MECHANICS #FANON: Guidelines and Expectations

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster
Welcome to Fallout: Requiem, the one-stop-shop for all things apocalyptic.

#FANON: Guidelines and Expectations

All in-character threads for roleplays a part of the setting, franchise, or any story classified as apocalyptic are welcome here in the #fanon subforum. No permission needed to post, nor are there any rules or expectations to adhere to, outside of Iwakus own or the ones you, as future GM, set for your players.

As long as the IC (alternatively, character indexes and partner searches) are housed within the realm, all locations, characters, and concepts for Fallout: Requiem are free to use in any and all stories within the #fanon subforum, no questions asked, no permissions needed.

A rare sex scene hidden in spoilers or written as fade-to-black between people in the same age group is completely acceptable here, just as it is in Group Stories. Anything beyond that, however, and the thread will need to be moved to Red/Bluestar. If your thread needs moved, please feel free to reach out to me, the F:R mods, or Iwaku's Move-Thread form!


Thread prefixes are colorful tags displayed before a thread's title. They can be chosen when creating a thread or afterwards, by selecting "edit thread" from the 'more options' menu above the very first post. More than one prefix can be applied as well! These prefixes show what a thread is for and you can easily filter through them by selecting a prefix within the forum.

The prefixes within Fallout: Requiem were chosen and curated to be multipurpose, due to the Realm limitation of 10. Some are recognizable and some are completely new to the site! Described below are the ones intended to be used for in-character threads:

- This prefix is used to designate any and all roleplays, regardless of whether they're run by me, fellow GMs, or are 1x1 creations.

- Threads which have the prefix Open indicate that the roleplay, interest check, or partner search is currently open and accepting new players and/or partners.

- The Closed prefix displays at-a-glance knowledge that roleplays, interest checks, or partner searches are not accepting new players or partners at this time. Alternating between Open and Closed prefixes is a good way to grab attention and avoid unneeded inquiries.

- This is another multipurpose prefix, meant to be a catch-all for the following types of events: sandbox events including both prose and charp styles, first response roleplays (typically 1x1s), important announcements regarding the realm as a whole or new and upcoming roleplays.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out, otherwise...

Happy Roleplaying in the Wasteland!

  • Wicked
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