IC EVENT Faust House Party

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Faust's House Party

Trick or treat?

Alvaro Faust's house party. Friends and friends of friends and friends of friends of friends are invited. Cute costumes only. The sluttier the better. Make mistakes.

LOCATION: Black City, Washington. Grey Slice.

DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: 8:30 PM. Night.

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Dusk



It was the day of haunting. Halloween was here and the magic world was reaching one of its highest points of the year. Ghosts and spirits of all kinds, and it would not be just the ones in costumes. Alvaro was no spirit magi, but he became more aware of inhuman presences in the world around this time of the year. Perhaps he was hypersensitive or the Spiritus magi he called a good friend was rubbing off on him in some shape or fashion. From his studies, magic could leave an imprint on others, but not in the simple ways he was thinking.

Aside from the dead and the beyond, it was also a day of slutty and whorish dressing, mouthwatering sweets, make-out sessions with mystery strangers, and a chance of sex with a pretty costumed fool for the night. The perfect time to let loose and enjoy the fruits of the holiday. It was the one day a year after all. And every other year, on that one day, Alvaro hosted a party to experience it with all the witches, ghouls, vampires, and whoever else walked through his doorstep.

His family had always loved throwing large Halloween parties where they could, and it left quite the impression on Alvaro because he loved to do the same. He usually threw together a small to medium sized party in his apartment of two floors. The neighbors never minded because they were doing the same or completely gone at some other spooky soiree. But this year, he was able to host it in a larger space.

There was a house. His uncle's house. The man left it in Alvara's care while on vacation and now he was using it for a party. It felt like high school, except for the one fact that he had been granted full permission and was suggested the idea by the man. Magi and their love for the day of the dead. So with hours of preparation, it was covered in cobwebs, spiders, skeletons, and mysterious figures in black hoods. He prepared half the food himself, having a love for cooking, nothing was less than perfect and delicious.

He expected things to be spacier in a two-story house with a yard. But when he opened the doors and bodies started filling in, there were more people than he estimated to arrive. And not an hour later there was chattering from every corner. A clown was kissing a medieval knight on the cushioned chair and someone had helped themselves to light the bonfire outside, smoking the marshmallows Alvaro had set out for later. He didn't recognize half the people there, but that was the caveat with these sorts of parties, wasn't it?

Safe to say, it was a success.

He had been complimented at least thrice on his pharaoh costume and hit on twice. Though he was not tipsy enough to find a partner for the night yet. He still needed to see all his options. And not all his friends had arrived yet. So, he sat eating a slice of persimmons he had cut up earlier.

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: wren.

Irene stood casually in the corner, her right hand clasped tight over her drink as she bobbed her hips subtly to the music. Her eyes skimmed hastily through the crowd, craning her neck to sip through the pink silicone straw she had brought from home. Doesn't seem like anyone's here quite yet, no problem though.

She decided to wear one of the cosplays she had made but never used, either never having the time or courage to attend a convention of any type in her younger years. No one needed to know about that now though.

Irene was snapped back into reality by the chattering of a tipsy man in her ear.

"Hey? Did you hear me?" He slurred, tipping his head to the side to get a look at her face.

"Huh? Oh, no. Sorry, what was that?" Irene asked, leaning back slightly as the man took a step too close to her.

Code by Jenamos
  • What a TWIST
  • Love
Reactions: wren. and MaryGold
Marcos smirks at himself in the mirror, running his fingers through his now dark hair as he takes in his new appearance. While he loved his usually blond locks, he was now beginning to wonder if he should go dark all the time. He probably wouldn't, but the idea was a good one. "Damn Ava, that hairstylist of yours is a fuckin' genius!" He turned towards his sister with an approving nod.

His younger sister Ava sit at her vanity, makeup and perfume splayed from corner to corner as she ready herself for her own party. "Yeah she's freaking amazing," she mumbled, eyes wide as she applied mascara.

Finishing, Ava, looked at her brother with a smile. "You look good, Coco." Marcos groaned and rolled his eyes at her nickname for him. "I'm beginning to regret having to borrow your sewing skills." He chuckled, glad to at least have a sheer shirt to match Lestat's. "Yeah, yeah! Have fun at your party you whore!" Ava smiled as she added highlighter to her makeup look, earning a, "You have fun at yours, bitch." From her brother.

➳ ➳ ➳

The party was in full swing when he'd arrived. Whose party was it again? Well, it didn't matter much anyway! Awesome music was blaring through speakers and drinks were flowing, so he didn't have much to complain about. Except for the fact that he couldn't find the friend that had even invited him out. He did, however, notice a woman who seemed to be being heckled by a drunk.

'Oh it's Irene!' He thought to himself, recognizing the woman as a shopkeeper he'd run into on more than one occasion. Walking over, drink in hand he spoke up. "Hey, she's clearly not too interested, bud. Hurry the fuck along, thanks." He flashed a matter-of-fact smile with a shoo and wave of his hands as the drunk man walked away with a scoff.

"Hey Irene. Looked like you could use a hand." He chuckled, settling in next to her against the wall. "You having a good time?"
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The tall, awkward girl straightened up as she noticed another man approach, silly pink straw still pressed between her lips. She stood still, doe eyed and seemingly not too bothered by the stranger but grateful for the rescue nonetheless.

"Oh hi, Marcos! It's good to see you!" Irene beamed, smiling from ear to ear. " Oh I'm having a blast." She replied easily, cheeks already turning rosy from the hand poured(which was no doubt far too strong) drink in her hands. " Thanks for that, I'm not great with strangers I guess." Irene mused, smiling brightly.

"Waiting for someone? Me too." Irene rambled, her face growing hot as she realized she was starting to talk his ear off already. "Sorry, I get chatty when I'm nervous." She murmured awkwardly, her eyes shifting around the room in case anyone else had shown up.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Ghostie and wren.



There were more than a few people that Alvaro didn't recognize at this party. Partly due to the faces caked in makeup for whatever character they were walking around as and because they were obviously plus ones, twos, and threes. It was a sign of a successful get-together as long as they all displayed good party manners. Something he didn't expect for all when he didn't know half of them. And yet, among all these faces, he caught sight of a vaguely familiar one that piqued hiss interest.

From a small platter nearby, Alvaro plucked a couple of figs and made his way toward the face. It didn't belong to someone whom he would regularly be around, nor a customer from his store. But as he drew nearer and saw the features of soft features of honeyed eyes and brown hair, his memory of where he had seen her also grew clearer. She was a magi with a name he couldn't quite remember, but he knew the people she was around. Though they were nowhere in sight.

"Hey," he greeted the woman with a friendly and wondering smiling. "Aren't you a friend of Simon's friend?" the Tenebris magi asked, biting from a single fig in his hand. She was definitely Simon's friend, he had never been properly introduced, but it was hard to forget the troubling man who lurked in his best friend's mind and caused him so many woes. Though Alvaro had only met the man once with his ragtag group of friends, he didn't forget faces easily.

If she was here, it meant the others would be close behind. The thought made his smile stretch a little wider. Oh, how Cian would be troubled. Alvaro knew the best thing he could do for the blond was to not inform him and watch the drama from a safe distance.

So amused by the potential fun to come, he nearly missed the man beside Irene. Her date perhaps? When he met his eyes, however, his smile faltered. He knew him, a little too well and not at all. "Sorry, I'm Alvaro. And you?" Perhaps the stupidest act he could put on, but the quickest one that came to mind.




Simon had put a tremendous amount of effort into a costume he was only going to wear for one night (not counting the questionable excursions he would surely use it for after). Though he bought most of the pieces, there were still parts he had to sew on himself, and his fingers bled for it. Unfortunately, because band-aids were decidedly not the fashion of 1700 to 1800s, he added another part to his costume: gloves. They were plain black color and did well to hide his sore and bandaged fingers.

The rest of his costume was more intricately designed when attached to Simon, who was not known to be careful and detail-orientated. He wore a white top with frills and lace, the back reaching past his knees in layers, and the cuffs of his puffed sleeves also layering lace the length of which nearly reached his fingers. Over his top he wore a large black bow around his collar and a reddish dark brown waistcoat with bronze accents, it hugged his frame similar to a corset, and its tail fell over the layers of his top. For the bottom half he wore black slightly puffed breeches cuffed just an inch or two above his knee and button with the same buttons of his waistcoat. Instead of showing off so much skin, underneath his breeches he slipped on white embroidered tights and buttoned boots the same shade as his breeches.

He didn't bother to do his hair any particular way, allowing his dark waves to shape however they wanted on his head with the brown hare ears he clipped on. However, he did his makeup, something he hardly ever did. He tried his best at a Victorian look, giving extra care to accentuating the pink eyeshadow around his eyes.

There were numerous times that Simon had flirted with his crush, and he had successfully caught his attention with unorthodox methods, but there were few times that he genuinely tried to seduce him. Perhaps something even more frame fitting and skin revealing would have been a better choice for the night, but something told him that a man as fashionable as Cian would find appreciation in his costume. And more importantly, Simon was charming and he knew it.

So, when he walked through the door of the Faust's, arm in arm with his Mad Hatter, he was already leaning forward on his toes in search of the blond. In a room full of costumes, it was an impossible task, far more difficult than it was to find out what party he would be going to. Cian hadn't even told him or Al what he would be going as. Probably something where he could show off his best features, Cian was not a shy man.

"This house is a little bigger than expected." Simon sighed, squeezing Al closer to his side. It wasn't so full it was uncomfortable, but full enough that there was not a single face that he recognized. "We should find Irene." Specifically, he would be a terrible friend to invite her out and not talk to her. And also because he may need the back-up.

As they walked deeper into the room, Simon kept his hold over Al's arm, not ready to let him go yet. "Couple of rules. As always, if either of us get drunk we must text the other and two if I don't get to leave anywhere with Cian tonight, and you want to go home with someone else, you can only leave me if they're 8 and above. I will not be being left for anything less." And yet, he knew there was little to worry about in that regard. Al's affections seemed to be given to a sole person.

Almost mindlessly, he had led them near the kitchen, where food and drinks were laid out beautifully on a table. The charcuterie spread seemed almost too fancy for a Halloween party, but befitting the type of host that was throwing the party. There were more than a few drinks to choose from, but he settled on the single bottle of wine to pour into his cup and sip from.

It was sweet and acidic, and the best wine he had the pleasure of drinking. "Try this, it's way better than the boxed wine." He handed the cup to the redhead before grabbing a few piercings of fruit to bite into, and then his fingers wrapped around the neck of the wine bottle. Was there a way he could fit it into his waistcoat? Why did he have no pockets? He should have brought a bag.

@wren. 」​

It was precious to watch Simon put so much effort into his Halloween costume just to impress his beloved. Alois would wake up in the middle of the night to get a glass of crispy three a.m. water and find the man hunched over a swath of fabric, pricking his fingers with his sewing needle in his quest to make the most meticulous stitches possible. His friend's devotion was moving, and to some degree, it made him feel like a shitty... whatever he is to Angus for not putting as much effort into his own costume.

Unlike Cian, though, Angus has never been much of a fashionista. In fact, it could be argued that Alois is the more fashionable one between them, even though both of them are usually content with t-shirts and jeans. Angus wouldn't notice or guess at the amount of effort Alois put into the outfit; he never seems to notice the effort Alois puts in to anything, really. Besides, he hadn't even given a decisive answer on if he'd attend the party at all.

Angus does, however, notice Alois's body. Enough to want to ravish it in the bar's supply closet, at least. So that's why he decided to attend the party more scantily-clad. He'd gotten some black pinstripe booty shorts and a brown unbuttoned vest as the main portion of his outfit, accessorized only by some sleeveless frilly wrist cuffs and a pale pink bow tie. For the hat, he'd simply bought a top hat and wrapped a pale pink ribbon around the base before tucking in the '10/6' card the character is known for.

When it's time to head to the party, he smears some blue and pink eyeshadow around his eyes before covering his eyelashes in white mascara. He throws on some red lipstick, purposefully smearing it at one of the corners. Then he dons his dusty combat boots.

He's not especially familiar with this Alvaro person who is actually hosting the party, having only found him through stalking Cian's socials in order to find out where he'd be spending the holiday. It's possible he's met him in passing, given that his picture looked slightly familiar, but nothing sticks out in his mind. Still, the party had an open invitation, so it shouldn't be an issue whether he knows him or not. Knowing Cian, though, he will take issue with their presence.

As Simon leads them through the throng of people crowding the house, clutching his arm like a lifeline, Alois nods along to his demands complacently. "Yes, yes, I know. I won't leave you high and dry. If Angus doesn't show up, though, I'm allowed to go find a consolation prize for the night." If all goes well for Simon, he'll end the night getting railed by his dream man. It wouldn't be fair if Alois doesn't get at least a good fuck out of this as well, and if Angus doesn't want to claim him, then he has full rights to have fun with someone else.

Uncaring about where Simon is dragging them both to, he pulls out his phone to check his messages with his one free hand. Levi has added to his story with pictures of him dressed in his White Rabbit costume, consisting of white breeches and a frilly shirt covered by a pale gold waistcoat, a wine red tailcoat, black boots, and a white cravat. The gold-rimmed glasses and the pocket watch dangling from his pocket are a nice touch. The last picture is simply him grinning at the camera in his white rabbit ears and tossing a peace sign with a caption of 'Happy Halloween!' and a link to a post about the party. He can only hope they won't get flooded by sycophants because of it.

Hurry or you'll be late for a very important date, he messages him.

He looks up when Simon thrusts a glass at him, finally realizing they've wound up in the kitchen surrounded by various delicious-looking hors d'œurves and alcohol. Just looking at it all makes his mouth water and his stomach growl. All this for a Halloween party? The fridge at their apartment consists more of condiments and sauces than actual food, meanwhile Mr. Faust is acting like he's serving the Queen.

He takes a sip of the wine and moans appreciatively, taking another immediately after. "Much better. I usually have to let Angie use my ass to get shit this nice." Not that he's complaining, per se. It's how their entire... situation started. Trading sexual favors for drinks. He hadn't expected to get as attached to the man as he is now. Still, despite Angus's keeping him at arm's length, he doesn't regret it. Perhaps he should.

Before he can dwell on it, he tosses back the rest of the wine and snatches the bottle from Simon (who seems to be trying to figure out how to stash it inside his coat) and pours himself another glass. "We should go find Irene, like you said. Leave the bottle; knowing you, you'll spill it all over your white clothes. We can try to raid this place before we leave." He taps his temple with a mischevious smirk before entwining their arms again and pulling him back through the crowd.

Finding Irene is a bit of a 'Where's Waldo' situation, especially given that she's sitting down amidst a sea of people standing and dancing, but they locate her eventually. She looks to be in the middle of a conversation with two men, one he doesn't recognize and the other being the host of the party himself. Interesting.

"Ireeeene!" he greets, unapologetically inserting himself into their conversation. "There you are. Sorry we kept you waiting. Love the costume."

Irene perked up as someone approached from the crowd. She recognized the man and smiled warmly, but her smile faltered a bit when he asked her if she was a friend of a friend of Simon's. She was quick to recover her smile and chuckled a bit. "Something like that!" She mused, looking back over at Marcos.

Irene felt a change in the air but she quickly wrote it off, wanting everything to go smoothly. "Oh, this is Marcos!" She introduced innocently, holding her arms out in an L shape to show off her acquaintance to Alvaro, but also being very careful to not spill her drink.

Irene's ears picked up the sound of someone calling her name and she turned around to see yet another familiar face. " Alois! " She greeted, beaming at the sight of her friends. " How are you guys!?" She asked, clearly very excited to see her dear friends. She could feel her chest swell with affection, noting on how lucky she was to be surrounded by friendly faces for the holiday.

"Happy Halloween!" Irene chimed sweetly.

Code by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: Ghostie
"Glad you're enjoying yourself! Especially minus the drunken idiot." Marcos beamed, glad he could be of assistance to the woman. His beaming smile turning into a chuckle at Irene's nervous rambling.

The now brunette hadn't gotten a chance to respond when a man he only just then recognized as a little more than an acquaintance. As their eyes met, Granite's blue orbs lit up at the realization that their host was going to play coy for the evening. That was fine by him, though. Marcos was cheeky enough to make himself memorable all over again.

However, before he could introduce himself, Irene took the chance upon herself, more likely than not sensing a bit of tension in the air and using it to her advantage.

With a charming smile, Marcos took Alvaro's hand in his own, placing a light kiss atop his hand, all while gazing into Alvaro's brown eyes.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you," Marcos purred, a small smirk tweaking his features.

Only moments later, their group was joined by a set of fashionably costumed men whom he hadn't met before. The redhead greeted Irene enthusiastically and Marcos smiled. It was different seeing the blonde out of her usual shopkeep element he was so used to.
code by wren.