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Goddess of Thunder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
EST Mon thru Thurs: 6pm–11pm, Fri: 6pm–1am, Sat & Sun: All day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci Fi, Horror and Magical.
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written by mombie

aria munroe
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"I can relate to living in your parent's shadow. My father isn't a goddess, but he's one of the smartest people in the world and he's just plastered in tabloids, news... wherever. My mom too. Ever since my birth that's all it's been. They even call me 'Junior Fantastic.'" She laughed softly at that, but it was more or less out of sympathy than the fact that she could possibly find that funny. There's no humor to be found in not being your own person because your parent was great. For Aria, she had always felt a certain insecurity in never being able to be even a glimmer of the queen of weather as Ororo Munroe. There was an even farther divide between she and Storm when she was just handed off to Forge; a parent that was a stranger to her. A parent whose power did not blend well with what she had been taught for two years. He had ruined her; bastardized her from her powers and eventually made sure that she had the same insecurities about other Mutants as he did. Specifically, the X-Men and her mother.

Aria was deep in thought when William's voice came back to her, "I'm sorry about... whatever happened with your dad. But maybe this can be your new team? I don't know how everyone else here feels about... Well, all of this. But I'd like to think that there could be a possibility of that."

She smiled at that, albeit lightly, behind taking a sip of her now cold cappuccino. "I'm not sure how I feel about all of this, either, other that it was an inevitable occurrance. However, I agree that maybe some fresh and friendly faces will help a lot. I don't know how to be part of a team anymore, but I am looking forward to relearning."

When she looked up from her mug, the oreos were gone and his hand outstretched toward her. There was a brief moment of confusion; not emotion, but just a general confusion that followed actions coming out of nowehere. "Let me show you something." With that statement, she concluded that there must have been a sudden thought that popped into his head. She took his hand long enough to stand up and released just as he did, himself.

They took the lift to Sub-level 20, and she was very curious for the whole quiet ride down. Part of her, just a smidge felt more on the edge of waryiness, but for some reason - she felt like William was trustworthy. He hadn't done anything to earn her trust, yet she somehow knew that she didn't have to be on her toes. He just had that air about him.

Not everyone is out to get you, she had to often mentally remind herself in order to stand strong against the brainwashing of her father. Though, he might notice that she kept at least an arm's length away and perhaps even sideglanced him a couple of times. While her mind was telling itself that everything was okay, and her emotions were stable right at this moment, her body had its own battle.

The lift doors open and she slipped out of it first, per William's silent insistence. It took her a couple of seconds to register that they were inside of some sort of enhanced locker room, of which she was not unaccustomed to having been a student at Xavier's once upon a time.

Aria spared a look over her shoulder at William, and he urged her to go on, "Go ahead. Look around."

So, she did just that. It was easy for her to separate herself from conversation and wander off on her own. The first destination was for the lockers, and they had the names of former students on them. Aria was familiar with many of the names, but some were more obscure. Still, it made her feel some strange sense of loss - even though she didn't know any of them personally.

Among the names were members like Spider-Woman, the famous Black Widow, Shadowcat, and others. Some of these names were also those of former students in the Xavier Academy, only they were no longer there when Aria had been around. They did, however, leave quite an impression on the future generations of X-Men. She ran her fingers along the names of those that were not familiar, likely due to the bias between Mutant and non-Mutant heroes. These were figures like Batman, Green Lantern, and more. They were media-famous, but Aria hadn't really paid them any mind.

She moved on, traversing the room quietly; surveying it in silent comparison to her former school, Xavier's. She looked over at the interactive monitor then to the wide double-doors, the scene instantly reminding her of the holoroom training entrance of her Academy years.

"This must be a holoroom training area," she guessed as she moved to the monitor and tapped a few keys to power it on. They'd be able to train a whole range of scenarios here, and that was lowkey exciting. While she tried to keep herself from a wide giddy smile, it couldn't be helped.

As she did that, she happened to also get a good look at her watch. Her eyes went wide at the time! It was nearing eleven at night. It was no wonder that she found herself growing a little weary despite the cappuccino, which was more or less just flavored milk anyway.

She spun around on her heels to face William's general direction, "Thanks, William. I think I needed this," Aria admitted with that same light smile. "I also think my body is going to start screaming at me to go to bed soon. I'm up much later than normal." Typically, the young woman preferred the routine of being in bed at 9pm. That meant being settled on her bed with a good book and eventually falling asleep around ten. Today thwarted her body's natural circadian rhythm.

She walked past him at an obviously hasty pace and waved at him after pushing the button to the lift. "Night, Will! Maybe I will catch you at breakfast in the morning." Aria left him with a bright smile and a waving hand as the lift doors close and she was taken to her penthouse.

When she got to her room, she tossed her braided hair into a showercap, slipped out of her clothes, showered, tugged on some PJs, and was soon after snoozing away in bed as quickly as someone being physically knocked out.

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written by thor

myla murdock
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hell's angel

The suturing of her wound felt longer than when she did it herself. Myla could have went to her room and taken care of it but her work would have been mediocre, at best, compared to the advanced capabilities within the academy. Most of her scars came from her own shoddy stitching. There were many things that she was capable of regardless of her disability, but doing a perfect stitch was not one of them.

As she laid there on the medical bed, her mind easily wondered, somehow ending up on Kane. There was something about him that perplexed Myla. Perhaps it was the fact that she knew nothing about him beyond his name and that he didn't hesitate when it came to killing. That would be enough to pique anyones interest. But what confused her more was how comfortable she felt around him... safe. Of course, having her life saved by him would do that to anyone for a time, yet she found herself almost sad that she'd never cross his path again. Ridiculous.

Myla sighed softly when the procedure finished. She adjusted her top as she sat up and grabbed her things. She had no desire to linger around the others and recount an evening she had yet to fully come to grasp with. It was late. She didn't need a clock to tell her that. And whatever adrenalin rush she might have had had long worn off, leaving her sore and fatigued. "Thank you, J.A.R.V.I.S.," she said as she moved to her feet.

"My pleasure, Ms. Murdock."

The moment she stepped out of the infirmary, she could hear the lights shut off and the entire wing shutdown. Myla slowly made her way over to the elevators and ascended to her room. It was quiet. She was thankful for that. Manhattan always had so much noise that it was hard for her to sleep. Whenever she would just about doze off there would always be something in the distance, a siren, a cry for help, a gun shot. It didn't matter. Something that required her attention more than a few hours of much needed rest. But out here it was just the whistling of the wind around the tower and the soft sounds of the ocean washing up to the shore.

Myla needed a shower but her eyes were fighting to stay open already. She opted for changing her clothes as a temporary fix until the morning. She needed sleep. It took her longer than she would have liked to find the bedroom. Then the moment she fell backwards onto the soft mattress it seemed like whatever sleepiness she had immediately left her. She laid there, for what felt like an eternity, as her mind replayed the night's events over and over again. And for some strange reason she kept coming back to the small, intimate encounter in the bathroom. Why couldn't she get it out of her mind?

It was only then, with the thoughts of a stranger's safety and a weird anxious feeling in her gut, that she managed to finally drift off.

william richards
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jr. fantastic

William lingered back near the elevator and let Aria wonder around the staging room for the training facility. If she had spent any time at all at Xavier's school then it had to feel familiar, even to some small degree. After all, it was him that allowed Tony Stark to replicate some of their own training technology, but added his own advancements and spins, as he usually did. He himself even felt a bit odd and out of place being down there. It had been a decade since he stepped foot in this building and wondered the halls, yet it also felt like yesterday. But there was still something missing and that was all the friends he shared his time with before the academy closed. Unfortunately, they would not be waiting in some room.

He watched Aria wonder around. Her fingers brushed the name tags of previous students as she paced about the circumference of the room. Eventually she made her way towards the large control panel and double doors that lead toward the training room. "This must be a holoroom training area."

Will pushed off the wall and slowly walked across the room toward her. "It is. Very similar to Xavier's, in fact. Tony got the plans from him and then added his own spin on it." He watched her press some buttons and look it over. He wasn't going to stop her. Nothing that she could press on there would cause any problems. It just set up the environment for training. Anything she could think of could be designed on there.

Aria snuck a glance down at her watch and then spun around to face him. "Thanks, William. I think I needed this," she said with a soft smile.

William nodded his head and returned the smile. "Glad to help."

"I also think my body is going to start screaming at me to go to bed soon. I'm up much later than normal."

"Oh yes, of course." He once again nodded his head and motioned his hand toward the elevator.

"Night, Will! Maybe I will catch you at breakfast in the morning." Aria hurried past him while giving him a quick wave.

"Good night," Will called after her as she hurried into the elevator. He gave her a soft smile and a wave as the doors closed.

Once alone, Will's right hand raised to rub the back of his head with a soft sigh. He didn't know what to expect out of this strange group of strangers. They were all so different. And some lead him to question if a place like this was somewhere they belonged. But nevertheless, he tried to remain optimistic and hold out hope that they would all remain. They needed the help. Whether or not they all liked one another, too many heroes were gone for them to ignore this any longer. If they did, who knows how long it would be until they were next?

William waited awhile until he thought it had been a long enough time for the elevator to drop off Aria. He then pressed the button and waited for the lift to come get him. Pressing the button that lead to his floor made him small, if only a small fraction. He was happy to be home. No one really knew how much he had missed this place. When the doors opened, everything was exactly the way he remembered it. It was like coming home after a long vacation.

He wasn't particularly tired. While everyone else might have easily fallen into bed, Will suffered from an overactive mind and a terrible chase of insomnia. So rather than lay in bed staring at the ceiling for hours, he sat himself down at his desk. If he was going to be awake at all hours of the night, he had to be useful. Will turned on the computer and wasted no time deep diving on the internet to see if he could find anymore leads or their next course of action. Little did he know he wasn't going to get any sleep at all, nor find a single ounce of new evidence.

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written by thor

zehara el sayid
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jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

"I hope you don't mind if I join you," Lexa asked with a grin. James doubted whether or not he wanted her there that she would listen. For him, a swim was to cool him off and calm him down. Potentially tame the beast inside for a short while. But the way he felt the woman's gaze on her and her excitement to strip down and join him made him feel awkward, although he wouldn't say it. He sympathized for women who had to deal with stuff like this and worse from men.

James didn't say anything and not like it mattered. Lexa was stripped and in the water in no time. And while she looked at him unabashedly, he didn't look at her. He never looked at woman's body without permission and unless she wanted him to... Even though she seemed like she might have enjoyed his lingering gaze. Instead his gaze remained focus on the door Myla exited out of, more worried about what happened to her and what that meant, rather than the half naked woman beside him.

When Lexa came to the surface, she came to the edge beside James, floating shoulder to shoulder without shame. He gave her a sideways glance but did nothing aside from sighing softly. He doubted it would make a difference regardless. "So, James... aside from almost stripping naked, what else interests you?"

He had to fight the urge to roll his eyes at her first comment. James slightly turned his head toward her while tapping his hand on the concrete. "Mostly work on my bike. I used to play the guitar long ago... But I haven't really been able to carry one on me while on the road."

Before he could ask Lexa the same thing, although truth be told he didn't much care about hearing about whatever was in her phone that got so much of her attention, Zehara came out onto the patio. "Did you see Myla?" The darker complexioned woman sat on one of the chairs, avoiding sitting on James's clothes. Not that he would have cared. "She said they attacked her when she went to get her things, and nearly took her."

Lexa pointed towards the silent man who made himself at home on the patio. He did leave with Myla, didn't he? While the woman beside him might have been wary, nothing inside James told him that this man had done anything wrong. The demon would have made that abundantly clear. "I don't think—"

"It wasn't me. I helped her." The man spoke up without opening an eye. Satisfied, James motioned his hand toward the guy in a like I was going to say manner. "No more questions."

Zehara looked over at the quiet man. She didn't know his name or anything about it. Honestly, she thought that he wasn't going to return to the academy at all. Yet, there he was. "That was kind of you... To help her." Her voice quieter so that James and Lexa didn't feel the need to chime in since they probably couldn't hear her. "She looked pretty shaken up..." her voice trailed. She wasn't speaking about wounds. Myla looked worried... And sad. "Sounds like she was lucky you were there."

She had nothing to say and didn't expect any comments in return from the quiet man. With a soft sigh, Zehara patted her knees before pushing off her legs and moving to her feet. "Good night everyone," was all she said with a slight wave toward the others. She entered back into the academy and fished her key from her pocket. She glanced back over her shoulder once more, looking at the others, before she made her way to the elevator and up to her new room.

The penthouse was nicer than anyone she had ever stayed. When would she have the time to use any of it? Zehara slowly wondered about the rooms until she found a bedroom that was larger than her last apartment. She couldn't help but imagine the number of people a facility like this could house. She dropped her small bag on the floor in an otherwise massive and empty closet. She contemplated a shower, but decided she'd save that for the morning. The bed, at minimum, was a king. Although argument could be made for bigger. She fell back into it, the soft blankets and pillows enveloped her in a soft cloud.

Meanwhile, James remained in the pool for sometime. He swam a couple laps and tried to relieve whatever tension he had. Of course, it only did so much. He was always tense having someone else writhing within his skin. When the sun had long since set and he knew it must have nearly midnight, if not later, he decided to climb out of the pool. "Nice... chat," he said while looking back at Lexa. Doubt it could be called a chat, or nice, but it was something.

James started to turn away, but stopped in his tracks. "Oh," He pivoted holding up an index finger. "Don't take a picture of my ass again." And while Lexa might have gotten a chuckle out of it, he wasn't laughing. He wasn't particularly keen on the idea of a picture of his ass all over the internet.

Dripping water, James's wet feet padded over to the chair where his clothes laid. He scooped them up in his hands before nodding his head toward the other guy. "G'night man." He didn't bother searching for a towel, or worry too much about trailing water through the academy. It seemed like there was enough tech in the building to clean up any mess the second it was made. He made his way up into his room and dropped the few belongings he had on the couch. Luckily there were towels in the bathroom, so he managed to dry off... enough, before laying down and quickly drifting to sleep.

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written by mombie

lexa creed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

She didn't seem to mind, or maybe didn't care - that she was likely annoying him. It wasn't that she couldn't read his body language, it was simply that Lexa wasn't afraid to be irritating, and she didn't think of herself as such, to begin with.

"Mostly work on my bike. I used to play the guitar long ago... But I haven't really been able to carry one on me while on the road," he answered her, but the conversation into personal lives seemed to have died there. It was just small talk anyhow. While she was interested to know more, other things were more pressing like the state of Myla and the appearance of Kane when everyone thought that he wasn't going to return. All of these things were interesting. So, she wasn't a genius like her father, but she began to see the amusing dynamics of the group for what they were.

Kane seemed like he was in real need of a nap, and even Zehara was tired. She gave her fellow woman a smile and a wave, allowing her to leave without holding her up any longer than was needed.

Afterward, there was one sleeping Kane, Jameson, and herself. At this point, she was content to linger around the edge of the pool quietly with her thoughts. James hadn't made it abundantly clear with words that he was likely uninterested in anything she had to say, but she could pick up on the smaller less obvious signs. It was almost a shame that this group had a weird tendency to look down on her for her addiction to social media, as Lexa was a lot more than her Instagram account.

She sighed and rested her cheek against one of her arms that were folded across the edge of the pool. It wasn't until, "Nice... chat," that she looked at James at all.

Despite the fact that the stress on chat felt sarcastic, and it lowkey hurt her feelings when she didn't really do anything wrong, she smiled without betraying anything she might have been feeling in the moment and replied cheerily, "Mhmm, have a good night!" After all, it wouldn't do her any good to sweat the small things. She even gave him a finger-waggling wave as he departed.

Of course, he stopped and turned around to make sure she knew that she shouldn't take a picture of his butt. "Oh, don't take a picture of my ass again."

She gave him a two-fingered salute and a mocking, "Yes, Sir," but she wasn't sorry at all. With a tilted head Lexa watched as Jameson faded from view. Really watched.

Eventually, she slid out of the pool and moved inside. She hadn't bothered saying anything to Kane since the man looked like he couldn't be fussed about waking up, and she had pretty much been rejected in a not-so-obvious manner by James already. She dragged herself inside, up the elevator, and to her penthouse. After a quick shower and nighttime pampering routine, she tucked herself into bed and fell asleep after asking J.A.R.V.I.S. to set an alarm for her.

* * *​

Her alarm rang for 0500, and whilst half-asleep, an arm wiggled out from under the covers so that she could locate her cellphone and shut it down. Only, it wasn't her cellphone. She tap, tap, tapped it and still, the damn alarm kept blaring.

"Okay, okay Jarvis, you win. I'm awake, I'm awake," Lexa grumbled as she rolled onto her back and kicked her blanket off of her nude body. She's always been late to bed and early to rise. Perhaps being in her early twenties gave her some sense of renewed vigor, but she also gives credit to her father's genes. She didn't require much sleep, and this gave her an opportunity to be awake before others.

She tossed on a pair of workout clothes, grabbed her earbuds, and requested that JARVIS direct her to the gym.

On her way out of the elevator to the gym floor, she snapped a quick selfie to let her fanbase know that it was time to get the day started. But as she stared at the photo before uploading, she sighed a bit. The group here was all a bunch of Boomers, and feeling quietly judged, she tossed the phone on a nearby chair and opted to leave it unposted for now. The text merely said #boomerssuck #missmyfriends #lonely

* * *​

For about two hours she ran some laps around in the indoor track, lifted some weights, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of having a gym to herself. With her earbuds out and pocketed, and her phone out of sight and out of mind while she cooled down and wiped herself off with a hand towel, she left the gym without her cellular device.

She was eventually back up in her place to shower and go through her long grooming routine. It didn't even occur to her that she had left her phone elsewhere.

"Miss Creed," JARVIS called her as she mists her face with some finishing spray to set her makeup, "We have training in one hour. Proceed to Sub-level 20."

With directions given to her, she had to change her outfit. A skirt would not do. She opened up her bag, since she had yet to unpack, and pulled out what she considers her "costume". It was nothing more than form-hugging leather pants, knee high boots, a jacket, and a camisole top. They were quite worn; scratch marks riddled the pants and coat, and there was a slight tear in the top. Even her boots flaked slightly. She needed a serious change, but this is one of the outfits her father helped her buy a long time ago when she stopped growing. It wasn't much, but she never expected anything at all.

She tugged everything on, gave her hair one last run-through with her fingers, and made her way to Sub-level 20.

josiah dalinski
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the jester

Josiah never slept well. He always had strange dreams, and sometimes - just sometimes - he felt like he were never really dreaming, to begin with. They could be memories, but he was sure that he could never do half of the deeds that his nightmares would have him commit. He knew that he had blank moments in his life, and even throughout his day, but he never thought much of them.

He was also aware of his psychological makeup. He's managed to sell himself on the idea that he could contain the parasites that existed in his mind, but as the days progress the moments that were blank seemed to grow longer and longer. People were upset at him for reasons that he couldn't comprehend right away, and he had already been harshly judged by Jameson as a threatening entity.

He was awake just lounging in his bed and staring up at the ceiling. Most of him did not want to walk out of the penthouse and face other people. He was feeling kind of insecure today.

"Good morning, Mr. Dalinski. Please report to Sub-level 20 for training," JARVIS chimed. Well, it would seem that he'd have to venture outside of his safe space.

He had unpacked what little he brought with him, so he walked to his closet and opened it. He didn't know what to wear, but it appeared as though - just when he was thinking that he'd have nothing - there was an outfit waiting for him. It was a confusing set; a purple jacket and slacks, green vest, blouse and tie, and a mask for good measure. Confused, he took the costume off of the hanger and picked up the mask. Who put it there? Was it him? One of him, anyway?

While the outfit, itself, was a tad flamboyant for his taste, he could appreciate the mask. Josiah had no interest in looking at people in their faces and vice versa.

As he got dressed, he wondered what the hell he was going to do in this place. Why was he even here? He already felt sore for Brooklyn, but he did need some answers. Even though the villainous parts of him were beginning to seep from his more composed self, he was never a bad guy. Not in his mind. He had a series of bad circumstances, and from them were birthed defenses, and those defenses could respond in horrible ways to certain situations. That was his curse. He couldn't escape it. He couldn't know when a moment will strike him. He couldn't know when he would hurt someone or himself. His one friend, in what seemed like this whole entire Universe, was suddenly gone.

When he placed the mask on his face, he felt a lot better. He looked in the mirror. It was good. No one would be able to see his face. And most importantly, he became disconnected from himself.

He left his penthouse and took the elevator down to Sub-level 20. When the lift doors opened, his gaze caught Lexa immediately. To avoid her, he turned sharply and pretended to read names on lockers.

Lexa wouldn't say anything to him for the time being, as he seemed like he needed to be alone. Also, she didn't feel like being sexually harassed today.

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written by thor & mombie

kane nyguyen
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myla murdock
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hell's angel

Kane hadn't noticed that anyone left the pool. In fact, he slept through at least half of the night outside in the cooling air. He didn't mind, either. It wasn't until about 3 am that he managed to wake up, pick himself up, and drag his ass to the lift and up to his penthouse. He just crashed, sans shower or any form of hygiene at all. He was so damn tired. It didn't help that his body was also battered, and he could feel the strain of his musculature as he fought against all of the aches. Despite it all, he was easily lulled back to sleep.

* * *​

He woke up with ten times more pain than last night. A groan fell from his lips, and he rolled over and ended up falling on the floor. His teeth gritted as his back hit the carpet, and he threw his head back and gripped his side. Everything felt bruised - not just on the outside, but inside as well. From being slammed to being hit, he was beaten pretty badly.

For a woman. He didn't even understand why he had to intervene. He's never interloped on another criminal's territory or job before, and it was clearly a mistake. Clearly. But then... was it, really? As his conflicting thoughts moved through his head, he pulled himself up onto his feet and dragged his ass into the shower.

It was in the lights and mirrors of the bathroom that he got to see the bruises that made his dark skin black and purple. He tossed all of his clothes onto the floor, but the water on hot, and enjoyed the soothing feel of his muscles being able to fully relax.

JARVIS chimed while Kane was showering, "Good Morning, Mr. Nyguyen. Report to Sub-level 20 for training."

Training? Why the hell would he bother with these people? He wasn't a hero. What if they figured out who he was or what he's done? How would he function in a group when he's operated as an individual all of his life? People always got in the way, like Myla. Myla made him break one of his most sacred codes, now here he is - he doesn't know what he's supposed to be doing anymore. It was like everything went from black and white to a nasty shade of grey that he felt thrust into.

This is what he should be doing, though. He was just thinking about this the other night. What if he could stop killing and focus on something else? But why does it feel so... weird? Why does the thought scare him more than delivering death to someone that he doesn't even know, whom might have not even deserved that kind of sentence? He tapped his forehead against the wall over and over again, teeth clenched again.

He didn't know what to do, but he was already here.

Luckily, he had managed to keep his "costume" with him, so he put all of that on with much strain. He pulled the mask over his face and pulled his black bamboo hat down low so that shadows would cover what his mask could not. He grabbed his sheathed blade and headed for the lift.

After he went through the elevator door and pressed the button for Sub-level 20, he was certain that it'd take him straight down. However, it seemed that someone else was pressing their own button at the same time, and the lift doors opened to another's penthouse.

Myla slept like the dead, which isn't hard to imagine after the day she had. She would have slept the day away if it wasn't for J.A.R.V.I.S. waking her up mid-R.E.M. cycle. Even then, it took a second call from the A.I. to wake her up. If she would have arisen at the first call she might have been able to relax in bed for a while, but at this point, she was running late. Her whole body was sore when she started to move. Her limbs were stiff and angry as she trudged over to the shower.

The hot water woke her up and helped soothe her aching bones. While naked in the cascading water, Myla let her hand wander to her stitches. She winced slightly. They were still sore, but the sutures were far better than anything she could have managed. She couldn't help but worry if she was in the right state to train. But whether or not she was physically able, she wasn't going to let anyone know otherwise. She made sure to be careful around the wound as she finished washing.

Once done, she quickly hopped out of the shower and popped the maximum dose of Advil she could get her hands. Myla still wasn't used to the layout of the penthouse and stubbed a couple of toes on her way back to her bag by the door. She was no stranger to shimming into her suit under a time constraint, but still being wet added its own difficulty. After a couple of wiggles and hops, she had the sleeves on and zipped up the front. She pressed the button for the elevator before stepping into her boots.

Myla assumed it would take a minute or two for it to reach her floor, but it arrived much earlier than she expected. The doors opened as she laced up her second boot. She could tell someone was there, but she was more focused on hurrying up rather than figuring out who it was. "Sorry, one second."

With her boots fastened, she tucked her helmet under her arm and stepped inside. Once inside the quiet confines of the elevator, Myla exhaled softly. Her brows furrowed as her head slightly turned in the direction of the other person. They were familiar, had to be if they were in the academy. But it triggered vague memories of someone who did not stay. Subconsciously, before her brain could tell her it wasn't polite, she reached out and took his hand. Not in a romantic or friendly manner, but inquisitive. She rested the back of his hands in her left, while the fingertips of her right hand lightly ran across his palm.

His hand was large and heavy in her own. Myla's fingertips traced along coarse skin and calluses. It wasn't possible, but she rarely was wrong. The rough hand, comfortable silence, and familiar sent all triggered one person. "Kane?" She stood there, silent and still, as she studied him. Who else could it be? "What are you doing here?... I thought you left."

Kane, himself, hardly paid attention to the first two minutes of the lift stopping and the doors opening. Whoever was about to enter he couldn't care less about. After some time, though, he looked up just slightly to notice that the person entering the lift with him in it was none other than Myla. The lift doors and closed, and the descent - which was normally fast - turned into a perceptively slow drag.

Maybe she hadn't noticed yet.

He knew that she could sense something, as she wasn't a vigilante without a certain skillset. People missing certain sensory functions were often augmented in other things, even going so far as to develop a sixth sense of sorts. She approached him, but he couldn't possibly step back - his back was already pressed against the elevator wall. Then she took his hand.

His heart quickened. He became suddenly all-too conscious of everything, like an out-of-body experience. Could she hear his heart beating like that? When she brushed her fingers across the rough skin of his palms, his own fingers twitched a little. He tried to hold his breath. He tried to calm his breath. He tried to breathe normally - deep and long - anything and everything. The lift ride was excruciating.

"That's a good question." He retracted his hand just as the elevator was coming to a slow stop. "I don't have an answer." Always one short for words, he didn't bother waiting around for her to get off. He stepped around her; a hand resting on her waist for just a half-a-heartbeat long, to gesture her off to the side a little bit so he could get out.

While Myla might not have said anything, she noticed every shift in Kane from his breathing to his heartbeat. But what confused her is how much it contrasted what he showed her. He seemed anxious or nervous... perhaps in a good way. Regardless, his words were short and evasive like always. While she thought the more she encountered him the more sense it'd all make, but if anything he left her more confused.

When Kane retracted his hand, Myla remained still, her hand stayed where she left it, but in the absence of his, her fingers gently curled into her palm. She didn't follow after him as he left her there. Her feet subconsciously sidestepped as the touch on her waist bade. And while she remained there, her face showed her confusion. She let a soft sigh escape her lips before she exited the elevator out onto the training floor.

Myla's feet started to carry her towards Kane, like some natural magnetism. She had to consciously tell herself to go the other way, even though, for some strange unexplainable reason, she felt safe with him. Instead, she went to the opposite side of the room, standing alone and several feet away from the nearest person. And while she might have looked to be focusing on putting on her helmet, all her senses were locked on Kane, like it might give some kind of answer. The only peak into what went on in her mind was her furrowed brows which quickly disappearing beneath her helmet.

Kane could feel the weight of her metaphorical stare. Even without eyes, he felt like she bore into his soul. It was scary. He waited with the others as they began to fill the room. If he was short with Myla, he'd be even less verbose with others. If that was even possible.

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written by mombie

aria munroe
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aria had slept pretty well, all things considered. A new place normally got her all high on anxiety, but William had helped ease her into the setting. The calm and deep sleep allowed her to wake up feeling refreshed, but she is still profoundly worried about other things.

She crawled out of her bed, made it, and asked JARVIS to open the tall curtains of her penthouse to let the early morning sun flood in. She stood by one of the windows for a long time and sipped a cup of fresh black coffee. There were a lot of thoughts in her head like. Where was her mother? Was she dead? What about T'Challa? He wasn't her father, but she grew up with him in Wakanda for a few years. He's her mother's husband. What would happen to the country? Then her thoughts shifted to her father, his allies - everyone and everything she knew, to be perfectly honest. A lot of what was happening was confusing, but not unexpected.

She sighed as she tilted her head a bit to the right, and her eyes peered out into whatever was going on out there. Nothing. This early in the morning was always the quietest; even more so in a place that is nowhere like this. It was only JARVIS, when it alerted her to the training, that took her out of the spell she put herself under.

Aria finished her coffee and tossed it in the sink to be washed later. She did all the usual morning things; hygiene and other self-care. Eventually she was prancing around in just a bra and underwear, and she stared down at the small suitcase she had brought with her. She knelt down and unzipped it, flipping the topside onto the floor to reveal the few belongings she had. She had two costumes; one from her father and one given to her by someone from the X-Men. They were both her parents' more renowned outfits, only she hadn't the courage to be as bold and daring as her mother. Forge's costume was always the safer option, but after she took it off to change, her eyes kept peering over a shoulder at her mother's.

Maybe it was time to be a little daring.

She set her father's aside and pulled out the oldest of Storm's iconic outfits; a black leather one-piece with bold gold trimmings and the classic red emblem of the X-Men. There was also her headgear; an inky crown-like headband that looked like something out of the realm of an Asgardian diety or something. Then again, her mother was considered deity-like in the greatness of her omnipotent power.

When she put it on and tugged up the thigh-high boots, she came to realize that it didn't show as much skin as she really thought that it would. She's seen heroines with so much less clothing, and with the plethora of feminine personalities here, she doubts that she will be the only one.

At least, she'd be a lot more comfortable if she wasn't the only one.

She donned the black headpiece, let down her long thin braids, and decided that she was already dressed. It didn't matter that she felt somewhat uncomfortable with this revealing look, but what was done is done. The boots, to be honest, were really hard to put on anyway.

"It's fine," she told herself while looking in the tall mirror. "It's 2021 and femininity should be celebrated." Yes, that was it. While she wasn't as voluptuous as her mother had been, she was still softly feminine in cute kind of way. Sexy? Maybe a little when she actually chose to try, but she's considered a little on the dainty side. Especially for someone of her race, in which people are vasty considered to be thick with big booties - a totally sick stereotype, if you ask her.

"Heroines war stuff like this all of the time," she continued to reason with herself as she turned to look at her butt. The wing-like "cape" that was attached to the one-piece and then to the golden cuffs of her wrists hid a lot of that, so she wasn't particularly cheeky. Thank God. One last thing for Josiah to pick on.

Eventually she did leave her penthouse. Aria took the lift, and when she reached Sub-level 20, she had already grown self-conscious of her clothing. It made no sense. She crossed her hands over her stomach, allowing the wings of her mother's outfit to cover the front of the outfit so no one would notice that she was revealing quite a bit.

"Oh, man, you got one of the classic X-Men costumes!" Exclaimed one very excited Lexa Creed. Of course, she would know a lot about what the X-Men looked like considering her parentage and the familial relationship she had with Wolverine. Wolverine was like everyone's big grumpy dad - even Aria's at one point.

The woman practically bounced toward Aria and circled around her to give Storm's protege a good look. "I am so jealous, but it looks good on you. You got a nice figure!"

All of the sudden she felt a light slap on her rear!

You see, that's behavior that really comes from guys. Maybe that's just Aria steretyping gender roles, but she's never known a female to do what Lexa just did. Then again, as much as Sabretooth's spitfire daughter oozed female traits, she also had some very masculine ones. That was likely due to being raised by her father. Aria could understand that. Or maybe it's just how Lexa is.

"Oh, thanks. It was my mothers second costume," she replied while a few braids were tucked behind an ear.

Lexa could tell that the woman seemed slightly uncomfortable in it all, and she gets it. Aria seemed to enjoy the more 'cute' side of styling, so it might be odd to adorn something so sexy like one of her mother's pieces. Not to mention the fact that she is quite literally stepping and filling in some pretty pig boots. "You don't have to cover it all up! Let your inner-Storm shine, girl." Lexa tossed Aria a bright and friendly smile, then moved somewhere else to go be a bother to someone else.

Lexa, after having seen Myla and Kane come in - together again - wandered over to the blind vigilante. "You will have to accept your money because $200 is way more than I have paid for my entire closet combined." Lexa laughed softly at this, "You look like you've recovered well, so that's great!"

She turned toward Kane, placed a hand on her hip, and stood in one of those thinking poses, "I didn't think he was going to be back," she thought outloud.

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written by barnes

penelope cage
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
power girl

It was a typical 1AM for Penelope Cage—which of course meant that she was currently ducking a knife being swung at her face. The blade, as long as her hand and glinting in the moonlight, slashed through empty air, and the man wielding it stumbled forward, throwing himself off balance with the strength of his own attack. "You can't dodge me forever, girly," he sneered, getting ready to attack again.

Two girls, clearly inebriated and cowering behind Penelope in the alley the mugger had caught them in, screeched as he swung and missed again. "Aren't you, like, bulletproof? Just hit him already," one of the girls begged, seizing Penelope's shoulder in one hand and tugging. This action distracted her from the ongoing fight, and this time the blade glanced off her cheekbone, the metal crumpling as easily as paper. Penelope sighed. She had hoped to just scare the mugger off, but men like that only responded to direct action.

Drawing her arm back, she cold-cocked him right in the nose, breaking it with a crunch that seemed to reverberate through the alley. He fell backwards, clutching his face. Blood poured out from between his fingers as he groaned. "Bitch!" Still bent over, he tried to slash Penelope again with his ruined knife, and now she lashed out with a lead foot that caught him in the chest and sent him flying backwards into a crumpled heap at the mouth of the alley. This time he stayed down.

The girls hurried out from behind Penelope, the one who had grabbed her shoving past roughly, clearly irritated that her night had been ruined by some stupid mugger and a hero who didn't even want to fight. Her friend slipped around her more meekly, reaching out to grasp Penelope's hand in her cold fingers. "Thank you," she whispered, and then they were gone, heading to whatever afterparty was going on in Harlem tonight.

Penelope sighed. Another night, another "rescue", or whatever. Putting her hoodie up, she tucked her hands into the pockets of the jacket and stalked off in the opposite direction from the girls. Her phone vibrated with a call, and she put it up to her ear without checking the caller ID. At this time, there were only a handful of people who would be calling her.

"Penny." It was her dad. "I've been trying to reach you for half an hour."

"Sorry, I was—"

He didn't let her finish. "It doesn't matter. Listen, Penny, this is urgent. I've received a summons to the Academy, and it's probably related to the disappearances. You need to go and check it out. Sugar's got a driver waiting for you. Come home, pack quickly, and go."

Penelope began to agree, but he had already hung up. Typical of the great Luke Cage, who was so busy keeping Harlem safe that he couldn't even say goodbye to his own daughter. She walked home, signalling to the car idling out front to wait. The driver, a hulk of a man, waved back.

* * *​

"Miss Cage? We're here." Penelope shook awake, suddenly aware that the car had pulled to a stop. She had fallen asleep ten minutes into the ride, the movement of the car and her exhaustion overtaking her. They had pulled up in front of an old but no less familiar building. The sky was still dark; the night was not yet over.

She scrambled out of the car, dragging her bags along with her. Sticking her head in the open passenger side window, she thanked the driver. He reached out to pat her hand where it rested on the window frame. "Kick some ass, girl." The car left the driveway as quickly as it had come, its lights quickly disappearing into the darkness.

The doors opened automatically for Penelope, revealing a fully lit lobby that didn't surprise her as much as it should have. Although she was clearly late, it stood to reason that Phil and Alfred would be waiting for any stragglers. She didn't want to be there, but her manners took over automatically. "Phil. Alfred. It's good to see you." You look well, she wanted to say, but of course it wasn't true.

"Penelope. Welcome back." Alfred motioned to the chairs still set up in the arrangement from earlier that day. She noticed that someone else was already there; it had been a good while since they'd seen each other, but Penelope recognised Theodore Grayson immediately. "Hey, Penny." He raised a hand in greeting. "Seems like we're both late."

"Sorry about that."
She turned to Phil, already getting ready to explain herself. "My dad got your message, and he..."

"There's no need to worry about that,"
Phil cut in. "What matters is why you're here." Quickly, as they had with the earlier arrivals, the two men explained the situation with the heroes and their suspicions about the I.H.A. "You'll be safe here, and we'll do our best to help you prepare," Alfred finished. "If you choose to stay. Others have responded to our signal, and those that accepted are upstairs resting. You'll be able to meet them soon."

Theo didn't hesitate, grabbing one of the keys for himself. Penelope was less enthused, but she was here, and she couldn't turn her back on the people that needed her help, even if this entire situation seemed like a Bad Idea. She stood up, shouldering her bags. She took the other key from Alfred's outstretched fingers, murmuring, "Goodnight," as she passed him.

* * *​

It felt like Penelope's head had barely hit the pillow when an alarm rang out through the room, startling her awake for the second time in four hours. J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice was mildly apologetic. "Good morning, Miss Cage. Please proceed to Sub-level 20 for training in an hour."

"Morning, J,"
Penelope yawned, sitting up reluctantly. "Here we go again," she muttered to herself. It was just like old times, always the sparring and the obstacle courses and the judging people based on their abilities.

Unlike the flashy costumes that some of the heroes present would no doubt turn up in, she had no fixed costume, only a comfortable black hoodie that Penelope preferred to wear out while she was on patrol for its warmth and ease of movement. After a quick shower, she pulled the hoodie on and a pair of workout leggings, shaking the water out of her cropped hair as the door to her room slid shut behind her.

She had hoped for a few quiet minutes before reaching the training floor, but there was no such relief; someone else was already in the lift, an unfamiliar face. Penelope hesitated a moment before stepping in with a soft, "Good morning," and tucking herself into the corner furthest from the stranger.

theo grayson
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As a hero, Theo Grayson was typically out on the streets, looking for trouble to resolve or chasing down a lead on a mission; but not today. Instead, he was holed up in the spare bedroom of his apartment—which had been converted into a command centre replete with police scanner, mini forensic lab, and a souped-up computer—trying to chase down leads on the whereabouts of Jason Todd. Each lead seemed to evaporate as soon as Theo got his hands on information, which was making for a very fruitless investigation.

"Listen, if you could just—yes, I know you haven't heard anything, but are you sure that Curtis didn't speak to—man, come on, just help me out—goddammit!" The dial tone blared in his ear, and Theo hurled the receiver in frustration. It bounced off the monitor harmlessly, falling back into place on its hook. He threw himself backwards in his chair, which toppled backwards, leaving him lying on the floor. Without bothering to get up, he put his hands over his face and groaned. It was almost three weeks since Jason had vanished, and Theo was getting desperate.

"Theooooo!" A feminine voice sounded in the living room, the owner drawing out his name as, from the sound of it, she searched through the kitchen, storage room, and then finally put her head into the spare bedroom. "Theo, darling. What are you doing?"

"Change of perspective,"
he replied, ever the wisecrack. "Hi, Mom. How'd you get in?"

"I let myself in. You really should stop hiding your spare key in your shoes, it was disgusting looking through them."
Koriand'r tossed the spare key at him. "Your father got a message yesterday. We think it might be related to Jason." She waved a piece of paper at him, numbers scribbled hastily in blue ink clearly visible on it. Theo leaped up, snatching it from her and reading the numbers to himself. Coordinates. "This is the Academy. But it's closed?"

"That's exactly what your dad said. He doesn't think there's anything fishy about it, and that you should go. They might be able to help,"
Kory suggested. She ruffled his already-untidy hair, ignoring his protests. "We'll leave you to it." With that, she backed out of the room, leaving the apartment.

Although he trusted Dick more than anyone else, Theo had to check again. It took the better part of two days, and more phone calls, but eventually it seemed as though the summons wasn't suspicious. Packing quickly, Theo watered his plants one last time, then hurried to the garage where his bike was waiting.

* * *​

It was way past the stated time when Theo pulled up outside the Academy, parking his bike haphazardly by the front of the building. Beyond the front doors, Alfred and Phil were waiting in an empty lobby. "You got our message, then."

"Well, Dad got your message, and he ran it through a bunch of checks, and then he passed it to me, and then I ran it through a bunch of checks... and I'm here now. What's going on? Does it have anything to do with the disappearances? Did you know Jason's gone?"

"Mr. Grayson, please calm down. We'll explain shortly. Please take a seat,"
Phil urged. Theo turned to see the arrangement of chairs and sofas, and flopped down into one of them with a huff, clearly impatient to get to the part where they told them what was going on.

The doors opened again, and a girl hurried in, pulling a couple of bags behind her effortlessly despite her slender frame. It was obvious who she was, Theo didn't need to see her face to know. When she turned to him, he saw the spark of recognition in her eyes too. "Hey, Penny. Seems we're both late."

She took the seat beside him. It was clear, through the entirety of Phil and Alfred's speech, that she was nervous, her spine tense and hands clasped tightly in her lap. The realisation broke through Theo's own anxiety, confusing him. He was aware that Penny had never been the most heroic of them, but this tension was new. Had something happened to her?

Before he could ask, Alfred held out two keys, clearly to the penthouses upstairs. Their speech was finished, and the choice was obvious to Theo. "I'm staying. I want to know what's going on, and put a stop to it." The hint of a wry smile touched Alfred's lips, recognising the trademark Grayson determination. "Good to have you back, sir. Before you go upstairs, perhaps you'd like to put your vehicle in the garage. You remember where it is."

"Good idea. I'll see you tomorrow, Alfred, Phil. Penny,"
he nodded as he passed her, heading back outside to wheel his bike into the garage where he put it next to a row of bikes, some flashy, some more pedestrian. Probably belonged to the students.

* * *​

Theo barely slept the rest of the night, lying very still on his back in the middle of the bed, just thinking about the situation. Having exhausted pretty much every contact, he had to admit that there was very little information for him to go on with—but now he was at the Academy, with a group of other heroes who seemed to have a similar desire to find the ones that had gone missing. That brought a bit of hope, even if he wasn't sure how helpful they would be.

The sun rose, and with it came J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice. "Good morning, Mr. Grayson. Training at Sub-level 20 will commence in an hour."

It would be a good way of meeting the others present, at any rate. Theo had packed his suit, similar in appearance to his father's classic Nightwing design with significant armour, a utility belt, and two escrima sticks which could be strapped to his back for easy access. This Theo pulled on after his shower, opting to leave the domino mask off, which he tucked into a hidden pocket. There was no need to hide his identity here.

Walking onto the training floor, Theo stopped short, realising that he didn't quite recognise most of the people here. Of course, not every hero-in-training would have attended the Academy, but maybe there were more than he'd realised that either studied there at a time different from him or had never attended at all. He looked around at the people gathered, just in time to see one of the girls slap another on the butt. She was one of... those girls. Certainly amusing on their own terms, but not in a situation like this. Theo hoped they wouldn't all be like that.

He cleared his throat, trying to catch someone's attention. "Hey. Hi. I'm Theodore Grayson, Theo. Nightstar."

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written by thor

myla murdock
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hell's angel

Myla kept to herself on one side of the room as she finished getting ready. Once her helmet was on, she checked to make sure the metal halo was fastened and everything was in its place. As she lowered her arms, she could feel the soreness and tugging of the stitches in her side. The corner of her mouth twitched ever so slightly as she withheld a wince. To be fair, her whole body was sore. But she had to be cognizant of her left side and try her best not to raise her arm higher than her shoulder if she could help it.

There were moments where Myla was thankful she was blind. This was one of them. She'd be tempted to stare at Kane until he felt the urge to fill the silence. But she could also feel his lingering gaze. It was hard to describe. How could a blind person know when someone was staring at them? Call it a sixth sense. It was no different than how another person felt, she just had no way of knowing beyond intuition. But she felt it.

Part of a conversation about a flattering X-men costume filled the silence. Was that something people wanted? An attractive super suit? Myla never really thought of it before. The whole concept of looking attractive was lost on her. She had no idea if she was pretty or not and wouldn't have the faintest idea of what would be considered beautiful... in a visual sense. But somehow it still made her a bit self conscious. Without thought, her hands mindless ran over the practical pieces of her suit. Minimal skin was visible and nearly half of it was reinforced with padding or kevlar. She didn't know much, but she doubted what she wore was considered appealing.

Lost in thought, her hand gently felt around her sore side, placing slight pressure. Myla didn't notice Lexa approached her until she spoke up. "You will have to accept your money because $200 is way more than I have paid for my entire closet combined. You look like you've recovered well, so that's great!"

"Tip top shape."Myla's hand slowly fell from her side as she put on her best smile. She had learned how to hide her injuries quite well. She'd be fine. Nothing that a little time wouldn't fix. She then sighed softly. It seemed no one was able to accept money where it was due. She noticed the money she gave Kane had mysteriously returned to her bag when she rifled through it that morning. And now Lexa wished the same. "Let me replace them at least? I'm sure we could find some down time tomorrow. There's gotta be a mall or something not too far from here."

More alert, Myla could sense Lexa shifting. Her whole body turned to face in the general direction of where Kane stood in silence. "I didn't think he was going to be back."

Myla busied her hands, checking the straps and belts of her suit. She did anything to make her body language read as though the conversation was casual and it didn't bother her. While, in truth, the same thought plagued her mind. Why did he return? Why was he there? From her recollection, Kane hadn't introduced himself to anyone. No one had an idea where he came from or who he was affiliated with. Nothing. He was an enigma, that under all other circumstances, she'd assume cared about no one but himself... But he saved her? It didn't add up.

She sighed softly. "Me neither," Myla agreed as she dug her gloves out of her pockets. "Your guess is as good as mine." Unlike her father's, her gloves were fingerless. She liked having her extra sensory abilities at her fingertips... literally. Touch was very important to how Myla functioned without sight. She relied on it far more than her father. Thin fabric was enough to muffle the sensation. So she opted for none in lieu of the extra protection.

Why was Kane there? Myla's mind circled back around to it. She couldn't shake the question. He didn't say anything about his return, not that he owed her anything. But something more than running into him in the elevator would have been nice. She was like a deer in headlights, yet he was the one who's heart was racing. None of it made sense. She just wanted answers but she was being met with more vagueness.

The sound of a throat clearing caught her attention. It was quiet, probably not loud enough for everyone to hear it but she did. Myla turned her body in the direction of the sound, giving them her undivided attention. She might not be able to look people in the eyes, but she always made sure to show she was attentive through her body language. "Hey. Hi. I'm Theodore Grayson, Theo. Nightstar."

Someone new? He must have arrived while she was gone with Kane... Or perhaps in the night. Rather than keeping the man standing there awkwardly, Myla took it upon herself to initiate an introduction. Maybe it'd be enough to get her mind off of the deafening silent man that she was all too aware of. She stopped a few feet shy of Theo and extended her right hand toward him. "Hello. I'm Myla Murdock. Uh... Hell's Angel, if that matters. Although I'm sure you haven't heard of me. But you might know of my father, Daredevil." After their hand shake she gave a friendly smile.

There wasn't much else she could offer and she figured she should move out of the way for others to introduce themselves. Before she stepped back, Myla held up her index finger to request one more moment. "I'm also blind... There's no real delicate way to share that," she laughed awkwardly. "Just figured it was pertinent information."

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written by thor

william richards
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
jr. fantastic

Well... William didn't get a single moment of shut eye. As he had done for many nights out of the week until his body crashed desperate for sleep, he stayed up combing satellite feeds, hero siting sites, and more for any signs of his parents. The Fantastic Four was one of the more famous groups of heroes to go missing. Their faces were well known worldwide. So, finding signs of their whereabouts would be easy enough, right? Hardly.

Will has just about consigned himself to bed, when J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice came in over his penthouse speakers. "Good morning, Mr. Richards."

"God, is it that time already?" Will asked groggily, as he rubbed his face.

"I'm afraid so, sir. Sub level 20. I'm sure you remember."

"Yes, thank you." With a sigh, he pushed off his desk, scooting out his chair. He rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face one again. Will yawned and finally managed to force himself to his feet. Training was important, he knew that. Especially when it came to a new group getting to know one another. He should have known better than to pull an all nighter. But he wouldn't have been able to sleep even if he wanted to. He had always struggled with insomnia but since his parents' disappearance, it's only seemed to have gotten worse.

He figured, if anything, a cold shower would wake him up. Will stripped down and hopped into the glacial water before he could talk himself out of it. It was terrible. But, at least it did what he wanted. Whatever sleepy haze had washed over him was gone in a flash. He made quick work of washing himself, not bothering to waste time on shaving. He was in and out within ten minutes.

Once dried off, William went over to his bags and pulled out his blue suit. It was nearly identical to his father's, only missing the iconic four. But after all, he was not part of the Fantastic Four. A sad smile crossed his face as he looked at the jumpsuit. His father had made it special for him, replicating his own suit so that William had something that adapted with him. He was thankful for that and it only made his worry for his parents that much stronger. He was scared that he'd never see them again, although he didn't dare let those doubts leave his lips. He didn't have room for that sort of negativity.

William was dressed in no time and in the elevator. When he stepped out into the locker room, he was surprised to see how many people were already there. It was strange for him not to be the first one there, but not in a bad way. He was hopeful that it was a good sign... That maybe something could go right with this unorthodox grouping of people.

As he exited, the adjacent elevator doors opened revealing another man that he wasn't familiar with... Or was he? Will's eyes squinted slightly, but he didn't say anything. There was something about the male that he couldn't quite put his finger on. And whatever train of thought he did have was quickly sidelined when he saw Lexa slap Aria's rear. It made him blink in slight shock, although he didn't comment. Will was so preoccupied with the new arrival that he hadn't noticed the daughter of Storm's attire. It was very revealing, but not in a bad way. Just in a make him tug at his collar and his heart race sort of way.

The new arrival cleared his throat to try and get everyone's attention. Introductions were up to him, at the moment, with the absence of Alfred and Phil. "Hey. Hi. I'm Theodore Grayson, Theo. Nightstar."

That's how I know him, Will nearly blurted out. He waited for Myla to introduce herself since she took the initiative to welcome Theo. And once she had stepped out of the way, Will approached him. "Long time no see." He offered Theo his hand in a friendly shake. "I thought you looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I'm Will Richards, in case you don't remember. It's ok if you don't." He laughed and gave the guy a friendly pat on the back. "Welcome back. Glad to see you."

When he had finished reacquainting himself with Theo, Will made his way across the room towards Aria. He cleared his throat, just to alert her that he was there before he spoke. "Good morning." He gave her a warm, friendly smile. "I wasn't expecting to see this when I came down here." His right hand motioned towards her outfit. "You look good." Good was an understatement, but at the moment it was the best word his brain could come up with.

zehara el sayid
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was the best night of sleep Zehara had gotten in months. She couldn't remember the last time she got to sleep in a decent bed and never, in her life, had she slept in a place as nice as the Academy. She had grown so used to nights in cars, airports or on the floor, that when she first laid down in the bed, she thought she might be swallowed by it. But when she came down from her rested euphoria, she felt a little guilty that she got to sleep like a King while people from the places she grew up were lucky to have something to separate themselves from the dirty ground. It was a culture shock to say the least.

As she sat up in bed, Zehara was surprised to see that she rose with the sun. Out the floor to ceiling windows in front of her, she had a stunning view of the bay and the sun peaking over the horizon. It was the first time she ever had a chance to sit back and just enjoy the beauty of mother earth. It didn't last long before J.A.R.V.I.S. chimed in, but even that small moment was surreal.

"Good morning, Ms. El Sayid. Your presence is requested on sub-level 20 for today's training. Please dress appropriately."

Zehara stretched and let out a big yawn. She didn't reply to the A.I. voice, just nodded her head in acknowledgement. She didn't want to get out of bed. Sure, she was fully rested, but she would have been content to spend all day laying in that mountain of fluff relaxing. Goddess knows she hasn't had a chance to relax in ages. Maybe even read a book. Oh, she was getting carried away. She'd only bring herself down thinking of if's and but's when the reality was nothing of the sort.

She gave the bed a soft pat, already looking forward to her next night in it, before she got to her feet. Zehara continued to stretch and yawn as she made her way into the shower. And like a cherry on top of the sundae, she was able to get the water to the perfect temperature... two degrees below boiling. Whatever stiffness she might have had melted away with the scalding water.

Somehow Zehara managed to lose track of time in the shower. She couldn't remember if she was told a specific time to be downstairs, but whether she was or not, she spent far too long in there. At this point she was late, no matter how much she did or did not rush. She wasn't going to bust her ass to shave off a minute or two.

Still wrapped in a towel, Zehara dug through her bag and found the best outfit she had for training. She never was the type to have some sort of cliché supersuit. After all, she tried to lay low, not bring more attention to herself. Plus, in the end, she was her suit. Once she took on the form of the Cheetah, she'd be covered in fur from head to toe. At that point, clothing tended to get in the way. There never was a point in trying to figure out some costume. She had found an outfit that seemed to work and not get shred to shit when she transformed. That would suffice.

It always seemed that whenever you're running late, elevators take ten years to arrive. So, rather than wait around Zehara decided to take the stairs, occasionally skipping a flight or two. When she reached sub-level 20, she pushed through the doors. In her hurry, she didn't notice someone standing only a few feet in front of her. Before she knew it, Zehara had collided into the man. "Shit. I'm sorry." Her hands lightly took hold of his shoulders, helping steady him, hoping she didn't nearly knock him over.

Once they both were steady, Zehara released him and only to realize that it was a face she wasn't familiar with. Her left hand tucked her still damp locks behind her ear. "I didn't realize anyone else had arrived," she commented with her heavy Algerian accent. Her chest heaved slightly from her jaunt down the stairs. "Sorry," she apologized again, correcting herself. Zehara shook her head slightly before extending her hand. "I'm Zehara El Sayid."

Zehara could have wondered around and mingled with some of the others, but she wasn't really feeling up to being on Josiah duty just yet. It was still early in the day. She decided she'd rather linger around the new guy. After all, he was handsome. Not in some ungodly level of hotness that some of the men and women there seemed to have. A lot of them must have gotten the good genes. But it was an approachable attractiveness. Kind of boy next door cute. He had the face of a guy girls would settle down with, not fuck... Like that quiet one shrouded in black that she still didn't know the name of. He gave her other vibes.

jameson blaze
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ghost rider

vengeance demon

Jameson never slept well his first night in a new place. Maybe it was just because he was unfamiliar with it, or perhaps it was the demon always itching to get free. Honestly, he couldn't tell the difference anymore. The demon always seemed to stir a bit more whenever he was around new people. James had just learned to deal with it. He wondered if that's what it felt like in Josiah's head, having the different personalities wrestling around for a moment in the spotlight. They hadn't really gotten off on the right foot for him to feel comfortable enough to ask. And to be honest, he still didn't know how he felt about the guy.

Even though James had been awake for a couple of hours, he still laid in bed staring at the ceiling. His mind just mulling over everything that had transpired and the new people he agreed to work with. He hadn't made up his mind if it was the right decision to answer the call. But it seemed better than spending his time wondering about the country on the back of his bike. At least this way he was part of something bigger than himself. Maybe now he could finally do something that would make a difference.

"Good morning, Mr. Blaze," J.A.R.V.I.S. echoed throughout the penthouse, interrupting his train of thought. "Today's training will commence shortly on sub-level 20. You may wish to dress accordingly."

James groaned as he rolled over and pushed himself up to a sitting position with his right hand. "Thanks, J.A.R.V.I.S." he said through a yawn.

He sat there for a minute, his forearms resting on his knees as he stretched and cracked his neck. With a sigh, James stood up and dragged his feet toward the shower. He spent half of the time in there just letting the water pound against his back and loosen his muscles. He could have stayed in there all day. He didn't... But he could of. Most of his showers were quick in some grimey truck stop. It was nice to take one on his own terms, without Bubba and Jimmy trying to hurry him along.

Once he was sufficiently clean, James went and put on the only other clothes he had. Coincidentally, they were practically identical to the outfit he wore the day before. Life on the back of a bike didn't lend itself for an extensive wardrobe. But he didn't mind it. Of course, he wouldn't show up to training in some fancy suit or cape. Even if he didn't travel from coast to coast constantly, that still wasn't him.

But the one thing he did grab that he didn't have on yesterday was his chain. It didn't look like much, but it was capable of interesting things... for a chain at least. James was still learning everything that it was capable of, but he knew it could change in length and cut through nearly anything. He wrapped it around his torso a few times and secured it in place. He wasn't sure what training would entail or what he'd need. So, he just assumed he should go about it seriously... Even if wearing a chain looked a bit ridiculous.

As he went to leave, James caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror he couldn't help but think he looked like his dad. It was a conflicting feeling. On the one hand, he always looked up to his dad. But ever since he took over the mantle of Ghost Rider, his father wanted nothing to do with him. He felt like a disappointment, even though he did it for his family. That was the worst part of it all. It wasn't the demon inside him or the possibility of damnation, but the fact that his family disowned him after he sold his soul. There was no amount of good he could do that would fill that hole.

James pushed the thoughts away before they dragged him too far down and hopped onto the elevator. It didn't make it many floors down before the doors opened up to another penthouse. When he looked up he was surprised to see the face of a young lady he hadn't met before. He took a slight step to the side to make room for her but couldn't find anything to say. James was never the best when it came to socializing or filling the silence.

"Good morning," she said softly before quickly making herself at home as far from him as possible.

The doors shut and then there was awkward silence. James never thought he looked like the intimidating sort, but maybe he did? Could have been the leather... or the chain. He searched his brain for something to say. Anything to fill the silence, perhaps find out who this girl was. He slid his hands into his pockets as he pondered for a moment. "Did you get the message too?" he finally asked. Smooth. That wasn't vague or anything.

Once everyone had arrived on the training floor, Phil and Alfred finally joined them. "Good morning everyone. As you can see, two more people received the message and decided to join our initiative. So first, we'd like to welcome and thank Theo and Penelope." The pair motioned towards the two new arrivals, that no doubt everyone had already noticed.

"Since today is the first day of training, we decided to start with the basics as you all get acclimated to one another," Phil continued. "For those of you unfamiliar with the Academy's training facility, behind those doors is a large room that can become whatever environment we tell it. It is not some cheap hologram or illusion. While you're in there it will look, feel and smell real. Everything you experience is so real that it can even injure you. So, take it seriously because it can be deadly."

"You won't die in there,"
Alfred clarified.

"My point is, this simulation is not to be taken likely. The purpose of this is to treat every exercise like reality so that you all can learn to think on your toes, problem solve, and learn how to work together. Today's exercise is infiltration. Search and rescue. There are 50 hostages throughout a military base over 300 acres in size. It will be nightfall inside and you have until daybreak to free as many people as possible before they are executed."

No further directions were given. Alfred and Phil stepped aside as the doors opened to a cold, windy mountain top amidst a snow storm. Like most training exercises at the Academy, they were given little to no information. Just the basics. It's up to them to decide their course of action and how to handle the situation. They'd receive no help or guidance, only able to rely on each other to persevere.
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written by mombie

aria munroe
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

josiah dalinski
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the jester

lexa creed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

kane nyguyen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aria's gaze lifted from the floor to William once the abrupt throat clearing caught her attention. "Good morning. I wasn't expecting to see this when I came down here. You look good." He had motioned to her all-too revealing outfit, which, in all honestly - was not really that bad. Still, she suddenly wished she could sink into the floor like Shadowcat or something. Everyone was noticing, and it was embarrassing. Her freckled cheeks flushed horribly, and she was pretty sure she was tense. Very tense. Frozen, even.

"Thank you," she finally cleared her throat, held her chin up a bit, and gave herself a false sense of security. It was obviously forced, but she was trying it best. Someone wise once said Fake it til you make it, and maybe it works in some weird way. Then, in one fell swoop, all that faux confidence diminished when she felt the urge to escape the situation. Instead of stepping off to the side, she stepped forward - smacked right into William. Not just once or even twice, but like he was a wall. There was so much chest. So much. Eventually she just... stayed where she was, and boy was she just... done with her life right now.

She just bumped into William, who is just a really handsome and kind guy, a million times over without explanation. If she wasn't turning red before, she certainly was now. She's just going to stand there and pretend as nothing happened, and maybe he would be a great guy and pretend alongside her.

In the meantime, Josiah was busy at work checking the knick-knacks that adorned the inside of his coat. He had all kinds of trick goodies. He wasn't going to pay much attention to the social nuances taking place, though the gals were looking super good. In this perfectly aloof state, he was hardly much of a joker or a big guy. So long as he was left alone, he wouldn't blank out and go into one of his other characters.

Then again, the day was only beginning. There was plenty of time for his plethora of personalities to wake up and do their deed. They'd be very necessary, as he wasn't much of anything on his own. Perhaps that's why he was so easily taken over.

The only thing that he bothered paying attention to was the explanation of what was about to transpire. If you ask him, as he looked around the room that they currently occupied, this was hardly the time to try and team up. Neither of them knew anything about each other, and the few that do have no idea how to work in sync. It was an odd ask from Alfred and Phil - to just throw a group of strangers into a training simulation and hope they learn something. He thought that there must have been a better way to introduce each other, but with what was going on in the world, maybe there wasn't much time.

Kane was just being Kane - quietly minding his own business, or at the very least, appearing as if he was. He needn't look anywhere to open his ears, and he often used his peripheral vision to keep his environment in check. The assassin's teeth clenched slightly, annoyed that they were going to have to work with each other. Myla was injured, and so was he. Naturally, he wasn't as worried for himself - but for some reason, he was very concerned that his blind companion would have trouble.

The only social one of this sad bunch was Lexa, and she was more than willing to flutter toward Theo without giving him much space or even a chance to prepare. "I'm Lexa Creed. Nice t'meetcha," she greeted him with a whole lot of pep in her voice, accompanied by the flash of a sweet smile.

That was it, though - just a hello and she was off to being attentive to whatever was about to go down. Like others before her, she too thought it was the wrong timing. However, she did like a challenge, and it was best to get to know someone by how they are on a team - or even just in combat in general. Lexa wanted to know what people could do, and she definitely wanted to get back into the spirit of being on a team.

When the doors open she was one of the first ones to beeline toward it. She purposely ran into Jameson's shoulder on the way, but turned and walked backward to issue him the same shitty sarcasm he did with her last night. Only she, at least, smiled - even if it was too kind to be friendly, "Oh, I'm.... sorry." She had tried to be kind to him last night, even if she snapped a pic of him, he should have at least been a decent person. Lexa was one to hold grudges, and since she was too proud to admit that he really, really hurt her feelings, she'd settle for passive aggression. Typical woman stuff.

As they would file out, Alfred and Phil gave them earpieces to communicate with.

She turned back around and slipped right through the doors, and she was instantly hit with the realism of the simulation. It was cool and unsurprisingly busy. Military bases, even at night, were always bustling. The ones that held prisoners of any kind were more so - alight with floodlights, roving soldiers, large vehicles with deadly firepower, and more.

As the rest of the group filed in after, they were greeted by a large metal fence topped with razor-sharp barbed wire. The fence was likely electrified as another security measure.

Aria waited for William to move before she made a fool of herself even more, and when the doors of the simulation room shut them into the simulation for good, she looked around. She began to talk to herself, muttering like her deranged father. These were common training scenarios at the Xavier academy. "Electric boundary fence reinforced by barbed wire, guard towers, and floodlights. Ten of us, 50 hostages - 300 acres. Approximately 226.8 football fields. No knowledge of any teammates' powers and abilities... teams of pairs?" As she went through calculations and things in her head, she was probably mumbling only loud enough for the people nearest to her to understand.

But there was no time to waste thinking as time was ticking, "Pairs - we are going to have to split. Unfortunately, not many of us know each other, so we are just going to have to pick a partner. It'll be quicker if we do it this way." She flit her gaze from one person to the other, "North, West, South, East - converge at a central location. The fifth team can help eliminate communications networks and power supply before assisting with hostage rescue. Communications and power will be key to our success as we don't want to risk backup or the hasty elimination of targets." After all, humans were just humans. It sounds like a good idea to her, but she's not a tactical expert like her father, it was all just intuition.

Of course, she made room for others to chime in! She's not going to be the bossy one. Regardless, "I will take the south since it's farthest and I can fly, and anyone that is fast can join me. We don't have much time. Communication disruption will take precedence. Do not make sudden moves until communication is knocked out, or they'll execute hostages right away." With that said, she was on the move with whoever decided to go along with her.

Lexa was quick to partner with Jameson, "Let's go, Boomer. East side."

That left Josiah, and he was happy to take a more important role if that meant he wouldn't have to be paired up with any brutes. "I'll take the communication tower. If we are working with a basic military base, it should be relatively simple to locate." His town, outside of his outlandish personalities, was almost robotic in nature. That said, he also dipped.

Last, but not least, was Kane, and he immediately went to Myla. Well, he almost made it to her before feeling like it'd be weird. People might notice, and he wasn't sure that he wanted that. It wasn't even safe for her to be here, and it irked him that she was. Not that he was the best judge seeing as he's here, too, and he's probably just as injured. Not to mention that he hadn't even bothered to get medically checked out.

Josiah, and whoever he ended up with, would be scouting out for communication towers outside of the range of floodlights. That meant that they were in the dark and looking for a way in. He looked up at one point and said something to the effect of 'bingo', noting a large radio in a nearby tower at a northeast corner. The only problem was that the floodlights slowly circled the ground, the guards were armed - about three with M4 Assault rifles, and roving guards just outside of the fencing itself.

Lexa and James were on the east side, and the daughter of Creed moved with feline hush, grace, and speed. There were a couple of guards on the outside, and they probably had a way inside the gate they went in and out of. A big place like this had multiple points of entry. Without warning Jameson that she was on the move, she stalked one of them like a predator - and just as a floodlight passed by and disappeared to make another round, she pounced on one of their backs. She wrapped her long limbs around his waist while digging her now elongated claws into the soft tissue of his neck. There were no other spots to instantly kill and silence the man, given his body armor.

Once he dropped, James only had about five seconds - if even, to drop the other one before he radioed in. Lexa bent down to pluck the radio off of his belt with her bloodied hands. When she dug through the cargo pockets of his uniform pants, there was no other way inside. "I've always wanted to wear a uniform," she smiled and used her strength to pull the soldier where the floodlight wouldn't end up touching when it passed back their way.

She stripped the body, donned the uniform sans body armor, and plopped the helmet on her head. She also took his rifle, just for the real look. She knew how to shoot, but she had a natural aversion to guns.

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written by barnes

penelope cage
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
power girl

theo grayson
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Penelope couldn't quite help casting glances at the stranger in the lift through his reflection in the door, noting his stark features, all black outfit, and most notably, the chain wrapped around his torso. Clearly a bad boy type of look, although he had respectfully shuffled backwards to give her a bit of space in the lift and wasn't eager to start posturing like some of the heroes Penelope knew. Looking at his reflection for the third time, she accidentally caught his eye, and looked away hurriedly. Ugh, to be caught staring like that...

"Did you get the message too?"

The question caught Penelope by surprise, and she began to turn towards him, the answer tumbling out of her mouth. "My dad, um, he—he's Luke Cage, he got the message and sent me in his place..." Aware that she was falling over her own words, she cut herself off, closing her mouth and resetting her thoughts. "Yeah," she said lamely, nodding. "I did."

The elevator reached their floor and the doors opened. Eager to get away from this trainwreck of a conversation, Penelope backed out immediately. "It was nice to meet you," she said automatically, before remembering that she had neither introduced herself nor asked the stranger's name. I am the worst kind of hero, she berated herself silently, glaring across the floor where Theo was busy socialising already.

For his part, Theo was just glad that his introduction to the room at large was being received so well. A girl wearing a helmet approached him, holding a hand out. Her smile was sweet, even if her expression was a little vague, Theo thought, noticing the way her eyes drifted past his face. "Myla," he repeated while shaking her hand. "I've heard of your dad. Nice meeting you." Theo thought that she would move away and end their interaction right there, but instead she let go of his hand, holding up a finger. "I'm also blind... There's no real delicate way to share that. Just figured it was pertinent information."

Well, shit. Theo rubbed his neck, embarrassed, although she couldn't see it. Already he felt bad for noticing her eyes. "Thanks for telling me, I'll keep that in mind." He wondered if there was an appropriate response to such an announcement, deciding that Myla had probably heard all the possibilities and that it would be better to keep his mouth shut.

Myla moved away, saving Theo from putting his foot in his mouth, and a wall of muscle took her place. Theo had to look up into his face, but recognised him immediately. "Long time no see. I thought you looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I'm Will Richards, in case you don't remember. It's ok if you don't."

Theo seized his hand with much more enthusiasm than he had Myla's, taking a moment to appreciate William's physicality. "'Course I remember you, man! Good to see ya too, big guy. I wondered where you'd been recently. Just like the old days, huh?" He gestured around at the room weakly, aware of the circumstances that hung over their heads. It was good to know that some things never changed; William had as much presence as ever, something that Theo had always appreciated about him.

Speaking of things that never changed... Theo caught sight of Penelope exiting the elevator, her shoulders slightly hunched and her expression uncomfortably defensive, as she used to be when they were in the Academy together. Theo had some idea of her general reluctance for all things heroic, but he would have thought that her years on the beat would have helped her become acclimated to her role. Their gazes met, and she scrunched one side of her face in Theo's direction in an emotionless parody of a smile. It was enough of a greeting, coming from her.

A different girl zipped towards Theo, flashing her teeth at him. It was the girl he'd seen slapping another's ass, evidently full of energy this morning. "I'm Lexa Creed. Nice t'meetcha," and then she was gone before Theo even had the chance to return her smile.

Still processing that interaction, Theo felt someone bump into him with considerable force, then hands on his shoulders to stop him from falling over. "Shit. I'm sorry."

"Not a problem."
Making sure his feet were firmly planted on the ground, he turned in the woman's direction, smiling down into her face. "I shouldn't have been standing in front of the stairs like that, I assumed everyone was taking the lift." He shook her hand, repeating his introduction from earlier. "Zehara, hi. I'm Theo Grayson, Nightstar. I got here last night. I'm guessing you're one of the ones who actually listened to the message and arrived on time." Smiling to show it was only a joke, he opened his mouth to ask more about her, but was interrupted by Phil and Alfred's arrival. Always knew how to make an entrance, those two.

Penelope hadn't introduced herself to any of the others, but spotted a few familiar faces in the crowd; Theo, William... both powerhouses, it made sense that they had turned up. Then a familiar helmet came into sight, and Penelope's tension eased slightly. Out of everyone there, Myla was probably the closest thing to a friend that Penelope had.

"So first, we'd like to welcome and thank Theo and Penelope." Hearing her name being announced, Penelope's attention was drawn to the front of the room, where Alfred was gesturing at her. Her mouth went dry. She raised a hand, waving at the room in general with a weak "Hi..." But Phil was already continuing with the briefing, commanding the room's attention again, and nobody bothered looking at Penelope for too long, which she was grateful for.

Ah, the training simulation. At least she was familiar with that. Compared to everything else she had previously encountered in the Academy, it felt easier to deal with; even if Phil decided to crank up the difficulty, Penelope had no issue with reminding herself that it was a simulation and therefore felt less ill at ease punching someone's face in. Somehow it was different, even though everything did feel quite real.

But 50 hostages and a base of over 300 acres was no joke, and it made no sense to go in alone. Desperate to find a partner she could at least work well with, Penelope hurried towards Myla, wondering if the other girl could hear her footsteps coming towards her. Myla had always had a certain uncanny sense about her.

It seemed like someone else had had the same idea. As Penelope approached Myla, she noticed another man—tall and utterly intimidating—do the same from a different direction, although he hesitated before he reached Myla's side, and this let Penelope claim the spot first. "Myla, hey," she sighed in relief, her smile the brightest it had been since her arrival last night, although there was no way Myla could see it. Really, Penelope was just glad she had a friend here. "It's me, Penny. Do you want to head in together? I mean, I would really like it if I went in with someone I knew, although there's a guy who looks like he was about to ask you same thing." She cast a glance at the man, trying not to quail under his intense expression. "He's kind of tall, and he has a sword," she was acutely aware that she was beginning to talk anxiously again, "and what I mean is that, it's nice to see you and it's totally your choice who you want to partner up with." She took a step back, attempting to give Myla space so she could choose.

Theo, meanwhile, was doing his best to listen to Aria's quiet strategising, glad that someone else had a plan. His own shortcoming, as Phil and Dick and everyone else who had mentored him was quick to notice, was that he was not a good strategiser, and preferred to launch himself straight into a situation, so he was more than happy to let someone else with a plan take over.

"I'll take the communication tower. If we are working with a basic military base, it should be relatively simple to locate." Theo's ears perked up at the mention of a tower, and with a quick goodbye wave in Zehara's direction, he strode towards the guy who'd claimed the communication tower, noting briefly his strange outfit. But no time to be judgemental.

Theo gently bumped the man's shoulder with his own to get his attention. "Maybe I could help you with that tower," he offered. "My bet is it's not easy to reach, and I can fly us up towards the top." There was no protest, and together they strode into the darkness, searching for the tower. It didn't take long, and Theo noted with some dismay the floodlights and armed guards that surrounded the tower. The electric fence, at least, was not a problem; from his belt, Theo drew a small device which he tossed towards the fence. It stuck squarely to the metal, and Theo activated it remotely, creating a power surge which shorted the fence out. The entire process took only a few seconds and was completely silent, except for a small spark where the device had been attached to the fence which, luckily, no one saw. There were only a couple of guards patrolling outside the fence, two of them walking together and one on his own, fairly close to where Theo and his new partner were standing.

"I don't think I got your name, by the way," he said quietly. "I'm Theo. Now, I'm thinking we could dispatch these guys pretty quickly, cut the fence, get the guards inside, and then up into the tower. Unless you have a faster plan, because everyone else is waiting for us."

Having finished outlining his plan, he moved quickly towards the lone guard, still shrouded by the darkness outside of the floodlights' range, and in an instant had him in a chokehold, arms wrapped securely around him with one hand over his mouth to keep him silent. The guard struggled hard for a moment, then went limp. Theo dragged him further into the darkness, flashing his partner a smile as he stole the guard's gun and radio, then buried the unconscious man in the snow. "You're not bulletproof, are you?"

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written by thor

jameson blaze
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ghost rider

vengeance demon

"My dad, um, he—he's Luke Cage, he got the message and sent me in his place..." The girl seemed to start stumbling over her words, making James regret broaching the subject. She didn't seem like the social type and it was apparent his presence made her less that comfortable. He tried his best to remain calm. He gave her a friendly smile hoping to help her relax. "Yeah. I did."

James cleared his throat as he adjusted the chain wrapped around his torso. "Mine too... My dad I mean. He was the one that got the message. He—" Mid-sentence, the elevator reached the training floor.

Before he could continue or finish his statement, his company seemed eager to leave. "It was nice to meet you."

There was no chance to respond or say anything else. James barely managed to raise his hand in a subtle wave and mumble a, "You too." Sure, he could have followed her... Insisted that they finish their conversation but James wasn't in the habit of chasing down people who obviously didn't want to spend time talking to him.

It seemed the girl he shared an elevator with wasn't the only fresh face in the Academy. "Hey. Hi. I'm Theodore Grayson, Theo. Nightstar," the newbie introduced himself... Not like James wasn't his own breed of newbie.

Everyone else seemed to be in a rush to introduce themselves to he new guy. James decided to hold back and wait until he saw a small window. He didn't want to suffocate the guy, but knowing names was pretty important. He slowly slipped his way past the others and extended a hand. "Hey, man. I'm Jameson Blaze... Ghost Rider, but you can call me James." It was simple and to the point. But he didn't really feel like rehashing what he was at the current moment. It'd come to light sooner or later.

Not long after, Phil and Alfred arrived to explain their training exercise. A trial by fire is more like it. Their task seemed difficult even for the Avengers, yet a group of barely heroes who don't know one another were expected to figure it out? The odds looked bleak. Sure, the point was to force them to learn how to work together... Sooner rather than later. Perhaps this was a superhero trust building exercise. He didn't know. Either way, James quickly began to feel like his presence in this particular situation would be a hinderance rather than a help.

When the doors opened, others seemed to be in more of a rush to get inside than himself. James hadn't taken a step forward when someone shoved into shoulder knocking him off balance slightly. His brows furrowed as he looked up to see Lexa pivot around to look at him. "Oh, I'm.... sorry." He didn't have to be a genius to pick up on her sour demeanor. What the hell did he do to her? He rolled his eyes and adjusted his jacket before finally deciding to enter the simulation.

It wasn't until they all stood in a confused circle, that James took the time to put his ear piece in. While Aria mumbled all her thoughts and plans, he scanned their surroundings. The snow made it hard to see much of anything past fifty or so feet. Splitting up didn't seem like a terrible idea considering they were on a time constraint, not that Jameson was a strong plan maker or leader. He was more of the quiet follower type. He was fine going wherever someone pointed him. Their ideas were probably better than anything he could come up with.

So, pairs it was. Before anyone had a chance to saddle up with anyone else, Lexa was quick to partner up with James. "Let's go, Boomer. East side." He sighed out of frustration while shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. So it was going to be passive aggressive bullshit. Great. He had no idea what he did to piss her off so much, but he could feel her animosity. It was seemed like she was the type of woman who enjoyed being petty and holding grudges. It looked like this training exercise was going to be a bigger pain in the ass than he had originally thought.

Lexa was quick and stealthy. After all, she had some feline aspects to her due to her mutations. But James did not. While she was quick and agile almost gliding on top of the snow, he was slow, feet sinking deep like walking in sand as he trudged forward. Luckily enough, the demon kept him warm but that didn't help against the strong winds.

As they approached, more of the base came into view beyond the heavy flurries of the blizzard. There were search lights, barbed wire, numerous cameras and even more guards. He saw one main gate from the side they approached, along with a couple small metal doors that presumably took keycards or a code of some kind. While the more hidden doors would be a better option to sneak in, that'd mean they would need access. Which they didn't have.

Before James could finish running through the possibilities in his head, Lexa was on the prowl. She beelined straight for a pair guards around a corner, separated from the rest. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath. Picking up his speed in a foot of snow fall was hard, but he tried. His speed was nothing compared to hers and she didn't give him much of a warning or a large window of time. There was no way he was going to get there fast enough to take out the second guard before he alarmed more.

James grabbed ahold of the chain around his torso and gave it a tug causing it to unravel and fall to the ground. With a single swift motion he moved his hand backwards before whipping it forward, sending the opposite end of the chain flying through the air towards the other guard. Somehow, the tool seemed to grow in length, extending and stretching to whatever length was needed. In one quick stroke, the unbreakable nature of the metal sliced the man clean through. There was a brief pause as the blood stained links rested in the snow beneath the guard's feet before one half fell one way and the another the opposite way. The white ground was covered in a crimson Rorschach.

"What the hell was that?" James hissed under his breath as he approached Lexa, who was more preoccupied with searching the guard she maimed. Frustrated, he leaned down and scooped up the chain that quickly shortened until it was a manageable length that could be wrapped around his right arm.

"I've always wanted to wear a uniform." Lexa began to strip the guard and take his uniform for herself.

Meanwhile, James's gaze drifted over toward the dead guard of his own making. The man was sliced in two, lying in a big puddle of melted snow and steaming blood. There was no salvaging that armor for himself. "How about next time you tell me your plan instead of leaving me to figure it out and clean up your mess... That's how you die." He clenched his jaw. "And for the record, I can't die. So that's a you problem."

James walked over to the guard he killed and proceeded to search all of his pockets. Nothing. Then hidden amongst the snow and blood was an I.D. card on a chain that was once around the man's neck. He reached out to take the card, only to find it had been cut by his chain. "Damn it."

With a sigh he stood up and removed the chain from around his arm. "I hope you're a good actor," James groaned with disdain. There was no uniform for him to wear since Lexa couldn't even manage to give him a fucking clue about her plan. So now he was shit out of luck. It took a lot of work to keep his temper in check. But thankfully, he had an idea. James took his chain, willing it to shrink before he wrapped it around his wrist in makeshift cuffs. There was no other way they'd get past that gate unless he was another hostage. And at the moment, he didn't trust Lexa to set him free if he was in real shackles.

myla murdock
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hell's angel

Myla's thoughts quickly drifted after she introduced herself to Theo and stepped out of the way. She busied her hands with double checking her outfit to make sure everything was fastened properly. That only kept her busy for so long. She was growing restless. On the far edge of the waiting area, Myla began stretching, trying to loosen her sore muscles. Buf if anything, it only made her realize how hard this was going to be. Her movements were limited and the chances of her not popping a stitch were slim. After all, that was the job, right? It was nothing new to her, but that didn't make running into to combat when she wasn't 100% any easier.

"Good morning everyone." Myla slowly stopped and gave her full attention to Phil and Alfred. 300 acres was a lot of ground to cover... Especially when half of them were just humans with fancy outfits. She couldn't travel at accelerated speeds... or fly. The whole exercise was a lot to ask of a group of people who had known each other less than 24 hours. Just a fight the night before with 20 or so goons was enough to slow herself and Kane down. A military base of that size? There had to be at least 50 guards per each one of them... How were they supposed to compete with that? And was this kill on sight? No killing? The details were vague.

Myla was on the tail end of the group when stepping into the simulation. "Here," Phil said as he offered something to her.

"What is it?" She took the item into her hand. She couldn't recall ever holding something with the same shape.

"It's an ear piece, to communicate with the others."

"I can't wear this." Myla handed him back the small piece of tech before stepping out into the frigid cold. She doubted that the ear piece had a volume low enough that wouldn't interfere with her senses. She relied on her ears heavily and couldn't afford deafening herself at all. And honestly, she didn't need one. As long as she was close enough with one of the others, she'd be able to hear their's without issue... And that was excluding the fact that she'd could probably hear a majority of them without them in general. Myla hated to be that person. But she already wasn't at her best, she didn't need to weaken herself more.

She stood quietly in the circle, listening to Aria run over the facts. The woman wasn't wrong and Myla had no objections. Splitting up seemed to be the fastest way to a resolution. If any of the groups found anything, then they could inform each other. The priority was finding the hostages and freeing them. The only way to do that was to cover the most ground as possible... as quick as possible.

No one seemed to have an objections. Lexa was quick to grab Jameson as her partner and head East. Then Josiah and Theo talked of searching for the communication tower. That was a good plan. She might have been able to hear it a bit quicker than they could find it, but she wouldn't argue. They both seemed competent enough and Josiah didn't quite look like the fighting type, so communications might be the safest for him.

Then there was silence. But Myla heard the footsteps. There was no hesitation. They moved right toward her. She knew they were Kane's, yet it still surprised her at his eagerness to get her as his partner. But just before he reached her, he hesitated and another person stepped in. "Myla, hey." Her heart sank, although she didn't show it on her face. Myla didn't realize she was hoping Kane would want to be partnered with her until someone else got to her first. She put on the best smile she could manage knowing immediately who it was.

"It's me, Penny. Do you want to head in together? I mean, I would really like it if I went in with someone I knew, although there's a guy who looks like he was about to ask you same thing. He's kind of tall, and he has a sword." Myla let out of a soft chuckle. She wasn't intimidated by Kane, yet Penny was. Perhaps it was because she couldn't see him or... Something else. "And what I mean is that, it's nice to see you and it's totally your choice who you want to partner up with."

"Hi, Penny," Myla said softly. "You can head in with me. That's fine." This would have been one of those moments where she would have given Kane a reassuring look and perhaps a small smile, if she could see. But all she could do was smile and she doubted he'd be able to tell if it was for him or Penny. "I'm sure Kane needs a break from babysitting the blind girl." She tried her best to make light of it. "We'll take West," she concluded, announcing it to the rest of the group that remained.

Myla couldn't help but feel bad leaving Kane to partner up with someone else. As she walked past him, she reached out her fingers ever so slightly, just enough to take ahold of his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. This was her reassuring gaze. It was a silent, small gesture to convince him that she would be ok. Her head subtly turned to him so that he could see a small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips. All her movements were minor, barely a step above micro-motions that no one else would notice. With nothing else she could do without drawing attention to them, Myla took off in a jog toward the western side of the base.

The pair kept to the woods surrounding the base until they neared the entrance on the west side. Myla stopped at the edge of the tree line, crouching down behind one of the large trunks to stay out of view. She could hear a dozen or so guards, the buzzing of electrified gates or wires and keypad beeps of nearby doors. "There are a lot of them. I don't know how many you see but I can hear at least a dozen... I'm not sure how to approach this. Are we supposed to kill them? I don't think some of the others will worry too much about drawing some blood," she whispered.

Myla sighed softly as her brain quickly ran through all the possibilities. "I think stealth might be our best approach..." They were a good team. Where Penny was brute force, strong and bullet proof, Myla was skilled with stealth and agility. It was a good match of abilities. But as much as she'd like Penny to just smash her way through an exterior wall, that would get every guard on them in no time. "But if things go south... We might need to make a lot of noise to get the heat off of others." She knew Penny wouldn't like that option.

"I can take the guard tower and clear any look outs so you can get the ones on the ground?" Myla quickly climbed the tree and perched herself on one of the branches. She reached her right hand behind her head to grab her billy club from her back. "Let me know when the coast is clear." She could sense most things, like where the guards were and when they were looking the other way. But the one thing she couldn't know was when the spotlight was pointed right where she'd be going or not. That's where Penny came in.

zehara el sayid
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"Zehara, hi. I'm Theo Grayson, Nightstar. I got here last night. I'm guessing you're one of the ones who actually listened to the message and arrived on time." The man smiled at his joke

"Yeah." She smiled. Zehara took a second to catch her breath, brushing her hair out of her face. "It wasn't really meant for me, but the hero who got it was missing... So, I answered."

Before their conversation could go any further, Phil and Alfred arrived to give them their training exercise. Not only was Theo new but so was another girl, who seemed more than happy to keep to herself. Zehara was probably one of the most least familiar with team work out of everyone there. For as long as she could remember she has been a solo act, relying on no one but herself to get the job down. So, whether or not she liked the training exercise, it would be good for her. The hardest part would be learning to slow down. Catlike reflexes often leave others in the dust. But she could worry about that later.

Zehara followed the others as they all entered the simulation and took her offered ear piece. It was one of the few times she was thankful for her warm blood. While others might be effected by the temperatures and wind, it didn't really bother her. It was chilly, but not unbearable. And it would only get warmer if she ends up shifting into her Cheetah form. But she'd rather not whip out that side of her unless it's absolute necessary. She could never know if she would be in charge... or if the Goddess would.

As everyone gathered round and began talking strategies, Zehara found herself lingering in the back. She had nothing to add to the conversation. She had no knowledge of battle strategy or how to direct a group of people in finishing a task. Partners seemed to make sense, whatever her opinion was worth. But at the mention of that, people quickly began to disperse until it left four of them standing around in awkward silence.

"Nothing like being the last kids picked for kickball teams," she mused with a chuckle.

Zehara was fast and could probably keep up with Aria, especially in Cheetah form. But she had this slight feeling that the two would have clashing ideals when it came to handling bad guys. If the girl was anything like her paragon of a mother, spilling blood wasn't an option. While Zehara had a feral Goddess inside her who was a warmonger. It was inevitable that she would step on some toes, but she'd prefer avoiding that for as much as possible. Will seemed to give off similar 'good guy' vibes.

That left the silent one in black. He looked like an assassin, like someone who has seen and dealt his fair share of death. Zehara took a step towards him with a friendly, yet slightly devious, smile. Kane, right?" That's what she thought she heard Myla call him. If he was going to stick around, he'd have to, at least, let them know his name. "You don't look like a stranger to bloodshed. Care to join me?"

Once Kane agreed, she gave Aria and Will a quick peace sign. "We're going to sweep the base." And by sweeping, Zehara meant incapacitate any guards they come across by any means necessary. But, she'd rather not offend anyone's delicate nature. She was sure Kane understood. "We'll start on the North side and work our way South. If we find anything, we'll holler." With her final comment, she tapped her ear piece and gave them a thumbs up.

Zehara started off towards the north side of the base, not checking to make sure Kane was following. What were his other choices? Once they were out of ear shot of the others, she looked over at him, allowing her pace to match his. "You are a killer right? I mean, you don't look like the type of person who spares another." Her tone wasn't judging or skeptical like others might be, but genuinely curious. He had the look of an assassin to him... All the black, not giving any personal information, the sword. It all gave off a certain vibe and she was just trying to figure him out, at least a little.

"No judgement," Zehara spoke up, just so he knew that she wasn't trying to oust him or anything.

When they reached the north gate, Zehara made sure she wasn't in the line of sight of any guards. She looked over to Kane. "You look like you know how to stay hidden. I'll go high and you go low?" There was no other plan to it. She didn't have any details or back ups. That was about as good as her foresight got.

After getting the go ahead from Kane, Zehara took off in an inhumanly fast sprint towards the right guard tower. She was able to slip right between two search lights just before they crossed paths and jump onto the side of the wall. Her claws worked like her own personal pair of climbing axes. She was able to carry herself to the top with ease, while remaining in the shadows and out of sight. She peeked over the edge at the handful of guards and watched them until she saw a clear shot. Like a mountain cat lunging on its prey, Zehara pounced on the closest guard. Fangs extended just before she ripped his jugular from his neck.

Just as the next guard turned to see her, she was on him. Zehara's talons burst through his chest and ripped the man's heart free of his ribcage. Like a caged beast finally set free, she moved from guard to guard, slashing, gnawing and tearing at their flesh. She was too quick and agile that they didn't know what was happening until it was too late. Zehara would take the screams from their throats before they could ever reach someone's ears. She made quick work of the right tower and moved onto the left without being noticed.

There was one guard left, but this one she did not kill. She pounced on him, pinning the man to the ground, her talons digging deeper into his arms and legs whenever he fought her hold. Before he could scream, Zehara lean down and ripped his tongue out with her fangs. She spit the flaccid piece of meat out of her mouth and took his throat in her right hand. "Answer a question for me and I'll let you live."

At first the guard seemed reluctant, but looking up into glowing cat eyes that looked more than content to end his existence changed his mind. "Where are the hostages?" His bloodied hand rose just enough to point in the general direction.

"How do I get past security?" The same hand trembled as the man pulled a chain from around his neck. Dangling on it was his I.D. badge. Elias Schmidt. "Thank you so much, Elias," Zehara said with a soft almost compassionate voice. But just as she went to free him, her hands took ahold of his head, quickly snapping his neck.

With the towers cleared, Zehara tapped her ear piece to communicate with the others. "Hostages are in the South East quadrant."

When Kane was finished with the men on the ground by the gate, Zehara whistled to get his attention. Once he looked up, she tossed him the badge before jumping down to meet him. She looked like a mess, knotted hair, with blood staining her clothes, hands and dripping from her mouth. But she smiled looking around at the death he caused. "Ready to go inside?"

william richards
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jr. fantastic

Will's smile grew when his old classmate remembered him. "'Course I remember you, man! Good to see ya too, big guy. I wondered where you'd been recently. Just like the old days, huh?"

"Recently, Greenland. Helping with global warming." He smiled. "No kidding. Although, I think we can all agree that it'd be nicer if the circumstances for us being here weren't so dire." Will gave Theo one last pat on the back before he left him to mingle and meet the others. There weren't many familiar faces at the Academy this time. That's something they would have to get used to. Unfortunately, things aren't like what they used to be.

Whatever good vibes he got from being reacquainted with Theo Will immediately ruined by putting his foot in his mouth. He regretted saying anything about Aria's outfit. It made her quickly close in on herself. He could see her insecurity and regret in wearing it... Even though she thanked him. What else could he say? Instead Will stood there, quiet and awkward. He wasn't always the best at the saying the right thing at the right time.

William didn't even notice Penny's arrival until she was announced by Phil and Alfred. He felt bad that she managed to slip in unnoticed and that he wasn't able to great her as well. But when he locked eyes with her, Will gave his best smile and a slight wave... Just so she knew he recognized her too. He wouldn't say it, but he was thankful that a couple other old students had answered the call. He was thankful for anyone's help during the current situation but familiar faces always seemed to make things a little easier.

After Phil and Alfred explained the training exercise Will looked over at Aria to try and give her a friendly, and apologetic smile. It didn't seem to help. So, rather than make things worse, he headed into the simulation and joined the small group huddle. He was so used to being the one to step up and take the lead, that it was a pleasant surprise seeing Aria take charge and go over the situation. It might have sounded a little... off, but everything she said was accurate. And even though she seemed to be talking more to herself than the others, everyone listened. So, Will was happy to go along with her plan. Sounded pretty solid to him.

"I will take the south since it's farthest and I can fly, and anyone that is fast can join me. We don't have much time. Communication disruption will take precedence. Do not make sudden moves until communication is knocked out, or they'll execute hostages right away."

Then everyone quickly began pairing off and heading in their respective directions until it was just Will, Aria, Zehara and the quiet guy. "Nothing like being the last kids picked for kickball teams," Zehara commented. It was accurate, but Will didn't mind not being picked. He'd like to think that he could work well enough with anyone. And since this wasn't his first training exercise, he wanted everyone to choose whomever they were most comfortable with. It give them their best results.

It seemed that Aria and Will were destined to be teamed together. He nodded his head toward the other two as they parted before turning to face Aria. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier... I... Wasn't trying to." With that taken care of, Will cleared his throat and moved on to more pressing matters. "I can't fly, but I can make myself aerodynamic... If you don't mind me hitching a ride with you." He raised his hand to awkwardly rub the back of his neck. "But if you're not comfortable with that I can walk and meet you there."

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written by barnes & mombie

theo grayson
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josiah dalinski
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the jester

Theo offered to help before Josiah could protest, but to be perfectly honest—he didn't really know as much about technology as one would assume. He was an intellectual, of that there was no doubt, but it was an ulterior persona that held all of the super-intellect. He didn't want to let that one out quite yet. It couldn't be that hard to figure out though, right? The path that he was taken is avoidance—not to let out his more potent and nasty alter-egos. That would do more harm than good, and he already had Jameson up his ass. He didn't need the whole team there, too.

Believe it or not, Josiah does have a reason to be here. He did have a friend that he wanted to find. He was a good person so long as it was him. Different situations caused him to slip into the background, but for the most part, he wasn't anything like the others that lived in his mind and body.

He let Theo go ahead and take care of the fence. "I don't think I got your name, by the way," he spoke, albeit a little more quietly. Naturally. "I'm Theo. Now, I'm thinking we could dispatch these guys pretty quickly, cut the fence, get the guards inside, and then up into the tower. Unless you have a faster plan, because everyone else is waiting for us."

Josiah watched with a tilted head as the guy shorted the fence, but also kept his peripherals attuned to the sentries roaming about. Before he could answer, Theo was already onto the lone guard that was unfortunate enough to happen upon them. He was quick and Josiah was not. It's more likely that he, himself, felt more hesitant to do things that might trigger the release of his other personalities. Regardless, he met Theo's smile with the quick flash of his own lopsided grin, "You're not bulletproof, are you?"

Josiah tapped the side of his head and merely said, "I can be bulletproof. It depends on who is in charge in here." The gesture, along with the flamboyant suit, probably made a lot of sense when combined. He's definitely not all there upstairs.

Shortly after Theo posed the question and Josiah forgot to toss the guy his name again, they were back in action. Josiah didn't have cool doo-dads like Theo, but he did have tricks galore! He had this rather silly-looking flower on his lapel; a bright neon green that looked as putrid as the vile liquid it stored. After he approached the fence, he gave it a squeeze with a too-cheery, "Boop!" A corrosive liquid squirted out and began to melt away the metal allow of the fencing as if it were nothing, and it spread quickly to create a big enough hole for the men to fit through. One at a time, of course. "Watch your step," he added with a finger pointed up into the air and a smile.

When they made it through the fence, Josiah then pulled out a trio of Joker playing cards. They were laced in venom, much like his father's Joker Venom. Anyone that might have known the Joker might draw parallels between Josiah and the notorious villain, but he did not know his parents. He just knew that these were his things - for some reason. He just knew it. No explanation. They were probably items found by his alter-egos. Still, he threw the cards at one of the guards, allowing Theo to swoop in and take care of his partner if he so chose to. The guard would be superficially cut and sliced by the unassuming weapons, and he'd collapse paralyzed. Alive, but paralyzed from the inside out with nothing more than the ability to breathe, have a heartbeat, and functioning organs. Muscles are required for speaking, so they'd not have to worry about that. It would stay for about thirty minutes, and Josiah knew that if there weren't done by that time, they had failed the mission anyway.

Theo didn't wait. Once the guard began to go down, he leapt on the other, swinging deftly onto the man's shoulders and breaking his neck in an instant. Both guards fell to the ground. "Cool gadgets," he remarked warily, recognising them the moment they were used. Theo hadn't been able to see the suit clearly earlier, due to the bad lighting, but now the pieces were beginning to come together regarding this man's identity, or his parentage at any rate. He could speak from experience about judging someone by their parents, but then again not everyone's father had tried to kill Theo's father on multiple occasions.

Still, there wasn't time to think about that now. Their sole focus lay with the radio tower. Theo's uniform looked similar to the guards', so all he needed to do was steal a helmet and vest to disguise himself. Slipping through the shadows, Theo led Josiah towards the tower, moving closer to its base while trying to avoid being detected by the floodlights. Luckily, their paths didn't cross with the guards, and a few tense moments later they stood at the bottom of the tower. Theo wrenched his helmet off, tossing it casually into the snow.

"It's faster if I fly us both up there," he declared, reaching out to put his arms around Josiah. "Hold on." The distance up the tower was short, and Theo could handle that much flying without the sun, at least. He set Josiah down, then looked at the radio, trying to discern what each button and lever meant, and which one would turn the system off entirely. "Why don't any of these have labels?!"

Josiah scratched the back of his neck upon surveying the various mechanical knobs and switches. He couldn't force any of his personalities to come out. Unfortunately—as one of them would have been especially useful in this scenario. "Ah, this is... something," he muttered, shoulder-to-shoulder with Theo as they attempted to figure the whole thing out. Minutes were slipping away and he was sure that the others were already neck-deep in their own side missions.

It was just a simulation, though, so Josiah wasn't going to feel totally guilty for pressing the wrong thing. He just wanted to avoid violence and the threat of being taken over. The guy, himself, was not technologically savvy. "Let's just turn them all off?" Sure, that would make sense. "And maybe make a mental note to go over this later." Literally anyone else could have handled the communication towers better than these two.

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written by thor & barnes

penelope cage
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power girl

myla murdock
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hell's angel

Penelope couldn't help the small sigh of relief that escaped her when Myla agreed to pair up. "We'll take West," she decided, and Penelope was more than happy to follow her in that direction. Through the snow, the two girls moving silently under the cover of the weather. With both dressed in black, they were well hidden by the shadows along the tree line, where they stopped to survey that side of the compound.

"There are a lot of them. I don't know how many you see but I can hear at least a dozen... I'm not sure how to approach this. Are we supposed to kill them? I don't think some of the others will worry too much about drawing some blood."

Penelope did a quick count. "Somewhere closer to fifteen guards," she reported. "I'm okay with killing them—they're not real." It was her old motto, from all the times she'd had to go through the simulation while training at the Academy; they're not real, they're not real, they're not real. It made killing much easier.

"I think stealth might be our best approach..." Penelope knew what Myla was trying to say immediately. As much as she didn't like to be the brawn of the operation, she worked best as Myla's balance, bringing the muscle to her stealth, the eyes to her ears, keeping the comms piece on her behalf. "Okay. I'll draw the ones outside the gate towards me. They won't call for backup if it's just one person."

Myla seemed to understand where she was going. "I can take the guard tower and clear any look outs so you can get the ones on the ground?"

"Sounds good,"
Penelope confirmed. Of the fifteen she had spotted, only five were guarding the perimeter, the others dotted around the guard tower and further down by the building. Five guards would be easy to take down if they didn't make too much noise.

Drawing her hood over her head, Penelope darted through the trees as close to the fence as she dared, trying to look like she wasn't very good at hiding herself. Two of the guards caught sight of her, moving towards her position together. She scaled a tree, waiting until they were right below her before dropping to the ground and breaking their necks with a quick snap. Penelope stripped the smaller of the two guards, putting his uniform and helmet on. It was just a little too large, but whatever. Keeping her head down, she moved quickly towards the remaining guards, standing together in a cluster. They barely spared her a glance, noting only the uniform, allowing her to get close enough to deliver a series of incapacitating blows, crushing one's chest. While he fell to the ground, gasping for breath, Penelope dodged the gun another pulled on her, swinging his arm around to fire it twice into the third guard's face, then swinging herself up onto his shoulders and breaking his neck too. In a matter of minutes all three of them lay unmoving in the snow. None of them had even had the time to shout or use his radio.

Penelope waited until the spotlight had swung a safe distance away, then whistled once, sharply, towards Myla's direction, signaling her forward.

At the sound of Penny's whistle, Myla adjusted on the branch with a deep breath. She rolled her head, popping her neck and stretching her back. Every movement of her arm she could feel the tug of her stitches. She was going to pop one... She just knew it. But there were worse things, she supposed. She exhaled deeply before whipping her billy club toward the guard tower. Her thumb his a button, releasing the grappling hook that wrapped around one of the structures columns. She got a good grip of the hilt before jumping off the tree branch and swinging towards the tower.

As Myla got closer she tugged hard on the club, using the momentum to arch her higher. Her body became pin straight as she flew through the gap between the half wall and the roof, feet first. Before flying through the other side, she slammed into one of the guards who's back was toward her. The force of her feet colliding into him sent his body stumbling forward until he crashed into the control panel. His head smacked onto a sharp edge, knocking him unconscious. By the time the guard's body slumped to the floor, Myla's leg was slicing through the air, kicking the other man out the back of the tower before he could manage a call for back up. There was a moment or two of silence before a thud and crunch could be heard when his body met the ground.

The sound of a feint buzzing lead her to the search light that was mounted to railing. Myla froze for a moment, tilting her head like an animal as she used her ears to gauge where the remaining guards were, along with Penny. Once she knew their location, she tried her best to point the light in an opposite direction. Two more seemed to be closing in on her partner. Without hesitation, Myla hurdled over the edge of the tower and descended upon them. The fall took the both of them down, as long as herself. Before either of them could get back up to their feet, she kicked one in the jaw, snapping his neck.

The remaining one took the advantage to scramble to his feet. Before Myla could stand up, he swung his foot into her side, knocking the wind out of her. The blow made her fall to her side in the snow, coughing as she caught her breath. He tried to grab her, but she fought against his hold. When there was enough of an opening, she jabbed a thumb into his eye and kicked his knee, snapping the bone in his leg. While he was down, she gave him the same treatment he gave her, a swift foot right in the gut before reaching down and stabbing his neck.

She stumbled back a step or two, trying to catch her breath. She was slow, she could feel it. Myla sighed, bringing her hand to her side. A sticky, warm liquid coated the tips of her fingers. Blood. "Shit," she mumbled under her breath. There was nothing she hated more than being a hinderance more than a help. Her reflexes were slow and she could feel herself subconsciously babying her side to try and not make it worse. She should have sat out of the training exercise but she didn't want to look weak or incompetent. She had no one to blame but herself. And... for some reason, Myla found herself wondering how Kane was fairing. Why did she care?

Myla shook her head, trying to focus on the matter at hand... or anything other than that. It'd only cloud her judgement more. Her hand continued to hold her side as she turned to Penny. "Do you see any others?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

"No... no." Penelope looked around, listening carefully for anyone who might be coming from the other side. She'd noticed Myla's injury, but knowing the other girl would want to press on with the exercise, said nothing.

Naturally Penelope's first thought was that she could just yank the entrance open and walk on in, but there was a card reader off to the side with a blinking red light, and it crossed her mind that there might be an alarm linked to the entrance. So instead she rifled through the downed guards' equipment, quickly unearthing their keycards, one of which she passed to Myla. "Keep this. Just in case we get separated." She swiped hers through the reader and held her breath. There was silence for a moment, then the light blinked green with a small blip of approval, and the door's mechanism unlocked itself.

The two girls slipped through. By some stroke of luck, there were no guards near them at all, and a door to the facility lay right ahead. This was the time; they couldn't stand around waiting for the comms team's signal. "The door's right here, we're going to go inside and wait for the comms to be knocked out," she whispered to Myla, taking her free hand. Better to wait inside, out of the snow, closer to the hostages, than out here where the guards could return at any time.

Penelope led Myla over to the facility, trying her keycard at the door. It unlocked, and she ushered Myla inside before following, shutting the door securely behind them. Here, inside the facility, it was warm and dry, and no guards that she could see. Yet.

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written by thor & mombie

jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

lexa creed
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James sure did complain a lot. It wasn't her fault that he couldn't move as quickly. Was it? It must suck being an old fart.

"How about next time you tell me your plan instead of leaving me to figure it out and clean up your mess... That's how you die. And for the record, I can't die. So that's a you problem," he scolded her. As per usual, the man was nasty and rude. It wasn't enough that she had tried to be nice to him at the pool and his nasty attitude had already gotten under her skin, but he had the audacity to act like he saved her, or that she even deemed him necessary. He was just a partner because that's what was decided. She didn't need the man, so he could take his self-righteous bullshit and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

She didn't say anything, instead finishing up with the gear. She pulled her hair up into a loose bun and plopped the helmet overtop.

"I hope you're a good actor," he grumbled as he made himself a hostage. To be honest, that didn't seem like a good plan to her, either. Walking in a hostage might put others on the alert, and Lexa wasn't sure she wanted that with their allies still wandering about. But whatever. This whole thing was stupid, and they were going to be lucky to rescue even a single hostage.

"Hostages are in the South East quadrant," Zehara informed them.

Lexa waited quietly beside James for a few seconds. They didn't have a lot of time, and they didn't know how James and Theo were doing. With Zehara's information, having a hostage suddenly made more sense. They were on the east side as well, so they'd be pretty close to the intended destination.

She armed herself with the M-4 rifle, though it was more for show as she didn't really like guns. James and Lexa would walk toward the gate, and when the floodlight swept across them, she shoved him forcibly. With the rifle's barrel pointed at the small of his back, she reached for her badge and held it up. Two guards would greet them and open the gates.

"Caught this one sniffing around the compound," she told the military men. "He said he's just lost, but you know - better safe than sorry, I say."

One of her hands had grabbed the Ghost Rider by his right bicep, her fingers lax. But when one of the guards suggested that they take him and she should move back to her post, her grip became tighter. Take him? She didn't know what to do in this situation. She hesitated. Would it be better to let them have him? Would it be weird if she said that she needed to transport them herself?

"What are you waiting for? Give him to us. Go back to your post, soldier," commanded, one of them stepping forward to take him. These were not the only two guards here. She could hear the sound of boots marching along the corridors nearby, and there would be no way she could get to them in time before they radioed in for assistance. Could James?

Jameson waited to be handed over and kept his expression somewhere between annoyed and angry. After all, he was caught, so he wouldn't be smiling. But when Lexa hesitated and her grip tightened he grew worried and a bit frustrated. Not that he would be taken alone, but that she wasn't handing him over. If she waited much longer the guards would catch onto whatever was going on.

She clung to him for a couple of seconds longer than she should have, but she did let him go. It was just a simulation. Right? If it were just these two guards, they'd have been fine. For now, it just made sense that he goes. Didn't he imply that he couldn't die earlier? Certainly, he'd be safe.

The only thing was that this decision would leave Lexa on her own, and this was a large compound. It was safe to say that she had no idea what she was supposed to do.

James struggled against the new guards' hold like any prisoner would as they started dragging him forward. He managed a small peek over his shoulder toward Lexa. His expression said nothing. A small part of him was happy to be free of her, for a moment at least. Her attitude has been rubbing him the wrong way all morning and he wasn't particularly in the mood to play punching bag for her bitterness. He didn't know what he did to deserve her ire, but it wasn't his problem either. In the end, none of them were there to make friends. They were at the academy to solve a problem. She had her social media fans. What did she need his friendship for anyway?

The guards led him down a series of corridors, every other turning needing one of them to scan their I.D.s to get through. Everything was locked down pretty tight. Guards passed in pairs, cameras watching every hallway, and security checks far too frequently. He wasn't sure how this could get done without killing every guard on the compound. Maybe he was narrow-sighted, but Jameson couldn't think of an alternative.

Regardless, he wasn't trying to cause any scuffles, not yet. James hoped that the guards would lead him right where he wanted to go… the prisoners. From there he could think of his next move. Plus, with guards on either arm, he couldn't particularly relay everything he was seeing to the others. Simulation or not, that would get the alarms set off at the drop of a hat. As he walked, part of him couldn't help but worry what Lexa would get into by herself. The woman seemed impulsive which tends to cause more problems than be helpful. He could only hope that she could keep herself in check enough to complete the mission.

They rounded the corner and were met by iron bars that separated them from a decent, too-small-sized room. Behind the bars, all of the prisoners sat and stood huddled together, chained to the walls, the floor, or each other. The ceiling felt low and without windows, it seemed claustrophobic. Or maybe that was because of the abundance of people in such a confined space.

A guard near the entrance to the cell looked over Jameson before addressing the other guards. "There's no more room or restraints."

"There is nowhere else. Unless you want to give him your room,"
the man on James's right responded. "There's a spot right there." He pointed to the only visible spot of the floor in the entire cell. It definitely wasn't big enough to sit. Someone his size could stand there, shoulder to shoulder with those beside him. He wouldn't be able to move or do much of anything. "He's already cuffed. It'll be fine."

The man by the cell scoffed, before unlocking the door. "Come on then," he said, annoyance apparent in his tone. He took James's arm and shoved him into the hoard of prisoners.

It was impossible for him to move without bumping into someone else or accidentally stepping on their foot. "Sorry," he mumbled under his breath until he managed to find the small open spot.

Once the men who escorted him were gone and the guards watching the cell were busier with their gossip and card games, James turned his back to them and raised his hand to tap his earpiece. "I uh… found the prisoners." He wasn't entirely sure where he was to disclose details, but he found them alright.

After removing his chain from his wrists, James turned towards the closest person. An elderly man who had to be close to 70. He willed his chain to shrink to the size of a bracelet and wrapped it around the man's shackles. "I'm here to help," he whispered to those around him as he began using his chain to break their own bindings.

Lexa, in the meantime, was separated from James. The fatigue colors of the uniform blended in less with the barely lit corridors, so she found a place where she could shed them. The Ghost Rider was still well within her scent; and even though she had managed to get a ways from him, she could follow the path back with her nose.

With speed, she followed the trail of his scent until she was at the door to the prisoner's holding. First, she dispatched the two guards at the door. She surprise-pounced the closest, but also managed to send a hard heel into the other's throat before he could think about pressing anything or communicating. Once they both dropped; the first from being strangled, and the second from a devastating blow to the windpipe, she used their badge to move into the area.

That's when she got herself into trouble. Rather, the communication system wasn't cut off fast enough when it should have been. While it looked like Lexa's fault completely, she'd not be the only one to blame for what followed. One of the guards in the room pressed a large red button before she could move to him. That was that - the alarm blared throughout the whole compound, and every soldier was instantly on high alert.

She sprung into action with very little choice now, starting a running leap into the fray as soldiers began to get their weapons ready. Little attention was paid to James and the hostages as she grappled with the men; kicking, punching, clawing - whatever she had to do to put a few of them down. At one point she grabbed ahold of a handgun (still within the grasp of her opponent) that had been pointed to her, twisted it around until it was forced backward toward another soldier, and fired it. Only, the bullet didn't end up in another soldier. It ended up in a hostage, and that was… shocking when Lexa realized it.

Wide-eyed and frozen, she ended up being shot several times by incoming military personnel. The bullet wounds might not have been real, but they felt real; like she was dying, or maybe she was still somewhat in shock. She crumbled onto the floor.

James was surprised at how quickly Lexa had gotten there. Perhaps he expected her to leave him high and dry, or perhaps wait for others to arrive. Either way, neither happened and there she was. While she was busy taking out guards, he did his best to free the prisoner's bindings, working double time. But then, as his attention was focused elsewhere, the alarms rang out, red lights flashing throughout every corridor. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath.

He quickly abandoned his current task and tried to shove his way towards the entrance. James was nearly toward the gate when he heard the gunshot. His eyes went wide trying to figure out where it came from and who it hit. The prisoner collapsed backward, falling into his arms. Unfortunately, they were dead before he even caught them. And while his attention was focused on them, there was another barrage of gunfire. He tried his best to be as respectful to the body as he laid them down and when he looked up he found Lexa slumped over on the floor.

"Lexa's down," Jameson was just barely able to get the words out over the coms before the demon took over. In a blink, the fire consumed his head revealing a menacing skull. The chain in his hand grew as he transformed. With a whipping motion of his hand, the chain flew through the air, slicing through the cell bars and any guard that stood before him. A few stray bullets fired, before every one of them fell to the ground like dominoes, their bodies in two pieces.

Smoke rose from a few small holes that now plagued his leather jacket. Unaffected, James stepped over lifeless bodies as he made his way to a control panel. Rather than figuring out the correct buttons, he smashed it with his fist, causing it to short circuit and all the prisoners' restraints released. The hostages gasped, frozen in shock for a moment before they all began to quickly flood out of the cell. Jameson was sure to scoop up Lexa into his arms before she had the chance to be trampled and sidestepped out of the way. "The hostages are loose," the demon's voice rumbled over the coms.

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written by thor & mombie

zehara el sayid
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kane nyguyen
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"Kane, right?" Hmm? His thoughts had been elsewhere. He looked over at the woman calling him by name. That's fine. They'd know it eventually, he supposed. It was still annoying. It felt like someone had something very personal to him before he could give it. He neither blamed her nor was he angry; she just overheard it. "You don't look like a stranger to bloodshed. Care to join me?"

He remained silent and allowed her to take that as she will - likely agreement. Kane was not upset that Zehara chose him as a partner. After all, there had been no one else. She didn't seem like the type that would get in his way, and he wouldn't get in hers. They'd get along just fine. So long as Myla wasn't with another m-- no, he didn't care. He shouldn't care who she partnered up with. His eyes rolled and he scoffed at himself at the thought. He didn't care. His newest companion would have likely heard the noise that followed shortly after sneaking a subtle side glance toward the blind woman.

He didn't care until Myla's fingers grabbed hold of his. Though the gesture was fleeting, the squeeze of them reminded him that he did care, even if he was trying really hard to deny it. At her smile, he smiled - thankfully with the mask. Then it went away just as quickly as she did, and he wanted to smack himself. Why was he acting so stupid?

Since Zehara was more vocal than he, she took care of informing Aria and Will of their intentions in this clear suicide mission. After that, the pair was off. He could keep up with her, no problem. His feet were swift and the snow provided an extra layer of silence. It almost seemed effortless on his part; as though his boots barely touched the glistening white surface before they rose again.

"You are a killer right? I mean, you don't look like the type of person who spares another," she asked out of nowhere. When she was just met by more silence, she continued on. "No judgement." No response. It wasn't any of her business, and to be perfectly honest - that question bothered him for some reason. While he didn't show this outwardly, he felt haunted by it. A killer. He was a killer. Who woke up one day and decided that's what they were going to be? His thoughts, as they moved through the base with silence and swiftness, started to invade his mind with such loud intrusion that he almost missed her instruction.

"You look like you know how to stay hidden. I'll go high and you go low?" That sounded fine to him, and he didn't give her any word - he just pivoted sharply and made his way in another direction away from her.

As Zehara made quick work of her prey, so did the assassin. Unlike certain entities, he didn't get a lot of pleasure from death. It was just a job to him - a regular 9-5 without it being an actual 9-5. Like filing away paperwork and moving onto the next thing. That's what he's become. That was life to him - as easy as a mundane desk job. His silhouette was just a shaded contour that suddenly gulped up the moonlight and the sweeping floodlights, swallowing the guards in darkness before a single swipe of his blade would end their lives quickly.

"Hostages are in the South East quadrant," Zehara's voice chimed through his earpiece. Shortly after, there was a whistle and he caught a badge. When she jumped down to his level, she looked... happy. How nice it must be to take pleasure in something. He was pretty sure that she felt more content with his damage than he himself did. The woman was riddled in gore and he only splattered with some blood. They just had a difference in their ways of killing. She was more chaotic and he more precise. They similarly took lives without hesitation. "Ready to go inside?"

He wasn't going to pretend that he knew what they were supposed to do from here. It was cold. The snow was blinding. He knew that they should start making their way toward the east side as they were swifter and quieter than others. "Let's go." That said, he did the only thing that made sense to him - started for one of the entrances into the east side. When they located a door, after displacing a few guards in Zehara and Kane fashion, he used the badge to gain entrance.

As soon as the door opened as a response to scanning the badge, he allowed Zehara to take down the sentry on the other side. After all, he was too close to use his sword and he did have a badge in one hand.

Zehara followed the lead that Kane had started. She was easygoing and would follow whatever made sense. He took out one guard. Obviously, if there was a second, she made quick work of him. She quickly learned that he wasn't much of a talker and she was fine with that. They didn't need to make small talk or become best friends. They worked together like a well-oiled machine and that's what mattered. She got the sense, a little inkling, that her comment might have rubbed him the wrong way, not that she meant to come off as offensive. He just seemed like the type who was capable of doing whatever it took to get the job done, while some of the others looked to be the type to break their backs rather than shed some blood.

She couldn't help but wonder how crazed and blood-thirsty she looked. It wasn't that she thrived off of murder, but unfortunately, the Cheetah inside her did. It could be a Jekyll and Hyde type of thing from time to time. Zehara didn't necessarily enjoy killing, but she was good at it. Perhaps she was smiling because she was thankful the person she partnered with didn't ask questions, didn't judge her, and could keep up. Either way, it didn't matter. There were more pressing matters at hand and time was quickly ticking by.

"Maybe there is a map somewhere?" Zehara didn't fancy running about the place to find one, but perhaps as they tried to navigate their way through the various corridors they would find one. She took one of the guns from the guards they downed. She wasn't much of a gun person, but she had no weapons besides herself and that base was riddled with cameras. It took some searching until she was lucky enough to find a pistol with a silencer, and a couple of extra clips. Hopefully, she was a decent enough shot. It took a couple of tries to get her bearings but on the third shot, she managed to knock out the first camera she came across.

Every time they turned a corner they were faced with more hallways. The place felt like a maze and it wasn't long before Zehara had lost her bearings. Her animal senses could help her if she was tracking someone... But how would she know if the scent she chose was a guard or a prisoner? She had no way of knowing which way to go. It wasn't like the woman kept a compass on her and once she was inside a building without windows, enough turns could disorient anyone. She wiped some of the blood from her face and hair that had been dripping into her eyes. "Do you have any knowledge of military bases?" Zehara sure as hell didn't.

His eyes rolled, but it was not directed at her. He placed a hand on his hips. A map would have been great from the very start, but it wouldn't do them well now at all. It had been a big mistake to rush into the military base without a map or blueprints. "It's too late for a map. The base is not likely to have one just hanging around."

An alarm started to blare throughout the compound, "We're in a death trap," he remarked, and with the pair of them being in a hallway, they were in a very bad spot to be found by a bunch of armed soldiers. The worst spot, in fact.

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written by thor & mombie

aria munroe
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william richards
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jr. fantastic

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier... I... Wasn't trying to," Will apologized, and Aria nervously laughed it off while she waved her hands in front of her in a submissive state. "Don't worry about it! I... should make it a point to be a little more secure." And that was that—conversation over.

"I can't fly, but I can make myself aerodynamic... If you don't mind me hitching a ride with you. But if you're not comfortable with that I can walk and meet you there." Of course, he couldn't fly! Why hadn't she thought about that at all? She flicked a hand through the air dismissively, "It's not a problem at all! I don't necessarily fly, per se, anyway. Not in a traditional manner..."

In an effort to make the situation lighter and maybe add a little humor, "I hope your hair gel is pretty solid." There was a light bout of laughter there before she raised her arms up to her side, palms up, and began to conjure her power. Drawing from the Earth's electromagnetic field, she was able to thwart the weather around them and generate strong winds. Her eyes turned white, as did her hair; looking very much like her own mother at this point. Will would also be swept up in the wind, as she'd not ask him to flex his powers. Not yet. It was far too cold, and if she understood his father's powers—the frigid air might hinder him more than help. This way she can control both of them and he could reserve his own abilities whenever they were most useful.

One very bright side to this manner of flight is that William would also not have to suffer from being held or anything. The last thing she wanted to do was emasculate him. Like this, the only thing that kept him in flight was Aria's precise control over the summoned wind. As they moved through, they were able to avoid floodlights, and the wind help displace the blizzard-like conditions that would have otherwise been blinding. Not that it mattered to her, really. Not only could she manipulate the weather, but it was easy for her to detect its naturally occurring patterns and see through them.

Once they were where they should be, she brought them down to the ground. The blinding frenzy of snow resumed around them as the unnatural winds died down. While she was dressed like... this, she felt nothing extreme in regards to the weather. Aria seemed unfazed by the cold.

In this moment of staring down at a gate devoid of sentries for the moment, she realized that she actually had no idea what to do. What made it all worse was that she told others what they should do without having an actual clue herself. "This is suicide," she muttered anxiously to herself, but it was likely Will could hear it as well.

Will looked over toward Aria with a sympathetic smile. He remembered what his first training simulation was like and it was intimidating… To say the least. The cold definitely affected him and his ability to perform. Every movement was slower and strained, and he felt like if someone hit him with a hammer he would shatter. But rather than worry her more, Will put on his best smile. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

Before she had a chance to argue, Will's arm stretched and extended until he took a hold of the railing to one of the lookout towers. With a quick yank, he pulled his body and retracted his arms. He quickly flew through the air until he reached the railing, flipping over the railing and kicking one of the guards clear over the side and out of the tower. This left two men who stood frozen for a moment, trying to take in whatever just happened. Before either could reach for a button and call for backup, Will's arms extended and wrapped around their wrists like makeshift shackles. He then yanked his arms, pulling the men together until their heads collided and they slumped over.

Similar to the first tower, Will swung himself over to the second and made quick work of the guards. Then that left only the men on the ground. He leaned forward, looking over the railing, trying to decide his next course of action. His hands stretched out and grasped the railing of the other tower, but this time as his body swung he extended his arms further. Using his body like a wrecking ball, Will put out his legs and slammed his feet into one of the soldiers, throwing him back into the wall. The last two were quick and easy. He grew his hand to the size of a watermelon and uppercut each man as they came closer. Unlike some of the others, he made sure not to kill anyone. Incapacitating was more than sufficient in his opinion.

"We're clear," he said over the earpiece, while motioning his index and middle finger toward Aria. As she approached, he searched the fallen men until he found a keycard for one of them. He flashed her a playful wink and smile before he reached his arm out toward the door and used the card to unlock it.

"Let's see what they are doing here," she directed Will as she gathered enough molecules from the air to summon a thick fog through the hall. It rolled down the narrow passageway with no end in sight, but it would give them an opportunity to take down a few very confused guards as they moved through.

They opened doors, scanned rooms, and eventually found something that looked like a control center of sorts. Fog would damage any of the technology inside, and so would electricity from lightning. Most of her powers would. Like her father, she knew the ins and outs of machines as though she was of one mind with them, and if they were going to figure out what was going on at this base, they'd have to leave them intact.

She stepped aside to let William in first, "Gentleman first?" He'd honestly be the best bet for this scenario.

Will placed his hand lightly on Aria's back to move her aside as he stepped forward to sneak a glance through the small window on the door. He sighed softly. There had to be a dozen men in there, easy. "Make sure no one sneaks up on you. Be right back." Then, without another word, Will almost melts as his body becomes paper-thin and slips beneath the door into the other room. He kept himself flat to the ground or the sides of tables as he moved around.

At first he observed everyone seeing where they stood and who was the easiest target. Will first went for the easiest guard, one that no one was looking at. Just his hands reformed to their normal size just before grabbing the man's ankles and jerking them backwards. The momentum sent the guy tipping forward until he hit his face on the ground. He was instantly unconscious, probably with a broken nose on top of it. Systematically, Will worked his way through the guards going for whomever was easiest first.

Surprisingly, it wasn't too difficult until he was down to the last three guards. They all stood in a line facing the same control panel with their backs toward the rest of the room. Will stood up behind them letting his body reform to its natural state. They were oblivious of his presence, but once he took out one of them, the others would be alerted. His right arm quickly shot out in front of them, hooking under their chins and pulled them all backwards, together in a lump. He held them there as they squirmed until they lost enough oxygen to make themselves lightheaded until they passed out.

Will spared a glance back towards the door to make sure he still saw Aria through the window. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up, before turning his attention towards the vast controls. This wasn't entirely foreign to him. Every control center worked similarly and this couldn't be much different. His gaze scanned the various buttons and switches until he found the lever to the main power to the facility. "Bingo," he whispered to himself as he made his way over to it.

When Zehara let them know that they found the location of the prisoners, Aria felt a little confused. Didn't Phil and Alfred imply that the hostages were scattered? Shortly after, maybe after about ten minutes, the alarms throughout the entire base went off. She tapped her earpiece, do. What made it all worse was that she told others what they should do without having an actual clue herself. "What is going on? Whatever happened to the communication tower?"

She heard the Demon's voice ominously project that Lexa was down. Whatever that meant. Even though this was a simulation, had they inadvertently "killed" one of their teammates?

The alarms blared just before Will could throw the switch to shut down the power. He still tried, but as he thought, once the alarms were triggered, any button he pressed did nothing. "Damn it," he cursed under his breath before abandoning the control panel, hurrying over toward the door. He opened it quickly, first looking down the hall to make sure no one approached before looking at Aria. "Do you want to go for the hostages? Or should we just get out?"

Aria looked up at him. The logical thing to do was to just go - the mission was done. They had one downed hero, a whole military base alerted to their presence, and would soon be overwhelmed. Sure, maybe trained and more experienced heroes - an actual team could get through this with no problem, but that wasn't this hodgepodge of mutants and super-powered beings. It didn't mean her choice made her feel less guilty about everything. She tapped her earpiece and called out, "Move to the southeast quadrant. We have one down which leaves James on his own. Do not look for more hostages." As she gave commands, her fingers rifled through paperwork at the command center. There was a map, which meant they could somehow get to James before he got overwhelmed.

"Josiah, Theo - forget the communication tower. It's too late," she looked down at the map, but it was just as confusing as being without one. It took her a few seconds to find where they were and then figure out where they needed to go. With the route memorized, she crumpled it up and stuffed it down her top. Just in case. It was uncomfortable.

"Let's go," she said to Will, sidestepping him to run toward their destination.

Along the way, they managed to run into Kane and Zehara, both of whom were in a situation that was not looking good. Military personnel were coming in from both sides, and the two of them were in a killbox of sorts.

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written by thor & barnes

penelope cage
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power girl

myla murdock
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hell's angel

"Keep this. Just in case we get separated," Penny said as she held out one of the keycards. Myla nodded, taking it and sliding it under the collar of her suit. It never really crossed her mind to have pockets put into her suit, so she settled for whatever she could manage. After all, it wasn't often that she was worried about storing things beside what she already carried.

"The door's right here, we're going to go inside and wait for the comms to be knocked out."

Myla nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Ok." Penny took her hand to lead her inside and while under most circumstances she wasn't a fan of people babying her or treating her like she needed extra help, she wasn't going to argue. The girl wasn't aware of what happened to her last night and Myla could only imagine how rough she actually looked. She knew Penny wouldn't lead her into danger or anything, so she didn't question it and just followed.

Once inside the facility, Myla cocked her head around like an owl, listening for any signs of guards. When she heard nothing, she sighed and leaned back against the wall. With a second of downtime, Myla took a moment to dig into one of the small pouches on her utility belt, pulling out some gauze. She was no stranger to field medicine and wanted to dress her wound. Although she wasn't one to worry about her modesty, she was thankful it was Penny and not someone else when she unzipped her suit. She ran her fingertips on it, definitely a popped stitch. "Damn," Myla cursed under her breath before pressing the bandage against the cut and refastened her suit.

She could feel Penny's gaze the entire time, no doubt worried. "I'm fine," she tried to reassure her. Myla was never the most forthcoming with details, especially when the details would only make people worry. "It's a long story. I'll explain later."

There was never an easy or short story to tell in this industry, Penny reflected to herself as she silently watched Myla deal with her wound and zip her suit back up like it was nothing. It worried her to see her friend hurt, and she felt even worse that she hadn't even realised when Myla had gotten that injury. It could have been at any moment over the past ten minutes, and Penny could have prevented it if she had just been paying more attention.

Not a moment or two later, alarms began to ring out loudly. The sound startled Myla as she nearly jumped out of her skin, instinctually moving to a combat stance before she realized what it was. Everything was so loud that if Penny said anything or anything came in over the coms, Myla didn't hear it. Everything got lost in a sea of noise that berated her eardrums and disoriented her.

"Sweet Christmas," Penny muttered automatically, looking around. Her ears were still ringing, but she could tell that there was no one around who could have tripped the alarm, meaning that it must have been one of the other teams. So now the issue was—should they press on with finding the hostages, or abort the mission entirely?

A voice crackled over the comms. "Lexa's down." Then another: "The hostages are loose." The second voice was completely unfamiliar, but if it was coming over the comms then it was one of theirs.

There might be more hostages in the compound. But Myla was hurt and should not be ushered into further battle. And even if security forces weren't here now, the alarm would have caused heightened alert and the place would be swarmed in a matter of minutes. They would just have to cut their losses this once.

"Myla, can you hear me?" Trying not to startle her, Penny reached out and touched Myla's hand gently. "The plan was a bust, okay?" As if to confirm her decision, a command came over her earpiece, instructing anyone listening to head for the southeast quadrant. That, they could do. She pressed on her earpiece, reporting to the others. "We're going to go further in and get to James in the southeast. Come on!" The last two words were spoken to Myla as she began to run down the corridor, ears straining to catch the sounds of anyone moving towards them. It wasn't easy, as her hearing was still recovering from the alarm, but there didn't seem to be any guards going their way just yet. Uncertain if Myla was really okay or still disoriented, Penny made sure they were running side by side, so she could keep an eye on her friend.

The alarms continued to sound, but the longer they went on, the more Myla adjusted. No, it wasn't perfect and she wasn't nearly close to her normal level of accuracy, but it was something. She was able to hear Penny. She had to focus on every word, straining to separate sounds from the alarm, but she heard her. "Ok," she responded with a nod. "I'll be right behind you."

As Penny started to run through the corridors, Myla stayed close on heel. She placed her left hand on her partner's shoulder making it easier for her to follow Penny though the diverging halls. The pair were quick and even without Myla's attuned ears, they moved like they always had. The girls had gotten into a rhythm working the streets together through various difficulties that navigating a confusing location with her hearing all but useless was nothing new. She only wished she could be more help, keeping an ear open for any approaching guards.

Penny came to an abrupt halt as she rounded another corner, causing Myla to collide into her back. The blaring alarms had silenced, but red flashing lights illuminated the corridors every other second.

"Halt!" one of the men before them shouted.

Myla was thankful for the silencing of the alarms. Without it, she might not have heard the man before them shout his warning... Or the guards behind them switch the safety off of his gun. Everything was dull as her ears rang, like trying to hear your surroundings from under water. She lightly squeezed Penny's shoulder to get her attention before she whispered in the girl's ear, "We're surrounded."

Penny sucked in a breath, knowing what was to come. It was just like the old days; the two of them against the criminals of their streets. Without another word, Myla spun around standing back to back with Penny. While the daughter of Luke Cage couldn't protect her on all fronts, this helped eliminate the possibility of getting shot from behind. But that still left several guards facing her with nothing to stop an oncoming bullet. She slowly pulled out her billy club, holding it at the ready in her right hand. With a deep breath, her left hand gave Penny's arm a gentle squeeze before she sprinted forward. Just before the guns fired, Myla dropped into a slide, slamming her foot into the knee of the closest guard.

She tried to stay low and constantly moving as she weaved through the guards. Occasionally one would aim for Myla, but she'd move just in time for the bullet to take out one of their own men. She tried to make quick work snapping their knees and knocking them to the ground. But no matter how quick she was, there was too many. Just as she went to grab the barrel of one gun and spin it away, another man behind her shot her in the leg. Myla fell to the ground with a soft whimper. She managed to kick back the man with her good leg before she attempted to crawl away.

Penny wasn't worried about the bullets. She marched forward, drawing fire away from Myla's back as the guards fired at her. The bullets crumpled against her skin like they were made of paper, and in a panic, they continued to fire until Penny was standing right in front of them. With a sweep of her arm she sent men flying backwards into the walls, landing punches and kicks that dropped them unconscious or left them groaning in pain on the floor. She heard the gunshot from behind, but didn't feel the impact, and turned just in time to see Myla.

Myla managed to get a few feet down the hall, but he was faster. He pressed his boot down on her wound to hold her in place as he pointed his gun at her. She just barely to smack the weapon away, but it still fired. This time sending a bullet through her shoulder. She cried out in pain, but didn't have time to stop and worry about herself. Now angry, she twisted the gun in the man's hand, snapping his wrist. And while she might not be able to see, she knew how guns worked. Myla turned the rifle towards the man and pulled the trigger, shooting him in the chest. But she didn't stop there... Her finger remained firm on the trigger as a volley of bullets sprayed the guards on her end of the hallway until every single one was on the ground.

When there was silence, she threw the gun to the side with a grunt. Myla clenched her jaw using all the strength she had to pull herself to her feet. She limped her way down the hall towards Penny, using the wall as support. "We need to go... I'll be right behind you." Myla knew she'd only slow the girl down, and the one who was bulletproof should go first. She could keep up... She had to.

Penny shook her head, her heart rate picking up as she eyed Myla's wounds. "You're hurt. I'm not going to lead you into more danger." She slipped an arm around her friend's shoulders, holding Myla up. With her free hand she pressed down on her earpiece. "Myla's been shot. We're close to the west side and safe for now but I need help getting her out. Can anyone hear me?"

Hopefully James could hold his own, because they couldn't reach him, not with Myla bleeding like that. Penny's jacket was already ruined from the bullet holes, so she felt little remorse as she tore one sleeve off and tied it tightly around Myla's shoulder, which looked to be the worst wound. "Stay with me, okay? We're getting out of here."

"I'm ok. I'm ok," she tried her best to reassure Penny. It hurt, but she wasn't losing consciousness... Not yet anyway.

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written by thor, mombie & barnes

zehara el sayid
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jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

penelope cage
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power girl

aria munroe
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kane nyguyen
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At first, Lexa was sort of awake. Her surroundings were hazy, and all she felt was pain. The last thing she saw was a hectic scramble of boots, then James. He had scooped her up into his arms, but she couldn't protest the helpless feelings as her body was riddled in multiple bullet wounds. She wanted to cry; maybe even scream out in pain, but the damage to her body was so much that she could no longer feel it after a certain point. Weird. It was hard to describe the feeling - pain, but not at the same time.

Cradled by the Demon, she let her body fall limp and succumbed to the wounds. Since it was all simulated, she wasn't dead, but her breathing was shallow - just enough to keep her vital signs going so she'd not actually die. Ah, but her completely trampled pride made her want to die for real.

James was still there inside… somewhere, but when the demon took over he was just a passenger in his own body. Unlike the host, the demon didn't panic under pressure or feel the need to rush. He carried the unconscious Lexa in his arms as he walked through the corridors at a steady pace. His goal wasn't the hostages anymore, just getting her out… If she was in fact alive at all.

As he rounded a corner, he was met by a reinforced steel door that separated him from a dozen or so guards. While James might have turned around and went the other way, the demon had no such intentions. He lifted his foot and with a swift kick, he sent the door flying off its hinges, taking out 3 guards on it's path. Whichever ones remained quickly began to storm the entrance. Once they were all lined up, the demon opened his flaming mouth and out spewed a barrage of chains. They shot out like spears, impaling the men and sending them flying backwards into the walls.

With all the men incapcita—dead… they were dead, the demon walked around their bodies like debris in his way and nothing more. He stepped over this one, or walked around that one as she made his way to the other side. Walking through the other door, he was met with more corridors in various directions. "The fuck kind of labyrinth is this?"

The demon kept working his way through the compound, kicking down doors, guards and anything else that stood in his way. He tapped the ear piece to his shoulder as he continued trudging forward. "I have Lexa. We're leaving." His words were final and didn't give the others much direction. But it was plain. Don't come for them because they won't be there. They are getting out of that damned simulation.

William and Aria arrived at a now surrounded Kane and Zehara. They were at the rear of one flank of military personnel, but that would be enough. While she didn't know what Kane did, his appearance was a dead giveaway that he had something to do with stealth. Maybe it was the all black, or maybe it was the cultural garb that let an intellectual Aria know that they were dealing with someone that lived in the shadows. Regardless, she knew that she could do something to play to both of their skills; one as an assassin and the other as a feral entity.

Her eyes clouded over in white and the air around her wisped and bellowed. Fog rolled quickly and densely in this hall, allowing the four of them to work under the cover of concealment. For Aria, she could see through these things. She didn't know about William, though, but she made a calculated risk because three out of four of them could possibly work under these conditions. She felt a little… awkward leaving William out like this, but they were about to take a lot of heavy fire if she couldn't figure out how to disorient the soldiers quickly.

Zehara's sense memory and heightened hearing knew Aria and William had arrived without having to place her eyes on them. There was no time for that. The hallways were quickly getting congested with more and more guards. But as luck would have it, or just Aria's quick thinking, fog quickly began to fill the corridor disorienting the militia. While she couldn't see, Zehara didn't need to. Her head tilted to the side, listening to her surroundings like an animal on the prowl.

Unfortunately, this wasn't a situation in which Will thrived. As the fog started to fill the narrow corridor he found himself in a hazy confusion, trying his best not to get in the way. He didn't have super sight or enhanced hearing to help him navigate. He was just as blind as the guards they were trying to overcome.

He had one idea. And while it wouldn't be much help, it was better than standing around useless. Will ran his hand along the wall, walking back the way they came until he found the edge where hallways branched off. He then began to expand and stretch himself until he covered the entire entrance that led toward the others. It'd keep any others from sneaking up behind them and if they were to try and shoot, he could reflect the bullets… mostly.

"Myla's been shot. We're close to the west side and safe for now but I need help getting her out. Can anyone hear me?" Penny said over the comms, and Kane suddenly felt a strange sense of urgency. As the hallway clouded over in thick fog, he got to work swiftly.

Through the concealment he could see the vague silhouettes of the soldiers and their rifles, "I'll take this side," Kane informed Zehara.

"Just go," Zehara said to Kane as her claws sliced through another guard.

He'd take the position opposite to Aria and Will which would allow him to move out toward Myla and Penny. He tapped his earpiece, "Tell Myla I will be there in less than five minutes." Then, through a barrage of gunfire and metal meeting metal, flesh, or bone, Kane had managed to fight his way through so that he could get to Myla. He was gone long before the sound of bodies began dropping on the floor.

With the number of people dwindling in the corridor, it quickly turned into an army against one. Zehara never liked changing to her cheetah form, but this was one situation where it looked like she was running out of options. So, in the cover of fog, she fell to her knees and let the beast take over. Like a werewolf bursting out of its human form, the cheetah tore through her skin until she was covered in feline fur with yellow eyes glowing from the mist. Then like a feral beast, she lunged forward, pouncing onto the first mercenary that crossed her path, ripping his throat from his neck with her sharp fangs.

One by one the guards disappeared into the fog. She attacked so quickly they didn't have a chance to scream or fight back. The only evidence of their deaths was the pool of blood that trickled down the hall towards the waiting men. Zehara made quick work of any unfortunate soul that decided to head their way. It was only when the fog lifted that the devastating number of bodies came to light.

When all of the bodies had fallen and Aria could sense the energy of death in the air, the fog dissipated. "I'll catch up with Kane and help them exit." With that, she was also gone, trailing after Kane's swift momentum to Myla and Penny.

Zehara hopped and jumped over the bodies, making her way toward the only person who remained, Will. He was stretched along the far end of the hall like a rubber wall. "Alright rubberband man, let's go," she said as she flicked his elongated torso. Her voice was deep and raspy, but small fragments of her real voice could be heard beneath the feline rumble.

Will released his hold on the wall, allowing his body to go back to its normal form. He allowed himself one look back over his shoulder at the mound of motionless bodies. He wasn't the type of guy who killed recklessly. Honestly, he preferred sending people to jail or the raft rather than ending their lives. But luckily this all was a simulation. The morals of the situation could be discussed at a later date. So, without another word, he followed after Zehara, making their way toward the exit.

Hearing footsteps in the next corridor, Penny turned to move towards them. Best case scenario, it was the other group and she could help out; worst case scenario, they were guards with more guns that wouldn't work on her. She'd take that chance.

She rounded the corner, almost walking into someone else, and immediately put her hands up in a fighting stance, only lowering them when she saw that it was Zehara she had nearly steamrollered. "Sorry! I..." she peered at Zehara's features. The other girl certainly hadn't looked like that before the simulation started. "I got here as quickly as I could. Um, you look really cool. I guess you probably didn't need my help," she finished lamely.

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written by thor, mombie & barnes

myla murdock
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hell's angel

penelope cage
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power girl

aria munroe
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kane nyguyen
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Myla kept up as best she could. It hurt, but she wasn't going to let that slow her down. She managed to get into a rhythm as she limped down the hall. Thankfully, things were quiet, for a time, at least. The only sounds she could hear were the shuffling of their feet and her labored breaths. That was… until a voice came in over Penny's earpiece.

"Tell Myla I will be there in less than five minutes."

Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that voice. Myla instinctually reached up with her free hand and tapped Penny's earpiece. Penny did her best not to flinch away. "No. It's fine. I'm ok," she spoke loud enough so the comms picked her up. Perhaps it was her pride, but she felt guilty that Kane was rushing to her aid yet again. That was twice in the past 24 hours that he has saved her. She was quickly beginning to feel inadequate as a hero and a burden. Maybe she was out of her league at the Academy.

Either way, from what she could tell of the mysterious man, he wasn't one to let anyone else's words sway his mind. And while there was that part of her that was embarrassed that she needed the help… There was a strange tingling feeling in her stomach at the thought of him rushing to make sure she was ok.

The pair hadn't come across another guard in some time, but if they did, she knew she would only hold Penny back. The girl was formidable and a walking tank. Myla was just… a human with sensitive ears. She slowly removed her arm from Penny's shoulder, instead of using the wall as support. "I'm only going to slow you down if more show up." Myla nodded her head forward as she started to limp forward. "Go on. I'll be right behind you."

Penny let go as Myla leaned against the wall, aware that she would probably have fallen over if Penny continued to clutch at her. "Are you sure?" she fussed. She really wasn't keen on the idea of leaving Myla alone, with no comms earpiece or assistance, especially when they weren't certain if other guards were coming their way or not. Although that guy had said he was coming... What did Myla say his name was? Cain? Penny really had to figure everyone out, or she'd be struggling with the comms as long as she remained unable to recognize their voices.

But Myla was insistent, and Penny knew how she could get when she had her mind made up. And she was fully capable of looking after herself, at least better than Penny could anyway. "Okay. I'll see you on the outside," she promised, beginning to back away. With one last worried look over her shoulder, she jogged off to search for the others.

As promised, it took Kane less than five minutes to arrive. He slipped past Penny in the process, but since his objective was an injured Myla, he paid her no mind. It didn't even cross his thoughts that he should say something or look at her, but he never had social concerns like that. He didn't know how he knew where Myla was, only that his instincts carried him along the right direction. Eventually, he saw her leaning against a wall. He sheathed his weapon and moved toward her with an already surveying gaze that traveled up and down her body.

After assessing her injuries in less than a few seconds, he gently stepped forward and placed his arms in a position that allowed him to scoop her up. If she protested, he wouldn't respond at all. He couldn't care less about someone's pride or feelings - or whatever.

Quiet footsteps could be heard approaching and Myla knew who it was almost immediately. She pushed off the wall to try and stop Kane, but his arms scooped her up before she could stop him. "No. Kane—" She might not have known much about him, but one thing was for certain, he was probably the only person at the Academy as stubborn as she was.

As he held her, Myla quickly became aware of his hand placement. Why was this the place her mind went to? She could feel the blood rushing to her face, but no matter how much she wanted to stop it, her cheeks were already flushed. She turned her head away as she reluctantly wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Myla wanted to get herself out, but if he insisted on carrying her then she was going to at least try and help support some of her weight.

Aria had located both of them with more effort than Kane had Myla. After she found them, she looked up at Kane and pulled the crumpled up map out of her top. She tapped her earpiece as she pried the map open to look for an exit, "I've met up with Kane and Myla. Exit the base and save the hostages that you can."

Aria looked up at the pair, "Don't worry about the guards. I will get any that we come across. It looks like we are closest to the simulation exit." She took her place in front of them so that she could act as a guide.

Myla's arms subconsciously tightened, just slightly, around Kane's shoulders. "... Sorry" she mumbled under her breath. Most likely, Aria didn't hear it. And her words were so soft that even Kane might not have heard it. Either way, she couldn't help but feel guilty for being a burden. While it wasn't solely her fault the training exercise failed, she still felt like a bit of that weight rested on her shoulders.

Kane thought that he heard her say something, but he had been so focused on trailing after Aria that he didn't quite hear it. "Hmm?" He looked down at her briefly, expecting some sort of reply. He couldn't say much else, as Myla was a bit on the heavy side. Not that it was a bad thing, of course, only that carrying over 130 pounds for a long period of time could drain anyone's stamina. Kane was more used to making quick work of things, not carrying heavy loads. He was just shy of 200 pounds and tall, but he wasn't massively brawny in as much as he was a bit on the muscular yet not large side. More like a UFC fighter than a bulky wrestler.

Myla contemplated reiterating, but instead she remained silent. It wasn't important. Not now. She'd find some way to apologize and thank him later. Instead she focused as much of her attention as she could on their surroundings, keeping an ear out for any approaching guards or anything. It was the least she could do.

They came across very few guards, surprisingly. There were a few that Aria was able to incapacitate with little effort, but for the most part, they were mostly free of having to fight their way out. "Almost there," she relayed to the pair behind her.

They were soon out of a door and back into the cold and blinding winter conditions. She made no effort to shield them from the conditions, as she was exhausting herself. This whole situation was exhausting, to be honest - mentally and physically. They cut through a large clearing until there was a gate. A keycard from a fallen soldier was easily ascertained and she scanned it so that the doors would open for them.

Kane heard footsteps approaching them rather quickly, and he turned to face what he thought was a gaggle of soldiers incoming. However, a group of frantic hostages was making way past the trio and out the gate.

Aria was relieved that they'd be able to save at least some of them, but the entire mission was still pretty botched in her eyes. She waved Kane and Myla through, "Just head right and you'll exit the simulation."

Kane did exactly that since he was eager to get Myla to the medbay since it looked like she needed to go. Aria stayed behind to see the last of the hostages out. Where they went, she didn't know - as long as they made it out of the base alive. Then she turned away from the facility and went right, but feeling guilty for the mess that was made - she stayed by the simulation exit to make sure that all their teammates made it back. It was only when all were accounted for that she exited herself.

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