OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Third Wave Signups!

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Raynar Saassin

Multiverse RPer
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

A Melding of Alternate Futures - Third Wave!
For more information on the storyline, check here: Click me!

Two Alternate Earths were fused into one! In one Earth; the usage of a Time Machine in order to change history in favor of the Soviet Union collided with another Earth's event; involving a Satellite Strike onto a target which caused a large chain reaction with a volatile alien mineral. Now, these Earths have combined and are facing dangerous tidings of war and infection. To make matters more interesting, the melding caused a multiversal anomaly at the same time; dubbed by the people of the combined Earth as the Continuum Cataclysm, pulling individuals from different universes entirely, as well as individuals from other Earths.​

The main group had finally made it to civilization; rescued by a group of Soldiers led by a GDA Commando. Brought to America, the GDA explained everything and assigned everyone to a new set of coordinates on Earth; more individuals ripped out of their respective realities and thrown onto the Earth in a coma. They were split up to each location and made landfall. Some groups successfully found their targets and were on their way to bring them home, whilst some were engaging the various factions that vowed to do the same. However something else was amiss. The main headquarters of the GDA spotted some signals in our Solar System, specifically around Jupiter. Something was coming. But to make matters worse, more anomalies were appearing on Earth. Another round of individuals were ripped from their homes, and dropped onto Earth.

Who were they? And what will happen to them?

Character Restrictions are in place in this one. The people of the Command and Conquer Universe are from the 1900 - 2000's. Everyone still uses modern day bullets and armor, mixed in with different technological advancements: such as Cyro (Freezing), Transforming Vehicles and Ships, Space Travel, Lasers and Stealth. Aside from one faction utilizing the power of an alien element known as Tiberium in order to augment their soldiers, the otherworldly properties of the Alien Scrin whom are capable of space travel and storm manipulation, and the technological superiority of the Empire of the Rising Sun with their transforming vehicles, mechanical soldiers and vehicles, and physic powers, there are no strong superpowers.

In short: No characters with powers capable of extremely large scale destruction or potential to destroy planets. Characters with Shields are allowed as the Scrin do have shielded organisms and vehicles, and some basic superpowers / physic abilities are acceptable due to the presence of the Japanese Commando, Yuriko Omega.

If you're worried about a certain character, mention it and I'll take a look.

You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

If you're curious, here is the cast list of the first group:

V (Devil May Cry)
Thomas Sinclair (Killzone)
Angelo Ryan Rose (OC)
Wallace | The Flash (DC)
Elaine Dukkah (OC - StarCraft)
Yuuji Rurikawa (OC) | Kaoru Sakisaka (OC)
Captain Gregor Vorrsk (OC - Warhammer 40K)
The Imagined (Fortnite)

And the cast list of the second group:

Marius Titus (Ryse: Son of Rome)
Крис/Chris (OC)
Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Haru Okumura (Persona)
Bert "White Devil" Vaughn (OC)
Sakuto Sakuma (OC)
Colby "The Chosen One" Madden (Villains of Valley View)

Be sure to join our OOC Discord Server to interact with us, say hello and keep up to date on what's happening! This area also includes more information about what's going on.

Character Sheet:



Age: (If known)

Canon or OC?:

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: (Either described or a Wiki link.)

Extra Info:​

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Scott Summers / "Cyclops"


Canon or OC?
Canon (Marvel)

Weapons / Abilities / Powers
Ruby Quartz
For reasons yet unknown to Scott and the rest of the X-Men, least of all Charles Xavier, the rare mineral ruby quartz is the only known substance that is capable of containing the energy that his optic blasts are made of. When he is out of costume, Scott wears ruby quartz sunglasses, whereas he wears a custom designed ruby quartz visor when he is out in the field as Cyclops that allows him to more precisely focus his optic blasts. However, other devices or armor made of ruby quartz would also protect the wearer from being affected by Scott's optic blasts.

Optic Blasts
Scott's mutation causes his eyes to project continuous beams of overwhelming concussive force whenever they are open. The intensity of these blasts is concurrent with the length of time Scott sustains them, as well as being affected by his amount of focus or the intensity of his current emotional state. A standard blast is capable of sending vehicles flying, whereas more powerful beams can wreak untold havoc on the environment. Without ruby quartz lenses, Scott's blasts can't be stopped from leaving his eyes for as long as they are open. With a custom made visor or glasses, however, Scott may selectively release optic blasts by exposing his eyes or filtering the visor. He has become particularly tactical with his optic blasts, using an advanced understanding of geometry to maximize his effectiveness in close spaces and even ricocheting his blasts off of surfaces at precise angles to attack otherwise safe targets.

Scott Summers isn't new to the superhero game. Trained to use his superpowers ever since he was a child by Charles Xavier, he has two decades of experience using his powers to help others, as well as teamwork and leadership skills, both in and outside of his time as an X-Man. Scott is a natural leader, and is equipped to tackle most situations with quick thinking and sharp discipline. This skill set is just as applicable outside of being an X-Man, particularly when it comes to being a mentor to mutants of the next generation.

Scott has more experience piloting all sorts of vehicles than he ought to legally admit, on account of the fact that most of this operation was done without a license, without a legal adult chaperone, in perilous situations, or, as the case often was, all of the above. Scott has a driving, piloting, and boating license now, though his personal experience operating these vehicles (especially the Blackbird on more than a few occasions) more than speaks for his ability in this than any piece of plastic can.

Extra Info
This version of the character is taken from Brian Michael Bendis' run of Uncanny X-Men, where he is more of a radicalized extremist and hostile to non-mutant viewpoints.

Scott has feelings about being a child soldier.

Feelings like this.

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— — — Character Sheet — — —


Angel (80%) | Demon (20%) Crossbreed, Real Self:

Human Shapeshifted Form:

Crossbreed Description: Holly stands at about 1.62 meters or 5'3" feet tall and has a beautiful hourglass figure, which is curvy. She has a light complexion and bluish-purple colored eyes with regular pupils and two large, white angel wings protruding from her back. Holly has beautiful long whitish pink hair that reaches her lower back but is usually kept in a ponytail. Holly wears beautifully elegant dresses, formal or otherwise. For combat purposes, Holly wears a long historic armor that was passed down to her by her mother, Amaryl Riley Enigma, the Enigmatic Angelic Armor. It was the Enigma Family's heirloom armor. All her clothes and armor are fitted to allow her wings free movement.

Around her neck is the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Light, which her twin wears the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Darkness. The jewel on her necklace is called the Jeihirea, the Pearl of Prophecy, or the Jewel of Light. It is in half simply because it connects with the Jewel of Darkness, the Nahirea, and the Obisidan of Purgatory.

Human Shapeshifted Description: Holly stands at about 1.62 meters or 5.3 feet tall and has a beautiful hourglass figure, which is curvy. She has a light complexion and greenish-blue colored eyes with regular pupils, and beautiful jewelry on her with the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Light around her neck. Her hair is gorgeous long whitish pink hair that reaches to her lower back but is kept in a ponytail. Holly wears beautiful clothes for female humans, which are dresses, formal or otherwise. Holly only has the Enigmatic Spear for protection for combat purposes, and her combat armor is specifically for her natural form.

Holly's Human Shapeshifted clothes are fitted for comfort primarily. She wears shoes that fit the occasion of walking in a hostile environment: combat stilettos or high heels.

Name: Holly Ragna Enigma

Age: Four Centuries Old (Looks 18-19 Years Old)

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:

Dark Sera Spear of Justice, Enigmatic Spear:

The Spear is bound to a Necklace called the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Light as an additional jewel on the necklace. The Spear is soul attached to her because of the necklace. She can shrink her spear to be part of the necklace. It is made of a magic elemental metal that can use the magical elementals of Fire, Wind, Water, and Light by Enigmatic Sect Magic and can be used to coat her spear with an Advanced form of magic called Angelic Justice Magic. The Magic Elementium Metal that it is created of makes it hard to damage and nigh impossible to destroy.

-Abilities / Powers-

Enigmatic Sect Magic:
The magic domains she controls with this magic are Fire, Wind, Water, and Light. In addition, those Magic Domains can be used with an Advanced form of magic called Angelic Justice Magic that coats the Enigmatic Spear in magic. Holly only uses the Enigmatic Sect Magic offensively. She has no access to any defensive or healing magic.
-Magic Power:
Holly's Magic Power with Enigmatic Sect Magic is powerful but not powerful enough to cause disasters based on the elements she uses. They will be weaker than Leviathan's Tsunami or regular natural disasters of the same name.

The Aura of Justice:
Holly activates the Aura of Justice, which allows her to regenerate her wounds as long as it is up passively. She actively has to choose between renewing her injuries or restoring her angelic wings if the wings were injured or entirely removed from her back. In addition, the aura specifically improves Healing Magic to increase the regeneration rate by doubling or tripling to close to instant. Also, the aura has a radius of 15 meters, and those who are inside it feel the kindness and warmth from Holly. It only does something for the mind of those within the radius. In addition, Physical Healing Apparatuses (Medi-kits, etc.) and Healing Magic don't stack with each other.
-Regeneration Rate, Time Frame
-Regenerating Wounds: An Hour's utmost time limit.
-Regenerating Angel Wings: An Hour (Injured) or Three Hours (Removed from her back)
-Regeneration can be interrupted to entirely reset the time required to regenerate her wounds or regenerate her angel wings passively. In addition, if she is knocked unconscious, the Aura of Justice will turn itself off and must be reactivated to continue regenerating her wounds or angelic wings.
-The Aura of Justice enormously weakens her magic offensively by making it unable to form more significant than a Bolt of Water, etc. These bolts are similar to arrows, or bolts are identical to Crossbows and Longbows Ammunition in terms of the actual size of the magic used.

Holly's Telekinesis is only capable enough to lift Light Vehicles that are based explicitly around wheeled vehicles or half-tracks. She primarily uses this to pick up items high on shelves because of her height of 5'3" in her shapeshifted form. However, if someone needs help with ammo clips, Holly can easily telekinetically pick it up and gently toss it with her Telekinesis. She can use her Telekinesis by duplicating the Enigmatic Spear by creating Telekinetic Duplicate Weapons, which are a replica of her weapon but aren't made up of the same material since it is based on Holly's mind.
-Unaffected by her Telekinesis:
Holly cannot pick up Main Battle Tanks or Larger, unlike the ultimate Telekinetic, Yuriko Omega.
Her Telekinesis cannot collapse buildings, unlike the ultimate Telekinetic called Yuriko Omega.
-Telekinetic Duplicative Weapon
The Replica Telekinetic Weapons precisely match her Enigmatic Spear in everything but exact color since they are purely pink weapons made up of Holly's mind. These two duplicates cannot leave a 10-meter radius around Holly, but they are Spear Replica weapons. These weapons only last for an hour, and it takes her at most three hours before she can replicate the Enigmatic Spear again.

The Vekira Contract (Conduit Magic: Darkness):
Holly signed a contract with a Darkness Dragon named Pymmit, the Bold, which gives her access to Darkness Magic. She has to invoke this magic by saying, I, Holly, invoke the power of Pymmit, the Bold. I will show the power of my contract with Pymmit and declare you feel pity in the darkness of your malice for angering me.

Darkness Magic is its purest form, Draconic Magic. However, it can augment her Spear the same way as her Angelic Justice Magic by coating the spear in magic.
-In using the Darkness Magic drains her magic power quicker and actively hurts Holly because of her natural affinity to Light Magic. Using this magic is excruciating, but she uses it because it is offensively focused like all the rest of her spells.
-Invoking the Contract takes time, which means it can be interrupted at any point through her invoking the contract. Upwards to thirty minutes to gain every single Conduit Magic of Pure Darkness from a Darkness Dragon. She somewhat talks slower when angered. If she is interrupted, all she has access to is the weakest of all the dark magic. The most ineffective darkness spell is Dark Bolt, similar to her other Enigmatic Sect Magic Domains when Aura of Justice is activated. However, the Dark Bolt doesn't do any damage when Aura of Justice is activated.
-The Darkness Magic is similarly powerful as her Enigmatic Sect Magic Domains of Fire, Wind, Water, and Light.

Holly can shapeshift between her authentic self and a human form. The human form only has access to this singular ability of Telekinesis. With these skills, Cooking, Spearsmanship, and Writing, her appearance is greenish blue eyes, and she cannot use the Enigmatic Sect Magic, The Aura of Justice, or the Vekira Contract (Conduit Magic: Darkness) Abilities. Her Human Shapeshifted form also has greenish blue eyes compared to her Angel-Demon Crossbreed Real Self.

Shapeshifting back to her Angel-Demon Crossbreed Real Self is quicker than shapeshifting into her human-shapeshifted form. Her authentic self has her Angelic Wings and bluish-purple eyes. Also, all the limiting factors and inability to access those abilities will be lifted after she shapeshifts back to her authentic self.

Her authentic self and her Human shapeshifted form have the same hair color of whitish pink hair in a ponytail because her hair reaches her lower back.
-Limited Factored:
-The ability of Telekinesis is enormously limited by not being able to use the Telekinetic Duplicative Weapon part of Telekinesis. In addition, her Telekinesis cannot even pick up Light Vehicles while in her Shapeshifted Human Form. Anything smaller than a Light Military Vehicle (Humvee, Multigunner IFV, Bullfrog Half-Track) can be picked up, which means anything like a Buggy, Trike, or Combat Motorcycle.

-Additional Information, Skills-
Cooking: Holly enjoys cooking food for others, and she'll usually use her talents at cooking to show everyone the gentleness and kindness within her dishes. The morale is for anyone who doesn't want to starve without food in their bellies, so it's similar to a home-cooked meal.

Spearsmanship (Talented): Spearmanship is like Holly's bread and butter since she is naturally talented in wielding spears. In her home dimension, the Enigmatic Sect Dimension, it took her younger twin brother Lloyd time and effort to catch up and defeat Holly. She was a prodigy with a spear compared to most people, but her talent caused her to become slightly arrogant with how good she was with a spear.

Writing: Holly writes cryptic messages encoded but allows her to remind herself about what she needs to buy or get. She wants to remember everything that happened, so she writes it all down in a collective journal dubbed the Enigmatic Twins of Light and Dark. Specifically, the cryptic messages are for her brother, wherever he might be.

Extra Info: Holly is emotionally driven in everything she does, which is a weakness for her. She allows her emotions to control her actions which can cause her to abide by the adage of Recklessness. In addition, her Innate Magical Weakness is Darkness, which as an angel, is a bit ironic since Holly does use it. She fears the dark, Nyctophobia, and Survivor's Guilt from being one of the only two survivors of the Enigmatic Sect Dimension's Destruction.

Holly has Distorted Views on certain things, but it is only because she was gratified when she was a younger Angel-Demon Crossbreed living in the Enigmatic Sect Dimension with her mother, father, and twin brother. She is so honest that she never tells any lies, which usually gets people a bit irritated or annoyed at her. As an angel, if Holly ever tells a lie, you can quickly tell by how they act or their body language.

Holly is also overly friendly and talks about her day, but she can't control her emotions and usually tense up if she tries to lie.

— — — Character Sheet — — —


Demon (80%) | Angel (20%) Crossbreed, Real Self:

Human Shapeshifted Form:

Crossbreed Description: Lloyd stands about 1.86 meters or 6.1 feet tall and has an athletic buff build. He has a light complexion and reddish-orange colored eyes with regular pupils, two large, black demonic wings protruding from his back, and two horns sprouting from his head. Lloyd has white colored hair that is the correct length for himself. Lloyd wears handsome clothes that are fit for comfort and contrasts himself nicely with his twin sister, Holly, who always wears clothes that show off her beauty as an angel. Lloyd wears a long historic arm that was passed down to him by his father, Ernest Lionel Enigma, the Victus Corruptor Demon Armor. It was the Victus family's heirloom armor. All his clothes and armor are fitted to allow his wings free movement but better protect his demonic horns.

Around his neck is the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Darkness, which his twin wears the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Light. The jewel on his necklace is Nahirea, the Obsidian of Purgatory or the Jewel of Darkness. It is in half simply because it connects with Jeihirea, the Pearl of Prophecy also called the Jewel of Light.

Human Shapeshifted Description: Lloyd stands at 1.86 meters or 6.1 feet tall and has an athletic buff build. He has a light complexion and purple-colored eyes with draconic pupils and wears the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Darkness around his neck. His hair is handsomely long white colored hair, which sometimes covers his right eye, but Lloyd always keeps his hair in a straight style. Lloyd wears clothes that look like he has worked on machinery in his spare time, and he carries with him a small toolkit for repairs to air conditioners, etc. Lloyd similarly only has the Victus Sword for protection for combat purposes since his armor is only for his natural form.

Lloyd's Human Shapeshifted clothes are fitted for comfort primarily. He wears a mix of military-grade combat boots or regular tennis shoes.

Name: Lloyd Polaris Enigma

Age: Four Centuries Old (Looks 18-19 Years Old)

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:

The Victus Sword, Volcanoes of Injustice:

The Sword is bound to a Necklace called the Enigmatic Twin Necklace of Darkness as a bracelet on his left wrist. The Sword is soul attached to him because of the necklace. He can shrink the Sword to become a bracelet on his left wrist. Unlike the Dark Sera Spear of Justice, its fire-aspected Magic Elementium Metal can spew flames for his Sword of Flames Techniques. In addition, Lloyd has an aura that can coat his weapon with a sword aura, which will make it glow, similar to the aspect of Lloyd's Soul. The Magic Elementium Metal that is created makes it hard to damage and nigh impossible to destroy.

Sword of Flames, Techniques:
Lloyd uses his weapon's innate techniques by invoking Flames to cover his Sword. He can launch sword wave slashes of pure fire at enemies. These techniques gather a charge-up time before he can release them.
-Technique Power:
These techniques are less potent than Holly's magic power without the Aura of Justice activated. However, they are more powerful than Holly's magical power with the Aura of Justice Active. Lloyd primarily wields Enigmatic Sect Magic in a more defensive and healing role than offensive magic.
Sword of Flames, Techniques require charge-up time before he can release a sword wave slash of fire. The maximum time frame is forty-five minutes, but it can be interrupted when he has to restart charging for a sword wave slash of fire. Those Sword of Flame Slashes that are released also drains his magic power, so it would make his Enigmatic Sect Healing and Defensive Barrier Magic weaker. His techniques that have been interrupted cost him magical power too, but not to an enormous degree as releasing them does.
-Reasoning of Use:
Lloyd's reasoning for using the Sword of Flames Technique is to help separate enemies from allies since he has a singular technique that causes an enormous flame wall. It is primarily for regrouping or retreating from a combat zone.

-Abilities / Powers-

Enigmatic Sect Magic:
He controls the magic domains with this magic: Fire, Wind, Water, Darkness, and Light. Lloyd uses his Enigmatic Sect Magic for a dual purpose, healing magic and defensive spells. He uses his magic to shield allies from damage or recover any of their injuries because he's primarily classified as a healer or supporter. In addition, those Magic Domains can be used with an Advanced form of Magic called Demonic Injustice Magic, which allows him to cast healing spells, which increase the natural regeneration of others. Lloyd has no access to any Offensive Enigmatic Sect Magic, similar to Holly's inability to use any of the Healing or Defensive Spells.
-Magic Power:
Lloyd's Magic power with Enigmatic Sect Magic is potent enough, but not to the point of Holly's levels. His magical barriers, healing spells, and regenerative spells can help those in need.
--Defensive Spells:
Lloyd's defensive spells only last for an hour at most. Those barriers are Fire, Wind, Water, Darkness, and Light Magic. These barriers can protect against Light Vehicles firing upon you.
--Healing Spells:
Lloyd's Healing spells are potent enough to heal minor wounds much faster than physical healing apparatuses (medkits, etc.), which is instant. The heavier the injuries require more than one cast of Lloyd's Healing spells. However, these healing spells cast on Holly by Lloyd can double or triple her regeneration in close to an instant as long as she has the Aura of Justice Active.
-Required Casts:
-Minor Wounds - 1 Spell Cast
-Medium Wounds - 2 Spell Casts
-Heavy Wounds (Life-Threatening) - 3 Spell Casts
--Regenerative Spells:
Lloyd's Regeneration Spells, accessible by Demonic Injustice Magic, can regenerate wounds from an hour to three hours, depending on the injury required to be healed. However, these regenerative spells cast on Holly by Lloyd can double or triple her regeneration in close to an instant as long as she has the Aura of Justice Active.
Enigmatic Sect Magic and its Advanced counterpart, Demonic Injustice Magic, require much magical power to cast Lloyd's spells. If he has less magic power for whatever reason, it will affect the healing potency of the spells. It will double the number of spells he needs to cast on a person by his regular healing spells. In addition, Lloyd's Regenerative Spells will take two to six hours to regenerate wounds.

Lloyd's Defensive Spells can only defend against Light Vehicle Attacks (Wheeled Vehicles/Half-Tracks). The magical power makes it only able to protect against weapons fire from smaller than a Light Military Vehicle to Infantry Weaponry. Also, the Defensive Barrier lasts for half the time compared to an hour. All this depends on Lloyd using the Sword of Flames, Techniques or not. If he does, the magical power will go down.

The Light Magic Domain in his Enigmatic Sect Magic actively hurts him every time he casts it. However, he won't use his Dark Magic Domain in his Enigmatic Sect Magic on his Twin Sister Holly. Holly is weak to Darkness Magic, and actively using that would hurt her more than heal her, so he is slightly annoyed at her actively using Darkness Magic. Therefore, he uses the Light Magic Domain of Healing, Regeneration, and Protection to keep her healthy at the cost of him becoming injured by using it. Lloyd supposes his sister's recklessness had rubbed off on him, and he purposely chose Light Magic to help out his twin sister.

The Aura of Injustice:
Lloyd activates the Aura of Injustice that creates any form of Spiritual Weaponry that isn't the Victus Sword or uses his swordsmanship. Lloyd can wield the Spiritual Weaponry, or it can hover and move around as if his will controls them. Those weapons have a 20-meter radius around Lloyd; if they surpass that, they will dissipate. As long as Lloyd is conscious, those Spiritual Weaponry stays manifested or doesn't actively choose to deactivate the Aura of Injustice. This Spiritual Weaponry is a training tool for Holly to better understand the art of war.
-Spiritual Weaponry, Aura Effects
-Spiritual Weaponry Forms: Spears, etc.
-Spiritual Weaponry Time to Manifest: 5 minutes per weapon he manifests in a 20-meter radius.
-Spiritual Weapon Limit: Five Weapons
-Spiritual Weaponry Time Limit: Spiritual Weaponry's Manifested Time Frame is an hour for all five weapons after he manifests them.
-Lloyd's Spiritual Weaponry can be stopped at any point during the manifesting process, which will cause the weapon to dissipate. He has to retry manifesting the weapon entirely. In addition, if he is knocked unconscious, the Aura of Injustice will turn itself off and must be reactivated to resummon Five Spiritual Weapons.

Eyes of Injustice: Lloyd's eyes can see a person's intentions of friendliness, hostility, cautiousness, or trying to trick others. Those people who believe themselves cunning or devious enough cannot deceive Lloyd because he sees their truth by the aura's color and if it ever moves towards trying to trick or hide their hostility. In addition, his eyes can see stealthed vehicles, weapons, or people. Because of this, his Twin Sister Holly wasn't tormented by weapons made to torment Angels of Justice.
-Focused Point:
Lloyd has to focus his eyes for a few minutes to see a stealthed vehicle, weapon, or people. Usually, it is to ensure Holly's safety more than anything.
If Lloyd blinks, he will have to refocus to see stealthed vehicles, weapons, or people.

The Daedalus Contract (Conduit Magic: Frostfire): Lloyd signed a contract with a Bluish Silver Dragon named Ryldral, the Cautious, which gives him access to Frostfire Magic. He has to invoke this magic by saying, I, Lloyd invoke the power of Ryldral, the Cautious. The Frostfire will protect your lives if you believe in Ryldral, the Cautious, and me.

Frostfire Magic is its purest form, Draconic Magic. Lloyd uses it the same way as his Enigmatic Sect Magic and Demonic Injustice Magic. However, the spell's potency is slightly better on medium and heavy wounds, but only by a factor of two.
-Healing Spells used by the contract heal medium and heavy wounds much easier. One Spell Cast for Medium and Two Spell casts for Heavy Wounds.
-The Defensive Magic Spells, which he invokes from the Frostfire Magic, are similarly vital to the Defensive Magic Spells of the Enigmatic Sect Magic. In conjunction, the Regenerative Spells that Lloyd can use from this contract is equally strong as Demonic Injustice Magic.
-Invoking the Contract takes time, which means it can be interrupted at any point by invoking the contract. Upwards to thirty minutes to gain every single Conduit Magic of Pure Frostfire from a Silver Dragon. If he is interrupted, all he has access to is the base healing spells that can only heal Minor Wounds.

Lloyd can shapeshift between his authentic self and a human form. The human form only has access to this singular ability of Eyes of Injustice. With these skills, Weapon Master, Tactically-Minded, Tinkering, Repairing, etc., his appearance is purple-colored eyes with draconic pupils, and he cannot use the Enigmatic Sect Magic, the Aura of Injustice, or the Daedalus Contract (Conduit Magic: Frostfire) Abilities. His Human Shapeshifted form also has purple-colored eyes with draconic pupils compared to his Demon-Angel Crossbreed Real Self.

Shapeshifting back to his Demon-Angel Crossbreed Real Self is quicker than shapeshifting into his human-shapeshifted form. His authentic self has his Demonic Wings, Demonic Horns, and Reddish-Orange colored eyes with regular pupils. Also, all the limiting factors and inability to access those abilities will be lifted after he shapeshifts back to his authentic self.

His authentic self and his Human-Shapeshifted form have the same hair color of white, but the human-shapeshifted state has longer hair than his original self.
-Limited Factored:
-The ability of Eyes of Injustice is limited by not being able to see stealthed vehicles, weapons, or people only by being in his human-shapeshifted form.

-Additional Information, Skills-

Weapon Master (Trainer): Lloyd is what you call a weapon master in terms of skills, and he can wield any weapon that he can set his mind to but must make a concerted effect in training to wield the weapon. Some people he knows to call him the effort-driven weapon master, but that was for the people within the Enigmatic Sect Dimension. His primary weapon class and style is swordsmanship, and the primary weapon is the Victus Sword, Volcanoes of Injustice. He holds his sword with what most people forget, and that's honoring those who fight him and honing his swordsmanship. In addition, he trains those who require ways to use weapons that differ from their primary choice.
-Additional Information:
-The Aura of Injustice is why he became a weapon master since he creates different weapons that differ from his primary weapon of choice to help his older twin sister, Holly.

Tactically-Minded (Strategizes): Lloyd had an understanding of weapons, magic, and other kinds of tactics. Employing strategies takes time, but he usually has a much better experience with theories and whatnot, depending on what's happening around him. It does help that he never shows any anger and is honorably fighting for what he believes in, which depends on your talent putting in the effort is a waste of time. Lloyd has many weaknesses of his twin sister in this aspect because of her innate recklessness and attitude of how she usually fights.

His tactics were why Holly and he were able to survive the destruction of the Enigmatic Sect Dimension.
-Quick Learner:
-He has always been a quick learner by only watching what others have done in their time. It is how he quickly discovered his twin sister's weaknesses because of her overreliance on only her talent over putting effort into that talent.

Tinkering, Repairing, etc. (Engineering): Lloyd took a liking to repairing, tinkering, or anything that involved his hands. If it were deemed broken, he would take his time to fix it. Unlike Holly, he would charge for his services because he wanted to work on something that needed to be fixed. His background is primarily from the fact that the Enigmatic Sect Dimension had multitude of technology of far in the future, all the way to medieval era technology. He will repair it if it needs to be fixed, depending on the payments required.
Lloyd is an engineer because he can understand the technology required to repair. His stubborn nature will ensure it is back to the standard of what the person wants. If they wanted a fixed watch when they first bought it, Lloyd would fix it at the factory manufacturer base model.

Extra Info: Lloyd keeps his emotions bottled in, making him look like a jaded dick compared to his twin sister Holly. He cares for his twin sister, but he doesn't show it often and is always thinking logically and realistically about the over-optimistic nepotism of Holly. It is internalized Focused emotions instead of being emotionally driven. Lloyd has Thanatophobia, which is the fear of losing loved ones. The Destruction of the Enigmatic Sect Dimension made him already lose loved ones, but he won't lose another since his twin sister is all he has left.

Lloyd has an innate magical weakness to Light, a demon, but he uses Light Magic to heal his twin sister because the alternative would be hurting her by casting Darkness Healing Magic on her. It hurts him as much as Holly stubbornly using Darkness Magic. He has intense Survivor's guilt from being one of the only two survivors of the Enigmatic Sect Dimension's Destruction. Lloyd has privileged views, similar to his sister's distorted views, but he grew up and gained a realistic mindset over the distorted views.

Lloyd is a frequent liar but doesn't believe his own lies like some people would think. It is only to protect his twin sister's sensibilities because sometimes it is worse for her to know the whole truth than to tell her a lie. Lying is part of a Demon of Injustice's life. However, telling the truth can sometimes be necessary, but in Lloyd's case, he wouldn't want to tell the truth since Holly is such an emotional wreck most of the time.

Lloyd rolls his eyes, shrugs his shoulders, or anything that involves his older twin sister, Holly, is a handful. He usually tenses up if he ever tries to tell the truth.
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Still looking for some new members to join our lovely group! If you're interested, don't be afraid to contact me or join our Out of Character Discord Server! (Link is in the main post.)

Also! If anyone here is a fan of Overwatch, I would personally adore if any Overwatch members (~~Or Talon~~) were unexpectedly thrown into our amalgamation of an Earth. Could make things spicy!
Character Sheet:​


: Keigo Takami​

: (If known)23 years old​

Canon or OC?

Weapons / Abilities / Powers
: (Either described or a Wiki link.)

Extra Info: I'll add in more to the post later today.

Character Sheet:​


: Naomi Tatsuya​

: (If known) 19 years old​

Canon or OC?
:OC from MHA universe​

Weapons / Abilities / Powers
Extra Info: I'll add in more to the post later today.
Still looking for some new members to join our lovely group! If you're interested, don't be afraid to contact me or join our Out of Character Discord Server! (Link is in the main post.)

Things may be slow at the moment but they will pick up later! Join now whilst you can if you are at all interested!
Still on the lookout for new players! A chapter in the main story is coming to an end soon, and more slots here are open for people to join! If you are at all interested, please come hang out in the Out of Character Discord Server which is linked in the first post and come say hi!
One final bump for anyone who's interested in joining the group! We're only a few posts away from starting Chapter 2, if people are at all interested in signing up, please do it now! And also join our OOC Discord which is linked in the top post, it's the best way to talk to me about it!

You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

Nearly there! Join now whilst you still can!
Character Sheet



Name: Guido Mista

Age: 19

Canon or OC?: Canon to Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: Mista always carries his revolver with him. He in addition has his stand the Sex Pistols which is bound to the stand.

God Save the Queen
The Facist Regime
They made you a moron
A potential H Bomb

Stand Name: Sex Pistols
Stand User: Guido Mista
Stand Namesake: Sex Pistols
Stand Type: Long-Rane, Colony Stand, Sentient Stand
Stand Stats
Power E
Range B
Speed A
Durability A
Precision A
Potential B
Stand Ability

Bullet Control

Sex Pistols lives in Mista's Gun. They can ride on the bullets and redirect them throughout a conflict provided the bullet still has moment going and can continue doing so until a bullet hits it's target.

Bullet Deflection
The Sex Pistols can deflect a bullet either with another bullet, or with their bare hands or feet. This can be used to guide Mista during a battle and protect him from harm.

Enhanced Perception
The Sex Pistols have enhanced perception. They can see an enemy from far away and identify them with certainty.

Enhanced Reloading
With their extreme speed, the Sex Pistols can reload Mista's gun within seconds of it being emptied, much faster than Mista on his own.

Extra Info: Mista was born in Naples, Italy. He spent much of his early life there surviving on the streets and staying out of trouble. Until one fatal night where he would find a group attempting to gang rape a woman, during the struggle he would gain a gun and fire four times, killing each member of the group. However, the courts would rule that he was a murderer as he fired four times to kill three people.

He would be bailed out of prison by local Monster Bruno Bucciarti. This event led to Mista pledging his loyalty to him and joining the crime organization Passione. He would run missions solely for Bucciarti at the beginning, however, eventually a young man named Giorno Giovanna would join their group.

With the new member, came a new crusade. After successfully defending their mysterious Boss's daughter until she reached him, Bucciarti would betray the boss by saving her life. He gave Mista an and everyone else in his group a choice, leave and stay safe, or go with him and become a traitor. Mista chose to go with Bucciarti.

The path was long and hard, ultimately costing most of his friends including Bucciarti, but when the dust settled the boss was finally dead. Mista would become Giorno's third in command when he took over Passione in the aftermath.
Character Sheet:​

He is 6 feet and 7 inches tall, he has long white hair, he wears dark clothes, he has a scar on his neck, which permanently damaged his vocal cords, a scar across his face, scars on his back and chest. green eyes, he is very fit under his clothes, and he wears a name tag.



Name: Vox Zéro

Age: (If known) 31

Canon or OC?: OC

A scythe 3/4 the size of Vox.

Abilities/ Powers:
Umbrakinesis: The ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. (Cannot control the shadows of people.)
Osteokinesis: The ability to manipulate bones. (Cannot manipulate the bones of living people.)
Raven: The ability to create, control, and see through the eyes of ravens.
Pocket Dimension: A small dimension that can store almost anything. (Cannot store anything that is not alive of bigger than the Vox.)
Lesser Shapeshifting: The ability to change the appearance of the user. (Limited to animals and people. Vox does not gain the supernatural abilities of the person the user has shifted into. Vox will still be unable to speak.)
Enhanced Strength: Strength heightened above that of a normal human.
Enhanced Speed: Speed heightened above that of a normal human.
Enhanced Agility: Agility heightened above that of a normal human.

Extra Info:
Vox is lovable, considerate, comedic, helpful, and overall he is a joy to be around.
Vox knows several different types of sign language, but he mainly uses texts and sticky notes to converse with people.
Vox also understands how to write in several different languages.
One final, final bump! Signups will shut after a week, maybe a bit longer afterwards! Get in whilst you can! If you have questions, do join the OOC Discord Server where you can chat to me and other members of the group!


"It's hero time!"

Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson



Weapons / Abilities / Powers:
Ben Tennyson is the wielder of the most powerful device in the universe, as others put it, the Omnitrix. Its so-called untold power is to allow the wielder to turn into many different sentient alien species throughout the galaxy - and it has the means to catalog even more of such lifeforms! This watch-like device has many other features, but that's a story for another time.

While wielding his iconic device to kick butt is what he's known for, he has assorted talents, such as being a natural at riding a hoverboard that would usually take months to master, photographic memory, natural leadership and more. He's not living up to his potential at school, that is for certain!

Extra Info:
Taken from after the end of Ben 10: Omniverse.


"Aren't you glad to be in the same room with Mellenium's most beautiful genius hacker?"

Akeboshi Himari



Weapons / Abilities / Powers:

Let's Show Them What We Can Do:
Increase Attack of one ally by 105% for 13 seconds.


This May Come as a Bit of a Surprise to You:
Every 30 seconds, deal 241% damage to one enemy.
Decrease their Evasion by 27.1% for 23 seconds.


Delicate clifftop flower:
Increase Attack by 26.6%.


Increase Cost Recovery of allies by 20.2%.


The pistol referred to as the Clifftop Flower that she rarely uses. Rarely.

Within combat situations (where she mainly supports), Himari is an expert in urban combat, neutral with outdoors combat and weak at indoors combat.

In terms of in-lore feats, Himari's main expertise and role is that of a leading genius hacker who is the current leader of the Super Phenomenon Task Force, and one of three in Mellenium who can claim the title of "Omniscience".

Her wheelchair is of some of the most advanced Mellenium technology, and it is through this all-purpose throne that she performs her duties.

Extra Info:
Generally a support combatant who stays indoors.​
Sign-ups are now closed! Thank you all for signing up and hope you enjoy the ride!

As you're all in the Discord, I've left the Chapter link in the Announcements Channel.

To any others who wished to participate but didn't have the time, do not fret! The Discord Invite in this thread is a permanent one so if you're ever curious, don't hesitate to jump in and say hello!
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