Cascade Falls

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Don't push yourself if you're tired! And she doesn't have to be in the cafe, she could just be in the pharmacy like Riley was in the bar. @of Dirt and I made plans to have a little event for the town once introductions have been made and everyone gets a feel for all the different writing styles, so Korra will definitely have things to do soon enough.
Hey, guys! I got our first arc up and put into the OP! A big thanks to @Jerelin for the fancy coding and finding a picture for me to use for the graphic!

Name: Riley Tierney
Age: 27
Physical Extras: Standing at 5'10'' and weighing 161 lbs, Riley is toned and lean. He has dark brown hair, forest green eyes and a scruffy beard. There are a couple of small scars on his knuckles.
Sexuality: Straight

Three Good Traits:
-Likes to party: At his best, Riley knows how to have fun and will always be around if somebody is throwing a party (if he's not throwing one himself). He always tries to be entertaining on the job both for himself and everybody else.

-Passionate: When he finds a hobby that he likes, he goes above and beyond in getting the most out of it, such as his job as a bartender and his acoustic guitar playing. As a bartender, he has a deep knowledge of what drinks go good with what foods and can recommend drinks to the uninitiated based on other tastes. As a guitar player, he is flexible and can play many styles, which reflects his wide range in music taste.

-Speaks his mind: Although it sometimes gets him into trouble, it also demonstrates his unwillingness to take nonsense from people and a willingness to defend those he feels are being mistreated. He values honesty and this trait has made him somebody people feel comfortable talking to when they want an honest opinion.

Three Flaws:
-Is an asshole: A sober Riley is a rare sight and once he's had more than enough drinks in him, he becomes a hair trigger to his darkest self. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can make him aggressively confrontational and reveal a side of him that loves fighting and genuinely enjoys being the one in the room that everybody is wary of.

-Unbearably gloomy: Getting close to Riley means realizing that his outgoing personality and drinking is an escape from the dark thoughts that haunts his mind every day. However, suppressing it every day will occasionally lead to moments where his wounds are out in the open for whoever is there to see. His unwillingness to seek help makes it very difficult to be a close friend of his, especially combined with the above flaw.

-Seldom thinks ahead: He is very aware of his learning best by making mistakes, so he's become unafraid of making them, but it has turned into a bad habit of simply doing the bare minimum amount of thinking before doing something.


Place of residence: Boston, MA
Marital Status: Single (Divorced)

-Ex-Wife: Cassandra Kosta, aged 24 in 2013
-Mother: Brianna Carmody aged 55 in 2013
-Father: Killian Tierney aged 54 in 2013
-Identical twin brother: Brian Tierney aged 15 at death in 2001. Prior to death, his brother had recently been experiencing violent schizophrenic episodes. A neighbor called the cops due to the noise. Brian charged a cop with a kitchen knife and was shot dead.
Occupation: Bartender and musician (played acoustic guitar)
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Barack Obama


Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Bartender
Family Children: none

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Two years
Have you ever tried to leave?: No
Have you ever been to the fence?: No

In character writing sample:

"We're closing up soon, so chug the rest of your beers and get movin'. I'm just kidding take your time," Riley said to three regulars at the bar as he rinsed out a glass. He turned around and grinned. "This one needs to chug though. Ordered half an hour ago and only took a few sips. C'mon guy." They all laughed, accustomed to Riley's humor and knowing that by the end of the day he was probably more than a little buzzed himself.

"Your boss lets you drink on the job?" one of the men asked.

"He hasn't complained. I think it's technically a misdemeanor though," Riley replied while tidying up around his work area. He looked at an almost empty bottle of Captain Morgan and frowned, then looked at the rest of them. "Let's kill this," he said grabbing four shot glasses and pouring the rest of the bottle.

"A misdemeanor? Jesus Riley, you know there'd be a riot if you ever got fired right?" While it wasn't the highest grossing bar in the area, it was definitely popular among the locals and Riley's excellence in making drinks and broadening their tastes kept them coming back. He was entertaining and he always made newcomers feel welcome and a part of the little community they've established over the past five years. He smiled warmly.

"If I get fired and I don't see or hear about a cop car exploding I'll be very disappointed."

"To exploding cop cars." They all clinked their glasses and drank.

Riley glanced at the camera above them and chuckled. "Am I inciting violence? Hey I don't advocate for violence, mother fucker. God damn hooligan," he said pointing at person that brought it up in the first place. The three regulars roared in laughter. "We're closed get the fuck out before I call the cops, you thugs. Fuckin' massholes." he bellowed in between chuckles and with a huge grin.

"We'll see you tomorrow, man. Hey! And don't let Cassie walk away; she's a dime. You gotta try harder for those kind of girls, you know?" Riley forced a nod and waved as they left. He sighed as soon as they left. Cassie was his wife and asked for a divorce a week ago. Information travels fast within their community, but there's always a little bit of lag. They didn't know that the papers were already signed and she had moved out. You keep waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about your god damn brother and you refuse to talk to me about it, he remembered her saying. Like, I knew it affected you, but it seems like it's just gotten worse and worse every year. And every year you drink more and more.

I don't know. I just feel guilty. Every time he had one of his episodes, his anger was always directed at me. It was gibberish to me at the time, but the more I think about it the more I realize what a shitty brother I was and what a shitty person I am.

You didn't put a bullet in him some cop did and why are you trying to make sense out of the words of a crazy person?

A crazy person? What's the matter with you? He was my twin; we had the same genes; who are you calling a crazy person?

You're a crazy person too. You need help and if you're unwilling to get it then I'm leaving. I'm not putting up with this anymore.

Help?! What help?! Getting prescribed happy pills for the rest of my life?!

Riley shook his head as he locked the door behind him and squeezed the area between his eyes as he briskly walked home.


Character only played by me.
Can be played by anybody.

Peter Bolotin
Age: 45
Occupation: Bar owner and brewery manager. Sometimes a bartender or waiter, depending on business.

About: Peter has been in Cascade falls longer than most and recognized the need for the town to be able to temporarily forget about their problems and the situation they were in. With an extensive background in brewing beer, he figured managing a bar wouldn't be nearly as difficult, so he went for it. The bar brews their own beer closer to the farm and the beers served are all original creations by him. He has raised his son, David, ever since with the intention of passing on the business to him when the time comes.

David Bolotin
Age: 25
Occupation: Brewery owner and bar manager. Sometimes (but rarely) a bartender or waiter.

About: David has been a part of the business since he was a kid and has been taught much of what he needs to know. He was never the most sociable employee out of the small team, so he's always had a greater interest in managing the brewery, which had been passed down to him two years ago once he had proven he could run it on his own.

Vicky Eustis
Age: 28
Occupation: Waitress and sometimes bartender.

About: Vicky started working at the bar as soon as it opened, which was also as soon as she was old enough. She loves interacting with people and learning new things. Her kindness, charm and upbeat aura has kept people coming back and her character is what people have come to associate the bar with.

The bottom of my sheet now includes my NPCs. The waitress is free for anybody to RP when they're in the bar. And don't be afraid to introduce NPCs. All of our characters have lives outside of their homes and nobody is at work alone. Totally optional, but I don't want anybody to feel constrained either. Write what comes naturally to you.

The OP exploded, so neptune is putting the pieces back together. Godspeed!
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It's too quiet in here. How was everyone's week? What kind of music is everyone into? I like me some heavy metal and punk rock, like Nightwish, Dead Sara, The Offspring, Coheed and Cambria.

Been on vacation for the past month, so this was my first week back to work :/ but looking forward to checking out a restaurant tonight that specializes in grilled cheese sammiches =D
Oh, oh, music. I'm particularly fond of alternative, though I certainly branch out. I'm also a fan of The Offspring, and awful at picking bands for anything, so won't expand! |'D

Funnily enough, this is my last week of work. Oooh, sounds good! A new restaurant, or just somewhere you haven't been to before?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Muirgen
I just got back from an amazing vacation with some wonderful people! I am already scheming and planning for the next!

As for music, I like lots of kinds: alternative, metal, swing, folk, etc. It all depends on my mood. Though I will admit that most of the time when I'm listening I'm writing and just put on a station on Spotify. Then if the writing goes well I'll sort of lose the music and cannot say what I was listening to.

but looking forward to checking out a restaurant tonight that specializes in grilled cheese sammiches =D

You've got me curious about that restaurant now. There was a show on in the background at breakfast one day where the host was making a grilled cheese burger thingies and the audience was all amazed and jaded me was rather scornful of the lack of creativity in her efforts. What will you get and what are the options!
  • Love
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Alternative rock and metal almost exclusively, though there is certainly some progressive rock like Queen, Rush, Yes and Pink Floyd that can still grab me. I'm curious now too, right along with Adelaide, about this restaurant?
Rock, metal, country, indie, folk, instrumental...I listen to a wide range of genres, though the aforementioned are my favorites. Artists I like range from Rob Zombie and Korn, to Hendrix and AC/DC, to Gary Clark Jr. and Jace Everett (too many to list!) Music pretty much fuels everything I write, and I've gotten tons of plot ideas from songs.
My music tastes are all over the place, tbh but I've been listening to a lot of NWA lately.

And quite a lot of character playlists and ambient stuff on 8tracks.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Muirgen
Oh, oh, music. I'm particularly fond of alternative, though I certainly branch out. I'm also a fan of The Offspring, and awful at picking bands for anything, so won't expand! |'D

Funnily enough, this is my last week of work. Oooh, sounds good! A new restaurant, or just somewhere you haven't been to before?
Just never been there before. Now that I'm looking at the menu, it's more like a bar that pairs your beer choice with some cheese (Man that sounds conceited. I'll have to remember to have my pinky up!) I guess my girlfriend was more interested in the sandwiches when she pitched it to me =p Here's the menu
Just never been there before. Now that I'm looking at the menu, it's more like a bar that pairs your beer choice with some cheese (Man that sounds conceited. I'll have to remember to have my pinky up!) I guess my girlfriend was more interested in the sandwiches when she pitched it to me =p Here's the menu
So... what did you get? Did you keep your pinky up?
I had the truffle gouda and pear, it was delicious. Then we had the herbed goat cheese crostini with our beers. It was a nice little place, with an outdoor area in the back. It had much more of a coffee-shop kind of atmosphere than a traditional bar. I think I'll be going back sometime.
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Excellent, sounds delicious, which is unfortunate since I'm hungry and it's a bit before dinner.

I'm about to begin working on a post for Jean. I waited to see if anyone else wanted to engage the nurse in conversation but lacking anything else to write and more than a day having passed, I'm jumping on it!
Do whatever you guys want. At the end of this posting round, I'm probably going to do a bit of transition to the evening, so if you haven't posted yet, try and get something in before we move on.

but is it cool enough for you to grace us with your slothish presence? ;3 only time will tell <3
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This sounds super cool. Are you still accepting characters? Also, is there a limit to the amount of characters you're allowed to have?
Yes, we're still accepting! And you're allowed two characters like it says in the rules c: There are also still some jobs available.
Awesome! I'll post up my characters asap. Also, is there a link to the IC roleplaying bit?
It's in the OP above the arcs.
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