IC Elkwood Town

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elegance is more important than suffering
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Slice-of-Life, Gothic, Horror, Fantasy

scientia ipsa potentia est

Described as an attractive college town, Elkwood is small but does not lack business. They are rich with history, apparent in their historical buildings and education. Still, this city has more woodland than concrete, with a river running through it. Many come here to study magic, particularly Rogue families who do not stand out in the cities.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 8:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 56.3°F (13.5°C). Chilly.


At this hour, Elkwood is even slower than usual, with students settling down to finish any last-minute projects or relaxing after classes. The most activity can be found near Elkwood University's campus, with the bars filled with the more rambunctious students eager to start enjoying their weekends. The most dedicated to their studies can be found decorating for Hallow's Eve and Magi Moore, preparing various campus and town events for the holidays.


Nothing for now.


- More fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


Elkwood University

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 56.3°F (13.5°C). Chilly.


The town is alive and loud with college students having thee day off to dress up, party, and drink.

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Location: Elkwood University dorms. | Tag: @Dusk 's Lucio. Mentions: @PavellumPendulum 's Russ.
Open to any @ Elkwood University.

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The afternoon floated by in shades of soothing grays above. Edwin faced it directly, watching the slow sift of monotone overcast ease by, framed by a tangle of naked oak branches. He lay across the top of a picnic table with his arms sprawled haphazardly to each side. He caught the cool, autumn breezes across his palms, finding a sense of companionship with the wandering wind.

Of course, this relaxing moment was all merely found in coping through his predicament.

Edwin had headed back after a class and discovered that he'd locked himself out of his dorm. His phone was dead. What else was there to do but drift away with the clouds and wait? Wait for who? Hunter on his variable, chaotic schedule to happen to wander home? He would have texted his brother for help, or even tried calling a custodian for help back into his room - but he'd forgotten to charge, so that phone lay uselessly blank-screened in his pocket.

Edwin was meant to meet Russ's roommate, Lucio, for a study session. He'd gone over to hang out with Russ a few days prior. One thing in conversation had led to another over time - yes, Edwin tutored, yes, Edwin was studious, sure yeah, he'd love another study buddy. Yeah, sure, come on over. They'd set up for today, and they were probably meant to meet right around then, too - though Edwin didn't know the exact time at the moment without his phone.

He figured he could wait outside and catch Lucio on his way over to his building and apologize for a change in location. He'd sat on top of that picnic table just outside of his building's main entrance, then eventually ended up as prone as any of the dead leaves held back from the wind amid grass and twigs below. If he had to be a leaf, he'd hope to be bright aspen yellow - like the ones back home.

By this point, his mind was well-adrift.

Autumn was his favorite season. Summer's decay toward somber atmospheres made hot drinks and soups all the more comforting. He enjoyed feeling chilly, and the tangible sense of change as the temperature dropped. He liked the macabre aesthetic that Halloween added later into the season - now, really. Was it already the end of October?

At least he'd finished all of his major engineering projects ahead of schedule. His classmates who'd asked about his progress hadn't believed him when he'd confessed completion. All that really remained for him were his weekly homework assignments as they came, then exams. For Edwin, that felt like an immense amount of free time through the rest of the semester. Maybe he'd take on more tutoring slots to pick up more money before the holidays.

What was he going to do for Halloween? There were a few parties with general, open invitations, but he felt a bit awkward just waltzing into any of those, especially if he'd brave going on his own. He did want an excuse to dress up as a skeleton, it'd suit his long, gangling build, too.

However much time slipped by along with the lazily drifting clouds graying out the sky, Edwin utterly lost track. He should have been on watch for Lucio approaching the dorm entrance just across the sidewalk from his table under the naked oak - he'd meant to be. He'd stranded himself there too early, he'd had too much time to wander about his thoughts.

A few students meandered by, coming home or going to classes. Some wore accents of Halloween, ready for revelry. Eddies of autumn leaves swirled in their wakes, scraping along the sidewalk and crunching under foot. Edwin, submerged in some other internal world, was now fully blind to them all while he languidly swayed one yellow sneaker over the edge of the table at the knee. The other knee was propped up, skin pressing through the fibrous tear in his faded, black jeans.
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Reactions: Dusk

Location: Elkwood, Halloween Party @ a fancy campus frat house. | Tag: @Ghostie 's Aura & Rocky, @peach 's Emmy
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Halloween was Hunter's time of year. The tricks, parties, chaos, pandemonium, recklessness, and shifting inhibitions toward just about anything and everything by so many more people revved him up. People wore costumes and 'acted out.' Though for Hunter, he felt closer to himself, unleashed, during that mischievous time of year.

The eldest Sterling son was naturally gifted as a magi with raw potential. He'd made it in to Elkwood University by an intense show of force in his House Ignis leaning. He knew he probably only barely made the cut, too. His parents had helped him figure out which major to apply to that had the lowest bar for entry, too (which in this case, was Marketing). He knew what they were doing and appreciated it, even if the gesture admitted to him that they knew he was kinda academically hopeless.

Whatever, though. He was there in Pennsylvania, still grinding through the strangling tedium of undergrad. By contrast to his obligations, the party scene was lively. If anything kept him from failing his courses (beyond disappointing his awkwardly supportive parents even more), it was the wish to be able to stay there on campus for the night life.

It helped that he had a few people he felt he could relate to through the strangle of academia. Of course, Edwin was always too empathetic, only in the sense that Hunter felt he deserved to keep some of that on reserve for his own struggles, too. But then he'd also met Rocky in whatever English or writing class they'd initially both had together (obviously the content was soooo memorable). They'd proven pretty quickly to be kindred spirits, which in itself helped him to survive the course.

Hunter and Rocky had started hanging out through a previous semester, and it'd just carried on ever since. He met Emmy through Rocky, and gradually a few more of their friends. He had the sense that he might meet a few more of their contacts that he didn't know yet, Emmy mentioned someone she knew was going. The way she'd said it suggested someone hot. There was no other explanation. Hot, and someone he might be interested in. He'd homed in on that tone and her teasing body language almost faster and more clearly than the words themselves.

It wouldn't take much to lure Hunter out to a party, especially for Halloween. Add the suggestion someone hot that he might be interested in might be there? Twist his arm more. He was there. If she were some sort of super nerd, this mystery friend might not really care for him - but that'd add to the mischievous challenge. Hunter's confidence said that he had plenty to bring to the table, he didn't doubt himself socially. He was here to enjoy being alive until he wasn't.

That night, Hunter walked across campus while the day faded behind buildings. Long shadows angled across the lawns, and students in their many costumes stitched in every which-way across grass and paths. The sight alone was electrifying in Hunter's veins and he perked an easy grin. The character others passed when they crossed by his way was a cowboy. It'd been an easy costume but still fun. He'd thrown on a pair of shredded old jeans, borrowed an actual, beige cowboy hat from his dorm neighbor, and found a red plaid button up. The sleeves had been too much, so he'd cut, then rolled them to the biceps. He'd just put on a pair of black work boots, they'd have to be good enough. Hunter'd even found a huge belt buckle, so he felt pretty dang yeehaw, whatever that really meant.

Hunter had asked Edwin if he wanted to come along, but he'd declined. He'd said he had other plans. Hunter hadn't been able to read if that meant he actually did, or just didn't feel social - but he let his brother keep that response without interrogation.

He was supposed to find Rocky and Emmy just outside of the big frat house hosting the open party - he could see the old oak just ahead, the one they'd designated for a meeting spot. He didn't necessarily prefer nighttime, but the nocturnal world tended to prefer his type of activities. Partying, generally doing stupid shit for fun. The daylight favored the nerds it felt like. Whatever. It was his time now.

"Oi, Rocky!" Hunter hooted, tossing an arm up to wave for the guy's attention. He caught the lingering glance of a few Greek goddesses walking nearby while he waved. He knew the pull eyes made up and down while checking him out - so he pinched a friendly wink. It was answered by smiles and an obviously enhanced strut to their leggy strides. He took it as invitation to reciprocate a longer glance while they marched on ahead.

Hunter slowed, resuming his focus toward Rocky and Emmy as he joined them.

"How-dee. Yalllll." He over-enunciated. Then tipped the brim of his hat briefly over his playfully glinting gaze.

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Reactions: peach and Ghostie
Rocky absolutely loved Halloween. With a mom like his, that always went above and beyond when it came to decor, food and drinks, and costumes, it would be a surprise if he hated the holiday! But right next to his birthday, it was definitely his favorite.

Although he was a man of great taste, that loved horror and spooky shit year around, fall and the spooky season always made the pranks, haunted house and wild parties all the more memorable.

Osborne was usually one to veg out on the couch with a few good (and let's be honest some cheesy B-rated) horror movies with his mom or even Emmy to curl up to when she got scared; however, tonight he actually found himself throwing together a little costume when his new found friend Hunter invited him and Emmy to a frat party he found on campus. Of course, Emmy then had to invite her new found friend Aura because "she wasn't going to be the only girl with two wild meatheads."

In her defense, she wasn't wrong about the two of them. Rocky had met Hunter not too long ago and from the moment they met, he knew they'd be two idiots in a pea pod! Hunter would be the little devil on his shoulder that said "let's go fuck something up" and more often than not, Oz would oblige. And there wasn't anything wrong with that! Especially when that little devil found kickass ragers to go to!

⛥ ⛥ ⛥

Rocky couldn't help the scoff that came from his mouth when Aura thanked he and Emmy for inviting her. "Oh, it's no problem dude! It was really Emmy's idea. She said you've been busting your ass in class and you needed it. Plus she thought you should meet Hunter."

Osborne was well aware of the fact that his lady liked to play wing woman. And who was he to stop her? He knew more than anyone that she was basically always right. And who knows, maybe his friend and hers would be cute together? Or maybe they were getting way ahead of themselves.

With Emmy's arm laced through his, and Aura's laced through hers in a chain, the three of them made their way to the tree they'd set as the designated meeting spot. Hunter beat them there, meaning Rocky was the one to play "barmaid" for the first hour. Even though Rocky told the blond it wasn't fair since he was the one that had to wait for two women to get dressed in their getups.

Rocky went with something simple: A black shirt with a yellow raincoat over top, complete with green rain boots and the perfect finishing touch of a paper boat. If he didn't procrastinate as much as he did, he might've even been able to finish the severed arm he'd planned to be the ultimate finishing touch of his costume. But, until next year, he only had the idea as a plan in his head.

"Aye, what's up Sterling!" Rocky returned the universal man wave of throwing his arm in the air at his friend, chuckling and shaking his head at his blatant stare at the women that passed him by.

"Howdy, partner." Rocky snickered as he took in Hunter's costume. He wasn't sure if the cowboy look was perfect for his friend or too much. But he did look nice. "You've met my gorgeous girl, Em." He gestured at her before the move followed to the girl next to her. "This is Aura. We're hoping to initiate her into the rest of the Punks soon." He introduced with a smile.
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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Aura had been cramming for what felt like nonstop for the next few quizzes she had coming up in her communications class. School was kinda kicking her ass as much as she didn't want to admit it to herself. Admitting that school was getting a bit harder than she expected it, in her head meant admitting to her father that he was right about her. That she didn't belong running a business like she'd dreamed, but belonged in the kitchen cooking for her husband while he made all the money. The vision made her literally gag.

Because of that, Aura was elated to be pulled from her thoughts when she received a text from Emmy. Apparently she was going to a party with them "no questions asked!" Well except 'what are you wearing', of course. Finally she had a chance to go all out with her costuming! Sure, she could've modeled in her fantasy style getup, but where was the fun in that?! No, she would much rather go all out on her outfit to go to a wild party with some good company. Because strutting her stuff while drinking with friends was way better than strutting her stuff at some fashion show around people she couldn't stand to be around most of the time.

Coming from her shower, she checked her phone to see an update from Emmy.

Emmy💖🫶🏻👯‍♀️: Hey Babes, left those shoes you wanted to borrow by your door! See you soon! xxx

With a beaming smile, Aura texted back: You're the best babe! See y'all in a bit! Xoxo

She grabbed the shoes on her way back into her room, thinking to herself how Emmy could be so trusting to leave her nice shoes right outside of her dorm room. What if some rude bitch had taken them?! Shaking the thought from her mind she got ready for the night.


"Thank y'all so much for inviting me out, tonight! I swear I woulda forgotten it was even Halloween if you hadn't said anything." Aura was honestly glad to be out and about with her friends on such a nice night. Especially after Emmy mentioned some eye candy she might like was joining them.

With her going wild studying and prepping for classes, even with pushing and prodding from Emmy, Aura hadn't found herself checking out the dating scene much lately like she usually would have. What a shame really! It was another reason she took the time to get dressed in her best costume and party the night away.

As Rocky introduced her, Aura gave a sweet smile and wiggle of her fingers that acted as a wave. So this was the eye candy Em was referring to; and she definitely wasn't wrong. The platinum blonde was handsome to say the least and the hottest thing she'd seen in a long time to say much more. She noticed his golden eyes gaze in the direction of a few ladies only moments before, that paired with his piercings and mischievous smile said one word: Trouble. And Aura was here for it.
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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Reactions: sele and peach

Location: Elkwood, Halloween Party @ a fancy campus frat house. | Tag: @Ghostie 's Aura & Rocky, @peach 's Emmy
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The groups converged beside that big old tree. Hunter knew his cowboy getup was ridiculous, which, given it was Halloween, he felt made it charming as hell. He was somewhat vain (he'd own that much at least).

His gaze glinted aureate mischief while he surveyed Rocky's costume. Though before he could heckle his friend, he became keenly aware of Rocky's company. Emmy was a familiar face, lovely and far too good for that shithead Rocky (and glad she cared for him anyway). His glance kept pulling toward the unreasonably angelic woman beside her, though. The one he didn't know – what the hell, they hadn't played up their friend. If anything, they'd played how hot she was down.

Hunter's eyes flickered back toward Rocky and Emmy less and less, he gave up trying. He just fixed a burning intrigue toward... "Aura. Gotdam. Or uh. How-dee, may'am."

Fuck it. He was caught somewhere between the cowboy and his usual wild nature. Wait, shit, he hadn't said hello to Em yet.

"Thanks, Emmy, holy shit. Er uh. For the – home......work.......... help." He recovered, though his glance never left the sparkle in Aura's eyes his way. "Hi, too." He added for Em without breaking Aura's eye contact still, punctuating his chaos with the quick pinch of a wink over his wildfire grin.

"I'm that outlaw you saw on the 'Wanted' poster, I'm sure you've heard of me." He dipped into his garbage accent again. "Hunter Sterling, may-am." He pinched the front brim of his hat. Of course, he figured Emmy had told her about him, as he'd been told about her. He was on to this sense of a blind date – or at least he presumed it to be.

"Sooo....!" He exhaled the transition after remembering to breathe again. "We gonna go party or what?? Aura, welcome to the Punks. I'll make sure they treat you right, don't you worry little lay-dy."

His cowboy drawl was atrocious, but at least it accentuated that he was just messing around. He would, in fact, react if people were shit toward her – or any of his friends – but he didn't realistically assume any milady shit.

Hunter pumped the air with his palms up a few presses as though he could physically bump up their party energy and get them riled to go into that big, fancy frat house. It was probably decorated top to bottom and loaded with tricks and treats that they'd all like.

"Also, Rocky, what in tar-nation ARE you?" He finally verbally prodded his friend with a heckling laugh, still plodding through shit cowboy-isms. "Oh yea, Edwin says 'hi,' he had something else going on." Hunter had no clue what that something else was, but he hadn't given his brother a hard time about not joining.

His glance slipped toward Aura again. He caught no sign of it bothering her either, which goaded his interests more.

"Trick or Treat?" He asked. "I'll be one and you be the other, but you take first dibs. Ain't Halloween without Trick-or-Treat."

What a dumbass.

They all began to collectively glide toward the big pillars framing the frat house, decorated in fake spiderwebs and black lights.
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Emmy sat in her dorm, perched on a pink and white stool in front of an elegant vanity, making a bizarre face in the mirror as she applied her mascara. Her eyebrows raised comically, lips pursed downwards as she carefully brushed her lashes and hummed along to her favorite "let's go out" playlist.

Emmy sat down flat with a sigh of relief, carefully placing the black tube back into the correct drawer. "I'm so pretty." She praised, blue eyes sparkling with glee.

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"Fifteen minutes, Roxie, promise~!" She sang sweetly to Rocky, hopping on one foot as she struggled to get on her second white boot while fastening in her white pearl earrings. Her room was thoroughly misted with a vanilla coconut perfume, a faint but pleasant smelling hairspray, and the smell of freshly straightened hair.

Emmy wasn't one to take her looks lightly, after all. She had picked Daphne Blake for Halloween this year, a gorgeous and criminally underestimated character that she held a deep fondness for. "Okay, ready!" Emmy stated, snatching her purse off the vanity and skipping eagerly towards the door with Rocky.

- - - - - -​

Of course they were going to mesh well. When was Emelie ever wrong? Exactly, we don't talk about it, so never! Okay, she was wrong sometimes, but rarely about romance. It was truly a shame she wasn't born a Love Magi… sigh. After all, if there was one thing she loved more than her friends… It was hooking her friends up.

Emmy stood next to Aura as the pair interacted for the first time and a wide, sly grin plastered itself across her made up face. She shot a smirk towards Rocky, leaning against him and wrapping her arms around his arm.

"ITOLDYOUSO." Emmy whispered in an excited hiss, squealing almost silently into his arm. "That's TWO peanut butter and banana milkshakes, Buster." She teased, placing her hands on her hips with a proud smile.

Emmy reached her hand out toward Rocky, chuckling warmly. " Come on, let's catch up before they start partying without us." She joked, watching Hunter and Aura lead the way as they headed towards the fraternity house.

I'm a literal fucking genius.

@Ghostie @sele
Code by Jenamos
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The heat of Hunter's mischievous gaze made Aura's heart pound a bit. Let's be honest a lot, but when it came down to it, she enjoyed the attention. She wouldn't be a part-time model if she didn't. She also wouldn't have worn her elvish costume if she didn't want at least a few eyes on her. Although she was only interested in one pair in particular at the moment.

His stare was lingering longer and longer as time passed and it was full of ardent curiosity. If she didn't know any better, Aura would've thought he was completely interested, but thinking back to his fervent looks at the women who'd walked by before her, she shook the idea off. But Emmy's equally mischievous smile that Aura caught in her peripheral vision slightly made her think otherwise.

'Em mentioned a hottie friend but did she have something up her sleeve?! That sly little minx!' Aura thought to herself with a mental click of her tongue.

While Hunter's southern accent was absolutely atrocious, Aura couldn't help the genuine giggle that escaped her lips when he talked. She wasn't sure whether to play into his outlaw side or her elven. Eventually deciding to take the opportunity to put her own southern drawl to the test. She was a Tennessee native after all.

"Well, you might just be the most polite outlaw I ever did meet," Aura said with a small curtsy, "Must be wanted for stealing all the pretty girl's hearts." The perky blonde returned his teasing smile before she briefly looked towards her friends. She knew what was up and would be sure to talk to Em about it after they had a few drinks.

"An outlaw and a bodyguard?" Aura joked with a light laugh, shaking her head. "I'm not an official Punk yet, but I do appreciate the support. Thank you kindly sir." She smiled, glad to be out of her dorm room for more reasons than one.

She honestly hadn't even noticed Rocky and Em trailing behind until they quickly shuffled up, only furthering her suspicions on this being a set up. To be completely honest, she wasn't complaining too much. Hunter was a looker, she definitely couldn't deny that.

Aura laughed at Hunter's accent (if they could even call it that) as he questioned Rocky about his costume, as well as his use of the word tarnation. She'd only ever heard it on tv, so it was comical to hear the word in real life.

Her eyes met the platinum blonde's as they walked and she could feel her cheeks burn a bit, nervousness causing her to turn away with a smile.

"I'll be treat because it's definitely a huge treat that y'all got me out here looking this good!" She giggled. "And Em too, cuz she's a lil hottie." Aura booty bumped Em.

Aura was slightly in awe at the party scene as they entered the frat house. She'd been to plenty of parties and modeling events before, but she felt that was nothing compared to her first college party with her new friends. She would definitely have to make this Halloween night one to remember.
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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Rocky chuckled, taking Em's hand in his and giving it a small squeeze. "You did, you did. I don't know why I ever doubted you baby." He shook his head with another chuckle as he planted a sweet kiss on Emelie's head. He did have to give her that. She wasn't wrong about a lot of things, but she especially wasn't wrong about her matchmaking skills.

"I gotcha Daph," he said with a smirk. "We'll get them from Rini's so she can make em just how you like." He took her hand as they quickly shuffled to catch up to their friends; who, from the looks of it, seemed to be getting along better than he'd expected.

The frat was decorated from the ground up, skeletons, fake gravestones and huge blow up decorations adorning the walls and yard. With decorations like theirs, Rocky knew there had to be some good booze in there too. His attention was quickly pulled from the decor when Hunter asked what he was for the occasion. He turned to his friend, mouth agape. "Dude! I'm fucking Georgie! I'm just waiting on a clown to take my boat and bite my arm off! I can't believe you'd ask me that." He feigned offense with a hand on his chest as he let out a boisterous laugh.

"Awh I wish he would've come to hang out! But I'm sure this isn't really his scene." Rocky shrugged. Hunter's brother was a cool dude, but he couldn't really picture Edwin at a party like this.

"Now, since I'm barmaid for the hour cuz this asshole didn't have to wait for two gorgeous, but very slow, women, I will get us drinks! You coming with Em?" Rocky almost couldn't stop the smirk that wanted so badly to cross his lips. He could play matchmaker with Emmy too!
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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Location: Elkwood, Halloween Party @ a fancy campus frat house. | Tag: @Ghostie 's Aura & Rocky, @peach 's Emmy
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Hunter made sure to catch a friendly glance toward Emmy when she looked his way. She really was a whole lot of goodness incarnate, especially when stood there with Rocky and himself for contrast. His quick wink her way was his silent thanks for setting him up like this. Someone like Aura? She'd never have crossed paths with someone like Hunter otherwise, he was sure of that.

Now he had a literal beauty queen (how couldn't she have been, at some point or another? Or eternally?) with her attention on himself. What amazing luck? Nah. Amazing friends did better by him than luck ever did.

Hunter's face went blank at Rocky's explanation of his costume. He was.......who? Then it hit him all at once and the awareness clicking in his brain shone through his amber stare.

"Yooo, riiight." He growled a realizing laugh. "Okay, okay, points for originality. We gotta find a Pennywise to hang out with you. Uh. Yeehaw, or somethin'." He tacked the latter on with a pause and a grin just to keep up some semblance of his horrible cowboy act.

"Yeaaah. I kinda hoped Edwin would've come out, too, but if he's finding his own way, then I'm all for it." Hunter hoped his brother actually had plans and wasn't just trying to slip out of socializing. All he could do was put a little blind trust his way and find out later.

When Rocky transitioned into offering to get the first drinks, Hunter's grin flared up again.

"Sounds like fair compensation. I guess I'll just have to stay here and suffer incredible beauty alone for a bit. What a hard life." Hunter brazenly joked with his friend, giving sly glances toward Aura, ones he'd meant for her to notice. If she ever seemed to shrink back from where or how he tested what he could do or say, he'd reel it back a bit. But so far? She just seemed as delighted as he was.

Aura had gone along with Hunter's cowboy act and flirted right back with him. Wanted for stealing hearts? Hell yeah! Though one thing he hadn't realized, but it remained true just the same: his roving glance hadn't wandered to scope anyone else out in the way he had on arrival. No one shone brighter than Aura there, paying him just as much notice as he did her.

"I would've said you were the 'Treat,' not gonna lie," Hunter slanted a grin in reply. "But then maybe Em was playing a trick on me with you, so I had to find out what your take was. And damn right you're out here looking this good!" He liked her confidence. So many people deflected or turned away from that sort of thing, it was refreshing as hell. Aura hadn't said it with an actual conceited nature either, but just straight fun and bold. Honestly, hot traits.

"I'll be your Trick then, lidd-le lay-dee," Hunter put on that god awful cowboy drawl again, bobbing his brimmed hat briefly.

Holy shit, this seemed like it could prove to be the best Halloween ever.

The group migrated inside, entering an entirely different world than the campus exterior presented. Excessive decorations flowed from floor to high ceilings, with black lights and bopping music filling every corner. There was a high energy to the crowd already amassing, which Hunter fed on. His chin bobbed to the bass line currently vibrating through everyone's bodies.

He tested his limits again with Aura and collected her nearby hand once they were to themselves in the crowd and gave her a twirl. She spun in glittering sunlight - the brightest beauty in the room by his reckoning. The only. As long as she'd keep him in her company, he'd ride that opportunity.

That was his way of asking her to dance with him - through touch, motion, gesture. And a sly, crooked smile while he reeled her out and back toward himself if she'd risk it.

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'Hunter's a cutie.' Aura thought, her inner self smirking while her real self decided on a sweet smile. But was flirting with her friend group such a good idea? Em and Rocky were friends in the Punks before they started dating, so she wasn't too worried about it! Plus who said she and Hunter would even get together?!

She couldn't help but feel the confident hottie had a string of beautiful women just waiting to hit him up. With his slightly mysterious attitude and his tatted up appearance, she could think of a few girls she knew who would have a field day with Hunter Sterling. She didn't have to be one of them. But there wasn't anything wrong with a little harmless flirting.

Aura chuckled at Hunter's expression as Rocky explained his costume. The conversation gave her a cool idea. "We should have an It watch party or something soon!" Even though the spooky season was coming to an end and she wasn't a huge fan of horror movies, the idea of hanging with her friends with some cool food and drinks watching a movie sounded like an amazing time to her!

"We could invite your… brother?" She giggled. Aura was always ready to meet new people.

At Hunter's comment, she confidently struck a pose with her hand on her hip, sassily popped out and the other arm in the air. She knew she was hot stuff, but Hunter and everyone else making comments about it wasn't half bad either.

"Trick and a treat and we aren't talkin' 'bout candy." Aura smirked until her eyes peaked with curiosity. She wasn't sure if she should ask, but hell she wanted to know more than she cared about seeming too much, so she asked, "Me, a trick? What did Em say to you when she mentioned meeting me?" She briefly turned to her friend with a mischievous grin.

The music was booming, but good and Aura couldn't stop her hips from swaying slightly to the music. Steady beat and the feeling of prying eyes keeping her from noticing Rocky whisk Emelie away to get drinks for them all.

'Oh I see y'all!' Aura mentally chided her friends with a smirk, giggling as Hunter took her hand into his with a twirl. Taking the hint, she twirled back into him, his chest pressed on her back as she shimmied slightly against him.

An outlaw is right, he was spot on to choose the costume. And she was definitely right about him stealing the pretty girl's hearts. Hers included for the moment.

Was she pushing the boundaries of friendly flirting? Maybe. But she was honestly having too much fun to realize. She couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten to go out with real friends and just be herself. Able to go all out without being called "too much" or to calm down all of the time. She was around her wild cards that didn't mind a little extra every now and again because they were it themselves. She needed that.
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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  • Wicked
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Location: Elkwood, Halloween Party @ a fancy campus frat house. | Tag: @Ghostie 's Aura & Rocky, @peach 's Emmy
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Any mention of an It watch party had been completely forgotten, not for lack of interest, but something – someone – took hold of his focus significantly more than virtually anything else.

And when he spun that someone out, she twirled right back into him. Tricks into Treats, and neither limited the other yet. Hunter would have done just about anything Aura would have goaded him toward, but what he was learning was his boundaries with her. So far, they seemed to have an eager synergy.

Even if she was just using him for a good time on Halloween, he didn't care. He'd happily be used by some hot ass goddess. Hunter wasn't thinking too far into the future – he was living in the moment, and the moment sparked with golden smiles and flirtatious glances.

Hunter was well aware that Rocky and Emmy were really playing wingmen – for who? He didn't care. He benefited. Halloween was significantly more interesting than it already was prior now. Aura's starlit silhouette framed up against his body and if anything else existed at that crowded party? It didn't anymore.

His grin sharpened as they made eye contact – his turning downward to meet her upward glance. Although his blood caught fire, he didn't act too suddenly impatient. Have fun in the moment, make sure she has fun in the moment.

The beat of the song pulled at his body, shifting his hips in slow guidance from side to side so their bodies in parallel swayed in the same sidelong direction and then back again. He kept her close, but he didn't grind against her – felt too aggressive, even for him.

With his glance still downward, and his free hand slipping forward, smoothing across her waist, Hunter reveled in how his Halloween was turning out. He also kept acutely aware of her, for signs of pleasure or disapproval. Her hair smelled fucking fantastic.

"Em didn't say enough." Hunter finally rumbled his grinning reply down toward her while they still swayed to the upbeat song.

"She said a pretty friend was joining, I should hang out with her, she could use a partner at the party. Obviously Em lied to me." Hunter punctuated with a sudden drop in his tone like he'd been betrayed by their mutual friend.

"Cuz her friend wasn't just pretty, she's smoking, and her friend could have anyone she wanted at this party in a heartbeat, she didn't need anyone. But don't you go chasing someone else now!" He added the last with a laugh. He'd have given her a feigned, brief pouty face if his grin didn't continue to win over.

"I hope she didn't tell you too much about me!" He turned the topic. He was curious, but hey, whatever was said, it still landed the pair dancing under black lights for Halloween, so what did it matter?

  • Wicked
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'Ahh, Em! I'll have to get you something nice for this.' Aura's thoughts swayed to her friend's invitation, that now, she was more than happy to have accepted. For not only her and Rocky's suspiciously absent attendance, but also… A certain fire magi who seemed mere moments from literally sweeping her off her feet. Aura was having an a magnificent time! And she was certain that Hunter was enjoying himself as well. Even if the two of them forgot this even happened tomorrow, at least they'd have a good night. It was especially good right now.

Emelie could play wing woman all she wanted though, because even though Aura enjoyed she and Hunter's vivacious dancing, she was almost certain he would, and could have had as good a time with anyone else. Was she glad it was with her though? Yes, of course, but it could stay her secret for the time being.

Aura smirked a giggle filling the air between them as they danced; her arms sneaking up around Hunter's shoulders as they gyrated to the beat. She couldn't stop her cheeks from sliding burning as he flashed a grin at her. A flirty smile, with a tinge of cheekiness that she could've sworn by now was Hunter Sterling's signature. And she could've sworn she felt her cheeks burn even more once his handmade its way around her waist. They burned almost as hot as his touch. Damn outlaws.

When Aura's curiosity finally peaked enough to ask Hunter what Em had said about her, she almost immediately wished she could take the question back. It was times like those she wished she could be a literal fly on the wall.

She let out a laugh, nodding at his answer. She was going to ask what exactly Em had lied about when the hunky outlaw continued; his charming words gaining him a playful push as Aura joined in the laughter.

There was that damn smile again! If the blonde knew anything, it was just how tantalizing Hunter was. And he knew it too. He knew it worked for him and he undoubtedly used that to his advantage. It was hot. His confidence was hot. "I wouldn't dream of it, outlaw." Aura said with a smile.

As soon as the topic changed, in true flashback fashion, Emelie's words popped briefly back into her mind. 'Roxie has a friend I'd really like you to meet.' And when she goaded for more info, Em just mentioned he was a looker and would make sure she (Em corrected herself there and said they once she realized) would have a good time. Not only did Rocky owe Em a peanut butter and banana milkshake, but Aura owed her one too. And Em didn't even know it yet!

"Oh, so you told her to keep your air of mystery?" Aura chuckled, her brow raised until she shook her head with a small wave of her hand. "She ain't say much of anything," Aura started, shrugging as the two of them danced to the music, "just that you'd know how to show me a good time tonight." Aura absentmindedly ran a hand through Hunter's platinum locks. "I'd say she wasn't wrong so far, but what outlaw doesn't know how to show a girl a good time?" She poked fun at him.
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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  • Wicked
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The ceiling above was grey and uninteresting, but Lucio stared up at it regardless. It wasn't the best use of his time, arguably it was one of the worst uses. He could've been studying — probably should've been, but he already had a study session scheduled for that day, and that was enough. At least it was enough for him. His phone buzzed from its place beside him on the mattress, and the man flopped his arm into an uncomfortable position to feel around for the smooth plastic. Fingers found it with a gentle tap, and he retrieved the phone, brightening the dimmed screen with a swipe of his finger. It was a text from some classmate he barely knew, one he had not given his number. She was asking about an assignment. Lucio eyed the time in the corner.

It was late enough that Lucio should've left to meet this "Edwin" already. Edwin was Russ's friend, and that was about the extent of what Lucio knew about his designated companion for the afternoon. Lucio wasn't enthused to meet him, but he wasn't dreading it or anything. He just didn't really care. The Were tucked his phone into his pocket, and pulled on his shoes. He left his sheet barely crinkled behind him, as he swiped his book bag off of the table, and departed the room, the lock clicking as it latched behind him. He walked leisurely down the hall toward the building exit.

Lucio stepped from the building into the cool, cloudy October afternoon air. Halloween was a neat holiday in spirit, something to celebrate the macabre and obscure, but in practise it was all about commercialization, and that was less fun. Even the horror that surrounded it had grown stale — nothing but a cheap scare on a flat screen. As a result, Lucio had no issue spending the afternoon studying instead of engaging in any sort of festivity. A large portion of Halloween festivity was drinking and partying, anyway.

He crossed the grounds in measured steps, emboldened by the chill in the air. He didn't rush, but he wasn't taking his time either. Lucio was already late, and being a couple more minutes late wasn't going to make the situation worse. He wasn't going to fret about it. When he was almost to the door of the designated dorm, he spotted the dark-haired, dark-eyed man. Lucio had never talked to Edwin, but Russ had pointed him out before, so the Werefeline knew his face. Supposedly, Edwin was a studious sort, so Lucio wondered why he was just lying there on the table. It would've made Lucio feel better about being late, if he felt bad about it.

Lucio approached. He stopped about a foot away. Edwin had his eyes cast to the grand oak and the sky above it. His step was naturally quiet, and he wasn't sure if Edwin heard him. Lucio leaned forward to disrupt the other man's view by poking his head into his line of sight.

"Hello," he said casually, looking down at him. "You're Edwin, right?"
Code by wren.
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Location: Elkwood University dorms. | Tag: @Dusk 's Lucio. Mentions: @PavellumPendulum 's Russ.
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Somewhere to the back of Edwin's mind, he knew that he had obligations that day. He knew that Lucio was going to show up soon for their first study session together. Edwin had offered while visiting Russ one day. He enjoyed STEM subjects the most, and Russ's roommate took up the free study opportunity through the course of that particular visit not long ago. Although Edwin had reviewed a few materials to be fresh on the matter, at present, he'd forgotten what specific subject he was to cover.

Somewhere distant within Edwin's floating thoughts, he knew he should have been on better watch for Lucio's arrival. But the wind held his willing hand in fleeting passes. Autumn tangled its chilly gloom amidst the naked oak branches overhead. He'd internally slipped from a watchful precipice into a daydreaming ravine.

A gust had swept up a large, brittle leaf and swept it across the faded mountain graphic on his otherwise white t-shirt. It settled there at the peak for a moment, conquering the depicted peak from back home. Edwin had become vaguely aware of the leaf's temporary coming and going – as it did soon sweep away again on its continuing journey elsewhere. The ambiance of shoes shuffling by now and then on the nearby sidewalk, the hiss of leaves scraping by on that same concrete – it all became a soothing backdrop once more.

Until a face manifested above his own. Eyes. Like sun-warmed earth set in a passive expression. The moment of admiration was incredibly fleeting where alarm quickly took over.

Edwin's limbs scattered upward in a haphazard jolt, even as a breathless yelp caught awkwardly in his throat. Not only had he been jarred from his daydreaming, he'd definitely not expected someone to be suddenly so close to him, focusing on him no less. Of course, logically, he'd known Lucio was meant to arrive at any moment. Though logic didn't necessarily frequent dreams, waking or otherwise.

Edwin's vision tremored when his head rebounded against the top of the table. He'd lifted his face as a reaction while the rest of his limbs had shot through with adrenaline, but they'd all been pulled back safely by gravity about the table. The back of his head?


"Ahh...rrgh.." Edwin mangled a surprised sound of pain and winced his eyes briefly closed. There was nothing remotely aggressive to any of the utterances he choked on. Oh. LUCIO.

What a great first impression. Well. First on his own separate from being an extra to Russ in Lucio's mind. It'd only get worse whenever Edwin had to tell the guy about locking himself out of his dorm room. Edwin really was a great student, he was doing so well – he was ahead in all of his courses.

Yet here he was, post-flail, laying on a picnic table outside making idiotic sounds of surprise and ache. Ah yes, the great Edwin, indeed.

Edwin swept both hands up across his face, briefly sifting black-chipped nail polish through the lazy brown tendrils of hair that'd been tossed about his eyes. His own irises carried less of a sense of sunlight in them in his mind than Lucio's (which he now felt a little inward embarrassment for that knee jerk appraisal). His were darker, cooler, though they likely were framed in a more expressive way – especially then. Edwin's face was a mingling of remnant surprise and apology. All the while he tried to pull a polite smile through it all, which probably also sat with a crooked slant.

Oh, right, sit up. Edwin shot up, almost headbutting Lucio (great).

"Ah, hey, sorry about that! I uhh, this is out of the ordinary...-" He began quickly, shuffling a hand to the back of his head to feel about for a bump. Yeah, there was one. He'd power through that pain, though, be cool now, geez. But being cool was more Hunter's forte, far from Edwin's own.

"Uh, oh yeah! Yeah, I'm Edwin. Edwin Sterling. Russ's friend." Well, good job over-explaining it. At least now the pale slant of a polite smile warmed with something more amused – albeit at himself.

Edwin rotated where he sat until his yellow sneakers made purchase on the bench below. Sitting upright and stable, he languidly drooped both arms just behind his lanky torso, propping his palms to the tabletop. Well, whatever impression he'd made, he'd made, so he figured he'd just ease into existing and what would be would be. Still, he had to address their change in study location.

"I hope you brought all your books? I uh, well. I locked myself out of my dorm, and I have no idea where my brother – Hunter – yeah, I have no idea where he is. Uhhh, and my phone's dead so I couldn't check. Look, I'm not normally this disorderly. If you need some confidence before we study, you can look me up in the school system, see my marks. Here's my ID number."

Edwin pulled out his wallet from a back pocket of his black jeans with a shift to one side. Soon, he offered up his school ID card to show his student number. Whether Lucio took it or not, he wanted him to know he meant it – he was a good student and could be trusted with academics. He'd also happened to absently give this guy a bunch of his personal stats and address marked on the card, too, but he'd not thought about that part.

"It was one of those kind of days – but it's still a nice one, right?" Edwin had initially confessed along a sigh, but warmed with a silver lining in conclusion. The gloom, the chill, the dead trees – to Edwin at least, it was a nice day. A holiday, too, oh right.

"Happy Halloween, too? Do you have party plans or anything? I can make our time as efficient as you need – I'm not going to anything so you've got me all night if you need, too. Uhh, but we should probably find a new spot to study since, uh, for right now, I'm homeless."

He gave an apologetic grin, but his glance that risked finding Lucio's steady eyes carried a sort of hopefulness despite the admittedly humiliating first impression. There was nothing he could do about it – so why not try to set the rest of the evening up to be different, better?

Edwin slouched forward, then hopped to his feet and straightened. Even at his full height, he was still a few inches shorter than Lucio. Sometimes people thought Edwin was taller in general simply because he was long in the torso and lanky in the limbs. He gave a tiny shrug to his right shoulder while his head subtly slanted its way only for a moment. He was visibly shaking off his startled fiasco. Hopefully Lucio would, too.

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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Dusk
Lucio did not struggle in any of his classes. Some were hard, but he wasn't in danger of a failing grade. However, to him, a low score felt as much as a failure. He had committed himself to his schooling, and he wouldn't accept anything less than excellence. His worst grade was in Advanced Biology, more than slightly because the teacher was a fanatic. Lucio didn't mind the challenge, but it was time-consuming, and there was no room for anything less than overachievers in that class. And honestly, Lucio wasn't an overachiever. He'd take his high marks, and he'd study well, revelling in his high scores. But Lucio didn't covet that 100%.

He should've expected it, the way Edwin startled at his looming presence. Maybe Lucio had, and maybe he enjoyed it a little bit. The man beneath him scrambled indelicately, head thudding against the wood of the table. Lucio stared down impassively at him. His lips parted slightly in preparation of speech, but before he had a chance, Edwin shot up. Lucio only had half a second to straighten, avoiding a collision of foreheads. He took a step back, to avoid any further flailing from the increasingly apparent gangly man.

"Is it?" Lucio questioned lightly. He had no framework to know if this was truly out of the ordinary. The Werefeline didn't move, instead standing still in the slight breeze as he watched the other man fumble with his hair. It was messy. There was something kind of disorganized about Edwin's entire appearance, something a little awkward. At the other man's introduction, Lucio tilted his head slightly to the left, strands of his hair shifting across his face.

"Really?" He asked, completely deadpan. "I'm Russ's friend, too. Isn't that something." There wasn't so much as a crack in his expression.

"Yeah," he said in response to Edwin's question about whether he had his book. To make his point, Lucio shrugged the shoulder that his book bag hung down from, a vertical canvas strap pressed against the fabric of his black long-sleeved shirt. Every moment Edwin talked, he seemed a more disorganized man. Locked out. Dead phone. The man seemed to be fully aware of Lucio's doubt, as he denied this as a normal state of being.

"Wow," Lucio murmured as Edwin held out his ID card. Despite his doubts, Lucio didn't feel like he needed to look the other man up. "You know it's not very smart to give that to me."

"Sure," he responded casually, with another shrug. The taller man had straightened his head, and cast his gaze to the ominous oaks around them. It was a nice day. He liked autumn, the way the leaves crinkled beneath boots and fell in bright colours. He brushed a strand of hair away from his eye, and refocused on Edwin. Lucio did not echo Edwin's holiday greeting. Instead, he shrugged again.

"Not me," he replied to the question about plans, however. "I don't enjoy parties." His words were frank and his expression unamused. "It's dull to study all day. But I don't have plans and I do have a lot to get done." He confessed plainly.

"We could go to my dorm," Lucio suggested, "I think Russ is out." Edwin stood up, and Lucio took another small step back, eyeing the other man at his full height. He was shorter than Lucio, poorly proportioned and still looked a bit unkempt, even as he recollected himself. "Unless you have a better suggestion," he asked in a way which almost sounded like a challenge.

This guy's a loser.
Code by wren.
  • Haha
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Location: Elkwood University dorms. | Tag: @Dusk 's Lucio.
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Lucio wasn't an easy read. On one hand, Edwin felt some relief that the guy hadn't freaked out in some way about the collective disaster he'd been presented with. On the other? He'd been as imperturbable through every (albeit limited) recollection he had of Lucio. In their brief meeting while visiting Russ; in the greeting before Edwin panicked. Afterward. Well, there was something cool about being that steady, he concluded.

As Edwin had been collecting himself, he didn't fully process the tranquil mockery Lucio had breathed around Edwin's haphazard explanations. Perhaps something unconscious sat unsteady far behind his more active considerations – where would they study? How long? Did Lucio even want to still see this through? – but that is precisely where it all remained at present. Unrealized.

This guy was as tranquil as glassy water. He found most people gave some sparks of interest or humor here or there, but not Lucio. Though, it occurred to him that the guy had agreed and shown up at all. Maybe his trail signs had to be read differently than most everyone else's. That brief thought was encouraging. Even after Edwin had presented his predicaments, Lucio still offered an alternative location after all, rather than just canceling in the end.

Subtle cues about Edwin's demeanor suggested the mild assurance of his internal world. He collected himself up in a more casual, upbeat way (for him, anyway, which was still mildly introverted).

"Oh." Edwin hummed in regard to his ID card as he casually collected it back and tucked it away again. "Well, if you planned on robbing me or something, there isn't much there after how insanely expensive this semester's books were." He was playfully easygoing about the possibility of being attacked.

"Yeah? Parties are kinda intense anyway. My brother's really into them – who knows how many he'll go to tonight – but I told him I already had plans." Edwin languidly swiveled a hand toward Lucio, wordlessly explaining that Lucio had been his excuse. "Thanks for being my plans."

It wasn't like they'd study for that long, though, right? Could Edwin have just said no to Hunter? Well, technically, sure. But Hunter wouldn't have accepted that sort of direct denial. Edwin would have been dragged out somehow and even right now, he'd be at one of Hunter's more rowdy gatherings.

"Oh yeah? That'd be great. It'd be fine either way if Russ was there, but I guess this means we won't have to study through his workouts." Edwin thought aloud. Russ's workouts. Edwin had never figured out a way to fully feel comfortable around his stoical friend suddenly yanking his shirt off and beginning push ups or some other exercise.

"No, your dorm's perfect. I left some stuff there to help with studying anyway. Russ seems to be able to focus for longer if he has the right sort of snacks, have you noticed? So I stashed some trail mix and puppy chow for whenever we'd meet up again. If you like any of that, have at it."

Edwin knew the way to Russ's (and Lucio's) dorm, so he turned toward the right direction to begin. Though, he paused, turned, then plucked up his red backpack from beneath the picnic table before resuming a place near Lucio with a slight, slanted smile. It was just a polite expression, really. One that still carried his relief that he hadn't been ditched, too. He really felt encouraged.

Little did Edwin know what Lucio thought of him.

The pair followed the route back toward Lucio's, initially through a quiet moment. Autumn chilled across any exposed skin, tightening a chase of goosebumps. For Edwin, it was mainly across his wrists and the base of his throat. He loved that invigorating sense of the gloomy cold. He eventually struck at conversation again, hefting his backpack more sturdily across his tapering shoulders.

"What work do you have to get through? I mainly have weekly assignments – finished my semester projects already. So, if you need some help on anything, I'm honestly pretty free. I really like math, science, engineering, that sort of thing. Though Russ said you're pretty smart."

Edwin didn't want to give the impression that he thought Lucio required help with anything. Less so after how chaotic he'd seemed at their meeting that day already. Maybe they could just talk sometimes, or who knew, maybe they'd find a comfort in the quiet – the way Edwin and Russ did. They'd typically just exist in the same space, and there was camaraderie in that.

Edwin was comfortable with silence, and let it settle between them often enough throughout their walk. The pair were soon approaching Lucio's dorm building – after occasionally passing by other students in costumes.

"If I'd needed a costume, I'd have been a skeleton. Kinda built for it, right?" His grin and brief flip of his hands to demonstrate himself for consideration only spoke of self-depreciating good humor.

"I'll order food." He stated without explaining. Inwardly, he'd already concluded he'd make it an offering for the ridiculous start to their day together. But he figured Lucio would gather that. If not, oh well, he'd get food without excessive reasoning given about it.

Edwin was a pescatarian, but he didn't broadcast his dietary ethics nor impose them on others. If Lucio suggested something with meat whenever they did get to a meal, he'd be directly none the wiser about his preferences while Edwin would just add to an order with something he could have, too.

A sparrow-like bird – a lark bunting – flit and chimed overhead, pulling Edwin's attention upward. He found himself the most at ease then.

"This is Sokaris – my familiar. He'll be fine outside. He's complaining about you, though."

The notion warmed a quiet laugh from Edwin – the lingering mirth of the moment turned toward Lucio as his darker brown eyes brightened.

"He's not telling any terrible secrets, though. Only that I might die." Edwin hummed as casually as if he might be talking about the weather. Sokaris did complain about the werefeline, but the bird couldn't truly discern and convey any concrete information about anyone.

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Emmy's lips pulled into a downward smile, a knowing look twinkling in her eyes at Rocky's suggestion. Good boy.

She hooked her arm in his, planting a hot pink kiss to his cheek. "You bet." Emmy replied, flashing a bright smile back at Aura and Hunter as Rocky led her away.

- - - - -
"Smooth move, Rox." Emmy purred, giggling gleefully as the pair neared the makeshift bar. "They definitely hit it off right away, so cute watching Hunter stumble with his words. We did a good job." She mused, hopping up and sitting in the table next to Rocky.

"Buuuut, now that we're here, Barkeep… How about a sex on the beach for the Missus?" Emelie teased, smiling wide at him and batting her lashes to feign innocence. "Please?" She added, her hands framing her face beneath her chin.

Code by Jenamos
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Rocky's smile never wavered as he and Emelie approached the makeshift bar. "I'm a smooth dude, you of all people should know that." Rocky ran his fingers through his hair like a greaser as he let out a chuckle. "I honestly wasn't sure how they'd get along, but they're clearly getting on well. Hunter isn't usually the tongue-tied type. Geez try saying that ten times fast. But it was kinda sweet seeing him get all flustered around Aura."

He didn't know how Em always knew what two babes were feeling or at least would be feeling each other. If she didn't find anything in communications right out of college, maybe she could be a matchmaker? Find a cool love magi to start a business with. Whatever his girl wanted to do, he would be her biggest fan.

If it was one thing he knew, it was that richy-rich frat boys sure did know how to throw a party! They had just about every alcohol a college kid could think of at the "bar" that was really just a big folding table that consisted of everyone one would need to end up hugging a toilet bowl at the end of the night. Awesome.

"A sex on the beach coming up for Miss Blake." Rocky tried to put on his best tavern owner type voice as he mixed up drinks for the four of them. He wasn't sure what everyone wanted, so he decided on Sex on the Beach for the ladies and whiskey sours for the guys. Both cocktails seemed like safe choices. With an outstretched arm, he handed Em her solo cup (as well as Aura's) with a smile on his face. "Let's get these drinks to our sadly sober friends," he said as they started to weave through the crowd.

Spotting Hunter and Aura getting down across the room, Osborne pointed at the two with a smile. "They're getting jiggy!" Rocky laughed. They really were cute! If he would've had an extra hand, Rocky would've twirled Em as they danced their way over to their friends. But for the moment, all he could do was a small hip shimmy as he approached the two, holding Hunter's drink out towards him. "Looks like you and Aura are out dancing us!"
@sele @peach
code by wren.
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