WORLDBUILDING Current Affairs: A New Beginning; World Building

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Realm of Fantasies
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Magical, Fandom(depending), Romance(depending)

  • Ages ago the world was prosperous and growing. Cities grew into civilizations of advanced technology and they thrived. Everywhere was peaceful with no need for wars. The people of this ancient civilization worked together without any need to conquer.

    That all changed when the Gathrealite was uncovered.

    Deep in the heart of the main capital the people uncovered a never before seen ore that contained unfathomable power. A single ore contained enough energy to power up five entire cities for many moons and they had struck the mother load of this valuable mineral. With it came many promises of a brighter future and better tomorrow. The things they could all accomplish were numerous.

    Yet with it came the greed.

    Other tribes felt cheated and that they should have a share of the ore mine. Some claimed it was too dangerous to share and should be locked away. Others wanted it split evenly. Others still believed it should be destroyed.

    It was decided to be shared. The Gathrealite was divided to the other tribes so that all may have a share in its power and wealth. Cities grew still thanks to this amazing and unknown power. A gift from the gods they would say. Though it soon became a curse.

    Distrust grew between the tribes. Some believed others were gaining more than their fair share. Doubt crept along with paranoia. Each tribe believed the other was developing weapons to be used against them so they used the ore's power to make their own. Distrust turned into greed, conversations turned into disputes, peace turned into war.

    For many years, destruction waged upon the world as the tribes fought for power. Each using the power of the ores given to them they used its power for the defenses as well as weapons. No where was safe. Where civilizations once thrived was now nothing more than shattered earth and charred remains. The tribes fought themselves to near extinction.

    Then the gods stepped in. They could no longer stand idly by and allow this mayhem to continue. As punishment for their greed the gods filled the world with water. Drowning the tribes and their homes and destroying the weapons they made. All their advanced technology was lost in the waves and their civilizations drowned deep within the sea. Many years from now some remnants of the ancient civilization could possibly be seen, such as the ruins deep within the Underdark, but none of their ancient technologies remained.

    And so Genesis was born. The world of water.

  • The world is covered in 90% of water with only islands making up the land mass. There are few large islands that make up the main cities and, as such, it is the oceans that are named as a whole rather than the land.

    Eudora is the main body of water that houses the well known port cities and towns. These waters are protected by the government and allow trading. There are intricate island chains or fishing towns all the way up to the main capital of the world and everything in between. Eudora is the well known mapped part of the world with any order and law and, hence, has the most population.
  • Other Sea

    Despite there being law and order within Eudora, it cannot always reach every nook and cranny of the world. Far beyond the Flood Gates of Eudora are the deep dark waters of the unknown ocean: The Other Sea.

    There are many tales and legends of these seas. No one dares to cross to the other side and risk its dangerous waters. No one knows what may lurk beneath the waves or what monstrosities the islands might be home to. It is a place everyone stays away from. Only outlaws or the insane dare brave its waters. Criminals are exiled here and the Flood Gates never open for any who try to enter from the other side. Once a ship finds her hull trapped in these waters... There is no returning.

    However, other than its wild nature, the Other Sea is the most beautiful place often unseen. There are many wonders that are unexplained. Mysteries fill these waters and though they are frightening, they are no less wonderful. Just as there are dangers here there is also beauty. It is almost worth the risk.
  • The Council makes up the government of Eudora. It is seated by the five most powerful people that each represent the five main islands/cities of Eudora. They make up the laws of the sea and make the big decisions. It is through them how each of their islands are run and keeping the peace.
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