Equip Saga: In-Character

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"Equipmancer you say?" Zeria gripped her bow before swinging it around then planting it in the ground. Not strong enough to damage the floor but enough to have one bladed tip pressed into it. "I would not call myself a hero. More like...a girl wishing to have fun and adventure before returning to her strict job."
"So, wish to tell me your name? Or should I just call you 'The Equipmancer'?"
Mako chuckled to himself. "I sort of like the sound of 'The Equipmancer.' Sounds...awe-inspiring and legendary in and of itself..." He shook his head, "but I suppose I should tell you my name. It's Mako." He dared a chance to touch her bow, and as he did he ran a hand up and down the frame, practically feeling the history of the weapon. "This bladed bow...honed from centuries by masters. The sort that would dedicate their entire lives to such a craft - equipmancers or...monks. Hm...I think monks. There is a faint scent of incense...dust...this has been in a monastery for a number of years. Blood on the blades...human, elf, orc...you've killed a lot of people, Zeria." He paused to see the tiefling look back at her. "Oh...I have a talent for knowing where an item has been. Almost a special power, in itself. I won't tell a soul, I swear."
Milo stopped gnawing on the bone when he heard someone referring to him, being offered more food made his spirits go up now that he was actually able to think straight. "Thank you." He said quietly to the half elf, giving them a small nod in appreciation. With the small greeting out of the way he brought the mug up a bit more and he stopped again realizing he had forgotten something. He reached into his robes and grabbed his bell by the chain. He hung it in the air and swung it gently causing it to ring in a soft calming tone. The small miracle he caste causing the brass bell to suddenly start dripping water which was caught by the mug Milo had place beneath. Placing the bell on the table after he felt satisfied Milo proceeded to swirl the drink a little bit before he drank out of it.
< @Quiet One @Kraveing_Volkf @TyranntX >

As the three of them mingled around the work board, more and more of the listings began to get taken by other patrons and groups, who would soon begin to empty out into the afternoon air in order to get to the area where their missions would be. However there was one that no one seemed interested in taking. Taking a closer look might reveal why.

It was a request from the mayor of Balton village, who some may have heard had been plagued by bandits lately. And indeed the request was to slay the clan; however it didn't have much of a monetary reward, given that the requestee was but a simple farming village. That was probably what was turning most people off - the lack of money. However, whoever completed the contract would be able to keep whatever they could pick off the bandits, which could be anything. It seemed that most of the patrons were more interested in the gold than the potential loot or glory, though. As well, an entire clan would be rather much for only one or two people especially since they were last sighted in one of the dungeons that pop up in the wilderness.

< @chaosheart13 @Jack Robinson @TuskaDaemonkilla >

The Barkeep would look to the half-elf and sigh a little, looking at the coins and beginning to count in his head. He reached out and took what he needed, leaving Lazereth about 15 gold coins left. "You're a very kind soul, it seems." he looked to Milo. "I would hope you appreciate this." he nodded, poured a mug of ale for one of the few other patrons before heading into the back to get some food, enough for three plates of stewed vegetables and meat cubes. Soon enough he brought the three plates out and laid them all in front of Milo before seeing if any of them needed anything else.

< @OnI6470 >

Kalimar would get into the Tavern when the rest of this was going on, leaving him with the keep and a few other scattered patrons. What he would do with this would be up for him, but better to find another group and stick to it than try and go it alone?​
Zoranak would take notice of the job no one else wanted, reading over the details of it's contents. Despite it's low monetary value it managed to catch his eye for the moment. Money was not the greatest concern of his, he could get enough of that by bullying it out of challengers. It was The Difficulty that Zoranak cared about, and this job intrigued him indeed. Fighting a whole team of bandits? Fighting with unfavorable odds was His kind of bread and butter, and the fact that his prize could be anything only made him even more curious. Zoranak was settled, this will be the job He will do. Question is though, Is he going alone? Zoranak had the feeling he wasn't the only one interested.

@Mythy the Dragon-Wolf @Quiet One @Kraveing_Volkf
Zeria would allow Mako to examine her bow, though she did keep her grip tight, it was mainly something she learned when she was younger and constantly had to deal with her mentor snatching her weapon out of her hands. "It was indeed made by monks. Though I made some additions to it, blades are far more useful if things get close. As for the deaths, show me an aged weapon which has never been used to kill, and I'll show you a coward."

Turning her attention toward the jobs she noticed that the jobs had suddenly whittled down to only afew left. One seemed interesting, though it also looked to be taken right now. Then again, perhaps he would need help. Maybe? From what she noticed it was to fight a group of bandits. "So...did you want help with that job?" Zeria asked as she inched over to the man.

@Quiet One @TyranntX

Sqyd was an adventurer of sorts. He mostly just got into unfortunate situations and whatnot, or did favors for people in exchange for money. He wasn't entirely oblivious to the idea of mercenary work, or how people really enjoyed making money for stabbing people. He just liked adventure. That was his favorite thing to do. And so when he realized people were ignoring him and instead paying attention to a board with some pieces of parchment nailed to it, Sqyd figured it must be important.

He walked over to the board, skimmed over it, and finally found the job that everyone seemed so interested in. Bandits. A clan of them. What was a clan again? A large group? Were they all a family? Ooh, perhaps fighting a family of bandits would be interesting. Sqyd wondered if they'd have gold and fancy weapons with them. He read over the job once or twice more, unsure of how to proceed. It was apparently located in a dungeon near a little farming village. Sqyd did like dungeons. Moist, damp, reminded him of home. He wasn't sure how one claimed a job, so he just ripped the piece of paper off the board and looked at the others who had been examining the job.

"Where is village? Sqyd would like to go fight bandits. Would be fun. Anyone know where village is?"
Zoranak heard two voices speak to him, and turned to face them. The First was a woman, almost as tall as he was. It didn't take him long to know that she was a Teifling, He has dealt with her kind before. Zoranak didn't know or care what one was doing here, but if she was willing to help he wasn't going to waste his energy to stop her. The second one was the squid from the bar, Zoranak knew of the Krakanian race but this was the first time he would properly quaint himself with one. Zoranak would hand the job to the Squid and look to the both of them. "If you wish to tag along that's fine, just don't be in the way." Zoranak would say as he polished off the last bit of meat from the haunch he was eating.

@Kraveing_Volkf @Jack Robinson @Quiet One
"Yes, but I was referring to fresh blood," Mako corrected, still eyeing the bladed bow. "As in a mere few days. Unless you were threatened recently, that's rather troubling..."

He was taken out of his musing on who had recently been killed by that bow and why by a number of people coming and taking various jobs on the board. As this kept happening Mako couldn't help but notice one job being looked over again and again. The first to spot the job was the half orc from the bar, who seemed to regard it as an interesting challenge. While elves and orcs didn't often get along, he still saw potential in this large, imposing warrior. And it seemed Zeria did as well.

"Yes, please. Even a trained warrior would need help against bandits with unknown weapons," Mako added to Zeria's comment.

When Sqyd came up Mako nodded. "I think I know where it is. If not, I can find it easily on any map. Who else?!" he asked the tavern. "Who else will come battle bandits with us?"

At last Kallimar had reached the Crystal Mare, it took more time than what he would like but he had to make sure that he wasn't being followed and if he had run others could have noticed him, after all, someone running always attract some degree of attention. And now, even when he's already here, he still waits outside making sure that no one of his former companions are already inside waiting for him. Satisfied that no one was there he walks in. It looks like a normal night at the 'Mare, the usual customers, some new ones, but almost all are walking to the board, maybe as anxious as him to leave the town. "OK, time to do my thing... either I like it or not".
Kallimar walks to the middle of the room and stands upon a chair.

"Ladies, gentlemen, may I have your attention? I won't take too much of your valuable time" while he talks he surveys the customers, ready to duck any incoming projectile since that had happened to him the first time that he tried to do something like that.
"I'm no beggar, bard or drunk enough to pull a stunt like this, no sir, but I'm in a hurry so let's be brief, I offer you a... contest... a challenge if you will, yes?, you may ask what challenge could offer this clown? a fight? come on, I'm too handsome and you all too ugly, it wouldn't be fair to me..."
Mako has good eyes, dangerous to have but useful to have around.
Wait...is that...a squidman? Facinating. He must get just as many looks as she does. Zeria allowed herself to get distracted looking the intruiging being over before she heard the orc and gave a huge grin.
"In the way? Oh no I'm never in the way. My arrows take up far too little space to be in the way." Even when they are sticking in her target. Though bandits isnt a target, more like a clean up job.

Though this was then followed by a dark elf...drow maybe? Huh, the monks said drow are from the same place her kind is, so was he abandoned up here too? Though he is standing on a table...offering a contest...and claiming to be handsome. "The old master is more handsome than you and he is at least eight hundred." Okay thats a lie, he's a human so he is at least ninty, but still. "What is your contest? We are about to go kill bandits."

@Quiet One @Jack Robinson @TyranntX @OnI6470
Milo looked over first when someone was asking about a job, he had of course been eating the food the half elf had bought him but this job did seem worthy of his attention. He was about to stand up and and answer when another man decided to enter and challenge the entire bar. Milo simply sighed and went back to his food then, random violence was not something he would partake in.


"An old master more handsome than me? I would have to see that, and killing bandits? isn't that a bit.. rude? I mean who in this place hadn't... done one or two things when business is bad?, but I respect that you are so open about that, I mean, business are business, isn't?". The half-drow jump down from the chair. As he turns toward the voice he is taken aback as he didn't expect such exotic features, he hadn't ever seen a being like that.
"Ahhh... a customer, great... excuse me I didn't mean to be rude but it's the first time I see a... someone like you, as you can guess I haven't been out of my homeland too much, but as they say, a customer is a customer, my contest is easy and there's zero risks or investment from you". Quickly Kallimar takes a small pouch from his belt and open it over his hand, is a collar, gold and fiery red rubies, it seems a bit tacky, something that only a very old lady would wear. "It's a small trinket, I can't say its very valuable or that was legally obtained but still... it can be yours if you beat me at my game and not only that but also will have my services... for free, well, excluding food, a man has to eat, isn't?, but if I win, I will keep it and you will let me accompany you until I decide to take my own path, yeah, I know it sounds weird but think about it, who would want to take me?, I'm a stranger, nobody knows me and I'm a little hurried to leave the town, so you agree to my terms?"
"You are a strange, strange man. So you were up there challenging us...to find a customer? You don't look like a merchant." She also didn't see the point of the collar, she did just fine with her bow and leather armor. Though to be fair she was raised by monks, yes monks who are also assassins, but monks none the less. "You can keep your...thing. If you want to travel away from here I don't mind you tagging along. I was planning on helping this guy, maybe travel around some, then go back to the monastery and be chewed out by the master for being late on returning. So you can tag along for as long as you need." She thought some before realizing this may be some kind of weird honor thing so she added, "If you really want to challenge me then okay, I guess I will accept your terms."

@OnI6470, @Kraveing_Volkf

Mako looked between the two as they started talking about some sort of wager. This newcomer had all the air of a conning showman - standing on a chair announcing this challenge to everyone, bantering, even perhaps flirting with her - as impressive as his performance was, the elf was suspicious of him and that collar.

"That collar? By any chance it's not cursed is it?" he asked. "You come in here offering a challenge in a boisterous manner; I can't help thinking you're trying to pass something off and get out before something or someone comes to find you." He glared at the stranger while waiting for an answer.
@Quiet One, @Kraveing_Volkf


Kallimar can't believe what he had just heard, he was expecting to need more "convincing" from his side "and you call me strange?, I was trying to sweeten the deal with the -challenge- and the -prize-, you are the first one that I have seen taking a complete stranger as a companion, I mean, I could be part of the gang that you are gonna hunt down, and no, I'm not, anyway, thanks for being so trusty, Im Kallimar, no last name, my father has disavowed me since he didn't approve what I do for a living, and your name is...?"
As he waits for the answer when another one, an elf not less, comes forward, seeing her Kallimar seem to lost his cool demeanor, "eh...no... it's not cursed... it's just a collar, tacky but legit... I was just trying to join some group to leave the town..."
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