OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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Raynar Saassin

Multiverse RPer
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

Prologue - A Melding of Futures

Two Alternate Earths. One where a horrific history was prevented, and one where a new one was forged from space. One Earth was plagued with a alien substance; Tiberium, mutating the world and bringing about a new war between the Global Defense Initiative; wanting to remove Tiberium from the world, against the Brotherhood of Nod who it's leader; Kane, wished to utilize the mineral to further humanity's evolution and draw them further towards the path of Ascension.

In the historical Earth, the Soviet Union had been bested by the Allies; losing their capital of Moscow and their Premier had fled. However, a man by the name of Anatoly Cherdenko, had finally finished a secret project; a Time Machine in which he; a Soviet General known as Krukov and the lead scientist of the project; Gregor Zelinsky, used it to travel back in time:


The three of them had arrived at their destination. As the man in the middle; Krukov, attempted to touch something, the Scientist stopped him.

"No no touch nothing! One mustn't do anything to disrupt Space Time Continuum."
"Where are we?"
"Brussels. 1927."
"The Solvay International Physics Conference."


"Is that Einstein?"
"Yes, Doctor. The one responsible for our enemies technological superiority. The man who made them... Invincible."
"What do you plan to do?"

Einstein then walked over to them.



They had then returned back to their timeline only to see drastic changes; Cherdenko was made Premier, no Nuclear Weapons had been invented, and the Japanese had advanced extremely in the field of technology; launching a full scale invasion against the world...

— — — — — — — — —

In the Tiberium Earth, a large strike force led by the GDI Commander launched a large and daring raid against the Brotherhood's primary base of operations in Sarajevo; Temple Prime. They succeeded in destroying Nod's defenses and Temple Prime was vulnerable.

GDI Central Command

Washington, DC

Blue Zone B-2


"Well, Commander. I was wrong, you did a hell of a job capturing the temple and your timing was impeccable. They were in the final stage of developing a Liquid Tiberium Bomb, but we managed to secure all the materials. We also have reports that Kane and his inner circle have sealed themselves off in a sub-basement of the temple. Unfortunately the place is impenetrable so you'll have to sweat them out."


"Tell me General, our asset defenses, they're back online are they not?"
"You're not suggesting the Ion Cannon, are you?"
"No General, I am not suggesting it, I'm ordering it."
"You realize we're talking about a facility where Liquid Tiberium was being manufactured. An Ion Cannon blast would be disastrous to the region. Sandra, I need Dr. Gero in Brazil. Dr. Gero does our leading Tiberium scientists, hopefully we can talk you out of this---"
"General this is a Nod controlled Yellow Zone, whatever the repercussions of the Ion Strike may be, my concerns are not for the locals of this region, my concerns are for the GDI Public. The GDI Populace have been promised payback for the Philadelphia---"
"Guards. Sick man, do not make this about your political credibility---"
"Excuse me, General but Dr. Gero has gone missing as well as the Scientists. Reports claim they've been captured by Nod."

"Well, that settles it. Commander! I want you to end this once and for all!"

The GDI Commander had then been authorized the use of the GDI Ion Cannon network, and fired upon the temple. The corresponding blast had also destroyed all the Liquid Tiberium and the extremely large sources of Tiberium Crystal underneath the temple:


However something went wrong. The timing of the Time Machine in the Historical Earth, and that of the Ion Cannon strike had caused a spark of energy; melding the two Earths together! The matter of which is almost impossible to explain. With the impending threat of the Scrin due to the Tiberium Detonation, and the war of the three powers, the new Earth was in for a bad time.

— — — — — — — — —

Two Months Later . . .

Two months had passed since both Earths merged. The world had suffered numerous casualties in the millions as the infestation of Tiberium continued to spread; marking most of the world as Yellow Zones; barely inhabitable but also populated with Tiberium based Lifeforms and mutated humans. There were also Red Zones; sections of the world that have been fully overcome by Tiberium, designated as Dead Man Lands; warned never to cross into due to the severe concentrations of the mineral, both on the surface and underground. Whatever's left of the majority of the population reside in Blue Zones; locations on Earth that have yet to be infested, and act as safe havens.

The combined forces of the Allies and the Global Defense Initiative reside in North America, The United Kingdom and the remains of Europe; collectively known as the EDA; Earth Defensive Alliance. The Brotherhood of Nod occupy the majority of Yellow Zones and actively threaten EDA forces. Russia was overcame the most with Tiberium Infestation and the wrath of the Empire of the Rising Sun, wiping most of them out. In their dire straits, they were converted into the Brotherhood, now under the command of Kane. The Empire of the Rising Sun took some hits from all sides, and now reside entirety on their Floating Island Fortresses; four of them total. Highly defended positions, the Japanese periodically make precision strikes against all factions for survival.

This event; dubbed the Continuum Cataclysm Event, marked the day that Earth would change forever, having been invaded by numerous beings from physical and digital media, almost as if it was a fever dream. These entities, no matter their appearances, now reside within these factions; the majority of them siding with the EDA, who launch periodic missions in the hopes of reaching them before the Brotherhood of Nod or the Empire can trick them.

New beings from other worlds and versions of Earth still arrive randomly on the planet, unaware of their surroundings and unconscious at first...

— — — — — — — — —

Warsaw - Poland
Western Europe, Yellow Zone
18:37 Local Time


Within the ruined remains of Warsaw, another group of anomalies were pulled from their respective realities, knocked unconscious and on the ground. They'd feel as if they had taken a blunt force strike to the head and rendered so, waking up to the sight of a destroyed city. The sky was clear with no clouds in sight, and the sun showed most of the remaining infrastructure. This group now had to figure out where they were, and how to find civilization...

Before Civilization finds them...
— — — — — — — — —
@ThePotatoGod as V (Devil May Cry)
@dark as Thomas Sinclair (Killzone)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Angelo Ryan Rose (OC)
@Gotham Knight Todd as Wallace | The Flash (DC)
@Ariel as Elaine Dukkah (OC - StarCraft)
@Foxes81 as Yuuji Rurikawa (OC) & Kaoru Sakisaka (OC)
@Signupname as Captain Gregor Vorrsk (OC - Warhammer 40K)
@Hahli Nuva as The Imagined (Fortnite)
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Sinclair opened his eyes, he had quite the headache to say the least as he sat up. He waited seconds for his vision to clear up and then he was back
to immediate attention to his surroundings. He was no longer in the late year of 2360 and now was trying to sum up the situation in his own words.

The Shadow Marshall director looked up and stopped, observing the situation at hand, eying building after building within his range.

For now, he was on his own which he was used to.

Making a mental note to himself, he muttered

"This isn't Vekta, the planet I grew up on. If this isn't Vekta, then what place is.. this?!"

@ThePotatoGod @dark @Gotham Knight Todd @Ariel @Foxes81 @Signupname

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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Health
Griffon: 100% Summoned
Shadow: 0% Unsummoned
Nightmare: 0% Ready

"The night was dark, no father was there, the child was wet with dew;" - The Little Boy Lost, William Blake
Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM), @dark(Thomas Sinclair, Mentioned)​

When V was knocked out, he had just obliterated an entire grocery store's worth of food over some demons assaulting a little boy--whom V tried to scare away with his own philosophy of might makes right, deciding to save the child and his mother, knowing his own desire for a parental figure. Despite this, V was still hungry and craving food. So he did the only logical thing with the corpses of the demons he had slain, much to his bird's dismay.

He ate them, or at least, attempted to before he promptly passed out due to how frail his body is--most likely out of disgust on eating.

Next thing he knows...V woke up in an unknown location, not in the grocery store where he ate raw demon meat, but rather...Somewhere that isn't Red Grave.

V woke up at the sight of an unfamiliar destroyed city. And the absence of a great tree whose roots ran all over the town. That one detail made V believe that he is no longer in Redgrave as his head moved to the side; the only unconscious people were alive, not made into Qlipoth Roots that turned man into lifeless husks of pollen for the blood seeking tree.


Nagging Thunder Cock​

"V! Hey! V!" Called upon a familiar voice as stomping about like a chicken in front of the black clad manchild was a dark blue bird manifested from darkness. "I know you're awake, jackass! Get up! Yeah, yeah, right the fuck now! On your feet, sunshine!" It barked at its supposed owner, prompting V to groan as he sat up, the bird soon circling around him before perching on his shoulder.

"What day is it...?"

"Who knows? I was knocked out the back of my head right after you passed out eating raw demon meat so don't blame me if I lost track 'kay sweetheart? Also, I'm not your personal calendar." The bird snapped back at the man, feeling for his sword-like cane, laying right beside him along with his thick book of poems. "But what I do know is that we're not in Red Grave anymore, kid! Someone up and kidnapped us!"

"In the middle of a demonic invasion?" The man named V got himself up with the help of his blade-like cane as support. "They must be mad."

"Yeah, totally. Whoever got us here must be a bigger nutjob than both of us." The bird cackled as V looked around as bit by bit, everyone else began to wake up. "I mean look at this place! This place is the frickin' dumps! Everything here's gone to shit, and we even got some crazy weirdos with us! The only thing missing is some hobo trying to mug us!" The bird scoffed, staring at the bald man talking about another planet. "Yeesh, take a look at that guy V. He's got some fancy tech without the brains to use it."
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It was raining on Gerstorsk Quintus. Pouring rains the color of mud and dried blood bombard the surface as the wind screams its howls of hate, as if trying to drown our the noises of the Hive below. The sounds of gunfire. The ambience of battle. The droning chants of flies and growling moans of the infected.

It was 77 days since the first recorded patient was detected. 14 days since the corpse of the head Cardinal of Gerstorsk Quintus was thrown down the rooftop to the shambling mass of horrors below, by the planet's own Planetary Governor as riotous mobs tattoed with eye searing symbols rampaging the parts of the Hive that hadn't succumbed to the infection, burning and slaughtering those who hold truth to the Emperor

It was 2 days since the Angels arrived.

Vorrsk cleaved through another mingling of infected, dven as lasbolts and stubber fire ineffectively showering his armors. The Terminator squad continues their unstoppable advances as the heretics intermingling with the shambling horde are determined to overwhelming with their bodies . Determined to shield their leader from the Emperor's righteous retribution. Power scythes cut through them entire dozens at a time, like a grim harvest, assault cannons mow down even more. Still, they keep coming, this unstoppable wave. The cultists and the infected intermingled into one. The mindless and the insane united in purpose of slaughter for the Fly God.

The Terminators keep their advances.

Teleportarium has delivered them this far. Right into the inner sanctum of this former Imperial chapel. Firearms spattings, power weapons swinging. Each strike steeped in cold hatred, each shot drenched in serene fury. The cultists and the infected charges like tidal wave. And like waves they crashed upon the blades and fire of the Death Guards

The Terminators keep their advances

Atop of the dais, the cult leaders are seemingly ascend beyond the fighting below, the ritual can afford no attraction. Their burly mutants bodyguards stands in vigilance, firmly prepares to see the ritual to its conpletion, their blades dripping with pestilences.

"There , brothers. The Heretics were put to the corners. Send them back to their foul master. For the Emperor"

Ordered the captain curtly, in his cold and hoarse Barbaran accent. And the Terminators keep their advances.


He find himself amidst a ruined city. The ritual did...something he gathered...

The Cultist chuckles, his laughters choked with plegm and blood...
Rot...and die....slave of the Corpse-God
Vorrsk squeeze the trigger. The heretics head explodes on impact of the miniature sun eveb as the portal consumes him

The Captain in his Cataphracii plate is like a Golem in myths. Already a hulking figure even among his breathren, the armor put him even more of a towering figure. Plates painted white stained dirty by the mud and dust of the battlefield. Pauldron in a moss green only slightly less tarnished. A simple patch of a skull , adorned a circle with spreading rays painted proudly. His plasma pistol is still smoking from the execution he just enacted. And his gleaming Manreaper held at the ready, its power field humming, ready to slaughter any approaching foe. He looked back, the cherub flock is still flying around him, the flail is held steady by two of the things.

Vorrsk takes a look around. It seems he is not alone. All of them looks...human atleast. He narrows an eye at one that looks like a Felinid. Well...mostly.

"Citizens. Where is the nearest Imperial garrison"
He asked the nearest one. His voice a guttural rumble.

@ThePotatoGod @dark @Gotham Knight Todd @Ariel @Foxes81
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With Sinclair and V having woken up, it was only a matter of time before their entrances would be picked up by either faction. Whilst the rest were still out for the count for now, awaiting awakening, a briefing was underway somewhere else on the planet...

Paris - France
Western Europe, Blue Zone
18:40 Local Time

Within a forward operating post underneath a partially dented Eiffel Tower, a British Officer was investigating a report that claimed increasing Nod activity. Meeting with a EDA Commando in the area, the two discussed behind close curtains in the command tent.

"Field Marshall Bingham, thank you for responding to my hail, sir."
"Being the best that the former GDI had to offer, it would be rash not to respond to your call. What do you have to tell me?"
"It's not looking good, sir. The Brotherhood has been increasing their activity in Europe recently, with what we've heard, their leader may not be dead after all."
"You mean to tell me that despite your Commander's best efforts in Serajavo, Kane is still running the show for Nod?"
"There's no other explanation sir. We did some digging within the remains, and recovered a partially broken databank; revealing two names. Kilian Qatar was last spotted rallying Nod troops in Australia, with what she claims is the best way to operate. The other, simply Ajay, retreated to Brazil, leading his sect of Nod under Kane's guidance. We may end up experiencing a splinter of sorts, or Kane is simply biding his time."
"I see. I've been told as well that some of your soldiers may have detected more Continuum spikes?"
"That's the kicker. We've isolated the signals in Poland, but we can't fully pinpoint their location. Our last intelligence report from a group of soldiers in the area indicated that before they could set up camp, communications were blanked out. Poland is a dead zone now, we can't reach anyone over there."
"That is... troubling. Then I shall entrust the task to you and your detachment. Enter Poland and track down the new arrivals. Preferably before they get discovered by any third party."
"Understood sir. Safe travels."

Warsaw - Poland
Eastern Europe, Yellow Zone
18:41 Local Time

Interactions - @dark | @ThePotatoGod | @Signupname (Status - Awoken), @Gotham Knight Todd | @Ariel | @Foxes81 (Status - Yet to regain consciousness)

Whilst the region was designated as a Yellow Zone, there was strangely no sign of Tiberium within the city; no exposed green crystals or mutations. However, in the distance not too far from the group's location behind what looked like a hotel complex, a yellow light was shot up into the sky. A signal flare would be the safe assumption along with another assumption that there were others in the city as well. Perhaps that would be their best shot? Perhaps it would be best if the rest of the group were awake for this...
Yuuji cracked his eyes open, staring up into the blue sky as his head pounded. He slowly brought his hands up, holding his head as a steady thud, thud, thud went through his head. He groaned, placing his hands to block the sun as he felt something odd on his face. "Wha-" he mumbled, sitting up as he removed a white eyepatch from his left eye, blocking his left eye and obscuring his misshapen pupil as he traced it, feeling the tear sliding down his face and the eyepatch, wet.

He suddenly remembered. "Kaoru!" he said, looking around, looking at his pink haired boyfriend, laying on the ground. Forgetting about the eyepatch that mysteriously appeared for a few moments, he went over, poking him. "Are you dead, idi-" he said, cutting off as he remembered they were already dead, so there was no point. He shook his head, wincing as the headache came back, hearing a groan, making him look down.

Kaoru sat up, looking around. "Where are we? This isn't the Company.." he trailed off, looking at the ruins. Yuuji waited for a split second before replying. "I-i don't.. know." he said, voice abnormally quiet on the last few words as he trailed off. "Let's just.. stay hidden. Like old times, okay?" He stood up, holding a hand out to Kaoru with a grin, who took it and got up, the two running to explore.
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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Health
Griffon: 100% Summoned --> 0% Desummoned
Shadow: 0% Unsummoned
Nightmare: 0% Ready

"The night was dark, no father was there, the child was wet with dew;" - The Little Boy Lost, William Blake
Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM), @Signupname (Vorrsk)
"Imperial Garrison? What are you, some kinda 10th century Crusader or some shit?" The bird perched on V's shoulder tilted his head, confused on what the man was on about.

"I'm afraid we don't know where we are. Nor have we seen anything resembling a Garrison." V shook his head, answering for the bird before hearing something pop in the distance; as V turned to see what it was, a great yellow light flashed in the sky--right above what seemed to be an old and abandoned building. Or rather, behind it. At that moment, he opened his book and spoke a poem from William Blake's works. "Hmm...The Sun arises in the East. (Day, William Blake)" V recited as he tapped his bladed cane on the ground. "It seems we have our destination."

"Yeah, definitely not someone trying to lure our asses to a trap, V." Griffon spat at V's intuition, flying slightly to check on the rest of the unconscious crew, "Besides, what about these sleepy bunch? I've got a bad feeling we're gonna need em'."

"The Fox provides for himself, but God provides for the Lion. (Proverbs of Hell, William Blake)" V answered, walking towards the direction of the building where the flare was shot out of. "If they are like Lions, then they will live." He closed the book, prompting the blue bird to disappear into black dust.


With that, about a few of the others ran off already without thinking through their situation first and where exactly they were at. The Shadow Marshall director was used to working on his own, but he would have to work with teammates here if they were going to solve the mystery at hand of where they were at.

He looked over at the bulky solider and frowned "Can't help you there, stranger. I see no distant place where they'd think of housing troops, if that is what you meant in this ruined city. Plus, that yellow light may lead to a trap. But who knows, I may be wrong. " @Signupname

The Shadow Marshall director, Sinclair looked to be searching for anything more secure to try to take on the ground below without running into enemies.

@Signupname @ThePotatoGod @Raynar Saassin (I think I got those who stayed) I @Foxes81 (Gone)
Interaction - @Foxes81 (Status - Alone)
5 Minutes Later . . .

Yuuji and Kaoru separated from the main group and went a direction away from the flare. About five minutes later from their exploration, and they'd come across a small park that appeared to be still green with life. However, a group of four individuals appeared to be resting there, wearing Samurai Armor.


"U ̄ n, watashi wa totemo taikutsudesu. Watashi wa sorera no ukabu yōsai no 1-tsu ni ita koto o nozomimasu"
Translation: Ugh, I'm so bored. I wish I was on one of those floating fortresses.
"Shizukani shite kudasai, watashitachiha bugai-sha o sagashiteimasu."
Translation: Keep quiet please, we're on the lookout for those outsiders.
"Why are you guys speaking native Japanese? We're on European Soil, might as well let their language be heard here before we do anything."
"Hazubeki! Anata wa watashitachi no shita o hanasu ka, watashitachi ga anata kara sore o kiritorimasu!"
Translation: Disgraceful! You either speak our tongue, or we cut it out of you!
— — — — — — — — —
Interaction - @ThePotatoGod (Status - Alone)
5 Minutes Later . . .

V on the other hand, chose to walk towards the flare, which was a smart move. Perhaps the ones who shot it could help figure out where they are. As they would approach the building in front of the source, the faint sound of gunfire could be heard as it would appear that a firefight was happening at the destination. V was now left with a dilemma. Whatever was going on there, someone or some people were in trouble and required assistance, but time would not be on his side. They were far from the original group at this point and if they decided to head back to grab them, the fighting may have ended.

The question is, what will V do?
— — — — — — — — —
Interaction - @dark (Directly) | @Signupname (Status - Conscious), @Ariel | @Gotham Knight Todd | @LuckycoolHawk9 (Status - Unconscious)

Another member of the group had woken up, scratching their head and wondering just where she was. Clutching her StA-61 Rifle, she immediately scoped in and scanned for any hostiles around the area's surrounding high-grounds first.


"No immediate hostiles. Though I have taken blunt force trauma when awakening. Did I slip up? Impossible."

Her focus then immediately shifted as she spotted a familiar face, and anger struck. Moving one of her hands towards a knife on her right leg, her gaze shot straight away towards Sinclair.

"You. Give a reason why I shouldn't gut you with this knife right now. And it better be a good one, you murderer."

Looks like a situation is brewing and she isn't being discreet about it. Might need someone to calm her down before anything happens...
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"Imperial Garrison? What are you, some kinda 10th century Crusader or some shit?" The bird perched on V's shoulder tilted his head, confused on what the man was on about.

"I'm afraid we don't know where we are. Nor have we seen anything resembling a Garrison." V shook his head, answering for the bird before hearing something pop in the distance; as V turned to see what it was, a great yellow light flashed in the sky--right above what seemed to be an old and abandoned building. Or rather, behind it. At that moment, he opened his book and spoke a poem from William Blake's works. "Hmm...The Sun arises in the East. (Day, William Blake)" V recited as he tapped his bladed cane on the ground. "It seems we have our destination."

View attachment 233147

With that, about a few of the others ran off already without thinking through their situation first and where exactly they were at. The Shadow Marshall director was used to working on his own, but he would have to work with teammates here if they were going to solve the mystery at hand of where they were at.

He looked over at the bulky solider and frowned "Can't help you there, stranger. I see no distant place where they'd think of housing troops, if that is what you meant in this ruined city. Plus, that yellow light may lead to a trap. But who knows, I may be wrong. " @Signupname

The Shadow Marshall director, Sinclair looked to be searching for anything more secure to try to take on the ground below without running into enemies.

@Signupname @ThePotatoGod @Raynar Saassin (I think I got those who stayed) I @Foxes81 (Gone)

The Astartes suppressed a sigh. It seems, these humans that has seemingly no knowledge on the Imperium ? Throughout his service as a Space Marine, and especially from a Legion that fought on the farest reaches of the Galaxy where the Astronomican barely reaches, he has encountered such worlds completely ignorant of the Lights of His Glory. But that brought him only further questions in his mind.

Like where exactly is this place.

These people most likely wouldn't be able to help, he gathered. The hovering flocks of Cherubim around him , noises from their droning antigrav engines and flapping feathery wings the only thing to disturb the silence

He noticed the signal flair from that building. It seems the best course of action at the moment would likely be...
Her focus then immediately shifted as she spotted a familiar face, and anger struck. Moving one of her hands towards a knife on her right leg, her gaze shot straight away towards Sinclair.

"You. Give a reason why I shouldn't gut you with this knife right now. And it better be a good one, you murderer."

Looks like a situation is brewing and she isn't being discreet about it. Might need someone to calm her down before anything happens...
The Astartes respond rapidly. He draws his plasma pistol, pointing it towards the woman.
"Stays where you are."
Hus words was cold, steeped in the harsh accent of Barbarus. It nonetheless carry a weight of order. He turned his head about the rest.
"All of you. "
His other hand gestured with the power scythe. For emphasis.
"I will not tolerate you murdering eachother before we figure out what is going on."
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Sinclair stood where he was and glared at the half-helghast woman in front of him who claimed to know him from somewhere.
"What?! I haven't killed anyone yet, stranger."

He thought of Lucas who was saved by him and became like a son to him. He wasn't lying and he wasn't going to explain himself to a Helghast especially when the solider in front of him stopped him from getting to this Helghast spy and vice versa. The colors seemed familiar.

Sinclair had his own tools close at hand, one thing he learned being a Shadow Marshall is never come unprepared for an enemy attack. He kept his eyes on Echo and the Bulky solider and then quickly noted the strange cyborg things behind the bulky solider.

@Raynar Saassin @Signupname @ThePotatoGod
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Wally's eyes opened slowly. He felt like he had been hit harder than he ever had before. He sat up with a bit of a groggy look on his face. He looked around as he stood up. This definitely was not central city, his house was gone, he didn't hear his wife Lynda, not their kids Jai and Irey. Usually at this time of day they would be rather loud and sometimes their dog Shredder. He looked around, there seemed to be others all around him. Though several seemed to have already left the area. What a weird place, and how did he get here?

He could have sworn he had just been getting ready for a quick patrol before bed. The young man looked around, was this another earth? Why was he in so much pain? Did Speedforce bring him here? If so why had it not told him what his role on this world was? Why had it picked him? Could another speedster not handle this? Could anothe let version of him not be picked? Hadn't he sacrificed enough for other universes already? He sighed and shook his head. No, something else brought him here, but for some unknown reason.

He looked down to his hand and sighed. "Linda, Irey and Jai…looks like my spot at the dinner table will be empty for awhile." He whispered more so to himself. What type of hellish world was this one. He turned his had to the sky. Something was off, he could sense it. His own mind was wandering as he looked around himself.

He also noted soldiers and the like. This was not the way he had originally envisioned his day, but it seemed to be the way it was going on now. He took a few deep breaths as he looked around himself again.

Something about this earth's air was strange, as if it had a poison to it that would slowly engulf it and destroy it. Was this why he was here? It would be nice to use his science skills for once, but he was still brought here in his flash costume. That meant he was likely here to fight for the world itself. Danger must be around every corner….Why could nothing ever be easy? Why couldn't he just be allowed to have a quiet life away from being a hero every moment of the damn day. He could never give up being a superhero, but having time for himself would be nice.

Oh well, he would just have to soldier on as always. No allies that he could identify. Maybe he could find this earth's version of the Justice League later on. That might give him some insight as to what to do with this situation.

He looked over to the people he had awakened with. Military, cyborgs, all sorts of hecticness was going on here. There seemed to be an extreme situation to demand them to come here, but could he really trust any of these people? His only goal at this point was to get home, but that meant all sorts of side goals he was sure. Pit stops, bumps, bruises, and a world saving quest. That was just about his life. He may have chosen this path, but following it sometimes made him wish that he had not.

No time to go over that anymore though. He ran a hand through his own hair, that somewhat had started to sway as the wind picked up around them. How intriguing, everyone seemed to be talking to someone or doing something. That meant he was currently on his own. What did this mean exactly for him? He figured he should probably speak up, but how to do that? Clearly these where not people he could trust with his secret identity. Given he did not know them, their ideals, or even where they were from. They must be from earths other than his own at the very least. He shook his head.

Think Wally, think. There has got to be a way to figure out what is going on here. And don't act like Batman too much. That will be counter productive. Focus on the task at hand though. No matter how hard, push your worry to the back of your head. There is work to do and not a lot of time to do it.

Now he stepped forward some, grass was underneath his boots. That was a good thing to know. At least something a seemed to be multiversal. Though that meant he had even less knowledge than he would actually care to admit. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Does anyone know what is going on? Or where we are?"

Interactions @Raynar Saassin @dark @ThePotatoGod @Signupname
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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Health
Griffon: 0% Unsummoned
Shadow: 0% Unsummoned
Nightmare: 0% Ready
"The night was dark, no father was there, the child was wet with dew;"
- The Little Boy Lost, William Blake
@Raynar Saassin (GM)
As V approached the building where the flare was shot out of, the sounds of gunfire can be heard from afar, prompting V to stop and listen for a bit. It seems as if they are in some kind of warzone--2 factions of man shooting each other with guns from a fair distance. Their reasons? Who knows. Glory, Fame, Safety, Patriotism...None of those meant anything to the poet. For all he cared, he could just let the men kill each other--but Sparda knows he'll need someone to tell him where he is and how to get back to Red Grave City.

"Perhaps I should support the side that's winning..." V concluded to himself before deciding to get closer to the action, hiding as soon as he could see what sort of men are fighting near the building.
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Interactions: @dark | @Signupname | @Gotham Knight Todd (Directly), @Ariel | @LuckycoolHawk9 (Status - Still Unconscious)
Well that was new. Someone was actually protecting the bastard. Seeing as she was surrounded by other individuals, she retracted her knife back into it's pocket and crossed her arms, agreeing with the quite large and armored individual.

"Sigh. Fine. Seeing as we are in unknown territory, I won't cause any aggression. But as soon as he even makes a move, he's mine."

The woman sighed and pulled her rifle out once more, looking down the scope to further check to see if anyone else was around, before planting it on her back and looking towards the speedster.

"I don't know where we are, either. And it doesn't look like anyone else does either. What we do need to figure out is how we can survive. Who knows what this world has in store for us."
— — — — — — — — —
Interaction: @ThePotatoGod

V was correct. Two factions were at war in this area. One vastly had the upper hand against the other who was backed up into a corner. To the left were Soldiers who wore black and red uniforms, and on further observation could make out the logo on their shoulder-pads; A Triangle Shape with a Scorpion Stinger in the middle:


"Down with EDA! The Oppressors must die!"

On the right hand side, however, were a smaller group of soldiers who dressed like American Rangers. Backed against one of the destroyed buildings surrounded by Sandbag walls, these were the soldiers responsible for firing off the signal flare earlier. They're fighting off the red faction as hard as they can but supplies were dwindling and casualties were slowly rising; with a few sanctioned off in medical beds and being worked on by field medics. With only conventional bullets in play, the side of the reds were overpowering the other with numbers. They needed help, badly.
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Sinclair simply dusted off his Shadow Marshall armor and frowned at Echo "We don't have a choice in the matter, if we want to survive this place."
To him, Helghast and Vektans were still enemies and that was fresh in his mind. But he'd have to keep on his toes if he wanted to make sure Echo didn't get on his case and shoot him where he stands.

He frowned, he wanted to comment on the state of affairs of what happened on Helghan, but Echo would go all over him.

@Raynar Saassin @Signupname @Gotham Knight Todd
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Yuuji bit his lip, considering their situation. The men in front of them, didn't look.. friendly, to say the least, not like Sakuya or Muku, even though he knew them already. He took a step back, careful to avoid any branches or leaves, anything possibly crunchy as Kaoru watched from above. "psst-" Yuuji called softly, Kaoru glancing at the samurai before looking at him. Yuuji tilted his head, indicating the way they came back from, and watched as Kaoru seemed to disappear, jumping to the next tree, a small, nearly undetectable rustle coming from the next tree over as he kept jumping. Yuuji ran after him, the two not stopping until they were in the ruins of what seemed to be an old office building, where they snuck in, Yuuji letting out a small sigh as he sat down on a piece of rubble, visibly sweating as he took of his long sleeve crop top, tying it around his waist and watching as Kaoru did the same, leaving Kaoru in a white t-shirt and Yuuji in a black tank top.
"W-what are we doing now?" Yuuji asked Kaoru, who responded with "Where are we?" They sat in silence, neither able to answer the other's question as they stared off into space, considering their options, weighing them.
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Wally could only nod grimly as this person seemed to confirm what he had been fearing. No one gathered here seemed to actually belong here, that could indicate there was no heroes that could magically save this earth or that they could work alongside who would know the situation they where in better than they currently did. It certainly served to complicate things far more than they needed to be complicated, but then again, he supposed there was nothing they could legitimately do about it. They where here now, and it seemed this world might need saving, though he was unsure as to from what the world needed saving from.

"I see, so we are all completely blind in this situation then." He looked around and turned to the person who had spoken to him. "I take it you aren't from here either then. Whatever is going on here, it has somehow pulled us from our proper places in the multiverse." He sounded frustrated as he was as starting to verbally assess the situation. "Without as much as an explanation as to what is supposed to be going on here or how we are supposed to help whatever is going on. And before you ask, yes I am quite familiar with crap like this." He sounded more tired than anything.

Though it was not exactly new to him to wind up on an alternate earth on accident or on purpose, it was the first time he was brought to a different earth against his will with zero instruction. He looked around again, trying to draw in his surroundings. It seemed to be a normal earth, yet something felt off. Like there was no sense of time or sense of space. As if his powers at their max where being used by the planet itself…how odd. He turned to the woman again.

"I don't know what it is, but something about here feels off, don't you think? As if something has caused time and space here to come undone themselves." This was not a flash point timeline or earth, that much he could tell. If it was, the sense of time and space would be there, it would just have a radically different history than it was supposed too, and the situation would have been explained to him and he would have been told how to make proper corrections to the timeline.

"And there is an odd feeling and slight smell on the air. One I can't pin down or identify." He mused and started to rub his chin. This was not something he had come to expect from the various earths. Under normal circumstances, this would excite and intrigue him. However, not knowing how he got here or why he was here, it definitely caused him a bit of worry. Especially since he had no idea if his family was okay or if they where somehow here too and had just gone for help because he was unconscious. How distressing.

"It might be best to try and stay in groups for now. Until we figure out where we are, what is happening and why we are here…and let me guess everyone else that was here has probably already left and started trying to figure out what the hell is going on, on their own. Haven't they?" That was such a stupid, yet human thing to do. He understood the desire really, but this was not a world they could afford to take such big risks and travel alone when they knew not where they were.

Interaction @Raynar Saassin
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A few meters away, another warrior would find herself waking up from a deep slumber. The last thing she had remembered was dozing off after another rousing speech from The Foundation. Clearly she had overslept. Her head was pounding, even with her helmet on. What hit her?

"Ugh…He's gonna kill me."

The warrior turned out to be a woman in futuristic armor, a set of powerful but damaged wings on her back. She shook herself off and got to her feet, summoning her Zero Point Saber and looking around at the destroyed city before her. There were others around too.

Were they friend or foe?

"Wait a minute. These definitely aren't the coordinates The Scientist gave me. Where am I? Damn it! My comm device is broken. Can't call out…"

Unbeknownst to the rest of The Seven, the warrior had her own secret agenda. She was looking for someone close to her, the only person she trusted.

"Okay, let's try diplomacy. Maybe one of these guys won't try to shoot me."


"Um, hello? Do you know where I am? Can you understand me?"
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Sigh. Fine. Seeing as we are in unknown territory, I won't cause any aggression. But as soon as he even makes a move, he's mine."

The Astartes ignored the attempt at posturing, and now take a closer look at the others. Most of them seems to be military of sorts, even if wearing in patterns unfamiliar to him. Their arms are similarly distinct from any Imperial or Xeno pattern he has witness.

Again, it seems , bring more question than answers.

He steps forward. The Cataphracii plate makes each footsteps heavy, but powerful. Behind him, the flocks of Cherubim hovers and flap their wings. The scythe, its energy field still humming, hold firmly in his grip.

" For now, it seems we are stranded here with one another. Until we find away to get put of this place...

It seems while you are humans, for the most part, it is obvious none of you are aware of the Imperium of Man or its authority

So my question is, who are you, and where do your loyalties lies..."

He asks the last part , with suspiscion evidenced in his raspy voice
Interact: @dark ; @Gotham Knight Todd ; @Raynar Saassin
"Um, hello? Do you know where I am? Can you understand me?"
He glares at the newcomer, but otherwise keep silence
Interact: @Hahli Nuva
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @dark @Gotham Knight Todd @Hahli Nuva @Signupname (Status - Awake) | @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

With all that said and done, Echo listened in on the Speedster's words. It was utter nonsense to her but it's the best theory they've got right now. When everyone gathered together, Echo rose her rifle up and fired a bullet into the sky, getting everyone's attention before speaking up.

"Alright. I don't like any of you and I'm sure you all don't like me either. But our priorities are clear. We need to figure out where we are, and what we can do to survive. I suggest we all stick together and follow basic protocol. How about we---"

Echo was cut off when a laser briefly passed over her face, causing her to tense up and grab her weapon. Within seconds, more lights appeared; spotting everyone that was up and moving. Wally, Sinclair, even the large and armoured man had multiple red dots lighting their chestplate. Then, several soldiers came flowing out of the nearby ruined structures; effectively raising their rifles and pointing them straight at the group with a few of them speaking to the group:


"Ugokanaide kudasai! Anata wa kakoma rete iru! Sukoshi demo ugokeba, anata o bakuha shimasu!"
Translation: Don't move! You're surrounded! Move even a little and we'll blast you!
"Watashitachi wa sorera o mitsukemashita. Bakufu ni aizu shite, pikkuappu o okonatte iru to tsutaete kudasai."
Translation: We've found them. Signal the Shogunate, tell them we're making a pickup.
"Hai, wakarimashita."
Translation: Yes sir, I understand.

One of the unknown soldiers moved through the battle-line, leaving the remaining one outside of the line to speak directly to the newcomers, only in a language she was sure to understand.


"How unfortunate for you to be in this position. Stranded in a world you do not understand. Such a shame that your lives have led you to this war-torn wasteland. But you are in luck; the Emperor has decreed that people like you should be given a chance before your Destinies are prematurely ended. Drop your weapons and surrender to the Empire of the Rising Sun, and don't try anything stupid. Or do I need to remind you that you are completely surrounded by my fellow brothers and sisters."

Without any hesitation, Echo dropped her Sniper Rifle and Knife to the ground; kicking them to the Commander.

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Alone)

A minute after the two had entered the remains of the Office Building, they would discover that they were not alone in there. For without a moment's notice, a woman came out of hiding and aimed their guns at the two before seeing who they were, and lowering them; preferring to speak than shoot.


"Are you trying to blow my cover? You almost got spotted by the Japanese!"

Checking the door behind her and the windows, she brushed her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief before addressing the two once more.

"Who are you, anyway? Don't you think playing in a destroyed city is a bit dangerous? Especially with the Empire of the Rising Sun around."