BY INVITATION ONLY Dragon Heart: Riders of Nernwyr

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Zalie quietly waits for the others to leave and makes sure to stay out of the dwarves way, too. She feels a bit bad not being able to help, but shoves the thought away. She'll focus on watching their steps to make sure everyone is alright and occasionally watching their surroundings. They'll make it up the mountain. They just have to.
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Ascending the narrow, icy path, carved into the Drakeback Mountain...

C'yra crept to the entrance of the cave and peeked inside. It was dark and empty. Nothing was inside, and nothing seemed amiss - at least not at first. Two rocks sat in the centre of the cave floor, large enough to fit in the palms of your hands. They felt warm to the touch - like they had been bathed in the hot summer sun - now cooling as the chill of the winter mountain set back in. Observing them closer revealed scuff marks on the sides facing each other like they had been smacked together to make noise. Otherwise, nothing else was amiss.

C'yra made a gesture, signalling for everyone to keep moving, making the call that it was too dangerous to stop at this cave. And so they pressed on. They followed the path winding up the mountain, with the knowledge that their hunter had also gone in this direction; the threat of him lingered in the forefront of the scouts' minds, knowing that they didn't have time to go back and warn the rest of the group of what they knew.

Then, an explosion shook the mountain.

Your feet slipped on the icy path, but you each managed to hold on and prevent yourself from falling as the rock groaned in protest all around you. Loose stones rained down from above, some sheathes of snow falling from its peaks, dumping over the larger group as the scouts found the entrance to the next cave entrance.

A scream - like before - followed the rumbling as it quietened, but seemed to come from further away this time. It didn't hurt your ears, but you felt that same welling dread as you all hurried into the cave, quickly hiding as a different sound rumbled through the sky. It was a rolling, growling sound, like a windstorm before it hit, growing rapidly closer.

As the last of you scurried into the cave, backing away from the opening, another ear-piercing screech deafened you momentarily. It made your eardrums ache and your heart pound in your chest knowing how close it had gotten in such a short time. Sir Garrus hurried to put his spell over the entrance, but no sunlight came this time, and you swear you heard Garrus curse under his breath.

"Krein'paal, aal hi dir nau daar strunmah."

You didn't recognise the language, but somehow you knew what he said. Or at least, you understood two of the words - which was two more than you thought you should understand: 'sun-traitor' and 'mountain'. You weren't sure why you recognised and translate them, you just could. Hell, maybe you were even wrong about that, but in your gut, you felt it was right. When he said strunmah, you knew he meant mountain - and even just thinking the word made you feel connected to the stone somehow. Maybe it was just your imagination, but you felt as though the mountain was suddenly alive - like a conscious entity stirring under your touch. The feeling faded quickly.

But the word 'krein'paal' you felt translated very roughly to 'sun-traitor' or maybe 'enemy of the sun'. Was Sir Garrus referring to the one hunting you? Or maybe it was just the name he'd given the hunter.

"It won't be distracted for long," Garrus said. "Quickly, will we stay and wait it out, or keep moving? Scouts, what did you see?"

Name: Coryn
Location: In another Cave
Interaction: Talking to Garrus, then looks towards Scouts
Status: Elves suck

When the explosion shook the mountain, Coryn repeated the same action as before. Regardless of whoever was in front of him, they felt a firm hand on their shoulder, helping to keep them balanced. It was followed by another brusque apology, Coryn simply not wanting them to fall. Using his spear to awkwardly guide the back of the ground through the darkness, everyone filtered into the cave.

With his mind not-so hazy, Coryn makes a slight face at the Knight's words. He's never heard such a language. Was it normal to spontaneously understand random bits and pieces? Sun-Traitor. Does that mean this creature only hunted at night? He squinted outside at the crevice. How long was it before dawn approached?

"Sir Ardell, what do you mean by 'Sun Traitor?'" Coryn asks, before going quiet. He gestures to Ernest and Cry'dora, waving for them to speak first. If the wind had blown away Cry'dora's hair to reveal their ears, Coryn would keep a straight face. Mentally though, he nurses the knot in his stomach. Three elves. Fate truly was picking on him.
Sir Garrus glances at Coryn, his hard gaze flickering across at the others before resting on the blue-haired male. He contemplated a response very briefly, then relented.

"I'm surprised you're already picking up the tongue," he said thoughtfully and then sighed. "Krien'paal is just a name for it. Others call it the 'yuvon kendov' - it's not its name. I don't know what it is, but it seems fitting, doesn't it? The way it lights up the night sky... it's been an age since I've seen something like it. I wonder how... Hm. Nevermind."

Garrus stopped himself from thinking out loud and shook his head.

"Oolomnir isn't far. Without delays we can reach the summit in four hours."
Name: Coryn
Location: In another Cave
Interaction: Finishing up talking to Garrus, Waiting on Scouts
Status: Four Hours? Can we survive that?

Coryn held all other questions. With his hazeless mind, all those questions were tickling at his brain. Truly what kind of insane situation was he in right now? Nodding his head, he looks to the others, waiting on the scouts. Unless what they said was too dangerous, he was going to suggest moving forward.
Plans set into motion, Bastian took his place behind Garrus' at the front of the group, but had missed not the chance to tell the man his vision was impaired- hopefully only for now.

Frowning at the light beam up ahead , which surprisingly the returning light helped his eyes adjust better, and the events taking place, the boy carefully climbed his way up the steps with everyone else when-


And there was his plan set into motion. Bastian held on to the mountainside with an iron grip as he felt his boots slip on the ice, the tremors travelling from the stone all the way to his arms and chest. He could only see black and the faint glint of falling snow from above- the rest of the scene remained to his other senses, as he felt the falling rocks banging on the wall around him, heart them crashing in the depths bellow. The nightmarish scream came back as expected, but further away- so the plan worked.

He moved quicker now, able to see where he was going with more ease, as they all filed into the cave.

Surprised by the little comment Sir Garrus' made under his breath in a foreign tongue- what should be a foreign tongue, but somehow its words rung familiar- the boy took a seat on the cold floor.

In four hours they could be in the clear. Alternatively they could hold fast and keep stopping at the caves, but that seemed unsafe to the boy. He wished to push forward, especially without knowing what the light they saw was or why it was even there.
They skirt along the pathway for what feels a long time in silence or close to. She keeps herself occupied by watching their footing and surroundings. Zalie holds her breath at the sound of the explosion and the screeching that happens afterwards. She finds herself watching the others steps, making sure they're footing is good.

When they're rushed into the cave, she backs up along the cool surface with wide eyes. She feels her heart skip a beat as the sound still rings in her ears. Her attention is brought back from her panic at the sound of a stange language, that she understands a little. Furrowing her brow in confusion, she watches the man in fascination. Coryn beats her to the question that burns in her mind. She listens eagerly to the answer.

The girl silently agrees to the others about pushing forward. The sooner they're able to get to safely, the better in her opinion. Not that caution should be thrown out. They'll just have to keep watching and listening as they rush along.