OPEN SIGNUPS Experimented Chaos Rp

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Cassidy Coke|22|LE Forager |Location: Lab|Alex, Cynthia, Hidalgo
"They always say the best medicine is the most bitter. Thank you." She took the strange-colored drink, took a swig, and almost gagged, "Oh...geez...that'" It was terribly bitter, but as soon as it touched her tongue she felt the almost instant difference. She closed her eyes taking another big swallow of the liquid. " at least weren't kidding. I'd have no idea why others would refuse this stuff. But still...I can feel the difference." She wasn't joking about it, she felt like her skin was far too tight and dry for her body. The plants that had been covering her body were still in the process of wilting away.

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex, Cassidy, Hidalgo
Cynthia smiled, "My brother always made the best healing remedies, but he never bothered to make them taste any better. I tried telling him all the time he'd be better off making their taste at least bearable." She headed for the container with her name and pressed her finger to it. Unzipping her bag she pulled out a chocolate bar. She opened it to make sure it looked normal before handing a chunk of it to Cassidy. "Chase it with this." "Thank you for the chocolate and the drink!" Cassidy said to them. Cy nodded, "No problem!" She turned to her brother, "Shall we explore the other sections of this place? I know one group is doing that already. But sitting still feels wrong."
He gently laughs then says" sorry about that I'll make the next batch less bitter but it's hard to get the balance just right". He then turns to sis and says" I think I partly know what I can use to change it but making that herb takes a fair while to grow". " I think the herb is called swega you remember our mountain trip". He playfully flicks Cynthia forehead then says" sure I could do with a stretch" Cass I'm Hidalgo feel free to invite your sister along if you like".

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex, Cassidy, Hidalgo
Cynthia rolled her eyes as she gently smacked her brother's arm, "I don't think he is trying anything...I think it just might be the way he is..." She nodded before pausing, "Wait...didn't they say the bags were locked in containers that require our fingerprints? I can't grab it unless you unlock it first silly." She wanted to comment on how funny it was she could remember such a detail and he didn't but stopped herself. It would be like jabbing a knife into an open wound and twisting. She knew he was dealing with issues...

Cassidy Coke|22|LE Forager |Location: Lab|Alex, Cynthia
"Still...I should have listened to you when you told me it was a bad idea. I'm a terrible older sister...I promise I'll listen next time!!!" She said with a trembling voice. Even though you could hear tears in her voice still no tears left Cassidy's body and then she began to cough. Harsh deep coughs took over Cass and she pulled away from her sister. Soon blood left her mouth "Only one way to find out." Her eyes turned to the man offering up his water, "Thank you...I feel parched...honestly feel like I could drink a river dry..." She wasn't joking about it, she felt like her skin was far too tight and dry for her body. The plants that had been covering her body were still in the process of wilting away.

Alex|28|BE Leader|Location: Lab|Cassidy, Charlotte
Alex wasn't sure why, but he felt offended by the other man's words... He kept his mouth shut though, he wasn't trying to be charming. Everyone was confused, some seemed to be in worse condition than others. Alex was going to allow the two their heartfelt reunion until Cassidy started coughing, "You two can talk later for should rest up and drink lots of water. I think your power came pretty close to killing you..." She nodded, "They warned me...Char, how about we sit down? I think we both need to rest for a bit...even though we've been sleeping for lord only knows how long." He nodded, "I'll bring you both some food and water."

Ellawese Gale|25|LE Leader|Location: Lab|Liam, Jaxon
Ella chuckled as Liam called her boss lady. They entered the room to see the walls lined with small compacted closets each with their names on it and clothes, along with shoes. She walked towards one, flipping through the clothes and glancing at the different shoes. Each was set up for different climates. "Nice to know they put some thought into this." Her eyes turned to the bookshelf that filled a corner, she walked over plucking a book from it. "Simple Ways of Agriculture...Simple Meals To Win the Most?" She put it back running her finger over the spines of the other books, "Deadliest Plants of the World...Farmers for Dummies..."

Jaxon|24|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Liam, Ellawese
Jaxon walked towards a case that had a lock on it, "Wow, they set up a weapon storage for us!" He looked over the different weapons, and Ellawese snapped her attention towards what he was fawning over "They aren't toys..." Jaxon glanced at her, "I know, but look at them, they are gorgeous. They even sent us with a few pistols." Ella rolled her eyes, "And do you know how to make more ammo?" Jaxon shook his head, "Exactly, these guns should only be used for emergencies. This lock though..." Jaxon shrugged, "We can just break it somehow." Ella sighed, "I guess I could melt it..."

Vendy|17|BE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Aiden, Kaleo
Vendy sighed, "I'm about as good as I can be...We have no idea where we are or what has happened...To be honest I'm a bit scared..." She said biting her lip, what were they to face now that the scientists got their hands on them again? Would they be in even more pain? She shivered, she wasn't ready to face that kind of torment, not when they had been living free for so long now.

Aiden Luxwell|28|LE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Kaleo
He listened to the two of them, they clearly knew each other but he wasn't sure how. He sighed in thought, his mind trying to run wild with him where they like him, or something different. When he'd been experimented on they hadn't given him much information. They'd simply told him that their leaders would get them informed of what had happened. But who exactly were the leaders? How many leaders did they have, were they brought in like he was or did they volunteer?

Kaleo|16|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Aiden
Kaleo headed for Vendy and Trinity, writing as he walked and tapped Vendy's shoulder making her yelp, she turned pulling half the blindfold down to see Kaleo, "Kay!!!" She said with a smile, staring at him and looking nowhere else. 'Hey....glad you two made it...' he flipped the paper back towards himself, 'Also sorry for startling you, Vendy.' The yelp dragged Aiden from his thoughts as a boy with red hair joined them. He didn't speak, This boy also knew the two girls, now his thoughts were confirmed. 'Thanks for helping Trinity.' Kaleo wrote down and the man nodded, "So two blind girls and a boy who can't talk?" Vendy frowned, "I'm not blind! Well, not really...and Kaleo...he can talk, but he rarely does...they messed with his throat so much he finds it easier to not talk." Aiden nodded, "I wasn't trying to make fun of you guys." 'It's okay...Vendy gets a bit protective of those from our group.'

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex, Cassidy, Hidalgo
Cynthia rolled her eyes as she gently smacked her brother's arm, "I don't think he is trying anything...I think it just might be the way he is..." She nodded before pausing, "Wait...didn't they say the bags were locked in containers that require our fingerprints? I can't grab it unless you unlock it first silly." She wanted to comment on how funny it was she could remember such a detail and he didn't but stopped herself. It would be like jabbing a knife into an open wound and twisting. She knew he was dealing with issues...

Cassidy Coke|22|LE Forager |Location: Lab|Alex, Cynthia
"Still...I should have listened to you when you told me it was a bad idea. I'm a terrible older sister...I promise I'll listen next time!!!" She said with a trembling voice. Even though you could hear tears in her voice still no tears left Cassidy's body and then she began to cough. Harsh deep coughs took over Cass and she pulled away from her sister. Soon blood left her mouth "Only one way to find out." Her eyes turned to the man offering up his water, "Thank you...I feel parched...honestly feel like I could drink a river dry..." She wasn't joking about it, she felt like her skin was far too tight and dry for her body. The plants that had been covering her body were still in the process of wilting away.

Alex|28|BE Leader|Location: Lab|Cassidy, Charlotte
Alex wasn't sure why, but he felt offended by the other man's words... He kept his mouth shut though, he wasn't trying to be charming. Everyone was confused, some seemed to be in worse condition than others. Alex was going to allow the two their heartfelt reunion until Cassidy started coughing, "You two can talk later for should rest up and drink lots of water. I think your power came pretty close to killing you..." She nodded, "They warned me...Char, how about we sit down? I think we both need to rest for a bit...even though we've been sleeping for lord only knows how long." He nodded, "I'll bring you both some food and water."

Ellawese Gale|25|LE Leader|Location: Lab|Liam, Jaxon
Ella chuckled as Liam called her boss lady. They entered the room to see the walls lined with small compacted closets each with their names on it and clothes, along with shoes. She walked towards one, flipping through the clothes and glancing at the different shoes. Each was set up for different climates. "Nice to know they put some thought into this." Her eyes turned to the bookshelf that filled a corner, she walked over plucking a book from it. "Simple Ways of Agriculture...Simple Meals To Win the Most?" She put it back running her finger over the spines of the other books, "Deadliest Plants of the World...Farmers for Dummies..."

Jaxon|24|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Liam, Ellawese
Jaxon walked towards a case that had a lock on it, "Wow, they set up a weapon storage for us!" He looked over the different weapons, and Ellawese snapped her attention towards what he was fawning over "They aren't toys..." Jaxon glanced at her, "I know, but look at them, they are gorgeous. They even sent us with a few pistols." Ella rolled her eyes, "And do you know how to make more ammo?" Jaxon shook his head, "Exactly, these guns should only be used for emergencies. This lock though..." Jaxon shrugged, "We can just break it somehow." Ella sighed, "I guess I could melt it..."

Vendy|17|BE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Aiden, Kaleo
Vendy sighed, "I'm about as good as I can be...We have no idea where we are or what has happened...To be honest I'm a bit scared..." She said biting her lip, what were they to face now that the scientists got their hands on them again? Would they be in even more pain? She shivered, she wasn't ready to face that kind of torment, not when they had been living free for so long now.

Aiden Luxwell|28|LE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Kaleo
He listened to the two of them, they clearly knew each other but he wasn't sure how. He sighed in thought, his mind trying to run wild with him where they like him, or something different. When he'd been experimented on they hadn't given him much information. They'd simply told him that their leaders would get them informed of what had happened. But who exactly were the leaders? How many leaders did they have, were they brought in like he was or did they volunteer?

Kaleo|16|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Aiden
Kaleo headed for Vendy and Trinity, writing as he walked and tapped Vendy's shoulder making her yelp, she turned pulling half the blindfold down to see Kaleo, "Kay!!!" She said with a smile, staring at him and looking nowhere else. 'Hey....glad you two made it...' he flipped the paper back towards himself, 'Also sorry for startling you, Vendy.' The yelp dragged Aiden from his thoughts as a boy with red hair joined them. He didn't speak, This boy also knew the two girls, now his thoughts were confirmed. 'Thanks for helping Trinity.' Kaleo wrote down and the man nodded, "So two blind girls and a boy who can't talk?" Vendy frowned, "I'm not blind! Well, not really...and Kaleo...he can talk, but he rarely does...they messed with his throat so much he finds it easier to not talk." Aiden nodded, "I wasn't trying to make fun of you guys." 'It's okay...Vendy gets a bit protective of those from our group.'
Melt It? He Said with a Confused Tone Responding to Ellawese Comment. How Are You Supposed to Melt It Without Any Fire or a Lighter?
Charolette Coke 15 LELabor​

Char gazed at her big sister as she sighed. "It's fine, nothing to worry about," she said, attempting to conceal her feelings. Looking up at her sister, she assured her, "Don't worry, I forgive you. At least I have you now, and no, you're not a bad sister, you're amazing." As the guy suggested they should rest, she hesitated, as all she wanted to do was talk to her sister. However, her attention was pulled when her big sister started coughing and stepped away. Seeing blood, Char was shocked. She tried to get to her sister, exclaiming, "Cassy!!" she say as she was shocked about the blood.​

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex, Cassidy, Hidalgo
Cynthia chuckled, "Oh...was that the trip I ended up being chased by a bear?" She sighed, "I wonder if we could easily find some here, I am very curious about the world outside. If it's changed any or not." She walked next to him as they moved for the door, glancing towards Cassidy. "Something similar to mine...though you can actually make the plants. Maybe we wouldn't have to go too far if you are able to make plants with ease."

Cassidy Coke|22|LE Forager |Location: Lab|Alex, Charlotte, Hidalgo
Cassidy sighed, "I'm fine Char...just the after-effect of almost becoming a plant..." She broke off a piece of chocolate and held it towards her sister, "Chocolate always makes things better." She really was starting to feel better, whatever the bitter concoction this was it had the impact of several bottles of water. Cassidy glanced at Hidalgo, "I think I'll take Alex up on the offer of just resting here for the time being. Once I feel a bit more sure of myself moving around then I'd love to explore this place more. Mainly outside...I can feel it's heavily laid outside with plants. Even the soil beneath this very lab seems to be almost calling to me." Cassidy turned her eyes to Cynthia, "I've got my limits, but I'd be glad to help with herbs at the start or if we are in dire need of something."

Alex|28|BE Leader|Location: Lab|lost in his thoughts
Alex simply watched in silence as the others interacted. From Hidalgo's introduction, he figured these four weren't a group like his group was. Had they pulled random people from the world and just tossed them into this mess? He was starting to think so, his mind ventured to the other woman who had woken up first. Was she the leader of this other group? He frowned, hoping they could all work together even though half of them didn't even know each other or what they were capable of.

Ellawese Gale|25|LE Leader|Location: Lab|Liam, Jaxon
Ellawese nodded. "I would never suggest something I couldn't attain." She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering how she'd controlled her powers before. It was listening to her very heartbeat at this point. Her eyes opened as she snapped her fingers and a flame appeared. It danced in her palm for a moment reflecting in her eyes before she grasped the lock and soon the fire engulfed her hand. It always amazed her how the flames had no effect on her outer body. Only the inner body. It didn't take long for the lock to start dripping to the floor. "See?"

Jaxon|24|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Liam, Ellawese
Jaxon watched the fire melt through the metal with ease, exactly how hot was that fire? He remembered reading something about fire having to be super hot to burn through metals. "Remind me never to piss you off...I'd like to keep all the flesh on my body and unburnt." He frowned slightly though as he watched her, noticing something was off. Her very veins began to glow, melting the lock completely and she broke away, panting. A small amount of smoke seeming to come out of her mouth as she breathed. "I'll be fine...the fire in me doesn't damage my outer body...but it takes a toll on my inner organs." Jaxon stared at her for a moment.

Vendy|17|BE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Aiden, Kaleo
Vendy sighed, "I'm about as good as I can be...We have no idea where we are or what has happened...To be honest I'm a bit scared..." She said biting her lip, what were they to face now that the scientists got their hands on them again? Would they be in even more pain? She shivered, she wasn't ready to face that kind of torment, not when they had been living free for so long now.

Aiden Luxwell|28|LE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Kaleo
He listened to the two of them, they clearly knew each other but he wasn't sure how. He sighed in thought, his mind trying to run wild with him where they like him, or something different. When he'd been experimented on they hadn't given him much information. They'd simply told him that their leaders would get them informed of what had happened. But who exactly were the leaders? How many leaders did they have, were they brought in like he was or did they volunteer?

Kaleo|16|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Aiden
Kaleo headed for Vendy and Trinity, writing as he walked and tapped Vendy's shoulder making her yelp, she turned pulling half the blindfold down to see Kaleo, "Kay!!!" She said with a smile, staring at him and looking nowhere else. 'Hey....glad you two made it...' he flipped the paper back towards himself, 'Also sorry for startling you, Vendy.' The yelp dragged Aiden from his thoughts as a boy with red hair joined them. He didn't speak, This boy also knew the two girls, now his thoughts were confirmed. 'Thanks for helping Trinity.' Kaleo wrote down and the man nodded, "So two blind girls and a boy who can't talk?" Vendy frowned, "I'm not blind! Well, not really...and Kaleo...he can talk, but he rarely does...they messed with his throat so much he finds it easier to not talk." Aiden nodded, "I wasn't trying to make fun of you guys." 'It's okay...Vendy gets a bit protective of those from our group.'
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Hidalgo gently laughs then says" fair play but I'll mostly set up a special place for the herbs, please use your power sparingly". " I should be able to make something to stabilize your power longer term but it will take time and blood and such". He pauses for a minute then says" well I can fix up some of the electronics, I'm an engineer mostly".
He pauses for a minute then says" yes you stupidly went too close to the bear cave sis, me and the bear had a long fight before it retreated". " After that but luck we found that flower I talked about".

Torry Beman/30/LE/Lab

The beeping. The Loud beeping. The Loud never ending beeping. His eyes sprung open, heart beating quickly in his chest. The whole pod sounded like an operating room, and he had to get out. He forced his palms onto the pod casing, pushing as hard as he could. He began to kick, trying to break the glass that encased him. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" His scream echoed around the pod as he began to slam his fists against the top, tearing the sticky monitors off of his chest and face.

Levi Beman/25/BE/Lab

the rush if cool air hit his biological skin and he felt a shiver rush through him. Levi opened his icy blue eyes and looked around, his body making mechanical undertone noises as his joints moved. He took one step out of his test tube, flexing his fingers as if he had just discovered them. "....Updating." his voice sounded like static, mechanical, artificial. He flexed his jaw open and shut, blinking quickly.

Jack Ebsen/30/BE/Lab

Jack's eyes flashed open, hearing the commotion in the pod next to him. The top slid open easily for him and he carefully climbed out. Goosebumps dotted his muscular arms, and for a moment he wasn't sure if he was out in a blizzard or just waking up. "...urggg..." his head spun as he tried to wake up, teeth chattering a bit. His joints weren't sore yet, so he hadn't come into contact with water during his prolonged rest. He could hear people all around, but struggled to know who they were. "...Dr. Wallace?" He called out, believing it was just another checkup.

Sam DeWall/25/LE/Lab

His head felt like it was on fire. He hadn't ever felt pain like this before. It felt as if someone had taken an ice pick to his skull. The heavy bandages pushed his hair back from his face, and he could feel the thick stitching that held his scalp together. Blood, flowers, cold air, smoke. It all flooded his nose at once, making him want to puke. He let out a soft whine, kicking his legs as the pod opened. He sat up and looked around with dazed eyes. Everything was in shades of blue and brown. Where had all the color gone?

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex, Cassidy, Hidalgo
Cynthia chuckled, "Oh...was that the trip I ended up being chased by a bear?" She sighed, "I wonder if we could easily find some here, I am very curious about the world outside. If it's changed any or not." She walked next to him as they moved for the door, glancing towards Cassidy. "Something similar to mine...though you can actually make the plants. Maybe we wouldn't have to go too far if you are able to make plants with ease."

Cassidy Coke|22|LE Forager |Location: Lab|Alex, Charlotte, Hidalgo
Cassidy sighed, "I'm fine Char...just the after-effect of almost becoming a plant..." She broke off a piece of chocolate and held it towards her sister, "Chocolate always makes things better." She really was starting to feel better, whatever the bitter concoction this was it had the impact of several bottles of water. Cassidy glanced at Hidalgo, "I think I'll take Alex up on the offer of just resting here for the time being. Once I feel a bit more sure of myself moving around then I'd love to explore this place more. Mainly outside...I can feel it's heavily laid outside with plants. Even the soil beneath this very lab seems to be almost calling to me." Cassidy turned her eyes to Cynthia, "I've got my limits, but I'd be glad to help with herbs at the start or if we are in dire need of something."

Alex|28|BE Leader|Location: Lab|lost in his thoughts
Alex simply watched in silence as the others interacted. From Hidalgo's introduction, he figured these four weren't a group like his group was. Had they pulled random people from the world and just tossed them into this mess? He was starting to think so, his mind ventured to the other woman who had woken up first. Was she the leader of this other group? He frowned, hoping they could all work together even though half of them didn't even know each other or what they were capable of.

Ellawese Gale|25|LE Leader|Location: Lab|Liam, Jaxon
Ellawese nodded. "I would never suggest something I couldn't attain." She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering how she'd controlled her powers before. It was listening to her very heartbeat at this point. Her eyes opened as she snapped her fingers and a flame appeared. It danced in her palm for a moment reflecting in her eyes before she grasped the lock and soon the fire engulfed her hand. It always amazed her how the flames had no effect on her outer body. Only the inner body. It didn't take long for the lock to start dripping to the floor. "See?"

Jaxon|24|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Liam, Ellawese
Jaxon watched the fire melt through the metal with ease, exactly how hot was that fire? He remembered reading something about fire having to be super hot to burn through metals. "Remind me never to piss you off...I'd like to keep all the flesh on my body and unburnt." He frowned slightly though as he watched her, noticing something was off. Her very veins began to glow, melting the lock completely and she broke away, panting. A small amount of smoke seeming to come out of her mouth as she breathed. "I'll be fine...the fire in me doesn't damage my outer body...but it takes a toll on my inner organs." Jaxon stared at her for a moment.

Vendy|17|BE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Aiden, Kaleo
Vendy sighed, "I'm about as good as I can be...We have no idea where we are or what has happened...To be honest I'm a bit scared..." She said biting her lip, what were they to face now that the scientists got their hands on them again? Would they be in even more pain? She shivered, she wasn't ready to face that kind of torment, not when they had been living free for so long now.

Aiden Luxwell|28|LE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Kaleo
He listened to the two of them, they clearly knew each other but he wasn't sure how. He sighed in thought, his mind trying to run wild with him where they like him, or something different. When he'd been experimented on they hadn't given him much information. They'd simply told him that their leaders would get them informed of what had happened. But who exactly were the leaders? How many leaders did they have, were they brought in like he was or did they volunteer?

Kaleo|16|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy, Aiden
Kaleo headed for Vendy and Trinity, writing as he walked and tapped Vendy's shoulder making her yelp, she turned pulling half the blindfold down to see Kaleo, "Kay!!!" She said with a smile, staring at him and looking nowhere else. 'Hey....glad you two made it...' he flipped the paper back towards himself, 'Also sorry for startling you, Vendy.' The yelp dragged Aiden from his thoughts as a boy with red hair joined them. He didn't speak, This boy also knew the two girls, now his thoughts were confirmed. 'Thanks for helping Trinity.' Kaleo wrote down and the man nodded, "So two blind girls and a boy who can't talk?" Vendy frowned, "I'm not blind! Well, not really...and Kaleo...he can talk, but he rarely does...they messed with his throat so much he finds it easier to not talk." Aiden nodded, "I wasn't trying to make fun of you guys." 'It's okay...Vendy gets a bit protective of those from our group.'
Wow Liam Said in Amusement from Ellawese Fire Abilities Wait So You Have Powers Too He Said as He Changed his Hands from His Regular Huamns Arms to His Green and scaly Reptile Arms
Charolette Coke 15 LELabor
Charlotte glanced over at her sister, who was engrossed in conversation with the others. When someone handed her sister a piece of chocolate, Charlotte's stomach rumbled, reminding her that she was hungry. The enticing aroma of the chocolate made her crave some. "I can sit with you, Cass," she said as her sister handed her the chocolate. "Thanks, I was starving," she said appreciatively as she ate the piece of chocolate her big sister had given her. She started to relax a bit. "I wonder what I can get my hands on. I want to build something," she mumbled to herself, sounding a bit thoughtful and introspective.
Trinity 16 BE Forger

Trinity gazed into her friend's eyes, her own filled with fear. "I'm scared too," she admitted, nervously biting her lip. "I'm worried that if I continue using my powers, I might lose sight." Wrapping her arms around her friend, she felt a sudden jolt as she heard her other friend yelp in the distance. "Are you okay?" she called out, concern lacing her voice. Seeing her other friend, Kay, she beamed and embraced him tightly. "I'm so relieved you're okay," she said as she released him and glanced back at the approaching figures. "I'm already blind in one eye, and I fear that if I push my powers further, I might lose my sight completely," she explained, her worry evident in her voice. @DarkMoon

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex,Hidalgo
Cynthia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, "You know as well as I that I was hoping to find some herbs there and nothing more! How was I supposed to know it was in there? I really wanted to find some Wood Violets..." She said with a soft pout.

Alex|28|BE Leader|Location: Lab|Hidalgo, Cynthia
Alex shook his head for a moment before following Hidalgo and Cynthia. He was once the leader of his little group. He needed to stop letting his mind wander and be that leader once again. He needed to figure out what they were dealing with. "Hey, Hidalgo, let me tag along with you guys." He was sure Hidalgo didn't care much for him, but that meant he just had to prove his worth!

Cassidy Coke|22|LE Forager |Location: Lab|Charlotte
Cassidy smiled as she patted the spot on the floor next to her, "Of course you can join me. Want a sip of this? Might make you feel better. Though I do warn's horrible tasting." She said with a small laugh, munching on some more of the chocolate after taking another sip. She rolled her eyes as her sister mentioned wanting to build something, "Maybe worry about building things when you are standing on shaky legs."

Ellawese Gale|25|LE Leader|Location: Lab|Liam, Jaxon
"We all have powers or abilities of some kind. That was their plan. I wonder if they only informed me of all of this... I certainly hope not, I'd have a lot of explaining to do." She said with a soft sigh, as she opened up the weapons case, "Remember these aren't toys, they are to be used to help us survive. I don't want anyone touching the guns until we take our first steps outside. We have no clue what we could be facing..." She watched as the boy shifted his arms to scaly sharp-clawed reptilian hands. "Interesting. So a reptile experiment, myself a fire type, and what of you?"

Jaxon|24|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Liam, Ellawese
Instead of answering right away, he pressed a hand to her arm. Ella flinched but didn't pull away, the fire inside her seeming to calm and recede. "They marked me as Healing Vitality. I can heal others in a variety of ways." He pulled back with a smile, "But just as your ability has a downside, so does mine, since I am using my very life force to heal others it could eventually kill me." Though the smile he had didn't seem to waver. The thought of death really didn't scare him.

Kaleo|16|BE Forager|Location: Lab|Trinity, Vendy
Kaleo smiled, he swallowed before taking in a deep breath. "Glad to see you both." he said with his actual voice, as he returned Trinity's hug. His voice was rough and he coughed, but the smile didn't leave his face. He wanted them to know how glad he was to see his friends once again. He cleared his throat to stop coughing more and began jotting down on his notebook again, 'I'll protect you both!' He wrote down, with confidence even though he wasn't really sure how to keep those words. He was a hunter, so he could fight to some extent.

Vendy|17|BE Laborer|Location: Lab|Trinity, Aiden, Kaleo
Vendy smiled as she heard Kaleo's strained voice. "Don't strain your throat too much Kay. But it is nice to hear your voice every once in a while." She sighed softly, "What can you see at this current point, I know I'll have to face it all here soon...but I just..." She ran a hand over her face, "Oh!!! My bag! It should have some headache pills they gave him. Can you guys lead me to the container holding my bag?"

Aiden Luxwell|28|LE Laborer|Location: Lab|Torry
Aiden's head turned towards the sound of someone shouting and banging against the glass of their pod. He turned his attention to them, walking over to glance down at the man. He removed his glove once again staring at him, "Calm down and close your mouth unless you want to eat something akin to fishing string." He stated before pressing his hand against the glass and it slowly turned into clear strings that fell on top of the panicking man. It didn't take long for the entire lid to 'melt' away into the strange strings. Aiden however was starting to get a foul plastic-like taste in his mouth. It was strange and told him that the lids of the pods weren't actual glass, there was some other type of material. Or perhaps a mix of different materials. Either way, it was unpleasant.
Hidalgo playfully pokes her cheek, then says, "I'm pretty sure I told you when bear season is, and you probably forgot. Oh well, I did get a good laugh out of it.". He then turns to Alex and says, "Me and Sis were going to check the state of the kitchen next. As an engineer, I can repair most stuff, and I do have some basic knowledge of electronics, but at some point that will have to be dealt with to optimize the energy flow and such.".
" If you want to be helped, please tell me the extent of the damage then i can start to work out a plan from there and draw up a plan in my mind".
"I'm sure people will want proper meals over army rations, and I want to build a medium green house here to grow some vegetables and such.".
As he starts to walk towards the kitchen, he realizes he's not sure where the materials to fix the kitchen are and gently sighs, then says, "We'll need someone to go to the labs depo or make the material from scratch, which takes a fair amount of time.".

Cynthia Hane|25|LE Forager|Location: Lab|Alex,Hidalgo
"One of our clients really needed a new way to deal with their respiratory problems and it was the next best thing I could think of. When I saw it my mind just skipped over the fact you'd mentioned something about bears..." She glanced at her brother, "I know they planned to give us a decent amount of stuff to work with, but do you really think they left us any building supplies? I don't see them being the type to do that. Perhaps if mother had still been on board with them, but they seemed rather rushed as was."

Alex|28|BE Leader|Location: Lab|Hidalgo, Cynthia
Alex frowned, "I wasn't remembering things clearly for a bit. Those bastards barely informed me of everything before putting me to sleep. But...I'm pretty sure there is not said depo? I assume that's something with supplies for building as Cynthia mentioned. Pretty sure they didn't give us that. It could take a longer time, but no need to worry about building things from scratch. My people made a living on a small island, we built things from scratch with the powers we had. One of them specializes in structural bases and she can easily tell us what we need to fix something or what we could use for the time being." His eyes sharpened on Cynthia at the mention of their mother, "Was you mother one of the scientists that did this to us?" His voice a low growl. It made Cyn flinch, "W-well yes and no...she um...she ran away." Alex relaxed slightly, "I see, so she likely played no part in my group's recapture then...If you want to send someone out to check outside, I can go first. Something is likely to attack a lion." "A lion?" Cynthia asked staring at him and he nodded, "That's my ability, I can turn into a lion."
He nods to alex said then gently rubs his temples then says" She told me once that she planed to leave because the way things we going". " While I don't know for sure but there was a rumor that they were going send a kill squad after her" " She was the kind that wanted the best for our kind, as sis said if she was here things would be different but as sis said she's not here".
" I don't remember all the stuff that was said because the drugs the evil scientists put in me did a real number on my memory's".
Charolette Coke

Charlotte just looked at her sister, patted the spot beside her, and sat down. "Thanks for the chocolate, Cass," she said as she leaned her head on her sister's shoulder. Feeling tired, she yawned and added, "Yeah, I know, but I can't help wanting to build something. Oh well." She glanced at her sister and said, "I can give it a try, maybe it'll help. I know it tastes nasty, but I want to feel better. Oh, and I want you to feel better too. I think I might be sensitive to water or ice, I don't know." she told her

Trinity 16 BE Forger

Trinity stared at her hands, squinting in confusion as her surroundings remained hazy. A surge of fear crept in as she contemplated the possibility of losing her ability to see. Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the uncertainty. "Kay, you used your voice," she exclaimed, a glimmer of hope evident in her voice as a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "It sounds so comforting." Engulfed in a mix of relief and apprehension, she pondered aloud, "What should we do now?" Despite her unease, she added, "I may not be the best person to ask." she told her​