war, pushing into Western Europe, but their tinkering with time spawned another unlikely enemy. Using an opportunity to strike whilst distracted, the Soviets were ambushed and beaten back by a now technologically superior force known as the Empire of the Rising Sun; declaring their mark on Earth and beginning their conquest of Destiny.

But something happened unexpectedly...

The timing of the second Time Machine usage in the Historical Earth, and that of the Ion Cannon strike had caused a spark of energy; melding the two Earths together into one, the matter of which is almost impossible to explain logically. To make things more weird, the resulting surge of energy from the two events has also ripped into the fabric of reality itself and opened gateways to varying worlds and even timelines from both Earths. With the impending threat of the Alien Scrin due to the Tiberium Detonation signaling a harvesting fleet, and the war of the three world superpowers (Allied, Soviet Union, Empire of the Rising Sun), the new Earth was in for a bad time.

Characters will be pulled from various Universes into this new melded Earth in order to either help save it or ultimately follow up with the plans of evil.

Character Restrictions are in place in this one. The people of the Command and Conquer Universe are from the 1900 - 2000's. Everyone still uses modern day bullets and armor, mixed in with different technological advancements: such as Cyro (Freezing), Transforming Vehicles and Ships, Space Travel, Lasers and Stealth. Aside from one faction utilizing the power of an alien element known as Tiberium in order to augment their soldiers, the otherworldly properties of the Alien Scrin whom are capable of space travel and storm manipulation, and the technological superiority of the Empire of the Rising Sun with their transforming vehicles, mechanical soldiers and vehicles, and physic powers, there are no strong superpowers.

In short: No characters with powers capable of extremely large scale destruction or potential to destroy planets. Characters with Shields are allowed as the Scrin do have shielded organisms and vehicles, and some basic superpowers are acceptable due to the presence of the Japanese Commando, Yuriko Omega.

If you're worried about a certain character, mention it and I'll take a look.

You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

Character Sheets



Age: (If known)

Canon or OC?:

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: (Either described or a Wiki link.)

Extra Info:
— — — — — — — — —

@ThePotatoGod as V (Devil May Cry)
@dark as Thomas Sinclair (Killzone)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Angelo Ryan Rose (OC)
@Gotham Knight Todd as Wallace | The Flash (DC)
@Ariel as Elaine Dukkah (OC - StarCraft)
@Foxes81 as Yuuji Rurikawa (OC) & Kaoru Sakisaka (OC)
@Signupname as Captain Gregor Vorrsk (OC - Warhammer 40K)
Last edited:

--{[The Mysterious Bibliophile]}--​
"I have no name; I am but 2 days old...(Infant Joy, William Blake) Just kidding. You may call me V."

Name: V

Age: For Spoiler reasons, I'll keep this a secret.

Canon or OC?:

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: (Either described or a Wiki link.)

V himself cannot fight. His body is naturally weak and frail, unsuitable for combat. However, he is capable of commanding Familiars, who fight in his stead.

V has 3 familiars. A dark blue bird named Griffon, a shadowy shapeshifting cat named Shadow, and a giant, bulky amalgamation with incredible strength and the ability to shoot lasers known as Nightmare. V could only call upon Griffon and Shadow for extensive periods, but Nightmare is exclusively reserved for more strenuous tasks as it drains a lot of V's energy keeping him in the field.

Griffon, as a bird, can fly around. He can cast lightning on any direction, even in an orb. He takes a ranged approach to things, but with V's command, isn't afraid to get up close and personal. He's also the one that's kept on the field the most, as he serves as V's guardian in most cases as he's the only one within the trio of familiars that can speak. Griffon's also knowledgeable about the Demon World.

Shadow, a shapeshifting panther that can turn its body into sharp blades and needles. He acts as V's vanguard and his segway land transport as opposed to Griffon lifting V in the air and carrying him around. Shadow's more of a pet to V, acting like a docile cat more than anything.

Nightmare is V's trump card. The only one in the 3 Familiars capable of taking on a tank with its herculean strength, massive fists, incredible vulnerability and explosive laser eye. However, because of his size, V cannot afford to keep Nightmare summoned as it drains a lot of energy. While normally Nightmare stands at a massive 3 meters, he can manifest in a bigger form to counteract bigger threats--of course, bigger means less time for the beast to do his thing without V desummoning Griffon and Shadow and focusing his energy on using Nightmare.

Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare can be taken down, but because of their connection to V's soul, they cannot be killed by conventional means without killing V, who sustain their cores. However, they cannot fight as their bodies are broken down into a swirling mass of darkness with a pink core inside it. They can be reformed after a few posts (1 to 3 posts).

A unique quirk about the Familiars is that they cannot kill, only inflict tremendous pain. If weakened to a certain degree, V must deal the killing blow. Meaning, while Nightmare can certainly be used to break a wall and blow up a tank, Nightmare's attacks cannot kill a person unless V himself does. Those that are struck to the brink of death by V's familiars would faintly glow, signaling the poet to land the killing blow.

While I said he is incapable of fighting, he is capable of teleporting and jabbing his sharp cane through them.

Extra Info:
A unique quirk of V's is that he recites verses of William Blake's poem in and out of combat situations. He's also a bit childish and rash to the point of eating raw demon meat when faced with hunger.
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Character Sheets


Director of the VSA,​

Thomas Sinclair​


Canon or OC?
: Canon​

Weapons / Abilities / Powers
Thomas Sinclair

Extra Info
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: [1662435262866.png

He typically is seen to be wearing any color muscle shirt ( his preference is white or black though) and a pair of jeans along with a silver watch that is digital. He stands at the very tall six feet seven inches and wears sneakers. He is also always carrying a notepad with a pencil over one ear and a pen over the other, always ready for a story.

Name: Angelo Ryan Rose

: 29

Canon or OC?

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:
Camera skills- He's a master of using digital media as well as of taking pictures

Silver tongue- Angelo has a gift for making beautiful tales

Gun knowledge- It's subpar but he can shoot.

Bow and arrow knowledge- He's skilled in archery.

Luck- For some reason, he's has a very specific type of luck where he can avoid death if it comes fatally towards him. ( Example: A point blank shot will miss a head shot but still injures either his arm or leg in a non-fatal spot if treated)

Extra Info:
(Personality): Angelo is that type of guy that you hope you never have to work with or date. He is very ambitious and will stop at nothing to get a story and he doesn't care who he has to destroy, hurt or bargain with to get a story. He is always investigating and looking into people's pasts ( which makes him a nightmare to date since he wants to uncover to all of your secret.) He can also be very condescending and believes he is a gift to anyone he encounters. However under all of that horrible journalism ethic, is a genuinely decent and semi-sensitive guy who wants to live a normal life.

(Backstory) Angelo was born to his only mother on a cold December night and by all normal circumstances, he should have died due to exposure after his mother died giving birth to him. However, he didn't and his grandfather Devon Rose took him in and named him Angelo after the fact that he survived. He was raised by his grandfather until he was seven when once again he survived a fatal car accident that killed his grandfather. He was then put into the system where he grew up. However, his luck changed when at eighteen, he found that his mother and grandfather left him large sums of money that he used to open his own newspaper company.

He's loves the supernatural and to investigate it.

He's bisexual.
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Reactions: Raynar Saassin
Thank you three for signing up! I'm aiming for at least five people, then I shall get the starting thread created! If anyone is lurking and is interested at least a little, please do sign up!

Also if you guys wouldn't mind doing some recruiting as well, that'd be epic. You don't have to, but it's be a great boost!
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Reactions: ThePotatoGod
Character App


Name: Wallace "Wally" West/The Flash
Age: 27
Canon character (DC Comics)
Powers: Super speed, speedster lightning, Time travel, accelerated healing, hyper thinking
Equipment: A ring that fires out his super suit.
Backstory: Wally West was born a perfectly normal child into the West family. However, as he grew older stars he and mysterious occurrences began to occur. Superheroes emerged around him. His favorite being The Flash. Despite his parents abuse and harsh words about the subject, Wally was the president of The Flash fan club at his school. He also day dreamed of having powers and saving people like The Flash did daily. This often times lead to conflict between him and his parents and teachers.

One fatal day he would go visit his aunt. Do to the busy nature of her job, she asked her then boyfriend (later on husband) Barry Allen to give Wally a tour of the crime lab and talk to Wally about the duties and jobs of a CSI. During this tour, a flash of lightning would give him super powers allowing him to become a superhero in his own right. He started as kid flash but has now moved on to fill his mentor's old role as The Flash.


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Reactions: Raynar Saassin
Just a friendly boop to say that this is still open to any and all who are interested in participating in this little story of mine! And to everyone, I'd like to say something.

You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

I'll edit this into the original post as well but that's for the record! You aren't limited to video games or anime or tv shows or whatever!
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Reactions: ThePotatoGod

Name: Elaine Dukkha

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:
C-20A rifle, capable of sniper and assault rifle modes, with grenade launcher mounting variety of grenades
Psionic blade

Hostile Environment Suit with cloaking capability
Vial of Terrazine

Psi Index 8 - empathy, telepathy, psionic shock, psionic speed, telekinesis

Extra Info:
Elaine is a Ghost, a psionic commando and assassin of the Terran Dominion. Trained from early childhood in the harsh Ghost Academy, she graduated just in time to see action during the Brood War. Disturbingly, she was assigned not to alien targets but to fellow Terrans, including the delivery of a nuke to a rebellious colony. Always a touch too gentle and sensitive for her own good, she felt the psychic disturbance of thousands of military and civilian casualties keenly. Despite being mindwiped after the mission, she retained a sense of uneasy guilt.

She was tapped for entry to Project Shadowblade, which would have turned her into a Spectre. But exposure to the psi-enhancing Terrazine gas had its usual erratic effects: in her case, it enhanced her empathic abilities and turned them inwards, enabling her to circumvent the effects of mindwiping and regain parts of her memory. These were confused and fragmented but she was able to gain enough of a picture to understand why she felt so haunted. Before she could act on this insight, she was caught up in the events of the Spectre Rebellion, eventually ending up fighting on the side of the Spectres even though she was still "only" a Ghost.
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Reactions: Raynar Saassin
Yo! A StarCraft OC! Elaine will be a very fine addition, thank you! Glad to see another SC fan!
Another friendly boop to let any watchers or interest seekers know that I shall be waiting a few more days before I kickstart this story off! You do not need to worry so much about rushing a sheet if it starts and you cannot make it, a second batch of signups will be made later on!

@ThePotatoGod | @dark | @LuckycoolHawk9 | @Gotham Knight Todd | @Ariel = Thank you guys again for signing up! The story shall kick off soon! :thumbsup:
Another friendly boop to let any watchers or interest seekers know that I shall be waiting a few more days before I kickstart this story off! You do not need to worry so much about rushing a sheet if it starts and you cannot make it, a second batch of signups will be made later on!

@ThePotatoGod | @dark | @LuckycoolHawk9 | @Gotham Knight Todd | @Ariel = Thank you guys again for signing up! The story shall kick off soon! :thumbsup:
This is still up right ?
Another friendly boop to let any watchers or interest seekers know that I shall be waiting a few more days before I kickstart this story off! You do not need to worry so much about rushing a sheet if it starts and you cannot make it, a second batch of signups will be made later on!

@ThePotatoGod | @dark | @LuckycoolHawk9 | @Gotham Knight Todd | @Ariel = Thank you guys again for signing up! The story shall kick off soon! :thumbsup:
This is still up right ?
may I add my two ghost boys in or should I change them a little for this specific rp?
may I add my two ghost boys in or should I change them a little for this specific rp?
Are they fully corporeal? If you can make them physically interactable, then it should be fine.
may I add my two ghost boys in or should I change them a little for this specific rp?
Are they fully corporeal? If you can make them physically interactable, then it should be fine.
yes, they are
it's an optional thing for them, they can become tangible or intangible
If you can make them tangible by default and have the intangible change temporary, then that'd be great.
aight, give me a few minutes and I'll have it ready!
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Reactions: Raynar Saassin
Appearance:Screen Shot 2022-09-19 at 5.07.55 PM.png

Name: Yuuji Rurikawa

(If known): ??? (fourteen, thirty-five plus)

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers
(Either described or a Wiki link.):
  1. Cat ears and tail. Basically a neko, when activated
    He has super hearing and can climb on walls and ceilings, like, walk on them.
    He can float and hide his scars as well, neko powers can be controlled, but whenever he has high amounts of emotions, they just.. pop out.

    Scars: when he reveals his scars, rarely, his right had shrivels up as if run over by a truck, but in reality the heaviest part of the whole set was there. His hair becomes matted with blood, and his face is stained too, along with his left hand becoming covered in dry blood. His legs are mostly untouched other than long cuts and slices on them.

Extra Info:
- as per requested, he can become intangible, but only temporarily
- loves plushies
- already taken

Appearance: Here!

Name: Kaoru Sakisaka

(If known): ??? (fourteen, thirty-five plus)

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers
(Either described or a Wiki link.):
Mizu no Shuku, or Blessing of the Water: He can summon water even in areas without water and go through them and use as portals. The only exception to this rule is the pool, which only activates his fishtail ability.

Sakana Koi, or Koi Tail: When he goes into water, or when he wishes to be, the koi tail on his back disappears along with his legs, giving him a koi tail and essentially making him a mermaid. He dislikes being called a mermaid because of teasing.

Messēji no Sakana, or Messages of the Fish: He can communicate with fish and other sea creatures.

Extra Info:
- really shy

- vv quiet with anyone except Yuuji
- social anxiety, selective mutism
- basically everything that Yuuji has under "extra info".
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Reactions: Raynar Saassin
do we already have an RP thread or are we still waiting for this story to begin?
Another friendly boop to let any watchers or interest seekers know that I shall be waiting a few more days before I kickstart this story off! You do not need to worry so much about rushing a sheet if it starts and you cannot make it, a second batch of signups will be made later on!

@ThePotatoGod | @dark | @LuckycoolHawk9 | @Gotham Knight Todd | @Ariel = Thank you guys again for signing up! The story shall kick off soon! :thumbsup:
This is still up right ?
Noice. Will post my sheet soon
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