IC EVENT Dionysus's Night of Terror

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August Yilmaz
Ah, she hadn't told her brother Declan. Momentarily August felt bad for ousting a secret like that, or what had been meant to be a secret, but he moved on quickly enough, a rumble escaping his throat as a subdued laugh.

"Perhaps I will, will you be fine alone?" he throws back, though August knew Raina would always be fine. Even if she ended up in jail, she always ended up just fine. A mixture of extreme luck, or perhaps skill, the hybrid could never determine what it was. He just knew he didn't have it.

But reality reached him soon enough. The mention of the murders. Stories that August had followed himself, all too aware of the stigma against him, even if his kind were the most common, even if he was lucky enough not to seem too much of a hybrid.

"Elkwood has been wonderful, much calmer than Black City, fewer murders as well," he responded lazily, not too interested to delve into the murders too much. The newspapers and tabloids always made everything sound so much worse than they actually were.

"I wasn't expecting you to let me go in peace either," August smiles, knowing that Raina would want to continue the party until the late hours. Hours he didn't mind, nor the threat around the corner against his person. If anything, it felt like a welcome change from the safe borders from which he came.

Text colour: #97B6AE

@Noctis the Devious - Raina Sumners
The two girls matched, though one seemed to have a more intricate costume than the other, seemingly more invested in socializing as well. Halo gave the quieter one a friendly nod, but did not seek out further conversation without a signal that she wished for one, since it'd always been against he was to force strangers into interacting with him. His mothers had raised him better than that, of course! The group he'd treated retrieved their drinks around him as he reached out and clinked his glass cordially against the younger woman's, his smile warm and pleased. "Cheers to that. The cape is a favourite of mine, but perhaps next year I'll invest in a dress like yours. I quite like all the bows." he purred, though his expression filled with a more childish joy when she revealed to him that she had an entire parcel of croissants inside one of her pockets.

"My my! You're full of surprises, I see. You have my thanks." Halo took the croissant, feeling the delicate, fluffy layers within compress even at the slightest pressure, as croissants usually did. Without a moment of hesitation, he took the pastry to his lips, a bite taken to mingle with the fruit juice and mint already on his tongue.

Chewing and swallowing before smiling and giving the two girls a slight bow, his blue hair so glossy that it caught the lights above them, Halo introduce himself. "Halo Al Nuaimi," his accent thickened around the syllables of his own name, as syrupy as his demeanour, "At your service, Anya and Violet. Are you two looking to join the costume contest later tonight?"
code by wren.
"Well," began Violet with coyness, "Princess Anya wanted to enter the costume contest, although" and she took a sip of her drink, "I don't know what she is dressing up as. It seems like mostly everyone here looks great, but I don't see much of a theme here."

Because you are all already monsters.

She stood up straight, lest she pushed her manners too far. There was still a hierarchy to be kept, no matter how much she thought Anya liked her, no matter how friendly this thing that stood in front of the two of them seemed. The synthetic weave of her dress brushed her too-bare legs, where there would have been a holster along the inner thigh, and sheathes at her ankles, the loss of which made her feel more naked than the dress.

"Anya simply insisted that I come, so I am here with an open mind. Please teach me the ways of your revelry."

You've been watching too many movies. Snap out of it!

She tried to laugh it off, then turned sideways to bury her burning face in the dark of the club and her drink.

@PavellumPendulum @Nemopedia
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All things considered, the Fishers (yes, plural) were wearing a lot more cloth than Vincent had expected. Though Cordelia's dressing held a sort of ethereal elegance attached to it, giving a message of a glamorous presence, Isiah's costume's message was more bold in terms of where his priorities were for the night. In a storm of vulgar to spooky dressed people, the top of his golden head was easy to spot when it was the only one devious enough to make a pass at his bouncer. Nimble fingers, close proximity, and his warm breath on the neck of his employee, his methods of seduction were becoming all too familiar.

A snakish smile weaseled its way onto his face when Dominic, the bouncer, lifted his face and his eyes stared into the holes of his pumpkin head. He couldn't see the smile on Vince's face, but he was well aware he wouldn't have a job if he left his station to curry favor with Isiah Fisher. Vincent made no secret he didn't want his men associating with the minx dressed up as a noble. He was a nuisance and a bitter after taste Vince couldn't get rid of. Even if he did let Cordero go, though. It was partially spite that kept the man under his employment anyway.

Dominic left and Isiah blew him a kiss. An unwelcome one, but unwelcome company was something the Fisher was excellent at giving. Vincent rolled his eyes, relieved that the pumpkin head prevented him or anyone else from seeing it. Though that relief was short lived and replaced with his heart stuttering at the new but familiar voice.

Vince turned around to face his daughter, small in size but grown in every other aspect. He grinned at her face made of clown makeup and responded as he removed his pumpkin head. "As if I ever tell you about anyone I get into bed with," he snorted. Though Vince wasn't one to get into bed with anyone and not often. His last excursion still made his heart thump with a dull and uncomfortable ache. But that was more information he wouldn't divulge his daughter with.

Despite having head piece to his costume, Vince did not skimp on the makeup in the case he would go without it, having a gothic look like that of Tim Burton character, with smokey tired eyes and defined lines. Of course, his hair had been done, though it was down and not in its usual style. It was mildly uncomfortable but easy to forget when he was standing with Anais who hadn't seen in what felt like years.

"Besides I'd sooner castrate myself then end up in a bed with him." Vince was barely able to contain his snort. "That," he gestured to the blond with his head, "is Dionysus's pest problem. I'll deal with him properly sooner or later though."

Vincent dropped his pumpkin head into the table where his drink sat and pulled Anais into a tight embrace, squeezing his arms around her and pressing his cheeks into hers. There were rare moments where Vince's heart pounded with excitement and even rarer moments where it didn't force him to be aware of his surroundings. At that moment, all he cared about was holding the woman he called his child. "I've missed you. You have to tell me where you've been, what you've done, and what you've procured." He said laughingly, and reluctantly pulled back from their hug, tapping her playfully as he did. "Everything is boring when you're not around."

@peach 」​

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"A better personal assistant than an actress," Locke said with a light chuckle. There was nothing quite like knocking the rabble down a peg. Sandra was a pretender, and even her best work had been middling. "But I'd hate to see even my PA dressed like that." His gaze moved in the direction where Sandra had been before she vanished into the crowd of costumes, most of which were leagues better than hers. Locke looked back to his date right as they wrapped their arm around his once again. He smiled down at his short partner, and allowed them to easily lead him to their new destination in the VIP section. The blond gloated the entire way, delighted by the beautiful companion on his arm.

Upon arrival, Quim relinquished their hold and threw themself onto the sofa with surprising grace, or it would've been surprising if Locke didn't know them. He eyed the others present — nobody he'd ever heard of. Locke took his place of the couch beside Quim, his arm finding its way around Quim's exposed waist.

"Want a hit?" One of the others asked. Quim didn't hesitate. They leaned forward, taking a drag without using their hands in what was an incredibly enticing manner. A slick smirk was on his lips as he caught one of the other patrons looking at Quim lasciviously. Once Quim had pulled away, Locke made his own move. He leaned forward and retrieved the pen from the person's willing fingers. The tall blond drew in a long tasteful breath. It was not an unappealing flavour, tasting of rich fruit with floral notes. He exhaled the smoke into the club air, and passed the pen back to its presumed owner, who passed it on to someone else.

Locke's arm was back around Quim's waist, with his hand resting on their far thigh. His fingers stroked small lines against their skin. His attention lingered on the insignificant guests for only a second, as they took a moment to speak of previous parties Locke had not attended, before it was drawn back to the star at his side.

"So dear," he said to Quim, "do you think we can find anything stronger?" If Locke was going to get fucked up, he was going to do it all the way, and he was going to do it with his drug of choice — cocaine. His question, not whispered in the least, caught the attention of one of the women draped along the couch. She was a fine looking creature with dark and darker eyes, dressed in a velvet black dress and diamond heels. If it was a costume, it was not an obvious one.

"Hey, aren't you…" Her brow furrowed in thought as she looked between the two, eyes lingering on Quim longer. She took a hit from the pen. "Oh, don't tell me…"

Locke wouldn't be surprised if she knew who either of them were, as most respectable people did, but he also wondered if maybe she was just trying to score points. Locke certainly didn't recognize the woman.
Code by wren.
  • Wicked
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Raina and Declan
"I wasn't expecting you to let me go in peace either"

Raina cackled. "Listen, listen, listen, the night life in any city is never one to miss. If you're only going to be here for a night or two we got some planning to do. We especially need to to find a night market. Nothing like some dumplings after a night of drinking."

"I still haven't forgiven you trying to drag me to a fish market at 2am. Who needs fish at 2am?" Declan grumbled as he handed a virgin vodka sunrise. It was mostly just fruit floating in fruit juice but it was something.

"And I will do it again!" She turned to August with a toothy grin. "Kyler and I went out for drinks this one night and originally we were going to get some chicken and waffles afterward. So here we are driving around... I forgot where we were but it was nowhere with chicken and waffles and as we're driving around Kyler spies a fish market. By then the uber driver - we had an uber by the way - gets fed up, drops us off at Declan's place because his was closest, and--"

"That's how I wound up with two drunk idiots banging on my door demanding to be taken to a fish market. I should have called the cops and went back to bed."

"Instead, he takes us to the fish market were Kyler finds a fresh tuna and Declan cooked it up for us for breakfast."

"I didn't do it out the kindness of my own heart. I did it to shut your annoying asses up," he huffed, a sounding a tad too amused than he meant to.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway; we can pregame here, explore the city a bit - maybe crash some parties, but we definitely need a market, and from there see where the AM finds us," Raina said, already taking out her to do some googling.

@Nemopedia- August
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Cordelia cocked a thin brow in interest, nodding her head slightly at Cordero's compliment. " And hopefully I'll find myself deserving of a ravishing tonight." She joked, wiggling her browns for a moment and patting him gently on the shoulder with a sly grin.

Cordelia feigned a slight smile, internally sighing as she could feel Isiah clock her. She hooked arms with him, grateful that he had decided not to bring it up. It was always so refreshing to see how well they knew each other.

As Isiah led the trio inside, Cordelia found herself anxiously scanning the crowds of people here to drink and let loose. It was no secret that Archibald was beginning to treat her aggressively. She knew he wasn't going to be happy about her trying to break things off, but she didn't think he was the type to get violent and obsessive… But now she had seen that side of him, she wasn't sure she was safe anymore.

The tall woman pulled herself from her thoughts, looking up to see what appeared to be Vincent with a giant pumpkin head on. She lowered her gaze back to her cousin, scanning his face as he spoke.

"Don't worry, Izzie. You know you can always count on me." Cordelia mused, threading her arm around his. " Maybe I can out drink Cordero here. What do you think, Cordero?" Cordelia teased, looking over to Isiah's other right hand man.

It was time to let go. It was time to live again.
Code by Jenamos
A look of amusement flitted across Cordero's face as Cordelia wiggled her brow. "Who could turn you down?" She wasundeniably gorgeous, and Cordero imagined she had as little trouble finding a partner as the other Fisher did.

Isiah remarked on the temperature. Although his costume kept him plenty comfortable in the weather, Cordero was not surprised that his scantily clad companions wanted to flee the chilly air. As Isiah linked arms with the tall woman and escorted her into Dionysus, Cordero followed not far behind. The trio passed Dominic on their way in, and Cordero offered the man a brief nod of acknowledgement, slipping passed Isiah as the blond took a moment to toy with the bouncer. And a moment to notice Vince, who was up on the balcony talking to a clown. So much for keeping him guessing about his costume.

"Fear not, Isiah, by the end of the night you won't have a penny in your purse." He accompanied the words with a grin, allowing himself to be further pulled into the room by his friend. Cordelia spoke next, first to Isiah and then to him. The dark-haired man's grin broadened.

"I'm not one to turn down a challenge." The three of them locked together made a rather ungainly obstacle to navigate through the crowd, so Cordero retrieved his hand from Isiah, and continued into the room alone. In a second, Cordero was a couple of paces ahead of the other two. He stopped to turn back to them, and called to the tall blonde woman with a look of unflappable confidence on his face. "Just try to keep up."

Cordero proceeded the rest of the way to the bar without looking back. Dozens of people in their various costumes were pressed up against the counter, each clamouring for their desired drink. It was going to be a minute before any of them were served. Cordero turned around in perfect time to see the blonds arrive. He leaned back, resting against the edge of the counter.

"So Cordelia, one for one?" She had issued a challenge, and he was going to meet it. "Or do I need to handicap myself?" He grinned. She was definitely going to say 'no', but it was the gentlemanly thing to offer.
@wren. @peach
Code by wren.
  • Love
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Anya Nosferatu
Redblood Vampir

"Travelled all the way from Oria, though Vio here also likes to solve crimes," Anya responded with a cheery bounce, the layers of petticoats bouncing along, setting an extra layer to the character she presented. The Halloween event had been just one of the reasons why Anya was allowed outside of Oria, but she had shared none of the other reasons with Violet or anyone else.

Digging through the many pockets that added to the volume of her dress the redhead went on to search for another thing, the name of their new stranger repeated. "Halo, like the circle of holy light?" Anya asked, before fishing out the black card with the Nosferatu Research University logo printed on it.

"For next year's dress, they did a wonderful job in their design!"

Text colour: #912837

@unanun - Violet Matthews
@PavellumPendulum - Halo Al Nuaimi
August Yilmaz
The heartwarming closeness between the siblings and their stories of their lives together were always met with a part of missing, a longing towards his own sister and his parents that lived across the country. He had made his choice, however, and he had found his friends.

"Could I trouble you with another tuna breakfast?" August jokingly asked Declan, though the man genuinely didn't find the idea of fresh fish after a night of drinking appalling. The Black City was truly a city of its own formation, allowing fish markets to be open until late at night despite the lack of a sea nearby. Perhaps there was something alluring to moving to Black City for his next project.

Text colour: #97B6AE

@Noctis the Devious - Raina Sumners
Though the pen wasn't theirs, it might as well have been. A faint trace of Quim's bright, glossy lipstick had been imprinted on the tip, at least until Locke had taken it for himself, which they found to be the most erotic thing they'd seen that night... But there was still time for more, since the night had just begun. Regardless, their lips were likely the most important things to ever touch that thing as it was passed over to other faceless people whose names did not matter. Quim felt Locke's arm around their waist, slim, confident fingers brushing against the skin of their thigh. Ugh, how was he so fucking hot?

Even just sitting there, by aura alone, Quim was gloating, skin warm and smirk easy. The group around them was transfixed and though they talked amongst one another, none could look away for too long, always drawn in whether they wanted to be or not by the presences that demanded attention so effortlessly.

"Fun always finds me. It's not a question of will, but when." Quim responded smoothly, expression relaxed and knowing as they leaned into Locke, the two of them making a moving painting on the couch. The pretty thing staring at them, trying to put names to their faces, made them wave her off, a faint laugh on their lips, the tip of their expensive heel pointed in her direction. Quim picked through her thoughts with faint interest, amused by all of the raunchy ones, especially since their names were evading her. "You'll remember once you stop thinking about his dick, sweetheart." they laughed, tipping their head back, pink hair glittering under the club lights, though they clearly weren't surprised or offended.

The woman flushed, pen tipping over in her limp fingertips and nearly tumbling to the floor before another from the group snatched it from her hands. Quim's hand, very visibly, found Locke's thigh, mimicking the way he was touching them.

"Get us some coke, hm? Maybe we'll remember your name afterwards."

It was either the promise of recognition or the sheer embarrassment that propelled the woman off of the couch.
code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: Dusk
Quim was, of course, right. Not only did the party follow them wherever they went, it followed them with passion. If there was anything happening anywhere, Quim was the flame that drew the moth. And Locke basked in it by proxy. The night was still young, and plenty of time remained for them to indulge before reaching the evening crescendo. There were still shots and glasses of alcohol to be had, and marijuana aplenty to smoke. Locke had perfect patience, and he could wait until the moon was at its zenith. Getting there was some of the fun, wasn't it?

As a man of noble standing, there was a certain decorum that Locke kept. Certain guidelines for interacting with people, even those of less standing than him — perhaps especially them. Quim did not have such rules. And they proved this with their crass comment, something Locke found somewhat distasteful. Even if it was surely true. It was the phrasing. But the rich laugh which escaped their lips made the part of him that cringed for his partner's lack of class vanish, and he squeezed their thigh as their own fingers found him.

Locke was used to being ogled and sexualized. It happened all the time, as expected. It was impossible to be so perfect and not draw the lustful eye. He was sure Quim was right. That the woman desired him, and that was flattering. It was always better to be lusted after by the attractive, just on principle. Quim ordered the woman to bring them drinks, and obediently she got up to do as bid. Or else she was going to hide, unable to handle the shame of such a direct comment.

"Do you think she'll be back?" Locke asked his date. "I fear you might've scared her off."
Code by wren.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Violet did not seem to take to him too well. Her laugh was somewhat flat, somewhat muffled by her turning her head to nurse her drink, though she had indeed asked him to teach her the ways of his revelry. He kept his tone adjusted, not advancing any closer as though not to frighten a twitchy animal, his palms up to gesture at the festivities around them. "I am no expert, but you have already completed the first step, which is, of course, refreshments." Halo's smile was radiant and warm, pearly against his tanned skin, "The costume party certainly isn't mandatory, but I would recommend it mostly because it seems quite fun."

When asked about his name, Halo adjusted a piece of hair that had come loose from his usual loose gathering of hair at his neck, looking pleased to be asked about himself. "Indeed. My mothers were poets of sorts, of the opera and of ballet. Though I do think the choice was partially made because one of them is named Angela. Tying together a theme of sorts sounds like them."

He took the card with mild but polite interest, seeing the sleek logo printed upon the cardstock. Nosferatu Research University. He'd certainly heard of the institute in passing, but could not remember ever doing more than hearing about it. "You are a student?" he questioned, glancing between Anya and the card, his smile cheeky, "... Or a professor?"
code by wren.
Isiah's grin turns into an exaggerated pout when Cordero tears his hand away to race them toward the bar, disappearing into the swarm of people crowding around it. Thankfully, it doesn't take too long to find him once they've pushed their way in, Cordero's height and his big hair making him a bit of an obvious target.

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty," he jokes as he takes an emptying seat, practically pushing the businessman who'd been sitting on it off. The man stumbles before turning to glare at him, though he must recognize him, as he turns apprehensive before scoffing and stomping away.

He pulls his phone out of his hidden pocket, the back of which contains a few credit cards. Carelessly selecting one, he holds it up between his fingers and looks at the two laughing women in the seats next to him. "Excuse me, misses, do you mind moving to a booth so my friends can sit with me? I'll pay your tabs."

The one dressed like a princess raises a skeptical eyebrow while the other one, dressed like a stereotypical witch, looks to her friend uncertainly. He sighs, waving the card to catch the attention of the bartender. "Luke, my dear! I'd like to pay for these ladies' tabs, please."

Luke, a very attractive young man with slicked back hair and perfect tanned skin, grins brightly at him and takes the card with a knowing chuckle. This isn't the first, nor will it be the last, time that Luke has had to play along with his shenanigans. While he runs the card, Isiah takes a moment to appreciate his toned biceps and firm pectorals hidden beneath his tight black shirt. It's truly a pity that, despite being another natural flirt, Luke is immune to his charms.

When Luke hands back him back his card, he turns back to the women, who shrug and relinquish their seats, which he pats invitingly for his friends.

"If it isn't my two favorite customers and my favorite coworker. What can I get you three tonight?" Luke asks.
@Dusk | @peach
code by wren.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Violet turned back to the two of them. She spotted a crumb on Halo's cheek, imperceptible in the lighting and noise of the club, only visible when a stray laser or strobe caught it.

It was a strange thing, seeing a vampire eat. Every one that she had hunted had been blood-crazed, driven feral by their hunger because they were poor. Yet here he was, feasting on human food because he was so well sated with blood. She took another drink of her cocktail, urging its tendrils to creep into her mind.

"Assistant Provost!" she blurted, then blushed, stepping to the side and slightly behind Anya. "I don't really know what she does, though. I just meet her at work and we go out for movies."

@Nemopedia @PavellumPendulum
Quim didn't care much for being polite. Or nice. Typically, they did not actively seek to insult people or call them out like this, but this was a party! Under the bright lights and the fog of smoke, who really fucking cared? Locke's fingers squeezed firmly against their bare skin and they revelled in it instead of taking it as any sort of displeasure on their date's side. Of course he wanted to touch them. With the casual eye of a resting predator, Quim watched the woman disappear into the crowd, skimming the foam of her thoughts before those too, melted into the cacophony of sound.

Tapping the side of their head with a manicured finger with a relaxed, knowing expression, Quim tilted their head towards their boyfriend. "She'll be back. She was thinking about being sandwiched between us before the night ends." they stated simply, expression self-satisfied. And even if she didn't, even if those thoughts of delicious temptation weren't enough to bring her back to them before the night grew old, it wasn't like there was no one else who could supply them with some good shit for the evening. The nanny was staying overnight for the next few days before Quim returned home, so there was no need to worry about rushing to get that high as soon as possible either.

Another round of shots was called to the table while they passed around the pen. The spice of the rum hung in the air, sweet and languid. In a show of affection, Quim held Locke's up, to tip it into his mouth for him, their expression both playful and somewhat adoring.
code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: Dusk

Cordelia let out an exaggerated scoff, jokingly offended by Cordero's offer. " Cordero! You insult me." She huffed, tossing her sheer shawl over her shoulder for dramatic flair.

"Izzie, tell him." She pouted, draping herself into the barstool he had most heroically claimed for them. Those nights at the golf course clubhouse, drinking herself unconscious sitting at the table with her father's friends… She had something of an iron stomach at this point. Of course, rehab had probably changed that but getting actually drunk would probably be a fun new experience for the woman.

" May I order us a round of shots to start us off with? Clase Azul?" Cordelia asked, glancing to either side at Cordero and Isiah.

Cordelia sat up straight, flashing Luke a daring grin as she stretched out her back and cracked her knuckles. " I should have stretched back at home." She sighed, just imagining the chaos that was going to ensue tonight alone.
@wren. @Dusk
Code by Jenamos
  • Wicked
Reactions: Dusk
Whether or not the two women actually wanted to leave, they did, likely finding it to be more hassle than it was worth to put up any sort of resistance. Isiah wouldn't let up, anyway, even if he had to practically shove them off of the seats. Cordero did not hesitate to put himself in the newly empty chair, taking the seat beside his friend.

Luke was working as the bartender that night. He was a pleasant man with whom Cordero enjoyed working, always seemingly in a genial attitude. He was a fine looking man, too, strong and sculpted. But Cordero didn't fuck around with his coworkers.

"Attempting to flatter us already?" Cordero returned to the man's greeting. Before either Cordero or Isiah had the chance to offer a potential drink, Cordelia made a suggestion. A fine tequila, which sounded excellent. Not that Cordero was particular when it came to his booze.

"No complaints from me," he responded. "Any objections, Isiah?"

And then he took a moment to address her earlier comment.

"Insult you? I was merely being polite." He said with a cheeky grin, placing his hand on his chest. "A common courtesy, I'm nothing if not a gentleman." Cordelia went hard with her drinking, but Cordero went equally so, and since he was young he'd always had a high tolerance for alcohol. If his guess was right, they would likely both end up too drunk to keep playing before either of them won.
@wren. @peach