SOLO RP Chinese Zodiac Characters

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The Phoenix
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My times are pretty erratic, but I try to avoid being on EST 11pm-9am.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Historical Romance.

"I don't know..." Some people chewed their nails when they were nervous. Ae-ra went the extra mile. She dug her teeth lightly into the tips of her fingers, dark eyes flitting back and forth. Her left hand was gripping a paper in her hand, but those wandering eyes of hers were alighting everywhere but the words on that paper. A closer look would reveal that the paper had been badly crinkled, clearly having been read over and over again. It appeared to be written in the thick, dark ink of an old calligraphy, each letter a tiny work of art in and of itself. The paper was equally telling, a clean parchment of high quality with a thin lining of gold flakes in swirling patterns. It was almost a shame how horribly crumpled she'd made it, but then neither she nor her setting really seemed to suit the letter.

Ae-ra was sitting in a hole-in-the-wall cafe, trying to adjust to her new human form. She and the other non-Zodiacs hadn't been granted human forms until this new Race had come into being, and she wasn't all that sure she liked it. She was at a table in the corner, pressed up against the wall as best she could. Her form seemed rather young, as well. She had short black hair and a fresh round face that she would have said looked more like that of a teen, rather than a demon older than most current countries. Sitting there alone, it didn't seem like she had anyone to be talking to, but she'd been having a fierce argument (for her) ever since she'd received this form with the letter.

"You should try, this time. We have done more for humanity than any of the Zodiacs." The speaker wasn't Ae-ra this time, and no one else in the room could hear it. The speaker was a large, brown, hairy spider sitting on top of the table, slightly obscured by the cold cup of coffee. It wasn't alone. A cluster of spiders were there with it, while even more others were sitting on her shoulder, building webs in the corner above her head, hanging from the bottom of the table in the shadows of the table leg.

A smaller, black spider spoke up as well. "This isn't like a race, Ae-ra!"

"It is called a race." One pointed out, but this one was a male sitting atop the abdomen of his female counterpart, and spiders didn't exactly give much weight to their males, and his comment went absolutely ignored, beyond a few baleful glares.

"The last one was an actual race, and you didn't have a chance." One said. "That's not your fault." Another added.

Ae-ra's teeth began leaving marks in her fragile, fleshy fingers. "The Rat is small like me, and she managed." The retort was a little shaky, especially since the Rat could technically swim. "The Cat would have done it, too, if Eun-Byul-ee hadn't... I really still can't believe she-"

"Ae-ra, Ae-ra. Focus." The small black spider waved one of its appendages at her. "It still wasn't worth it. It was a running around type of race, you weren't suited to it, and we've been fine even without it. It didn't matter, and it doesn't now. This one is different. This is helping. You could become a god, or at least get noticed by the Emperor." Ae-ra flushed slightly. It scared her slightly to imagine being noticed by anyone, but especially by someone like the Emperor. He must be a very great man. "Look at what you have to do? It's helping people, stopping dangerous demons. Our nature is well-suited for this. Why are you hesitating?"

The short-haired girl just shook her head. "But I don't want to become a god!" Although the girl hadn't spoken very loudly, she felt like she'd shouted it, and quickly gasped, slumping down in her chair and awkwardly peering at the rest of the humans in the cafe. She really didn't like being this big. It meant no one would try to stomp on her, she supposed, but it was still too visible for her. "I don't want to become a god." She whispered, this time, leaning down towards her spider friends. "I don't mind fighting the demons and things, but it's- it's like a competition. And if I don't really want to become a god anyways, I really don't think it would be polite to interfere this way."

There was an exasperated muttering through the spiders, and one finally shushed the rest long enough to loudly proclaim. "Don't think so deeply about it like that! You have this nice new body. Why don't you just do it to help? Forget about the others, especially those Zodiacs."

Ae-ra frowned at her more in consternation than anger. "C-can I do that?"

More exasperated muttering rattled through the crowd, even louder than before, and several of them spoke almost in unison. "Isn't it obvious?!" The brown spider clarified. "Of course you can. No one can stop you, and since you don't stand out, you won't count as competition. Just do what you want to do and help with the troubles. You think too much!"

After a slightly uncomfortable blink, a tiny glint of happiness seemed to enter her black eyes. "I guess so, huh? No one will mind if I just help out a bit, right?" The spiders agreed heartily with her, exchanging looks with each other. "O-okay! I'll do it." She said, a smile breaking out onto her face. Looked like she was joining the second Great Race, in her own little way.
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Crane #1: Yeon-Ah
The Crane stood on one foot ankle-deep in the water of fountain feature, her eyes closed, face tilting towards the sun. The bubbling water of the fountain wasn't reaching her, and the little droplets flicking onto her clothes didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. People who saw her were scooting past somewhat uncomfortably, trying not to pay too much attention to the strange woman communing with the sun in a fountain in the middle of the city. "Hey!" The voice didn't register at first, and it was only until the policeman was leaning in front of her, scowling, that Yeon-Ah opened her eyes and seemed to notice the racket she was kicking up. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The policeman asked, staring at her like she was a crazy person. Probably because that was what he thought she was.

"Oh!" Yeon-Ah exclaimed back lightly, surprised. She put her other foot down and carefully brushed her hair out of her face, meeting the policeman's eyes with an innocent smile. Her voice was light, as if carried on the cool breeze. "Who are you, sir?"

For a second, he actually seemed shaken, but then he shook his head roughly and the exasperation went back into his tone and expression. "What do you mean, 'who are you,' lady? You can't stand in this fountain!" He shook a finger at the fountain.

"I can't?" Her warm brown eyes grew wide. "Ah. I see. It was my mistake." She hadn't meant to offend. With an unrattled little chuckle, she stepped softly back out onto the concrete, almost seeming to float over the edge of the fountain. She pulled a cloth from the pocket of her jacket and leaned down to wipe her feet off, in no hurry. "I am very sorry, sir. Thank you for telling me." As she stood up again, she gave him a slight but polite bow. "I will endeavor not to make the same mistake again."

Leaving the policeman utterly stunned behind her, she folded her little cloth back up and tucked it snugly in her pocket before simply walking off, a pleasant smell wafting from her soft brown hair as she left. Not sure if he was stunned or impressed, he let her go, losing the will to report the strange encounter.

Crane #2: Tae-Young
"Ahjussi. Ahjussi, are you okay?" Tae-Young cracked one eye open to see a young girl. She looked to be about five years old, her hair tied back in pigtails. She was wearing a sunny yellow backpack, and he was a little surprised she was bothering him all by herself. Ah, but then he had seen her around the neighborhood. She was the daughter of the Chungs, who lived down the road. The father had walked out on them a few months ago and the mom was adjusting to it. After helping the woman carry a heavy load of groceries home, he'd been invited to eat with them, and this girl had seemed to like him well enough. He grunted at her incomprehensibly, which didn't seem to reassure her. "Ahjussi, are you dead?"

"Hah?" He opened his eyes then, expression clearly not pleased. The Crane groaned as he pushed himself upright. "If I was dead, could I be talking to you?"

The girl looked relieved, really. She must have been a sweet little kid. "You've been sleeping there for three days, Ahjussi. Are you sure you're okay?"

He laughed, then, and it got him to sit up properly, crossing his legs. "Of course I'm okay. This oppa just enjoys his sleep." He shook his hand at her. "Don't you have to be going to school or something?"

She huffed back at him. "School is finished for the day, you know." Her puffy little face pouting at him brought a small smile to his face.

"I get it, I get it." He said, standing up by slapping a hand on top of her head. "Hurry up and go home, then. Ah... I'm hungry. Should I go get some ddeokbokki?" He didn't act like he was talking to her, but he quirked a little eyebrow at her and gave her the smallest glance as he did so, causing her to giggle. "You're right, let's go get ddeokbokki." He walked away, acting as if he didn't see the little pipsqueak trailing after him. A few minutes later, however, a squeal caused him to turn his head back in alarm.

A different man had grabbed the little girl's hand, tugging her away with him in feigned concern. "Ahjussi! Help me!" The little girl cried, and Tae-Young sighed, as if it was a bother. In two long strides, he had reached the man and kicked his leg out from under him, grabbing the girl by the back of her jacket before she could get yanked down by the weird man tripping. The man had been wearing a big coat, and he didn't look pleased to see that the girl hadn't been alone after all.

"Hey! Why do you think you're doing?" He exclaimed angrily. "I was just trying to help this little girl get home!" He seemed like he was about to kick up a fuss, and really Tae-Young wasn't of people who did that. The look on his face was a mixture of boredom and disdain, and it appeared to take no effort at all when he socked the guy in the face, hard enough to send him reeling. He followed it up with an equally casual kick to the ribs that felt a lot more like a jack hammer bludgeoning him than a casual kick. By the time the guy had gotten some help, Tae-Young and the girl were far far away down the street snacking on the spicy rice cakes and strolling along as if nothing in the world had happened.
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(Cameo by NPC Monkey, set during event 1: Fire in the Lotus Room)

Joon had been bobbing his head amiably as the Phoenix spoke, only really half concentrating on what was being said. It wasn't that he didn't want to become a god. It was more that… he didn't really know if he wanted to become a god. It wasn't the same thing! The rules sounded pretty straightforward, anyways. Clear the supernatural problems, don't hurt anybody, know that other animals were going to get to participate. What was the big deal? He didn't mind participating, but he still wasn't really sure he wanted to fight for such a thing. It wasn't like the other gods liked him anyways. His mind screeched to a halt as he realized he'd been thinking of the gods as "the other gods" as if he already was one of them. He batted the thought away, sure that it had just been the smallest slip of a word.

A tune entered his brain, distracting him for a moment, and he'd just been about to hum a little of it cheerfully, when the Phoenix changed track suddenly, seeming distracted by something. "I fear-" He feared-? Just like that, the whole world caught fire. At least, that was what it felt like to Joon. He gave a scream of alarm as a beam on fire smashed down in front of him.

What was going on?! The Horse was pretty sure he passed out for a second, because it was like one minute ha had closed his eyes, the next everything had changed. Smoke and flames filled the air, too thick to allow him to see. Where were the others? Hell, where was he?

There! He could see the shadow of the Monkey right where they'd been before the ceiling had fallen in on them. He was alright! Excitedly, he raced forward. "[Insert Monkey's Name Here]-ah! You're alive!" He shouted, relieved. Joon grabbed his friend by the upper arms. "You okay?" He asked, concerned but at least encouraged to see that at least someone was alright. The more he stared through the smoke, the more he began to discern the shapes of the others. The Monkey seemed distracted, looking at someone else.

"What's the matter, monkey?" Joon asked, looking where he was looking.

The Monkey was usually a goofball, but Joon didn't expect him to be when the building was on fire. "Yo, Joon-ah. Look at all those rats. Isn't that gross?" He laughed a little. "You think I could bowl them?" He reached his hand over as if to pick something up, not looking over to where he was reaching, which was obviously on fire. As if that wasn't enough, one of the already loose beams cracked and fell further, letting a shower of sparks on top of the Monkey.

In a flash, Joon transformed into a horse. He reared back, hooves kicking through the air as he let out a whinny. He was very tall in this form, so it felt a little dangerous, but he was also stronger and faster. Scooping up his companion, he dove through the rubble. It was hard trying to avoid letting the rubble touch the monkey as well as himself, and he could feel a few things fall on him, a few searing his skin. He was too big to fit through the door, so he smashed through it, tumbling onto the ground in the open, back in his human form. Coughing and pushing himself upright, Joon scowled at the Monkey. "Are you an idiot? You are, aren't you? That was dangerous, you know. You should have watched more carefully."
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Love
Reactions: Eru and MaryGold
Snippet of Rat's History:


The Day Before the First Race

Kill her. Kill her. It was hard to say if the dark whispers in her room were coming from outside or were only within Eun-Byul's head, especially since she was equally hard-pressed to say if she was dreaming or not. The Rat felt frozen in place, more seeming to see her body than be a part of it. What do you have to lose, Eun-Byul? Kill her.

Her spirit or whatever it was that was dispassionately listening to these malevolent whispers seemed to ask, "What for? It's more trouble than it's worth. Min-Jee isn't even the most powerful. Why should I kill her?"

Though the whispers were insubstantial and invisible, she could almost feel it grinning darkly at her response, somehow pleased. Do you want to see what your world will be like if you keep her around you? Whether or not you become zodiacs, she will break you. Do you want to see what kind of misery you will feel? She didn't have a chance to answer no thanks, before the scene around her changed. She could see the two of them making it to the Jade Emperor's palace first, smiling at each other, putting on their best manners for the big man upstairs. But as the scene sped through time, Min-Jee became favored among the gods, showered with praise for her open, friendly attitude. Caught up in the excitement, the Cat began to leave her behind, as did the other gods and zodiacs, for people could be fond of the Rat, but no one ever got close enough to love her. No one ever had. Even with the favor of the Jade Emperor as one of his zodiacs, Eun-Byul watched herself grow alone and embittered.

"It's not guaranteed we will both win." She heard herself say, calmly. "The future is uncertain." But the voice just chuckled an echo and the vision switched again. In this one, neither made it across in time, and they stayed in the state they were in. A somewhat disappointed Min-Jee tried to keep them both cheerful, reassuring Eun-Byul that the silly race wasn't a big deal, and they perhaps just hadn't had a chance against the stronger demons. Just hearing those words, the Rat could feel the sting of inadequacy and condescension swirling around her head, the disappointed promise of a better life only adding to the inexpressible anger festering in her heart that would only grow and grow. Every outcome was the same. If she alone joined the zodiacs, she would grow to despise the way associating with Min-Jee lowered her status. If Min-Jee alone succeeded, she would resent her for her success as if the Cat was lording it over her. And in every outcome, Eun-Byul saw her hatred grow into madness, and that madness break free in wanton violence. Her killing fellow zodiacs, killing Min-Jee, being defeated, locked away, and used as a horror story. No matter how it went, she always lost.

When this display was done, Eun-Byul was silent for a long moment, a heavy silence that weighed her down. The voice capitalized on this silence. See? The word didn't just seem to echo slightly, it bounced back and forth in the darkness of what was now most definitely a dream. See? There is no happiness for you while Min-Jee lives. As long as she lives, your future is to end up alone and hated. Forever.

She woke with a start the night before the race. Waking the Cat, the two of them proceeded as they'd planned, tricking the Ox into letting them ride his back across the river. As they sat on his back with Eun-Byul singing softly, she turned to look at Min-Jee. The Cat was sitting there with that cheerful look plastered over her muzzle, and suddenly there was that whisper again. Forever. Forever. She stopped singing, but the whisper continued for her, giving her a chance to move closer to Min-Jee, to talk to her properly, which she did.

For the first time since they'd first interacted and became friends, the Rat's voice was flat and cold, none of the social pretense she always kept around others. "You're always smiling, aren't you, Min-Jee? Just like a fool." She kept moving forward, backing the Cat towards the end of the Ox. "Have you ever thought about how much of a burden you are? You're clumsy and stupid. You've clung onto me without letting me have any rest. You cause trouble without being able to get away from it, so I've always had to save you. You make it so easy for people to love you, that they've let you forget. And I've let you forget because it was easy. As long as I was with you, others would like me, too. But I'm going to become a zodiac now. I don't need you. I don't need to carry your burden with me into the heavens. Will you do me one last favor, Min-Jee? Just be obedient, and die." She jumped forward and bit one of Min-Jee's paws, causing the cat to startle backwards and lose her grip, falling into the water. Eun-Byul watched coldly as the Cat splashed in the water a bit, the Ox too distracted with the evil whisper's song to notice, and she did not stop looking until the Cat's head sank for good underneath the waves.


Two Weeks Before the Current Race

What have they ever done for you, anyways, Eun-Byul? The humans revile you. The gods look down on you, and the Emperor only cares for you because you won the first Race. They all whisper about what you did to the Cat. Though they face you with smiles, their words are poison against you. This time, the whisper haunting her seemed to have stronger form, for she could see the smile form in smoke in her dream, tendril fingers caressing her shoulders comfortingly. From your birth, no one has ever cared for you. No one has ever loved you. They will take the first chance they have to cast you in the dirt again. The smoke presented her with memories of her childhood, a small, dirty rat scrambling for food being chased from home to home. Humans that tried to kill her, and the other demons that turned their backs on her. The nights where she would look to the sky and pray to an Emperor who did not care, a master who brought no relief unless she fought for it herself.

Take revenge, Eun-Byul. Be the master in the end. The voice swelled and echoed and laughed, the way it had the first time.

Eun-Byul started awake in her bed. Looking around the fine trappings of her room, she saw she was alone in the darkness. A little grin touched her mouth, just the slightest baring of teeth, and she thought she could still hear the echo of that voice's laughter blowing through her room.